Solids and Properties of Matter

Do Now: Find new seats
Do Now: Find New Seats
Read the first page of the notes packet and fill in
the particle diagrams based on the reading
Remember about gravity…
Make sure you finish and turn in types of
reactions lab by tomorrow…
This unit
All about phases, their properties and phase
Are there different types of solids?
What happens when things go from s
How much energy is needed in order to go
through those changes
Today’s objective
Describe the properties of solids
Design a lab to determine the type of solid for
an unknown
High, Medium, or Low attraction between
each particle?
How do they move?
High Medium or Low
How do they move?
Proof that liquid molecules
are attracted to each other:
High Medium or Low
How do they move?
We are going to focus on Different types of solids.
Focus: You are going to design a lab to determine
what type of solid two different solids are
Read along with your neighbor and fill in the venn
diagram on the next page
Maybe split it: 2 types per neighbor?
Things all Solids have in common goes in the
Overlap is for things in common
Do Now
Pick up a copy of the lab
Make sure the following are described in the
venn diagram:
Melting point (very high, high, variable, low)
Conductivity (if so, under what conditions)
How the particles are arranged
Types of solids lab
2 different solids
You have:
Distilled water (may have CO
 Dissolved in it…)
This would make it slightly conductive…need to
account for that
 Conductivity testers
 stirring rods
 other miscellaneous lab equip (NOT
Get it approved before beginning
It would be unfortunate to get all the way
done and then find an error with the
procedure and need to do it all over
Something to think about: When CO
into water, it makes the water
conductive…going to need to account for that
Do now
Take out your Types of Solids Lab
Refresh your memory
Make sure you get your procedure approved and
finish the lab (and turn it in)
Then you need to play a little catch up
Read the notes about the types of solids and
fill in the 4 box ven diagram on the next page
Use this information to figure out how you
could test these 2 unknown solids to
determine what type of solid they are
Finish the lab
Do now
Bellringer Quiz:
Pick up, do independently and turn in
Also turn in Types of Solids lab
Phases and phase change diagrams
Heat of phase changes
(front and back of 1
And now…
Read page 4 and fill in the graphic organizer
on page 5 and 6
A nice simulator
Sublimation and Deposition
1) Label the phases present at each line segment above using
(s), (l), and (g).
2) What is the boiling point of this substance? ________
3) What is the melting point of this substance? ________
Heat of phase change
In previous units we have calculated the amount of
energy needed to change the temperature of water
using the formula: q=mCΔT (remember that catchy
song?). During a phase change, however, there is no
change in temperature so this formula cannot be used
to solve for the heat needed for a phase change.
Instead, there are different formulas used for phase
changes; q=mH
 and q=mH
. H
is the heat of fusion, the
amount of energy required to melt or freeze a gram of
water (334 J/g). H
 is the heat of vaporization of water;
the amount of energy required to boil or condense
water (2260 J/g).. ‘m’ is the mass of water involved in
the phase change.
How much energy is required to melt
50.0g of water at 0
q = m H
Why H
q = 50.0 g x 334J/g
q  =16700 J
Practice Problems
_____1) Which of the following phase changes
requires heat of fusion to accomplish?
a) H
O (s) 
O (g) 
b) H
O (g) 
O (l)
c) H
O (l) 
O (g)    
d) H
O (s) 
O (l)
_____2) Which of the following phase changes is
a) H
O (s) 
O (l) 
b) H
O (g) 
O (l)
c) H
O (l) 
O (s)
d) H
O (g) 
O (s)
Calculate the number of joules required to
(show correct numerical setup):
melt 20.0 g of H2O (s) at 0
boil 30.0 g of H2O (l) at 100
freeze 200.0 g of H2O (l) at 0
boil 50.0 g of H2O (g) at 100
Ice cubes at –12.0oC  are placed in a
saucepan and heated at a constant rate
over a stove to 115.0oC.
Sketch a phase change diagram for the phase
changes that occur between -12.0 
C and
C.  Label the temperatures at which the
phase changes occur.  Then label each line
segment with a letter (A, B, C, D, E, etc.).
Label where P.E. increases/stays same
Do the same for K.E.
Do Now:
Pick up a copy of the lab
Read over the procedure to the lab
_____1) Which of the following phase changes requires heat of fusion to
a) H
O (s) 
O (g) 
b) H
O (g) 
O (l)
c) H
O (l) 
O (g)          d) H
O (l)
_____2) Which of the following phase changes is endothermic?
a) H
O (s) 
O (l) 
b) H
O (g) 
O (l)
c) H
O (l) 
O (s)
d) H
O (g) 
O (s)
Calculate the number of joules required to (show correct numerical setup):
melt 20.0 g of H2O (s) at 0
boil 30.0 g of H2O (l) at 100
freeze 200.0 g of H2O (l) at 0
boil 50.0 g of H2O (g) at 100
Ice cubes at –12.0oC  are placed in a saucepan and heated
at a constant rate over a stove to 115.0oC.
Sketch a phase change diagram for the phase changes that
occur between -12.0 
C and 115.0
C.  Label the
temperatures at which the phase changes occur.  Then label
each line segment with a letter (A, B, C, D, E, etc.).
Be careful of HOT WATER
Don’t drop the thermometers…
Do not poke a whole in the bottom of the
Don’t eat the ice…
Big Idea
Starting with hot water and Ice
Going to calculate how much energy was lost
by the water (q=mC
That energy was used to melt the ice
Calculate the H
 based on that
q/(g of ice melted)
Follow the procedure!
Do Now
Take out The Heat of Fusion Lab from
yesterday and begin working on it
Plan on the 
 being on 
(covering phase changes)
This period’s agenda
Finish the lab
Finish the ‘H.W.’, front and back of the first
Start reading the 
4. Gases and Pressure
Do now
Turn in Heat of Fusion Lab
Turn in first page (front and back) from
homework packet
Read over topic 
4: Gases and Pressure (a+b)
Start brainstorming on how you could visualize
each of these concepts
Kinetic molecular theory (KMT) for
gases and ideal gas laws
Before we can 
discuss what an ‘Ideal’ gas is,
we must first discuss what is true for all gases,
ideal and real. The following is true for all
Gas particles have no definite volume
Gas particles have no definite shape
Gases are highly compressible
Gases take the volume and shape of the container
Gas molecules are relatively far apart from one another
Gases form homogeneous mixtures with each other
Real gases will act like Ideal gases at low
pressure and high temperature. Smaller gases
 and He) also behave more ideally than
larger gases (CO
, CH
The concept of the ‘Ideal gas’ is to explain the
behavior of real gases. There is a list of things that
we assume about gases to be true to explain their
behavior. For example, we assume that ‘ideal’ gas
particles have no attraction for each other, which is
why the take on the volume of their container.
‘Real’ gas particles do have 
 attraction to each
other. The reason we make these assumptions is
because they are 
 true, and in doing so we
can calculate 
a lot
 of information about gases. The
following are the Ideal Gas Laws:
Gas molecules are so small that the combined size
is insignificant compared to the volume occupied by
the gas.
Gas molecules move in straight line motion until
they collide with the container wall or another gas
Any collisions between gas molecules are elastic
with NO energy lost from the collisions.
No attractive or repulsive forces exist between gas
The Average velocity (speed with direction) of the
gas is directly proportional to the KELVIN
temperature (the higher the temperature, the faster
they move).
Avagadros hypothesis
Simply put, Avogadro’s Hypothesis states that
equal volumes of ALL gases, at the same
temperature and pressure, have the same
 of molecules. If you were to double
the number of molecules, you would double
the volume.
Poster Project (14 minutes)
Illustrations are excellent for visualizing some
abstract concepts. You will use your creativity
to create a visual for one of these concepts
It can be a literal representation, an example
from real life or a metaphor.
Example: The atom is mostly empty space
Draw an atom with mostly empty space
A club named ‘Atom’, which is almost completely
Poster Project (14 minutes)
Be prepared to explain your illustrations to the
Poster presentations
Quickly Sketch your favorites into your
notes packet
Do Now (Test Thursday)
Take out Homework Packet and put everything
else away
Homework check time!
Pressure, vapor pressure and boiling points
 through ‘Using the reference tables’
Try some of the practice
Pressure, vapor pressure and
boiling point
Pressure is defined as a force exerted on an area. You may
be familiar with the term psi, which stands for 
ounds per
nch. This is what you see on your gas gauge when
you check the pressure in your tires of your car or bicycle
and measures how much force is being exerted on every
square inch of your tire’s surface. The force itself is a result
of the gas particles colliding with the surface of the
container. There are other units to measure pressure and in
chemistry we will either use atmospheres (1 atmosphere of
pressure is the amount of force exerted by the atmosphere
above use, about 14.7 psi), or kilopascal named after a
French mathematician and physicist (1 atmosphere = 101.3
Pressure simulator
Particles in the liquid phase, in a closed
container, may evaporate (go into the gas
phase while below the boiling point) and exert
a pressure. We call this 
vapor pressure
, as it is
the pressure caused by the vapor and it does
not depend on how much liquid is in the
Vapor Pressure
Normal boiling point
Particles in the liquid phase, in a closed container, may
evaporate (go into the gas phase while below the
boiling point) and exert a pressure. We call this 
, as it is the pressure caused by the vapor and
it does not depend on how much liquid is in the
container. A substance will boil when it is heated to the
point that its vapor pressure is equal to that of its
environment. The 
normal boiling point
 is the
temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to
standard pressure. Standard pressure has been defined
as 1 atmosphere (101.3 kPa) and can be found in your
reference tables under the Table A titled ‘Standard
Temperature and Pressure’.
Normal boiling point
If you change the pressure of the system a liquid is in,
you also change its boiling point. This is how you can
get LP (liquid propane) gas tanks for your grill. Propane,
at standard temperature, will be in its gas phase. In
order to store it in its more condensed liquid phase,
the pressure needs to be increased. This is why they
are stored in pressurized tanks. When you open the
tank, you let some of the propane out, which is then
exposed to a much lower pressure in the grill, becomes
a gas which is then ignited to cook some hot dogs,
hamburgers, chicken, maybe some corn…whatever
your little heart desires! It’s really up to you.
Don’t believe me?
Let me show you!
Normal Boiling Point
Pressure cookers also make use of the impact
of pressure on boiling points. A pressure
cooker doesn’t allow for gas to escape as
you’re cooking your meal. This causes the
pressure inside to build up, which increases
the temperature at which the water will boil.
This higher temperature allows the food to
cook faster!
Pressure Cooker
Using the reference tables
Reference Table H is titles Vapor Pressure of
Four Liquids and can be used to determine the
boiling points of these liquids at different
temperatures. Remember, the boiling point is
the temperature at which the vapor pressure
equals the pressure of the system.
Using R.T. H
What are the normal boiling points for:
Ethanoic Acid:_____________
What would the boiling point of water be at a
pressure of 200 kPa?__________
What would the vapor pressure be for propanone at
50 degrees celcius?____________
Which of these 4 liquids has the strongest attractive
Do Now (Test Thursday)
Turn in Heat of Fusion Lab
Pick up a copy of the lab
Read over the procedures
(Next homework due tomorrow)
Bunsen burner safety
Not using it, turn it off!
Beaker tongs to handle hot things
Be careful when flipping your hot can, don’t let
the water escape
Be careful in general
Balloon + water: need about an inch of water
Finished the lab?
Finish the HW’s
Do Now
Take out the lab from yesterday and your
homework packet
Reviewing the lab
As Temperature increased, volume___________
As Temperature decreased, pressure__________
As the pressure increased, volume___________
Neat demo…
And now
Gases and pressure Practice in the ‘HW’
H.W. for tonight:
Read the rest of the notes packet and attempt the
Short summary next class and then jumping right
into practice
Do Now:
Take out homework #3 (gases and pressure)
Read topic 5: 
Gas laws: Pressure, temperature
and volume
Try the practice problems on the next page
Homework Review
Gas laws: Pressure, temperature and
The Gas Laws are relationships between
temperature, pressure and volume of a gas.
Gas law equations are used to determine what
effect changing one of those variables will
have on any of the others. There are three gas
laws that combine to give us our ‘combined
gas law’, and they are:
Boyles Law
Boyles Law
: P
: As pressure on a gas
increases, the volume of the gas decreases.
The product of the initial pressure (P
) and
volume (V
) will be equal to the product of the
final pressure and volume (P
Which experiment?
Charles Law
Charles Law
: V
= V
: As temperature of
the gas increases, the volume of the gas must
also increase. The quotient of the initial
volume and temperature (V
) is equal to
the quotient of the final volume and
temperature (V
Which experiment?
Gay-Lussac’s Law
Gay-Lussac’s Law:
 = P
: As the
temperature of a gas increases, so does its
pressure. The quotient of the initial pressure
and temperature (
in kelvin
) (P
) is equal to
the quotient of the final pressure and
temperature (P
Which experiment?
‘PT Cruiser’ Cards
A neat way to remember how these three factors are
related is by what has been trademarked as a ‘PT Cruiser’
card. Simply take an index card and write across it the
letters  P T V. To see how one factor will be affected by
changing one of the other two, simply grasp the card with
your finger covering the letter for the factor being kept
constant, push the variable that is being changed in the
direction in which it is changing (up for increasing, down for
decreasing) and see how the other variable responds. For
example: increasing pressure while temperature is kept the
same. You would cover grab the card at the temperature
letter, push the ‘P’ up, and see how the volume would
Pt Cruiser Card
P  T  V
Combined Gas Law
The three individual gas laws combine to give us
the combined gas law, which allows us to
examine how all three variables respond to a
change in a system without needing to have one
of the variables kept constant (seen on the right).
You can also get the other three gas laws from
this combined formula. If one of the variables is
kept constant, it simply drops out of the
equation. For example: If temperature was kept
the same, T would drop out and you would be
left with: P
Solving for when something is held
A sealed can with an initial
pressure of #
is heated from
 kelvin to #
 kelvin. What is
the new pressure?
Solving for when something is held
A balloon with an initial
pressure of #
is heated from
 kelvin to #
 kelvin at a
constant pressure. What is the
new volume?
Practice: (remember temperature
needs to be in kelvin).
What volume will 500.mL of a gas occupy if
the pressure is changed from 1.00 atmosphere
to 2.00 atmosphere at constant temperature?
A tube of hydrogen gas at a room temperature of
22.4ºC has a pressure of 88.0 KPa.  What was the
new temperature of the hydrogen gas when the
pressure in the tube is at 101.3 KPa? (Volume is
A gas has a volume of 700.mL at a temperature of
10.0ºC at constant pressure.  What volume will the
gas occupy if the temperature is raised to 50.0ºC?
(Remember: change °C to K!!)
4 .) A sample of gas occupies a volume of 500. mL at
a pressure of 0.500 atm and a 
temperature of
298K.  At what temperature will the gas occupy a
volume of 250. mL and have a pressure of 2.50
Finish the homework packet
Start studying for the test/quarterly (heavy on
the periodic table)
Do Now
Read the final topic: Gas laws; pV=nRT
Honors: Gas laws; pv=nRT
The pressure and volume of a gas are
proportional to the number of moles of gas and
the Kelvin temperature.  The equation can be
derived as follows:
From the Combined Gas Law, we have
PV/T = K,
K = nR  (n is number of moles, R is a
proportionality constant)
(increase the number of moles, it affects
everything else…)
Since one mole of gas exerts a pressure of
1.00 atm and occupies a volume of 22.4 L at
273 K, R (the proportionality constant) can be
derived as follows:
(1 atm)(22.4 L)/(1 mole)(273 K) = R
R = 0.0821 atm-L/mol-K
Ideal Gas Law
This yields the IDEAL GAS LAW, which can be
used to determine the pressure, volume,
temperature or number of moles of gas if all of
the other conditions are known, and none of the
conditions have changed.
PV = nRT
P= Pressure (atm)    V = Volume (L)
n = moles      
R = 0.0821 atm-L/mol-K
T = Temp (K)
Practice with ideal gas law
What is the pressure exerted by 3.00 moles of
gas at a temperature of 300. K in a 4.00 L
PV = nRT
What is the volume of a sample of gas
if 5.00 moles if it exerts a pressure of
0.500 atm at 200. K?
PV = nRT
A sample of gas contained in a cylinder
of 5.00 L exerts a pressure of 3.00 atm
at 300. K.  How many moles of gas are
trapped in the cylinder?
PV = nRT
A hydrogen gas thermometer is found to have
a volume of 100.0 cm
 when placed in an ice-
water bath at 0°C. When the same
thermometer is immersed in boiling liquid
chlorine, the volume of hydrogen at the same
pressure is found to be 87.2 cm
. What is the
temperature of the boiling point of chlorine?
When filling a weather balloon with gas you have to
consider that the gas will expand greatly as it rises
and the pressure decreases. Let’s say you put about
10.0 moles of He gas into a balloon that can inflate
to hold 5000.0L. Currently, the balloon is not full
because of the high pressure on the ground. What
is the pressure when the balloon rises to a point
where the temperature is -10.0°C and the balloon
has completely filled with the gas.
Do Now
Turn in any owed work (last day to turn in is
Friday of next week)
Take out a sheet of paper and something to
write with
Topics on the test
Properties of phases (solid vs liquid vs gas)
Phase diagrams and describing how they behave
Types of solids and their properties
Conductivity, melting points, solubility, how they are ‘held
Phase changes and heat of phase changes
Properties of gases (ideal vs real)
Gas law problems
Really, re-do the homework, read and re-do the
practice in the notes packet…as always, no real
Combined Gas Law Partner Practice
As we have done in the past;
 person writes the givens and rearranges the formula to
solve for what is missing
 person plugs and chugs, then rounds final answer
correctly to sig figs and gives units
Switch for the next problem
1 sheet of paper per partnership
Answers are on the back to ensure you are doing it
Cant see what your’re doing wrong?
Ask a neighbor, then ask me!
A bag of potato chips is packaged at sea level (1.00
atm) and has a volume of 315 mL.  If this bag of
chips is transported to Denver (0.775 atm), what
will the new volume of the bag be?
A Los Angeles class nuclear submarine has an
internal volume of eleven million liters at a pressure
of 1.250 atm.  If a crewman were to open one of
the hatches to the outside ocean while it was
underwater (pressure = 15.75 atm), what be would
the new volume of the air inside the submarine?
A child has a toy balloon with a volume of 1.80
liters.  The temperature of the balloon when it was
filled was 20
 C and the pressure was 1.00 atm.  If
the child were to let go of the balloon and it rose 3
kilometers into the sky where the pressure is 0.667
atm and the temperature is -10
 C, what would the
new volume of the balloon be?
A commercial airliner has an internal pressure of
1.00 atm and temperature of 25
 C at takeoff.  If the
temperature of the airliner drops to 17
 C during
the flight, what is the new cabin pressure?
If divers rise too quickly from a deep dive, they
get a condition called “the bends” which is caused
by the expansion of very small nitrogen bubbles in
the blood due to decreased pressure.  If the initial
volume of the bubbles in a diver’s blood is 15 mL
and the initial pressure is 12.75 atm, what is the
volume of the bubbles when the diver has surfaced
to 1.00 atm pressure?
Turn in Homework packet
Pick up:
Quarterly Review
New unit packet
 Read/highlight pages 1-4
Start the first day of the new unit,
then review for the quarterly
Take out the review from yesterday
Any questions on it?
Anything you would like me to go over?
Slide Note

Dive into the world of solids and properties of matter, from seating arrangements to classroom objectives. Discover the different phases of matter, investigate properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and explore the interactions between particles. Engage in hands-on activities and learning experiences to deepen your understanding of the fascinating world of chemistry.

  • Solids
  • Properties of Matter
  • Phases of Matter
  • Classroom Objectives
  • Chemistry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do Now: Find new seats melanie 1 zacharia 9 jacob 17 angelica 25 andretta 2 ian 10 arianna 18 jennifer 3 joy 11 gabrielle 19 daniel 26 elias 4 Shajra 12 Jose 20 mariah 5 jairo 27 Nailah 21 de'andre 13 casandra 6 syndey 22 hector 14 christina 28 shaquom 7 emily 23 julianna 15 augustin 8 Se'jean 24 kayla 29 isabella 16

  2. Do Now: Find New Seats egar 1 jordan elijah yasheema joshua mina christopher kevin bruno 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 joseph seth johanan lindsey itzel Jessica jonathan vernon 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 parker 25 alexandra 2 damien 3 megan 26 kiara 4 lorena 5 sara 27 denzell 6 nazjai 28 olivia 7 emma 8

  3. WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK! Bellringer: Read the first page of the notes packet and fill in the particle diagrams based on the reading Remember about gravity

  4. Homework: Make sure you finish and turn in types of reactions lab by tomorrow

  5. This unit All about phases, their properties and phase changes Are there different types of solids? What happens when things go from s l g? How much energy is needed in order to go through those changes

  6. Todays objective Describe the properties of solids Design a lab to determine the type of solid for an unknown

  7. Solids High, Medium, or Low attraction between each particle? How do they move?

  8. Liquids High Medium or Low attraction How do they move? Proof that liquid molecules are attracted to each other: tch?v=r7fEHYkGxd0

  9. Gas High Medium or Low attraction? How do they move?

  10. Solids! We are going to focus on Different types of solids. Focus: You are going to design a lab to determine what type of solid two different solids are Read along with your neighbor and fill in the venn diagram on the next page Maybe split it: 2 types per neighbor? Things all Solids have in common goes in the center Overlap is for things in common

  11. Do Now Pick up a copy of the lab RETURN ANY EXTRA COPIES OF THE NOTES THAT YOU MAY HAVE TAKEN Make sure the following are described in the venn diagram: Melting point (very high, high, variable, low) Solubility Conductivity (if so, under what conditions) How the particles are arranged

  12. Types of solids lab 2 different solids You have: Distilled water (may have CO2Dissolved in it ) This would make it slightly conductive need to account for that Conductivity testers cups stirring rods other miscellaneous lab equip (NOT BUNSEN BURNERS)

  13. Procedure Get it approved before beginning It would be unfortunate to get all the way done and then find an error with the procedure and need to do it all over Something to think about: When CO2dissolves into water, it makes the water conductive going to need to account for that

  14. Do now Take out your Types of Solids Lab Refresh your memory Ionic Molecular Sol. Cond. M.p. Network Metallic Make sure you get your procedure approved and finish the lab (and turn it in)

  15. Absent? Then you need to play a little catch up Read the notes about the types of solids and fill in the 4 box ven diagram on the next page Use this information to figure out how you could test these 2 unknown solids to determine what type of solid they are

  16. Homework: Finish the lab

  17. Do now Bellringer Quiz: Pick up, do independently and turn in Also turn in Types of Solids lab

  18. Homework Phases and phase change diagrams Heat of phase changes (front and back of 1stpage)

  19. And now Read page 4 and fill in the graphic organizer on page 5 and 6

  20. A nice simulator s-of-matter-basics

  21. Phase Changes: Label the phase changes (1-6), identify each side as either exothermic or endothermic, fill in the phase change diagrams and particle diagrams for each phase. _____thermic + or - H _____thermic + or - H Temp. (K) Temp. (K) Gas (particle diagram) Time Time 5.___________ 1.___________ 6.___________ 2.___________ Liquid (particle diagram) 3.___________ 4.___________ Solid (particle diagram)

  22. Sublimation and Deposition FN2M8

  23. 1) Label the phases present at each line segment above using (s), (l), and (g). 2) What is the boiling point of this substance? ________ 3) What is the melting point of this substance? ________

  24. c. Heat of phase change In previous units we have calculated the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of water using the formula: q=mC T (remember that catchy song?). During a phase change, however, there is no change in temperature so this formula cannot be used to solve for the heat needed for a phase change. Instead, there are different formulas used for phase changes; q=mHf and q=mHv. Hf is the heat of fusion, the amount of energy required to melt or freeze a gram of water (334 J/g). Hv is the heat of vaporization of water; the amount of energy required to boil or condense water (2260 J/g).. m is the mass of water involved in the phase change.

  25. How much energy is required to melt 50.0g of water at 0oC? q = m Hf Why Hf? q = 50.0 g x 334J/g q =16700 J

  26. Practice Problems _____1) Which of the following phase changes requires heat of fusion to accomplish? a) H2O (s) H2O (g) c) H2O (l) H2O (g) _____2) Which of the following phase changes is endothermic? a) H2O (s) H2O (l) c) H2O (l) H2O (s) d) H2O (g) H2O (s) b) H2O (g) H2O (l) d) H2O (s) H2O (l) b) H2O (g) H2O (l)

  27. Calculate the number of joules required to (show correct numerical setup): a) melt 20.0 g of H2O (s) at 0oC b) boil 30.0 g of H2O (l) at 100oC c) freeze 200.0 g of H2O (l) at 0oC d) boil 50.0 g of H2O (g) at 100oC

  28. Ice cubes at 12.0oC are placed in a saucepan and heated at a constant rate over a stove to 115.0oC. Sketch a phase change diagram for the phase changes that occur between -12.0 oC and 115.0oC. Label the temperatures at which the phase changes occur. Then label each line segment with a letter (A, B, C, D, E, etc.).

  29. Label where P.E. increases/stays same Do the same for K.E.

  30. Do Now: Pick up a copy of the lab Read over the procedure to the lab

  31. Questions? _____1) Which of the following phase changes requires heat of fusion to accomplish? a) H2O (s) H2O (g) b) H2O (g) H2O (l) (s) H2O (l) c) H2O (l) H2O (g) d) H2O _____2) Which of the following phase changes is endothermic? a) H2O (s) H2O (l) b) H2O (g) H2O (l) d) H2O (g) H2O (s) c) H2O (l) H2O (s) Calculate the number of joules required to (show correct numerical setup): a) melt 20.0 g of H2O (s) at 0oC boil 30.0 g of H2O (l) at 100oC b) freeze 200.0 g of H2O (l) at 0oC c) boil 50.0 g of H2O (g) at 100oC d)

  32. Ice cubes at 12.0oC are placed in a saucepan and heated at a constant rate over a stove to 115.0oC. Sketch a phase change diagram for the phase changes that occur between -12.0 oC and 115.0oC. Label the temperatures at which the phase changes occur. Then label each line segment with a letter (A, B, C, D, E, etc.).

  33. Safety Goggles Be careful of HOT WATER Don t drop the thermometers Do not poke a whole in the bottom of the calorimeters! Don t eat the ice

  34. Big Idea Starting with hot water and Ice Going to calculate how much energy was lost by the water (q=mC T) That energy was used to melt the ice Calculate the Hf based on that q/(g of ice melted) Follow the procedure!

  35. Do Now Take out The Heat of Fusion Lab from yesterday and begin working on it Plan on the Test being on Thursday Quiz on THIS FRIDAY (covering phase changes)

  36. This periods agenda Finish the lab Finish the H.W. , front and back of the first page Start reading the 4. Gases and Pressure

  37. Do now Turn in Heat of Fusion Lab Turn in first page (front and back) from homework packet Read over topic 4: Gases and Pressure (a+b) Start brainstorming on how you could visualize each of these concepts

  38. Kinetic molecular theory (KMT) for gases and ideal gas laws Before we can discuss what an Ideal gas is, we must first discuss what is true for all gases, ideal and real. The following is true for all gases: Gas particles have no definite volume Gas particles have no definite shape Gases are highly compressible Gases take the volume and shape of the container Gas molecules are relatively far apart from one another Gases form homogeneous mixtures with each other

  39. Real gases will act like Ideal gases at low pressure and high temperature. Smaller gases (H2 and He) also behave more ideally than larger gases (CO2, CH4).

  40. The concept of the Ideal gas is to explain the behavior of real gases. There is a list of things that we assume about gases to be true to explain their behavior. For example, we assume that ideal gas particles have no attraction for each other, which is why the take on the volume of their container. Real gas particles do have some attraction to each other. The reason we make these assumptions is because they are mostly true, and in doing so we can calculate a lot of information about gases. The following are the Ideal Gas Laws:

  41. Gas molecules are so small that the combined size is insignificant compared to the volume occupied by the gas. Gas molecules move in straight line motion until they collide with the container wall or another gas molecule Any collisions between gas molecules are elastic with NO energy lost from the collisions. No attractive or repulsive forces exist between gas molecules. The Average velocity (speed with direction) of the gas is directly proportional to the KELVIN temperature (the higher the temperature, the faster they move).

  42. b. Avagadros hypothesis Simply put, Avogadro s Hypothesis states that equal volumes of ALL gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules. If you were to double the number of molecules, you would double the volume.

  43. Poster Project (14 minutes) Illustrations are excellent for visualizing some abstract concepts. You will use your creativity to create a visual for one of these concepts It can be a literal representation, an example from real life or a metaphor. Example: The atom is mostly empty space Draw an atom with mostly empty space A club named Atom , which is almost completely empty

  44. Poster Project (14 minutes) Be prepared to explain your illustrations to the class

  45. Poster presentations

  46. Quickly Sketch your favorites into your notes packet

  47. Do Now (Test Thursday) Take out Homework Packet and put everything else away Homework check time! Finished? Read: Pressure, vapor pressure and boiling points through Using the reference tables Try some of the practice

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