Global social movements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Progressive Movement in United States History II

Explore the Progressive Movement in US History II Module 5, focusing on major movements, politics, muckrakers' role, reform leaders, women's rights, civil rights, and progressive policies under Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson. Learn about grassroots Progressivism, social justice reformers, the Triangle

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A.R. Desai: Contributions to Indian Nationalism and Sociology

A.R. Desai, a prominent figure in the field of sociology, made significant contributions to Indian nationalism and the study of society in India. His works focused on topics such as the social background of Indian nationalism, peasant movements, path of development, and Marxist democratic rights. De

6 views • 14 slides

Successful Social Movements: How They Succeed and Grow

Successful social movements result from collective action driven by shared societal interests, aiming to address inequality and effect social change. They grow as bystanders become upstanders, forming grassroots groups with common purpose to shift societal norms. Black Lives Matter exemplifies a mov

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Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, and Social Innovation

Social entrepreneurship involves creating sustainable social impact, social enterprises address challenges in critical needs sectors, and social innovation focuses on developing effective solutions to social and environmental issues. These concepts emphasize creating social value while engaging with

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Indoor Cycling: Hand Positions and Core Movements Guide

Indoor cycling involves different hand positions for various riding scenarios, focusing on rider posture and performance. The guide covers Hand Positions 1, 2, and 3, emphasizing relaxation, stability, and intensity adjustment. Additionally, it details core movements like Seated Flats, Standing Flat

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Comprehensive Guide to Body Movements and Special Movements

Explore different types of ordinary body movements such as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and circumduction, along with special movements like dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, eversion, supination, and pronation. Engage with detailed descriptions and visual representations of eac

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Social Movements: History and Impact

Exploring the background and significance of social movements, this content delves into the evolution of society through various movements like the anti-slavery movement and labor movement. It discusses the types of movements, leaders, followers, tactics, and ways in which social movements can face

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The Importance of Coordinative Abilities in Sports

Coordinative ability is crucial in sports for performing movements with precision and efficiency. It involves the body's capability to change direction swiftly, ensuring good balance during actions. This ability comprises various types such as orientation, reaction, rhythm, balance, adaptation, coup

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Insights into the Evolution of Social Democracy in the Global Context

Exploring the challenges and transitions in social democracy from both Northern and Southern perspectives, this research delves into the complexities of needs-driven development based on social justice through democratic means. The author reflects on the decline of social democratic movements and pr

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Medical Social Work and Its Impact on Patient Well-being

Medical Social Work, also known as Health Care Social Work, plays a crucial role in addressing the social, physical, and psychological needs of patients. Through providing case work, after-care, and convalescence services, Medical Social Workers contribute to reducing hospital readmissions, preventi

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Revitalization Movements by A.F.C. Wallace

Explore the concept of revitalization movements as explained by A.F.C. Wallace in his paper published in 1956. The theory delves into deliberate efforts by groups to create new cultures, drawing examples from historical and contemporary contexts. Discover the various theories surrounding revitalizat

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Objectives and Importance of Social Legislation for Social Workers

Social legislation is inspired by the constitution and aims to remove discrimination, safeguard rights of vulnerable groups, and eradicate social evils. It plays a crucial role in social welfare by providing a legal basis for addressing societal issues, enhancing community well-being, and facilitati

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The Relationship Between Social Welfare and Social Work

Social welfare and social work are interconnected concepts aimed at enhancing societal well-being. Social welfare refers to a nation's system of programs and services meeting essential needs, while social work involves professional activities supporting individuals and communities in achieving socia

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Civil Rights and Social Movements in the Americas Post-1945: An Overview

Explore the history, challenges, and achievements of civil rights and social movements in the Americas post-1945. Learn about the struggles faced by African Americans, Indigenous peoples, feminist movements, Hispanic Americans, and youth culture protests. Discover pivotal moments such as the Montgom

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Influence of Art Movements on Industrial Design History

Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassicism are art movements that have significantly influenced industrial design history. Baroque is characterized by exaggerated motion and drama, Rococo by playful and ornate designs, and Neoclassicism by simplicity and symmetry. These movements reflect societal trends and

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Introduction to Physiotherapy: Modalities and Exercise Therapy

Physiotherapy, a branch of medical science, utilizes various modalities like electric current, heat/cold, water, and exercises for therapeutic treatment. It includes exercise therapy with active and passive movements, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy, and massage. Active movements involve

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Social Economy and Innovation in Emilia-Romagna Region

Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy highlights the importance of social economy and innovation for sustainable development. Various initiatives such as Social Cooperatives and Voluntary Associations contribute to the region's social well-being. The focus on social values and not-for-profit activities dri

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Evolution of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to Modern Era

Throughout history, ideas of rights and liberty have evolved, leading to the recognition of universal human rights in the modern sense. The concept of human rights can be traced back to significant historical events such as the English Bill of Rights, the Virginia Declaration of 1776, and the French

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Historical Overview: Trade Unions, Environmentalism, and Social Justice Movements

Explore the intertwined histories of trade unions, environmentalism, and social justice movements through key events such as the Bryant and May Match Girls' strike and the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire. Visionaries like William Morris and Edward Carpenter advocated for fair working conditions, co

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Movements in Graphs: Describing Trends Upward and Downward

Learn to describe and interpret graphs showing upward and downward movements using verbs, nouns, and prepositions. Explore expressions for dramatic changes, stability, and fluctuations in data. Understand how movements in graphs are depicted through various adjectives and adverbs.

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Global Economic Overview: GDP Growth, Manufacturing PMI, and Equity Market Movements

The data presented covers real GDP growth by region and country for 2014 and 2015, manufacturing PMI trends in the Eurozone, USA, and China, as well as movements in global equity markets up to March 2016. Additionally, it includes forecasts for real GDP growth globally and by economic sector, provid

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Joint Motion: Osteokinematic and Arthrokinematic Movements

Joint motion involves osteokinematic movements, which are under voluntary control and include flexion, extension, and more. End-feel sensations like bony, capsular, and springy block indicate different joint conditions. Arthrokinematic motion refers to how joint surfaces move during osteokinematic m

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Chile's Regulatory Framework for Capital Movements and Essential Security Measures

Chile's position under the OECD Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements is described along with its commitments in free trade agreements. The regulatory framework for capital movements in Chile allows for liberal participation of foreigners, with certain restrictions in sectors like air transpor

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Thoracic Cage and Respiratory Movements in Anatomy Lecture

Professor Ahmed Fathalla Ibrahim, a renowned Professor of Anatomy at King Saud University, covers the components of the thoracic cage, articulations, respiratory movements, and muscles involved in breathing in this informative lecture. Learn about the structure of the thoracic cage, articulations li

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The Significance of Ethnicity and Race in Social Movements

Exploring the interconnectedness between the social construction of race/ethnicity and social movements, this presentation by Pamela Oliver delves into the relevance of race in both majority and minority movements. It emphasizes how race/ethnicity plays a crucial role in structures of domination, po

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Cults and New Religious Movements

Explore the concepts of cults and new religious movements, comparing them to traditional religions. Delve into the defining characteristics of cults, sects, and controversial religious movements. Consider starting your own cult by examining teachings, rituals, authority, and organization. Reflect on

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Structure and Movement of the Gastrointestinal Tract

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) comprises four layers - Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis externa, and Serosa. Each layer plays a crucial role in the digestion process. The GIT undergoes gut motility, including propulsive movements like peristalsis and mixing movements, to facilitate the movement of fo

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Social Neuroscience: Exploring Human Sociality and Well-Being

Social neuroscience delves into how the brain processes social interactions and their impact on human well-being. It focuses on the interconnectedness between social connections and overall life satisfaction, suggesting that humans are inherently social beings with a strong need for social belonging

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Gender Equality and Policy Impact Analysis in Feminist Movements

This presentation delves into the correlation between the strength of autonomous feminist movements and various policy indicators related to gender equality and women empowerment. The study covers a range of factors such as CEDAW ratification, regional agreements, democracy levels, GDP per capita, a

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Global Education Perspectives and Challenges

The discussion delves into the evolving concept of global education, examining the necessity for a global perspective in contemporary schooling. Various scholars' viewpoints are explored, highlighting the complexities and demands associated with integrating global dimensions into educational framewo

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Social Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion in Bulgaria

The development and implementation of social entrepreneurship practices in Bulgaria aim to promote social inclusion through the development of the social economy. The focus is on combining economic results with social objectives, managed transparently with measurable, positive financial value. Vario

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Environmental Movements in India - Overview and Major Movements

Environmental movements in India encompass a range of efforts aimed at conserving the environment, managing natural resources sustainably, and advocating for policy changes. From forest conservation to pollution issues, movements like the Bishnoi and Chipko have made significant impacts on environme

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Environmental Movements in India: Lessons for a Sustainable Future

Environmental movements in India have evolved over time, driven by concerns of unbridled resource exploitation and environmental degradation. The emergence of these movements has been marked by a common interest in protecting the environment through policy changes and collective action. With a focus

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Social Geography: Meaning, Scope, and Differences

Social geography is a branch of human geography focusing on social structures, groups, and activities. It examines the spatial arrangement of social phenomena, social differences, and patterns in understanding socially defined population groups. The scope of social geography includes analyzing spati

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Impact of Global Oil Price Rise on Local Maize Market Prices in Africa

The presentation discusses the potential impact of a rise in global oil prices on local maize market prices in Africa, focusing on the interconnected factors such as transport costs, biofuels, and price transmission within and between countries. It explores the correlation between global oil prices

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Involuntary and Voluntary Movements in the Body

Involuntary movements, such as contraction and relaxation, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and are essential for daily functions like heartbeat regulation. On the other hand, voluntary movements involve conscious control over skeletal muscles to regulate body movement. Biblical verses

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Guidelines for Quarantine and Movement Control

Movement control measures are crucial in preventing the transmission of pathogens and maintaining business continuity. This presentation outlines the procedures for permitting and authorizing movements, along with general personnel responsibilities based on FAD-PReP/NAHEMS guidelines. It covers rest

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Analysis of Labor Movements in the Globalization Era

Contemporary labor movements in the era of globalization differ from previous periods, influenced by factors such as globalization, European integration, the collapse of the socialist system, and economic disparities. The dynamics of migration have evolved, impacting various countries and regions. T

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Reform Movements

The reform movements in American history, including abolition and women's rights. Understand the concept of reform and how it shaped society. Dive into essential questions about the changes brought by these movements. Discover transcendentalism and utopian ideals. Reflect on present-day reform possi

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Dr. Silke Roth - Social Movements and Digital Humanitarianism

Dr. Silke Roth's research interests include meaningful work, activism, social justice, digital inequalities, intersectionality, social movements, protest, and digital humanitarianism. Explore the causes and outcomes of social movements, as well as the power dynamics and electronic repertoires of con

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