Dive into the Punk Movement: An Educational Journey

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Explore the cultural phenomenon of the Punk movement through the lens of Sex Pistols, focusing on language activities that enhance comprehension and writing skills. Discover the history and impact of this influential musical genre, culminating in a final task to write an article about the Sex Pistols' role in the Punk movement.

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  1. SEQUENCE FIN 3 SEQUENCE FIN 3 me PUNK MOVEMENT PUNK MOVEMENT me: : Niveau Niveau du du CECRL CECRL : : A A2 2 / / B B1 1 Classes Classes concern es concern es : : 3 3 me me (cycle (cycle 4 4) ) Th me(s) Th me(s) culturel(s) culturel(s) : : (cycle (cycle 4 4) ) LANGAGES LANGAGES Domaines Domaines : : 1 1, , 2 2 et et 5 5 Activit s Activit s langagi res langagi res privil gi es compr hension compr hension crite crite privil gi es : : compr hension compr hension orale orale + + T che(s) T che(s) finale(s) Sex Sex Pistols Pistols en r diger r diger un un article tu tu rendras rendras compte finale(s) : : A A l occasion en 2011 2011, , tu article de de presse compte de de l v nement l occasion de tu as as assist assist un presse pour pour le l v nement. . de la la reformation reformation du un des des concerts le journal journal du du coll ge du groupe groupe des concerts et coll ge dans dans lequel des vas et tu tu vas lequel

  2. Supports Supports : : - Article de la BBC sur Article de la BBC sur l histoire http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/2601493.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/2601493.stm - God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols: God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02D2T3wGCYg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02D2T3wGCYg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvMxqcgBhWQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvMxqcgBhWQ l histoire du du mouvement mouvement punk: punk: Evaluations Evaluations possibles punk/biographie d un groupe embl matique Objectifs grammaticaux S quence de fin d ann e= rebrassage grammatical de points vus au coll ge, entre autres : Pr sent simple et BE+ING Pr t rit simple Questions modaux possibles : CE article de presse sur le mouvement Objectifs lexicaux Objectifs culturels Objectifs pragmatiques le vocabulaire de la musique les sentiments et motions le vocabulaire de l apparence physique et des v tements Savoir formuler des hypoth ses et utiliser le visuel pour appuyer son propos Organiser son propos afin de d crire/ donner des informations de fa on claire Elaborer des strat gies d coute Savoir rep rer les l ments factuels dans un texte D couverte d un mouvement artistique part enti re: la musique Punk, son histoire et les id es v hicul es travers elle D couverte d un groupe embl matique du mouvement Punk: the Sex Pistols

  3. Sance 1 : Introduction au thme Objectifs: identifier le lieu, la p riode, de qui on parle et en quoi cela consiste. Pistes possibles: 1) Medley des Sex Pistols Passer un medley des Sex Pistols avec des extraits par exemple de Problems, God Save the Queen et Anarchy in the UK, en demandant aux l ves de rep rer des mots cl s (anarchy, no future, the problem is you, too many problems, money, regime ) et partir de ce relev , classer en positive/negative pour les aider identifier le genre musical. 2) BRAINSTORMING : what is PUNK? 3) Travail sur le montage d images pour faire merger du vocabulaire et permettre en fin d heure d arriver une d finition/description du mouvement Punk.

  4. Who/ what about ? Punks/ the Punk culture Behaviour a provocative attitude to stand out (from) a challenging behaviour provocative poses Clothes sexy clothes close-fitting clothes low-cut T-shirts with provocative signs ex : the Swastica Physical appearance tatoos /piercing a crest / spiky hair a special hairdo/haircut

  5. Slogans/Symbols : rep rage des slogans/symboles No Future + Violence grows = pessimistic words/vision of the world = chorus of the song God Save The Queen by the Sex Pistols, famous band of the 70s The Filth and the Fury = title of the film released in 2000 and focusing on the story of the punk rock pioneers = the Sex Pistols + Anarchy symbol : anarchy = a state without government or law/ lack of obedience to an authority/ confusion and disorder + photo of the queen with her eyes and mouth covered by a message God save the Queen = the national anthem + allusion to the Sex Pistols ironical here rejection of the monarchy/the established order/the conventions refusal to conform to the rules / rebellion

  6. Sance 2 : CE A BRIEF HISTORY OF PUNK Pistes d exploitation : Compr hension globale : Read the text twice and try to say : type of document : an article from the BBC website date : written on December 2002 Topic : the punk movement - - - How many parts are there ? give them a title. L1 17 : the beginnings L18 24 : success L25 fin : punk rock nowadays / inspiration - - - Read again and try to give a title to the document : Mettre en vidence la diff rence entre genre musical (punk music) et v ritable mouvement (punk movement) : punk music ou punk movement ? Well, let s see

  7. Comprhension dtaille : Vocabulary : try to find the possible meaning of these words : word Possible grammatical category Meaning / translation Possible synonym Befriended (9) Delighted (10) Boredom (14) Upheaval (16) Hugely (20)

  8. Diffrenciation : exploitation A2 : Part 1 : Punk rock, an ID card : Faire rep rer : date and place of birth (New York, the seventies) aim/goal of the movement : to shock the established order aspects of the movement : a state of mind + a musical genre + a fashion style movement first groups : Television + the New York Dolls attitude : disgust / shock / provoke people. (give examples) social background : disillusioned teenagers + boredom + unemployment Part 2 : The turning point : popularity Date : 1976 successful groups : The Ramones + the Sex Pistols reason for success : inspiration for young people the philosophy behind the movement : you didn t have to be able to play an instrument[ ], you just had to have something to say Part 3 : inspiration : Mettre en lumi re le fait que si le mouvement a assez vite disparu (l-2 et 3), il reste une source d inspiration. Exploitation B1 : idem mais par simple rep rage au brouillon (pas de grille) ET insister sur la derni re id e du texte (L28 et 29): pioneers : pourquoi ? they did something no one had done before making anything seem possible : ils ont ouvert des portes d un point de vue musical et social !

  9. Sance 3: Music : God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols. Etudier les paroles de la chanson pour mettre en lumi re le c t contestataire et provocateur de la chanson et du mouvement en g n ral. Pistes d exploitation : Compr hension globale : couter la chanson (pas de vid o) : faire trouver le titre. 2 choses attendues : God save the Queen : bonne r ponse. No future : titre original, chang la derni re minute par le manager des Pistols Malcolm Mc Laren. - - It s a famous song by the Sex Pistols, a British punk Rock band from the seventies. The title is God Save the Queen. It s also the name of the National British Anthem. Why did they choose such a title? Well, listen and understand !

  10. 1) montrer la chanson : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqrAPOZxgzU Look at the clip and focus on the musicians and the music. Productions attendues : It s a rock group because we can see and hear a guitar, a guitar bass and drums. They are British because there are Union Jacks behind them / in the background / behind the drums. They wear funny / strange / weird clothes : their T-shirts are ripped / torn. The singer is the strangest member of the group. He has a strange attitude : he is drinking beer on stage and he seems to be yelling/shouting more than singing. His face is strange too : he looks furious / angry They are punk rockers : they are provocative. They want to shock people/ to attract people s attention.

  11. 1) Understanding : phase de comprhension du message : distribuer les paroles. Vocabulary : lucidation du vocabulaire : mots travailler : moron figurehead mercy sin. - WHO is the singer talking about? The Queen !!!! - A negative view of the Monarchy: How is she described? She is said to be fascist. She is not a human being, she is not what she seems. She is compared to a criminal (all crimes are paid). She is useless: all she can do is attract tourists Wait a minute why does he say we love our Queen ???? This is irony. Or maybe she is not personally responsible for the situation. Maybe he says the Queen but it means the Monarchical system : the system is rotten / useless / old-fashioned

  12. WHO is the song addressed to? YOU / WE: the youth / young people. - What is the message delivered / conveyed? Young people are idiots: they shouldn t listen to what they are told. They mustn t believe the politicians. (don t be told what you want/need). They have to think by themselves. They are dreaming He wants young people to rebel: they are potential H bombs : they still have the power to do something about it because it s not too late. There is no hope / future for young people and they have to protest against the political system They are flowers in the dustbin : politicians are not interested in young people, they feel as if they were neglected / rejected / abandoned when they are the future of England. They shouldn t be forgotten. Young people are the poison in your human machine : they won t let them do and they will react: they will try to do something to change the system. Young people are the future. It is vital / crucial to react. Otherwise there s no future .

  13. Final task: rdaction dun article de presse pour le journal du collge l occasion de la reformation du groupe des Sex Pistols. YOUR TASK: WRITE AN ARTICLE FOR THE SCHOOL MAGAZINE Le 1er novembre 2011, les Sex Pistols se sont reform s pour une s rie de 5 concerts Londres. Tu as eu l immense chance d assister au premier de ces concerts, et tu dois relater l v nement pour le magazine du coll ge. Il faut donc un articlenon seulement sur les Sex Pistols mais aussi sur le mouvement Punk (histoire, tat d esprit ), que tes camarades connaissent peu. Avant de commencer, prends connaissance des comp tences retenues pour cette valuation E1 : Je peux crire un court r cit r el ou imaginaire E5 : Je peux faire des phrases en utilisant des mots de liaison (et, mais, ou, alors, parce que ) E9 : Je peux respecter la sp cificit du type d crit produire (dialogue, email, lettre, SMS) E10 : Je peux mobiliser le lexique pertinent la t che demand e E11 : Je peux mobiliser les structures linguistiques pertinentes la t che demand e

  14. IDEES Punk fashion : documents vido qui mettent laccent sur la mode punk . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzEdaazjIdw CAMDEN MARKET/FASHION avec passage sur punk fashion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJmwitbBuqY BBC News Punk fashion from chaos to couture Autre t che finale possible: un d fil de mode punk r alis par les l ves. Certains l ves r alisent des interviews des mannequins A2 (et dans ce cas il faudrait int grer la s quence un travail d EOI) Tandis que d autres font les commentaires du d fil . B1


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