A Comprehensive Guide to MathML and LaTeX Workflow 2017

Slide Note

Delve into the intricacies of MathML and LaTeX workflow in 2017 with insights on equation editors, commonly used equations, comparison between Wiris and MathType, LaTeX usage in STEM research, and more. Uncover tips, workarounds, and new developments in MathJax setup since 2016, along with the importance of math editors in building comprehension. Explore demos, standard deviation equations, and the differences in features, pricing, and platform support between Wiris and MathType.

  • MathML
  • LaTeX
  • Equation Editors
  • Math Workflow
  • Wiris-MathType Comparison

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MathML (& LaTeX) Workflow 2017 Elizabeth Pyatt, ITS accessibilityweb@psu.edu See Notes panel for image ALT tags

  2. Whats New? Wiris also recommended math editor Canvas LaTeX workflows Gotchas! MathML workarounds MathJax Setup New since 2016 Sites MathJax Plugin

  3. The Equation Editor

  4. A Word About Math Editors Building Comprehension Anyone can build a differential equation Wikipedia is always there. Math is beautiful See 3D print for z(x,y)= cos(x2+y2)

  5. Equation Editor Palette

  6. Wiris (Online) Free Online editor Save your output! WIRIS: http://www.wiris.com/editor/demo/en/mathml-latex

  7. Some simple demos If e = mc2then m = e/c2 If c = e/m

  8. A Commonly Used Equation Standard Deviation (Statistics)

  9. Wiris vs. MathType Feature Price Higher Ed. Math Platform LaTeX/MathML Conversion Other Equation Formats Custom Template Chemistry Microsoft Office Wiris Free Yes Web (Cloud) Yes MathType Ca. $60 Yes PC/Mac Yes No Yes Sort of Yes (Basic) Partial (PC only w/ MathType installed) Yes Yes Yes Yes (Basic) Yes (PC Only) Formatting Tools RTL Formatting Partial (Prefs only) No

  10. All the Jargon (M-words & Others)

  11. LaTeX (LaTe) That s [lat k] lah-tek Math equations and formatted text Used by many STEM researchers for pubs Used in Canvas Equation Editor NOT directly supported by screen readers Examples E=mc2is E = mc^2 ei = -1 is e^{i \pi} & = -1 Standard Deviation \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \overline{x})^2}

  12. MathML Markup Language Specifically an XML language Looks like HTML with different tags Supported by modern screen readers E=mc2(Einstein) <math display= block xmlns= http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML > <mrow> <mi>E</mi> <mo>=</mo> <mi>m</mi> <msup> <mi>c</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msup> </mrow> </math>

  13. Critical MathML Jargon Namespace (Usually choose) Where spec is hosted on W3C Include Link to xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML in initial MATH tag Which version? Use version 2.0 with name space M-Namespace (Avoid) A variant by Microsoft Same MathML tags prefixed by m: Don t use unless someone needs it.

  14. M Name Space code Defunct Microsoft Variation <m:math xmlns= http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML > <m:mrow> <m:mi>E</m:mi> <m:mo>=</m:mo> <m:mi>m</m:mi> <m:msup> <m:mi>c</m:mi> <m:mn>2</m:mn> </m:msup> </m:mrow> </m:math>

  15. MathJax & MathPlayer MathJax (www.mathjax.org ) An open source JavaScript Library Managed by the AMS Enables consistent rendering of MathML across browsers e.g. Chrome, Edge MUST use MathJax MathPlayer Plugin for Windows NVDA can recognize MathPlayer 4

  16. Page with MathML http://accessibility.psu.edu/mathjaxtest/

  17. Visual Browser Support Browser Firefox 3+ Safari Chrome Edge iOS Safari IE 9 IE 11 (10 buggy) Use MathPlayer 4 w/MathJax Comments Excellent support Quirky, newer versions better Only with MathJax Only with MathJax Quirky with MathJax Use MathPlayer 3 w Namespace MathML

  18. Screen Reader Support http://www.dessci.com/en/solutions/access/atsupport.htm http://www.maths-informatique- jeux.com/blog/frederic/?post/2015/05/06/MathML-Accessibility Screen Reader JAWS 16+ NVDA Comments Firefox (with or without MathJax) Use MathPlayer 4 / Firefox Also Microsoft Word May be better without MathJax Quirky with MathJax (better without) VoiceOver iOS Safari

  19. Current Screenreader Workflow HTML works best Raw HTML Canvas Sites Also Drupal

  20. HTML & MathML http://accessibility.psu.edu/mathml/

  21. Creating MathML NOT by handcoding! Use Equation Editor MathType (Mac/Windows) WIRIS http://www.wiris.com/editor/demo/en/mathml- latex.html MathMagic (Mac) Others .

  22. Equation Editor Palette

  23. Equation Editor to MathML Wiris Converter Utility http://www.wiris.com/editor/demo/en/math ml-latex MathType Edit Cut and Copy preferences Image pastes as either MathML or LaTeX in text file

  24. MathType Copy Preferences

  25. MathML in HTML Create HTML file Paste MathML into code view Add a link to MathJax (next slide) Manually (Web Page, ANGEL) Plugin (Sites @ Penn State) Configure CMS (Drupal)

  26. 2 MathJax Links Supports MathML or LaTeX Open site (http://) <script type="text/javascript"src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/aj ax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS- MML_HTMLorMML"></script> Password Protected (https://) <script type="text/javascript"src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/a jax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS- MML_HTMLorMML"></script> Prevents Firefox complaints See MathJax http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/start.html

  27. On to Canvas

  28. Canvas Demo (via Wiris)

  29. Canvas Equation Editor Advanced View

  30. Is there secret MathML? In Rich Content/HTML Editor Code/HTML view <img class="equation_image" title="\sum\limits_{i= 1}^n {{{({X_i} - \bar X)}^2}}" Attributes IMG class= equation_image src = alt = [raw LaTeX data- mathml= &lt;mathxmlnm s=&quot;http://www3.or g/1998 src="https://psu.instructure.com/e quation_images/..." alt="\sum\limits_{i= 1}^n {{{({X_i} - \bar X)}^2}}" data-mathml="&lt;math xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/ 1998/Math/MathML&quot;&gt;

  31. Secret MathML Inspect Element (published page)

  32. Canvas? Keeps the MathML and strips the MathJax Options Use Math Editor should be accessible But currently buggy May be image with LaTeX as ALT text Upload HTML file with MathML/Math Jax But rules out quizzes Use raw MathML (for a student with screen reader)

  33. LaTeX to MathML Wiris Converter Utility http://www.wiris.com/editor/demo/en/math ml-latex MathType Edit Cut and Copy preferences Image pastes as either MathML or LaTeX in text file

  34. Final Canvas MathType Notes Remove extra marks in red as needed E.g. \[ .\] Design Science MathType Help http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathty pe/works_with.asp Select platform/app from menu

  35. Lets Demo this MathType Create Equation Set Copy (i.e. export) preferences HTML page Export code from editor Add link to MathJax in HEAD Sites at Penn State Enable MathJax plugin Set configuration to TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML Paste code in code view between [mathjax] tags

  36. Sites (WordPressCMS) w/ MathJax plugin

  37. Sites MathJax Plugin

  38. Plugin Settings Set Configuration: TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML Force load: Check if many pages have MathML Custom Location: Use https:// cloudflare link

  39. Sites Editor Text Mode (code) [mathjax] <math display="block" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/Math ML"> <mrow> <mi>E</mi><mo>=</mo><mfrac> <mrow> <mn>2</mn><mi>&#x3C0;</mi><mi>h</mi><msup> <mi>c</mi> <mn>2</mn> </math> [mathjax]

  40. Links! MathML Accessibility (v 2.0) http://sites.psu.edu/accessibility/mathml/ MathJax (works with MathML) http://www.mathjax.org/ STIX Font Download/Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/stixfonts Info: http://www.stixfonts.org/ MathML Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML W3C MathML 2: http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/

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