Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 1 Daily Grammar Review

Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 1
Week 1: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
my uncle paul will like to try things which he never done before
2. he often says lets take a trip
Rewrite the underlined part to put the words in the best order.
3.  Last year, we explored a 
glacier huge cave
Give two words that rhyme with “cave.”
4.      ____________   _____________
Combine the sentences to make one sentence.
5.     We  could stand in parts of the cave.  We had to crawl in other parts.
Week 1: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
oh no matt exclaimed as he arrives at school without his homework
2. he called his mom, and beged her to bring it to him
Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
3.  “I was in a hurry and completely forgot,” he ____________ to his mom.
asked           complained           explained             demanded
Use the two homophones in a sentence. (wait, weight)
4.      ______________________________________________________
Write a fact about school:
5.    _______________________________________________________
Week 1: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
eggplant is able to grow almost anywhere but it prefer’s alot of sun
2. eggplant seed’s need to be plant where the soil drains good
Put the words in alphabetical order
3.  eggplant     edge      eager       eggshell    eagle
Write the prepositional phrase in the sentence.
4.      Farmers grow eggplant crops during the summer months.
Place commas where they belong in the following sentence.
5.    Nutritious purple eggplant is eaten mostly in summer and fall.
Week 1: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
erin and ashley finish there work, and wanted to go to dinner
2. they didnt want to go no place far away
Are these synonyms or antonyms?
3.  Nervous, Confident        ________________
Identify the adverb in the sentence.
4.    Ashley drove quickly to the restaurant.
Write the date out correctly:    wednesday november 15 2017
5.    _____________________________
Week 1: Day 5
Identify and circle the adverbs and underline the pronouns in each sentence,
then highlight the interjections.
1.)  “Yikes!” He yelled as the snake quickly slithered toward him.
2.) “Shh! Can you please walk quietly down the hall?”  she asked.
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 2
Week 2: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
have you visit the new aquarium in phoenix
2. they has lot of fish jellyfish and other see creatures
Complete the analogy.
3.  crocodile : reptile :: shark : __________________
Write the missing word.
4.     Hammerhead sharks ___________ stay with their young.
doesn’t           don’t            wasn’t
Write the plural form of the following words.
5.     berry   ______________     fox _________________
Week 2: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
on july 16 1969 NASA launched a rocket from florida
2. for days later on july 20 1969 the rocket reached the moon
Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?
3.  Was Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon?  ______________
Circle the cause and underline the effect.
4.     July 20, 1969 was a memorable day, because it was the first moon landing.
Use the following adverb in a sentence: carefully
5.     ______________________________________________________
Week 2: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
some animals stays safe by using camouflage said rylie
2. skunks is one animal who dont blend in
Use the following homophone pair in a sentence:  scent, cent
3.  ________________________________________________________
Write a sentence from this research note.
4.    Skunk warnings: raising its tail, stomping its feet
Does the word have a prefix or suffix?
5.     friendly  ___________________
Week 2: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
my ant and uncle from china has open a restaurant in new york
2. they is serving traditional chinese food
Draw a line between the prefix and the root word.  Then explain what the word
3.  preview:  _____________________________
Write the missing word or words.
4.    The food is the ___________________ I’ve ever tasted.
deliciousest          most delicious           most deliciousest
Write the following verb in past and future tense.
5.     have   ___________________   _____________________
Week 2: Day 5
Identify and circle the adjectives and underline the pronouns in each
sentence, then highlight the interjections.
1.)  “Wow!” He exclaimed when he saw the beautiful rainbow in the sky.
2.) “Yuck!  These disgusting bugs are everywhere,” she said.
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 3
Week 3: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
Bens team faced the cougars on march 5 2019
2. the crowd roared but the batter hit a home run
Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the bolded word.
3.  Ben was 
 by the crowd and didn’t see his teammate behind him.
Which reference source would you use to find the following?
4.     The score of the world series from 1985.    _________________
Write the contraction that is created from the following words.
5.      she would   _______________
Week 3: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
them girls rides there bikes two school every day
2. yesterday they couldnt because it is raining to hard
Write the subject of the sentence below.
3.  The girls had to get a ride from their mom.   ___________________
Write a word using the prefix and suffix:  un- ,  -ly
4.     _________________
Write the missing word.
5.      The girls  _______________ having their mom drive them to school.
          preferring             will prefer          prefer
Week 3: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
michelle found a shortcut threw a wash to her aunts house
2. she was excited but it taken fifteen minutes off her walk
What part of a friendly letter is the following?
3.  I am so sorry I missed your shower.  Hopefully I can go next time.
Identify the part of speech of the underlined word. (noun, verb, adjective or adverb)
4.    Drew was solving his word problems in his math 
.   ____________
Use context clues to explain the meaning of the bolded word.
5.      Sally’s mom took her to a 
after she developed an itchy rash.
Week 3: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
A long time ago people wash there laundry by hand
2. they boiled water two make it hot but rubbed soap in the clothes
Which reference source would you find information for a report on George
3. ________________________
Write the abbreviations for the following words:  street, avenue
4.    ___________    ______________
Use context clues to explain the meaning of the bolded word.
5.   The security camera appears to 
 Mary’s claim that she never left the house.
Week 3: Day 5
Identify and circle the proper nouns and underline the verbs in each sentence,
then highlight the prepositions.
1.)  I traveled to New York during the summer.
2.) My favorite restaurant is Oregano’s on Speedway.
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 4
Week 4: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
me and mom are visited the san diego zoo next week
2. did you sea the otter’s swimming quick through the water
Identify this part of a letter.
3. Ms. Aylen Welsh
    1432 E. Winterhaven Rd.
    Bakerstown, PA  15007
Write the prefix.
4.  multilingual  ____________
What part of speech is underlined in the sentence?
5.  They will go to tennis practice 
Week 4: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. i forget mikaylas present in the car yesterday
2. cindy said dont leave youre jacket on the floor no more
Write the past tense of the following verbs:
3. call -  _________________
4. swim - ________________
Write the comparative and superlative adjectives for the listed word:
5. clear:  _________________ and _________________
Week 4: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1. michael addison and jace wear invited to dakotas suprise party.
2. we played for different bored games during the dark stormy nite
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
3.  They were so 
 from the hike that they drank a gallon of water.
Write the singular noun.
4.   geese : ________________
What part of speech is bolded?
5.  Camren 
 ran to catch his sister.
Week 4: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. take out you’re pins and be ready to corrected any misteaks.
2. both womens dresss came from the same stor
Subject pronoun or object pronoun?
3.  I helped 
 find his classroom.
Write the meaning of the idiom.
4. I’m sorry I can’t help right now, my 
hands are tied.
Circle the word that is not spelled correctly.
5. achieve    receive     aquire     common
Identify and circle the pronouns and underline the verbs in each
1. They will play soccer.
2. He and I are running today.
Week 4: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 5
Week 5: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
wes not going to be able to atend the party in december
2. julie cant not bake cookie without a oven
Is the underlined phrase hyperbole or an idiom?
3.  The runners felt like their coach sent them on 
a wild goose chase
Does this word have a prefix or suffix? 
4.   accidental: ________________
Does the underlined adverb tell how, when, where, or to what extent?
5.  I looked 
 for my watch.
Week 5: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. prof julien write a book last year about geologie
2. dont go up the slide said angels mom
Which resource would you use to find a synonym for “good?”
3.  ________________
Write the singular form of the following noun.
4.   calves:  _____________
Write the preposition in this sentence.
5.  The chickens are on their nests.
Week 5: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
crystal who works at the cofee shop is a friend of mom
2. shel silverstein wrote where the side walk ends
Synonyms or antonyms?
3.  fortunate, unfortunate ________________
Write the present tense of the verb.
4.   worked: ________________
Simile or metaphor?
5.  Winning first place 
was the icing on the cake
Week 5: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
beths sisters doll had dark curli hare
2.  i done had enough off this monson
What word would come between cloth and clue in a dictionary?
3.  cape    clown    cue     close
Combine the sentences to make one sentence.
4.  The children were cold. They went to grab jackets. Then they put them on.
Complete the analogy.
5.  sky : blue :: grass : ________
Identify and color each preposition.
1. He went in the arcade with his mom.
2. Place the rock below the tree.
Week 5: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 6
Week 6: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. alway look both way when crossing the street said the police officer
2. alls of the mouses were steeling cheese from the trap
Write the plural form.
3.  yourself: ________
Write the best words to complete the sentence.
4.  Tessa had ________ egg and ________ biscuit for breakfast.
Which is the correct abbreviation for centimeter?
5.     ct     cr     cm    ce
Week 6: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
the whails dont make no noise when i was watching from the bote
2. she singed the national anthem good
Circle the cause and underline the effect.
3. I grabbed the pan out of the oven without a mitt and burned my hand.
Which word used the apostrophe correctly?
4.     can’not     his’     shouldn’t     you'r
Write the word with three syllables.
5.  emotion      alligator     happy     through
Week 6: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  joseph let me know when your home safe said grandma
2. joyce john and rita watch they’re favrite tv show on tuesday
Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?
3.  Turn in your homework and put your lunch in the bin.
Fiction or nonfiction? 
4.  That fairy broke her wand when she dropped it into the pond.
Subject pronoun or object pronoun?
5.  She accidentally threw
 homework away.
Week 6: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
you spelt all the words correct on your test
2.  i havent got no money to go to the fare
Identify the part of speech of the underlined word.
3.  The firemen 
 donated gifts to the children.
Write the singular form of the noun. 
4. tomatoes ________
What is the baseword?
5.   reacting
Identify and circle the pronouns and underline the conjunctions
in each sentence.
1. He placed it by the fireplace and forgot.
2. I went to the store by myself because they didn’t want to.
Week 6: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 7
Week 7: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. mireyas and jocelyns teacher telled them there wasn’t no school tomorow
2. the boy loves read the boxcar children
Write the words that have three syllables.
3.  directory     amazement     average     population
If the guide words on a page were “dog” and “dove,” which word would be on
that page in the dictionary?
4.     dozen     dodge      dollar      doctor
Where is the colon written correctly?
5.  you:re      October 19: 2020      8:20       runner:up
Week 7: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
after twenty for hours, earth has made one rotashun
2. they needs to bye pumpkins and apples at the market to made pies
Which two words make up the contraction?
3.  won’t    ____________   _____________
Synonyms or antonyms?
4.      safe, secure
Select which word best completes the sentence.
5.  Maddilynn and ________ are going snorkeling in the Pacific.
Week 7: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
have you been in a helocopter asked mariah
2. does your class red scholastic news
Write an opinion about the topic of recycling.
3.  ______________________________________________________
Which of the following are proper nouns? 
4.    Portugal     karate     Neptune     holiday     country
Complete this analogy.
5.  school : teacher ::  hospital : ________
Week 7: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
hour grads should be online so we can see if we past that tests
2.  the engineer were fascinated by science when she were a little girl
Use this homophone pair in one sentence.
3.  knew, new
Which word is not spelled correctly?
4.  goverment     jealous     foreign     probably
Correctly rewrite the address.
1248 east cherry blossom drive
       myrtle beach south carolina 29572
Identify and highlight the subject pronoun and circle the object
pronoun.  Explain how you know the difference between the
object and subject.
1. I gave him half an apple.
2. We took them with us to class.
Week 7: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 8
Week 8: Day 1
Correct these sentences.
1. can sam and me stay overnight at aunt susans
2. them noisy dog barked loud as they ran outside
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
3. You may feel better if you 
 on the chair and take a nap.
Circle the word that best completes this sentence.
4. The dog trainer _____________ the ball across the yard, commanding the dog to go get it.
If the guide words on a dictionary page were “amber” and “ancient,” which word would be on
the page?
5.       amaze              android         ambiguous           anguish          ankle
throwed                  through                   threw                   none of these
Week 8: Day 2
Correct these sentences.
1. the farmers pigs was fenced in by a wooden pin
2. throughout the long eerie night the scared campers told ghost storys
Use this homophone pair in one sentence.   ( there,  they’re)
4.  Write the contraction for  “will not.”  _________________________
Identify this part of a business letter.
5.       Dear Mr. President :    ___________________
Week 8: Day 3
Correct these sentences.
1. the runner exclaimed i never run no race like that before
2. well need lettuce tomatoes and thousand island to make the salad
Circle the pronouns.
3.    Is he ready to go for breakfast with me?
4.  Fact or fiction?
An ancient species of unicorns was found living at the North Pole.
Circle the adjectives in the sentence.
5.   The sleepy kittens were looking for a warm bed.
Week 8: Day 4
Correct these sentences.
1. are you gonna go to mt lemmon with theyre group
2. him and me took piano lessons on saturday at 230
Is the underlined word a common noun or a proper noun?
3.  The 
 of the Falcons told the players to run three laps.  _________
4.  Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?
Have you ever been to a UofA football game? _____________
Synonyms, antonyms, or homophones?
5.   flower,  flour         ____________________
Week 8: Day 5
Circle the subject and underline the predicate of each
1. Rudolph’s bright nose glowed in the foggy night.
2. The checkered flag waved as the first racer crossed the finish
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 9
Week 9: Day 1
Correct these sentences.
1. the boy next door never goes too no birthday partys
2. i cant never decide which i like best - christmas or thanksgiving day
Does the underlined adverb tell how, when, where, or to what extent?
3.  Eggs flew 
 when she dropped the carton.  ____________
4.  Circle the best word to complete the sentence.
David ate ________ pieces of candy than Melissa.
fewer             least               few              lesser
Which is the correct way to divide this word into syllables.
5.   mus - i - cian             m - usi - cian                mu - si - cian
Week 9: Day 2
Correct these sentences.
1. mom taked me to buy presents for hour christmas party
2. after the flour seeds sprouted it growed two inches in a weak
Complete this analogy:
3.  hammer : nail   ::   comb : __________
4.  Circle the word that does not belong.
pencil             paper              pen             crayon
Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory
5.   Our last field trip was to the planetarium at the UofA. _____________
Week 9: Day 3
Correct these sentences.
1. get them dirty foots of my clean sofa shouted mom
2. why do this pizza have less peaces then the others
Write the past tense of the verb “ justify.”
3.  ______________
4.  Singular possessive or plural possessive?
Carlos’s bike _______________  the puppies’ food _______________
Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory
5.   What a beautiful house!  _________________
Week 9: Day 4
Correct these sentences.
1. them strong winds blew a umbrella and a chair threw the window
2. adam tells real scary storys and makes horrifyng faces two
What is the prefix in this word?
3.  Disappear    ______________
4.  Where would the following probably take place?
That will be $12.35.  Pick up your order at the next window.”
Circle the word that is spelled correctly.
5.   broked            arranje              hungery             explained
Week 9: Day 5
Circle the subject, underline the predicate, highlight the
1. Wow!  The painting looks amazing.
2. Darn!  A car ran over my water bottle.
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 2
Week 10
Week 10: Day 1
Correct these sentences.
1. while at the museum paul observed the paintings sculptures and exhibits
2. does they wanna come to karate class with steve and i.
What part of speech is the underlined word in this sentence?
3.  The snow piled on the roof 
 the winter. ______________
4.  What is the plural noun for this singular noun?
 blackberry  ___________________
Circle where the apostrophe is not used correctly.
5.   won’t            have’nt              they’re            do’nt
Week 10: Day 2
Correct these sentences.
1. the play at gaslight theater was amazing because them actors performed sew good
2.  aunt stephanie ran in shouting let go camping
Circle the words that are not spelled correctly.
3.  doller           master            thirsty           calender
4.  Based on context clues, what is the meaning of the bolded word?
 The icy road caused him to lose control of his bike, and he propelled down a 50-foot
.  ______________________
Simile or metaphor
5.   Her hair 
was a flowing golden river
. _______________________
Week 10: Day 3
Correct these sentences.
1. does you no that the mississippi river runs threw ten states
2.  ms hope my fifth-grade teacher read us freak the mighty
What reference source would you use to find the capital of Canada?
3.  _____________________________
4.  Write the meaning of the abbreviation “lbs.” _________________
Circle the cause and underline the effect.
5.   Akeelah’s diligent spelling practice paid off when she won the
Regional Spelling Bee.
Week 10: Day 4
Correct these sentences.
1. well you certainly done a great job on you science project
2.  the bountiful tropical rainforests of south america is in danger
Write a homophone for “not”
3.  _____________________________
Circle the word that comes last in alphabetical order.
4.  chapter         chance         changing         charitable      chagrin
Circle the adverbs.
5.   slowly           there             jumped             very
Week 10: Day 5
Circle the prepositions, underline the pronouns, and
highlight the verbs in each sentence.
1. They stepped outside the house.
2. He waved at you from below the stairs.
3.  We stare into the darkness.
Slide Note

Engage in daily grammar practice with exercises focusing on sentence structure, word order, rhyming words, homophones, prepositional phrases, synonyms, antonyms, adverbs, dates, and identifying parts of speech. Improve your grammar skills progressively through the week.

  • Grammar
  • Grade 5
  • English Language
  • Exercises
  • Practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 1

  2. Week 1: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. my uncle paul will like to try things which he never done before 2. he often says lets take a trip Rewrite the underlined part to put the words in the best order. 3. Last year, we explored a glacier huge cave together Give two words that rhyme with cave. 4. ____________ _____________ Combine the sentences to make one sentence. 5. We could stand in parts of the cave. We had to crawl in other parts. ______________________________________________________________

  3. Week 1: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. oh no matt exclaimed as he arrives at school without his homework 2. he called his mom, and beged her to bring it to him Choose the word that best completes the sentence. 3. I was in a hurry and completely forgot, he ____________ to his mom. asked complained explained demanded Use the two homophones in a sentence. (wait, weight) 4. ______________________________________________________ Write a fact about school: 5. _______________________________________________________

  4. Week 1: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. eggplant is able to grow almost anywhere but it prefer s alot of sun 2. eggplant seed s need to be plant where the soil drains good Put the words in alphabetical order 3. eggplant edge eager eggshell eagle ____________________________________________________________ Write the prepositional phrase in the sentence. 4. Farmers grow eggplant crops during the summer months. Place commas where they belong in the following sentence. 5. Nutritious purple eggplant is eaten mostly in summer and fall.

  5. Week 1: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. erin and ashley finish there work, and wanted to go to dinner 2. they didnt want to go no place far away Are these synonyms or antonyms? 3. Nervous, Confident ________________ Identify the adverb in the sentence. 4. Ashley drove quickly to the restaurant. Write the date out correctly: wednesday november 15 2017 5. _____________________________

  6. Week 1: Day 5 Identify and circle the adverbs and underline the pronouns in each sentence, then highlight the interjections. 1.) Yikes! He yelled as the snake quickly slithered toward him. 2.) Shh! Can you please walk quietly down the hall? she asked.

  7. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 2

  8. Week 2: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. have you visit the new aquarium in phoenix 2. they has lot of fish jellyfish and other see creatures Complete the analogy. 3. crocodile : reptile :: shark : __________________ Write the missing word. 4. Hammerhead sharks ___________ stay with their young. doesn t don t wasn t Write the plural form of the following words. 5. berry ______________ fox _________________

  9. Week 2: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. on july 16 1969 NASA launched a rocket from florida 2. for days later on july 20 1969 the rocket reached the moon Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory? 3. Was Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon? ______________ Circle the cause and underline the effect. 4. July 20, 1969 was a memorable day, because it was the first moon landing. Use the following adverb in a sentence: carefully 5. ______________________________________________________

  10. Week 2: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. some animals stays safe by using camouflage said rylie 2. skunks is one animal who dont blend in Use the following homophone pair in a sentence: scent, cent 3. ________________________________________________________ Write a sentence from this research note. 4. Skunk warnings: raising its tail, stomping its feet ___________________________________________________________ Does the word have a prefix or suffix? 5. friendly ___________________

  11. Week 2: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. my ant and uncle from china has open a restaurant in new york 2. they is serving traditional chinese food Draw a line between the prefix and the root word. Then explain what the word means. 3. preview: _____________________________ Write the missing word or words. 4. The food is the ___________________ I ve ever tasted. deliciousest most delicious most deliciousest Write the following verb in past and future tense. 5. have ___________________ _____________________

  12. Week 2: Day 5 Identify and circle the adjectives and underline the pronouns in each sentence, then highlight the interjections. 1.) Wow! He exclaimed when he saw the beautiful rainbow in the sky. 2.) Yuck! These disgusting bugs are everywhere, she said.

  13. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 3

  14. Week 3: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. Bens team faced the cougars on march 5 2019 2. the crowd roared but the batter hit a home run Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the bolded word. 3. Ben was distractedby the crowd and didn t see his teammate behind him. _______________________________________________________________ Which reference source would you use to find the following? 4. The score of the world series from 1985. _________________ Write the contraction that is created from the following words. 5. she would _______________

  15. Week 3: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. them girls rides there bikes two school every day 2. yesterday they couldnt because it is raining to hard Write the subject of the sentence below. 3. The girls had to get a ride from their mom. ___________________ Write a word using the prefix and suffix: un- , -ly 4. _________________ Write the missing word. 5. The girls _______________ having their mom drive them to school. preferring will prefer prefer

  16. Week 3: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. michelle found a shortcut threw a wash to her aunts house 2. she was excited but it taken fifteen minutes off her walk What part of a friendly letter is the following? 3. I am so sorry I missed your shower. Hopefully I can go next time. _____________________________ Identify the part of speech of the underlined word. (noun, verb, adjective or adverb) 4. Drew was solving his word problems in his math notebook. ____________ Use context clues to explain the meaning of the bolded word. 5. Sally s mom took her to a dermatologist after she developed an itchy rash. __________________________________________________________________

  17. Week 3: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. A long time ago people wash there laundry by hand 2. they boiled water two make it hot but rubbed soap in the clothes Which reference source would you find information for a report on George Washington? 3. ________________________ Write the abbreviations for the following words: street, avenue 4. ___________ ______________ Use context clues to explain the meaning of the bolded word. 5. The security camera appears to contradictMary s claim that she never left the house. __________________________________________________________________

  18. Week 3: Day 5 Identify and circle the proper nouns and underline the verbs in each sentence, then highlight the prepositions. 1.) I traveled to New York during the summer. 2.) My favorite restaurant is Oregano s on Speedway.

  19. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 4

  20. Week 4: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. me and mom are visited the san diego zoo next week 2. did you sea the otter s swimming quick through the water Identify this part of a letter. 3. Ms. Aylen Welsh 1432 E. Winterhaven Rd. Bakerstown, PA 15007 Write the prefix. 4. multilingual ____________ What part of speech is underlined in the sentence? 5. They will go to tennis practice tomorrow.

  21. Week 4: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i forget mikaylas present in the car yesterday 2. cindy said dont leave youre jacket on the floor no more Write the past tense of the following verbs: 3. call - _________________ 4. swim - ________________ Write the comparative and superlative adjectives for the listed word: 5. clear: _________________ and _________________

  22. Week 4: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. michael addison and jace wear invited to dakotas suprise party. 2. we played for different bored games during the dark stormy nite Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word. 3. They were so parched from the hike that they drank a gallon of water. _____________________________________________________________ Write the singular noun. 4. geese : ________________ What part of speech is bolded? 5. Camren quickly ran to catch his sister.

  23. Week 4: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. take out you re pins and be ready to corrected any misteaks. 2. both womens dresss came from the same stor Subject pronoun or object pronoun? 3. I helped him find his classroom. Write the meaning of the idiom. 4. I m sorry I can t help right now, my hands are tied. _____________________________________________________________ Circle the word that is not spelled correctly. 5. achieve receive aquire common

  24. Week 4: Day 5 Identify and circle the pronouns and underline the verbs in each sentence. 1. They will play soccer. 2. He and I are running today.

  25. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 5

  26. Week 5: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. wes not going to be able to atend the party in december 2. julie cant not bake cookie without a oven Is the underlined phrase hyperbole or an idiom? 3. The runners felt like their coach sent them on a wild goose chase. Does this word have a prefix or suffix? 4. accidental: ________________ Does the underlined adverb tell how, when, where, or to what extent? 5. I looked everywhere for my watch.

  27. Week 5: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. prof julien write a book last year about geologie 2. dont go up the slide said angels mom Which resource would you use to find a synonym for good? 3. ________________ Write the singular form of the following noun. 4. calves: _____________ Write the preposition in this sentence. 5. The chickens are on their nests.

  28. Week 5: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. crystal who works at the cofee shop is a friend of mom 2. shel silverstein wrote where the side walk ends Synonyms or antonyms? 3. fortunate, unfortunate ________________ Write the present tense of the verb. 4. worked: ________________ Simile or metaphor? 5. Winning first place was the icing on the cake.

  29. Week 5: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. beths sisters doll had dark curli hare 2. i done had enough off this monson What word would come between cloth and clue in a dictionary? 3. cape clown cue close Combine the sentences to make one sentence. 4. The children were cold. They went to grab jackets. Then they put them on. Complete the analogy. 5. sky : blue :: grass : ________

  30. Week 5: Day 5 Identify and color each preposition. 1. He went in the arcade with his mom. 2. Place the rock below the tree.

  31. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 6

  32. Week 6: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. alway look both way when crossing the street said the police officer 2. alls of the mouses were steeling cheese from the trap Write the plural form. 3. yourself: ________ Write the best words to complete the sentence. 4. Tessa had ________ egg and ________ biscuit for breakfast. a an a an Which is the correct abbreviation for centimeter? 5. ct cr cm ce

  33. Week 6: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the whails dont make no noise when i was watching from the bote 2. she singed the national anthem good Circle the cause and underline the effect. 3. I grabbed the pan out of the oven without a mitt and burned my hand. Which word used the apostrophe correctly? 4. can not his shouldn t you'r Write the word with three syllables. 5. emotion alligator happy through

  34. Week 6: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. joseph let me know when your home safe said grandma 2. joyce john and rita watch they re favrite tv show on tuesday Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory? 3. Turn in your homework and put your lunch in the bin. _________________________ Fiction or nonfiction? 4. That fairy broke her wand when she dropped it into the pond. Subject pronoun or object pronoun? 5. She accidentally threw my homework away.

  35. Week 6: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. you spelt all the words correct on your test 2. i havent got no money to go to the fare Identify the part of speech of the underlined word. 3. The firemen generously donated gifts to the children. Write the singular form of the noun. 4. tomatoes ________ What is the baseword? 5. reacting

  36. Week 6: Day 5 Identify and circle the pronouns and underline the conjunctions in each sentence. 1. He placed it by the fireplace and forgot. 2. I went to the store by myself because they didn t want to.

  37. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 7

  38. Week 7: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. mireyas and jocelyns teacher telled them there wasn t no school tomorow 2. the boy loves read the boxcar children Write the words that have three syllables. 3. directory amazement average population If the guide words on a page were dog and dove, which word would be on that page in the dictionary? 4. dozen dodge dollar doctor Where is the colon written correctly? 5. you:re October 19: 2020 8:20 runner:up

  39. Week 7: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. after twenty for hours, earth has made one rotashun 2. they needs to bye pumpkins and apples at the market to made pies Which two words make up the contraction? 3. won t ____________ _____________ Synonyms or antonyms? 4. safe, secure Select which word best completes the sentence. 5. Maddilynn and ________ are going snorkeling in the Pacific. I me

  40. Week 7: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1.have you been in a helocopter asked mariah 2. does your class red scholastic news Write an opinion about the topic of recycling. 3. ______________________________________________________ Which of the following are proper nouns? 4. Portugal karate Neptune holiday country Complete this analogy. 5. school : teacher :: hospital : ________

  41. Week 7: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. hour grads should be online so we can see if we past that tests 2. the engineer were fascinated by science when she were a little girl Use this homophone pair in one sentence. 3. knew, new ___________________________________________________________ Which word is not spelled correctly? 4. goverment jealous foreign probably Correctly rewrite the address. 5. 1248 east cherry blossom drive myrtle beach south carolina 29572

  42. Week 7: Day 5 Identify and highlight the subject pronoun and circle the object pronoun. Explain how you know the difference between the object and subject. 1. I gave him half an apple. 2. We took them with us to class.

  43. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 8

  44. Week 8: Day 1 Correct these sentences. 1. can sam and me stay overnight at aunt susans 2. them noisy dog barked loud as they ran outside Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word. 3. You may feel better if you recline on the chair and take a nap. ____________________________________________________________________________ Circle the word that best completes this sentence. 4. The dog trainer _____________ the ball across the yard, commanding the dog to go get it. throwed through threw none of these If the guide words on a dictionary page were amber and ancient, which word would be on the page? 5. amaze android ambiguous anguish ankle

  45. Week 8: Day 2 Correct these sentences. 1. the farmers pigs was fenced in by a wooden pin 2. throughout the long eerie night the scared campers told ghost storys Use this homophone pair in one sentence. ( there, they re) 3.__________________________________________________________ 4. Write the contraction for will not. _________________________ Identify this part of a business letter. 5. Dear Mr. President : ___________________

  46. Week 8: Day 3 Correct these sentences. 1. the runner exclaimed i never run no race like that before 2. well need lettuce tomatoes and thousand island to make the salad Circle the pronouns. 3. Is he ready to go for breakfast with me? 4. Fact or fiction? An ancient species of unicorns was found living at the North Pole. Circle the adjectives in the sentence. 5. The sleepy kittens were looking for a warm bed.

  47. Week 8: Day 4 Correct these sentences. 1. are you gonna go to mt lemmon with theyre group 2. him and me took piano lessons on saturday at 230 Is the underlined word a common noun or a proper noun? 3. The coach of the Falcons told the players to run three laps. _________ 4. Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory? Have you ever been to a UofA football game? _____________ Synonyms, antonyms, or homophones? 5. flower, flour ____________________

  48. Week 8: Day 5 Circle the subject and underline the predicate of each sentence. 1. Rudolph s bright nose glowed in the foggy night. 2. The checkered flag waved as the first racer crossed the finish line.

  49. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 2 Week 9

  50. Week 9: Day 1 Correct these sentences. 1. the boy next door never goes too no birthday partys 2. i cant never decide which i like best - christmas or thanksgiving day Does the underlined adverb tell how, when, where, or to what extent? 3. Eggs flew everywhere when she dropped the carton. ____________ 4. Circle the best word to complete the sentence. David ate ________ pieces of candy than Melissa. fewer least few lesser Which is the correct way to divide this word into syllables. 5. mus - i - cian m - usi - cian mu - si - cian


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