BSR, RDA, and UC Berkeley Policy Statements

PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Record
in RDA instruction number order
Part 2 of 2
Presented by UC Berkeley
Fall/Winter 2013/14
Days 3-4 Learning Objectives
Apply the BSR (PCC Core) and UC Berkeley Policy
Statements to describe print textual monographs
Find RDA instructions and Policy Statements for
PCC Core elements within the RDA Toolkit
Distinguish substantive differences between
AACR2 rules and RDA instructions (plus local
guidelines) for PCC Core elements
Exercise appropriate judgment when reviewing
existing RDA copy for inclusion in the local catalog
BIBCO Standard Record
Library of Congress–Program for Coop. Cat.
Policy Statement (RDA equiv. of LCRI)
UC Berkeley Policy Statement (local policy)
Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item
(FRBR Group 1 entities)
Person, Family, Corporate body
(FRBR Group 2 entities)
Authorized Access Point (RDA equiv. of
Where have we been?
Covered in Part 1
Chapter 1: General Guidelines on Recording
Attributes of Manifestations and Items
(focus on transcription and numbers/numerals)
Chapter 2: Identifying Manifestations and Items
Where are we going?
To be covered in Part 2 today
Chapter 3: Describing Carriers
A tiny bit of Chapter 6: Identifying Works and
(will be covered fully on Day 5)
Chapter 7: Describing Content
Section 6: Recording Relationships to Persons,
Families, and Corporate Bodies (
Section 8: Recording Relationships between
Works, Expressions, Manifestations, and Items
What is a Carrier?
Carrier is the physical thing – may be tangible or
Then what is Content? information, data, art, etc.
In other words:
 is whatever is being communicated
 is the “package” it comes in
Notice that:
Carrier is in Section 1 (Manifestation & Item)
Content is in Section 2 (Work & Expression)
Why are we getting rid of GMD?
Terms are a mixed bag of carrier and content
 = carrier
cartographic material
 = content
electronic resource
 = carrier, sort of (what
equipment do you need?)
sound recording
 = content, sort of (is it music,
spoken, ambient or natural sounds, etc.?)
Attributes need to be 
Content type (
RDA 6.9
) = MARC 336
(will be discussed later today with Chapter 6)
Media type (
RDA 3.2
) = MARC 337
Carrier type (
RDA 3.3
) = MARC 338
For print textual resources:
  $a text $2 rdacontent
  $a unmediated $2 rdamedia
  $a volume $2 rdacarrier
Codes may be included with terms
  $a text 
$b txt
 $2 rdacontent
  $a unmediated 
$b n
 $2 rdamedia
  $a volume 
$b nc
 $2 rdacarrier
Codes are provided by the OCLC 33X macro
Also in 
MARC Value Lists for Codes and
Controlled Vocabularies
(available via
Cataloger’s Desktop or 
LC’s public MARC web site
More on 33Xs when we look at Content Type
RDA 3.4
Major change from AACR2: no more
abbreviations (for the most part) or Latin
Spell out “pages”, “volumes”, “approximately”,
“that is”
For books, look at RDA 3.4.5: Extent of Text
21 different scenarios!
Single unit: RDA through
Multiple units: RDA through
RDA 3.4
A couple of UCB PSs
: Single Volume with
Unnumbered Pages, Leaves, or Columns
Follow method c: 
1 volume (unpaged)
: Complicated or Irregular
Paging, Etc.
Follow method c: 
1 volume (various pagings)
RDA 3.5
Look at list of formats in BSR “Notes”:
Dimensions is not PCC Core for books! But…
UCB PS 3.5
Original cataloging: required for all formats
except serials and online resources
Copy cataloging: required for books when
≤ 15 cm (“tiny”) or ≥ 33 cm (“folio”, etc.)
RDA 3.5
Where’s the instruction for books?
Expand hierarchy until you find: RDA, Volumes
Nearly the same as AACR2
Identifying Works and Expressions
RDA Chapter 6
AACR2 has “main entry” and “added entry”
RDA 6.1.2: Chapter 6 is for making – in AACR2
terms – main and added entries
Every resource still needs a “main entry”; in
RDA it’s called: AAP for the work/expression
embodied in the manifestation
Constructing AAPs for works and expressions
(RDA 6.27) will be discussed on Day 5…
Identifying Works and Expressions
RDA Chapter 6
A teaser: RDA Ch. 6 tells you when to use:
100/110/111 + 245, or
245 alone, or
100/110/111 + 240, or
Each option above constitutes the AAP for the
work/expression of the resource 
in hand
“Added entry” in RDA is the AAP for the work/
expression of a 
Content Type
RDA 6.9
One of the 33Xs: 336
Also OCLC Fixed Field “Type” (MARC Ldr/06)
What if there is more than one Content (or
Media, or Carrier) Type?
One piece, e.g. art catalog, pop-up book
Multiple pieces/accompanying material,
e.g. book + CD, book + pull-out map
see next slide…
Multiple Content, Media,
Carrier Types
One piece
Original cataloging: may use multiple 33X terms as
applicable; keep users in mind
Copy cataloging: accept anything that’s not wrong
(multiple terms are OK, single term also OK if it
describes the predominant part)
Multiple pieces
UCB PSs,, must use
multiple 33X fields with $3
Multiple Content, Media,
Carrier Types: Example
300  $a 288 pages : $b illustrations ; $c 23 cm + $e 1
computer disc
$3 volume 
$a text $b txt $2 rdacontent
$3 computer disc
 $a text $b txt $2 rdacontent
$3 volume
 $a unmediated $b n $2 rdamedia
$3 computer disc
 $a computer $b c $2 rdamedia
$3 volume
 $a volume $b nc $2 rdacarrier
computer disc
 $a computer disc $b cd $2 rdacarrier
Language of Expression
RDA 6.11
No change from AACR2
Record in OCLC Fixed Field “Lang” (MARC
Also use MARC 041 if necessary – for multiple
Use codes from 
MARC Code List for Languages
(also available in Cataloger’s Desktop)
Describing Content
RDA Chapter 7
Remember: What is Content?
The information, data, art, etc. communicated
by the resource
Most PCC Core elements in Chap. 7 typically
are not applicable to print textual resources
Dissertation or Thesis Information
RDA 7.9
No change in meaning or applicability from
Change in how to record: see LC-PCC PS
Use MARC 502 $b, $c, $d without punctuation
Summarization of the Content
RDA 7.10
PCC recommended but 
 Core for books
UCB PS 7.10
: do not use except possibly for
media materials
OK to accept in copy cataloging
No change from AACR2 in how to record
Date of Capture
RDA 7.11.3
Never applicable to books
Then why are we talking about it today?
UCB PS 7.11.3
: use 
 for locally-produced
media materials
OK to accept in copy cataloging
Language of the Content
RDA 7.12
PCC recommended but not Core
Used for expansion or refinement of what is in
FF Lang and 041
Required if you are applying RDA 7.13.2…
Form of Notation: Script
RDA 7.13.2
PCC Core “if a language is commonly written
in more than one script, and if the resource is
in a script other than the primary one for the
See examples at LC-PCC PS &
You (should) already know whether you need
to use it
Illustrative Content
RDA 7.15
Major change from AACR2: Not PCC Core!
UCB PS 7.15 & 7.17
: Use when illustrative
content is predominant
If color, use American spelling of “color”
Do not use abbreviations
Supplementary Content
RDA 7.16
Bibliographies, indexes, appendices, etc.
Not PCC Core!
Then why are we talking about it?
Probably will see it often in copy; OK to
accept if it’s correct
A brief digression
to look again at the Toolkit structure
Section 3 (Chapters 8-11): authority records and
AAPs for PFCs (“name authorities”) – will be
discussed on Day 5
Section 4 (Chapters 12-16): authority records and
AAPs for subjects (“subject authorities”) – will not
be discussed; mostly not yet developed
Section 5 (Chapter 17): “Primary relationships” =
relationship of a resource to itself at different
WEMI levels – will be touched upon on Days 5 & 6
RDA 19.2
Remember FRBR entities; creator is related to
RDA 6.27-6.31 instruct when to record in
MARC 100/110/111 (as part of AAP for the
PCC Core: only the one with principal
responsibility (if you cannot determine this,
then the one named first) is required; others
are optional
Resource is identified as:
The C programming language / Brian W.
Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie.
100 1_ Kernighan, Brian W., $e author.
Going beyond Core: record additional creators
700 1_ Ritchie, Dennis M., $d 1941-2011,
$e author.
Other PFC Associated with a Work
RDA 19.3
Core only if name is part of AAP for the work
This is rare; happens mostly with legal works
100 1_ Wunder, George W., $e plaintiff.
245 14 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ex
relatione George W. Wunder, vs. Henry Styer.
Supreme Court December term, 1853, no. 72 : $b
defendant's paper book sur his rule to show cause
why the writ of quo warranto should not be
RDA 20.2
Contributor is related to the 
Not PCC Core, but is recommended
Contributors’ names are never recorded in
Creator, Other Person etc. Associated
with a Work, Contributor…
How do you tell the difference?
Can be helpful to look at relationship
designator terms in Appendix I
: Creators (associated with a 
: Other PFCs associated with a 
: Contributors (associated with an
Be sure to read the definition of each term
on Creator, Other PFC Associated with
a Work, Contributor
Example A
John L. Heineman
Others associated with the work?
Example B
authors of individual chapters
Others associated with the work?
Christian Leitz
Harold James
Example C
Dan Walsh
Stephen Ellis, Bob Nickas, Eric de Chassey
Others associated with the work?
photographers – considered 
this resource (read the term definitions!)
Example D
LP Conference
What about authors of individual papers?
They are creators of each paper, but not creators of
the entire proceedings (i.e. the work as a whole)
Others associated with the work?
sponsors: Meikai University, etc.
Shosuke Haraguchi
Osamu Fujimura, Bohumil Palek
Example E
British Library Reference Division
Salme Pruuden
Others associated with the work?
Dalibor B. Chrástek, Christine G. Thomas
Recording Relationships between
Works, Expressions, Manifestations,
and Items – RDA Chapters 24-28
Relationship between one resource and a
separate resource, at various WEMI levels
Examples: novelizations, commentaries,
translations, reprints
Always OK to record, but only a few are PCC
Related Works
RDA Chapter 25
Compilations of works: each included work is
considered a 
related work
Where to record? Contents note, MARC 505
See LC-PCC PSs 25.1 &; no change
from AACR2 in how to record
Analytical AAP for predominant work(s) also
required; if there is no predominant work,
analytical AAP is not required
Related Works/Expressions
RDA Chapter 25-26
Traced series: considered a 
related work
related expression
Where to record? Series added entry, MARC
See LC-PCC PS 25.0, “Authorized Access Points
for Series” portion
Continue to follow current policy on series
Related Expressions
RDA Chapter 26
Compilations of expressions: each included
expression is considered a 
related expression
e.g.: Homer in Greek and English on facing pages
Where to record? Analytical AAP, MARC 700-730
See LC-PCC PS 26.1; AAPs required for original
expression + at least one translation
If original expression is not included in the resource,
give AAP for at least the predominant or first
Contents note is needed if full contents are not
recorded elsewhere in the record (e.g., if you give
AAPs for some but not all included expressions)
Related Manifestations
RDA Chapter 27
Reproductions: the original is considered a
related manifestation
Where to record? Linking entry, MARC 775
(for same carrier type) or 776 (for different
carrier type)
See LC-PCC PS; use relationship
designator “Reproduction of (manifestation)”
Also applicable to reprints
Related Items
RDA Chapter 28
Bound-withs: other pieces in same binding are
related items
Where to record? 
 note, MARC 501
UCB PS 28.1
, LC-PCC PS, AskTico
document “
Cataloging Bound-With
Required Non-RDA and MARC Data
Will be covered fully on Day 6
Textual Monographs (books) near end of BSR
A few noteworthy changes from AACR2
Descriptive cataloging form (OCLC FF Desc):
was “a”, now “i”
Cataloging source, MARC 040
Language of cataloging, $b: always specify “eng”
Description conventions, $e: always include “rda”
You have completed training on the BIBCO
Standard Record in RDA instruction number
Coming next: Authorized Access Points (AAPs)
and Relationship Designators
Followed by: BIBCO Standard Record in MARC
tag order
Slide Note

Learn how to apply the BSR (PCC Core) and UC Berkeley Policy Statements to describe print textual monographs, find RDA instructions and Policy Statements, distinguish differences between AACR2 rules and RDA instructions, and exercise judgment in reviewing RDA copy for the local catalog. Acronyms such as BSR, LC-PCC PS, UCB PS, WEMI, PFC, and AAP are explained, along with covered topics like general guidelines, identifying manifestations and items, describing carriers, and more.

  • BSR
  • RDA
  • UC Berkeley
  • Policy Statements
  • Cataloging

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) in RDA instruction number order Part 2 of 2 Presented by UC Berkeley Fall/Winter 2013/14

  2. Days 3-4 Learning Objectives Apply the BSR (PCC Core) and UC Berkeley Policy Statements to describe print textual monographs (non-rare) Find RDA instructions and Policy Statements for PCC Core elements within the RDA Toolkit Distinguish substantive differences between AACR2 rules and RDA instructions (plus local guidelines) for PCC Core elements Exercise appropriate judgment when reviewing existing RDA copy for inclusion in the local catalog @ UCB 2

  3. Acronyms BSR = BIBCO Standard Record Library of Congress Program for Coop. Cat. Policy Statement (RDA equiv. of LCRI) UC Berkeley Policy Statement (local policy) Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item (FRBR Group 1 entities) Person, Family, Corporate body (FRBR Group 2 entities) Authorized Access Point (RDA equiv. of heading ) LC-PCC PS = UCB PS = WEMI = PFC = AAP = @ UCB 3

  4. Where have we been? Covered in Part 1 Chapter 1: General Guidelines on Recording Attributes of Manifestations and Items (focus on transcription and numbers/numerals) Chapter 2: Identifying Manifestations and Items @ UCB 4

  5. Where are we going? To be covered in Part 2 today Chapter 3: Describing Carriers A tiny bit of Chapter 6: Identifying Works and Expressions (will be covered fully on Day 5) Chapter 7: Describing Content Section 6: Recording Relationships to Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies (resource Section 8: Recording Relationships between Works, Expressions, Manifestations, and Items (resource resource) PFC) @ UCB 5

  6. What is a Carrier? Carrier is the physical thing may be tangible or digital Then what is Content? information, data, art, etc. In other words: Content is whatever is being communicated Carrieris the package it comes in Notice that: Carrier is in Section 1 (Manifestation & Item) Content is in Section 2 (Work & Expression) @ UCB 6

  7. Why are we getting rid of GMD? Terms are a mixed bag of carrier and content microform = carrier cartographic material = content electronic resource = carrier, sort of (what equipment do you need?) sound recording = content, sort of (is it music, spoken, ambient or natural sounds, etc.?) Attributes need to be specific and discrete @ UCB 7

  8. 33X Content type (RDA 6.9) = MARC 336 (will be discussed later today with Chapter 6) Media type (RDA 3.2) = MARC 337 Carrier type (RDA 3.3) = MARC 338 For print textual resources: 336 337 338 @ UCB 8

  9. 33X (contd) Codes may be included with terms 336 337 338 Codes are provided by the OCLC 33X macro Also in MARC Value Lists for Codes and Controlled Vocabularies(available via Cataloger s Desktop or LC s public MARC web site) More on 33Xs when we look at Content Type @ UCB 9

  10. Extent RDA 3.4 Major change from AACR2: no more abbreviations (for the most part) or Latin Spell out pages , volumes , approximately , that is For books, look at RDA 3.4.5: Extent of Text 21 different scenarios! Single unit: RDA through Multiple units: RDA through @ UCB 10

  11. Extent RDA 3.4 A couple of UCB PSs UCB PS Single Volume with Unnumbered Pages, Leaves, or Columns Follow method c: UCB PS Complicated or Irregular Paging, Etc. Follow method c: @ UCB 11

  12. Dimensions RDA 3.5 Look at list of formats in BSR Notes : Dimensions is not PCC Core for books! But UCB PS 3.5: Original cataloging: required for all formats except serials and online resources Copy cataloging: required for books when 15 cm ( tiny ) or 33 cm ( folio , etc.) @ UCB 12

  13. Dimensions RDA 3.5 Where s the instruction for books? Expand hierarchy until you find: RDA, Volumes Nearly the same as AACR2 @ UCB 13

  14. Identifying Works and Expressions RDA Chapter 6 AACR2 has main entry and added entry RDA 6.1.2: Chapter 6 is for making in AACR2 terms main and added entries Every resource still needs a main entry ; in RDA it s called: AAP for the work/expression embodied in the manifestation Constructing AAPs for works and expressions (RDA 6.27) will be discussed on Day 5 @ UCB 14

  15. Identifying Works and Expressions RDA Chapter 6 A teaser: RDA Ch. 6 tells you when to use: 100/110/111 + 245, or 245 alone, or 100/110/111 + 240, or 130 Each option above constitutes the AAP for the work/expression of the resource in hand Added entry in RDA is the AAP for the work/ expression of a related resource @ UCB 15

  16. Content Type RDA 6.9 One of the 33Xs: 336 Also OCLC Fixed Field Type (MARC Ldr/06) What if there is more than one Content (or Media, or Carrier) Type? One piece, e.g. art catalog, pop-up book Multiple pieces/accompanying material, e.g. book + CD, book + pull-out map see next slide @ UCB 16

  17. Multiple Content, Media, Carrier Types One piece Original cataloging: may use multiple 33X terms as applicable; keep users in mind Copy cataloging: accept anything that s not wrong (multiple terms are OK, single term also OK if it describes the predominant part) Multiple pieces UCB PSs,, must use multiple 33X fields with $3 @ UCB 17

  18. Multiple Content, Media, Carrier Types: Example @ UCB 18

  19. Language of Expression RDA 6.11 No change from AACR2 Record in OCLC Fixed Field Lang (MARC 008/35-37) Also use MARC 041 if necessary for multiple languages Use codes from MARC Code List for Languages (also available in Cataloger s Desktop) @ UCB 19

  20. Describing Content RDA Chapter 7 Remember: What is Content? The information, data, art, etc. communicated by the resource Most PCC Core elements in Chap. 7 typically are not applicable to print textual resources @ UCB 20

  21. Dissertation or Thesis Information RDA 7.9 No change in meaning or applicability from AACR2 Change in how to record: see LC-PCC PS Use MARC 502 $b, $c, $d without punctuation @ UCB 21

  22. Summarization of the Content RDA 7.10 PCC recommended but not Core for books UCB PS 7.10: do not use except possibly for media materials OK to accept in copy cataloging No change from AACR2 in how to record @ UCB 22

  23. Date of Capture RDA 7.11.3 Never applicable to books Then why are we talking about it today? Because: UCB PS 7.11.3: use only for locally-produced media materials OK to accept in copy cataloging @ UCB 23

  24. Language of the Content RDA 7.12 PCC recommended but not Core Used for expansion or refinement of what is in FF Lang and 041 Required if you are applying RDA 7.13.2 @ UCB 24

  25. Form of Notation: Script RDA 7.13.2 PCC Core if a language is commonly written in more than one script, and if the resource is in a script other than the primary one for the language. See examples at LC-PCC PS & You (should) already know whether you need to use it @ UCB 25

  26. Illustrative Content RDA 7.15 Major change from AACR2: Not PCC Core! But UCB PS 7.15 & 7.17: Use when illustrative content is predominant If color, use American spelling of color Do not use abbreviations @ UCB 26

  27. Supplementary Content RDA 7.16 Bibliographies, indexes, appendices, etc. Not PCC Core! Then why are we talking about it? Probably will see it often in copy; OK to accept if it s correct @ UCB 27

  28. A brief digression to look again at the Toolkit structure Section 3 (Chapters 8-11): authority records and AAPs for PFCs ( name authorities ) will be discussed on Day 5 Section 4 (Chapters 12-16): authority records and AAPs for subjects ( subject authorities ) will not be discussed; mostly not yet developed Section 5 (Chapter 17): Primary relationships = relationship of a resource to itself at different WEMI levels will be touched upon on Days 5 & 6 @ UCB 28

  29. Creator RDA 19.2 Remember FRBR entities; creator is related to the WORK RDA 6.27-6.31 instruct when to record in MARC 100/110/111 (as part of AAP for the work) PCC Core: only the one with principal responsibility (if you cannot determine this, then the one named first) is required; others are optional @ UCB 29

  30. Creator example Resource is identified as: The C programming language / Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie. RDA: PCC Core Going beyond Core: record additional creators @ UCB 30

  31. Other PFC Associated with a Work RDA 19.3 Core only if name is part of AAP for the work This is rare; happens mostly with legal works Example: @ UCB 31

  32. Contributor RDA 20.2 Contributor is related to the EXPRESSION Not PCC Core, but is recommended Examples: editor translator illustrator Contributors names are never recorded in MARC 1XX @ UCB 32

  33. Creator, Other Person etc. Associated with a Work, Contributor How do you tell the difference? Can be helpful to look at relationship designator terms in Appendix I I.2.1: Creators (associated with a WORK by definition) I.2.2: Other PFCs associated with a WORK I.3.1: Contributors (associated with an EXPRESSION) Be sure to read the definition of each term @ UCB 33

  34. Exercises on Creator, Other PFC Associated with a Work, Contributor @ UCB 34

  35. Exercises Example A Creators? John L. Heineman Others associated with the work? none Contributors? none @ UCB 35

  36. Exercises Example B Creators? authors of individual chapters Others associated with the work? none Contributors? Christian Leitz Harold James @ UCB 36

  37. Exercises Example C Creators? Dan Walsh Stephen Ellis, Bob Nickas, Eric de Chassey Others associated with the work? none Contributors? photographers considered illustrators for this resource (read the term definitions!) @ UCB 37

  38. Exercises Example D Creators? LP Conference What about authors of individual papers? They are creators of each paper, but not creators of the entire proceedings (i.e. the work as a whole) Others associated with the work? sponsors: Meikai University, etc. Contributors? Shosuke Haraguchi Osamu Fujimura, Bohumil Palek @ UCB 38

  39. Exercises Example E Creators? British Library Reference Division Salme Pruuden Others associated with the work? none Contributors? Dalibor B. Chr stek, Christine G. Thomas @ UCB 39

  40. Recording Relationships between Works, Expressions, Manifestations, and Items RDA Chapters 24-28 Relationship between one resource and a separate resource, at various WEMI levels Examples: novelizations, commentaries, translations, reprints Always OK to record, but only a few are PCC Core @ UCB 40

  41. Related Works RDA Chapter 25 Compilations of works: each included work is considered a related work Where to record? Contents note, MARC 505 See LC-PCC PSs 25.1 &; no change from AACR2 in how to record Analytical AAP for predominant work(s) also required; if there is no predominant work, analytical AAP is not required @ UCB 41

  42. Related Works/Expressions RDA Chapter 25-26 Traced series: considered a related work or related expression Where to record? Series added entry, MARC 800-830 See LC-PCC PS 25.0, Authorized Access Points for Series portion Continue to follow current policy on series tracing @ UCB 42

  43. Related Expressions RDA Chapter 26 Compilations of expressions: each included expression is considered a related expression e.g.: Homer in Greek and English on facing pages Where to record? Analytical AAP, MARC 700-730 See LC-PCC PS 26.1; AAPs required for original expression + at least one translation If original expression is not included in the resource, give AAP for at least the predominant or first expression Contents note is needed if full contents are not recorded elsewhere in the record (e.g., if you give AAPs for some but not all included expressions) @ UCB 43

  44. Related Manifestations RDA Chapter 27 Reproductions: the original is considered a related manifestation Where to record? Linking entry, MARC 775 (for same carrier type) or 776 (for different carrier type) See LC-PCC PS; use relationship designator Reproduction of (manifestation) Also applicable to reprints @ UCB 44

  45. Related Items RDA Chapter 28 Bound-withs: other pieces in same binding are considered related items Where to record? With note, MARC 501 See UCB PS 28.1, LC-PCC PS, AskTico document Cataloging Bound-With Monographs @ UCB 45

  46. Required Non-RDA and MARC Data Will be covered fully on Day 6 Textual Monographs (books) near end of BSR A few noteworthy changes from AACR2 Descriptive cataloging form (OCLC FF Desc): was a , now i Cataloging source, MARC 040 Language of cataloging, $b: always specify eng Description conventions, $e: always include rda @ UCB 46

  47. Questions? @ UCB 47

  48. Congratulations! You have completed training on the BIBCO Standard Record in RDA instruction number order Coming next: Authorized Access Points (AAPs) and Relationship Designators Followed by: BIBCO Standard Record in MARC tag order @ UCB 48

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