Research Highlights: Clean Air Initiatives at IIT Delhi (2019-20)

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A comprehensive overview of the major activities undertaken by the Centre of Excellence for research on Clean Air at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi during 2019-20. The initiatives include research projects, monitoring air pollution in Delhi-NCR, assessment and prediction of air quality using advanced models, and a study on air pollution reduction programs worldwide. The focus is on identifying key contributors to pollution, implementing effective control strategies, and promoting clean air governance.

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  1. The Year Gone by.. (Major Activities undertaken during 2019-20) Centre of Excellence for research on Clean Air Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

  2. Research Projects sponsored by CERCA

  3. Monitoring Air Pollution impacting Delhi NCR using a Monitoring Air Pollution impacting Delhi NCR using a Hybrid Approach Hybrid Approach A detailed report on stubble burning prepared wherein top 500 villages in Punjab and top 500 in Haryana were identified which had the maximum contribution to stubble burning. The report circulated amongst key policymakers including Punjab Govt, MOEFCC, CPCB and Niti Aayog to facilitate and trigger prioritized action at village level. Two policy papers published on the requirements of a robust and hybrid monitoring system in India for successful implementation of NCAP. Kick started with the second objective of project i.e. Identifying the changes in open burning pattern, pollution at large point sources (Thermal Power plants (TPPs) and Brick Kilns)

  4. Assessment and Prediction of Air Assessment and Prediction of Air- -Quality using dynamically downscaled high dynamically downscaled high- -resolution data from numerical resolution data from numerical models models Assessment of stubble burning impacts on the PM2.5concentrations over Delhi was done using WRF-Chem model. Control and sensitivity experiments were conducted during the two episodes of stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana from 20-25thOctober 2018 and 1-5thNovember 2019. Assessment of the impact of power plants on the air quality in Delhi-NCR was undertaken using WRF-Chem atmospheric model with numerical simulations allowing emissions in the model in one experiment and cutting down (masking) the emissions from a particular power plant in another experiment. The analysis is in progress Quality using

  5. Select Study of Air Pollution Reduction Programs around Select Study of Air Pollution Reduction Programs around the World: Governance and Implementation the World: Governance and Implementation A working paper is being prepared on Governance and Policy Framework for Air Pollution Control Strategies , and key recommendations on strengthening existing clean air legislations, encourage public awareness and actively participation, good governance, and integration of clean air objectives into economic goals. Designed and circulated a Research survey on effective framework of Clean Air Governance to experts in India, China, Japan, South Korea and USA. Also, studied .Studies and prepared a summary of recently released Draft Battery waste Management Rules 2020 issued by MoEFCC. Now Li- ion Batteries are included in the draft policy. Final Report with findings of best practices by June 2020

  6. Pilot deployment of Particular Matter (PM) sensors Pilot deployment of Particular Matter (PM) sensors in Delhi buses in Delhi buses Instrumenting the vehicle fleets with sensors that travel across the city would scale up the spatial coverage of the sensors. Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS) has kindly agreed to help us with their bus fleet. Encouraging conversations are also happening with Ola cabs. In addition to measuring Particulate Matter (PM), the vehicle mounted instruments would have other sensors, computation and communication facilities -- so that policy questions become more tractable. Proposed instrument would have - PM sensor (low cost, but accurately calibrated against more expensive E-BAM). Work done so far Design and build the necessary instrument, as off-the-shelf instruments from Atmos and Airveda had some shortcomings. Test runs have been done in personal car by taking power from the car. The work of installation in Delhi Bus Fleet would be resumed after the Lockdown period.

  7. Initiatives on Best Practice Learnings in Clean Air Initiatives on Best Practice Learnings in Clean Air

  8. Tsinghua University Summer School Program Tsinghua University Summer School Program As a step forward to learn from International experience, CERCA nominated 05 undergraduate students of IIT Delhi to the School of Environment, Tsinghua University, China, to attend 2019 TSINGHUA INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL- ENVIRONMENT-Energy and Global Changes from 28thJuly 10thAugust 2019 at Tsinghua university, China. During their two week stay at Tsinghua, the students learnt about various environmental issues in China and initiatives taken by the Chinese government to resolve these issues. Apart from that, the program made them aware about the urgent need for creating innovative solutions to various environmental problems being currently faced. During the summer school, they had academic lectures from expert faculties of Tsinghua University, Michigan University, Imperial College London and learnt about different aspects of environment such as soil contamination, climate action, wastewater management etc. To add a practical experience to their visit, they also visited the Huaifang Recycling water treatment plant, Asia s biggest water recycling center. They also visited the World Horticulture Exposition where various kinds of horticulture plants and their variations from across different countries could be observed over hundreds of acres.

  9. Knowledge Exchange Session Knowledge Exchange Session (In partnership with the US embassy) (In partnership with the US embassy) A Knowledge Exchange Session was organized in April 2019 in collaboration with US Embassy. Dr. Jack Broadbent, CEO, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA was invited to deliver lecture on Best practices on air Quality management and an overall approach to protect and improve public health, air Quality and Global climate. He gave an overview of air monitoring, regulations, control measures, innovative strategies adopted for ambient air monitoring in Bay area.

  10. Workshop on Blue Sky Initiatives for Delhi Workshop on Blue Sky Initiatives for Delhi (In partnership with Embassy of Japan) (In partnership with Embassy of Japan) CERCA organized a workshop on Blue Sky Initiatives for Delhi in April 2019 in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan. The workshop aimed to bring stakeholders from the government, academia and private sector together to learn and explore pollution reduction strategies from across the world. The workshop focused on clean air strategies and initiatives of Japan, and the Blue-Sky Initiatives proposed by the Japanese Embassy in India. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Clean Air Asia, CII (India), and an IIT Delhi startup participated in the workshop.

  11. Visiting faculty from Cornell University Visiting faculty from Cornell University Prof. Alan Hedge, Professor in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University and currently an Emeritus Professor, visited CERCA on 26thApril 2019 to discuss potential areas of future collaboration between CERCA and Cornell University for the improvement of air quality in Delhi NCR region. The key discussions focused on need for Testing, Calibration and servicing of air quality measurement instruments to ensure accuracy and reliable air quality diagnosis, integrated sampling, PM1 particles, use of satellite data for PM level measurements and need for substantial research in indoor air quality management area. Prof. Alan Hedge conferred as a CERCA Honorary Research Fellow

  12. Roundtable on Air Quality Roundtable on Air Quality (In partnership with US Embassy) (In partnership with US Embassy) A roundtable on Air Quality was hosted at the institute in May 2019 in which Ambassador Marcia Bernicat, who is currently Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Oceans, and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, gave her perspective on air quality and how it is linked to climate action. The round table focused on the need for data gathering, raising awareness and role of democracy and law to resolve the issues related to air quality.

  13. Air Quality Workshop on Air Quality Workshop on Reducing Fine PM Concentrations (In partnership with US Embassy) (In partnership with US Embassy) The Path to Clean Air The Path to Clean Air Reducing Fine PM Concentrations CERCA in association with the US Embassy organized a Workshop on Air Quality The Path to Clean Air Reducing Fine Particulate Matter (PM) Concentrations at IIT Delhi on 25thJune 2019. A unique feature of the workshop was sharing of the US Success story in tackling air pollution by US Science Envoy Dr. James Schauer, Professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who has extensive apportionment and whose work focuses on developing a quantitative understanding of the origin of air pollution. experience in source

  14. Conference on Stubble Burning: Findings, Ground Conference on Stubble Burning: Findings, Ground Issues and Policy Perspectives Issues and Policy Perspectives CERCA organized a Conference on Stubble Burning at IIT Delhi on 20th September 2019. The objective of this conference was to confer and help the Government in policymaking and to prioritize actions in Stubble Burning by providing scientific evidence. This conference provided an opportunity to listen to speakers from across a wide spectrum consisting of leading scientific researchers from IIT Delhi, government policy makers, independent policy think tanks, Leading NGOs working on the ground in the area of stubble burning, Economists, Health practitioners and industry focused on stubble reuse technology. The conference covered various topics ranging from Central Government policy and resource prioritization; Association between Stubble burning and cardiovascular health in Northern India; Alternatives to crop residue burning in India; Stubble Burning - Ground issues, gaps and Remedies; Crop residue management- Environmental implications of technological choices; Tracking of stubble burning from Space for prioritizing mitigation strategies; Use of WRF-Chem model to study the effects of stubble burning on PM 2.5 concentrations in Delhi; AI-enabled platforms to monitor and regulate farm fires in India; and perspectives from Delhi IIT start-up to solve the problem of crop burning.

  15. Learning from South Korea Learning from South Korea (Air Quality Roundtable with H.E. Mr Shin Bongkil, (Air Quality Roundtable with H.E. Mr Shin Bongkil, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Korea in India) Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Korea in India) Ambassador H.E. Mr Shin Bongkil of the Republic of Korea visited IIT Delhi on 7thNovember to attend an Air Quality roundtable hosted by CERCA in which the issue of severe air pollution situation in Delhi emerged as a major cause of concern for foreign diplomatic missions in India. The Roundtable highlighted the Korean experience of grappling with air pollution and the significant progress made by the Korean government in this direction through very focused extraordinary efforts particularly in policy making, passing of legislations and leveraging of powers. The ambassador was highly appreciative of the Indian government initiatives on Electric Vehicles and hoped that with the deployment of Electric vehicles, vehicular air pollution would be greatly reduced. He also emphasized on the need for a coordinated and cooperative approach by state and central government for combating air pollution in India.

  16. Visit of Swedish Delegation at IIT Delhi Visit of Swedish Delegation at IIT Delhi A delegation of 12 journalists from Sweden Television Network visited IIT Delhi on 4thMarch 2020. The media delegation took keen interest in the current air pollution research activities at CERCA IIT Delhi and also presented the European experience in combatting air pollution. The media delegation interacted with various faculties from the different departments of IITD, who briefed them about the research work(s) being done to curb the air pollution issue in the country. The Delegation was also taken around IIT Delhi start-ups such as Aerogram and Kriya Labs, to apprise them about their work in clean air.

  17. Delegation from University of Helsinki/ Tempere, Delegation from University of Helsinki/ Tempere, Finland and Washington University, St. Louis, USA Finland and Washington University, St. Louis, USA A delegation from Embassy of Finland along with senior scientists from University of Helsinki and University of Tempere visited CERCA in December 2019. The delegation took keen interest in development of low cost air quality monitors and possibilities of mutual collaboration in this regard. Prof. Pratim Biswas, Lucy and Environmental Engineering Science and Asstt. Vice Chancellor for International Programs from Washington University in St. Louis visited CERCA on 12thDecember 2019 to discuss joint projects, training programs and setting up of air quality sensor calibration lab at IIT Delhi. Stanley Lopata Professor of

  18. CERCA Chair CERCA Chair IIT Delhi has instituted a triennial CERCA Chair Professor award for a period of 03 years starting Jan 2020. The CERCA Chair recognizes faculty members from IIT Delhi for their outstanding achievements and for making a significant contribution in the field of Air Quality improvement. Eligibility criteria The research work must be on some aspect of air quality The research work must provide new insights and innovative conceptual exploration into air pollution issues in India The research work should make specific action oriented recommendations for ambient air quality improvement to Government policy makers for developing and refining their air pollution abatement plans Award The award comprises a cash honorarium of INR 5 Lakhs per year awarded to the winning faculty member for 3 years.

  19. Exhibition Exhibition on Union Minister of State for HRD Shri Sanjay Dhotre inaugurated an exhibition on clean air technologies organized by Centre of Excellence for Research in Clean Air (CERCA) at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi on 25thFebruary 2020. The exhibition showcased clean air technologies developed by IIT Bombay, IIT Ropar, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad and IIT Delhi. IIT Delhi showcased the work it had carried out in the area of clean air through start-ups incubated at IIT Delhi namely Aerogram and Kriya Labs and AerOsol. IIT Bombay developed three types of Ambient air cleaning systems and a self- cleaning air purifier (Filter less Air Purification Technology with lowest environmental burden) IIT Ropar developed a stubble removing machine and a app that can be used to manage the stubble in smooth way. IIT (ISM) Dhanbad developed a Altered Tail pipe design with additional retrofit for reducing PM emissions from the engine Exhaust on Clean Clean Air Air Technologies Technologies at at IIT IIT Delhi Delhi

  20. Exploring opportunities for Collaboration Exploring opportunities for Collaboration Make My Trip: A meeting was held on 9thApril 2019 with Make My Trip to discuss possible areas of collaboration for improvement of air quality in Delhi NCR region. The Possible areas where CERCA & MMT can collaborate are setting up of Long-term goals and a concrete policy and strategy implementation plans for Govt., Pushing air quality issues to EPCA, Mass Awareness programs, Air quality outlook, establishing an air quality model for Delhi- NCR Mckinsey and India Paryavaran Sahayak Foundation (IPS) CERCA initiated discussions with McKinsey and India Paryavaran Sahayak Foundation (IPS) on 26thApril and 28thMay 2019 at IIT to collaborate on issues related to stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana and to develop a road map for the Ministry of Environment forest and climate change to tackle this issue. Key points discussed were linking IPS s experience in ground data with satellite data analysis on stubble burning at district level, Air flow monitoring, Addressing and prioritizing top most districts, Quantification of effect of stubble burning, Channelization and appropriate targeting of funds, Funds allocation in highest pollution contributing villages including future recommendations Exxon Mobil A meeting was held on 29thApril 2019 with Global Natural Gas strategy, ExxonMobil Gas & Power Marketing Company at IIT Delhi to discuss scope for undertaking joint research between CERCA and ExxonMobil. It was informed that program scope for undertaking collaboration with Indian partners is still in the design stage and is likely to be finalized in a couple of months. However, opportunities exist for collaboration for specific research projects to be approved by ExxonMobil on a case to case basis for which CERCA could approach ExxonMobil for funds. It was decided that ExxonMobil and CERCA would again meet at a mutually convenient date to discuss potential collaboration opportunities going forward.

  21. Exploring opportunities for Collaboration Exploring opportunities for Collaboration Principal Accountant General (Audit) Delhi A meeting was held on 11thSeptember 2019 with Pr. Accountant General (Audit) Delhi Govt, to discuss various issues related to Air Pollution in Delhi w.r.t an ongoing Performance Audit commissioned by C&AG of India in 2019-2020 regarding mitigation of Air Pollution with special emphasis on Vehicular Pollution. CERCA has been made part of the Audit Advisory Board to provide inputs, suggestions, recommendations, etc. on clean air matters pertaining to Delhi Embassy of the People Republic of China A meeting was held on 10th July 2019 with a delegation from the Embassy of People s Republic of China to discuss possible areas of collaboration such as signing an MoU between IIT Delhi and Tsinghua University for joint research projects and exchange of students, starting an MTech program on EVs at IIT Delhi including a visit by a Chinese Scholar from the Chinese academy of Sciences to deliver a talk on air quality mitigation experience in China. DLF Foundation A meeting with DLF foundation was held on 15thMay to discuss collaboration between DLF Foundation and CERCA to take up joint projects on clean air for Delhi/NCR such as developing a Clean Air plan for Gurgaon; Communication Outreach for schoolchildren and college students in Delhi/Gurgaon through documentary films; short-term workshops on clean construction management for engineers and supervisors; Indoor air quality improvement in DLF malls, office buildings, residential buildings, etc. and starting a Clean Air Forum with participation from leading companies CII A meeting was held between CERCA and Dy DG(CII) on mutual collaboration in various areas related to clean air. It was decided that CERCA and CII would identify joint clean air projects where both have mutual interest and could collaborate

  22. Exploring opportunities for Collaboration Exploring opportunities for Collaboration NITI Aayog NITI Aayog asked CERCA to undertake a project on Carbon Footprint for IIT Delhi which could be replicated for other cities in India in a meeting held on 4thSeptember 2019 and to facilitate signing of an MoU between NITI Aayog and School of Public policy at IIT Delhi on clean air matters. J&K State Pollution Control Board CERCA was invited by JK SPCB on 10th October 2019 at Srinagar to discuss areas of mutual collaboration especially in the area of capacity building, Training and awareness for the improvement of air quality in J&K. MAX hospitals Talks are on with MAX Group of Hospitals to undertake joint projects for the improvement of Indoor air quality in Hospitals. Air pollution Action group: CERCA has signed an agreement with APAG to develop a sensitization project on air quality awareness for MCD staff of Delhi Administration which would be executed in 2020-21 The International Centre for Integrated mountain development (ICIMOD) Nepal visited CERCA on Feb 27,2020 to discuss taking up joint projects in the area of clean air including exhibitions in the clean air technologies developed in India.

  23. Beta Attenuation Monitoring (BAM) Installation Beta Attenuation Monitoring (BAM) Installation IIT Delhi has acquired a regulatory grade Air Quality Measuring Equipment for continuous/real time monitoring of ambient air quality (PM2.5) and has been installed at IIT Campus. The BAM was officially inaugurated by the Minister of State for HRD, Sh. Shamrao Dhotre on Feb 25, 2020 during the clean air technology exhibition. PM2.5data from BAM is being regularly beamed on the official page of IIT Delhi. BAM would help in enabling further research on air quality as well as provide a reference grade facility for calibrating other low cost air quality monitoring sensors. CERCA has been entrusted with the responsibility to manage and maintain the BAM

  24. Financial Report as of 31 Financial Report as of 31st stMarch, 2020 March, 2020 Centre of Excellence for Research on Clean Air Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

  25. CERCA FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS ON MARCH 31, 2020 CERCA FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS ON MARCH 31, 2020 INR 4,52,94,000* TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED IN CERCA TILL MARCH 31ST, 2020 *Note: The interest on the funds has not been added due to non availability of data from IRD accounts due to Covid-19 situation PROJECT COMMITMENTS Project PI Funds Allocated Funds Utilised (18-19) Funds Utilised (19-20) TOTAL FUNDS UTILISED MI01771 Prof. Dey 65,00,000 6,82,569 MI01802 Prof. Bolia 31,40,000 7,58,160 MI01794 Prof. Pant 25,00,000 7,30,599 MI01837 Prof. Dey 9,50,000 72,800 MI01929 Prof. Sen 5,00,000 0 MI02040 Prof. Dey 7,67,000 0 MI02177 Prof. Bolia 12,00,000 0 MI02133 Prof. Nezamuddin 2,00,000 0 MI02122 Prof. Bolia 2,00,000 0 BALANCE FUNDS 7,73,179 3,26,106 10,18,205 3,12,770 1,11,203 2,45,883 12,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 50,44,252 20,55,734 7,51,196 5,64,430 3,88,797 5,21,117 0 0 0 57,26,821 28,13,894 14,81,795 6,37,230 3,88,797 5,21,117 0 0 0 Total Project Commitments 1,59,57,000 22,44,128 93,25,526 1,15,69,654 43,87,346 HONORARIUM PAID TO IRD STAFF DURING 2019-20 31,000 FUNDS REMAINING AFTER ALL EXPENSES AS ON MAR 31, 2020 3,36,93,346 CONTINGENT COMMITMENTS 15,00,000 (5 lacs to be allocated every year for the next 3 years *IIT Delhi CERCA Chair

  26. Thank You
