Management and Supervisory Board Members of Maralbek Gabdsattarov's Group

Supervisory Board of the Issuer
Maralbek Gabdsattarov: the largest shareholder and founder of the Group, started his career in 2001, initially
serving as a distributor of hygiene and beauty products tailored for the CIS markets. In a decisive move in
2011, to serve the European market Mr Gabdsattarov decided to launch production facilities in Europe, which
resulted in the establishment of SIA iCotton in Liepaja, Latvia. Through astute management and leveraging EU
grant programs, a cutting-edge production facility was successfully developed, reflecting Mr Gabdsattarov's
commitment to market diversification and entry into Western markets.
The year 2017 witnessed a significant
milestone as Mr Gabdsattarov orchestrated the acquisition of Harper Hygienics S.A., strengthening the
European portfolio of the Group.
Currently serving as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board for the Issuer and
the Guarantor, Mr Gabdsattarov continues to provide strategic guidance, showcasing a unique ability to
navigate diverse markets and manage complex organizational structures
Jānis  Bormanis 
is a seasoned professional with extensive expertise in crafting diverse financial structures,
encompassing debt financing acquisition, project financing, and capital market financing attraction. Mr
Bormanis has honed expertise in various corporate and investment banking management roles at financial
institutions in Germany and Latvia. Mr Bormanis holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration (BWL)
from the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Atis Zvidriņš
is a distinguished professional serving in key supervisory roles. With a background that includes
roles as Investment Director and CFO, Mr Zvidriņš has demonstrated a robust track record in financial
leadership and investment management. In his present capacity as Investment Director at ALTUM, Mr Zvidriņš
brings a wealth of experience to the strategic oversight of various ventures.
Management Board
Dmitrij Kostojanskij
Chairman of the Management
Board of Harper Hygienics S.A.
Sergejs Binkovskis 
dedicated and seasoned professional with a robust background in production
management and supply chain operations. Bringing over a decade of experience, Mr Binkovkis has been
an integral part of the company since 2011, contributing significantly to the enhancement of production
processes, material supply, sales and finished product stock management. Mr Binkovskis has eighteen
years of experience in the production industry and since 2005 has worked in several companies, including
Bella Art and Enigma Lux.
Dmitrij Kostojanski
 is a dynamic professional who has been an integral part of the Group since 2013.
2013 to 2018, Mr Kostojanski
 served as an advisor for iCotton SIA, playing a pivotal role in the
development and implementation of cost-cutting programs. In early 2017, he took on the role of Interim
Vice-President of the Supervisory Board at Harper Hygienics S.A. In this capacity, he assumed a crucial role
in a project group focused on company acquisition. Since the end of 2018, Mr Kostojanski
 has held the
position of Chairman of the Management Board at Harper Hygienics S.A.
/ LV
Supervisory Board of the Issuer
Maralbek Gabdsattarov: lielākais grupas akcionārs un dibinātājs, savu karjeru sāka 2001. gadā, sākotnēji
darbojoties kā NVS tirgiem pielāgotu higiēnas un skaistumkopšanas preču izplatītājs. 2011. gadā ar apņēmīgu
lēmumu, lai apkalpotu Eiropas tirgu, Gabdsattarov kungs nolēma izveidot ražotnes Eiropā, kā rezultātā Liepājā,
Latvijā, tika izveidota SIA iCotton. Ar pārdomātu pārvaldību un, izmantojot ES 
 programmas, tika
veiksmīgi izveidota visprogresīvākā ražotne, kas atspoguļo Gabdsattarov kunga ieguldījumu tirgu difersifikācijā
un iekļūšanā Rietumu tirg
. 2017.gadā bija nozīmīgs pavērsiens, 
 Gabdsattarov kungs vadīja Harper
Hygienics S.A. iegādi, stiprinot grupas Eiropas portfolio. Pašlaik būdams Emitenta un Galvinieka padomju
priekšsēdētājs, Gabdsattarov kungs turpina sniegt stratēģiskus norādījumus, demonstrējot izteiktu spēju
orientēties dažādos tirgos un pārvaldīt sarežģītas organizatoriskās struktūras.
Jānis Bormanis ir pieredzējis profesionālis ar plašām zināšanām dažādu finanšu struktūru veidošanā, kas ietver
aizņēmuma finansējuma piesaisti, projektu finansēšanu un kapitāla tirgus finansējuma piesaisti. Bormaņa
kungs ir guvis ievērojamu pieredzi dažādās banku korporatīvo un investīciju vadības vadošās pozīcijās finanšu
institūcijās Vācijā un Latvijā. Bormaņa kungs ir ieguvis maģistra grādu uzņēmējdarbības vadībā (BWL)
Erlangenas-Nirnbergas Frīdriha Aleksandra Universitātē.
Atis Zvidriņš ir pārliecinošs profesionālis, kas 
vadošās pārraudzības pozīcijās. 
 direktora un finanšu
direktora pieredzes fundamentu, Zvidriņa kungs var uzrādīt pārliecinošu paveikto darbu sarakstu finanšu
vadībā un ieguldījumu pārvaldībā. Pašreizējā ALTUM investīciju direktora amatā Zvidriņa kungs sniedz lielu
pienesumu dažādu uzņēmumu stratēģiskajā uzraudzībā.
Management Board
Dmitrij Kostojanskij
Chairman of the Management
Board of Harper Hygienics S.A.
Sergejs Binkovskis ir mērķtiecīgs un pieredzējis profesionālis ar nozīmīgu pieredzi ražošanas vadībā un
piegāžu ķēžu pārvaldībā. 
niedzot vairāk nekā desmit gadu pieredzi, Biņkovska kungs ir neatņemama
uzņēmuma sastāvdaļa kopš 2011.gada, sniedzot būtisku ieguldījumu ražošanas procesu, materiālu
piegādes, pārdošanas un gatavās produkcijas krājumu pārvaldīšanas uzlabošanā. Biņkovska kungam ir
astoņpadsmit gadu pieredze ražošanas nozarē un kopš 2005.gada viņš ir strādājis vairākos uzņēmumos,
tostarp Bella Art un Enigma Lux.
Dmitrij Kostojanskij ir dinamisks profesionālis, kurš ir neatņemama uzņēmuma grupas sastāvdaļa kopš
2013.gada. No 2013. līdz 2018. gadam Kostojanskij kungs strādāja par 
padomnieku, spēlējot
galveno lomu izmaksu samazināšanas programmu izstrādē un ieviešanā. 2017.gada sākumā viņš uzņēmās
Harper Hygienics S.A. Padomes pagaidu viceprezidenta pienākumus. Šajā amatā viņam bija būtiska loma
grupā, kas koncentrējās uz uzņēmuma iegādi. Kopš 2018.gada beigām Kostojanskij kungs ieņem
Harper Hygienics S.A. valdes priekšsēdētāja amatu.
Slide Note

Maralbek Gabdsattarov is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board for the Issuer, with a history of market diversification and strategic acquisitions in the hygiene and beauty products industry. Jānis Bormanis and Atis Zvidri also serve on the Supervisory Board, bringing extensive financial expertise. Additionally, the Management Board, led by Sergejs Binkovskis and Dmitrij Kostojanskij, ensures efficient production processes and strategic oversight for Harper Hygienics S.A. and iCotton SIA.

  • Management Board
  • Supervisory Board
  • Maralbek Gabdsattarov
  • Financial Expertise
  • Production Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SUPERVISORY AND MANAGEMENT BOARD / ENG Supervisory Board of the Issuer Maralbek Gabdsattarov: the largest shareholder and founder of the Group, started his career in 2001, initially serving as a distributor of hygiene and beauty products tailored for the CIS markets. In a decisive move in 2011, to serve the European market Mr Gabdsattarov decided to launch production facilities in Europe, which resulted in the establishment of SIA iCotton in Liepaja, Latvia. Through astute management and leveraging EU grant programs, a cutting-edge production facility was successfully developed, reflecting Mr Gabdsattarov's commitment to market diversification and entry into Western markets. The year 2017 witnessed a significant milestone as Mr Gabdsattarov orchestrated the acquisition of Harper Hygienics S.A., strengthening the European portfolio of the Group. Currently serving as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board for the Issuer and the Guarantor, Mr Gabdsattarov continues to provide strategic guidance, showcasing a unique ability to navigate diverse markets and manage complex organizational structures Maralbek Gabdsattarov Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Harper Hygienics S.A. & iCotton SIA J nis Bormanis J nis Bormanis is a seasoned professional with extensive expertise in crafting diverse financial structures, encompassing debt financing acquisition, project financing, and capital market financing attraction. Mr Bormanis has honed expertise in various corporate and investment banking management roles at financial institutions in Germany and Latvia. Mr Bormanis holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration (BWL) from the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-N rnberg. Member of the Supervisory Board of iCotton SIA Atis Zvidri is a distinguished professional serving in key supervisory roles. With a background that includes roles as Investment Director and CFO, Mr Zvidri has demonstrated a robust track record in financial leadership and investment management. In his present capacity as Investment Director at ALTUM, Mr Zvidri brings a wealth of experience to the strategic oversight of various ventures. Atis Zvidri Member of the Supervisory Board of iCotton SIA

  2. SUPERVISORY AND MANAGEMENT BOARD Management Board Sergejs Binkovskis is a dedicated and seasoned professional with a robust background in production management and supply chain operations. Bringing over a decade of experience, Mr Binkovkis has been an integral part of the company since 2011, contributing significantly to the enhancement of production processes, material supply, sales and finished product stock management. Mr Binkovskis has eighteen years of experience in the production industry and since 2005 has worked in several companies, including Bella Art and Enigma Lux. Sergejs Binkovskis Chairman of the Management Board of iCotton SIA (Issuer) Member of the Management Board of Harper Hygienics S.A. Dmitrij Kostojanskij is a dynamic professional who has been an integral part of the Group since 2013. From 2013 to 2018, Mr Kostojanskij served as an advisor for iCotton SIA, playing a pivotal role in the development and implementation of cost-cutting programs. In early 2017, he took on the role of Interim Vice-President of the Supervisory Board at Harper Hygienics S.A. In this capacity, he assumed a crucial role in a project group focused on company acquisition. Since the end of 2018, Mr Kostojanskij has held the position of Chairman of the Management Board at Harper Hygienics S.A. Dmitrij Kostojanskij Chairman of the Management Board of Harper Hygienics S.A.

  3. SUPERVISORY AND MANAGEMENT BOARD / LV Supervisory Board of the Issuer Maralbek Gabdsattarov: liel kais grupas akcion rs un dibin t js, savu karjeru s ka 2001. gad , s kotn ji darbojoties k NVS tirgiem piel gotu higi nas un skaistumkop anas pre u izplat t js. 2011. gad ar ap m gu l mumu, lai apkalpotu Eiropas tirgu, Gabdsattarov kungs nol ma izveidot ra otnes Eirop , k rezult t Liep j , Latvij , tika izveidota SIA iCotton. Ar p rdom tu p rvald bu un, izmantojot ES fondu programmas, tika veiksm gi izveidota visprogres v k ra otne, kas atspogu o Gabdsattarov kunga ieguld jumu tirgu difersifik cij un iek an Rietumu tirgos. 2017.gad bija noz m gs pav rsiens, kur Gabdsattarov kungs vad ja Harper Hygienics S.A. ieg di, stiprinot grupas Eiropas portfolio. Pa laik b dams Emitenta un Galvinieka padomju priek s d t js, Gabdsattarov kungs turpina sniegt strat iskus nor d jumus, demonstr jot izteiktu sp ju orient ties da dos tirgos un p rvald t sare tas organizatorisk s strukt ras. Maralbek Gabdsattarov Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Harper Hygienics S.A. & iCotton SIA J nis Bormanis J nis Bormanis ir pieredz jis profesion lis ar pla m zin an m da du finan u strukt ru veido an , kas ietver aiz muma finans juma piesaisti, projektu finans anu un kapit la tirgus finans juma piesaisti. Borma a kungs ir guvis iev rojamu pieredzi da d s banku korporat vo un invest ciju vad bas vado s poz cij s finan u instit cij s V cij un Latvij . Borma a kungs ir ieguvis ma istra gr du uz m jdarb bas vad b (BWL) Erlangenas-Nirnbergas Fr driha Aleksandra Universit t . Member of the Supervisory Board of iCotton SIA Atis Zvidri ir p rliecino s profesion lis, kas darbojas vado s p rraudz bas poz cij s. Ar direktora un finan u direktora pieredzes fundamentu, Zvidri a kungs var uzr d t p rliecino u paveikto darbu sarakstu finan u vad b un ieguld jumu p rvald b . Pa reiz j ALTUM invest ciju direktora amat Zvidri a kungs sniedz lielu pienesumu da du uz mumu strat iskaj uzraudz b . Atis Zvidri Member of the Supervisory Board of iCotton SIA

  4. SUPERVISORY AND MANAGEMENT BOARD Management Board Sergejs Binkovskis ir m r tiec gs un pieredz jis profesion lis ar noz m gu pieredzi ra o anas vad b un pieg u u p rvald b . Sniedzot vair k nek desmit gadu pieredzi, Bi kovska kungs ir neat emama uz muma sast vda a kop 2011.gada, sniedzot b tisku ieguld jumu ra o anas procesu, materi lu pieg des, p rdo anas un gatav s produkcijas kr jumu p rvald anas uzlabo an . Bi kovska kungam ir asto padsmit gadu pieredze ra o anas nozar un kop 2005.gada vi ir str d jis vair kos uz mumos, tostarp Bella Art un Enigma Lux. Sergejs Binkovskis Chairman of the Management Board of iCotton SIA (Issuer) Member of the Management Board of Harper Hygienics S.A. Dmitrij Kostojanskij ir dinamisks profesion lis, kur ir neat emama uz muma grupas sast vda a kop 2013.gada. No 2013. l dz 2018. gadam Kostojanskij kungs str d ja par uz muma padomnieku, sp l jot galveno lomu izmaksu samazin anas programmu izstr d un ievie an . 2017.gada s kum vi uz m s Harper Hygienics S.A. Padomes pagaidu viceprezidenta pien kumus. aj amat vi am bija b tiska loma darba grup , kas koncentr j s uz uz muma ieg di. Kop 2018.gada beig m Kostojanskij kungs ie em Harper Hygienics S.A. valdes priek s d t ja amatu. Dmitrij Kostojanskij Chairman of the Management Board of Harper Hygienics S.A.

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