Exploring micro:bit - The Next Gen Technocamps Partnership
Discover the collaboration between Technocamps and the micro:bit Foundation in Wales, bringing the new phase of micro:bit projects to students. Dive into what micro:bit can do, explore coding with Makecode, engage in fun activities like Emotion Badge coding, and learn how to use button events to con
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Nhận biết dấu hiệu sa tử cung sau sinh sớm để điều trị hiệu quả
N\u1eafm r\u00f5 nh\u1eefng bi\u1ec3u hi\u1ec7n sa t\u1eed cung sau sinh gi\u00fap c\u00e1c m\u1eb9 s\u1edbm ph\u00e1t hi\u1ec7n ra t\u00ecnh tr\u1ea1ng s\u1ee9c kh\u1ecfe b\u1ea3n th\u00e2n t\u1eeb \u0111\u00f3 c\u00f3 c\u00e1ch c\u1ea3i thi\u1ec7n ph\u00f9 h\u1ee3p.
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Understanding 4-Bit Parallel Adder/Subtractor IC7483
Explore the concept of 4-bit parallel adder/subtractor using IC7483, which is a digital circuit capable of performing arithmetic operations on binary numbers greater than one bit in length. Learn about the structure, operation, and implementation of parallel adders with cascaded full adders. Discove
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Daily current affairs 2024(presentation)
\u25ba Check this page for wide range of online courses: http:\/\/bit.ly\/kd-courses\n\nDo you want to get a Government job online course? Here are best govt job preparation courses :\n\n\ud83d\udc49 SSC Courses - \/\/bit.ly\/3Ft9FrY\n\n\ud83d\udc49 UPSC Courses - \/\/bit.ly\/3Diszjr\n\n\ud83d\udc49
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SSC CHSL CPO 2024 (presentation)
\u25ba Check this page for wide range of online courses: http:\/\/bit.ly\/kd-courses\n\nDo you want to get a Government job online course? Here are best govt job preparation courses :\n\n\ud83d\udc49 SSC Courses - \/\/bit.ly\/3Ft9FrY\n\n\ud83d\udc49 UPSC Courses - \/\/bit.ly\/3Diszjr\n\n\ud83d\udc49
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Mẹ bầu bị són tiểu tháng cuối có sao không
Giai \u0111o\u1ea1n cu\u1ed1i thai k\u1ef3, khi b\u1ee5ng m\u1eb9 l\u1edbn h\u01a1n, t\u00ecnh tr\u1ea1ng ch\u00e8n \u00e9p t\u1eed cung di\u1ec5n ra r\u00f5 r\u1ec7t h\u01a1n khi\u1ebfn r\u1ea5t nhi\u1ec1u m\u1eb9 b\u1ea7u b\u1ecb s\u00f3n ti\u1ec3u. V\u1eady s\u00f3n ti\u1ec3u khi mang thai th\u00
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5 loại sữa tăng cân cho thai nhi tháng cuối được bác sĩ khuyên dùng
S\u1eefa b\u1ea7u l\u00e0 lo\u1ea1i s\u1eefa cung c\u1ea5p nhi\u1ec1u ch\u1ea5t dinh d\u01b0\u1ee1ng c\u1ea7n thi\u1ebft cho m\u1eb9 b\u1ea7u v\u00e0 thai nhi. G\u1ee3i \u00fd m\u1ed9t s\u1ed1 lo\u1ea1i s\u1eefa t\u0103ng c\u00e2n cho thai nhi th\u00e1ng cu\u1ed1i cho m\u1eb9 tham kh\u1ea3o.
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Gợi ý thực đơn các món ăn healthy cho bà bầu 1 tuần
G\u1ee3i \u00fd th\u1ef1c \u0111\u01a1n healthy cho b\u00e0 b\u1ea7u trong 1 tu\u1ea7n gi\u00fap c\u00e1c m\u1eb9 c\u00f3 th\u00eam l\u1ef1a ch\u1ecdn thay \u0111\u1ed5i m\u00f3n \u0103n khoa h\u1ecdc, cung c\u1ea5p \u0111\u1ea7y \u0111\u1ee7 v\u00e0 c\u00e2n b\u1eb1ng d\u01b0\u1ee1ng ch\u1ea5t.
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3 món ăn sáng healthy cho mẹ bầu
G\u1ee3i \u00fd th\u1ef1c \u0111\u01a1n b\u1eefa s\u00e1ng healthy cho m\u1eb9 b\u1ea7u gi\u00fap ch\u1ecb em c\u00f3 b\u1eefa \u0103n s\u00e1ng l\u00e0nh m\u1ea1nh, cung c\u1ea5p \u0111\u1ea7y \u0111\u1ee7 d\u01b0\u1ee1ng ch\u1ea5t v\u00e0 n\u0103ng l\u01b0\u1ee3ng cho c\u1ea3 ng\u00e0y.
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Nguyên nhân bà bầu bị thiếu nước ối
Nguy\u00ean nh\u00e2n thi\u1ebfu \u1ed1i khi mang thai s\u1ebd gi\u00fap m\u1eb9 t\u00ecm \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c nguy\u00ean nh\u00e2n g\u00e2y ra t\u00ecnh tr\u1ea1ng n\u00e0y \u0111\u1ec3 t\u1eeb \u0111\u00f3 c\u1ea3i thi\u1ec7n hi\u1ec7u qu\u1ea3 l\u01b0\u1ee3ng n\u01b0\u1edbc \u1ed1i trong t\u1eed
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Nguyên nhân bà bầu bị thiếu nước ối
Nguy\u00ean nh\u00e2n thi\u1ebfu \u1ed1i khi mang thai s\u1ebd gi\u00fap m\u1eb9 t\u00ecm \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c nguy\u00ean nh\u00e2n g\u00e2y ra t\u00ecnh tr\u1ea1ng n\u00e0y \u0111\u1ec3 t\u1eeb \u0111\u00f3 c\u1ea3i thi\u1ec7n hi\u1ec7u qu\u1ea3 l\u01b0\u1ee3ng n\u01b0\u1edbc \u1ed1i trong t\u1eed
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Cách nhận biết cổ tử cung mở để tốc hành đến bệnh viện
C\u00e1c b\u00e1c s\u0129 cho bi\u1ebft, c\u1ed5 t\u1eed cung m\u1edf \u0111\u1ed3ng ngh\u0129a v\u1edbi vi\u1ec7c \u201cthi\u00ean th\u1ea7n\u201d nh\u1ecf c\u1ee7a m\u1eb9 \u0111\u00e3 s\u1eb5n s\u00e0ng cho vi\u1ec7c ch\u00e0o \u0111\u1eddi. D\u01b0\u1edbi \u0111\u00e2y l\u00e0 5 d\u1ea5u hi\u1ec
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Mẹ bầu nên siêu âm thai lần đầu khi nào là tốt nhất
Si\u00eau \u00e2m thai l\u00e0 ph\u01b0\u01a1ng ph\u00e1p \u0111\u1ec3 n\u1eafm b\u1eaft \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c t\u00ecnh tr\u1ea1ng ph\u00e1t tri\u1ec3n c\u1ee7a con c\u0169ng nh\u01b0 x\u00e1c \u0111\u1ecbnh thai \u0111\u00e3 v\u00e0o t\u1eed cung hay ch\u01b0a. Tuy nhi\u00ean th\u1ef1c t\u1ebf th\u0
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Có nên ăn yến sau chuyển phôi không
Y\u1ebfn t\u1eeb l\u00e2u \u0111\u00e3 \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c bi\u1ebft \u0111\u1ebfn nh\u01b0 m\u1ed9t lo\u1ea1i th\u1ef1c ph\u1ea9m cung c\u1ea5p nhi\u1ec1u gi\u00e1 tr\u1ecb dinh d\u01b0\u1ee1ng t\u1ed1t cho s\u1ee9c kh\u1ecfe con ng\u01b0\u1eddi. Tuy nhi\u00ean c\u00f3 nhi\u1ec1u ch\u1ecb em th\u1e
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Sau sinh bao lâu thì tử cung co lại bình thường
Trong su\u1ed1t th\u1eddi gian mang thai, t\u1eed cung c\u1ee7a ng\u01b0\u1eddi m\u1eb9 s\u1ebd co gi\u00e3n h\u1ebft c\u1ee1 \u0111\u1ec3 em b\u00e9 c\u00f3 nhi\u1ec1u kh\u00f4ng gian h\u01a1n. V\u1eady t\u1eed cung sau sinh bao l\u00e2u th\u00ec h\
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Mẹ nên ăn gì để co hồi tử cung sau sinh
th\u1eddi gian t\u1eed cung co gi\u00e3n c\u00f2n ph\u1ee5 thu\u1ed9c v\u00e0o c\u01a1 \u0111\u1ecba c\u1ee7a ng\u01b0\u1eddi m\u1eb9 v\u00e0 c\u00e1ch ch\u0103m s\u00f3c s\u1ea3n ph\u1ee5 sau sinh. B\u00e0i vi\u1ebft sau s\u1ebd gi\u00fap m\u1eb9 t\
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Những biện pháp giúp tử cung phục hồi tự nhiên sau sinh
\u0110\u1ec3 gi\u00fap t\u1eed cung ph\u1ee5c h\u1ed3i nhanh ch\u00f3ng, m\u1eb9 c\u00f3 th\u1ec3 tham kh\u1ea3o c\u00e1c c\u00e1ch ph\u1ee5c h\u1ed3i t\u1eed cung sau sinh t\u1ef1 nhi\u00ean m\u1ed9t c\u00e1ch hi\u1ec7u qu\u1ea3 ngay trong b\u00e0i
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Understanding Character Sets in Computer Science
Alphanumeric characters, special symbols, and control characters play crucial roles in representing data through character sets like ASCII and Unicode in computer science. ASCII, with its 7-bit binary codes, represents 128 characters, while Extended ASCII allows for 256 characters. Unicode covers a
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Create a Flood Warning System with Micro:bit and Moisture Sensor
A design brief for constructing a flood warning system using micro:bit to detect rising water levels and alert homeowners, aiming to mitigate damage caused by flooding. The project involves selecting suitable input sensors, such as a moisture sensor, and programming the micro:bit to trigger a warnin
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Evolution of Microprocessors: A Historical Overview
The history of microprocessors traces back to Fairchild Semiconductors in 1959, leading to the founding of Intel in 1968. The evolution from 4-bit to 64-bit microprocessors by Intel revolutionized computing. Key milestones include the Intel 4004 and 4040 (4-bit), 8008, 8080, and 8085 (8-bit), and th
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Memory Design Overview: SRAM Cell and Bit Slice Organization
This content provides an overview of SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) cell and bit slice organization, explaining the design elements such as SRAM cell augment, D latch tristated output, multiple enable signals, row and bit selection, data input and output, addressing, and memory expansion with mu
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IEEE 802.11-19/0468r0 RSTA Requires ISTA-to-RSTA LMR Bit
This document proposes adding a bit in the Extended Capabilities element to indicate if ISTA needs information from RSTA for 11az negotiation initiation. It suggests RSTA advertise its expectation for ISTA to share the Location Measurement Report. By setting the RSTA requires ISTA-to-RSTA LMR bit, R
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The Life and Personality of Two-Bit Matthews in "The Outsiders
Two-Bit Matthews, a key character in "The Outsiders," is described as the wisecracker of the gang with a humorous and loyal personality. Standing at six feet tall, with gray eyes and a wide grin, he is known for his optimistic nature, love for jokes, and loyalty to his Greaser friends. Despite his s
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Micro:bit Robot Entry Tutorial - Lesson on Tracking with YahBoom
Explore the world of robotics with this comprehensive tutorial series focused on tracking using YahBoom in micro:bit. Learn about black line tracking, infrared sensor principles, hardware setup, and block programming to enhance your robotics skills. Follow step-by-step instructions to create a fun a
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Micro:bit Robot Entry Tutorial with YahBoom - Buzzer Singing Lesson
In this engaging tutorial series, you will learn how to program a micro:bit robot to sing "Happy Birthday" using a buzzer. Follow step-by-step instructions to set up your micro:bit, connect it to your computer, search for coding blocks, and combine them to create a musical robot. Powered by YahBoom,
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Improved Encryption Technique for Phase Change Memory (PCM)
Bit flips in Phase Change Memory (PCM) can adversely impact performance, power consumption, and system lifespan. To address this, a write-efficient encryption scheme called DEUCE was developed, which reduced bit flips by 50% and improved speed by 27%. By re-encrypting only modified data, the scheme
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Micro:bit Quiz Counter Prototype Development
Developing a score counter prototype using micro:bit for quiz participants. The product aims to accurately track and display team scores, catering to young adults with a durable and portable design. Pre-written programs in JavaScript and Python editors are provided for easy implementation on BBC mic
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Developing an Automatic Lighting System with micro:bit
Explore how to save lighting energy with the micro:bit by developing a programmable system for automatic lighting in homes. The project involves using sensors to detect motion, LED lights for illumination, and programming the micro:bit to control the lighting based on occupancy in the room. Get hand
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Understanding Bit Masking and Bitwise Operations for Efficient Bit Manipulation
Bit masking is a powerful technique in programming to selectively access or modify specific bits without affecting others. By creating a byte with bits set at desired positions using a bit mask, bitwise operators like OR (|) and AND (&) can be leveraged to efficiently set or clear specific bits. Thi
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Understanding Negative Bit Representation in Computer Science
Dive into the world of negative bit representation in computer science, exploring the need for representing negativity in integers, methods like Two's Complement, disadvantages of Sign-Value and One's Complement, range of Two's Complement values, overflow, underflow, and more. Discover the significa
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Understanding Carry Bit Calculation in Digital Systems
Explore the concepts of carry bit calculation in digital systems through re-examination of addition operations, generating carries, propagating carries, and scenarios where Cout must be zero. Discover how different combinations of Ak and Bk values influence the carry bit and learn about situations w
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Understanding Non-Optimal Routing and 32-Bit ASN Compatibility
Explore the challenges caused by the incompatibility of 32-bit ASN with old router software, leading to non-optimal routing issues. Learn about Autonomous Systems, AS Numbers, BGP asymmetric routing, and the importance of routing software supporting 32-bit ASN. Discover how outdated software replace
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Micro:bit Robot Entry Tutorial - Advanced Lesson on Breathing Lamp with YahBoom (80 characters)
In this tutorial, learn how to create an advanced breathing lamp effect using a micro:bit robot with YahBoom. Follow the steps to program the colorful lights on the dot matrix, change colors of the seven-color lamp, and connect the micro:bit to a computer for programming. This comprehensive guide in
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Understanding MIPS Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The MIPS ALU is the heart of computer calculations, performing functions like add, and, or, and sub. This article delves into designing a full ALU, starting from a 1-bit full adder to a 32-bit ALU. It explores how operations like and, or, and addition are carried out within the ALU, and how to imple
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Emerging Variable Precision Formats in Compiler Flow
Many applications rely on floating point numbers, but deciding on the right precision is crucial to avoid performance and energy waste. This work explores the impact of precision choices, including overkill and insufficient precision, on applications such as CNNs and GPU algorithms. It introduces a
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Privacy Address Requirements for Wireless Personal Area Networks
This document discusses the privacy address requirements for IEEE P802.15 Working Group's TG4ab standard for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). It covers the need for 48-bit addresses with collision resistance, the use of different privacy addresses for each frame, and the adequacy of 12-bit c
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Creating a Musical Instrument Using BBC Micro:bit
Design and program a device using the BBC Micro:bit to be used as a musical instrument in a class performance. The project involves creating different parts of a piece of music such as rhythm, harmony, and melody, and includes criteria for the device's functionalities like producing drumbeats, playi
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Micro:bit Robot Ultrasonic Obstacle Avoidance Tutorial
Learn how to set up and program a micro:bit robot for ultrasonic obstacle avoidance. Follow the step-by-step guide to prepare hardware, connect the micro:bit to the computer, search for programming blocks, and test the ultrasonic sensor. Children can understand the concepts and experiment with obsta
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Programming the micro:bit Robot Buggy for Maze Navigation
In this project, teams work together to program a micro:bit-powered robot buggy to successfully navigate a maze layout. The program development involves testing at different intervals before the final attempt. Participants need to meet the design brief and criteria by programming the BBC micro:bit u
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Illustrated Design of a Simplified CPU with 16-bit RAM
Demonstrates the design of a basic CPU with 11 instructions and 4096 16-bit RAM, showcasing the assembly of a general-purpose computer using gates and registers. The CPU comprises 8 key registers for various functions, employing a sequential circuit for instruction execution. The machine language pr
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