Cookie Program 2022: Guidelines and Forms for Parents, Troop Leaders, and SU Coordinators

2022 Cookie Program
What SU’s should have received
from LBB
SU Cookie Coordinators should have received the following
from LBB:
New Cookies – 1 box per troop
Troop Leader Guides – 2 per troop
Order Cards – 1 per girl, with some extras
Receipt Books – 1 per troop, with extras
Money Envelopes – 1 per girl
Parent Permission Form – Parents can fill out online
JotForm, save to computer and/or email response to troop
leader.  If additional hard copies are needed and you cannot
print please email
 and we
will send you some (family guide is now online only to view)
Goal Getter Card – 1 per girl, with extras
SU Coordinator Gift – 2 per SU
What you should receive
Parents should receive the following:
Order Cards – 1 per girl
Money Envelopes – 1 per girl
Parent Permission Form – Parents can fill out online
JotForm, save to computer and/or email response to troop
leader. (family guide is now online only to view)
Goal Getter Card – 1 per girl
Troop Leaders should also receive:
Troop Leader Guide, 2 per troop
Box of Adventurefuls, 1 per troop
SU Agreement Letter
Please be sure to fill out the SU Agreement
Letter in order to get onto eBudde.  We will
take the information from the Agreement
Letter and input into eBudde for your SU
Troop Permission Forms
This year we can offer that the troops
within your service unit can fill out the
Troop Permission Form using a JotForm
link.  Then the answers that you need to
enter into eBudde will be emailed directly
to your email inbox.
Please email Tracy Tudder the following
information to use this option:
Service Unit:
Email to send responses
Troop Cookie Coordinators MUST be over 18 and a
registered Girl Scout Adult.
Parent/Guardian Permission
& Responsibility Form
GSMIDTN is incorporating an online Parent/Guardian Permission &
Responsibility Form for the 2022 Cookie Program.
Troop leaders can email or text the link to their parents.
Parents will click the following:
When the parent/guardian has completed the form, they will
receive an email from JotForm with a PDF copy of their filled-out
form.  The parent/guardian can then forward this email to their
troop leader.  The parent/guardian can also download the form to
their computer and/or phone.
This electronic form will serve as their copy of the permission
form as well as the troops copy of the form.
Parent/Guardian Permission
Dates for the cookie program
Dates for 2022 Cookie Program
Start of Cookie Season: December 14
Initial Order Due for Troops: January 18
Initial Order Due for SU’s: January 
Claimed SU Booths Due to Council: January 23
Booth Sales Begin: 
February 6
Cookie Sales Ends: March 
**See page 2 of the Service Unit
Manual for complete list of dates
Rutherford County:
January 29
Location: TBA
Outlying Counties:
February 5
Cookie Count n Go:
February 4
 & 5
Location: TBA
Cookies CANNOT be sold at a
Booth/Business before February 6
, 2022
Additional Materials/eBudde
help center
The Regional offices and Council office has
additional materials if you need more paperwork
 if you need additional
The eBudde Help Center & GSMIDTN website has
printable forms, paperwork and all needed
information for the cookie program
ACH Form
The 2021-2022 ACH acknowledgement form is available to
fill out for the Girl Scout year.
When filling out the form use three numbers for your SU
(ex. 011, 104)
Due to banking guidelines the ACH form
 be filled out every fiscal year.
Forms for cookie program
Cookie Rally Form – first purchase patches thru
Cabin-they will contact you for payment and pickup
of patches and cookies
Cookie Rally Rewards Reservation Form
Cookie Costume Reservation Form-2 per service
Variety Pack Contest-4 pkgs purchased = name in
SU Delivery Form * - due 12/7/2021
Forms are located at
Palm Oil Toolkit
GSUSA has released a Sustainable Palm Oil Toolkit
This is located on the GSMIDTN website to download.
Rally super kits
Page 21 & 22 of the Troop Guide has the
locations and contacts for the Cookie Cupboards
New this year!! 
Armstrong warehouse and Council cupboard
will be closed on Mondays for restocking and deliveries.  Council
cupboard will be open for 3 Saturdays this cookie season.
Cookie booths
Dunkin Donuts 
has not renewed for this year, SU areas can
reach ou
t to your local locations
 for permission to host a
booth sale.
 is not yet confirmed with GSUSA
 has announced that they will host booth sales.  These
will be council sponsored booths.
 has not committed for the upcoming cookie
season; we wil
l hear something from GSUSA once it is
 – Council will confirm the dates with Kroger and
send out an email with the information and post it on the
eBudde Help Center. DO NOT approach the Kroger stores.
Food Lion 
– SU’s can reach out locally for the few that we
have in our area.  
Cookie Booth Location Ideas
Fast food locations on a Saturday, set up in a parking lot
Parking lots of businesses using a drive thru system.
Car Dealerships on a weekend
Festivals and Flea Markets - see if they will let you set up a
booth for free
Food truck festivals
Church parking lots on a Sunday
School parking lots – get permission from school for a drive
Personal front yards
Troop Only Cookie Booth
Troop Leaders can add a Troop Only Booth sale on eBudde
for approval.
From eBudde, go to the Booth Sites Tab
Use the drop down and go to My sales
Click on add a location
Fill out all information and click add
Council will then look at the location and determine a
approval or denial.
Troop Cookie Booth
Council will look to see if there is other booths around
the location to make sure we do not have them in the
same facility.
Will look to make sure they are in an approved location.
We cannot approve Bars, Wineries, marijuana
dispensaries, CBD dispensaries, etc.
Council will note the reason why if not approved.
Council also looks at them once a day in the afternoons.
Small business day
Small Business Day is February 19
, 2022
Partner with a small business to do a booth sale outside the business
on this day
Social media tools are available on our website for the business to use
on their social media channels
Have the girls pitch their why and how it will bring customers on this
day with the partnership of entrepreneurial skills
Submit the form of your location and times to
 so council can upload this onto
eBudde so it is in the Cookie Locator Database.  Form is located on the
Help Center.
Walk About Weekend
Walk about weekend is on February 18
 to 20
, 2022
Great weekend to walk around your neighborhood to sell
cookies to your neighbors.
Set up a table with signs in your front yard.
Patches are available at the Cabin for $1.25
Individual Registered Girls
Program Credits
Tracy Tudder will send out the
list with the IRG (Individually
Registered Girls to the SU
SUCC should invite them to
the trainings and include them
in the Cookie Booth selection
Rally Opportunities for cookie
Individual Virtual Rally
Guide Activities
Girls can complete the
activities and purchase the
Rally Patch from the cabin
for $1.25 each.
Troop/Service Unit Rally Guide
Troop/Service Units can do the
traditional rally or host a virtual rally.
Patches are available for purchase
from the Cabin for $1.25 each.
Rally Book, forms and rally kit forms can be found at
Cookie Program
LBB has many virtual activities ad ideas at
 as well on
their Facebook page
Show the  Product Rewards
Rally Activities for girls/troop/service unit
Visit a zoo online to see the koala’s or do
online activities
Social Media Guidelines
Follow the Internet Safety Guidelines to keep the Girl
Scout, yourself and family safe!
Follow the Supplemental Safety Tips for Online
Do not post on any Marketplace, Ebay, For Sale page,
OKAY to post on 
 personal page, neighborhood
pages, private group pages.
Share your goal on your social media post and emails!
Social Media cookie party
Host a virtual cookie party on social media
You can host a party on Facebook, etc. to your friends and
family (not on a public level)
Give your Friends and Family at least 1 to 2 week notice of
your party
Prepare your Why statement on your goal, troop goals and
what your troop plans to do with cookie program funds
Talk about the cookies and about your favorite cookies
Share some recipes with your party participants by posting
those on your event page
Have a parent help you with the chat box to take orders and
answer questions
Facebook Party Steps
Give your Friends and Family at least 1 to 2 week notice of your party.
Facebook Live Steps:
From your computer and home page on Facebook
Click on Events
Click on Create New Event
Click Online
Fill out Event Details (name, date, time)
Click on drop down for Privacy
Click on Friends Only or Private Only
Click Next
Click on Location for FaceBook Live
Click Next
You can upload a photo or a LBB Clip Art
Troops that participated in the Fall Product Program and
sold more than $1500 in total sales will earn an
additional $.02 cents per box of cookies.  This will
automatically show in the troop's sales report.
Troops do not have to have a minimum of girls selling to
participate in the Cookie Program.  All troops earn the
$.55 per box of cookies.
Troops will only need to have the girl minimums
for the additional bonus levels.
Troops that have an NSF returned ACH will 
any additional bonus levels. This includes both ACH
Option for
GSMIDTN will send out the personalized link to the
parents starting on December 6
, 2021.
Girls can then send out their link to their family
and friends.
Customers can order online, pay online and ship
the cookies to their homes.
GSMIDTN will only have a “ship only” option.  No
girl delivered option.
GSMIDTN has added the new cookie and changed
the shipping lineup so that the less expensive
shipping option is on the top.  Please remember that
shipping is based on market value.
Things to
do to
Make sure that the girls are correct in
the troop roster on CouncilAlignMENT.
Make sure that each girl has a valid email
address (we will use the preferred email
on CouncilAlignMENT parents' profile)
Links will be sent to this email for the
If a girl changes troop, Product Programs
will need to be notified to send a NEW
LINK as the link has the troop number
attached.  Email:
credit card
Council is updating new troops for the credit
card payment system with Clover Go.  Once final,
troops can browse the training deck on the Help
NEW Troops can request this service by filing
out this form:
This service will be provided by GSMIDTN and
can only be used during the cookie season.
Council will pay for transaction fees 
cookie season.
Clover Go:
From the app scan the credit card and it loads
the credit card number into the transaction;
then you enter in the CVV and zip code
You confirm items and customer accepts and
Clover Go
Troops can use the Clover Go  service for
booth sale transactions.
Money is deposited into the GSMIDTN bank
account and then the amount is added to
the troop sales report as a deposit for the
troop cookie balance.  If you have a
negative number, then Council owes the
troop money at the end of the cookie
Cookie Availability
Council can only guarantee Initial Order.
We highly suggest that troops place their
initial order to include cookies for the first
two weekends of booth sales.
Due to the current logistical shipping
climate council reorders may not arrive in
a timely manner as in the past.
See page 35 of troop manual for ordering
Non-specific Troop Cookie
Council will host a non-specific troop cookie training on
November 4
, 2021, at 6pm.  We will cover paperwork,
booth sales and online fulfillment steps.
If you would like Kathleen or myself to attend your SU
Cookie Training, please email us the information so we can
place the event on our calendar.
What to do next:
Set up your SU cookie training date
Divide up your paperwork & cookie (1 per troop) for
Decide how you will do the troop agreement form
(online or paper)
Reach out to your IRG’s to invite them to the cookie
Have a few troop leaders that can help you to secure
cookie booth locations
If outside of Williamson, Wilson and Davidson – secure
your delivery location
If you are in Williamson, Wilson and Davidson start
looking for volunteers within your Su to help with
Cookie Count n Go
What to do next:
Troops and parents
Set up your cookie training date
Make sure your profile and/or troop roster is correct
Give the parents the link to the parent permission form
Look at the new cookie badges that are available at the
Cabin in Nashville
If you are in Williamson, Wilson and Davidson start looking
for volunteers within your Su to help with Cookie Count n
Go at the Nashville location.
Thank you for
everything that
you do for the
Leaders and the
Girl Scouts!
Slide Note

Access the necessary forms and guidelines for the 2022 Cookie Program, including instructions for parents, troop leaders, and Service Unit (SU) Coordinators. Learn about the required documents such as Order Cards, Money Envelopes, Parent Permission Forms, and SU Agreement Letter to ensure a smooth cookie selling season.

  • Cookie Program
  • 2022
  • Guidelines
  • Forms
  • Parents

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2022 Cookie Program

  2. What SUs should have received from LBB SU Cookie Coordinators should have received the following from LBB: New Cookies 1 box per troop Troop Leader Guides 2 per troop Order Cards 1 per girl, with some extras Receipt Books 1 per troop, with extras Money Envelopes 1 per girl Parent Permission Form Parents can fill out online JotForm, save to computer and/or email response to troop leader. If additional hard copies are needed and you cannot print please email and we will send you some (family guide is now online only to view) Goal Getter Card 1 per girl, with extras SU Coordinator Gift 2 per SU

  3. What you should receive Parents should receive the following: Order Cards 1 per girl Money Envelopes 1 per girl Parent Permission Form Parents can fill out online JotForm, save to computer and/or email response to troop leader. (family guide is now online only to view) Goal Getter Card 1 per girl Troop Leaders should also receive: Troop Leader Guide, 2 per troop Box of Adventurefuls, 1 per troop

  4. SU Agreement Letter Please be sure to fill out the SU Agreement Letter in order to get onto eBudde. We will take the information from the Agreement Letter and input into eBudde for your SU access.

  5. Troop Permission Forms online This year we can offer that the troops within your service unit can fill out the Troop Permission Form using a JotForm link. Then the answers that you need to enter into eBudde will be emailed directly to your email inbox. Please email Tracy Tudder the following information to use this option: Service Unit: Name: Email to send responses: Troop Cookie Coordinators MUST be over 18 and a registered Girl Scout Adult.

  6. Parent/Guardian Permission & Responsibility Form GSMIDTN is incorporating an online Parent/Guardian Permission & Responsibility Form for the 2022 Cookie Program. Troop leaders can email or text the link to their parents. Parents will click the following: When the parent/guardian has completed the form, they will receive an email from JotForm with a PDF copy of their filled-out form. The parent/guardian can then forward this email to their troop leader. The parent/guardian can also download the form to their computer and/or phone. This electronic form will serve as their copy of the permission form as well as the troops copy of the form.

  7. Parent/Guardian Permission Form

  8. Dates for the cookie program Dates for 2022 Cookie Program Start of Cookie Season: December 14th Initial Order Due for Troops: January 18th Initial Order Due for SU s: January 20th Claimed SU Booths Due to Council: January 23rd Booth Sales Begin: February 6th Cookie Sales Ends: March 6th **See page 2 of the Service Unit Manual for complete list of dates

  9. Delivery Cookie Count n Go: February 4th & 5th Location: TBA Rutherford County: Outlying Counties: January 29th February 5th Location: TBA Cookies CANNOT be sold at a Booth/Business before February 6th, 2022

  10. Additional Materials/eBudde help center The Regional offices and Council office has additional materials if you need more paperwork Email: if you need additional paperwork The eBudde Help Center & GSMIDTN website has printable forms, paperwork and all needed information for the cookie program

  11. ACH Form The 2021-2022 ACH acknowledgement form is available to fill out for the Girl Scout year. When filling out the form use three numbers for your SU (ex. 011, 104) Due to banking guidelines the ACH form MUST be filled out every fiscal year.

  12. Forms for cookie program Cookie Rally Form first purchase patches thru Cabin-they will contact you for payment and pickup of patches and cookies Cookie Rally Rewards Reservation Form Cookie Costume Reservation Form-2 per service unit/troop Variety Pack Contest-4 pkgs purchased = name in drawing SU Delivery Form * - due 12/7/2021 ALL FORMS ON EBUDDE HELP CENTER Forms are located at programs/cookies/

  13. Palm Oil Toolkit GSUSA has released a Sustainable Palm Oil Toolkit This is located on the GSMIDTN website to download.

  14. Rally super kits

  15. Cupboards New this year!! Armstrong warehouse and Council cupboard will be closed on Mondays for restocking and deliveries. Council cupboard will be open for 3 Saturdays this cookie season. Page 21 & 22 of the Troop Guide has the locations and contacts for the Cookie Cupboards

  16. Cookie booths Dunkin Donuts has not renewed for this year, SU areas can reach out to your local locations for permission to host a booth sale. JoAnn s is not yet confirmed with GSUSA. GNC has announced that they will host booth sales. These will be council sponsored booths. Walmart has not committed for the upcoming cookie season; we will hear something from GSUSA once it is confirmed. Kroger Council will confirm the dates with Kroger and send out an email with the information and post it on the eBudde Help Center. DO NOT approach the Kroger stores. Food Lion SU s can reach out locally for the few that we have in our area.

  17. Cookie Booth Location Ideas Fast food locations on a Saturday, set up in a parking lot Parking lots of businesses using a drive thru system. Car Dealerships on a weekend Festivals and Flea Markets - see if they will let you set up a booth for free Food truck festivals Church parking lots on a Sunday School parking lots get permission from school for a drive thru Personal front yards

  18. Troop Only Cookie Booth Troop Leaders can add a Troop Only Booth sale on eBudde for approval. Steps: From eBudde, go to the Booth Sites Tab Use the drop down and go to My sales Click on add a location Fill out all information and click add Council will then look at the location and determine a approval or denial.

  19. Troop Cookie Booth Council will look to see if there is other booths around the location to make sure we do not have them in the same facility. Will look to make sure they are in an approved location. We cannot approve Bars, Wineries, marijuana dispensaries, CBD dispensaries, etc. Council will note the reason why if not approved. Council also looks at them once a day in the afternoons.

  20. Small business day Small Business Day is February 19th, 2022 Partner with a small business to do a booth sale outside the business on this day Social media tools are available on our website for the business to use on their social media channels Have the girls pitch their why and how it will bring customers on this day with the partnership of entrepreneurial skills Submit the form of your location and times to so council can upload this onto eBudde so it is in the Cookie Locator Database. Form is located on the Help Center.

  21. Walk About Weekend Walk about weekend is on February 18th to 20th, 2022 Great weekend to walk around your neighborhood to sell cookies to your neighbors. Set up a table with signs in your front yard. Patches are available at the Cabin for $1.25

  22. Individual Registered Girls Program Credits Tracy Tudder will send out the list with the IRG (Individually Registered Girls to the SU Coordinators. SUCC should invite them to the trainings and include them in the Cookie Booth selection process.

  23. Rally Opportunities for cookie program Troop/Service Unit Rally Guide Individual Virtual Rally Guide Activities Troop/Service Units can do the traditional rally or host a virtual rally. Girls can complete the activities and purchase the Rally Patch from the cabin for $1.25 each. Patches are available for purchase from the Cabin for $1.25 each. Rally Book, forms and rally kit forms can be found at

  24. Virtual Opportunities Cookie Program LBB has many virtual activities ad ideas at as well on their Facebook page Show the Product Rewards Rally Activities for girls/troop/service unit Visit a zoo online to see the koala s or do online activities zoos-that-offer-virtual-tours/ nimals/koala ctivities

  25. Social Media Guidelines Follow the Internet Safety Guidelines to keep the Girl Scout, yourself and family safe! safety-pledge.html Follow the Supplemental Safety Tips for Online Marketing. resources.html Do not post on any Marketplace, Ebay, For Sale page, etc. OKAY to post on your personal page, neighborhood pages, private group pages. Share your goal on your social media post and emails!

  26. Social Media cookie party Host a virtual cookie party on social media You can host a party on Facebook, etc. to your friends and family (not on a public level) Give your Friends and Family at least 1 to 2 week notice of your party Prepare your Why statement on your goal, troop goals and what your troop plans to do with cookie program funds Talk about the cookies and about your favorite cookies Share some recipes with your party participants by posting those on your event page Have a parent help you with the chat box to take orders and answer questions

  27. Facebook Party Steps Give your Friends and Family at least 1 to 2 week notice of your party. Facebook Live Steps: From your computer and home page on Facebook Click on Events Click on Create New Event Click Online Fill out Event Details (name, date, time) Click on drop down for Privacy Click on Friends Only or Private Only Click Next Click on Location for FaceBook Live Click Next You can upload a photo or a LBB Clip Art

  28. Financial 1. Troops that participated in the Fall Product Program and sold more than $1500 in total sales will earn an additional $.02 cents per box of cookies. This will automatically show in the troop's sales report. 2. Troops do not have to have a minimum of girls selling to participate in the Cookie Program. All troops earn the $.55 per box of cookies. 3. Troops will only need to have the girl minimums for the additional bonus levels. 4. Troops that have an NSF returned ACH will NOT receive any additional bonus levels. This includes both ACH pulls.

  29. Proceeds

  30. GSMIDTN will send out the personalized link to the parents starting on December 6th, 2021. Touchless Order Fulfillment Option for Cookies Girls can then send out their link to their family and friends. Customers can order online, pay online and ship the cookies to their homes. GSMIDTN will only have a ship only option. No girl delivered option. GSMIDTN has added the new cookie and changed the shipping lineup so that the less expensive shipping option is on the top. Please remember that shipping is based on market value.

  31. Make sure that the girls are correct in the troop roster on CouncilAlignMENT. Things to do to prepare for touchless order fulfillment Make sure that each girl has a valid email address (we will use the preferred email on CouncilAlignMENT parents' profile) Links will be sent to this email for the girl. If a girl changes troop, Product Programs will need to be notified to send a NEW LINK as the link has the troop number attached. Email:

  32. Council is updating new troops for the credit card payment system with Clover Go. Once final, troops can browse the training deck on the Help Center. NEW Troops can request this service by filing out this form: Contactless payment credit card system This service will be provided by GSMIDTN and can only be used during the cookie season. Council will pay for transaction fees ONLY during cookie season. Clover Go: From the app scan the credit card and it loads the credit card number into the transaction; then you enter in the CVV and zip code You confirm items and customer accepts and signs

  33. Troops can use the Clover Go service for booth sale transactions. Money is deposited into the GSMIDTN bank account and then the amount is added to the troop sales report as a deposit for the troop cookie balance. If you have a negative number, then Council owes the troop money at the end of the cookie program. Clover Go

  34. Cookie Availability Council can only guarantee Initial Order. We highly suggest that troops place their initial order to include cookies for the first two weekends of booth sales. Due to the current logistical shipping climate council reorders may not arrive in a timely manner as in the past. See page 35 of troop manual for ordering suggestions

  35. Non-specific Troop Cookie Training Council will host a non-specific troop cookie training on November 4th, 2021, at 6pm. We will cover paperwork, booth sales and online fulfillment steps. If you would like Kathleen or myself to attend your SU Cookie Training, please email us the information so we can place the event on our calendar.

  36. What to do next: Set up your SU cookie training date Divide up your paperwork & cookie (1 per troop) for training. Decide how you will do the troop agreement form (online or paper) Reach out to your IRG s to invite them to the cookie training Have a few troop leaders that can help you to secure cookie booth locations If outside of Williamson, Wilson and Davidson secure your delivery location If you are in Williamson, Wilson and Davidson start looking for volunteers within your Su to help with Cookie Count n Go

  37. What to do next: Troops and parents Set up your cookie training date Make sure your profile and/or troop roster is correct Give the parents the link to the parent permission form Look at the new cookie badges that are available at the Cabin in Nashville If you are in Williamson, Wilson and Davidson start looking for volunteers within your Su to help with Cookie Count n Go at the Nashville location.

  38. Thank you for everything that you do for the Leaders and the Girl Scouts!


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