Grade 5 Daily Grammar Review Week 1 & 2 Exercises

Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 1
Week 1: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
has you ever been to a interview for a job
2. were glad that chase is coming too hour skool  this year
Singular or plural?
3.  mice ____________
Give two words that rhyme with “frame.”
4.      ____________   _____________
Choose the word that best completes that sentence.
5.     _________ you finished making your homework yet?
Are not           Arent              Aren’t                  Ain’t
Week 1: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
kelly was go to phoenix to visit her Sister
2. the bus left prompt at 9:00 on tuesday  August 26
Singular or plural?
3.  women  ____________
Give two words that rhyme with “rain.”
4.      ____________   _____________
Choose the word that best completes that sentence.
5.     She _______________ feeling well this morning.
wasnt           wasnt'              wasnot                  wasn’t
Week 1: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
I was plan to see the Teacher for extra help on monday July 29
2.  on wednesday,  i am going to a birthday party four nevin
Write the plural form of:
3.  goose  ____________
Give two words that rhyme with “stream.”
4.      ____________   _____________
Choose the word that best completes that sentence.
5.     She landed ____________ on the rocks and broke her ankle.
painful           painfully              pain                  painless
Week 1: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
put cassies snow boots in that there closet
2.  what time are we do at mrs smiths house for dinner
What reference source would you use to fine the meaning of “boutique”?
3.  ____________
Circle the correct abbreviation for “pounds.”
pnds          lbs         pds          bls
Circle the words that have three syllables
5.     vehicle          equator          testify          communicate
Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each
1. Elizabeth spoke loudly.
2. James swam over there.
Week 1: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 2
Week 2: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
we dont got no dogs in our house
2. samantha said i want to go two the movies with joy
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
3.  By the time she was six years old, she was as 
 and selfish as could
be.   ( nice,     bossy,     loving,      fair)
Fact or fiction?
4.  _______ Frogs don’t need water as they absorb it through their skin.
5.  _______ After much singing and dancing, the frogs waved goodbye.
Week 2: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
I havent never been to a university of arizona football game
2. i dont want to clean my room shouted andrew
Write a synonym for “error.”
3.  ___________________
Circle the word that comes first in alphabetical order.
 4.   answer        action        arrange          absent
Write the pronoun that would replace the underlined nouns.
 went hiking on Mount Lemmon.  ___________
Week 2: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
please put a apple in there basket
2. mrs crain asked whose going on the field trip next friday
Identify this part of a friendly letter.
3.  Sincerely,      _____________
Simile or metaphor”
 4.   He is 
as strong as an ox
.       _________________
Circle the adverb in this sentence.
5.   Talk to your friend quietly so you don’t wake anyone.
Week 2: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
does the dance start at 600 or 630 inquired mr webb
2. the gardener have come to pull the weeds at hectors house
How many syllables does this word have?
3.  estimation      _____________
Circle the word that comes last in alphabetical order.
 4.   tiger        this       twin       tomorrow       turbulence
Circle the words that have the same sound as /sh/ in “dish”
5.   sure        abrasion       mission        artificial
Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each
1. The woman sang a beautiful song.
2. Melissa ran to the door.
Week 2: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 3
Week 3: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
is this what you was hoping for asked the teacher
2. he throwed an ball across the room and hit my on the head
Circle the correct abbreviation for “Doctor”
3.    Doc.        Dt.       Dr.        Dtr.
Circle the salutation for a business letter.
 4.   Dear William,            Dear Mrs. Lopez,           Dear Mr. Jackson:
Write the meaning of this figure of speech.
5.   You can tell by looking at my mother’s garden that she 
has a green thumb
Week 3: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.                                                                            
look out he yelled you are about to hit another car
2. mary saw an bat flyng in the barn last knight
Synonyms or antonyms?
3.    beautiful ,  attractive      __________
4.    honest ,  deceitful           __________
Circle the word or words that do not belong in this group
 5.   helicopter       bird       insect      snake       rocket
Week 3: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.                                                                            
rev and mrs anderson is delighted about there vacation in hawaii
2. mike dont need no help with her chores
Singular or plural”
3.   people      __________
Label the nouns (n), verbs (v), and conjunctions (c).
4.    My mother adopted a cat and dog.
Write the past tense of the verb “teach”
 5.   _______________
Week 3: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
will you help them students finish theyre homework asked the teacher
2. were tired of doing homework every day complained tom and israel
Write the prefix in the work “disagree.”
3.   __________
Write the contraction that is made from the following words.
4.    has not   ______________
What reference source would you use to find a synonym for the word
 5.   _______________
Week 3: Day 5
In each sentence, label the nouns (n), verbs (v), and conjunctions (c)
1. Mom bought a long coat and a scarf.
2. Stephanie and David walked along the beach.
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 4
Week 4: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
are he gonna be ready for championship on saturday
2. on july 4 2019 there will be a picnik at purple heart park
Write the past tense of the verb “shop.”
3.  ____________
Which word is spelled correctly?
4.      adress     address     addres     adres
Write the two words that make up the contraction.
5.  wouldn’t  =  ____________  and    ____________
Week 4: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
once the sea turtle lies the eggs she returns to the water
2. In class we red storys about arizona
Write a fact about this topic: baseball
3. ______________________________________________________________
Write an antonym for “frigid.”
4.      ____________
Circle the word that comes first in alphabetical order.
5.     elephant         even        goat         elegant         kangaroo
Week 4: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
she need to be ready four the bus by 705
2. is glendas home located on main streat
Use this homophone pair in one sentence. (deer, dear)
3.  _____________________________________________________________
Give two words that rhyme with “pool.”
4.      ____________   _____________
Circle the adjectives in this sentence.
5.  The new video game had bright, colorful kites flying in the blue sky.
Week 4: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
i would like salad and potatos for dinner stated chip
2. my brother is goodest swimmer i no
What part of speech is underlined: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb?
3.  Remember to walk 
 down the down hallway.
Which word best completes the sentence?
4. They _________ find the missing book.
    doesn’t  could’ve  couldn’t  wasn’t
Where is someone who is saying the following:
5. “Be careful to not let the waves knock you in the sand.”
Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each
1. The truck quickly drove away.
2. Chickens don’t fly far.
Week 4: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 5
Week 5: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
i dont want no more chores
2. those girl pick pairs from the farm they ate them for lunch
Write the past and future tense of the verb “nod.”
3.  past: ____________      future: ____________
Are these words synonyms or antonyms?
4.      immediately, instantly   _____________
Which is the correct abbreviation for California?
5.     CL     CF     CA     C
Week 5: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. we dont where are shoes in the jumping castle
2. hand me the sharp new pencel
Which part of speech is circled: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb?
3.  The baby threw the yellow ball.
What is the possessive noun for the following:
4.      markers belonging to that student  _____________
Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?
5.     Do you need a new phone? _____________
Week 5: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
whitney asked why doesnt william never clean his room
2. their walking to zacks house write now
What does the underlined phrase mean?
3.  I’m not going outside. It’s 
raining cats and dogs
Write the best word to complete the sentence.
4.   Put the chair over _________.
                          they’re, their, there, those
Choose the right way to divide the word “carrot” into syllables.
5.     carr  ot        ca  rrot        car  rot        carrot
Week 5: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
dr smiths dog bree goes to the office with him
2.  liam finished most of his homework but he left an question blank
Is the underlined an example of an idiom, simile, or alliteration?
3.  That bicycle costs 
an arm and a leg
Does the underlined adverb tell how, when, where, or to what extent?
4.  We moved to a new house 
Circle the cause and underline the effect.
5.  I forgot to set my alarm and now I’m late for practice.
Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each
sentence. Highlight all adjectives.
1. The brilliant scientist discovered a remarkable cure.
2. They earned enough money.
Week 5: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 6
Week 6: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. the reding assignment is do friday said the teacher
2. i like mushrooms green peper tomatos and olives on my pizza
Are these words synonyms, antonyms, or homophones?
3.  peace, piece ____________
Complete the analogy.
4.  dog : puppy :: cat : ____________
Add a suffix to this word.
5.  help  ____________
Week 6: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
she took too peaces of pie and eight them both
2. jamie alyana and brett went golfing after the concert
Which reference source would you use to find a map of France?
3.  ____________
Give two words that rhyme with “house.”
4.      ____________   _____________
Write the predicate of this sentence.
5.  Blake ran to the store.
Week 6: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
the students didnt have no home work these week
2. im flying to charlottesville virginia next week
Write the subject of this sentence.
3.  Ms. Slosson graded the papers.
Write the word that is not spelled correctly.
4.     restaurant    heigt     maybe     another
Does the underlined word tell which one, what kind, or how many?
 paper airplane goes further than the other ones.
Week 6: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
can you hand me all them laptops so i can put it in the cabinet
2.  your going to git hurt if you fall of the chair
Fiction or nonfiction?
3.  George Washington was the first president of the United States.   _______________
Using context clues, determine the meaning of the underlined word.
4.  The typhoon’s strong winds damaged several buildings on the coast.
Which word comes last in alphabetical order?
5.     alligator     alphabet     apple     air     apply
Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each
sentence. Double underline any pronouns.
1. That lion roared loudly.
2. Isaac took his hoverboard.
Week 6: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 7
Week 7: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. did you ryde on won of the tubes down the salt river
2. matt yelled watch out
Use this homophone pair in one sentence. (hole, whole)
3.  ___________________________________________________
Circle the preposition in this sentence.
4. She walked the dog across the bridge.
Write a word that belongs in this group.
5.  beige          magenta            fuchsia         salmon         _______________
Week 7: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. rabbits mice and raccoons nibbled on the vegetables in uncle bills garden
2. we enjoy cooler whether we always go up to the mountains when it gets hot
Write an antonym for this word.
3.   similar      _____________________
Circle the word that is not spelled correctly.
4.    your     youre      you are        you’re
Does this word have a prefix or suffix?
5.  disagree    __________________
Week 7: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1. madison thought i really hope he choose me to bee on the team
2. sometimes i feels like going to the park and sometimes i doesnt
Write the root word, or base word.
3.   misunderstanding      _____________________
Simile or metaphor?
4.  Dylan always wins the race, because he’s 
as fast as lightning.
Circle the adverb in this sentence.
5.  Grace worked quietly on her assignment.
Week 7: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. you cant play until after you done you’re homework
2. i may try out four basketball or i may join the volleyball team
Write how many syllables are in each word.
3.  grocery    _____________
4.  communication   ____________
Write the pronoun that would replace the underlined words in this sentence.
5. That bike belongs to 
Sally and me
.        _____________________
Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each
sentence. Put a rectangle around any adjectives and highlight any
1. Mike walked carefully around the yellow fence.
2. The class listened quietly to the energetic teacher.
Week 7: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 8
Week 8: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. her grandparents went to a french restaurant to celebrate there new home
2. prof h c smith and his brother were both born on march 7 1947
Is the comma used correctly, explain why or why not?
3.  December 25, 1985  _________________
4.  Vail Arizona, 85641 ___________________
Which part of speech is underlined: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb?
5.  James and Carter met to play 
 at the park.
Week 8: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. lie them dirty dishes on top of the kitchen counter
2. mrs lopez didnt do nothing all weekend
Complete this analogy.
3. tree : leaf :: flower : _____________
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
4.  The flashlight 
the keys, making it possible to see them in the dark.
Fact or Opinion
5. Girls look better with long hair.
Week 8: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1. the pirates search the ship but they never found no treasure
2. were reading the book wonder in mr smiths class
Circle the word that comes first in alphabetical order.
3. detour      deception      deploy     develop
Circle the word that is spelled correctly.
4. worryed      worreed    worried      worred
Circle the adjectives in this sentence.
5.  Max’s brown labrador had three cute puppies in May.
Week 8: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. she has scene rain clouds in the sky many times during july
2. erin and her italian friend tom went to a movie together
Identify this part of a friendly letter
3. Michael _____________
What do the words in this group have in common?
4. pediatrician     optometrist     orthopedist      cardiologist
Write the contraction that is made from these two words.
5.  They have    _____________
Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each
sentence. Put a rectangle around any adjectives and highlight any
1.  Frank quietly opened the wooden door.
2. The new car drove quickly.
Week 8: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 9
Week 9: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. they herd and seen the fireworks even though they were miles away
2. the wind blue the leafs all over the yard
Write a word that belongs in this group.
3.  Atlantic      Southern     Arctic        Indian          ______________
At what time of day would the following probably happen?
4. Mr. Savage grabbed his car keys and brief case and ran out of his house.
Circle the word that is not spelled correctly.
5.  smartest        happyest          prettiest             fastest
Week 9: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. mason susan and mark went to bobbys house on wednesday
2. the hole class are going on the field trip on march
Write two words that rhyme with “chair”
3.  _______________   _________________
Write the correct way to divide these words into syllables.
4.  bicycle   _______________
5.  brother   _______________
Week 9: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1. can you come with my brothers and i to purple heart park
2. is kenzie going to mt lemon in july or is she staying home
Is the underlined word a subject pronoun or a possessive pronoun?
3.   Joe showed 
 dog to the neighbors.   __________________
Complete this analogy.
4. United States : North America :: France : ______________
What reference source would you use to find the longitude of Dublin, Ireland?
5.  _________________________
Week 9: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. we arrived in san diego california at 4 oclock
2. mary yelled dont go in their
Circle the correct abbreviation for teaspoon.
3.   tsp.        tspn.         tbsp.      ts.
Circle the words that have the same sound as /ph/ in “phone”.
4.  fall            though           photo         ghost
Synonyms or antonyms?
5.  anger/infuriate ____________________
Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each
sentence, then highlight the conjunctions.
1.  The dog ran and played in the snow.
2.  School closed, because of the storm.
Week 9: Day 5
Daily Grammar
Grade 5
Quarter 1
Week 10
Week 10: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. the best book cassidy ever red was shiloh by phyllis reynolds naylor
2. mr and mrs hernandez has visited many citys
Fact or Fantasy?
3.  Gravity is the force that holds us to the earth.  ______________________
Write the two words that make up the contraction.
4. he’ll     ____________  _____________
Circle the best word to complete the sentence.
5.  That movie is the _______________ I’ve ever seen.
     scarier               scary               scariest             none of these
Week 10: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. bob asked will you get me and you something to eat
2. wow max thats a great goal shout eddie
Write an opinion about about this topic: education
3.  _______________________________________________________________
If the guide words on a dictionary page were “sideways” and “siren,” which word
would not be on the page?
4.    signal            simon            sight                sister              simple
Use this homophone pair in one sentence.  (sight, site)
5.  __________________________________________________________
Week 10: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1. get a peace of paper write youre name on it and number it won to ten
2. todd dont go nowhere but the gym after work
Write the present tense of the verb “fought.”
3.  __________________
Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?
4.    Don’t put your dirty hands on my clean car  ______________
What is the following person’s job?
5. Miss Jester graded the students’ spelling tests.
Week 10: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. were going to the beach in a few days the girls happyly said to there teacher
2. wasnt that mr williams bike
Circle the word that comes last in alphabetical order.
3.  word       woman       wreath        write       worn       wrap
Write the plural of each noun.
4.   leaf  __________________  knife _________________
Write the complete predicated of this sentence.
5. The outcome of your test depends on you.
Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each
sentence, then highlight the conjunctions.
1.  The couple went to the store and bought milk.
2.  Millie was hungry, so she ate an apple.
Week 10: Day 5
Slide Note

Enjoy practicing grammar with daily exercises covering various topics like sentence structure, punctuation, plural forms, and context clues. Enhance your grammar skills in an engaging way with these helpful challenges for Grade 5 students.

  • Grammar exercises
  • Grade 5
  • Daily review
  • Language skills
  • Context clues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 1

  2. Week 1: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. has you ever been to a interview for a job 2. were glad that chase is coming too hour skool this year Singular or plural? 3. mice ____________ Give two words that rhyme with frame. 4. ____________ _____________ Choose the word that best completes that sentence. 5. _________ you finished making your homework yet? Are not Arent Aren t Ain t

  3. Week 1: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. kelly was go to phoenix to visit her Sister 2. the bus left prompt at 9:00 on tuesday August 26 Singular or plural? 3. women ____________ Give two words that rhyme with rain. 4. ____________ _____________ Choose the word that best completes that sentence. 5. She _______________ feeling well this morning. wasnt wasnt' wasnot wasn t

  4. Week 1: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. I was plan to see the Teacher for extra help on monday July 29 2. on wednesday, i am going to a birthday party four nevin Write the plural form of: 3. goose ____________ Give two words that rhyme with stream. 4. ____________ _____________ Choose the word that best completes that sentence. 5. She landed ____________ on the rocks and broke her ankle. painful painfully pain painless

  5. Week 1: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. put cassies snow boots in that there closet 2. what time are we do at mrs smiths house for dinner What reference source would you use to fine the meaning of boutique ? 3. ____________ Circle the correct abbreviation for pounds. 4.pnds lbs pds bls Circle the words that have three syllables 5. vehicle equator testify communicate

  6. Week 1: Day 5 Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each sentence. 1. Elizabeth spoke loudly. 2. James swam over there.

  7. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 2

  8. Week 2: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. we dont got no dogs in our house 2. samantha said i want to go two the movies with joy Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word. 3. By the time she was six years old, she was as tyrannical and selfish as could be. ( nice, bossy, loving, fair) Fact or fiction? 4. _______ Frogs don t need water as they absorb it through their skin. 5. _______ After much singing and dancing, the frogs waved goodbye.

  9. Week 2: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. I havent never been to a university of arizona football game 2. i dont want to clean my room shouted andrew Write a synonym for error. 3. ___________________ Circle the word that comes first in alphabetical order. 4. answer action arrange absent Write the pronoun that would replace the underlined nouns. 5. Sasha and Kelli went hiking on Mount Lemmon. ___________

  10. Week 2: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. please put a apple in there basket 2. mrs crain asked whose going on the field trip next friday Identify this part of a friendly letter. 3. Sincerely, _____________ Simile or metaphor 4. He is as strong as an ox. _________________ Circle the adverb in this sentence. 5. Talk to your friend quietly so you don t wake anyone.

  11. Week 2: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. does the dance start at 600 or 630 inquired mr webb 2. the gardener have come to pull the weeds at hectors house How many syllables does this word have? 3. estimation _____________ Circle the word that comes last in alphabetical order. 4. tiger this twin tomorrow turbulence Circle the words that have the same sound as /sh/ in dish 5. sure abrasion mission artificial

  12. Week 2: Day 5 Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each sentence. 1. The woman sang a beautiful song. 2. Melissa ran to the door.

  13. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 3

  14. Week 3: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. is this what you was hoping for asked the teacher 2. he throwed an ball across the room and hit my on the head Circle the correct abbreviation for Doctor 3. Doc. Dt. Dr. Dtr. Circle the salutation for a business letter. 4. Dear William, Dear Mrs. Lopez, Dear Mr. Jackson: Write the meaning of this figure of speech. 5. You can tell by looking at my mother s garden that she has a green thumb.

  15. Week 3: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. look out he yelled you are about to hit another car 2. mary saw an bat flyng in the barn last knight Synonyms or antonyms? 3. beautiful , attractive __________ 4. honest , deceitful __________ Circle the word or words that do not belong in this group 5. helicopter bird insect snake rocket

  16. Week 3: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. rev and mrs anderson is delighted about there vacation in hawaii 2. mike dont need no help with her chores Singular or plural 3. people __________ Label the nouns (n), verbs (v), and conjunctions (c). 4. My mother adopted a cat and dog. Write the past tense of the verb teach 5. _______________

  17. Week 3: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. will you help them students finish theyre homework asked the teacher 2. were tired of doing homework every day complained tom and israel Write the prefix in the work disagree. 3. __________ Write the contraction that is made from the following words. 4. has not ______________ What reference source would you use to find a synonym for the word bashful ? 5. _______________

  18. Week 3: Day 5 In each sentence, label the nouns (n), verbs (v), and conjunctions (c) 1. Mom bought a long coat and a scarf. 2. Stephanie and David walked along the beach.

  19. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 4

  20. Week 4: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. are he gonna be ready for championship on saturday 2. on july 4 2019 there will be a picnik at purple heart park Write the past tense of the verb shop. 3. ____________ Which word is spelled correctly? 4. adress address addres adres Write the two words that make up the contraction. 5. wouldn t = ____________ and ____________

  21. Week 4: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1.once the sea turtle lies the eggs she returns to the water 2. In class we red storys about arizona Write a fact about this topic: baseball 3. ______________________________________________________________ Write an antonym for frigid. 4. ____________ Circle the word that comes first in alphabetical order. 5. elephant even goat elegant kangaroo

  22. Week 4: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. she need to be ready four the bus by 705 2. is glendas home located on main streat Use this homophone pair in one sentence. (deer, dear) 3. _____________________________________________________________ Give two words that rhyme with pool. 4. ____________ _____________ Circle the adjectives in this sentence. 5. The new video game had bright, colorful kites flying in the blue sky.

  23. Week 4: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i would like salad and potatos for dinner stated chip 2. my brother is goodest swimmer i no What part of speech is underlined: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb? 3. Remember to walk quietly down the down hallway. Which word best completes the sentence? 4. They _________ find the missing book. doesn t could ve couldn t wasn t Where is someone who is saying the following: 5. Be careful to not let the waves knock you in the sand.

  24. Week 4: Day 5 Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each sentence. 1. The truck quickly drove away. 2. Chickens don t fly far.

  25. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 5

  26. Week 5: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i dont want no more chores 2. those girl pick pairs from the farm they ate them for lunch Write the past and future tense of the verb nod. 3. past: ____________ future: ____________ Are these words synonyms or antonyms? 4. immediately, instantly _____________ Which is the correct abbreviation for California? 5. CL CF CA C

  27. Week 5: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. we dont where are shoes in the jumping castle 2. hand me the sharp new pencel Which part of speech is circled: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb? 3. The baby threw the yellow ball. What is the possessive noun for the following: 4. markers belonging to that student _____________ Declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory? 5. Do you need a new phone? _____________

  28. Week 5: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. whitney asked why doesnt william never clean his room 2. their walking to zacks house write now What does the underlined phrase mean? 3. I m not going outside. It s raining cats and dogs. Write the best word to complete the sentence. 4. Put the chair over _________. they re, their, there, those Choose the right way to divide the word carrot into syllables. 5. carr ot ca rrot car rot carrot

  29. Week 5: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. dr smiths dog bree goes to the office with him 2. liam finished most of his homework but he left an question blank Is the underlined an example of an idiom, simile, or alliteration? 3. That bicycle costs an arm and a leg. Does the underlined adverb tell how, when, where, or to what extent? 4. We moved to a new house yesterday. Circle the cause and underline the effect. 5. I forgot to set my alarm and now I m late for practice.

  30. Week 5: Day 5 Identify and circle the nouns and underline the verbs in each sentence. Highlight all adjectives. 1. The brilliant scientist discovered a remarkable cure. 2. They earned enough money.

  31. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 6

  32. Week 6: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the reding assignment is do friday said the teacher 2. i like mushrooms green peper tomatos and olives on my pizza Are these words synonyms, antonyms, or homophones? 3. peace, piece ____________ Complete the analogy. 4. dog : puppy :: cat : ____________ Add a suffix to this word. 5. help ____________

  33. Week 6: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. she took too peaces of pie and eight them both 2. jamie alyana and brett went golfing after the concert Which reference source would you use to find a map of France? 3. ____________ Give two words that rhyme with house. 4. ____________ _____________ Write the predicate of this sentence. 5. Blake ran to the store. __________________

  34. Week 6: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the students didnt have no home work these week 2. im flying to charlottesville virginia next week Write the subject of this sentence. 3. Ms. Slosson graded the papers. _________________________ Write the word that is not spelled correctly. 4. restaurant heigt maybe another Does the underlined word tell which one, what kind, or how many? 5. This paper airplane goes further than the other ones.

  35. Week 6: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. can you hand me all them laptops so i can put it in the cabinet 2. your going to git hurt if you fall of the chair Fiction or nonfiction? 3. George Washington was the first president of the United States. _______________ Using context clues, determine the meaning of the underlined word. 4. The typhoon s strong winds damaged several buildings on the coast. _______________________________________________________ Which word comes last in alphabetical order? 5. alligator alphabet apple air apply

  36. Week 6: Day 5 Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each sentence. Double underline any pronouns. 1. That lion roared loudly. 2. Isaac took his hoverboard.

  37. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 7

  38. Week 7: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. did you ryde on won of the tubes down the salt river 2. matt yelled watch out Use this homophone pair in one sentence. (hole, whole) 3. ___________________________________________________ Circle the preposition in this sentence. 4. She walked the dog across the bridge. Write a word that belongs in this group. 5. beige magenta fuchsia salmon _______________

  39. Week 7: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. rabbits mice and raccoons nibbled on the vegetables in uncle bills garden 2. we enjoy cooler whether we always go up to the mountains when it gets hot Write an antonym for this word. 3. similar _____________________ Circle the word that is not spelled correctly. 4. your youre you are you re Does this word have a prefix or suffix? 5. disagree __________________

  40. Week 7: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. madison thought i really hope he choose me to bee on the team 2. sometimes i feels like going to the park and sometimes i doesnt Write the root word, or base word. 3. misunderstanding _____________________ Simile or metaphor? 4. Dylan always wins the race, because he s as fast as lightning. ______________________ Circle the adverb in this sentence. 5. Grace worked quietly on her assignment.

  41. Week 7: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. you cant play until after you done you re homework 2. i may try out four basketball or i may join the volleyball team Write how many syllables are in each word. 3. grocery _____________ 4. communication ____________ Write the pronoun that would replace the underlined words in this sentence. 5. That bike belongs to Sally and me. _____________________

  42. Week 7: Day 5 Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each sentence. Put a rectangle around any adjectives and highlight any adverbs. 1. Mike walked carefully around the yellow fence. 2. The class listened quietly to the energetic teacher.

  43. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 8

  44. Week 8: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. her grandparents went to a french restaurant to celebrate there new home 2. prof h c smith and his brother were both born on march 7 1947 Is the comma used correctly, explain why or why not? 3. December 25, 1985 _________________ 4. Vail Arizona, 85641 ___________________ Which part of speech is underlined: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb? 5. James and Carter met to play football at the park. _____________________

  45. Week 8: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. lie them dirty dishes on top of the kitchen counter 2. mrs lopez didnt do nothing all weekend Complete this analogy. 3. tree : leaf :: flower : _____________ Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word. 4. The flashlight illuminated the keys, making it possible to see them in the dark. __________________________________________________________________ Fact or Opinion 5. Girls look better with long hair. _____________________

  46. Week 8: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the pirates search the ship but they never found no treasure 2. were reading the book wonder in mr smiths class Circle the word that comes first in alphabetical order. 3. detour deception deploy develop Circle the word that is spelled correctly. 4. worryed worreed worried worred Circle the adjectives in this sentence. 5. Max s brown labrador had three cute puppies in May.

  47. Week 8: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. she has scene rain clouds in the sky many times during july 2. erin and her italian friend tom went to a movie together Identify this part of a friendly letter 3. Michael _____________ What do the words in this group have in common? 4. pediatrician optometrist orthopedist cardiologist __________________________________________________ Write the contraction that is made from these two words. 5. They have _____________

  48. Week 8: Day 5 Identify and circle the verbs and underline the nouns in each sentence. Put a rectangle around any adjectives and highlight any adverbs. 1. Frank quietly opened the wooden door. 2. The new car drove quickly.

  49. Daily Grammar Review Grade 5 Quarter 1 Week 9

  50. Week 9: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. they herd and seen the fireworks even though they were miles away 2. the wind blue the leafs all over the yard Write a word that belongs in this group. 3. Atlantic Southern Arctic Indian ______________ At what time of day would the following probably happen? 4. Mr. Savage grabbed his car keys and brief case and ran out of his house. __________________________________________________________________ Circle the word that is not spelled correctly. 5. smartest happyest prettiest fastest

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