Understanding the Role of Capsaicinoids in Peppers

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Capsaicinoids are phytochemicals found in peppers like jalapeno and habanero, responsible for their spiciness. This review delves into their synthesis, pungency, and effects on human health. TRPV1 receptors play a key role in the sensation of heat and pain caused by capsaicinoids.

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  1. Capsaicinoids: A Review Shinsuke Agehara, Ryan Barnes Laura Masor Andrea Roque Fall 2013

  2. Presentation Outline Capsaicinoids o Chemistry- Ryan o Application to Medicine/Health- Andrea o Breeding & Genetics- Laura o Environmental effects- Shinsuke

  3. Introduction to Capsaicinoids Group of phytochemicals only produced in genus Capsicum o peppers (jalapeno, habanero, bell) Makes peppers hot Widespread consumption of capsaicinoids Purposed multiple benefits to health

  4. Capsaicinoid Synthesis Synthesized in placenta of pepper

  5. Capsaicin and Dihydryocapsaicin

  6. Capsaicin and Dihydryocapsaicin

  7. Scoville Heat Units Invented by William Scoville in 1912. A sample is diluted until pungency cannot be detected. No Capsaicinoids ( 0 SHU) 1 ppm Capsaicin ~ 15 SHU

  8. Capsaicinoids SHU Capsaicin ~ 16,000,000 SHU Dihydrocapsaicin ~ 15,000,000 SHU Jalapeno 2,500 10,000 SHU

  9. Pungency Capsaicinoids cause a painful sensation when contacted by mammals. Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid subfamily member 1 (TRPV1) also known as the capsaicin or vanilloid receptor

  10. TRPV1 TRPV1 provides the sensation of scalding heat and pain. TRPV1 receptors are activated by: Heat Protons Calcium Capsaicinoids

  11. TRPV1

  12. TRPV1 Repeated activation of TRPV1 lowers pain responsiveness. Balance of extra/intra cellular Ca2+ Allows body to adapt to sustained stimuli over time.

  13. Capsaicinoid Toxicity Capsaicin LD50in rats reported at ~ 150 mg/Kg Human LD50is ~ 0.5-5.0 g/kg Symptoms of acute exposure: Skin Irritation Blindness/Lacrimation (Tears) Burning Sensation

  14. Capsaicinoids: Medicine and Health Analgesic Effects Anticarcinogenic Effects Treatment for obesity and obesity-related illnesses

  15. Pharmacokinetics Cmax= 2.47 + 0.13 ng/ml Tmax= 47.08 + 1.99 min t = 24.87 + 4.97 min

  16. Analgesic Effect Capsaicin patches and topical creams o topical creams - .075% capsaicin, FDA. o Qutenza - 8% capsaicin patch Adlea - capsaicin injection o long-term relief for osteoarthritis, post- surgery and neuropathic pain

  17. Mode of Action Capsaicin induces initial period of heightened sensitivity, followed by a decrease in sensitivity o Releases substance P from sensory nervous fibers o Attaches to TRPV1, inducing an inflammatory response. o Frequent application of capsaicin leads to the depletion of substance P analgesic effect

  18. Anti-cancer Properties Induces apoptosis Blocks NF-kB, AP-1, and STAT3 Scavenge carcinogenic substances such as nitrosamine.

  19. Contradictory Evidence Mouse study - Small cell lung cancer o Decreased proliferation and viability. o Prevents DNA damage. Rat study - drinking water with .002% capsaicin o Developed diethylnitrosamine-initiated, enzyme-altered foci Rat study - diet with 10% chilies o gastric and liver cancer

  20. Obesity hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperlipidemia o anti-inflammatory characteristics and -adrenergic activity Rat studies o decrease in fasting glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels o IL-6 o conclusion: decrease due to upregulation of adiponectin, which regulates glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown

  21. Breeding/Genetics of Capsaicinoids Breeding peppers Important horticultural & agronomic traits, with capsaicinoids in mind o For direct consumption fresh, dried, processed High Capsaicinoid o for extraction o medical/pharmaceutical/research

  22. 1st thing a breeder needs: A pool of germplasm Many genotypes available for utilization o C. annuum- bell type- 0 SHU o C. Chinense- habanero o C. frutesecens- tabasco C. Chinense x C. frutesecens- Bhut Jolokia >1 million SHU

  23. The genetics of pungency Major gene control o C/Pun1 locus o Dominant homozygous dom. CC or heterozygous Cc=hot homozygous recessive cc= mild o Many modifier genes cap, cap7.2

  24. Correlations between capsaicinoids Capsaicin & dihydrocapsaicin Capsaicin & nordihydrocapsaicin

  25. Generation means F1 exhibits heterosis/overdominance o progeny mean higher than parental F2and F3populations transgressive segregation o progeny segregates with some having lower mean than parental

  26. Environmental Effects Shinsuke Agehara 1. G x E interactions 2. Environmental factors 3. Summary

  27. G x E Interactions 6 genotypes 3 locations in TX Capsaicin ( g/g fresh wt) 200 0 100 300 400 500 Genotype Kurk-orange H5-dark orange H2-orange H1-red H3-orange H6-yellow

  28. Temperature Optimal in vitro enzyme activity = 37 C Major factor on photosynthesis (glucose valine capsaicin) Type Treatment 24 30 C 28/16 28/28 C Capsaicinoid Yield Chili (mild) Chili (mild) (53%) NS

  29. Light Major factor on photosynthesis (glucose valine capsaicin) High absorption of light at 450 and 680 nm Type Treatment 18 24 h day Blue and red LED Capsaicinoid Yield NS Chili (mild) Chili (hot) (67%)

  30. Nitrogen Capsaicin requires 3 nitrogenous molecules More N = chlorophyll = photosynthesis Type Treatment 1 22.5 mM 1 15 mM Capsaicinoid (x2) (x3) Yield Jalapeno Habanero NS

  31. Other environmental factors Factor Capsaicinoid or NS Yield Water stress Elevation Potassium NS

  32. Summary of Enviromental Effects To increase capsaicinoid production or control pungency at the desired level Selection of appropriate cultivars for specific environmental conditions Manipulation of temperature, LED, and N fertilization

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  36. Questions? Capsaicinoids: A Review


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