Effectiveness of Learner Involvement Strategies in Adult Community Learning and Work-Based Learning

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Providers in adult community learning and work-based learning sectors effectively utilize learner involvement strategies to influence curriculum, resources, facilities, and learner development. Learner forums, representatives, and enrichment activities are employed to enhance skills, evaluate provision, and contribute to the larger community. The approach enables learners to take leadership roles, develop citizenship skills, and achieve personal and social skill development outcomes. Providers also use outcomes of learner involvement activities for self-assessment and quality development planning, with formal reporting mechanisms in place for learners' feedback.

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  1. The effectiveness of learner- involvement strategies in adult community learning and work- based learning Effeithiolrwydd strategaethau cynnwys dysgwyr mewn dysgu oedolion yn y gymuned a dysgu yn y gwaith

  2. Main Findings Prif Ganfyddiadau mae darparwyr yn y ddau sector yn gwneud defnydd da o strategaethau cynnwys dysgwyr a gweithgareddau i ddylanwadu ar y cwricwlwm, adnoddau a chyfleusterau. providers in both sectors make good use of learner -- involvement strategies and activities to influence the curriculum, resources and facilities.

  3. mae darparwyr yn y ddau sector yn defnyddio fforymau dysgwyr, cynrychiolwyr dosbarth neu gwrs, a gweithgareddau cyfoethogi i ymestyn medrau dysgwyr ac arfarnu r ddarpariaeth a r cwricwlwm. providers in both sectors use learner forums, class or course representatives, and enrichment activities to extend learners skills and evaluate provision and the curriculum.

  4. mae darparwyr yn y ddau sector yn galluogi dysgwyr i ymgymryd rolau arwain sy n eu helpu i ddatblygu medrau ar gyfer dinasyddiaeth a chyfrannu at y gymuned ehangach. providers in both sectors enable learners to take leadership roles which help them to develop skills for citizenship and contribute to the wider community.

  5. mae darparwyr yn defnyddio deilliannau gweithgareddau cynnwys dysgwyr i lywio hunanasesu a chynllunio datblygu ansawdd providers make use of the outcomes of learner -- involvement activities to inform self- assessment and quality development planning

  6. Yn gyffredinol, mae gan ddarparwyr ddulliau ffurfiol o adrodd canlyniadau i ddysgwyr yn sgil rhoi eu barn a u safbwyntiau. In general, providers have formal ways of reporting to learners the results providing their views and opinions.

  7. learners achieve a range of outcomes which are mainly concerned with the development of personal and social skills. mae dysgwyr yn cyflawni amrywiaeth o ddeilliannau sy n ymwneud yn bennaf datblygiad medrau personol a chymdeithasol.

  8. yn gyffredinol, mae darparwyr yn dechrau defnyddio canlyniadau arolwg Llais y Dysgwr Cymru yn eu prosesau hunanarfarnu a chynllunio gwella ansawdd. generally, providers are beginning to make use of the results of the Learner Voice Wales survey in their self- assessment processes and quality improvement planning.

  9. serch hynny, nid yw pob Partneriaeth Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned yn defnyddio deilliannau arolwg Llais y Dysgwr Cymru yn ddigon da i wella ansawdd eu darpariaeth. nevertheless, not all Adult Community Learning Partnerships use the outcomes of their Learner Voice Wales survey well enough to improve the quality of their provision. nid yw pob dysgwr yn y gwaith yn gwybod am ganlyniadau arolwg Llais y Dysgwr Cymru ar lefel darparwr. not all work-based learners know about the results of the Learner Voice Wales survey at provider level.

  10. not all adult community learning providers use the outcomes of learner -- involvement to improve the quality of teaching and assessment. nid yw pob darparwr dysgu oedolion yn y gymuned yn defnyddio deilliannau cynnwys dysgwyr i wella ansawdd addysgu ac asesu.

  11. it is unclear how many adult community learning providers tell learners about what has happened, or what they have changed as a result of learners taking part in surveys or questionnaires. nid yw n glir faint o ddarparwyr dysgu oedolion yn y gymuned sy n dweud wrth ddysgwyr am yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd, neu beth y gwnaethant ei newid, o ganlyniad i ddysgwyr yn cymryd rhan mewn arolygon neu holiaduron.

  12. prin ywr darparwyr sydd systemau ffurfiol i gofnodi a chydnabod y medrau a r wybodaeth y mae dysgwyr wedi u hennill. few providers have formal systems to record and recognise the skills and knowledge gained by learners.

  13. Nid oes gan y rhan fwyaf o ddarparwyr dysgu oedolion yn y gymuned sy n awdurdodau lleol neu n ddarparwyr addysg bellach strwythur ar waith i helpu dysgwyr drefnu eu dysgu eu hunain. Most local authority and further education adult community learning providers do not have an infrastructure in place to help learners organise their own learning.

  14. Dros dair blynedd gwaith yr arolwg hwn, darganfu arolygwyr fod darparwyr mewn lleoliadau l-16 (Addysg Bellach, Cymraeg i Oedolion, Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned a Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gwaith) yn gwneud defnydd da o strategaeth cynnwys dysgwyr Llywodraeth Cymru Over the three years of this survey work inspectors found that providers in post- 16 settings (Further Education, Welsh for Adults, Adult Community Learning, and Work-based Learning) make good use of the Welsh Government s learner - involvement strategy

  15. mae barn a safbwyntiau dysgwyr yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar: ddeilliannau dysgwyr yn enwedig medrau personol a chymdeithasol; y cwricwlwm; adnoddau, cyfleusterau a lleoliadau; cymorth i ddysgwyr; gwella ansawdd; ac arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth gyffredinol ar y ddarpariaeth. learners views and opinions have a positive impact on: learner outcomes- particularly personal and social skills; the curriculum; resources, facilities and venues; support for learners; quality improvement; and overall leadership and management of provision.

  16. fodd bynnag, er bod y rhan fwyaf o sectorau n defnyddio barn a safbwyntiau dysgwyr i wella ansawdd addysgu ac asesu, roedd hyn yn llai amlwg mewn dysgu oedolion yn y gymuned. however, whilst most sectors use learner views and opinions to improve the quality of teaching and assessment this was less prevalent in adult community learning.

  17. Few providers have been able to measure the impact of learner -- involvement on success rates accurately. Prin yw r darparwyr sydd wedi gallu mesur effaith cynnwys dysgwyr ar gyfraddau llwyddiant yn gywir.


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