Polymer Coatings and Paint Composition

Polymer Coatings
 is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the
. The purpose of applying the coating may be decorative, functional, or both. 
Functional coatings may be applied to change the surface properties of the
substrate, such as adhesion, wetability, corrosion resistance, or wear resistance. 
Insulating coatings: 
Insulating material is used as a
protective coating on electrical wire and cables.
Material like PVC, Teflon
and rubber are very good
electrical insulators.
Non-stick PTFE coated- cooking pans
Changing adhesion properties.
Teflon coated fabric
Basic Composition of Paint
REF: Comex group ppt: 
Paints and lacquers
oatings have dual uses of protecting the substrate and
being decorative
. (T
he paint on large industrial pipes is presumably only for
the function of preventing corrosion
Prime Pigments
Titanium Dioxide (TiO
most widely used white pigment because of its brightness
and very
high refractive index
Zinc Oxide
controls mildew
resists ultra-violet light
resists yellowing
Titanium dioxide is the world's
primary pigment for providing
whiteness, brightness and
Types: Latex, Alkyd, Epoxy, Polyurethane
Binds or glues ingredients (pigments and additives) of paint together
Resin provides adhesion to the substrate
Resin provides durability & resistance properties:
Moisture resistance
Chemical resistance
Stain resistance
Fade resistance
REF: Comex group ppt: 
Alkyd Resin Technology
ALKYD (Oil-Based)
A synthetic resin made by reacting alcohols and fatty acids
Benefits of alkyds:
Abrasion resistance
Good adhesion
Used in rust preventative paint
Alkyd resin
REF: Comex group ppt: 
Latex Resin Technology
LATEX (water-based)
Synthetic polymers
Main resins
100% Acrylic
Styrene Acrylic
Acrylic Copolymer
Vinyl Acetate
QUALITY Latex paint benefits
Color retention
Excellent adhesion
Scrub resistance
Low odo
REF: Comex group ppt: 
Chemical structure of the
vinyl functional group
Ethylene-vinyl acetate
Acrylic vs. Alkyd Paints
The paint on the left half of each
board is acrylic, the paint on the
right half, an alkyd.
The colors of the paints were
identical when applied.  After 15
years of weathering, the
appearance of the alkyds has
changed dramatically.
All have lost gloss, faded, and
chalked.  The acrylic paints, in
contrast, have proven remarkably
durable with good color retention.
REF: Comex group ppt: 
Coating Methods
Pieces Coating Methods
Film or sheet Coating Methods
Transfer Coating
 is the practice of applying 
to a surface. The medium is
commonly applied to the base with a brush
 This is the simlest coating
This process occurs when paint is applied to an object
through the use of an air-pressurized 
spray gun. The air gun has a nozzle, paint basin, and
air compressor. When the trigger is pressed the paint
mixes with the compressed air stream and is released in
a fine spray
Air gun spraying 
uses equipment that is generally larger
used for covering large surfaces with an even
coating of liquid.
Kısa Tanım : 
Yerinde özel makineler ile püskürtülerek uygulanan sistemlerdir. Ek yeri
olmayan tek parça bir izolasyon elde edilir. Isı ve ses izolasyonu amacı ile
Uygulama Alanları : 
Fabrika çatıları (eski-yıpranmış), inşaatlar, konutlar, tavuk
çiftlikleri, mantar çiftlikleri, balıkçı tekneleri, soğuk hava depoları, her türlü çatı ve
zemin yalıtım, perde beton yalıtımı.
Teknik Özellikler : 
Isı geçirgenlik direnci: 24,6 mW/mK (SI unit=watt/meter.Kelvin)
Basma direnci: 175 kPa
Kapalı hücre miktarı: %15
Alev Dayanımı: B2 (normal alev alır)-B3 (kolay alev alır)
Bükülme Direnci: 0,35 N/mm²
Ürün : 
Püskürtme Poliüretan
(Poliüretan Sert Köpük)
Marka : 
Electrostatic Spraying
he most common
method used in powder
High voltage (40-100 kV)
concentrated at the nozzle
of the spray gun causes
ionizing of the air passing
through the spray gun.
Passage of the powder
through this ionized air
allows free ions to adhere
of the powder
applying a
negative charge to them.
These particles have a
strong attraction to the
grounded part and deposit
Electrostatic Painting, Powder Deposition
: In these deposition
processes, a powder (or sometimes a liquid) is atomized and given an
electric charge. The charged particles of powder drift toward a
conductive workpiece (the item that is being powder painted), usually
with additional airflow assist from a fan or pump. The powder is
electrostatically attracted to the workpiece and sticks to it. Then the
workpiece is heated, which melts the powder so that it forms a
smooth, solid coat. Heat (or UV for a low-temperature piece) will also
polymerize the melted powder if the coating is permanently-hardening
(a thermoset). The applied voltage is usually negative, but it is positive
for nylon and some other materials, because each material has its own
charging preference. An insulator can also be electrostatically sprayed
if it is very thin and is backed by a grounded conductor.
Solvent içermeyen bir yüzey kaplama metodudur.
Kaplayıcı malzeme, son kat boya tabakasını
olusturan çok ince toz boya partikülleridir. 
Toz boya, boya kabininde özel boya tabancalari
vasıtasıyla atılır. Tabancadan geçerken
elektrostatik yüklenen toz boya partikülleri kabin
içinde boyanacak malzemeye yapışır ve kaplama
işlemi gerçekleşmiş olur. Toz boyanın malzeme
yüzeyine tam olarak yapışabilmesi için
malzemenin de çok iyi bir şekilde topraklanmasi
gerekir. Fazla atilan boya, kabinde bulunan boya
geri kazanim sistemi sayesinde toplanır ve tekrar
kullanıma sokulur. Boya geri kazanim sistemi
elektrostatik toz boyama teknolojisinin en büyük
ekonomik avantajlarindan biridir. Malzeme toz
boya ile kaplandiktan sonra pisirme fırınına girer.
200ºC olan fırn ısısı toz boyanin erimesini ve
malzeme üzerine yapışmasını sağlar. Sonuçta çok
dayanıklı, ekonomik, çevre dostu, geniş renk
yelpazeli ve parlak bir yüzey kaplamasi elde edilir.
Solvent içermemesi, yüzey kalitesi, dayanıklılığı,
boya geri kazanim sistemi, ekonomikligi ve çevre
duyarliligi elektrostatik toz boyamayi geleneksel
boyama işlemlerine göre daha çekici bir alternatif
Toz boya ile boyanacak olan malzemelere uygulanan işlemler;
1) Malzemeler ilk önce yıkama-yağ alma ve durulama-fosfatlama bölümünde işlem görür. Fosfatlama
işlemi sayesinde metal yüzey üzerinde koruyucu bir tabaka oluşturulur.Bu sayede metalin hava alması
engellenir ve toz boyanın malzemeyi sarması kolaylaşır. Böylece metal üzerinde oluşacak korozyon ve
paslanmanın önüne geçilir, malzemenin uzun ömürlü ve dayanıklı olması sağlanır. 
2) Daha sonra malzemelerin yüzey temizliği kontrol edilir. Eğer ki malzemelerde çapak varsa temizlenir
düzeltme ve zımpara işlemleri yapılır.
3) Malzemeler boyanmak üzere konveyör hattına asılır ve hava tabancaları ile malzemelere hava
tutulur. Malzemelerin üzerinde toz ve benzeri kalıntıların kalmadığından emin olunur.
4) Konveyör hattı ilerlemeye başlar ve malzemeler toz boya kabininin içine girer, tabanca sistemleri ile
malzemeler toz boya ile boyanırlar.
5) İlerleyen konveyör hattı üzerindeki malzemeler fırından içeriye girmeye başlarlar, malzeme
kalınlıklarına göre ve boya kürlenme derecelerine göre fırında özel ısı ve zaman ayarları yapılır.Bu
sayade malzemenin kürlenmesi(pişmesi) sağlanır. (Boya kürlenme dereceleri 180-210°C arasındadır)
6) Elektrostatik toz boya ile boyanan malzemeler fırından dışarıya çıkar ve kısa bir süre soğumaya
7) Böylece dayanıklı, sağlam ve estetik açıdan mükemmel bir boya elde edilmiş olur.
Ref: Karyatek Boya
In a dip-coating process, a substrate is dipped into a liquid coating solution and then is
withdrawn from the solution at a controlled speed. 
Coating thickness generally
increases with faster withdrawal speed.
 The thickness is determined by the balance
of forces at the stagnation point on the liquid surface. A faster withdrawal speed pulls
more fluid up onto the surface of the substrate before it has time to flow back down
into the solution. The thickness is primarily affected by fluid viscosity, fluid density,
and surface tension.
Dip-coating, while excellent for producing high-quality, uniform coatings, requires
precise control and a clean environment. The applied coating may remain wet for
several minutes until the solvent evaporates. This process can be accelerated by
heated drying. In addition, the coating may be cured by a variety of means including
conventional thermal, UV, or IR techniques depending on the coating solution
formulation. Once a layer is cured, another layer may be applied on top of it with
another dip-coating / curing process.
Thickness of layer depends on some parameters like
viscosity and solid content of liquid and is formulated:
In which:
h: thickness
ρ: density
g: gravity constant
η: viscosity
: liquid‐vapor surface tension
v: dtagging speed
Plastisol is the most common dip molding material. It is
a mixture of suspended plastic particles (usually PVC)
dispersed in a plasticizer. As a liquid, it can be stored at
room temperature for years.
Other common candidates for dip molding are latex,
neoprene, urethane, epoxy, etc. Recently, polyurethane
and silicone are often used to replace latex to avoid
allergy related issues.
is also the name for natural 
Spin Coating
Spin Coating
pin coating
is a cheap and fast method to produce homogeneous layers. An excess
amount of the solvent is placed on the substrate, which is then rotated at high speed in
order to spread the fluid by centrifugal force. 
The film thickness can be adjusted by
varying the rotation speed, the rotation time, and the concentration of the used
 The disadvantage of this method is that it is limited by the solvent and that no
lateral resolution is possible.
Spin coating is widely used in microfabrication, where it can be used to create thin films
with thicknesses below 10 nm. It is used intensively to deposit layers of photoresist 
sensitive materials) 
about 1 micrometre thick.
Spin Coating
Thickness of the layer depends on many different parameters. Equation 1 shows
how these parameters affect thickness:
In which:
h: thickness
: density of volatile liquid
η: viscosity of solution
m: rate of evaporation
ω:angular speed
Because we have to calculate evaporation rate experimentally, a simpler equation
is suggested as below:
A,B are constant parameters that should be calculated experimentally, but in most
cases, it has been proved that B is some where between 0.4 and 0.7.
Photoresist* for defining patterns in microcircuit fabrication.
Dielectric/insulating layers for microcircuit fabrication
Magnetic disk coatings
Flat screen display coatings - Antireflection coatings,
conductive oxide, etc.
Compact Disks – DVD, CD ROM, etc.
Television tube phosphor and antireflection coatings.
Some technologies that depend heavily on high quality spin
coated layers are:
 is a light-sensitive material used in several industrial processes,
such as photolithography  to form a patterned coating on a surface.
bility to coat irregular shapes,
imple and inexpensive
equipment requirements, 
rocess automation, 
mooth and continuous coating
Pre-heat and post-heat ovens are
Minimum of 200um to be applied
Complex shapes trap excess
Fluidized Bed Coating
Fluidized bed coating is a commercially important process which was developed for
application of plastic coatings on metal substrates. Dry powder coating processes use no
solvents and thus provide an environmentally friendly alternative to dipping
spraying. It is possible to build a film thickness of 2500 µm using higher preheat
temperatures and multiple dips
The Process Steps :
Sample pre-heated to 200-230C
Initial deposit melts onto part
Film builds from residual heat
Coated part with desired film
Film or Sheet Coating Methods
In this process polymer solution is rolled onto the fabric/film/sheet by a roller
suspended in the coating solution, often a blade is positioned close to the roller
to ensure not too much coating solution is applied.
Calenders consist of a number of rollers, sometimes five or more in various
configurations, which rotate to crush the 
‘dough’ and smooth it into
films of uniform thickness. The thickness of the film is determined by the gap
separation of the rollers
The more rollers, film produced is more accurate. Some
of the 
rollers also generates heat, and the 
 fabricated into a
continuous sheet can be brought into contact with the fabric
to which it adheres
Application: T
extile materials are covered with
elastomer on one or both sides.
Transfer Coating
The process is divided in few steps
● Coat the 
 on to the transfer
● Coat 
the adhesive 
which joins the
top layer to the fabric 
● Lay the fabric on top of the coating,
nip together
and crosslink the two
layers together
● Peel the coated fabric off the
release paper
The principle of transfer coating is first to spread the polymer on to release paper to form
a film and then to laminate this film to the fabric
The main uses of this type of coating technique are
the transfer coated
polyurethane fabrics is in up-market and the waterproof protective clothing.
Extrusion coating
In extrusion coating applications, resin is melted and formed into thin
hot film, which is coated onto a moving, flat substrate such as paper,
paperboard, metal foil or plastic film. The coated substrate then
passes between a set of counter rotating rolls that press the coating
onto the substrate to ensure complete contact and adhesion.
Coated paperboard used to make cartons for
packaging milk, liquid, powdered and solid foods
Steel cable can be jacketed with a number
of plastics, and a variety of wall thicknesses.
Commonly used plastics include PVC, Nylon,
Polypropylene or Polyethylene.
Wire Coating
Self-healing of a polymer
One of the 
self-healing mechanism
developed to date incorporates liquid
monomer-filled vessels and catalyst
particles into a polymer matrix. Upon
material fracture, vessels rupture,
followed by flow of the liquid monomer
into the crack volume. When the
monomer contacts the catalyst particles
it polymerizes and adheres the crack
faces together
 The first and most well-
studied monomer/catalyst combination
used thus far in self-healing systems is
dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) and Grubbs'
catalyst, the former of which undergoes
ring-opening metathesis polymerization
(ROMP) in the presence of the latter
Schematic illustrati
ons of the 
steps for the fabrication of the SU-8 micropillars.
Lithographic patterning using UV light 
is a very attractive technology due to the
relatively low energy consumption, room temperature operation, rapid curing, spatial
control and the ability to expose in a single step large surface areas. For these
reasons UV lithography is nowadays the most widespread used method for
Sumio Hosaka
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
"Updates in Advanced Lithography", ISBN 978-953-51-1175-7,  2013
Schematic illustrating the successive coating
steps. At first the PTFE solution is sprayed on
the substrate. As a second step, the iron oxide
NPs are sprayed on top of the 
micro/submicron rough pattern, thus inducing a
three-scale roughness
 coating consist
 of PTFE
sub-micrometer particles and
iron oxide colloidal NPs and
they are applied by spray
deposition. Apart from their
interesting wetting properties
such type of surfaces can be
used in various applications
such as in biological scaffolds,
lab-on-a-chip devices and
aerospace vehicles
substrates, starting from
“sticky” hydrophobic
(uncoated patterned
surfaces), by the application
of the proper particles, can be
converted to super
hydrophobic surfaces with
ultrahigh or ultralow water
Sumio Hosaka
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
"Updates in Advanced Lithography", ISBN 978-953-51-1175-7,  2013
Water drops that remain adhered in an iron oxide/PTFE/SU-8 patterned surface
under very high substrate inclinations (tilt angle: 122° on the left image and 173°
on the right) Such type of surfacescan be designated as “sticky superhydrophobic”
In the solgel process, simple molecular precursors are converted into nanometer-sized particles to form
a colloidal suspension, or sol. The colloidal nanoparticles are then linked with one another in a 3D,
liquid-filled solid network. This transformation to a gel can be initiated in several ways, but the most
convenient approach is to change the pH of the reaction solution. Even the method used to remove
liquid from a solid will affect the solgel’s properties. For example, to preserve a gel’s original 3D
structure and produce low-density aerogels, chemists use a technique called supercritical drying. If,
instead, the gel is dried slowly in a fluid-evaporation process, the gel’s structural network collapses,
which creates a high-density material known as a xerogel.
Aerogel properties can be changed by adding different precursor
molecules. For example;
(a) an aluminum oxide foam prepared from aluminum nitrate has
a cluster morphology that results in (b) an opaque aerogel.
(c) Using aluminum chloride as the precursor produces an aerogel
with fibrous morphology, resulting in (d) a stronger foam that is
also translucent.
Slide Note

Polymer coatings serve both decorative and functional purposes by changing surface properties like adhesion and resistance. The composition of paints involves solvents, pigments, additives, and resins to protect and beautify substrates. Different pigments like Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide are used for their properties, while resins like Latex, Alkyd, Epoxy, and Polyurethane provide adhesion, durability, and resistance. Alkyd and Latex resin technologies offer benefits for various applications in the coating industry.

  • Polymer coatings
  • Paint composition
  • Pigments
  • Resins
  • Alkyd technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Polymer Coatings A coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. The purpose of applying the coating may be decorative, functional, or both. Functional coatings may be applied to change the surface properties of the substrate, such as adhesion, wetability, corrosion resistance, or wear resistance. teflon coated cable Non-stick PTFE coated- cooking pans: Changing adhesion properties. Insulating coatings: Insulating material is used as a protective coating on electrical wire and cables. Material like PVC, Teflon and rubber are very good electrical insulators. Teflon coated fabric

  2. Basic Composition of Paint Paints and lacquers: Coatings have dual uses of protecting the substrate and being decorative. (The paint on large industrial pipes is presumably only for the function of preventing corrosion). Solvents (Liquids) Pigments Additives Resins (Binder) REF: Comex group ppt: PAINT BASICS AND CORROSION IN METAL AIA103 2

  3. Prime Pigments Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) most widely used white pigment because of its brightness and very high refractive index Zinc Oxide controls mildew (k f) resists ultra-violet light resists yellowing Titanium dioxide is the world's primary pigment for providing whiteness, brightness and opacity. 3

  4. Resins Types: Latex, Alkyd, Epoxy, Polyurethane Binds or glues ingredients (pigments and additives) of paint together Resin provides adhesion to the substrate Resin provides durability & resistance properties: UV-resistance Moisture resistance Chemical resistance Stain resistance Fade resistance REF: Comex group ppt: PAINT BASICS AND CORROSION IN METAL AIA103 4

  5. Alkyd Resin Technology ALKYD (Oil-Based) A synthetic resin made by reacting alcohols and fatty acids Benefits of alkyds: -Abrasion resistance -Good adhesion -Used in rust preventative paint http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0300944011002529-gr2.jpg Alkyd resin REF: Comex group ppt: PAINT BASICS AND CORROSION IN METAL AIA103 5

  6. Latex Resin Technology LATEX (water-based) QUALITY Latex paint benefits include: Synthetic polymers Main resins: - 100% Acrylic - Styrene Acrylic - Vinyl-Acrylic - Acrylic Copolymer - Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Color retention Excellent adhesion Scrub resistance Low odor Acrylic acid Chemical structure of the vinyl functional group Ethylene-vinyl acetate REF: Comex group ppt: PAINT BASICS AND CORROSION IN METAL AIA103 6 MMA

  7. Acrylic vs. Alkyd Paints The paint on the left half of each board is acrylic, the paint on the right half, an alkyd. The colors of the paints were identical when applied. After 15 years of weathering, the appearance of the alkyds has changed dramatically. All have lost gloss, faded, and chalked. The acrylic paints, in contrast, have proven remarkably durable with good color retention. REF: Comex group ppt: PAINT BASICS AND CORROSION IN METAL AIA103 7

  8. Coating Methods Pieces Coating Methods Painting Spraying Dipping Film or sheet Coating Methods Rolling Calendering Transfer Coating Extrusion

  9. Painting http://yourmortgagemattersca.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/brush-colour.jpg?w=109h=150 Painting is the practice of applying paint to a surface. The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush. This is the simlest coating technique. Spraying This process occurs when paint is applied to an object through the use of an air-pressurized (compressed gas)spray gun. The air gun has a nozzle, paint basin, and air compressor. When the trigger is pressed the paint mixes with the compressed air stream and is released in a fine spray. Air gun spraying uses equipment that is generally larger and used for covering large surfaces with an even coating of liquid.

  10. rn : Pskrtme Poliretan (Poli retan Sert K p k) Marka : zoroof K sa Tan m : Yerinde zel makineler ile p sk rt lerek uygulanan sistemlerdir. Ek yeri olmayan tek par a bir izolasyon elde edilir. Is ve ses izolasyonu amac ile uygulanmaktad r. Uygulama Alanlar : Fabrika at lar (eski-y pranm ), in aatlar, konutlar, tavuk iftlikleri, mantar iftlikleri, bal k tekneleri, so uk hava depolar , her t rl at ve zemin yal t m, perde beton yal t m . Teknik zellikler : Is ge irgenlik direnci: 24,6 mW/mK (SI unit=watt/meter.Kelvin) Basma direnci: 175 kPa Kapal h cre miktar : %15 Alev Dayan m : B2 (normal alev al r)-B3 (kolay alev al r) B k lme Direnci: 0,35 N/mm

  11. Electrostatic Spraying The most common method used in powder coating: High voltage (40-100 kV) concentrated at the nozzle of the spray gun causes ionizing of the air passing through the spray gun. Passage of the powder through this ionized air allows free ions to adhere some of the powder particles while applying a negative charge to them. These particles have a strong attraction to the grounded part and deposit there. This process can apply coatings between 20 m-245 m in thickness. Non-charged powder particles do not adhere to the object and will be recycled. Virtually all resins with the exception of nylon can be applied easily with this process. http://www.chinapowdercoating.com/conventional-electrostatic-charging

  12. Electrostatic Painting, Powder Deposition: In these deposition processes, a powder (or sometimes a liquid) is atomized and given an electric charge. The charged particles of powder drift toward a conductive workpiece (the item that is being powder painted), usually with additional airflow assist from a fan or pump. The powder is electrostatically attracted to the workpiece and sticks to it. Then the workpiece is heated, which melts the powder so that it forms a smooth, solid coat. Heat (or UV for a low-temperature piece) will also polymerize the melted powder if the coating is permanently-hardening (a thermoset). The applied voltage is usually negative, but it is positive for nylon and some other materials, because each material has its own charging preference. An insulator can also be electrostatically sprayed if it is very thin and is backed by a grounded conductor.

  13. ELEKTROSTATK TOZ BOYAMA NEDR ? Solvent i ermeyen bir y zey kaplama metodudur. Kaplay c malzeme, son kat boya tabakas n olusturan ok ince toz boya partik lleridir. Toz boya, boya kabininde zel boya tabancalari vas tas yla at l r. Tabancadan elektrostatik y klenen toz boya partik lleri kabin i inde boyanacak malzemeye yap r ve kaplama i lemiger ekle mi olur. Toz boyan n malzeme y zeyine tam olarak malzemenin de ok iyi bir ekilde topraklanmasi gerekir. Fazla atilan boya, kabinde bulunan boya geri kazanim sistemi sayesinde toplan r ve tekrar kullan ma sokulur. Boya geri kazanim sistemi elektrostatik toz boyama teknolojisinin en b y k ekonomik avantajlarindan biridir. Malzeme toz boya ile kaplandiktan sonra pisirme f r n na girer. 200 C olan f rn s s toz boyanin erimesini ve malzeme zerine yap mas n sa lar. Sonu ta ok dayan kl , ekonomik, evre dostu, geni renk yelpazeli ve parlak bir y zey kaplamasi elde edilir. ge erken yap abilmesi i in Solvent i ermemesi, y zey kalitesi, dayan kl l , boya geri kazanim sistemi, ekonomikligi ve evre duyarliligi elektrostatik toz boyamayi geleneksel boyama i lemlerine g re daha ekici bir alternatif yapmaktadir.

  14. Toz boya ile boyanacak olan malzemelere uygulanan ilemler; 1) Malzemeler ilk nce y kama-ya alma ve durulama-fosfatlama b l m nde i lem g r r. Fosfatlama i lemi sayesinde metal y zey zerinde koruyucu bir tabaka olu turulur.Bu sayede metalin hava almas engellenir ve toz boyan n malzemeyi sarmas kolayla r. B ylece metal zerinde olu acak korozyon ve paslanman n n ne ge ilir, malzemenin uzun m rl ve dayan kl olmas sa lan r. 2) Daha sonra malzemelerin y zey temizli i kontrol edilir. E er ki malzemelerde apak varsa temizlenir d zeltme ve z mpara i lemleri yap l r. 3) Malzemeler boyanmak zere konvey r hatt na as l r ve hava tabancalar ile malzemelere hava tutulur. Malzemelerin zerinde toz ve benzeri kal nt lar n kalmad ndan emin olunur. 4) Konvey r hatt ilerlemeye ba lar ve malzemeler toz boya kabininin i ine girer, tabanca sistemleri ile malzemeler toz boya ile boyan rlar. 5) lerleyen konvey r hatt zerindeki malzemeler f r ndan i eriye girmeye ba larlar, malzeme kal nl klar na g re ve boya k rlenme derecelerine g re f r nda zel s ve zaman ayarlar yap l r.Bu sayade malzemenin k rlenmesi(pi mesi) sa lan r. (Boya k rlenme dereceleri 180-210 C aras ndad r) 6) Elektrostatik toz boya ile boyanan malzemeler f r ndan d ar ya kar ve k sa bir s re so umaya b rak l r. 7) B ylece dayan kl , sa lam ve estetik a dan m kemmel bir boya elde edilmi olur. Ref: Karyatek Boya

  15. DIP COATING In a dip-coating process, a substrate is dipped into a liquid coating solution and then is withdrawn from the solution at a controlled speed. Coating thickness generally increases with faster withdrawal speed. The thickness is determined by the balance of forces at the stagnation point on the liquid surface. A faster withdrawal speed pulls more fluid up onto the surface of the substrate before it has time to flow back down into the solution. The thickness is primarily affected by fluid viscosity, fluid density, and surface tension. Dip-coating, while excellent for producing high-quality, uniform coatings, requires precise control and a clean environment. The applied coating may remain wet for several minutes until the solvent evaporates. This process can be accelerated by heated drying. In addition, the coating may be cured by a variety of means including conventional thermal, UV, or IR techniques depending on the coating solution formulation. Once a layer is cured, another layer may be applied on top of it with another dip-coating / curing process.

  16. DipCoating Thickness of layer depends on some parameters like viscosity and solid content of liquid and is formulated: In which: h: thickness : density g: gravity constant : viscosity lv: liquid vapor surface tension v: dtagging speed

  17. neoprene polyurethane Plastisol is the most common dip molding material. It is a mixture of suspended plastic particles (usually PVC) dispersed in a plasticizer. As a liquid, it can be stored at room temperature for years. Other common candidates for dip molding are latex, neoprene, urethane, epoxy, etc. Recently, polyurethane and silicone are often used to replace latex to avoid allergy related issues. NOTE: latex is also the name for natural non-vulcanized rubber.

  18. Spin Coating

  19. Spin Coating Spin coating is a cheap and fast method to produce homogeneous layers. An excess amount of the solvent is placed on the substrate, which is then rotated at high speed in order to spread the fluid by centrifugal force. The film thickness can be adjusted by varying the rotation speed, the rotation time, and the concentration of the used solution. The disadvantage of this method is that it is limited by the solvent and that no lateral resolution is possible. Spin coating is widely used in microfabrication, where it can be used to create thin films with thicknesses below 10 nm. It is used intensively to deposit layers of photoresist (light sensitive materials) about 1 micrometre thick.

  20. Spin Coating Thickness of the layer depends on many different parameters. Equation 1 shows how these parameters affect thickness: In which: h: thickness A: density of volatile liquid : viscosity of solution m: rate of evaporation :angular speed http://nanoequipment.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/equation14.jpg?w=300h=66 Because we have to calculate evaporation rate experimentally, a simpler equation is suggested as below: http://nanoequipment.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/equation2.jpg?w=300h=24 A,B are constant parameters that should be calculated experimentally, but in most cases, it has been proved that B is some where between 0.4 and 0.7.

  21. Some technologies that depend heavily on high quality spin coated layers are: Photoresist* for defining patterns in microcircuit fabrication. Dielectric/insulating layers for microcircuit fabrication Magnetic disk coatings Flat screen display coatings - Antireflection coatings, conductive oxide, etc. Compact Disks DVD, CD ROM, etc. Television tube phosphor and antireflection coatings. *A photoresist is a light-sensitive material used in several industrial processes, such as photolithography to form a patterned coating on a surface.

  22. Fluidized Bed Coating Fluidized bed coating is a commercially important process which was developed for application of plastic coatings on metal substrates. Dry powder coating processes use no solvents and thus provide an environmentally friendly alternative to dipping and spraying. It is possible to build a film thickness of 2500 m using higher preheat temperatures and multiple dips. ADVANTAGES Ability to coat irregular shapes, Simple and inexpensive equipment requirements, Process automation, Smooth and continuous coating applications. DISADVANTAGES Pre-heat and post-heat ovens are required Minimum of 200um to be applied Complex shapes trap excess powder The Process Steps : 1. Sample pre-heated to 200-230C 2. Initial deposit melts onto part 3. Film builds from residual heat 4. Coated part with desired film

  23. Film or Sheet Coating Methods

  24. Roll Coating In this process polymer solution is rolled onto the fabric/film/sheet by a roller suspended in the coating solution, often a blade is positioned close to the roller to ensure not too much coating solution is applied.

  25. Calendering Calenders consist of a number of rollers, sometimes five or more in various configurations, which rotate to crush the polymer dough and smooth it into films of uniform thickness. The thickness of the film is determined by the gap separation of the rollers. The more rollers, film produced is more accurate. Some of the latter rollers also generates heat, and the polymer fabricated into a continuous sheet can be brought into contact with the fabric to which it adheres. http://www.bobetgroup.com/medias/tp/35-calendering.jpg Application: Textile materials are covered with elastomer on one or both sides.

  26. Transfer Coating The principle of transfer coating is first to spread the polymer on to release paper to form a film and then to laminate this film to the fabric. The process is divided in few steps like; Coat the resin on to the transfer paper Coat the adhesive which joins the top layer to the fabric Lay the fabric on top of the coating, nip together and crosslink the two layers together Peel the coated fabric off the release paper. Transfer paper The main uses of this type of coating technique are the transfer coated polyurethane fabrics is in up-market and the waterproof protective clothing.

  27. Extrusion coating In extrusion coating applications, resin is melted and formed into thin hot film, which is coated onto a moving, flat substrate such as paper, paperboard, metal foil or plastic film. The coated substrate then passes between a set of counter rotating rolls that press the coating onto the substrate to ensure complete contact and adhesion. Coated paperboard used to make cartons for packaging milk, liquid, powdered and solid foods http://www.lyondellbasell.com/Products/ByCategory/polymers/process/ExtrusionCoating/ http://www.polynov.com/processes/heavyCoating.html

  28. Wire Coating Steel cable can be jacketed with a number of plastics, and a variety of wall thicknesses. Commonly used plastics include PVC, Nylon, Polypropylene or Polyethylene. http://www.mindfully.org/Plastic/VCMEmay1973-4.htm

  29. Self-healing of a polymer One of the self-healing mechanism developed to date incorporates liquid monomer-filled vessels particles into a polymer matrix. Upon material fracture, followed by flow of the liquid monomer into the crack volume. monomer contacts the catalyst particles it polymerizes and adheres the crack faces together. The first and most well- studied monomer/catalyst combination used thus far in self-healing systems is dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) and Grubbs' catalyst, the former of which undergoes ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) in the presence of the latter. and catalyst vessels rupture, When the

  30. Lithographic patterning using UV light is a very attractive technology due to the relatively low energy consumption, room temperature operation, rapid curing, spatial control and the ability to expose in a single step large surface areas. For these reasons UV lithography is nowadays the most widespread used method for microfabrication. media/image1.png Schematic illustrations of the steps for the fabrication of the SU-8 micropillars. Sumio Hosaka, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials "Updates in Advanced Lithography", ISBN 978-953-51-1175-7, 2013.

  31. media/image2.jpeg This coating consists of PTFE sub-micrometer particles and iron oxide colloidal NPs and they are applied by spray deposition. Apart from their interesting wetting properties such type of surfaces can be used in various applications such as in biological scaffolds, lab-on-a-chip devices and aerospace vehicles. The substrates, starting from sticky hydrophobic (uncoated patterned surfaces), by the application of the proper particles, can be converted to super hydrophobic surfaces with ultrahigh or ultralow water adhesion. Schematic illustrating the successive coating steps. At first the PTFE solution is sprayed on the substrate. As a second step, the iron oxide NPs are sprayed on top of the Si/PTFE micro/submicron rough pattern, thus inducing a three-scale roughness. Sumio Hosaka, Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials "Updates in Advanced Lithography", ISBN 978-953-51-1175-7, 2013.

  32. media/image4.jpeg Water drops that remain adhered in an iron oxide/PTFE/SU-8 patterned surface under very high substrate inclinations (tilt angle: 122 on the left image and 173 on the right) Such type of surfacescan be designated as sticky superhydrophobic surfaces

  33. SOL-GEL In the solgel process, simple molecular precursors are converted into nanometer-sized particles to form a colloidal suspension, or sol. The colloidal nanoparticles are then linked with one another in a 3D, liquid-filled solid network. This transformation to a gel can be initiated in several ways, but the most convenient approach is to change the pH of the reaction solution. Even the method used to remove liquid from a solid will affect the solgel s properties. For example, to preserve a gel s original 3D structure and produce low-density aerogels, chemists use a technique called supercritical drying. If, instead, the gel is dried slowly in a fluid-evaporation process, the gel s structural network collapses, which creates a high-density material known as a xerogel.

  34. Aerogel properties can be changed by adding different precursor molecules. For example; (a) an aluminum oxide foam prepared from aluminum nitrate has a cluster morphology that results in (b) an opaque aerogel. (c) Using aluminum chloride as the precursor produces an aerogel with fibrous morphology, resulting in (d) a stronger foam that is also translucent.

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