High-Speed Hit Decoder Development for RD53B Chip

Development of a High-Speed Hit Decoder
for the RD53B Chip
Donavan Erickson MSEE
Data Streams
Ccol: Specifies column [4]
Qrow: Specifies quarter row
p: Encoded hitmap for
quarter row
ToTs: Time over Threshold for each
IsLast: Drop Ccol if 0
IsNeighbor: Drops Qrow if 1
Figure 1: Example RD53B stream data with quarter row worth of data highlighted. [4]
Encoding Method
: RD53B
encoding cut
Hitmap Encoding
Encode using bit pairs
(11, 10, 01) [4]
Final encoding {first
two bits, first row,
second row}
No 00 pairs allows for
Huffman encoding
Swap all 01 bits with 0
Figure 3: Hitmap
breakdown using
two hits
Swap 01 with 0
ROM Split
Row data no longer than 14 bits
First 16 bits contain first row
Two ROM split
16-bit ROM for first row
14-bit ROM for second row
: Encoded hitmap with maximum number of values.
ROM Split
Borrowed software 
look up table
Creates two ROMs that are 16x32
and 14x16
Large outputs for meta data and
decoded hitmap
: High level block diagram of split ROM system.
Building Decode Engine
Decode Engine: Buffering System
FIFO to store stream data
3 packet buffer for parsing
Index_ptr is moved by data
consume state machine
New packets added to buffer
as data is consumed
Figure 6: Decode engine high level input diagram.
Decode Engine: ROM & data storage
Data consume state
machine controls data
Creates registered
Controls sending of
encoded hitmap to
: Decode engine high level full diagram.
Decode Engine: Timing
160 MHz clock
6 cycles per quarter row
37.5 ns process time per quarter row
Target data rate of 5.12 Gb/s
4 output lanes at 1.28 Gb/s
Throughput depends on bits per quarter row
Decode Engine: Timing
Single engine too slow
Table 1: Timing estimates for decode engines based off of the number of bits per quarter row.
Decode Engine: Parallelization
Parameterized decode
Create a stream distributer
to pass data to engines
Figure 8
 High level diagram of stream distributer
with multiple decode engines.
Stream Distributer
Passes data to engines
that send a ready signal
One stream per engine
Strips off start of stream
: High level block diagram for stream distributer.
Issue: Parallelization
ROM set per engine
too big
One split ROM system
is approximately 
Move to a shared
centralized ROM
Figure 10: High level diagram of stream distributer with
multiple decode engines.
Centralized ROM
All engines will share the same
Possible through offsetting the
ROM accesses
: High level diagram of stream distributer,
centralized ROM, and multiple decode engines.
Split ROM Modification
Need to add an
access handler
Creates mailbox
system for engines
Dual port ROMs for
double access
: High level diagram of the ROM decode shared module.
ROM Timing
6 cycles to process
Offset engines
12 engines with dual
port ROMs
: Timing diagram for the engine offsets for accessing centralized ROM system.
Base Design
General data generation
for testing
Test block checks engine
Good for checking all
Figure 14: Top level diagram of initial full design for hardware decoder.
Updated Test Design
Dynamically generates data
Only works for one engine
right now
Good for checking all hitmap
Figure 1
: Top level architecture for hardware testing
of the hardware decoder. Source Geoff Jones.
Decode first two bits
with logic gates
Changed to two 14x16
From 65.5 BRAMs to 15
BRAMs per ROM split
Logic gate decode
14x16 ROM 1
14x16 ROM 2
Figure 16:
of new ROM
4244 bits per event
Input FIFO 2 -> 1
Output FIFO 4 -> 2
optimizations for
LUT savings
: Conservative estimated event sizes for RD53B.
Optimized Resource Utilization
Using KC 705 board
Resource usage is estimation
for 12 engines
Over 2X savings for LUT and
 Initial resource usage versus optimized resource usage.
Interpretation of Results
 ATLAS simulation data
Average of 1-2 hits per quarter row
Target of 5.12 Gb/s for all layers
37.5ns per quarter row of data
Table 2
: Number of engines need based on hits per quarter row and compression.
Resources for Each Configuration
Each hardware decoder instantiation
15 BRAM for ROM split
2 BRAM for stream distributer
Max 12 engines per instantiation
Each decode engine 3 BRAM, 2100 LUTs
Table 3: The summary of resource usage cases for different hardware decoder configurations based on hits per quarter row.
Future Work
[1]. “CERN website”, CERN, [Online], Available: 
[2]. “High Luminosity LHC Project”, CERN, [Online], Available: 
[3]. Chistiansen, Jorgen, Loddo, Flavio, “RD53 Collaboration Proposal: Extension of RD53”,  RD53,
September 6, 2018
[4]. “The RD53B Pixel Readout Chip Manual v1.31”, RD53, September, 2020
[5]. “The RD53B Pixel Readout Chip Manual v0.38”, RD53, April 14, 2020
[6]. “7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources v1.14”, Xilinx, July 3, 2019
[7]. Timon Heim, private communication, 2021
[8]. McMahon, Stephen; Pontecorvo, Ludovico, “Technical Design Report for the ATLAS Inner Tracker
Strip Detector”, CERN, April 1, 2017
[9]. “CERN atlas website”, CERN, [Online], 
Extra Slides
16x32 ROM
Send first possible 16 bits
e hitmap is 20 bits
First two bits plus first
row is 13 bits long
 Hitmap > 16 bits use
rollback sec row
Rollback = 3
16 – 3 = 13
14x16 ROM
Know position of sec row data
Send next 14 bits
Total hitmap was 20
First row 13
Sec row 7
Use rollback to find final
encoded length
Rollback = 7
14 - 7 = 7
OR decoded hitmaps together
Decode Engine: Data Consume State Machine
Buffer fill stages
Handles empty events
First hitmap sent out
while tag read
Decode Engine: Data Consume State Machine
Main processing stages
Stalling feature for slow
6 total cycles per quarter
14x16 ROM
Interpretation of Results
Averages taken from ATLAS simulation data
data for ITk pixel detector
Examine 1 and 2 hit cases
Table 2: Average amount of hits per active quarter row by layer. Layer 3 ATLAS hit data was not provided
because layer 3 data is similar enough to data in layer 4 that the same estimates can be used for both.
Slide Note

Development of a high-speed hit decoder for the RD53B chip by Donavan Erickson from MSEE ACME Lab, focusing on data streams, hitmap encoding, ROM splitting, decode engine building, and more. The process involves encoding methods, ROM setup with borrowed software look-up tables, and buffer systems for streamlined data parsing and decoding.

  • Decoder Development
  • RD53B Chip
  • Data Streams
  • Hitmap Encoding
  • ROM Splitting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Development of a High-Speed Hit Decoder for the RD53B Chip Donavan Erickson MSEE ACME Lab

  2. Data Streams > Ccol: Specifies column [4] > Qrow: Specifies quarter row > Hitmap: Encoded hitmap for quarter row > ToTs: Time over Threshold for each hit > IsLast: Drop Ccol if 0 > IsNeighbor: Drops Qrow if 1 Figure 1: Example RD53B stream data with quarter row worth of data highlighted. [4]

  3. Encoding Method Figure 2: RD53B encoding cut pattern.

  4. Hitmap Encoding > Encode using bit pairs (11, 10, 01) [4] > Final encoding {first two bits, first row, second row} > No 00 pairs allows for Huffman encoding > Swap all 01 bits with 0 Figure 3: Hitmap encoding breakdown using two hits Result: 11.101010.010101 Swap 01 with 0 Compressed Result: 11.101010.000

  5. ROM Split > Row data no longer than 14 bits > First 16 bits contain first row > Two ROM split 16-bit ROM for first row 14-bit ROM for second row Figure 4: Encoded hitmap with maximum number of values.

  6. ROM Split > Borrowed software look up table > Creates two ROMs that are 16x32 and 14x16 > Large outputs for meta data and decoded hitmap Figure 5: High level block diagram of split ROM system.

  7. Building Decode Engine Receive and parse data streams Send data to ROMs to be decoded Save and send out decoded data

  8. Decode Engine: Buffering System > FIFO to store stream data > 3 packet buffer for parsing > Index_ptr is moved by data consume state machine > New packets added to buffer as data is consumed Figure 6: Decode engine high level input diagram.

  9. Decode Engine: ROM & data storage > Data consume state machine controls data flow > Creates registered output > Controls sending of encoded hitmap to ROM_wrapper Figure 7: Decode engine high level full diagram.

  10. Decode Engine: Timing > 160 MHz clock > 6 cycles per quarter row > 37.5 ns process time per quarter row > Target data rate of 5.12 Gb/s 4 output lanes at 1.28 Gb/s > Throughput depends on bits per quarter row

  11. Decode Engine: Timing Table 1: Timing estimates for decode engines based off of the number of bits per quarter row. Ccol + Qrow size Hitmap TOT Total Speed Per Engine (Gb/s) # Engine Needed 2 bits (islast and isneighbor active) 4 bits (1 hit, most compressed) 4 bits (1 hit) 10 bits 10bits/37.5ns = 0.267 5.12/0.267 = 19.23 (20) 16 bits 8 bits (Arbitrary number) 4 bits (1 hit) 28 bits 28bits/37.5ns = 0.747 5.12/0.747 = 6.87 (7) 16 bits 20 bits (Arbitrary number) 16 bits (4 hits) 52 bits 52bits/37.5ns = 1.39 5.12/1.39 = 3.70 (4) > Single engine too slow

  12. Decode Engine: Parallelization > Parameterized decode engines > Create a stream distributer to pass data to engines Figure 8: High level diagram of stream distributer with multiple decode engines.

  13. Stream Distributer > Passes data to engines that send a ready signal > One stream per engine > Strips off start of stream bit Figure 9: High level block diagram for stream distributer.

  14. Issue: Parallelization > ROM set per engine too big > One split ROM system is approximately 65.5 BRAMs > Move to a shared centralized ROM Figure 10: High level diagram of stream distributer with multiple decode engines.

  15. Centralized ROM > All engines will share the same ROMs > Possible through offsetting the ROM accesses Figure 11: High level diagram of stream distributer, centralized ROM, and multiple decode engines.

  16. Split ROM Modification > Need to add an access handler > Creates mailbox system for engines > Dual port ROMs for double access Figure 12: High level diagram of the ROM decode shared module.

  17. ROM Timing > 6 cycles to process hitmap > Offset engines > 12 engines with dual port ROMs Figure 13: Timing diagram for the engine offsets for accessing centralized ROM system.

  18. Base Design > General data generation for testing > Test block checks engine accuracy > Good for checking all engines Figure 14: Top level diagram of initial full design for hardware decoder.

  19. Updated Test Design > Dynamically generates data > Only works for one engine right now > Good for checking all hitmap encodings Figure 15: Top level architecture for hardware testing of the hardware decoder. Source Geoff Jones.

  20. Optimizations Logic gate decode > Decode first two bits with logic gates > Changed to two 14x16 ROMs > From 65.5 BRAMs to 15 BRAMs per ROM split system Figure 16: Breakdown of new ROM system 14x16 ROM 2 14x16 ROM 1

  21. Optimizations > 4244 bits per event > Input FIFO 2 -> 1 BRAM > Output FIFO 4 -> 2 BRAMs > Verilog optimizations for LUT savings Figure 17: Conservative estimated event sizes for RD53B.

  22. Optimized Resource Utilization > Using KC 705 board (xc7k325tffg900-2) > Resource usage is estimation for 12 engines > Over 2X savings for LUT and BRAM Figure 18: Initial resource usage versus optimized resource usage.

  23. Interpretation of Results Table 2: Number of engines need based on hits per quarter row and compression. Max/Min compression Ccol + Qrow size Hitmap TOT Total Speed Per Engine (Gb/s) # Engine Needed 1 hit max 2 bits 4 bits 4 bits 10 bits 10/37.5ns = 0.267 5.12/0.267 = 19.23 (20) 1 hit min 16 bits 8 bits 4 bits 28 bits 28/37.5ns = 0.747 5.12/0.747 = 6.86 (7) 2 hit max 2 bits 5 bits 8 bits 15 bits 15/37.5ns = 0.4 5.12/0.4 = 12.8 (13) 2 hit min 16 bits 14 bits 8 bits 38 bits 38/37.5ns = 1.01 5.12/1.01 = 5.069 (6) > Analyzed ATLAS simulation data Average of 1-2 hits per quarter row > Target of 5.12 Gb/s for all layers > 37.5ns per quarter row of data

  24. Resources for Each Configuration Table 3: The summary of resource usage cases for different hardware decoder configurations based on hits per quarter row. Hits per quarter row w/ compression Bits per quarter row Single engine (Gb/s) 12 engine (Gb/s) Engines needed Estimated BRAM usage Estimated LUT usage 1 max 10 bits 0.267 3.2 20 94 42,000 2 max 15 bits 0.4 4.8 13 73 27,300 1 min 28 bits 0.747 8.96 7 38 14,700 2 min 38 bits 1.01 12.16 6 35 12,600 > Each hardware decoder instantiation 15 BRAM for ROM split 2 BRAM for stream distributer Max 12 engines per instantiation > Each decode engine 3 BRAM, 2100 LUTs

  25. Future Work Add additional modes of operation Add Multi-pumping and c-slowing redundancy features

  26. References > [1]. CERN website , CERN, [Online], Available: https://home.cern/ > [2]. High Luminosity LHC Project , CERN, [Online], Available: https://hilumilhc.web.cern.ch/ > [3]. Chistiansen, Jorgen, Loddo, Flavio, RD53 Collaboration Proposal: Extension of RD53 , RD53, September 6, 2018 > [4]. The RD53B Pixel Readout Chip Manual v1.31 , RD53, September, 2020 > [5]. The RD53B Pixel Readout Chip Manual v0.38 , RD53, April 14, 2020 > [6]. 7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources v1.14 , Xilinx, July 3, 2019 > [7]. Timon Heim, private communication, 2021 > [8]. McMahon, Stephen; Pontecorvo, Ludovico, Technical Design Report for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Strip Detector , CERN, April 1, 2017 > [9]. CERN atlas website , CERN, [Online], https://atlas.cern/discover/detector

  27. Extra Slides

  28. 16x32 ROM > Send first possible 16 bits > Assume hitmap is 20 bits total > First two bits plus first row is 13 bits long > Hitmap > 16 bits use rollback sec row Rollback = 3 16 3 = 13

  29. 14x16 ROM > Know position of sec row data > Send next 14 bits > Total hitmap was 20 First row 13 Sec row 7 > Use rollback to find final encoded length Rollback = 7 14 - 7 = 7 > OR decoded hitmaps together

  30. Decode Engine: Data Consume State Machine > Buffer fill stages > Handles empty events > First hitmap sent out while tag read

  31. Decode Engine: Data Consume State Machine > Main processing stages > Stalling feature for slow data > 6 total cycles per quarter row

  32. 14x16 ROM

  33. Interpretation of Results Table 2: Average amount of hits per active quarter row by layer. Layer 3 ATLAS hit data was not provided because layer 3 data is similar enough to data in layer 4 that the same estimates can be used for both. Layer # Average Hits Per Active Quarter Row Layer 0 2.34 Layer 1 1.78 Layer 2 1.98 Layer 4 1.97 > Averages taken from ATLAS simulation data > Layer data for ITk pixel detector > Examine 1 and 2 hit cases

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