Nikshay Reports Overview & Dashboard Analysis
Explore the various reports available in Nikshay, including patient management summaries, DBT reports, and patient-wise lists. Gain insights into the number and types of reports offered, from TB notifications to outcome reports and target allocation summaries. Dive into the Nikshay Reports Dashboard for actual vs. target tracking and detailed analysis. Understand the purpose and logic behind each report category.
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Module 10: NikshayReports
Agenda Various reports currently available in Nikshay Number of Reports available in Nikshay Nikshay Report - Dashboard Definition of Reports Nikshay Reports to be used for review and actions
Reports available in Nikshay Summary Reports (Patient management) Summary Reports (DBT) Patient wise lists
Reports available in Nikshay Sr. No 1. 2. Types of Reports Summary Reports (Patient management) DBT Reports Summary & Line List Reports Summary Reports (DBT) Line List Reports (DBT) Patient wise lists Total Reports Number of Reports 13 9 2 7 15 37 2a 2b 3.
Nikshay Reports -Dashboard Nikshay dashboard
Nikshay Reports Dashboard Tracks Actual Vs Target Logic Purpose
Summary Reports (Patient management) Sr. No Summary Reports Description 1. TB Notification Summary of TB cases notified state wise in Public & Private sector 2 Outcome Report Summary of various outcome reported in Nikshay 3 Outcome Report/ Empty Bank Details Summary of Outcome reported vs Bank Details not available 4 Treatment Status Overview of Total Notified cases Vs Initiated on Treatment Vs Not Initiated on Treatment at same or different location 5 UDST Report Summary of Total Notification Vs UDST Test offered 6 HIV Status Report Summary of Total Notified cases vs HIV status known Vs TB HIV Coverage 7 ACF Excel Export 8 Co-morbidity Report Summary of TB Notification Vs HIV Status Vs Diabetic Status Vs other comorbidity 9 Contact Tracing Report Summary of TB Notification Vs Contact Tracing done 10 Target Allocation Summary Report Available in District Facility Logins 11 Monthly Summary Report Summary of Current month Vs cumulative progress on Drug Sensitive TB Diagnostic Service, NPY, UDST and Treatment Outcome 12 Deduplication Report Summary of all duplicate status Vs action taken by user on basis of Diagnostic date 13 Quarterly PMDT Report
DBT Reports Summary & Line List Reports Sr. No Nikshay DBT Reports Description 1 Patient wise List Report 1a DBT Benefit Register Line list of all benefits with their status as per the current health facilities 1b Beneficiary Register Line list of all beneficiaries with their status as per the current health facilities 2 DBT Summary Reports 2a DBT Summary Summary status on the eligibility and paid details of benefits and amount 2b DBT Beneficiary Status Summary status on the eligibility and paid status of beneficiaries 2c DBT Benefit Status Summary status on the eligibility and paid benefits DBT Offline Excel export utilityOffline functionality to process the benefits for validated & account details not available 2d 2e DBT NPY Overview on the DBT NPY Scheme 2f DBT Transaction Summary Incentive wise details on the Beneficiaries, Benefits and amount paid DBT Risk AssessmentOverview on the number of beneficiaries linked and paid against a particular bank account 2g
Patient wise lists Sr. No Patient Wise Reports Description 1. Notification Register Line list of all notified patient based on Diagnostic & Current Health facility 2 Patient List UDST Excel Export (Not Offered) List of all confirmed TB cases for whom UDST Test was not offered 3 Presumptive Case Register Line list of Presumptive TB case on basis of Enrolment date in Nikshay 4 DMC Register Line List of cases for whom DMC Test was resulted 5 Deleted Patient Register List of all deleted records based on Diagnosis date & Current health facility (Available in TBU Logins Only) 6 Prescription Register Line List of cases for whom prescription was issued & validated 7 DRTB Treatment Register Line list of confirmed DRTB cases on treatment based on Diagnostic & Current Health Facility 8 Follow-up Register Line list of all cases for whom Follow up was done 9 Private HF Register Line list of all the Private health facility registered in Nikshay 10 Comorbidity Register Line list of all cases for whom comorbidity details was captured in Nikshay 11 CDST Register Line List of all cases for whom CDST test was offered and resulted 12 Patient Lab Register List of all cases for whom any lab test was requested and reported 13 Enrollment Register List of all cases enrolled based on enrolment date and enrolment facility 14 Deduplication Register List of all duplicate cases enrolled and identified by Nikshay 15 ACF Excel Export List of ACF activities captured in Nikshay
Search Criteria 1 Note: This report is available at State, District & TU levels This report enables user to view at a glance the total number of TB Patient notified based on date range selected by User. Note that the counts are based on Diagnosing facility of the Patients. Public/Private categorization is based on Diagnosing facility type.
Search Criteria 2 Note: This report is available at State, District and TU levels. This report provide breakup of treatment Outcome of all notification with/without treatment initiation This report can be generated either for those patient Diagnosed within a given State/District/TU or for those patient whose current treatment facility is in your State/District/TU
Search Criteria 3 Note: this information is already available in Outcome report & DBT Section (Beneficiary status) and will be removed shortly
Search Criteria 4 Note: This report is available at State, District & TU levels Section 1 enables user to view at a glance, No. of notified TB patient taking treatment either at the same Health facility where they have been diagnosed Also section 1 provide the count of the patient whose current facility (PHI) is another HF in same TU Or Outside TU within a District or Outside district within same state or Outside the State/UT. Section 2 shows total TB Patient transferred into the User s State/District/TU.
Search Criteria 5 Note: This report is available at State, District and TU levels In the Total Notification column Patients whose current facility is in the User s State/District/TU, are counted. UDST Offered Patient for whom atleast one of the following UDST test is offered and the result is available. 1. CBNAAT 2. FLAPA 3. Trunat (MTB-RIF)
Search Criteria 6 Note: This Information is already covered in comorbidity report so will be removed shortly.
Search Criteria 7 Note: This report is excel export and contain information entered into Nikshay on Active Case Finding module in a given month (based on date of Activity).
Search Criteria 8 Note: This report is available at State, District and TU levels This report enable user to view at a glance the comorbidity status (HIV, Diabetic, Tobacco) of the TB Patient whose current facility is in the User s State/District/TU
Search Criteria Note: - No. of TB Patient diagnosed during the month/quarter of selected Year whose current facility in User s State/District/TU - Breakup of these patient based on site of disease and Basis of Diagnosis. - For each of these subgroups provide the contact tracing details such as no. of patients whose contact tracing done, total household contacts, screened, symptoms, evaluated, diagnosed, on treatment Below/Above Six. This report is available at State, District and TU levels This report enable user to view at a glance, 9
Search Criteria 10 Note: This report is available at Country, State & District This report enable user to view at a glance the TB Notification Target allocated/Entered in Niskhay.
Search Criteria 11 Note: This report is available at State, District, TU and PHI levels
Search Criteria Note: This report is available at State, District and TU levels The date range is the treatment Initiation Table 1 provides Regimen wise breakup of patient who have been initiated on PMDT Treatment. Table 2 provide Culture/Smear (Positive/Negative/Unknown) categorization against each regimen. Table 3 provides Treatment Outcome breakup against each regimen Type (as per Table 1) 13
DBT Reports Summary & Line List Reports
DBT Benefit Register FollowingColumns are populated in the DBTBenefit Register o State Name o o TB Treatment Start Beneficiary_ID o District Name o Date Beneficiary Name o TbuName o o Treatment Outcome Pfms Status o Patient ID o OutComeDate o Agency Name o Patient Name o Benefit ID o Gender o Bank Account No o Primary Phone o BankName_Branch_ Logic o Type Of Patient IFSC o Old NikshayID o Incentive Number Purpose o Patient Stage o Amount o Diagnosis Date o Status_Benefit
Beneficiary Register FollowingColumns are populated in the Beneficiary Register o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Diagnosis Date PrimaryPhone BankAccountNo Date of_TB Stage IFSC_Code Treatment_Initiation Treatment_Outcome No Of Benefit Eligible o o o o o o o o o o o Type Of Patient Treatment_Outcome_Date Total Benefit Amount Patient ID Current Facility State Eligible o o Episode Id Current Facility District No Of Benefit Paid_Nikshay Beneficiary Id Current Facility TBU Total Amount Patient Name Current Facility PHI Paid_Nikshay Logic o Gender Current Facilty PHI Type No Of Benefit Age Current Facilty PHI_ID Paid_External o Patient Address Beneficiary_Status Total Amount Residence_State Beneficiary Id_PFMS Paid_External Purpose Residence_District PFMS_Validated Name Of Residence_TU AccountHolder
DBT Summary FollowingColumns are populated in DBTSummary State State Name District District Name TU Tb Unit Name No. of Benefits created for a Particular beneficiary for the particular scheme. for e.g. (Notified TB Patients for scheme NPY (Nikshay PoshanYojna)) Benefit Eligible Paid Benefit No. of Paid/credited Benefits in Beneficiary's A/C Amount Payable Total amount Paid/to be Paid for all Benefits Amount Paid Total amount Paid/credited for all Paid Benefits Logic Amount Removed Total amount Rejected/Removed by Maker/Checker/Approver. Purpose
DBT Beneficiary Status FollowingColumns are populated in DBTBeneficiaryStatus State District TU List of states List of Districts for corresponding state List of Tuberculosis Units (TU) for corresponding district No. of Benefits created for a Particular beneficiary for the particular scheme. for e.g. (Notified TB Patients for scheme NPY) Benefit Eligible No. of beneficiaries for the particular scheme. for e.g. (Notified Patients for NPY) Total Beneficiary Bank Details Empty for Beneficiary No. of beneficiaries whose bank details are not entered in Nikshay Bank Details Entered & sent to PFMS for Validation No. of beneficiaries whose bank details are entered & sent to PFMS for validation Bank Details Validated by PFMS No. of beneficiaries whose bank details are validated by PFMS Logic Bank Details Rejected by PFMS No. of beneficiaries whose bank details are Rejected by PFMS Purpose
DBT Benefit Status FollowingColumns are populated in DBTBenefitStatus State List of states District List of Districts for corresponding state TU List of Tuberculosis Units (TU) for corresponding district No. of Benefits created for a Particular beneficiary for the particular scheme. for e.g. (Notified TB Patients for scheme NPY) Benefit Eligible No. of benefits pending due to Beneficiary Validation by PFMS (Empty, Entered & Sent for Validation) Pending for PFMS Validation Maker Pending for Validated Benefit Approver PendingBenefits Maker/Checker(MO) to approve for payment (First level Approval) Approver(DTO) to approve for payment (Final Approval) Approved (In PFMS Process) Approved by DTO and sent to PFMS for payment REMOVED by Maker/Approver Rejected/Removed by Maker/Checker/Approver Logic DEFERRED by Maker/Approver Deffered by Maker/Checker/Approver ACCEPTED by PFMS Accepted by PFMS and sent to bank for payment REJECTED by PFMS Rejected by PFMS Paid Benefits No. of paid benefits by Bank. Purpose
DBT NPY FollowingColumns are populated in DBTNPY State State Name District District Name TBU TBU Name Total Notified Total Notified Name No. of beneficiaries whose bank details are entered & sent to PFMS for validation Bank Details Available Bank Details Validated No. of beneficiaries whose bank details are validated by PFMS (%) Bank Details Validated Percentage of beneficiaries whose bank details are validated by PFMS Payable Amount Total amount eligible for all the Benefits No. of Beneficiary Paid/credited atleast one Benefit in Beneficiary's A/C through Nikshay Paid Beneficiary (Nikshay) Logic Paid Amount (Nikshay) Total amount Paid/credited through Nikshay Paid Beneficiary (External) No. of Beneficiary Paid/credited Benefit through External Mode Paid Amount (External) Total amount Paid/credited through External Mode Purpose
DBT Transactional Summary FollowingColumns are populated in DBTTransactionalSummary State District TU State Name District Name Tb Unit Name No. of Beneficiary Paid on selected Period which is Transaction date of benefit No. of Paid/credited Benefits in Beneficiary's A/C Total amount Paid/credited for all Paid Benefits Total beneficiary Total Benefits Amount Paid Logic Purpose
DBT Risk Assessment FollowingColumns are populated in DBTRiskAssessment State District TB Unit A/C Holder Name A/C Number Amount Credited through Corresponding facility No. Of Patients linked with the Account Total Amount Credited across the Country TbuID BankName State Name District Name TBU Name Name of A/C holder A/C Number of Beneficiary Amount Credited through Corresponding facility No. Of Patients linked with the Account Total Amount Credited across the Country TB Unit ID Bank Name Logic Purpose
Notification Register o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o EnrollmentfaciltyPHI type Keypopulation Typeofcase Diagnosing faciltystate Enrollmentfaciltystate Siteofdiesease Diagnosing faciltydistrict Enrollmentfaciltydistrict Treatment_outcome Diagnosing faciltytbu Enrollmentfaciltytbu Treatment_outcome_date Diagnosing faciltyphi Enrollmentfaciltyphi Drug_resistance Diagnosing faciltyphi type Enrollmentfaciltyphi_id Adherence_technology Diagnosing faciltyphi_id Userid_enrollment Totalaverageadherencetechandma Diagnosis date Hiv_status nual o o o o o o o o o o o o o Enrollmentdate Diabetes status Totalaverageadherencetech Episode id Basis of diagnosis_testname Totaldosagetaken Old nikshayid Basis of diagnosis_labserialno Totaladherencescorelast30days Patient id Basisofdiagnosis_finalinterpretatio Misseddosage Patient_status n Bank details added Logic o o o o o o o o o Patient name Microbiologically_confirmed Follow up done_count Age Dateof_tb_treatment_initiation Contact tracing_done Gender Currentfacilitystate Endofip_sm_dateof report P_address Currentfacilitydistrict Endofip_labid Pin code Currentfacilitytbu End of ip_final interpretation Purpose Residential_state Currentfacilityphi End of cp_sm_dateof report Residential_district Currentfaciltyphitype End of cp_labid Residential_tu Currentfaciltyphi_id End of cp_final interpretation Primaryphone Typeofpatient
Patient List UDST Excel Export (Not Offered) o o PatientId DiagnosisDat o o PatientName HIV_Status o o Age TypeOfPatient o o Gender TypeOfCase o o P_Address SiteOfDiesease o o Pincode BasisOfDiagnosis o o PrimaryPhone DateOf_TB_Treatment_Initiation o o Emergency_Contact CurrentFacilityState Logic o o DiagnosingFaciltyState CurrentFacilityDistrict o o DiagnosingFaciltyDistrict CurrentFacilityTBU o o DiagnosingFaciltyTBU CurrentFacilityPHI Purpose o DiagnosingFaciltyPHI
Presumptive Case Register o PatientId PHI ID HFID District o o o EnrollmentFacilty Patient Name Current Residence o State Age tbu o o o EnrollmentFacilty Gender Primary Phone o District Date of Registration Number o o o EnrollmentFacilty Pin code Key Population o o TBU Type o fPatient User ID o o o EnrollmentFacilty Patient Status HIV Status Logic o o PHI Address Microscopy o o o EnrollmentFacility Current Residence CBNAAT o PHI Type State Other Test Purpose o o EnrollmentFacility Current Residence
DMC Register o o o TestID Gender ATT o o o labSerialNumber Age Typeofspecimen o o o labSerialNumberA Address VisualappearanceofS o o labSerialNumberB ResidencialState putu o o o DateReported ResidencialDistrict resultSampleA o o o StateName ResidencialTBUnit resultSampleB o o o DistrictName ResidencialPHIDMC FinalInterpretation o o o TBUnit KeyPopulation TypeOfCase Logic o o o PHIDMC TestingFacilityNam TreatmentType o o o PatientId ReasonforTesting TBTreatmentStartDa o o EpisodeId Predominantsympto te Purpose o PatientName manditsduration
Deleted Patient Register o o Date of Deletion Diagnosis Facility Id o o Patient Id Diagnosis Facility Name o o Patient Name Diagnosis Facility Type o o Diagnosis Date Current Facility State o o Enrollment FaciltyState Current Facility District o o Enrollment FaciltyDistrict Current facility TBU o o Enrollment FaciltyTBU Current Facility PHI o o Enrollment FaciltyPHI Current Facility PHI Type Logic o o Enrollment Facility PHI Type Current Facility PHI ID HFID o Enrollment Facility PHIIDHFID Status o o Diagnosing Facility State User Name Purpose o o Diagnosing Facility District Reason_for_Deletion o o Diagnosing Facility TU Comments
Prescription Register o o o PrescriptionId CurrentFaciltyPHI_ID Product3AdultOrPediat o o ChemistId CurrentFaciltyPHIType ric o o o PatientId Product1WeightBand Product3Name o o o EpisodeID Product1NoOfDays Product3WeightBand o o o PatientName Product1NoOfUnits Product3NoOfDays o o o Product1Type Product2Type Product3NoOfUnits o o o Product1AdultOrPediat Product2AdultOrPediat DateOfPrescriptionVali ric ric d o o o Product1Name Product2Name Amount Logic o o o CurrentFacilityState Product2WeightBand Remarks o o CurrentFacilityDistrict Product2NoOfDays o o CurrentFacilityTBU Product2NoOfUnits Purpose o o CurrentFacilityPHI Product3Type
DRTB Treatment Register o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o EpisodeID SiteOfDiesease Trunat_MTB_RifResult PatientId HIV_Status Trunat_MTB_Rif_LabSerialNo PatientName DateOf_TB_Treatment_Initiati Trunat_MTB_Rif_DateReporte Age on d o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Gender RegimenType F_Line_LPA_FinalInterpretatio P_Address CurrentFacilityState n o o Pincode CurrentFacilityDistrict F_Line_Date_Reported PrimaryPhone CurrentFacilityTBU S_Line_LPA_FinalInterpretati DiagnosingFaciltyState CurrentFacilityPHI on o o o o o o o DiagnosingFaciltyDistrict CurrentFaciltyPHIType S_Line_Date_Reported DiagnosingFaciltyTBU CurrentFaciltyPHI_ID BankDetailsAdded Logic DiagnosingFaciltyPHI DiabetesStatus DateofCPTInitiation DiagnosingFaciltyPHIType CBNAAT_MTB_Result ARTInitiationDate DiagnosingFaciltyPHI_ID CBNAAT_RIFResistance ARTInitiated DiagnosisDate CBNAAT_Lab Treatment_Outcome BasisOfDiagnosis CBNAAT_FinalInterpretation Treatment_Outcome_Date Purpose TypeOfPatient CBNAAT_Date_Reported Stage Trunat_MTB_Rif_FinalInterpre TypeOfCase tation
Follow-up Register o o o o o o o o o Login id used-individual Does the patient have people who can log-in who entered the data directly support them through treatment o Patient ID Does the patient have any financial Patient Name difficulties in continuing with the Date of Follow-up prescribed treatment plan o Mode of Follow-up Does the patient have any other issue Follow-up Status (apart from finances) in accessing these Does the patient feel improvement in their drugs o condition Does the patient feel they will get wekk if o o o o o o Patient Weight they complete treatment? Logic o o o Reason for missed dosage Next doctor's visit date Days of medicine left Notes Next Follow up visit date Follow Up_Count Purpose Next Follow up type Is a patient migrant or travels often
Private HF Register o o HFCode GovernmentRegistrationNo o o FacilityType MobileNo o o StateName emailID o StateCode o DistrictName o DistrictCode o TBUnitName o TBUnitCode Logic o FacilityName o ContactPersonName o ContactPersonDesignation Purpose o FacilityAddress
Comorbidity Register o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o DiagnosingFaciltyState DiagnosisDate RBS DiagnosingFaciltyDistrict DateOf_TB_Treatment_Initiati FBS DiagnosingFaciltyTBU on End_Of_IP o o o o o o o o o o o o o o DiagnosingFaciltyPHI TypeOfPatient EndTreatment DiagnosingFaciltyPHIType TypeOfCase InitiatedOn_AntiDiabetic DiagnosingFaciltyPHI_ID TreatmentStatus DateOf_AntiDiabeticInitiation CurrentFacilityState HIV_Status OtherComorbidity CurrentFacilityDistrict DateOf_HIVTesting CurrentTobaccoUser CurrentFacilityTBU PIDNumber TobaccoType CurrentFacilityPHI DateOf_CPTDelivered LinkedForCessation CurrentFaciltyPHIType DateOf_ReferralToART StatusOf_TobaccoAtTreatmen Logic CurrentFaciltyPHI_ID InitiatedOn_ART tEnd o o PatientId DateOf_ARTInitiation HO_AlcoholIntake EpisodeID CD4Count LinkedForDeaddiction PatientName PreARTNumber Purpose Age ARTNumber Gender DiabetesStatus
CDST Register o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TestID ReasonforTesting Typeofspecimen DateReported TreatmentStatus Type_specimen Dateofspecimencollection DateofTreatmentInitiation Visual_appearance_of_Sputu StateName CurrentFacilityState m o o o o o o o o o o DistrictName CurrentFacilityDistrict No_of_samples TBUnit CurrentFacilityTU Sample_A_Serial_Number PHINameCBNAATLab CurrentFacilityPHI Sample_A_Test_Success PatientId CurrentFacilityPHIType Sample_A_ErrorCode EpisodeID ReasonforTesting1 Sample_A_Rif_Resistance Name DiagnosisofTB_TypeofPresum Sample_B_Serial_Number Sex ptiveDRTB Sample_B_Test_Success Logic o Age Predominantsymptom_durati Sample_B_Rif_Resistance Address onHistoryATT Sample_B_Error_Code o ResidentialState No_of_HCP_visited_before_di Final_Interpretation ResidentialDistrict agnosis_of_curren_episode Purpose o o PatientType FollowupTestreason TypeofCase DateTested
Patient Lab Register o o o o DiagnosisDate Microscopy_Date_Reported 2/Lzd/Eto/PAS/cfz/bdq o DateOf_TB_Treatment_Initiati Microscopy_FinalInterpretatio Microscopy_FollowUpOfDSTB on n _EndIP_DateReported o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TypeOfPatient CBNAAT_Date_Reported Microscopy_FollowUpOfDSTB TypeOfCase CBNAAT_FinalInterPretation _EndIP_FinalInterpretation o PatientId Trunat_MTB_Date_Reported Microscopy_FollowUpOfDSTB EpisodeID Trunat_MTB_FinalInterPretati _EndCP_DateReported o PatientName on Microscopy_FollowUpOfDSTB o o o o o o o o o Gender FLPA_Date_Reported _EndCP_FinalInterpretation o Age FLPA_FinalInterPretation Culture_FollowUpOfDRTB_3M P_Address SLPA_Date_Reported /4M/5M/6M/7M/9M/12M/15M/1 Logic PrimaryPhone SLPA_FinalInterPretation 8M/21M/24M/27M/30M_DateR Stage Culture_Date_Reported eported o Treatment_Outcome Culture_FinalInterPretation Culture_FollowUpOfDRTB_3M Treatment_Outcome_Date DST_Date_Reported /4M/5M/6M/7M/9M/12M/15M/1 Purpose Chest_X_Ray_Date_Reporte DST_cultureType 8M/21M/24M/27M/30M_FinalI Chest_X_Ray_FinalInterPretati DST_FinalInterPretation- nterpretation on H/R/E/Z/KM/CM/Lfx/Mfx5/Mfx
Enrollment Register o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o EnrollmentDate Residential_TU o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o DiagnosingFaciltyState PrimaryPhone CurrentFacilityState DiagnosingFaciltyDistrict KeyPopulation CurrentFacilityDistrict DiagnosingFasciltyTBU EnrollmentFaciltyState CurrentFacilityTBU DiagnosingFaciltyPHI EnrollmentFaciltyDistrict CurrentFacilityPHI DiagnosingFaciltyPHIType EnrollmentFaciltyTBU CurrentFaciltyPHIType DiagnosingFaciltyPHI_ID EnrollmentFaciltyPHI CurrentFaciltyPHI_ID DiagnosisDate EnrollmentFaciltyPHIType TypeOfPatient EpisodeID EnrollmentFaciltyPHI_ID TypeOfCase OldNikshayId UserID_Enrollment SiteOfDiesease PatientId HIV_Status Treatment_Outcome Logic Patient_Status DiabetesStatus Treatment_Outcome_Date PatientName basisOfDiagnosis_TestName Drug_Resistance Age basisOfDiagnosis_LabSerialNo BankDetailsAdded Gender basisOfDiagnosis_FinalInterpr FollowupDone_Count Purpose P_Address etation ContactTracing_Done o o Pincode Microbiologically_Confirmed Residential_State DateOf_TB_Treatment_Initiati Residential_District on