Advanced Techniques in Materials Science: Transmission Electron Microscopy

Transmission electron microscop
Eötvös Loránd 
Structural investigation techniques in materials science II.
Problems with optical microscopes
The first minimum:
For small angles:
We often find that microscopes are characterized by their 
, but this is
not the best way to describe the capabilities of the instrument 
When passing through the instrument, light
gets scattered on the different components of
the microscope and this leads to the
appearance of 
Two objects are distinguishable if their
respective images don’t overlap
Kirchhoff’s theory gives us the size of these
Problems with optical microscopes
To distinguish the two objects their angle (as seen from the lens) must be greater
To increase the resolution we can either increase the size of the lens, or decrease the
 of the particle we’re using.
λ = 200 nm (at most)
(de Broglie: 
λ = h/p) 
 we can reach λ = 0,14-0,4 nm – atomic range
TEM – basic principles
Focal plane
Object plane
Image plane
Incoming e
Electrons pass through the
object that we are trying to
make an image of 
object has to be 
 < 200
nm; in high resolution
imagery < 10 nm
If we use electrons we can make a lot higher resolution images 
Works basically like an optical microscope
The principles used in classical optics
can be applied
Instead of optical lenses 
As the electrons hit the target similarly to light, they get 
 and interfere with
each other.
The theoretical framework: Kirchhoff’s theory
Solution of the Maxwell eq. in a special case:                  ,
Helmholtz eq.
If at this point we introduce a source for the electromagnetic field 
inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation:
The solution is given by the 
Fresnel integral
Scattering theory
Here         is a function of the electrical potential and the vector potential.
The Fresnel-integral is an approximate solution for the inhomogeneous Helmholtz
In our case we are far away from the source of the wave 
 (it can be shown that) the
spherical wave part can be ignored
The only important part of the integral is the 
scattering amplitude
where                             .
Spherical wave propagation
Initial form of the wave
Scattering amplitude
If we assume that the charge density is 
where with n we index the lattice points, and with j the atoms in a unit cell. Now, the
amplitude factor can be broken down into three terms:
The calculations show us that the difference between the wave number of the
incoming and outgoing wave 
can only differ by a reciprocal lattice vector
Non-zero only if
Bragg’s law
We can represent our condition visually
 this is 
Bragg’s law
: The path difference of
the waves is related to the distance between
the crystal lattice planes
 if we can measure the 
angles, we know the d
 all of this calculation will be valid for electrons too 
Another way to interpret Bragg’s law
Ewald’s sphere:
 reciprocal lattice
 so that it points to a lattice point
 make a sphere around 
's origin with radius k
The points on the Ewald’s sphere will be the ones that fulfill Bragg’s law
 this is very hard to achieve, since we would need to fine-tune 
 so that it points
exactly to a reciprocal lattice point
 we have to take into account the fact that the atoms are not point-like
Crystal diffraction
What we can do is rotate the crystal so that the Ewald’s sphere falls on a reciprocal
lattice point
 even better if we use a powdered sample where we already have many crystals
pointing in all directions 
 the interference patter will be comprised of circles 
TEM image of a Si crystal
TEM image of Ni powder
Crystal diffraction
Why do we see many points and not just the points that fulfill Bragg’s law? 
 sample is finite and therefore the reciprocal lattice points become “sticks”
 Ewald’s sphere is large compared to the reciprocal lattice basis therefore it intersects
many “sticks”
What can we detect?
In TEM accelerated electrons move through the specimen.
Electron types after interaction with matter:
 (forward scattered)
elastically scattered 
inelastically scattered
other types: secondary,
backscattered, X-ray,
Auger electrons
TEM structure
Ernest Ruska (1933), Nobel Price in 1986
Average energy of electrons: 100 – 400 keV
Wavelength of electrons from the dispersion relation of the free electrons:
 than the size of an average atom.
spherical aberration
chromatic aberration
thick specimen (more diffraction, kinetic theory cannot be applied) 
  t < 10 nm
TEM structure
Main parts of TEM:
electron gun
condenser lenses
objective lenses
intermediate lens
projector lens
image recording screen
(image plate, CCD, etc.)
Operating modes
Focal length depends on the
current in the electromagnet.
Switch between the two modes:
change the focal length of the
intermediate lens.
Imaging mode
focal length of the intermediate
lens equals the object distance
Diffraction mode:
focal length of the intermediate
lens equals the rear focal plane 
Imaging mode
Magnified image
 of the specimen.
Focal length of the intermediate lens equals the object
Brighter: more detected electrons
Aperture: electrons can go only through this hole.
If unscattered electrons: more electrons are detected 
brighter image 
bright field
If one diffracted beam: less electrons are detected 
darker image 
dark field
Only one diffracted beam, information loss, but difference
in contrast. 
More detailed image (
): more diffracted beams 
larger aperture 
spherical aberration
Diffraction mode
 diffraction pattern of the crystal lattice appears.
Focal length of the intermediate lens equals the rear focal plane.
We detect the 
Fourier transform
 of the specimen in the focal plane
 reciprocal lattice can be seen
All dots corresponds to lattice planes with
different Miller indices.
Bright dots: elastically scattered
Grey background: inelastically
scattered electrons
Diffraction aperture: information of
a small area of the crystal
 Selected area diffraction (SAD)
Diffraction mode - examples
Powder diffraction (Ni) 
 Debye-Scherrer rings
Diffraction mode - examples
Diffraction image of Si single-crystal (fcc)
Diffraction of a GaN layer (hexagonal)
Slide Note

Explore the advanced techniques used in materials science, focusing on Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Learn about the challenges with optical microscopes, the principles of TEM imaging, and the application of scattering theory in electron microscopy. Discover how TEM offers higher resolution imaging by using electrons and the theoretical framework behind electron scattering and interference.

  • Materials Science
  • Electron Microscopy
  • TEM
  • Scattering Theory
  • Imaging Techniques

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transmission electron microscopy Structural investigation techniques in materials science II. E tv s Lor nd University

  2. Problems with optical microscopes We often find that microscopes are characterized by their magnification, but this is not the best way to describe the capabilities of the instrument resolution When passing through the instrument, light gets scattered on the different components of the microscope and this leads to the appearance of Airy-disks Two objects are distinguishable if their respective images don t overlap Kirchhoff s theory gives us the size of these disks The first minimum: For small angles: Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 2

  3. Problems with optical microscopes To distinguish the two objects their angle (as seen from the lens) must be greater than To increase the resolution we can either increase the size of the lens, or decrease the wavelengthof the particle we re using. Light: = 200 nm (at most) e- (de Broglie: = h/p) we can reach = 0,14-0,4 nm atomic range 3 Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II.

  4. TEM basic principles If we use electrons we can make a lot higher resolution images TEM Works basically like an optical microscope Incoming e--s The principles used in classical optics can be applied Object plane Instead of optical lenses magnets Lens Electrons pass through the object that we are trying to make an image of the object has to be thin < 200 nm; in high resolution imagery < 10 nm Focal plane Image plane Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 4

  5. Scattering theory As the electrons hit the target similarly to light, they get scattered and interfere with each other. The theoretical framework: Kirchhoff s theory Solution of the Maxwell eq. in a special case: , Helmholtz eq.1 1Here is a function of the electrical potential and the vector potential. If at this point we introduce a source for the electromagnetic field inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation: The solution is given by the Fresnel integral Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 5

  6. Fresnel-integral The Fresnel-integral is an approximate solution for the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation: Charge density Spherical wave propagation Initial form of the wave In our case we are far away from the source of the wave (it can be shown that) the spherical wave part can be ignored The only important part of the integral is the scattering amplitude: where . Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 6

  7. Scattering amplitude If we assume that the charge density is periodic: where with n we index the lattice points, and with j the atoms in a unit cell. Now, the amplitude factor can be broken down into three terms: Non-zero only if The calculations show us that the difference between the wave number of the incoming and outgoing wave can only differ by a reciprocal lattice vector Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 7

  8. Braggs law We can represent our condition visually this is Bragg s law: The path difference of the waves is related to the distance between the crystal lattice planes if we can measure the angles, we know the dhkl distances all of this calculation will be valid for electrons too TEM Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 8

  9. Another way to interpret Braggs law Ewald s sphere: reciprocal lattice draw k so that it points to a lattice point make a sphere around k's origin with radius k The points on the Ewald s sphere will be the ones that fulfill Bragg s law this is very hard to achieve, since we would need to fine-tune k so that it points exactly to a reciprocal lattice point we have to take into account the fact that the atoms are not point-like Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 9

  10. Crystal diffraction What we can do is rotate the crystal so that the Ewald s sphere falls on a reciprocal lattice point even better if we use a powdered sample where we already have many crystals pointing in all directions the interference patter will be comprised of circles TEM image of a Si crystal TEM image of Ni powder Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 10

  11. Crystal diffraction Why do we see many points and not just the points that fulfill Bragg s law? sample is finite and therefore the reciprocal lattice points become sticks Ewald s sphere is large compared to the reciprocal lattice basis therefore it intersects many sticks Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 11

  12. What can we detect? In TEM accelerated electrons move through the specimen. Electron types after interaction with matter: unscattered (forward scattered) electrons elastically scattered electrons (diffraction) inelastically scattered electrons other types: secondary, backscattered, X-ray, Auger electrons Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 12

  13. TEM structure Ernest Ruska (1933), Nobel Price in 1986 Average energy of electrons: 100 400 keV Wavelength of electrons from the dispersion relation of the free electrons: Even smaller than the size of an average atom. Errors: spherical aberration chromatic aberration astigmatism thick specimen (more diffraction, kinetic theory cannot be applied) t < 10 nm Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 13

  14. TEM structure Main parts of TEM: electron gun condenser lenses specimen objective lenses intermediate lens projector lens image recording screen (image plate, CCD, etc.) Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 14

  15. Operating modes Imaging and diffraction mode. Focal length depends on the current in the electromagnet. Switch between the two modes: change the focal length of the intermediate lens. Imaging mode: focal length of the intermediate lens equals the object distance Diffraction mode: focal length of the intermediate lens equals the rear focal plane distance Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 15

  16. Imaging mode Magnified image of the specimen. Focal length of the intermediate lens equals the object distance. Brighter: more detected electrons Aperture: electrons can go only through this hole. If unscattered electrons: more electrons are detected brighter image bright field mode If one diffracted beam: less electrons are detected darker image dark field mode Only one diffracted beam, information loss, but difference in contrast. More detailed image (HRTEM): more diffracted beams larger aperture spherical aberration Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 16

  17. Diffraction mode Magnified diffraction pattern of the crystal lattice appears. Focal length of the intermediate lens equals the rear focal plane. We detect the Fourier transform of the specimen in the focal plane reciprocal lattice can be seen All dots corresponds to lattice planes with different Miller indices. Bright dots: elastically scattered electrons Grey background: inelastically scattered electrons Diffraction aperture: information of a small area of the crystal Selected area diffraction (SAD) Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 17

  18. Diffraction mode - examples Powder diffraction (Ni) Debye-Scherrer rings Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 18

  19. Diffraction mode - examples Diffraction image of Si single-crystal (fcc) Diffraction of a GaN layer (hexagonal) Structural investigationtechniques in materials science II. 19

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