Joint Planning Session in Ngororero District, Rwanda: 2020/2021 Review and Priorities

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The presentation outlines the key potentialities, socio-economic drivers, and citizen priorities discussed during the joint planning session in Ngororero District, Rwanda for the fiscal year 2020/2021. It provides insights on district profile, including demographics, sector information, and household statistics. Key sectors like agriculture, mining, tourism, and infrastructure are highlighted for development. The presentation emphasizes supporting key priorities identified for the district's growth and development.

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  1. REPUBLIC OF RWANDA WESTERN PROVINCE NGORORERO DISTRICT 2020/2021 Joint Planning Session with JADF Presented by: Jean Paul BIRORIMANA Director of Planning, M&E

  2. Presentation outline Introduction: Summary of District Profile; 1. District Key Potentialities and Drivers for Socio-Economic 2. Transformation Planning cycle and framework for the FY 2020/2021 3. Citizen Priorities as provided during Planning 4. Consultations Proposed Projects for 2020/2021 5. Key priorities to be supported by JADF 6.


  4. 1. Summary of District Profile Total Population: 382,984 Female : 53% Male: 47% Population Density : 493/ KM2 HHs: 93,416 Poverty :47.7% (EICV 5) Extreme Poverty : 20.8% (EICV 5) % of HHs with access to electricity : 31.5% % of population with access to clean water : 69%

  5. Total HHs: 93,416 Households by Sectors 5,118 Bwira 5,940 Muhororo 6,268 Ndaro 6,374 Nyange 6,725 Gatumba 6,748 Kageyo 6,985 Hindiro Households 7,209 Matyazo 7,426 Muhanda 7,469 Sovu 7,713 Kavumu 9,008 Kabaya 10,433 Ngororero - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000

  6. Total Pop: 382,984 Population by Sectors Bwira 21,460 Nyange 25,277 Muhororo 25,419 Ndaro 26,046 Kageyo 27,073 Population Gatumba 27,623 Hindiro 28,327 Matyazo 29,722 Muhanda 30,894 Sovu 31,298 Kavumu 31,593 Kabaya 37,824 Ngororero 40,428 - 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000

  7. HHs by Sectors and by Ubudehe Cat 2018/19 6,000 5,000 4,000 Cat 1 3,000 Cat 2 Cat 3 2,000 Cat 4 1,000 -

  8. 2. Key potentialities TOP 5 POTENTIALITIES PRODUCTS Coltan, Cassiterite, Wolfram, Amethyst , Clay, stones and sand Mineral deposits and quarries for mining development Coffee and Tea Value Chains Coffee and Tea products for export Suitable land for agribusiness and livestock with Gishwati pasture Horticulture, Wheat, Maize, Beans, Cassava, Banana, Irish Potatoes , Cattle, Pigs & Poultry , Forest for manufacturing development and Beekeeping Processed wood Honey production Gishwati-Mukura National Park and other cultural- tourism sites ( including King IV Rwabugili & Von Gotzen tourism site) Tourism development

  9. 3.Key Drivers for Socio-economic transformation Creation of productive jobs , Modernization of agriculture for increasing production and productivity, Development of basic infrastructure ( Electricity, Roads, ICT, water and sanitation), Development of Urbanization and Rural settlement Involvement of private sector in business oriented infrastructure ( Markets, MCCs, Slaughter houses, ); Scale up social protection programs ( Holistic package) for graduation from extreme poverty

  10. 4.Vision and Mission of Ngororero District Vision: Our Vision is To become a vibrant Agro-processing and Mining Hub. Mission: Our mission is To provide social and economic facilities to our population in partnership with stakeholders so that we could create enabling competitive environment for transformation. Source: LED Strategy and DDS :2018-2024

  11. 5.National Development Planning Framework Vision 2020/2050 National Strategy for Transformation 1 7YGP/NST 1 (2017 2024) District Development Strategies/ DDS (considering District/CoK Specificities) Sector Strategic Plans/SSPs (covering Specific areas e.g. health, education ) MTEF, Annual action plans, budgets, Imihigo, M&E 11

  12. 6. General Planning Principles The Ministerial Order on Financial Regulations (MINISTERIAL ORDER N 001/16/10/TC OF 26/01/2016 RELATING TO FINANCIAL REGULATIONS). CHAPTER III: PLANNING, PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET Article 10: General planning and budgeting principles for public entities Planning and budgeting within public entities shall be as follows: 1 Participatory, consultative, transparent and inclusive for all stakeholders; 2 Comprehensiveness and inclusiveness of all fiscal operations of the public entity; 3 Informative, disciplined and encompassing analysis of the current strategies, set goals and objectives; 4 Predictable to ensure stability in macro and strategic policy. 12

  13. General Planning Principles (Contd.) The Ministerial Order on Financial Regulations (MINISTERIAL ORDER N 001/16/10/TC OF 26/01/2016 RELATING TO FINANCIAL REGULATIONS). CHAPTER III: PLANNING, PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET Article 10: General planning and budgeting principles for public entities Planning and budgeting within public entities shall be as follows: 5 Policy-based with clear linkage between annual action plans and budgets to medium term strategies and investment plans; 6 Developed through a rigorous prioritization process that ensure sectors are adequately resourced based on their contribution to policy objectives as well as current progress within each sector; 7 Gender responsiveness that ensure gender balance in resource allocation; 8 Sensitive to private sector participation where demands are strictly composed of activities and interventions that are appropriate to be funded by public resources and the rest is availed to the private sector. 13

  14. General Planning Principles (Contd.) Furthermore, in line with NST-1, below are common principles for Planning; Complete unfinished business from previous plans and strategies Adopting and scaling up home grown solutions based on Rwandan culture, values and the country's unique developmental context Develop Private sector as the engine/driver of economic growth Ensure Sustainability for long lasting results Ensure Inclusiveness for all to benefit and no-one to be left behind Lay the foundation for a quality standard of living for future generations.

  15. Core Values What are the aspirations and shared values as a society? Self-determination, including self-sufficiency (Kwigira), Solidarity (Magirinare) and Dignity (Agaciro) Unity and Rwandan Identity/culture Integrity Equity (including gender) Transparency and openness Accountability Community participation and contributing to local innovation Sustainability and Stability

  16. Framework for Oversight of Development Planning Role Organ Functions Oversight and Accountability Parliament (Senate and Chamber of Deputies) Oversight of the progress, endorsing plans and budgets, demanding accountability Approval of financing and implementation plans, strategic guidance Strategic Orientation Cabinet National Leadership Retreat Umushyikirano/National Dialogue Development Partners Coordination Group (DPCG) Strategic Monitoring Annual Monitoring and Accountability Technical Advisor Technical Advice and support to implementation National Technical Coordination Coordinate preparation of plans and budgets, implementation and Monitoring and evaluation, MINECOFIN Sector Coordination Ministerial Clusters Addressing Cross Sectoral issues Technical Consultations Forum for engaging all stakeholders, monitoring sector level (JSR) Sector Working Groups District Councils, Districts Joint Action Development Forums (JADFs) Forum for engaging all stakeholders, monitoring District level Districts coordination Community Outreach through UMUGANDA and Districts administrative organs e. g. Sectors, Cells, Villages Citizen Participation and engagement forums 16

  17. National Planning Cycle JSRs, JADF, Imihigo evaluation ,etc Priorities & targets; EDPRS, SSPs, DDPs, etc. Set goals and objectives Action plan Review historical performance Prepare plans Flexibility in planning MTEF and Annual Budget Make corrective adjustments Prepare budget and forecasts Speedy and aggressive Monitor and evaluate performance Implementation 17

  18. 8.Annual Planning & Budgeting Process Calendar Timeframe Key Milestones September Backward Looking Joint Sector Reviews: assessing progress on the sector objectives and identifying sector priorities for the next FY with Development Partners and other stakeholders October Issuance of the 1st Planning and Budgeting Call Circular November Consultations at grass roots level and selection of next FY priorities Inter-sectoral & CG-LG consultations December Submission of Drafts Plans by MDAs January Planning Consultations February Public Investment Committee (PIC): screening and approval of CG projects to be implemented in the next FY Local Government Public Advisory Committee (LGPAC): screening and approval of LG projects to be implemented in the next FY Issuance of the 2nd Planning and Budgeting Call Circular with Indicative Ceilings 18

  19. Annual Planning & Budgeting Process Calendar, cont d Timeframe Key Milestones February Budget consultations March Submission of Budget Framework Paper and Budget estimates to Cabinet April Submission of Budget Framework Paper and Budget estimates to Parliament May Budget Hearings at Parliament level Forward Looking Joint Sector Review: discussing areas prioritized during the planning and budgeting process with Development Partners Imihigo preparation: Joint, Ministry and Districts Performance contracts June Approval of Finance Law July Imihigo Signing with the President of the Republic 19

  20. Planning Concepts, tools and frameworks Goal/Impact: expresses the longer-term improvement in society; it is the broader development to which the sector interventions contribute; it defines the overall need or problem being addressed. E.g: to transform Rwanda into a high-income country by 2050 Outcome/ purpose: refers to changes measured at the population level, in terms of behaviour changes and satisfaction with services. an outcome may be the effect (direct or not) of a given programme. It can be long term or medium term; e.g: reduced child mortality, Outputs: refer to the direct physical results from the development intervention. output is within the direct control of the implementing agency and refers to the direct physical results of using the inputs; e.g.: children immunised NB: Outputs are budgeted for while outcomes are not. 20

  21. Planning Concepts, tools and frameworks Activities: are tasks carried out to implement and deliver specific outputs. e.g.: educate/mobilise families on child immunisation, train health personnel on immunisation, etc. Inputs: refer to the human and financial resources, physical facilities, equipments, etc, that are needed to implement a strategy. Performance indicator: a variable that tracks the changes in the development intervention or shows results relative to what was planned. e.g: % of U5 children immunized; N.B: Indicator must be S.M.A.R.T Baseline: is the information you have about the situation before you do anything; e.g.: 90% Targets: this is the objective to be attained in a certain period of time. It is the indicator expressed in figures or qualitatively; e.g.: 98% 21

  22. Ngororero District Planning Process for the FY 2020/2021 On 23/10/2019: MINECOFIN has provided to LG guidelines for 2020/2021 Planning ( PBCC I) From 24-30/10/2019 : Dissemination of PBCC1 to a District & sectors Staff, NBAs and District Stakeholders From 1-15/11/2019: Provision of feedback on 2019/20 FY and Collection of citizens needs/ priorities(Via Inzeko z abaturage, Radio talks, online, social media) From 16/11/2019 until February 2020 : Planning consultation with District stakeholders & DC Next Steps: Budget Consultations (BCC II)

  23. Feedback on 2019/2020 Descriptions Amount % Development Budget 11,670,917,886 52.9 Recurrent Budget 10,394,004,687 47.1 Total Budget 22,064,922,573 100

  24. Key Priorities / Projects identified by citizens during 2020/2021 Planning consultations ( At Sector Level)

  25. Key 2020/2021 Projects by Sectors Budget for 2020/2021 N Sector Project Name Targets (Km) SP-cPW/Rehabilitation of 5km Mukingi-Gitonde, 2Km Butinza-Kiregamazi-Kibirira and 2kmKabuga-Kagwene roads in Bwira sector 1Bwira 9 70,499,400 cPW_Rehabilitation of of 14 km Mukaragata-Gitega- Bereshi in Gatumba Sector 2Gatumba 14 98,334,800 CPW- Rehabilitation of 10km Gatare-Marantima-Kajinge road in Hindiro sector. 3Hindiro 137,005,333 cPW_ Rehabilitation of 7km Kinyanda-kabuga- Nyabarinda and 7km Mitabo-Gitumba-Rukorati roads in KABAYA sector 4Kabaya 14 223,024,130 CPW - Rehabilitation of Roads 2km Muhora-Kazabe, 5km Kanyandwi-Gashinge and 5km Kageshi-Mukore, in Kageyo sector 5Kageyo 12 135,848,762

  26. Key 2020/2021 Projects by Sectors Budget for 2020/2021 N Sector Project Name Targets (Km) cPW_ Rehabilitation of 3km Cyasenge-Gasibya and 7km Kanyandwi-Rutoyi-Kasumo in Kavumu Sector 6Kavumu 10 173,422,900 cPW_ Rehabilitation of 4km Ngororero-Gatikabisi and 3km Burego-Nyakibande roads in Matyazo sector 7Matyazo 7 113,295,619 cPW-Rehabilitation of 3.5km Mashya-Kanengo and 7km of Rutagara-Ngoma in Muhanda sector 8Muhanda 10.5 155,875,429 cPW: Rehabilitation of 2km Gasave-Gashyushya, 10km Karema-Gitembo-Kabyiniro-Mitsimbi, 2km Myiha-Gashyushyaroads in Muhororo Sector 9Muhororo 14 91,513,500 cPW-Rehabilitation of 13 km of Kamina-Mpanga- Nganzo road in Ndaro sector 10Ndaro 13 134,884,890

  27. Key 2020/2021 Projects by Sectors Budget for 2020/2021 N Sector Project Name Targets (Km) cPW_ Rehabilitation of 12 km road Mpara- Mana-Butare, Nyange-Mubuga and Gataba- Rukaragata roads in Ngororero Sector 11Ngororero 12 204,465,900 cPW Rehabilitation of 10km Road BIRAMBO-MUZI-MUYANGE Roads in Nyange sector 12Nyange 10 135,967,644 cPW Rehabilitation of 14.5 km Birembo- Kanyana -Rutsiro and Nturo-Rukondo roads in Sovu sector 13Sovu 14.5 219,939,956 Sub/Total 140 1,894,078,263

  28. Key 2020/2021 Projects by Sectors Targets (Km) Budget for 2020/2021 N Sector Project Name ePW -23KM Maintenance of Rukiri -Rugeshi, Butinza-Gitega-Musenyi Gitega-Ruhindage roads in Bwira sector. 1Bwira 23 67,967,960 ePW_Maintenance of 37km roads Gatumba- Kirwa, Gatsibo-Gasagara, Rusumo- MuhororoHopital-Bwira, Kazirabageni-Gitega, Kazirabageni-Ruhanga, Mashenyi-Nteko in Gatumba Sector 2Gatumba 37 71,640,000 EPW:maintenance of 32km Kigarama-Buhinda, Buyungu-Nyagasozi, Mbonabyombi- Muhororo,Karambo-Muvugangoma-Nyabihu ,Gatega-Burengo ,Buhinda-Nyahene,Mituga- Kamonyi-Kabuga in Hindiro sector ePW_ Maintainence of 22km Nyasenge- kabuganza , GASEKE -Nyamugeyo , Nyenyeri - Busunzu , Kinyanda -Rugari, gitaba -Bitare Kinyanda -rebero cell roads in KABAYA sector 3Hindiro 32 59,920,482 4Kabaya 22 67,170,000

  29. Key 2020/2021 Projects by Sectors Budget for 2020/2021 N Sector Project Name ePW:maintenance of 26Km Mudunduri-Rwamamara, Kagarama-Kiband,Mukore-Rurera, Kageshi-Gitwa, Kageshi-Murinzi, Gatiovu-Ruganda, satinsyi-Mudunduri and kariha-Murangara roads in Kageyo sector. ePW:maintenance of 51km roads Gitwa -Gacaca, Gitwa - Mirinzi, Birembo-Murinzi, Muhembe, Karongoro - Bucuka-Kabarara, Kagano-Karongoro, Kamina-Karambo in Kavumu sector ePW_ Maintenance of 28km Taba -Gitega -Rubagabaga , and 9km Gitega -Rutare , Burengo-Binana -gashonyi roads in Matyazo sector. ePW:Maintenance of 12km Gapfunsi -Bweru , 10km Nganzo-Mashya and13km Muhanda-Rutagara roads in Muhanda sector ePW_ Maintenance 38km Nyagaseke-Gasave , Musekera-Kigutiya, Myiha-Shaka, Myiha-Shori, Nganzo- Kibingo, Gisovu-Runiga, Miduha-Ryabadanga, Mubuga- Nyagisagara cell roads in Muhororo sector . Targets (Km) 5Kageyo 26 57,016,400 6Kavumu 51 78,755,094 7Matyazo 37 48,952,500 8Muhanda 50,970,732 9Muhororo 38 40,175,930

  30. Key 2020/2021 Projects by Sectors Budget for 2020/2021 N Sector Project Name Targets (Km) ePW_ Maintenance of 45 kmRukubi-Mukingi, Bijyojyo - Gashubi, Kideberi -Zone and Kamuyobora -Ngugu -Gituza cell access roads in Ndaro sector 10Ndaro 45 48,815,970 ePW_ Maintenance of 22.5km road Turamigina- Karera-Ngororero , Gashyushya-Kanyenyeri, Nyakariba- Karera, Rususa-Kagogo, Gasarara-Nyarubingo,Kazabe- ngororero, Murambi-Butezi in Ngororero Sector 11Ngororero 22.5 42,022,800 ePW-:maintenance 27km roads Rubyiniro-Murimaji, kanyansinda-Nyirabunoshi, Gitiba-Munono,Kakinyoni- Kazenga,Kayogoro-Nyamyungo, Bwoga-Rugari, Rugarambiro-Gatega roads in Nyange sector. 12Nyange 27 55,552,500 ePW-Maintenance 24km Birembo-Musenyi , Nturo- Nyabipfura , Rutvu-Mwumba and Kanyana -Ruganda roads in Sovu sector . 13Sovu 24 32,572,603 Sub Total 384.5 721,532,971

  31. 2020/2021 Ubudehe Projects S/N UMURENGE UMUSHINGA UZAKORWA AKAGARI UMUDUGUDU Budget Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka poste de sant ya Ruhindage 1BWIRA Ruhindage Mwiha 6,268,107 Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka poste de sant ya Gahinga 2GATUMBA Karambo Gahinga 7,278,250 Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka post de sant ya Rugendabari 3HINDIRO Rugendabari Kamonyi 6,268,107 Kubaka poste de sant ya Nyenyeri muri Kimiramba model village. 4KABAYA Nyenyeri Kimiramba 6,277,000

  32. 2020/2021 Ubudehe Projects S/N UMURENGE UMUSHINGA UZAKORWA AKAGARI UMUDUGUDU Budget Kubaka poste de sant ya Muramba 5KAGEYO Muramba Kabyaza 6,659,400 -Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka poste de sant ya Tetero 6KAVUMU Tetero Kasumo 7,366,000 7MATYAZO Kubaka ECD Binana Binana Kavumu 6,767,202 Kubaka inzu y ababyeyi mu Gasiza 8MUHANDA Gasiza Gasiza 8,398,080 Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka poste de sant ya KabyiniroMyiha 9MUHORORO Kabyiniro 9,565,910

  33. 2020/2021 Ubudehe Projects UMUDUGUD U S/N UMURENGE UMUSHINGA UZAKORWA AKAGARI Budget Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka post de sant ya Kinyovi 10NDARO Kinyovi Rugeyo 7,897,620 11NGOROREROGusoza imirimo yo kubaka post de sant ya NyarubingoRususa Nyarubingo 8,894,190 Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka post de sant ya Gakoma 12NYANGE Bambiro Gakoma 16,108,665 Gusoza imirimo yo kubaka poste de sant ya Birembo 13SOVU Birembo Kabayengo 8,114,900 Sub- Total 105,863,431

  34. 6. Key Priorities and Projects for 2020/2021 at District Level PILLAR 1: ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION

  35. SECTOR : PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT & YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Priority area 1.1: Create 30,000 decent and productive jobs for economic development as contribution to NST1 target of 1,5 million. OUTCOME 1:Increased productive jobs for youth and women N Priorities Baseline 2018-2024 DDS targets 2020-2021 Targets/ Projects Create 5,000 productive jobs Facilitate 150 TVET Graduates to access start up toolkits Coach 500 Start -up and existing MSMEs to develop bankable projects by Business Development Advisors Support 200 MSMEs to access finance through guarantee scheme Support 13 youth cooperatives in small stock business Creation of productive jobs 30,000 productive jobs 1 3,777 Support 73 model income and employment generating projects in 73 Villages

  36. SECTOR : PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT & YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Priority area 1.4: Promote industrialization and attain a structural shift in the export base to high value goods and services with the aim of growing export DDS Outcome: Developed hard infrastructure for trade competitiveness 2018/2024 DDS Target N Baseline 2020-2021 targets/ Projects Priorities Construction of Modern markets 3 2 6 Construction of Gashubi modern market Construction of Banana and fruits collection- selling points (Cyome, Ngororero,Rubagabaga) Construction of Collection-selling point 3 3 3 Rehabilitation of Modern market 4 0 3 Rehabilitation of Kabaya modern market

  37. SECTOR : PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT & YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Priority area 1.4: Promote industrialization and attain a structural shift in the export base to high value goods and services with the aim of growing export DDS Outcome: Developed hard infrastructure for trade competitiveness Baseline 2018/2024 DDS Target N Priorities 2020-2021 Targets/ Projects 5 Livestock markets Construction of Livestock markets0 Construction of Nyange Livestock market 5 Construction of MCCs 6 2 5 MCCs Construction of Milk collection center / Gishwati Construction of slaughter houses 3 slaughter houses 7 0 Construction of Ngororero slaughter house

  38. SECTOR : URBAN IZATION AND RURAL SETTLEMENT Priority area 1.2: Accelerate Sustainable Urbanization and planned settlement DDS Outcome: Developed and integrated urban and rural settlements N Priorities Baseline 2018/2024 DDS targets 2020-2021 Targets / Projects Construction of IDP Model Village Construction/ Rehabilitation of houses under HSI 2 ( Kigali, Kanyenyeri)6 Development of Muhanda IDP Model Village 8 Construction/ Rehabilitation of 957 houses for Vulnerable HHs 9 1,832 2,789 Update and develop detailed physical plans of Ngororero and Kabaya Master Plans Update master plans 10 2 2

  39. SECTOR : TRANSPORT Priority area 1.2: Accelerate Sustainable Urbanization and planned settlement DDS Outcome: Increased economic opportunities and social facilities in urban and rural areas N Priorities Baseline 2018/2024 DDS Target 2020-2021 targets/Projects Construction of asphalt road: District HQ- Kidundu-Nyabihanga (1.4km) Construction of asphalt roads in Ngororero town Construction of asphalt road: Rukiko-Rususa- ASPAD (1.2km) 11 1.3 km 15 km Construction of asphalt road: Stadium- Ngororero Moden market- petrol station (1.3km)

  40. SECTOR : TRANSPORT Priority area 1.2: Accelerate Sustainable Urbanization and planned settlement DDS Outcome: Increased economic opportunities and social facilities in urban and rural areas 2018/2024 DDS Targets N Priorities Baseline 2020-2021 targets/ Projects Construction of road Rusumo-Gashubi- Ndaro-Nyange (46 Km) by District 12 Construction of Kazabe-Kavumu-Sovu- Rutsiro road (27 km) By RTDA Construction of roads 13 336 km 278 km Upgrade road: Ngororero-Satinsyi- Vunga (By RTDA)

  41. SECTOR : TRANSPORT Priority area 1.2: Accelerate Sustainable Urbanization and planned settlement DDS Outcome: Increased economic opportunities and social facilities in urban and rural areas N Priority Baseline 2018/2024 DDS target 2019-2020 targets / Projects Construction of Satinsyi bridge 14Construction of bridges 36 17 Construction of Satinsyi II and Rubagabaga bridges Connecting Ngororero to Musanze via Vunga (by MININFRA / RTDA)

  42. SECTOR : AGRICULTURE Priority area 1.6: Modernize and increase agriculture and livestock productivity DDS Outcome: Increased traditional and non-traditional export crops 2018/2024 DDS Target N Priority Baseline 2020-2021 targets/ Projects 150 Ha of coffee plantationExtension of coffee plantation (25 Ha) 300 Ha of tea plantation 16,563Tones of Dry tea produced (Training of tea growers in modern farming technique to produce quality tea) 576 1,559 Extension of tea plantation (50 ha) Increase traditional export crops 1.Produce 2,661 dry tea : 16 2,482 1.Produce 200 full washed coffee (Training of coffee growers and Coffee Washing Stations to produce quality coffee) 1,473 Tones of full washed coffee produced 1,077

  43. SECTOR : AGRICULTURE Priority area 1.6: Modernize and increase agriculture and livestock productivity DDS Outcome: Increased resilience of agriculture to climate change 2018/2024 DDS Targets N Priority Baseline 2020-20201targets / Projects Construction of 228 Ha of radical terraces Construction of 289 Ha of progressive terraces 1,465 of Ha radical terraces constructed 1,754 Ha of progressive terraces constructed 4,779 34,234 Increase resilience of agriculture to climate change 48 326 Ha of small scale irrigation 18 Development of 32 ha of small scale irrigation 12,515 Ha of agro-forestry Plantation of 2,077 ha of agro- forestry 5,908

  44. SECTOR : AGRICULTURE Priority area 1.6: Modernize and increase agriculture and livestock productivity DDS Outcome: Increased agriculture production and productivity 2018/2024 DDS Targets N Priority Baseline 2020-2021 targets / Projects 9,000 ha of Wheat 10,524 ha of Maize 11,250 ha of Wheat 13,100 ha of Maize Land consolidation on 11,100 Ha of Wheat Land consolidation on 12,900 of maize Developme nt of Land consolidati on under priority crops 13,078 ha of Beans 15,370 ha of Beans Land consolidation on 15,300 of Beans 19 5,034 ha of Cassava 10,353 ha of Irish potatoes 540 Ha of Soy beans 10,300 ha of Cassava 15,400 ha of Irish potatoes 920 Ha of Soy beans Land consolidation of 9,100 cassava Land consolidation on 15,200 ha of Irish potatoes Land consolidation on 850 ha of soy beans

  45. SECTOR : AGRICULTURE Priority area 1.6: Modernize and increase agriculture and livestock productivity DDS Outcome: Increased agriculture production and productivity 2018/2024 DDS Targets N Priority Baseline 2020-2021 targets / Projects Use of DAP 606.9 3,600 Tones of DAP 700 Tones of DAP 20 Use of NPK 554 3,000 Tones of NPK 600 Tones of NPK 21 Use of UREA 144 1,200 Tones of UREA 200 Tones of UREA 22 Use of Lime 1,621 12,500 Tones of Lime 2,000 Tones of Lime 23 24Use of Compost 1725 18,000 Tones of compost 3,000 Tones of compost

  46. SECTOR : AGRICULTURE Priority area 1.6: Modernize and increase agriculture and livestock productivity DDS Outcome: Improved livestock 2018/2024 DDS Targets N Priority Baseline 2020-2021 targets/ Projects Insemination of 2000 cows and registration of new born calves 12,000 cows inseminated 6,767 Modernize livestock for increasing production and productivity 42,000 domestic animals vaccinated per year 25 Vaccination of 42,000 domestic animals 34,068 27,000 chicken and 2,000 pigsProvision of small stock 6,000 9000 Chicken and 300 pigs


  48. SECTOR : SOCIAL PROTECTION Priority area 2.1: Enhancing graduation from extreme Poverty and promoting resilience DDS Outcome: DDS Outcome: Increased graduation from Extreme poverty N Priorities Baseline 2018/2024 DDS Targets 2020-20201Targets/ Projects Ubudehe projects implementation 26 419 419 Projects Support 13 projects under Ubudehe program Support Vulnerable HHS under VUP-PW8,751 Support vulnerable HHs under VUP Direct Support Employ 8,900 vulnerable HHs under VUP/ cPW & ePW per year 27 8,900 HHs 28 3,525 4,950 HHs Support 4,950 HHs under VUP Direct Support Support vulnerable HHs under MPG Support 3,900 HHs with asset transfer grant under Minimum Package fro Graduation 29 2,835 11,584 HHs Provision of Cows to poor families under Girinka Program Provide 1,000 cows to vulnerable families under Girinka program 30 9,166 6,000 cows

  49. SECTOR : SOCIAL PROTECTION Priority area 2.2: Eradicating Malnutrition DDS Outcome: Reduced malnutrition among children N Priorities Baseline 2018/2024 DDS Target 2020-2021 Targets/Projects Provision of Fortified Blended Food (FBF) Provision of milk under one cup per child program Rehabilitation of malnourished children from red and yellow to green status 100% of identified malnutrition cases rehabilitated Provision of small stock to poor families Support kitchen demonstration at community level/ Village 31 674 Establish kitchen garden in HHs Plantation of fruit trees in HHs Support ECDs and HBECDs

  50. SECTOR : HEALTH Priority area 2.3: Enhancing demographic dividend through ensuring access to quality health for all DDS Outcome: Improved quality healthcare services Baseline 2018/2024 DDS Target N Priorities 2020-2021 targets/ Projects Muhororo Hospital constructed and equipped Construction of Hospital Construction of Muhororero Hospital in partnership with MINISANTE ( Phase I) 32 1 Construction Health centers 2 HCs 33 16 Construction of Ntobwe HC Construction of Health Posts 18 HPs 34 15 Construction of Health posts Rehabilitation of Health centers 6 HCs 35 1 Rehabilitation of Nyange B health center.


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