Survey responses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Toolkit to better understand the ACGME Resident survey

The ACGME Resident Survey is an annual tool designed to capture residents' clinical, educational, and learning environment experiences. It aids in program accreditation and improvement by providing confidential aggregate data. Residents are encouraged to answer honestly as it does not impact program

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Tower Hamlets Annual Resident Survey 2023 Results Overview

The Tower Hamlets Annual Resident Survey 2023 provides insights into residents' feedback and opinions on various aspects. Conducted by MEL Research, the survey aims to capture a representative sample of residents in Tower Hamlets, highlighting statistical significance and methodology details. The su

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Breathe 1-Month Survey 2021-2023 Head Start Responses Analysis

This report analyzes responses from the Breathe 1-Month Survey 2021-2023 in the Head Start program. It covers the roles of participants, frequency of material usage, usefulness of materials in tobacco education, and future likelihood of material use. Insights into the engagement and perceptions of t

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Insights from Breathe Training Survey on Tobacco Education Usage

Survey responses from alternate partners involved in the Breathe 1-Month Survey from 2021-2023 provide valuable insights on the frequency of material use, perceived usefulness of materials for tobacco education, and future likelihood of material utilization. Key roles identified include Health Manag

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Instructions for Completing GLAAS Country Survey 2024

In Module 4 of GLAAS information, you will find guidance on filling out the country survey for GLAAS 2024. Topics covered include an overview of the survey package, instructions for completing the survey either as a PDF or online (eGLAAS), general tips for successful completion, advice on governance

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Insights from Breathe Training: Material Usage Patterns Post-Survey

Survey conducted from 2021 to 2023 segmented based on roles with 174 responses. Participants were asked about their material usage post Breathe Training completion. Find out the frequency of material utilization and insights gathered from the responses in this comprehensive survey analysis.

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Dialysis Center Practices Survey Update for 2023

The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases has announced changes to the Outpatient Dialysis Center Practices Survey and the Home Dialysis Center Practices Survey for 2023. The updated surveys include a new layout, clarified questions, and modifications to various sections. Fac

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Hastings Community Survey 2019 Findings Overview

The Hastings Community Survey 2019 captured responses from 202 participants regarding various aspects related to youth substance use in Hastings-on-Hudson. The survey covered topics such as concerns about substance use, viewpoints on parental influence, acceptance of underage drinking and marijuana

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National Regional Planning Council Survey Insights

The National Regional Planning Council conducted a survey on the use of CAPRADAP, CAPRAD, and related processes among Regional Planning Committees (RPCs). The survey revealed insights on RPC responses, current and future usage of CAPRADAP, application acceptance methods, evaluation timelines, adjace

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University Partnership Forum 2018: Survey Results & Feedback Analysis

The UK's European University Partnership Forum 2018 presents survey findings from the Partner Institution Survey 2016/17 conducted by Matthew Redmond. The survey aims to gather direct feedback from partner students on teaching, assessment, support, resources, and personal development. It highlights

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Overview of Non-Point Survey Training and Updates

This content provides detailed information and resources related to the Non-Point Survey Training Program, including modules, topics covered, process flow for completing the survey, reasons for conducting the survey, and changes made in the survey since the 2014 inventory. It also addresses common i

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Survey on ESEF Financial Reporting Requirements - May 2022

A collaborative survey between Aalto University School of Business, XBRL Finland, and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority aimed to assess the current state of XBRL implementation in Finnish issuers impacted by ESEF reporting requirements. The survey conducted in May 2022 received 26 response

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The ACGME Resident Survey: Insights and Guidelines

The ACGME Resident Survey is conducted annually to gather confidential data on residents' clinical and educational experiences. The survey aids in program accreditation and identifies areas for improvement. Answer honestly as it does not impact accreditation. The survey covers experiences from July

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Oregon Statewide Assessment System Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED Survey)

The SEED Survey is a student survey in Oregon aimed at understanding educational experiences, providing insights for local investments, and enhancing data interpretation. Administered for Grades 3-11, it helps gather feedback to support student outcomes and interpret test results effectively. With c

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Coast Survey Disaster Response in a Pandemic: Operations Overview

This presentation showcases the Coast Survey's response to hurricanes and disaster situations in the year 2020, detailing the challenges faced and the innovative strategies implemented amidst the ongoing pandemic. From virtual tasking and survey planning to on-the-fly reporting and night processing,

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November 2021 Daycare & Afterschool Survey Results

Overall satisfaction rate for the November 2021 Daycare & Afterschool survey stood at 97.6%. The survey method involved Formstack with a completion rate of 50.2%, showing a 1% increase compared to the previous June 2021 survey. The survey gathered responses from 166 participants out of 331 unique pa

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Safety Survey Readiness for Joint Commission Meeting

A call to action for Joint Commission safety survey readiness with a focus on identifying and mitigating patient and provider safety risks. Highlights include known risks from the 2021 survey findings, Vizient mock survey findings, and the purpose of the upcoming survey to ensure patient and provide

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Student Preferences for Spring 2022 Instructional Modality Survey Results

A districtwide student survey was sent out via text to gather preferences for the preferred instructional modality for Spring 2022. The survey targeted currently enrolled SMCCCD students who opted-in to receive text messages, resulting in a 38% response rate. Preferences by primary campus showed var

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Edinburgh Local Association Survey on Behaviours of Concern 2023

Edinburgh Local Association conducted a survey on Behaviours of Concern, with a total of 1009 responses collected. The survey revealed insights into the prevalence of violence, abusive and dysregulated behavior among teachers in Edinburgh. Key findings include the experiences of teachers in various

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IFDH Pediatric Patient Practices Survey January 2022

Survey conducted by IFDH in January 2022 to understand the practices of dental hygienists with pediatric patients aged 6 to 12. The survey gathered responses from 367 participants across 25 countries, with a focus on demographics, work settings, educational backgrounds, and frequency of seeing pedia

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Columbus Education Association Time Waste Survey 2018 Summary

The Columbus Education Association conducted a Time Waste Survey as suggested by Dr. John Stanford to address redundant tasks in the 2018-2019 school year. The survey, based on a similar one from 2014, gathered data on avoidable tasks. Demographic summaries and responses were analyzed, with insights

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Washington State Department of Social & Health Services - 2013 Prevention Redesign Initiative Community Survey

The Washington State Department of Social & Health Services conducted the 2013 Prevention Redesign Initiative Community Survey to gather data on adult beliefs about youth substance use, community norms, law enforcement effectiveness, and more. The survey aimed to provide insights for needs assessmen

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New York Statewide Center for Independent Living 2021 Consumer Satisfaction Survey Methodology

The New York Statewide Center for Independent Living conducts an annual Consumer Satisfaction Survey to gather feedback from consumers served by the center. The survey can be conducted online via Survey Monkey or through direct mail. Detailed instructions are provided on the NYSILC website for condu

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Insights from a National Survey: Roles and Trends of Hospital Chaplains

A new national survey conducted on the number, roles, and functions of hospital chaplains reveals key insights to help understand the landscape of spiritual care in healthcare settings. The survey explores the demographics of healthcare chaplains in the U.S., highlights growth strategies for chaplai

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Survey Design Training for Effective Data Collection

Learn how to conduct surveys effectively by understanding the purpose, developing survey objectives, research questions, and survey questions. Explore survey implementation options, data analysis techniques, and available resources to enhance your data collection process. The iterative nature of the

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Turkish Statistical Institute Tobacco Health Survey Overview

The Turkish Statistical Institute conducted a comprehensive survey on tobacco use in health interviews in May 2016. The survey process included questionnaire development, historical background, and implementation in households. Data analysis, translation tasks, and collaborating with public institut

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Impact of Covid-19 on Morningside Heights Community: June 2020 Survey Findings

Findings from the June 2020 survey conducted by the Morningside Heights Community Coalition reveal concerns about the impact of Covid-19 on the community's well-being. The survey collected responses from 315 residents aged 18 and older. Key takeaways include worries about health risks, opposition to

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California Public Libraries Survey 2020-2021 Overview

The California Public Libraries Survey for 2020-2021 provides an in-depth look at the state of libraries in California. This webinar covers the survey process, data elements, resources, and the importance of the survey in understanding and meeting community needs. Learn about the National Public Lib

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A Comparison of Injury Estimates from Population-Based and Provider-Based Surveys

This study compares injury estimates obtained from a population-based health survey with estimates from two provider-based surveys. Data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS-ED), and National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) are a

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Northern Utah GIS Workforce Survey 2014 Results Overview

The Northern Utah GIS Workforce Needs Survey Results for 2014 provide insights into the demographics, industry experience, survey respondents by county in Utah, and educational requirements for GIS/geospatial technicians. The survey highlights the distribution of position titles, length of experienc

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2023 Fulton County Youth Health Survey Results Community Release Event

The 2023 Fulton County Youth Health Survey Results will be presented at a community release event on Tuesday, January 30. The survey covers various aspects such as weight status, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, drug use, perceptions of substance use, sexual behavior, mental health, social determin

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Key Findings from 2019 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey on Head and Neck Cancer

The 2019 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey focused on inpatients and day-case adults with a cancer diagnosis, particularly in the field of head and neck cancer. The survey gathered responses from various trusts, highlighting both high and low scores in patient care and support. Noteworthy fi

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Four Options Survey Initial Results by Tyler Lefevor, Ph.D. & Ron Schow, Ph.D.

Explore the findings of the Four Options Survey conducted by Tyler Lefevor, Ph.D., and Ron Schow, Ph.D. The survey delves into various aspects such as relationship status, mental health, satisfaction, and religion/spirituality, providing insights into the viewpoints and life directions of the partic

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Greater Manchester Residents Survey 2023 Summary Report

This report provides summary findings from a quantitative survey conducted between 5th and 22nd May 2023, with a sample of 1,488 residents across all ten Greater Manchester local authority areas. The survey covers various key topics such as health and wellbeing, cost of living, digital inclusion, an

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Bakersfield College Services Collaboration Survey Results

An overview of the BC and KCCD services and institutional quality survey conducted in the Fall 2023 term, showcasing responses from faculty, staff, and managers/administrators. The survey addressed key areas such as BC's mission statement alignment, commitment to equitable educational opportunities,

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Essex County Council Care Worker Survey 2020 Key Findings

The Essex County Council Care Worker Survey 2020 provides insights into care workers' motivations, likes and frustrations, roles, future intentions, training, and technology usage. Enventure Research conducted the survey to inform ECC's workforce strategy. The methodology involved an online survey a

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SWAG Cancer Services National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Results 2021 Overview

The SWAG Cancer Services National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Results for 2021 provide insights into the experiences of skin cancer patients in Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon, and Gloucestershire. The survey, commissioned by NHS England, aims to monitor progress in cancer care, drive local quality i

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Survey Results on Agreement Levels

The content provided consists of survey data represented in image format. The survey includes responses ranging from "Strongly agree" to "Don't know" on various statements. Multiple slides display different sets of responses.

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Openstack user survey

The Openstack User Survey at IceHouse Summit gathered insights from 822 survey responses, highlighting the top 10 countries, industries, business drivers, information sources, community cloud usage, features, and technological preferences of OpenStack users. The survey delves into deployment statist

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Glasgow University Staff Survey 2012 University Services Presentation

The Glasgow University Staff Survey 2012 focused on measuring staff involvement, commitment, and wellbeing. The survey aimed to identify areas of improvement based on findings and compare results with the 2009 survey. Response rates by gender, college, and job family categories were analyzed, provid

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