Nomen Entity in RDA Training Module

Module 13
Understand the development of the Nomen entity
Differentiate nomen and nomen string
Identity RDA elements for describing a nomen
Identify relationship elements that relate an RDA entity to a nomen
Official RDA – Where does it come from?
A major revision of RDA, based
IFLA Library Reference Model
(2017) = “LRM”
LRM includes a new entity called “nomen”
But it’s actually not so new …
Development of nomen: FRBR (1997-2009)
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records 
“labels” for
entities were conceived of as attributes
Title of the work
Title of the expression
Title of the manifestation 
Manifestation identifier
Item identifier
Name of person
Corporate body: 
Name of the corporate body
Term for the concept
Term for the object
Term for the event
Term for the place
Development of nomen: FRAD (2008)
Functional Requirements for Authority Data
 introduced several new
, including
A character, word, or group of words and/or characters by which an entity is known.
A number, code, word, phrase, logo, device, etc., that is associated with an entity, and
serves to differentiate that entity from other entities within the domain in which the
identifier is assigned.
Controlled access point
A name, term, code, etc., under which a bibliographic or authority record or reference
will be found.
Development of nomen: FRAD (2008)
Development of nomen: FRAD (2008)
Attributes of 
 in FRAD
Type of name
Name string
Scope of usage
Dates of usage
Language of name
Script of name
Transliteration scheme of name
Development of nomen: FRAD (2008)
New relationship introduced:
Development of nomen: FRSAD (2011)
Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data
 introduced a new
entity: Nomen
Definition: “Any sign or sequence of signs (alphanumeric, characters, symbols,
sound, etc.) that a 
 is known by, referred to, or addressed as.”
 = “any entity used as a subject of a work”, i.e., any of the FRBR entities.
Nomen was a “superclass” encompassing the three FRAD entities
Controlled access point
Development of nomen: FRSAD (2011)
Attributes of 
Type of 
Reference source of 
Representation of 
Language of 
Script of 
Script conversion
Form of 
Time of validity of 
Status of 
Development of nomen: FRSAD (2011)
The relationship of 
 (i.e., everything else) =
Development of nomen: LRM (2017)
Definition: An association between an entity and a designation that refers to it.
The designation is called a 
nomen string
, which is an attribute of the entity
Any entity must be named through at least one 
. An entity might be
associated with more than one 
More than one 
 can be associated with the same 
nomen string
, but an
instance of 
 can only be associated with 
 instance of any entity.
nomen string
 can consist of two or more parts. These parts may be derived
from existing 
Development of nomen: LRM (2017)
Examples of nomen strings
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to a novel by Joseph Conrad]
[Chinese characters that may refer to an expression of 
Heart of darkness
“Joseph Conrad” 
[Latin characters that may refer to the author of 
Heart of darkness
“Conrad, Joseph” 
[Latin characters that may refer to the author of 
Heart of darkness
[Hebrew characters that may refer to the same author]
[A string of digits that may refer to Conrad’s birth date, a 
[A string of digits that may refer to Conrad’s life span, a 
[A string of digits that may refer to a 2019 manifestation of 
Heart of
Development of nomen: LRM (2017)
nomen strings
 can exist in separate 
 instances, but each instance
of a 
 can refer to only 
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to a novel by Joseph Conrad]
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer a screenplay by Orson Welles based on
the Conrad novel]
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to a 1993 TV movie based on the novel
by Joseph Conrad]
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to an opera by Tarik O’Regan]
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to an episode of 
The Vampire Diaries
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to a song by The Headstones]
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to a concept in Zoroastrian religion]
“Heart of Darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to a British-bred racehorse]
Development of nomen: LRM (2017)
Nomen strings
 can be composed of parts derived from other 
“Conrad, Joseph”
[Latin characters that may refer to the author of 
Heart of darkness
[A string of digits that may refer to Conrad’s life span]
“Heart of darkness”
[Latin characters that may refer to a novel by Joseph Conrad]
“Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924”
[An alpha-numeric string that refers to the authorized access point for Conrad, derived
from two 
“Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924. 
Heart of darkness
[An alpha-numeric string that refers to the authorized access point for Conrad’s work,
derived from two (or three) 
Development of nomen: LRM (2017)
Attributes of nomen in LRM
Nomen string
Intended audience
Context of use
Reference source
Script conversion
Development of nomen: LRM (2017)
Relationship models
Nomen in RDA
Definition: A label for any RDA entity except a nomen. A nomen
includes a name, title, access point, or identifier.
Compare LRM: An association between an entity and a designation
that refers to it.
RDA de-emphasizes “association”—
 is an entity, not a
relationship, but that entity has associations (i.e., relationships) with
all other RDA entities.
Nomen in RDA
Any entity referred to in an RDA context is named through 
at least
one nomen
A description of a 
 contains (as an element) a 
nomen string
which consists of a combination of signs and symbols in a particular
Variations in the symbols used or their order results in a new 
 and this usually results in a different 
However, variations in the visual representation of the string (e.g.,
different fonts or sizes of characters) does not result in a different
Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements
Attribute elements for nomen
category of nomen
context of use
intended audience of nomen
language of nomen
nomen string
note on nomen
scheme of nomen
script of nomen
status of identification
undifferentiated name indicator
Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements
category of nomen
A type to which a nomen belongs.
Personal name
Common name (e.g., “Joseph Conrad”)
Browse name (e.g., “Conrad, Joseph”)
Work title
Spine title
Controlled access point
Married name
Preferred name
Variant name
Stage name
Metadata description sets:
category of nomen
has nomen string
Lewis Carroll
has category of nomen
Common name ; Pseudonym ; Preferred name
has nomen string
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge
has category of nomen
Browse name
Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements
context of use
The circumstances or situation in which a nomen is used.
Literary works
Mathematical works
Detective novels
Critical works
Metadata description sets:
context of use
has nomen string
Lewis Carroll
has category of nomen
Common name ; Pseudonym ; Preferred name
has context of use
Literary works ; Works for children ; Humorous works
has nomen string
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
has category of nomen
Common name ; Preferred name
has context of use
Mathematical works
Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements
intended audience of nomen
A class of users for which a nomen is intended.
Chinese speakers
Metadata description sets:
intended audience of nomen
has nomen string
has category of nomen
Common name
has intended audience of nomen
Hebrew speakers
has nomen string
Mister Rogers
has category of nomen
Common name
has intended audience of nomen
Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements
language of nomen
A language of a nomen.
Examples [URI for Hindi in]
Hindi [natural language form of the language]
hin [MARC code for Hindi]
script of nomen
A set of characters or symbols with which a nomen is formed.
Metadata description sets:
language and script of nomen
has nomen string
has category of nomen
Common name
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has nomen string
Война и мир
has category of nomen
Variant title
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has nomen string
Voĭna i mir
has category of nomen
Preferred title
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements
scheme of nomen
A scheme in which a nomen is established.
ISO 8601
Extended date and time format
Metadata description sets:
scheme of nomen
has nomen string
has category of nomen
Date ; Authorized access point
has scheme of nomen
has nomen string
Voĭna i mir
has category of nomen
Preferred title
has scheme of nomen
has nomen string
Mister Rogers
has category of nomen
Common name
has scheme of nomen
Nomen in RDA: Relationship elements
Relationships to nomen (selection)
appellation of … [relationship to any RDA entity]
assigned by … [relationship to any agent]
date of usage
derivation of
part of nomen
Nomen in RDA: Relationships
Metadata description sets: Relationships
assigned by ; date of usage
has nomen string
Konrant, Tzozeph, 1857-1924
has category of nomen
Variant access point
is assigned by agent
Princeton University Library
[Nomen to Agent relationship]
has nomen string
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
has category of nomen
Preferred name
has date of usage
[Nomen to Timespan relationship]
Relationship elements that link a 
 to an entity identified by its
nomen string
 are called 
appellation elements
 in RDA. The names of
the broadest of these elements are formed “appellation of [entity]”
Narrower elements:
access point for [entity]
authorized access point for [entity]
identifier for [entity]
name of [entity]
preferred name of [entity]
preferred title of [entity]
title of [entity]
variant access point for [entity]
variant name of [entity]
variant title of [entity]
Appellation Relationship
Metadata Description Set Example
has preferred title of work
The wizard of Oz
has category of work
Fantasy films ; Action and adventure
films ; Musical films ; Fiction films
has date of work
has variant title of work
El mago de Oz
has variant title of work
Ο μάγος του Οζ
has variant title of work
Ho magos tou Oz
has authorized access point for work
Wizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1939)
has variant access point for work
Mago de Oz (Motion picture : 1939)
has variant access point for work
Μάγος του Οζ 
(Motion picture : 1939)
has variant access point for work
Magos tou Oz (Motion picture : 1939)
Metadata Description Set Cluster Example
“The Wizard of Oz”
has category of work
Fantasy films ; Action and
adventure films ; Musical films ;
Fiction films
has nomen string
The wizard of Oz
has category of nomen
Preferred title
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has preferred title of work
has nomen string
El mago de Oz
has category of nomen
Variant title
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has nomen string
Ο μάγος του Οζ
has category of nomen
Variant title
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has nomen string
Ho magos tou Oz
has category of nomen
Variant title
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has variant
title of work
has nomen string
Wizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1939)
has category of nomen
Authorized access point
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has authorized
access point for work
has nomen string
has category of nomen
Date ; Authorized access point
has scheme of nomen
has date of work
has authorized access point for timespan
is part of nomen
is derivation of
has variant
title of work
has variant
title of work
Metadata Description Set Example
has preferred name of person
Judy Garland
has date of birth
has date of death
has variant name of person
Frances Ethel Gumm
has authorized access point for person
Garland, Judy
has variant access point for person
Gumm, Frances Ethel
Metadata Description Set
Cluster Example
“Judy Garland”
has nomen string
Judy Garland
has category of nomen
Preferred name ; Stage
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has context of use 
Motion pictures ; Acting
has preferred name of person
has nomen string
Frances Ethel Gumm
has category of nomen
Variant name ; Birth
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has nomen string
Garland, Judy
has category of nomen
Authorized access point
for person
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has nomen string
Gumm, Frances Ethel
has category of nomen
Variant access point for
has language of nomen
has script of nomen
has variant name
of person
has authorized
access point for
has nomen string
has category of nomen
Date ; Authorized
access point
has scheme of nomen
has date of birth
has authorized access point for timespan
has date of death
has nomen string
has category of nomen
Date ; Authorized
access point
has scheme of nomen
has authorized access point for timespan
has variant access
point for person
has date of usage
is derivation
is derivation
Why is RDA doing this?
Theoretical model calls for it
Labels, such as names, titles, and terms, have attributes that need to be
Allows for better precision
Using the 
 entity we can:
Create customized displays based on audience
Prefer the display and indexing of 
 meant for children
Prefer the display and indexing of 
 in a particular script (Cyrillic, Chinese, etc.)
 by attributes, such as dates of usage or context
How do I do it?
A common instruction in RDA under “Recording” is
How do I do it?
We can implement recording values as nomen strings.
We have seen on a previous slide that the nomen string associated with the preferred
name of the star of The Wizard of Oz is “Judy Garland”.
This can easily be recorded, both in MARC and in BIBFRAME, or any other current
implementation of RDA.
However, there is no mechanism yet for recording “an instance of a Nomen”, either in
MARC or BIBFRAME, so there is no way, yet, to fully describe a nomen (for example,
record attributes such as “category of nomen” or relationships such as “related timespan
of nomen”)
How do I do it?
Full implementation of the 
 entity will require major changes
to our communications and exchange standards such as MARC 21
and developing standards such as BIBFRAME.
Could we create a record describing an instance of 
 in MARC?
It would require a new 1XX authority field (for the 
nomen string
) and new
fields to accommodate the other 
MARC Advisory Committee could allow partial implementation by
authorizing subfield codes where certain aspects of the appellation
elements could be recorded.
Possible partial MARC implementation
Record nomen elements as a suppressed/non-indexed part of access points in authority records:
100 1_
Garland, Judy $% stage name $^ motion pictures $* 1935-1969
400 1_
Gumm, Frances Ethel $% birth name $* 1922-1935
430 _0
Μάγος του Οζ
 (Motion picture : 1939) $@ Greek $# Greek
430 _0
Magos tou Oz (Motion picture : 1939) $@ Latin $# Greek
$% = category of nomen
$^ = context of use
$* = date of usage
$@ = script of nomen
$# = language of nomen
Full MARC Implementation
New 1XX authority field for nomen string
New 3XX or other fields for nomen descriptive elements
category of nomen (rename 368 beyond person or corporate body?, new subfield?)
context of use (new)
intended audience of nomen (385?)
language of nomen (377?)
note on nomen (667?)
reference source (670?)
scheme of nomen (040 subfield $e?)
script of nomen (expand 348?)
status of identification (008/33?)
undifferentiated name indicator (expand 008/32?)
Ability to link to other entities, including related nomens, WEMI, agents,
timespan, place
Nomen is a new entity in official RDA. It is a refinement of the Nomen
entity in IFLA LRM, which has foundations in FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD.
A nomen is a label (e.g., a name, title, access point, or identifier) for
any RDA entity except a nomen. An RDA entity (except a nomen)
must be named through one or more nomens.
A description of a nomen contains a nomen string, which is the
combination of signs that forms an appellation associated with an
entity. Additional elements may be included to provide the context of
use, intended audience, language, script, etc. of the nomen. A
relationship to the RDA entity of which the nomen is an appellation is
also included.
In practice, we will likely not create descriptions for the nomen entity
and may only record the nomen string in MARC bibliographic or
authority records; however, understanding the Nomen entity and its
modeling will help with understanding the instructions in the RDA
Slide Note

Explore the development of the Nomen entity in RDA training, differentiating nomen and nomen strings, identifying RDA elements for describing a nomen, and examining relationship elements linking RDA entities with nomens. Delve into the origins and attributes of nomens as defined in FRBR and FRAD standards. Gain insights into the official RDA based on the IFLA Library Reference Model, emphasizing the significance of nomens in bibliographic and authority data management.

  • RDA training
  • Nomen entity
  • FRBR
  • FRAD
  • Bibliographic records

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Module 13 Nomens Nomens and Appellations and Appellations RDA Training Task Group: Monographs Standing Committee on Training December 2023 This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit: 1

  2. Learning Outcomes At the end of this module, you will be able to: Understand the development of the Nomen entity Differentiate nomen and nomen string Identity RDA elements for describing a nomen Identify relationship elements that relate an RDA entity to a nomen 2

  3. Official RDA Where does it come from? A major revision of RDA, based on IFLA Library Reference Model (2017) = LRM 3

  4. LRM LRM includes a new entity called nomen But it s actually not so new 4

  5. Development of nomen: FRBR (1997-2009) In Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records labels for entities were conceived of as attributes Work: Title of the work Expression: Title of the expression Manifestation: Title of the manifestation ; Manifestation identifier Item: Item identifier Person: Name of person Corporate body: Name of the corporate body Concept: Term for the concept Object: Term for the object Event: Term for the event Place: Term for the place 5

  6. Development of nomen: FRAD (2008) Functional Requirements for Authority Data introduced several new entities, including Name A character, word, or group of words and/or characters by which an entity is known. Identifier A number, code, word, phrase, logo, device, etc., that is associated with an entity, and serves to differentiate that entity from other entities within the domain in which the identifier is assigned. Controlled access point A name, term, code, etc., under which a bibliographic or authority record or reference will be found. 6

  7. Development of nomen: FRAD (2008) 7

  8. Development of nomen: FRAD (2008) Attributes of name in FRAD Type of name Name string Scope of usage Dates of usage Language of name Script of name Transliteration scheme of name 8

  9. Development of nomen: FRAD (2008) New relationship introduced: appellation 9

  10. Development of nomen: FRSAD (2011) Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data introduced a new entity: Nomen Definition: Any sign or sequence of signs (alphanumeric, characters, symbols, sound, etc.) that a thema is known by, referred to, or addressed as. Thema = any entity used as a subject of a work , i.e., any of the FRBR entities. Nomen was a superclass encompassing the three FRAD entities Name Identifier Controlled access point 10

  11. Development of nomen: FRSAD (2011) Attributes of nomen in FRSAD Type of nomen Scheme Reference source of nomen Representation of nomen Language of nomen Script of nomen Script conversion Form of nomen Time of validity of nomen Audience Status of nomen 11

  12. Development of nomen: FRSAD (2011) The relationship of nomen to thema (i.e., everything else) = appellation 12

  13. Development of nomen: LRM (2017) Definition: An association between an entity and a designation that refers to it. The designation is called a nomen string, which is an attribute of the entity nomen. Any entity must be named through at least one nomen. An entity might be associated with more than one nomen. More than one nomen can be associated with the same nomen string, but an instance of nomen can only be associated with one instance of any entity. A nomen string can consist of two or more parts. These parts may be derived from existing nomens. 13

  14. Development of nomen: LRM (2017) Examples of nomen strings Heart of darkness [Latin characters that may refer to a novel by Joseph Conrad] [Chinese characters that may refer to an expression of Heart of darkness] [Latin characters that may refer to the author of Heart of darkness] [Latin characters that may refer to the author of Heart of darkness] [Hebrew characters that may refer to the same author] [A string of digits that may refer to Conrad s birth date, a timespan] [A string of digits that may refer to Conrad s life span, a timespan] [A string of digits that may refer to a 2019 manifestation of Heart of darkness] Joseph Conrad Conrad, Joseph 1857-12-03 1857-1924 9780008343668 14

  15. Development of nomen: LRM (2017) Identical nomen strings can exist in separate nomen instances, but each instance of a nomen can refer to only one entity. Heart of darkness Heart of darkness [Latin characters that may refer to a novel by Joseph Conrad] [Latin characters that may refer a screenplay by Orson Welles based on the Conrad novel] [Latin characters that may refer to a 1993 TV movie based on the novel by Joseph Conrad] [Latin characters that may refer to an opera by Tarik O Regan] [Latin characters that may refer to an episode of The Vampire Diaries] [Latin characters that may refer to a song by The Headstones] [Latin characters that may refer to a concept in Zoroastrian religion] [Latin characters that may refer to a British-bred racehorse] Heart of darkness Heart of darkness Heart of darkness Heart of darkness Heart of darkness Heart of Darkness 15

  16. Development of nomen: LRM (2017) Nomen strings can be composed of parts derived from other nomens. Conrad, Joseph [Latin characters that may refer to the author of Heart of darkness] 1857-1924 [A string of digits that may refer to Conrad s life span] Heart of darkness [Latin characters that may refer to a novel by Joseph Conrad] Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 [An alpha-numeric string that refers to the authorized access point for Conrad, derived from two nomens] Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924. Heart of darkness [An alpha-numeric string that refers to the authorized access point for Conrad s work, derived from two (or three) nomens] 16

  17. Development of nomen: LRM (2017) Attributes of nomen in LRM Category Nomen string Scheme Intended audience Context of use Reference source Language Script Script conversion 17

  18. Development of nomen: LRM (2017) Relationship models LRM Compare FRSAD 18

  19. Nomen in RDA Definition: A label for any RDA entity except a nomen. A nomen includes a name, title, access point, or identifier. Compare LRM: An association between an entity and a designation that refers to it. RDA de-emphasizes association nomen is an entity, not a relationship, but that entity has associations (i.e., relationships) with all other RDA entities. 19

  20. Nomen in RDA Any entity referred to in an RDA context is named through at least one nomen. A description of a nomen contains (as an element) a nomen string, which consists of a combination of signs and symbols in a particular order. Variations in the symbols used or their order results in a new nomen string and this usually results in a different nomen. However, variations in the visual representation of the string (e.g., different fonts or sizes of characters) does not result in a different nomen. 20

  21. Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements Attribute elements for nomen category of nomen context of use intended audience of nomen language of nomen nomen string note on nomen scheme of nomen script of nomen status of identification undifferentiated name indicator 21

  22. Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements category of nomen A type to which a nomen belongs. Examples: Personal name Common name (e.g., Joseph Conrad ) Browse name (e.g., Conrad, Joseph ) Work title Spine title Identifier Controlled access point Pseudonym Married name Preferred name Variant name Nickname Stage name 22

  23. Metadata description sets: category of nomen Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen Lewis Carroll Common name ; Pseudonym ; Preferred name Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge Browse name 23

  24. Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements context of use The circumstances or situation in which a nomen is used. Examples: Literary works Mathematical works Detective novels Critical works 24

  25. Metadata description sets: context of use Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has context of use Lewis Carroll Common name ; Pseudonym ; Preferred name Literary works ; Works for children ; Humorous works Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has context of use Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Common name ; Preferred name Mathematical works 25

  26. Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements intended audience of nomen A class of users for which a nomen is intended. Examples Chinese speakers Children 26

  27. Metadata description sets: intended audience of nomen Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has intended audience of nomenHebrew speakers Common name Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has intended audience of nomenChildren Mister Rogers Common name 27

  28. Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements language of nomen A language of a nomen. Examples [URI for Hindi in] Hindi [natural language form of the language] hin [MARC code for Hindi] script of nomen A set of characters or symbols with which a nomen is formed. Examples Tibetan Cyrillic Latin 28

  29. Metadata description sets: language and script of nomen Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has language of nomenheb has script of nomen Common name Hebrew Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has language of nomenrus has script of nomen Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has language of nomenrus has script of nomen Variant title Voi na i mir Preferred title Cyrillic Latin 29

  30. Nomen in RDA: Attribute elements scheme of nomen A scheme in which a nomen is established. Examples AACR2 RDA ISO 8601 Extended date and time format 30

  31. Metadata description sets: scheme of nomen Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has scheme of nomen Mister Rogers Common name RDA Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has scheme of nomen Voi na i mir Preferred title RDA Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has scheme of nomen 2023-08-01 Date ; Authorized access point EDTF 31

  32. Nomen in RDA: Relationship elements Relationships to nomen (selection) appellation of [relationship to any RDA entity] assigned by [relationship to any agent] date of usage derivation of part of nomen 32

  33. Nomen in RDA: Relationships Agent is assigned by agent RDA entity Nomen has derivation / is derivation of is appellation of RDA entity Nomen has part nomen / is part of nomen has date of usage Nomen Timespan 33

  34. Metadata description sets: Relationships assigned by ; date of usage Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen is assigned by agent [Nomen to Agent relationship] Konrant, Tzozeph, 1857-1924 Variant access point Princeton University Library Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has date of usage [Nomen to Timespan relationship] Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Preferred name [1968..] 34

  35. Appellations Relationship elements that link a nomen to an entity identified by its nomen string are called appellation elements in RDA. The names of the broadest of these elements are formed appellation of [entity] Narrower elements: access point for [entity] authorized access point for [entity] identifier for [entity] name of [entity] preferred name of [entity] preferred title of [entity] title of [entity] variant access point for [entity] variant name of [entity] variant title of [entity] 35

  36. Appellation Relationship RDA entity is appellation of RDA entity / has appellation of RDA entity Nomen 36

  37. Metadata Description Set Example Work has preferred title of work has category of work The wizard of Oz Fantasy films ; Action and adventure films ; Musical films ; Fiction films 1939 El mago de Oz Ho magos tou Oz has date of work has variant title of work has variant title of work has variant title of work has authorized access point for workWizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1939) has variant access point for work has variant access point for work has variant access point for work Appellation elements Mago de Oz (Motion picture : 1939) (Motion picture : 1939) Magos tou Oz (Motion picture : 1939) 37

  38. Metadata Description Set Cluster Example Nomen has nomen string Work The wizard of Oz has preferred title of work The Wizard of Oz has category of workFantasy films ; Action and adventure films ; Musical films ; Fiction films has category of nomen Preferred title has language of nomenEnglish has script of nomen is derivation of Latin Nomen has nomen string has date of work El mago de Oz has variant title of work Timespan has category of nomen Variant title 1939 has language of nomenSpanish has script of nomen has authorized access point for timespan Latin Nomen has nomen string Nomen has nomen string has variant title of work 1939 has authorized access point for work has category of nomen Date ; Authorized access point has category of nomen Variant title has scheme of nomen EDTF has language of nomenGreek has script of nomen Greek has variant title of work Nomen has nomen string is part of nomen Ho magos tou Oz Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen Variant title Wizard of Oz (Motion picture : 1939) has language of nomenGreek has script of nomen has category of nomen Authorized access point Latin has language of nomenEnglish has script of nomen Latin 38

  39. Metadata Description Set Example Person has preferred name of person has date of birth has date of death has variant name of person has authorized access point for personGarland, Judy has variant access point for person Judy Garland 1922-06-10 1969-06-22 Frances Ethel Gumm Appellation elements Gumm, Frances Ethel 39

  40. Metadata Description Set Cluster Example Nomen has nomen string Judy Garland has category of nomen Preferred name ; Stage name has preferred name of person has language of nomenEnglish has script of nomen Latin Person Judy Garland has date of usage has context of use Motion pictures ; Acting Nomen has nomen string is derivation of has date of birth has date of death Frances Ethel Gumm has variant name of person Timespan 1969-06-22 has category of nomen Variant name ; Birth name Timespan 1922-06-10 has language of nomenEnglish has script of nomen has authorized access point for timespan Latin Timespan 1935-1969 has authorized access point for person Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen Nomen has nomen string 1922-06-10 Date ; Authorized access point EDTF Garland, Judy has category of nomen Authorized access point for person has scheme of nomen is derivation of has language of nomenEnglish has script of nomen Latin has authorized access point for timespan Nomen has nomen string Nomen has nomen string has category of nomen has variant access point for person Gumm, Frances Ethel 1969-06-22 Date ; Authorized access point EDTF has category of nomen Variant access point for person has scheme of nomen has language of nomenEnglish has script of nomen Latin 40

  41. Why is RDA doing this? Theoretical model calls for it Labels, such as names, titles, and terms, have attributes that need to be recorded Allows for better precision Using the nomen entity we can: Create customized displays based on audience Prefer the display and indexing of nomens meant for children Prefer the display and indexing of nomens in a particular script (Cyrillic, Chinese, etc.) Isolate nomens by attributes, such as dates of usage or context 41

  42. How do I do it? A common instruction in RDA under Recording is 42

  43. How do I do it? We can implement recording values as nomen strings. We have seen on a previous slide that the nomen string associated with the preferred name of the star of The Wizard of Oz is Judy Garland . This can easily be recorded, both in MARC and in BIBFRAME, or any other current implementation of RDA. However, there is no mechanism yet for recording an instance of a Nomen , either in MARC or BIBFRAME, so there is no way, yet, to fully describe a nomen (for example, record attributes such as category of nomen or relationships such as related timespan of nomen ) 43

  44. How do I do it? Full implementation of the nomen entity will require major changes to our communications and exchange standards such as MARC 21 and developing standards such as BIBFRAME. Could we create a record describing an instance of nomen in MARC? It would require a new 1XX authority field (for the nomen string) and new fields to accommodate the other nomen elements. MARC Advisory Committee could allow partial implementation by authorizing subfield codes where certain aspects of the appellation elements could be recorded. 44

  45. Possible partial MARC implementation Record nomen elements as a suppressed/non-indexed part of access points in authority records: 100 1_Garland, Judy $% stage name $^ motion pictures $* 1935-1969 400 1_Gumm, Frances Ethel $% birth name $* 1922-1935 *** 430 _0 (Motion picture : 1939) $@ Greek $# Greek 430 _0Magos tou Oz (Motion picture : 1939) $@ Latin $# Greek $% = category of nomen $^ = context of use $* = date of usage $@ = script of nomen $# = language of nomen 45

  46. Full MARC Implementation New 1XX authority field for nomen string New 3XX or other fields for nomen descriptive elements category of nomen (rename 368 beyond person or corporate body?, new subfield?) context of use (new) intended audience of nomen (385?) language of nomen (377?) note on nomen (667?) reference source (670?) scheme of nomen (040 subfield $e?) script of nomen (expand 348?) status of identification (008/33?) undifferentiated name indicator (expand 008/32?) Ability to link to other entities, including related nomens, WEMI, agents, timespan, place 46

  47. Summary Nomen is a new entity in official RDA. It is a refinement of the Nomen entity in IFLA LRM, which has foundations in FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD. A nomen is a label (e.g., a name, title, access point, or identifier) for any RDA entity except a nomen. An RDA entity (except a nomen) must be named through one or more nomens. 47

  48. Summary A description of a nomen contains a nomen string, which is the combination of signs that forms an appellation associated with an entity. Additional elements may be included to provide the context of use, intended audience, language, script, etc. of the nomen. A relationship to the RDA entity of which the nomen is an appellation is also included. In practice, we will likely not create descriptions for the nomen entity and may only record the nomen string in MARC bibliographic or authority records; however, understanding the Nomen entity and its modeling will help with understanding the instructions in the RDA Toolkit. 48

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