Exploring the World of Appetizers: Hors d'oeuvres, Sandwiches, Savories, and Canapés

LESSON 27 & 28.
Revision Semester 1
Hors d’oeuvres can be divided in three categories.
Singular Hors d’oeuvres 
Assorted or Variety of Hors d’oeuvres 
 Hot Hors d’oeuvres
May be served for luncheons , dinners or functions , suitable as part of a
menu, snack or salad.  
Sandwiches are one of the most varied types of food
produced . 
Definition of a sandwich is a food item such as meat, fish,
cheese, and vegetables with is placed between two slices
of bread
Adopted by nearly in every country worldwide, with each
country serving its own regional and traditional
ingredients of breads, spreads, fillings and garnishes in
their sandwiches.
Served as , snacks, light lunches or finger food
Classification  of Sandwiches    
Cold Sandwiches;
These are all sandwiches that are made from a variety of
foods and breads which are served  & eaten cold
Hot Sandwiches;
Hot sandwiches are served with a hot or warm filling such
as meats, fish , cheese or vegetables  made from two
slices of  toasted bread with a variety of fillings which are
then toasted in a special sandwich toaster
A  British custom of serving savoury course, after serving the dessert
Traditional savouries include,
Welsh Rarebit-Scotch Woodcock-Mushroom on toast- Angels on
Always served  Hot & generally on a slice of  toasted bread (croûte)
Rarely served nowadays due to healthier eating trends & habits
Chef have adapted savouries to be served as Amuse Bouche  or finger food
for receptions & cocktail parties
Spanish and French word ,meaning  couch, diverted to mean food sitting or
cushioned on a piece of bread.
Bread or pastry can be toasted/cooked or untoasted cut into different shapes
Untoasted side spread with butter or mayonnaise
 Filling, topping or ingredient must be neatly cut, trimmed folded or piped
according to the shape so that it will fit neatly on top
Individually  garnished  to give it an attractive and appealing look.
(Thin layer of clear aspic is applied to coat, help to preserve and add a shiny
finish to the canapés)
Pasta is made from a strong wheat flour , known as durum flour , made into a dough by
the addition of water , olive oil and eggs.
 There are two main types of pasta , dried or fresh home made . Dried pasta is available in
at least 
56 different 
shapes each of which has a name. Shelf life of dried pasta can be up
2 years 
if it is correctly stored.
 Pasta can be found in different colors and flavors from suppliers and can be freshly
produced . It is widely used in menus.
In its original form rice is
as are all cereals a wild form of
grass , which over the years has
been hybridized and was
cultivated to give high yields and
more stable plant form.
Considerations when planning menus
be aware of any competition in the locality , including prices and quality . As a result it may
be wiser to produce a menu quite different.
study the area in which your establishment is situated and the potential target market of
the type of people you are planning to cater for , e.g . Office workers in the city.
Considerations when planning menus
Outdoor catering
are there are opportunities for outdoor catering or take away food.
Estimated customer spend per head
Modern trends in food fashions
should be considered alongside popular traditional dishes . Decide the range of dishes to be
offered and the pricing structure.
Considerations when planning menus
Space and equipment in the kitchens
 this will influence the composition of the menu e.g. overloading use of deep frying pan ,
salamanders and steamers.
Number and Capabilities of staff
 over stretched staff can easily reduce the standard of production envisaged.
Considerations when planning menus
Availability of supplies and suppliers
seasonal foods and storage space
Food Allergies
Religious Restrictions
Cost Factor
Costing is essential for the success of compiling any menu it  is crucial if an
establishment is to be profitable.
Modern computer techniques can analyze cost swiftly and daily.
Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food
 Humans are omnivorous and have hunted and killed animals for meat since prehistoric times
 The advent of civilization allowed the domestication of animals such as chickens, sheep, pigs and
cattle, and eventually their use in meat production on an industrial scale.
Meat is mainly composed of water, protein and fat and is usually eaten together with other food.
Certain meat can be eaten raw, but is normally eaten after it has been cooked and seasoned or
processed in a variety of ways
Lamb & Mutton
Lamb is a sheep under one year old.
Slaughtered when the animal is between 4-6 months
Lamb is Classified as ‘Red’ meat & should be cooked ‘Pink’ (57°C)
Prime lamb 
is the top quality group of lamb and is slaughtered 2-5
Generally fed grass (by  grazing in pastures)
The whole Carcass weights
approximately 16kg 
Lamb & Mutton
Mutton is sheep that is over 1 year old
Mutton is slaughtered from 20 months to  2½ years.
Mutton flesh has a deeper reddish colour with some substantial  surface
fat, has a much tougher texture and stronger flavour .
Mutton carcass weight is approximately 25kg
Main Producers
China, European Union, Australia,
New Zeeland, Argentina , Chile
Pork is Classified as ‘White Meat” which must always be well cooked.
This is done so that the parasites in the form of a worm called ‘
trichinae’ are destroyed
by heat.
 The  internal core temperature of cooked pork  must be in the range of  73
°C to 75°C
Quality Points
Lean meat should be pale pink, firm and finely textured.
Fat should be white, firm, smooth and not excessive.
Bones should be small, fine and pinkish.
Skin (rind) should be smooth
Bacon & Ham
Bacon is produced from pork, from a specific pig which is  reared for
the production of bacon, because its shape and size yielding
economic bacon joints.
The flesh must be cured .The curing process consists of rubbing &
covering  with salt (dry) then smoking , or by soaking in brine solution
(wet) which can be  followed by smoking.
 The approximate weight of
a whole side of bacon is 
Ham are produced from  the hind leg of the pork, cured
 (dry or wet ) either smoked or hung to dry and mature in flavour
Beef comes from an animal which is slaughtered when between 18 to
21 months old.
This makes it the most matured of all farm bred animals which normally
average 1 year.
What happens to slaughtering of beef ?
After slaughtering of beef is hanged for 14 days at a temperature of 1°C
and a relative humidity of 85% .
This hanging is the longest on beef as it is the longest survivor of all
Veal is young baby beef,
originally most top
quality veal came
from Holland
but as Dutch methods
of production are now used extensively in Britain , supplies of
home-produced veal welfare are available all year round
Veal – Milk fed
Calf's that are raised indoors in stalls and feed almost exclusively on milk.
Since milk contains very little iron, the flesh of the animals remains a very light,
whitish shade of pink.
The calves are slaughtered at the age of 4 - 5 months with the carcase weighting 48
to 50 kg
Milk-fed veal has firmer flesh, but it is still very tender and delicate texture and
flavour .
Veal – Grain fed
Grain-fed veal comes from calves that feed on milk until the age of 6 - 8 weeks.
At this point, the calves are removed from their  stalls and placed in a fattening pen where they feed
on grains hay  and feed pellets.
Slaughtered at the age of  6 to 8 months, when they weight is  approximately 100 kg.
Since grain-fed animals consume relatively large amounts of iron, their flesh is more dark  pinkish,
also has a somewhat stronger flavour and is slightly less tender exclusively on milk.
Since milk contains very little iron, the flesh of the animals remains a very light, whitish shade of pink.
The calves are slaughtered at the age of 4 - 5 months with the carcase weighting 48 to 50 kg
Milk-fed veal has firmer flesh, but it is still very tender and delicate texture and flavour .
Game is the name given to certain wild birds and animals which are eaten ; there are
 kinds of game and these are:
Feathered & Furred
Food Value
As it is less fatty than poultry or meat , game is easily digested , with the exception of
water fowl , which has an oily flesh. Game is useful for building and repairing body tissues
and for energy.
Hanging is essential for all game . It drains the flesh of blood and begins the process of
disintegration which is vital to make the flesh soft and edible , and also to develop flavour.
The term in its general sense is applied to all domestic fowl bred for food and eggs. So
the general term applies to ;
Turkeys Chicken Geese Ducks Fowls Pigeons
When the word 
 appears on the menu it applies only to chicken.
Quality Points
The package should be undamaged.
 No signs of Freezer burns & a bird should have a plump breast.
 The breast bone should be pliable , in mature bird the cartilage of the breast bone will
eventually become solid bone.
Revision-Semester 2
Fish is another source of protein
White fish contains less than 2% fat therefore easily digested and less fattening
Oily fish contains up to 18% fat and is a protective food but less digestible
because of this high fat content
Oily fish are a better source of Vitamin A & D which are found in the flesh
Shellfish is as equally nutritive as fish but less digestible because of it’s course
Types of Fish
Fish are classified into 
 main categories
Oily Fish
This fish contain an oily flesh usually recognized because of their colored texture .
 Herrings            Mackerel            Salmon
White Fish
subdivided into 
( whiting, cod , hake ) or 
fish ( 
plaice , sole or turbot
 Round Fish
This is the most crucial point in the buying of fish .
What are the indications of a good quality Fish?.
I am sure that everyone has experienced the lumping of bad fish some time or
another , it requires the following tips to overcome this problem.
The eyes should be bright  & full , translucent and not sunken.
The gills are bright red in color-
Scales , if any should be in their plenty
There should be no unpleasant smell , not fishy but a smell of the sea
Sea Slime present but not sticky.
When buying in bulk especially the fish in season , some hawkers will tend to slip a few
of the previous year frozen stuff with the fresh ones so do not just judge the four top
ones those will definitely be the nicest , dig deep into the box and check scrupulously.
Herbs & Spices
Fine Herbs
This is a Mixture of fresh herbs , usually Chervil, Tarragon , and Parsley , which is referred to in
many Classical Cookery Recipes
Herbs & Spices
 is the most commonly used herb worldwide. Its leaves are used always freshly       chopped
with all kind of savory dishes. Its stems are also used, in stocks and in bouquet garni.
 is also a commonly used herb especially in Maltese cookery which its stem is used in many
local recipes. Its root (CELERIAC) is also used.
 is one of the most commonly used herbs in the
Mediterranean and it is normally used in Salads and in Pasta sauces
but today it is also used with other dishes including sweets ice creams and sorbets. It is the main
ingredient of the famous Pesto.
Herbs & Spices
 is a herb from the Oregano family but it is used differently as it is used mainly with fish
dishes and fish soups especially with our Aljotta.
 is a herb which has a very strong flavor so one has to use it in moderation. It is mainly
used with roast chicken, Potatoes and with Lamb.
 is used in Bouquet Garni, soups, sauces, marinades and stuffing. Wild thyme is widely
grown in Malta and was used with roasts. Note it is now protected.
Herbs & Spices
As spices are concentrated in flavor , they should be used sparingly ,
otherwise they can make foods unpalatable .
Most spices are grown in  India , Africa , The West Indies and the Far East.
Herbs & Spices
All Spice or Pimento
This so called because the flavor is like a blend of Cloves, Cinnamon and
Nutmeg .
 It is mainly used in Sauces , Sausages , Cakes , Fruit Pies and Milk Pudding.
excludes meat, fish and poultry; allows milk and eggs.
allows milk, not eggs.
allows eggs, not milk.
excludes meat and poultry; allows fish.
excludes meat; allows poultry
Semi- or demi-vegetarian:
avoids eating meat, but does eat occasionally, eats fish
excludes food of animal origin and cereals and pulses; allows fruit, nuts and
olive oil
Pure vegetarian:
excludes any food of animal origin, e.g. milk; sometimes excludes honey;
allows any food of plant origin, e.g. nuts, vegetables, cereals.
Macrobiotic veganism:
excludes any food of animal origin, allows fish & shellfish, whole grains, beans
& nuts.
Raw veganism:
excludes all food of animal origin,
and suitable foods not cooked above 46°C,
allows raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, plant oils, sea vegetables & weeds.
No meat, fish or other products that come directly from the killing an animal or
products that from and by animals, such as animal meats, fats and gelatine.
No dairy products such as cow’s milk, cheese, yoghurt; goat and buffalo milk.
No eggs or foods containing eggs 
No honey.
Pates Terrines & Galantines
Pates Terrines
Cheese is made from milk protein coagulated by an enzyme e.g. Rennet (an
animal product) .
 For vegetarian Cheese a non- animal enzyme is used. Cheese is made
worldwide from cows , ewes or goats’ milk and it takes approximately 5 litres
( 9 pints ) of milk to produce 1/2kg  (1lb ) of Cheese. There are many
hundreds of varieties ; most countries manufacture their own special
Catering Establishments
Boutique Hotels
2 Star Hotels
3 Star Hotels
4 Star Hotels
5 Star Hotels
6 Star Hotels
7 Star Hotels                   
Fast food restaurants
Steak Houses
Sushi Restaurants
Fine Dining Restaurants
Take aways
The most frequently cited method of controlling weight is trying
to eat less at mealtimes.
The majority of adults report that they are either fairly or very
physically active.
Morbidly obese adults are significantly less likely than adults of
a healthy weight to consider themselves physically active.
Time is the most commonly cited barrier to participation in
physical activity.
Healthy Eating
Incentives may be successful in encouraging children
to make healthier
   food choices at school.
Interventions focusing on personal and social factors
may be helpful in bringing about behavior change.
The majority of children consider themselves to be
about the right weight.
Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating
Food intake needs to provide the vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber the body requires, without
too much saturated fats, sugar and salt.
The Health authorities recommend that all individuals should consume a diet that contains the
Plenty of starchy foods  made out of
Rice (Wild or Brown)
Bread (whole grain)
Pasta  (whole grain)
Healthy Eating
Plenty of fruit and Vegetables.
At least 
 portions a day
Some protein rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, beans and non-dairy
sources of protein such as nuts and pulses
Some milk and dairy, choosing reduced-fat versions or eating smaller amounts
of full-fat versions or eating them less often.
Just a little saturated fat & sugar & salt
(very minimum amounts)
Kitchen Structure & Design
Kitchens must be designed so that they can be easily managed.
The management must have easy access to the areas under their control and
have good visibility in the areas which have to be supervised.
Large operations should work on separate work floors, for reasons of
efficiency and hygiene.
Kitchen Structure & Design
 – raw materials to finished product.
 – how people move within the kitchen; for example, staff
working in dirty areas (areas of contamination) should not enter areas of
finished product, or where blast chilling is taking place.
 – equipment should, where possible, be
separated out, into specific process areas.
 – refuse must be kept separated and should not pass into other
areas in order to get to its storage destination.
Kitchen Structure & Design
Each section should be subdivided into high risk and contaminated sections.
High risk food is that which during the process is likely to be easily
Contaminated food is that which is contaminated on arrival before processing:
unprepared vegetables, raw meat.
Back tracking and cross over of materials and product must be avoided
Kitchen Structure & Design
Food preparation rooms should be planned to allow a ‘work flow’ whereby
food is processed through the premises from the point of delivery to the point
of sale or service with then minimum of obstruction.
The various processes should be separated as far as possible and food
intended for sales should not cross paths with waste food or refuse.
Staff time is valuable and a design which reduces wasteful journeys is both
efficient and cost-affective.
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Christianity represents about a third of the world’s population and is the world’s
largest religion.
Sub Categories of Christianity:
Catholicism (or Roman Catholicism)
Mormonism (including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Orthodox Christianity
  Protestant Christianity
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Generally  no food restrictions except for the consumption of meat on Ash Wednesday (first day
of Lent) & on Good Friday.
Mormons  emphasize on eating wholesome food& abstaining from  drinking tea, coffee, &
Christians associate foods  with certain religious feasts
Shrove Tuesday: (the day before Lent) Pancakes
Good Friday: Hot cross buns , Caramelli tal harrub (Carob sweet) reminder of Christ’s crucifixion.
Easter Sunday:  Baby lamb, Simnel  cakes
   (made with marzipan and chocolate),  Easter eggs & Figolli are eaten as a symbol  of new life and
the Resurrection.
Cultural Dimensions of Food
The duties of all Muslims are known as the Five Pillars of Islam and are:
Recite the shahadah at least once.
Perform the salat (prayer) 5 times a day while facing the Kaaba in Mecca.
Donate regularly to charity via the zakat, a 2.5% charity tax, and through additional donations to
the needy.
Fast during the month of Ramadan, (the ninth month of the Muslim calendar)the month  that
Muhammad received the Qur’an from Allah.
Make pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life time.
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Muslims celebrate the birth of Mohammed at the end
of February or early in March.
Alcohol and pork are forbidden in their diet.
Only meat that has been prepared  & slaughtered according to Muslim custom of Halal , done by a certified  Halal
 During Ramadan, which lasts for one month, Muslims do not eat or drink anything from dawn to sunset.
The end of the fast is celebrated with a feast called
     Idd-ul-Fitar, with special foods. Muslims
     from Middle Eastern countries would
     favour a dish like lamb stew with okra
     those from the Far East curry & rice
Cultural Dimensions of Food
The origins of Hinduism can be traced to the Indus Valley civilization sometime between 4000 and
2500 BC
The basis of Hinduism is the belief in the unity of everything, called Brahman.
The purpose of life & enlightenment is to be part of God and when you died you rejoin with God.
These cycles of birth, life and death known as Samsara.
One’s progress towards enlightenment is measured by his karma.
This is the accumulation of all one’s good and bad deeds and this determines the person’s next
reincarnation, devotion to God help one to be reborn at a higher level. Bad acts and thoughts will
cause one to be born at a lower level, as a person or even an animal.
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Most Hindus do not eat meat (strict Hindus are vegetarians) and none eats beef
since the cow is considered sacred.
Holi is the festival that celebrates the end of winter and the arrival of spring.
Raksha Bandha celebrates the ties between brothers and sisters at the end of July or in August
 Janam Ashtami celebrates the birth of Krishna, also in August.
Dussehra is the festival of good over evil;
Diwali is the festival of light, celebrating light over darkness, held in October or November.
 Foods  such as Samosas  
(triangles of pastry containing vegetables)
, banana fudge and vegetable
dishes of all kinds, as well as favourite foods, are eaten to celebrate.
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Judaism, originated with a divine covenant between the God of the ancient Israelites and
Abraham around 2000 BCE. The next leader of the Israelites, Moses, led his people out of
captivity in Egypt and received the Law from God. Joshua later led them into the promised land.
Jews believe in one creator who alone is to be worshipped as absolute ruler of the universe,
monitors peoples activities and rewards good deeds and punishes evil.
The Torah was revealed to Moses by God and cannot be changed
They believe they are God’s chosen people
     and that the Messiah will arrive in
      the future
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Jewish dietary laws are known as Kashrut,  are among the most complex of all religious food
practices. The term Kosher, or Kasher means fit and describes all foods that are permitted for
consumption  that is stated in the Torah .
 Food must be prepared & cooked in a designated  Kosher Kitchen & must be Kosher certified. A
Kosher kitchen is divided into separate sections one for dairy,  one for meat and  one for pareve
(eggs , fish, grains, vegetables ,& fruits ) 
Different sets of utensils, pots, pans, plates, knives, chopping boards,
      one for meat and poultry and the other for dairy foods.
Cultural Dimensions of Food
No meat ,offal's ,milk & foods made from by-products  of  pork , camel  &  rabbits, birds of prey , animals  that
are scavengers  and shellfish.
All meat has to be slaughtered by a qualified kosher butcher (SHOCHET)
If meat was eaten in the same day, one must wait six hours before consuming any dairy products.
Meat must have all traces of blood remove by soaking in salt & water
The sciatic nerve and its adjoining blood vessels certain fat, known as chelev,  which surrounds the vital
organs and the liver.
Eating meat and dairy products at the same dish or  meal
No wine, unless its kosher wine
Dairy products & cheeses  containing animal fats & enzymes 
Eggs that have blood spots.
Rodents, reptiles, amphibians, and insects  are all forbidden.   
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Fish is acceptable as long as it has fins and scales (tuna, salmon, carp & herrings).
All animals with split hooves and which chew the cud ( sheep , goats, deer & cows)
Birds that are traditionally considered kosher, such as the goose, duck, chicken, and turkey
All products that grow in the soil or on plants, bushes, or trees are kosher. Fruits and vegetables
are permitted, but must be inspected for bugs .
All kosher milk products must derive from kosher animals.
Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be eaten with either meat or dairy
Cultural Dimensions of Food
The Jewish Sabbath, from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday, is a day of rest. In the evening
plaited bread called chollah is broken into pieces and eaten.
A special meal is served to celebrate the  Passover as a reminder of the exodus of the Jews from
Egypt. Matzo, an unleavened crisp bread, is served
Pentecost celebrates the giving of the Ten  Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai; cheesecake
is now a traditional dish served at this celebration.
Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights in
December, is a time of dedication, when pancakes and a potato dish,
potato latkes, are usually eaten.
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Which of the following foods in this menu is not Kosher 
Smoked Salmon and Swordfish dressed with grape fruit segments, avocado ‘panna cotta’ extra virgin olive oil
Cream of Wild Mushroom soup
Pan- seared Scottish Turbot  nestled on a compote of creamed leeks complemented with a  almond & caper beurre
Roast tenderloin of Venison nestled on braised red cabbage served with glazed baby radishes and golden raisins,
pomme Mousseline, bitter chocolate and port cafe au lait
  White Chocolate & Mango mousse, served with a Tia Maria
 ice –cream  , medley of forest fruits
Cultural Dimensions of Food
Corrected Kosher Menu 
Smoked Salmon and 
dressed with grape fruit segments, avocado 
‘Panna cotta’ 
extra virgin olive oil
of Wild Mushroom soup
Pan- seared Scottish 
 nestled on a compote of 
creamed leeks
 complemented with a  almond & caper 
Roast tenderloin of Venison nestled on braised red cabbage served with glazed baby radishes and golden raisins,
pomme Mousseline, 
bitter chocolate and  
port cafe au lait
White Chocolate 
& Mango 
, served with a 
Tia Maria
 ice –cream  , medley of forest fruits
Fats & Oils
Contains 80-82% fat therefore a high energy food.
The remaining constituents are water ( approx. 16%) and milk proteins .
The fat soluble Vitamins A and D are present in butter , and there is a small
amount of Calcium .
 Each 100grms of butter supplies 733 kilocalories
( 3014 kilojoules/ 1kilojoules = to 0.239 calories)
Fats & Oils
Butter must be kept away from strong smelling foods .
Butter is produced by churning the cream of milk .
 One litre of cream yields approximately one and a half
kilogram butter .
How to make butter
Begin by pouring your cream into a blender or food processor. Blend your cream, After
five or more minutes, the homemade butter will start to separate into butter and
buttermilk. When you notice that happening, stop the blender and let the cream sit for a
minute or two as the butter rises to the top. Pour the buttermilk into another container,
using a spoon to press as much buttermilk out of the butter as possible.
Fats & Oils
The unique taste and texture of butter means that is ideal for spreading and
using in all types of cooking, both professionally and in the domestic kitchen .
It is the foundation of many classic recipes , as it improves the flavor and
appearance  of great many foods.
Compound butters can be made and butter is widely used in all sorts of
Cooking probably without any doubt the most extensively used commodity in
the kitchen as well in the pastry.
Fats & Oils
Clarified Butter.
Clarified butter can be made by gently heating butter until it has melted and
separated. The milk solids can be strained off . The Resultant clarified butter
can than be used at higher temperatures . Ghee is a type of clarified butter ,
widely used as basis of Indian Cooking. A type of Clarified butter known as
Concentrated Butter is made by removing most of the water and milk solids .
It is suitable for cooking and baking but not for spreading or finishing goods.
Fats & Oils
Margarine is produced from milk and a blend of vegetable oils emulsified with
lecithin , flavoring , salt, coloring and Vitamins A and D although
vegetable based margarine can be used for vegetarian cooking
Fats & Oils
Lard is the rendered fat from the pig . Lard has almost 100% fat content .
 It may be used in hot water paste and with margarine to make short paste . It
can also be used for shallow frying or deep frying.
It is mostly avoided nowadays because of health issues but in some cases
especially for frying it gives better taste to fried foods.
Fats & Oils
Suet is the hard solid fat deposits in the kidney region of animals .
Beef Suet is the best and is used for suet paste, mincemeat and
Christmas Puddings.
Vegetable Based Suet can also be found and nowadays is replacing the suet in
most recipes.
Fats & Oils
Dripping is obtained from clarified animal fats and it is used for deep and
shallow Frying .
Very popular in English Traditional Fish and Chips.
To clarify dripping
Melt the fat and strain into a large bowl. Then pour over double the quantity of
boiling water. Stir well and leave till cold and set.  Remove the cake of fat from the
top of the water, scrape off any sediment from the bottom of the cake, then melt
the fat and pour into a clean basin.
Slide Note

Delve into the diverse realm of appetizers, ranging from the elegant classification of hors d'oeuvres to the versatile world of sandwiches, traditional savories, and sophisticated canapés. Discover the art of serving and enjoying these culinary delights, each offering a unique experience of flavors and textures suitable for various occasions.

  • Appetizers
  • Culinary
  • Hors doeuvres
  • Sandwiches
  • Savories

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Revision LESSON 27 & 28.

  2. Revision Semester 1 LESSON 1 TO 14.

  3. Classification Hors d oeuvres can be divided in three categories. 1. Singular Hors d oeuvres 2. Assorted or Variety of Hors d oeuvres 3. Hot Hors d oeuvres May be served for luncheons , dinners or functions , suitable as part of a menu, snack or salad.

  4. Sandwiches Sandwiches are one of the most varied types of food produced . Definition of a sandwich is a food item such as meat, fish, cheese, and vegetables with is placed between two slices of bread Adopted by nearly in every country worldwide, with each country serving its own regional and traditional ingredients of breads, spreads, fillings and garnishes in their sandwiches. Served as , snacks, light lunches or finger foods

  5. Classification of Sandwiches Cold Sandwiches; These are all sandwiches that are made from a variety of foods and breads which are served & eaten cold Hot Sandwiches; Hot sandwiches are served with a hot or warm filling such as meats, fish , cheese or vegetables made from two slices of toasted bread with a variety of fillings which are then toasted in a special sandwich toaster

  6. Savories A British custom of serving savoury course, after serving the dessert Traditional savouries include, Welsh Rarebit-Scotch Woodcock-Mushroom on toast- Angels on Horseback. Always served Hot & generally on a slice of toasted bread (cro te) Rarely served nowadays due to healthier eating trends & habits Chef have adapted savouries to be served as Amuse Bouche or finger food for receptions & cocktail parties

  7. Canaps Spanish and French word ,meaning couch, diverted to mean food sitting or cushioned on a piece of bread. Bread or pastry can be toasted/cooked or untoasted cut into different shapes Untoasted side spread with butter or mayonnaise Filling, topping or ingredient must be neatly cut, trimmed folded or piped according to the shape so that it will fit neatly on top Individually garnished to give it an attractive and appealing look. (Thin layer of clear aspic is applied to coat, help to preserve and add a shiny finish to the canap s)

  8. Pasta Introduction Pasta is made from a strong wheat flour , known as durum flour , made into a dough by the addition of water , olive oil and eggs. There are two main types of pasta , dried or fresh home made . Dried pasta is available in at least 56 different shapes each of which has a name. Shelf life of dried pasta can be up to 2 years if it is correctly stored. Pasta can be found in different colors and flavors from suppliers and can be freshly produced . It is widely used in menus.

  9. Rice In its original form rice is as are all cereals a wild form of grass , which over the years has been hybridized and was cultivated to give high yields and more stable plant form.

  10. Considerations when planning menus Competition be aware of any competition in the locality , including prices and quality . As a result it may be wiser to produce a menu quite different. Location study the area in which your establishment is situated and the potential target market of customers. Analyze the type of people you are planning to cater for , e.g . Office workers in the city.

  11. Considerations when planning menus Outdoor catering are there are opportunities for outdoor catering or take away food. Estimated customer spend per head Modern trends in food fashions should be considered alongside popular traditional dishes . Decide the range of dishes to be offered and the pricing structure.

  12. Considerations when planning menus Space and equipment in the kitchens this will influence the composition of the menu e.g. overloading use of deep frying pan , salamanders and steamers. Number and Capabilities of staff over stretched staff can easily reduce the standard of production envisaged.

  13. Considerations when planning menus Availability of supplies and suppliers seasonal foods and storage space Food Allergies Religious Restrictions Cost Factor Costing is essential for the success of compiling any menu it is crucial if an establishment is to be profitable. Modern computer techniques can analyze cost swiftly and daily.

  14. Meat Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food Humans are omnivorous and have hunted and killed animals for meat since prehistoric times The advent of civilization allowed the domestication of animals such as chickens, sheep, pigs and cattle, and eventually their use in meat production on an industrial scale. Meat is mainly composed of water, protein and fat and is usually eaten together with other food. Certain meat can be eaten raw, but is normally eaten after it has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of ways

  15. Lamb & Mutton Lamb is a sheep under one year old. Slaughtered when the animal is between 4-6 months Lamb is Classified as Red meat & should be cooked Pink (57 C) Prime lamb is the top quality group of lamb and is slaughtered 2-5 months Generally fed grass (by grazing in pastures) The whole Carcass weights approximately 16kg

  16. Lamb & Mutton Mutton is sheep that is over 1 year old Mutton is slaughtered from 20 months to 2 years. Mutton flesh has a deeper reddish colour with some substantial surface fat, has a much tougher texture and stronger flavour . Mutton carcass weight is approximately 25kg Main Producers China, European Union, Australia, New Zeeland, Argentina , Chile

  17. Pork Pork is Classified as White Meat which must always be well cooked. This is done so that the parasites in the form of a worm called trichinae are destroyed by heat. The internal core temperature of cooked pork must be in the range of 73 C to 75 C Quality Points Lean meat should be pale pink, firm and finely textured. Fat should be white, firm, smooth and not excessive. Bones should be small, fine and pinkish. Skin (rind) should be smooth

  18. Bacon & Ham Bacon is produced from pork, from a specific pig which is reared for the production of bacon, because its shape and size yielding economic bacon joints. The flesh must be cured .The curing process consists of rubbing & covering with salt (dry) then smoking , or by soaking in brine solution (wet) which can be followed by smoking. The approximate weight of a whole side of bacon is 30kg. Ham are produced from the hind leg of the pork, cured (dry or wet ) either smoked or hung to dry and mature in flavour

  19. Beef Beef comes from an animal which is slaughtered when between 18 to 21 months old. This makes it the most matured of all farm bred animals which normally average 1 year. What happens to slaughtering of beef ? After slaughtering of beef is hanged for 14 days at a temperature of 1 C and a relative humidity of 85% . This hanging is the longest on beef as it is the longest survivor of all breeds.

  20. Veal Veal is young baby beef, originally most top quality veal came from Holland but as Dutch methods of production are now used extensively in Britain , supplies of home-produced veal welfare are available all year round

  21. Veal Milk fed Calf's that are raised indoors in stalls and feed almost exclusively on milk. Since milk contains very little iron, the flesh of the animals remains a very light, whitish shade of pink. The calves are slaughtered at the age of 4 - 5 months with the carcase weighting 48 to 50 kg Milk-fed veal has firmer flesh, but it is still very tender and delicate texture and flavour .

  22. Veal Grain fed Grain-fed veal comes from calves that feed on milk until the age of 6 - 8 weeks. At this point, the calves are removed from their stalls and placed in a fattening pen where they feed on grains hay and feed pellets. Slaughtered at the age of 6 to 8 months, when they weight is approximately 100 kg. Since grain-fed animals consume relatively large amounts of iron, their flesh is more dark pinkish, also has a somewhat stronger flavour and is slightly less tender exclusively on milk. Since milk contains very little iron, the flesh of the animals remains a very light, whitish shade of pink. The calves are slaughtered at the age of 4 - 5 months with the carcase weighting 48 to 50 kg Milk-fed veal has firmer flesh, but it is still very tender and delicate texture and flavour .

  23. Game Game is the name given to certain wild birds and animals which are eaten ; there are two kinds of game and these are: Feathered & Furred Food Value As it is less fatty than poultry or meat , game is easily digested , with the exception of water fowl , which has an oily flesh. Game is useful for building and repairing body tissues and for energy. Storage Hanging is essential for all game . It drains the flesh of blood and begins the process of disintegration which is vital to make the flesh soft and edible , and also to develop flavour.

  24. Poultry The term in its general sense is applied to all domestic fowl bred for food and eggs. So the general term applies to ; Turkeys Chicken Geese Ducks Fowls Pigeons When the word VOLAILLE appears on the menu it applies only to chicken. Quality Points The package should be undamaged. No signs of Freezer burns & a bird should have a plump breast. The breast bone should be pliable , in mature bird the cartilage of the breast bone will eventually become solid bone.

  25. Revision-Semester 2 LESSONS 15 TO 28

  26. Fish Nutrition Fish is another source of protein White fish contains less than 2% fat therefore easily digested and less fattening Oily fish contains up to 18% fat and is a protective food but less digestible because of this high fat content Oily fish are a better source of Vitamin A & D which are found in the flesh Shellfish is as equally nutritive as fish but less digestible because of it s course fibers

  27. Fish Types of Fish Fish are classified into two main categories Oily Fish This fish contain an oily flesh usually recognized because of their colored texture . Herrings Mackerel Salmon

  28. Fish-Round White Fish : subdivided into round( whiting, cod , hake ) or flat fish ( plaice , sole or turbot) Round Fish

  29. Fish Quality This is the most crucial point in the buying of fish . What are the indications of a good quality Fish?. I am sure that everyone has experienced the lumping of bad fish some time or another , it requires the following tips to overcome this problem.

  30. Fish The eyes should be bright & full , translucent and not sunken. The gills are bright red in color-Scales , if any should be in their plenty.

  31. Fish There should be no unpleasant smell , not fishy but a smell of the sea Sea Slime present but not sticky. When buying in bulk especially the fish in season , some hawkers will tend to slip a few of the previous year frozen stuff with the fresh ones so do not just judge the four top ones those will definitely be the nicest , dig deep into the box and check scrupulously.

  32. Herbs & Spices Fine Herbs This is a Mixture of fresh herbs , usually Chervil, Tarragon , and Parsley , which is referred to in many Classical Cookery Recipes

  33. Herbs & Spices Parsley is the most commonly used herb worldwide. Its leaves are used always freshly with all kind of savory dishes. Its stems are also used, in stocks and in bouquet garni. chopped Celery is also a commonly used herb especially in Maltese cookery which its stem is used in many local recipes. Its root (CELERIAC) is also used. celeriac celery Basil is one of the most commonly used herbs in the Mediterranean and it is normally used in Salads and in Pasta sauces but today it is also used with other dishes including sweets ice creams and sorbets. It is the main ingredient of the famous Pesto.

  34. Herbs & Spices Marjoram is a herb from the Oregano family but it is used differently as it is used mainly with fish dishes and fish soups especially with our Aljotta. Rosemary is a herb which has a very strong flavor so one has to use it in moderation. It is mainly used with roast chicken, Potatoes and with Lamb. Thyme is used in Bouquet Garni, soups, sauces, marinades and stuffing. Wild thyme is widely grown in Malta and was used with roasts. Note it is now protected.

  35. Herbs & Spices As spices are concentrated in flavor , they should be used sparingly , otherwise they can make foods unpalatable . Most spices are grown in India , Africa , The West Indies and the Far East.

  36. Herbs & Spices All Spice or Pimento This so called because the flavor is like a blend of Cloves, Cinnamon and Nutmeg . It is mainly used in Sauces , Sausages , Cakes , Fruit Pies and Milk Pudding.

  37. Vegetarians Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: excludes meat, fish and poultry; allows milk and eggs. Lacto-vegetarian: allows milk, not eggs. Ovo-vegetarian: allows eggs, not milk. Pesco-vegetarian: excludes meat and poultry; allows fish.

  38. Vegetarians Pollo-vegetarian: excludes meat; allows poultry Semi- or demi-vegetarian: avoids eating meat, but does eat occasionally, eats fish Fruitarian: excludes food of animal origin and cereals and pulses; allows fruit, nuts and olive oil

  39. Vegetarians Pure vegetarian: excludes any food of animal origin, e.g. milk; sometimes excludes honey; allows any food of plant origin, e.g. nuts, vegetables, cereals. Macrobiotic veganism: excludes any food of animal origin, allows fish & shellfish, whole grains, beans & nuts. Raw veganism: excludes all food of animal origin, and suitable foods not cooked above 46 C, allows raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, plant oils, sea vegetables & weeds.

  40. Vegetarians Vegans No meat, fish or other products that come directly from the killing an animal or products that from and by animals, such as animal meats, fats and gelatine. No dairy products such as cow s milk, cheese, yoghurt; goat and buffalo milk. No eggs or foods containing eggs No honey.

  41. Pates Terrines & Galantines Pates Terrines & Galantines types-cooking-presentation-storage

  42. Cheeses Cheese is made from milk protein coagulated by an enzyme e.g. Rennet (an animal product) . For vegetarian Cheese a non- animal enzyme is used. Cheese is made worldwide from cows , ewes or goats milk and it takes approximately 5 litres ( 9 pints ) of milk to produce 1/2kg (1lb ) of Cheese. There are many hundreds of varieties ; most countries manufacture their own special cheeses.

  43. Catering Establishments Boutique Hotels Fast food restaurants 2 Star Hotels Pizzerias 3 Star Hotels Trattorias 4 Star Hotels Steak Houses 5 Star Hotels Sushi Restaurants 6 Star Hotels Fine Dining Restaurants 7 Star Hotels Take aways

  44. Healthy Eating The most frequently cited method of controlling weight is trying to eat less at mealtimes. The majority of adults report that they are either fairly or very physically active. Morbidly obese adults are significantly less likely than adults of a healthy weight to consider themselves physically active. Time is the most commonly cited barrier to participation in physical activity.

  45. Healthy Eating Incentives may be successful in encouraging children to make healthier food choices at school. Interventions focusing on personal and social factors may be helpful in bringing about behavior change. The majority of children consider themselves to be about the right weight.

  46. Healthy Eating Food intake needs to provide the vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber the body requires, without too much saturated fats, sugar and salt. The Health authorities recommend that all individuals should consume a diet that contains the Plenty of starchy foods made out of Rice (Wild or Brown) Bread (whole grain) Pasta (whole grain) Potatoes

  47. Healthy Eating Plenty of fruit and Vegetables. At least 5 portions a day Some protein rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, beans and non-dairy sources of protein such as nuts and pulses Some milk and dairy, choosing reduced-fat versions or eating smaller amounts of full-fat versions or eating them less often. Just a little saturated fat & sugar & salt (very minimum amounts)

  48. Kitchen Structure & Design Kitchens must be designed so that they can be easily managed. The management must have easy access to the areas under their control and have good visibility in the areas which have to be supervised. Large operations should work on separate work floors, for reasons of efficiency and hygiene.

  49. Kitchen Structure & Design 1. Product raw materials to finished product. 2. Personnel how people move within the kitchen; for example, staff working in dirty areas (areas of contamination) should not enter areas of finished product, or where blast chilling is taking place. 3. Containers/Equipment/Utensils equipment should, where possible, be separated out, into specific process areas. 4. Refuse refuse must be kept separated and should not pass into other areas in order to get to its storage destination.

  50. Kitchen Structure & Design Each section should be subdivided into high risk and contaminated sections. High risk food is that which during the process is likely to be easily contaminated. Contaminated food is that which is contaminated on arrival before processing: unprepared vegetables, raw meat. Back tracking and cross over of materials and product must be avoided


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