Grade 7 Weekly Grammar Review Activities

Daily Grammar
Quarter 1
Grade 7
Week 1Day 1
Write the plural of the following words:
1.  Shelf
2. Echo
Underline the adverb:
3.  They were quite late.
4.  She came in quietly.
5.  What is an antonym of move?
Week 1Day 2
Underline the direct objectives in the following sentences:
1. Collin, did you keep those magazines?
2.  Gregory, pass the carrots, please.
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
3.  Illustrate, illusion, illiterate, illustrious, illicit
4.  Cordial, cornmeal, corduroy, cornea, cornucopia
How many syllables does the following word have:
5.  Biological
Week 1Day 3
Write a proper noun for each common noun:
1.  Holiday
2.  Book
Correct the following sentences:
3.  Mr king teached his class about mexico and auntartica.
4.  Wood you go to the whiteboard asked Amy
Which sentence contains an idiom that means depressed?
5.  Sidney is down in the dumps./Sidney is in the doghouse.
Week 1Day 4
Write the contraction for the following words:
1.  Would not
2.  I am
Add punctuation where needed:
3.  Ouch My blister is killing me
4.  Aaron Kyle Paul and Sam were nominated as candidates
Use the homophones in a sentence correctly:
5. aloud/allowed
Week 1Day 5
Use the correct its/it’s
1.  Our town is proud of _____ library.
2.  I think that _____ getting colder.
Label the underlined parts of speech:
3.  The 
 to the park 
 the door 
 the old woman.
Correct the following sentence:
5.  The man runs more fast then the boy.
Week 2 Day 1
Who or Whom?
1.  __________ is the new student?
2. ___________ do I resemble, my mom or my dad?
Combine the two sentences into one simple sentence with all of the information.
3.  We will donate the money to the animal shelter.  The money is from our bake sale.
4.  Dr. Parks told me everything had gone well.  He told me after the operation.
What is the past tense of:
5.  Worry
Week 2 Day 2
Correct these sentences:
1.  I red a amazing story about the troubles of sum early travelers
2.  Is you gonna finish you’re report by Monday
Are the following synonyms or antonyms?
3.  terrible/awful
4.  Pretty, ugly
What is the meaning of the underlined idiom?
5.  Mrs. Smith enjoys gardening
she has a green thumb.
Week 2 Day 3
Add a prefix to each of the following words to make a new word:
1.  Agree
2.  Write
Pick the correct word:
3.  Ryan can swim good/well.
4.  The elevator went up quick/quickly to the tenth floor.
Fact or Opinion?
5.  Hamburgers are the best food for a picnic.
Week 2 Day 4
Complete the following sentence fragments:
1.  After hearing a strange noise, the dog.
2.  When we got in the car.
Add the appropriate apostrophe:
3.  The boss salary was much larger than mine.
4.  The girls dresses were too formal for the party.
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  predominantely
Week 2 Day 5
Name the underlined parts of speech:
1.  When 
 got to the party, Steve was 
 his brother.
2.  Tomorrow 
 the 7th anniversary 
 my graduation 
 high school.
Write the plural for the following words:
3.  Ox
4.  Trophy
Name the sentence type:
5.  Ouch, that hurts!  Exclamatory, interrogative, imperative
Week 3 Day 1
Correct these sentences:
1.  Has you ever been to a broadway musical.
2.  Were happy that doug is on hour team this year
Give an antonym for each word:
3.  Build
4.  Tidy
Name the underlined figure of speech:
5.  Lucy was 
as good as gold
 at the spring musical.
Week 3 Day 2
Complete the analogy:
1.  Leaf is to spinach as root is to ____________
2.  Tennis is to racket as volleyball is to______
Write a common noun for each proper noun:
3.  Mr. Reed
4.  Tucson, AZ
What is the correct abbreviation:
5.  Mister
Week 3 Day 3
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
1.  Magnify, magazine, magnitude, magma, magistrate
2.  placebo, placement, placeholder, placemat, pacemaker
Label the subject and the verb in each sentence:
3.  She was walking in the rain.
4.  Mr. Banks talked to the students about the rules.
Write the past tense:
5.  Teach
Week 3 Day 4
Correct the following sentences:
1.  Every one were invites to there party
2.  Several butterflys and eegles flown overhead?
Fact or Opinion:
3.  Mr. Walsh is the best teacher in the school.
4.  There are 7 continents.
Identify the underlined figure of speech:
5.  The 
road was a ribbon
 into the horizon.
Week 3 Day 5
Identify the underlined parts of speech:
1.  My 
 lazy and 
 all day.
 French fries 
 my plate.
Name the type of figurative language in each sentence:
3.  Allie always eats apples in the afternoon.
4.  I have so much homework it will take a month to complete it all.
What is the abbreviation:
5.  September
Week 4 Day 1
Are the following synonyms or antonyms:
1.  dull/sharp
2.  dull/boring
Make each word plural:
3.  Life
4.  Hero
Is the comma used correctly:
5.  Tucson AZ, 85747
Week 4 Day 2
Correct the following sentences:
1.  My dad works for google and rides the bus to clark street
2.  The book report on the outsiders is due october 6 by 10am
Spell check!  Are the following words spelled correctly?
If not, please correct
the spelling.
3.  Pennys
4.  Philanthropist
What is the simple predicate in this sentence?
5.  A beautiful highway winds through the Catalina Mountains.
Week 4 Day 3
Write the present participle, past and past participle for each verb:
1.  Scatter
2.  Express
Fact or Opinion:
3.  Abraham Lincoln was the 16th 
4.  Abraham Lincoln was the greatest 
Combine the two sentences into one:
5.  My friend is going to be absent from school tomorrow.  She is sick.
Week 4 Day 4
Underline the adverb in each sentence:
1.  The driver turned quickly and abruptly.
2.  Come here immediately.
What is the correct abbreviation?
3.  Avenue
4.  Pound
What does the following idiom mean?
5. Telling Robert the assignment rubric fell on deaf ears.
Week 4 Day 5
Write the Superlative and Comparative form of each Adjective:
1.  Gentle
2.  Helpful
Identify the underlined words part of speech:
3.  Yesterday, Paul 
 the alley.
4. The 
 elevator is not working, so 
 will need to take the stairs.
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  Conseqence
Week 5 Day 1
Add commas to these sentences:
1.  We’re making realistic life-sized models of skeletons in science.
2.  The hard round skull is the hardest part to make.
Make these words into contractions:
3.  She would
4.  Will not
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly?
 If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  efortlessley
Week 5 Day 2
Change the point of view to third person from first person:
1.  I would like to be a doctor when I am older.
2.  I am a very good student in science and math.
Correct these sentences:
3.  My dad spoke for along time at the conferance?
4.  Charlie Peter Daniel and Roy are brothers from vail az.
Write a synonym for the following word:
5.  Polite
Week 5 Day 3
What is the plural of these nouns:
1.  Goose
2.  Fungus
Label the common and proper nouns:
3.  Sophie is a girl in the 7th grade.
4.  Phoenix is the capital of Arizona.
5. List three adjectives to describe a stormy sky.
Week 5 Day 4
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
1. Oblivious, obvious, object, obligatory, oblivion
2.  Courtesy, courting, courteous, courtship, cortex
How many syllables?
3.  Incorporate
4.  Ceiling
What type of figurative language is used in this sentence:
5.  She was walking on air after receiving the scholarship.
Week 5 Day 5
Underline all of the adjectives in the following sentences:
1. He has a massive head, a broad, deep brow and large, black eyes.
2.  The little kitten is a very affectionate pet.
Pick the correct pronoun:
3.  Both want (his or her, their) papers.
4.  Was it (she, her) who called this morning?
Underline the prepositional phrase:
5.  My friend found her phone beneath the tree.
Week 6 Day 1
Name the figurative language used:
1.  She was as slow as a turtle when doing her homework.
2.  Annie asked Albert about the avalanche in Alaska.
Is the underlined word an adjective or adverb:
3.  I really like 
 bacon on my pizza.
4.  Amy 
 tiptoed past the sleeping baby.
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  Consistent
Week 6 Day 2
Use each homophone in one sentence correctly:
1.  their/they’re
2.  For/four
Select the correct verb for each sentence:
3.  Sara (set, sat) down and (lay, laid) the sleeping cat on her lap.
4.  To (teach, learn) how to skate, you should (take, took) lessons.
Write an antonym for the following word:
5.  Loud
Week 6 Day 3
Correct the following sentences:
1.  Martin hasta go to dallas for work.
2.  Should them park they’re car on the gravel.
Underline the conjunction:
3.  Thomas or Phillip will walk you to your car.
4.  We got here late because we lost our directions.
Underline the appositive
5.  Mayor Cooley, our new mayor, has spent years serving the public.
Week 6 Day 4
Change the connotation of the underlined words from negative to
1. James 
 his way through the 
 of people.
2. He 
 at everyone.
Identify the meaning of the following compound words:
3.  Landlord
4.  Outlaw
Identify the two definitions for the homograph:
5.  Pupil
Week 6 Day 5
Identify the underlined words part of speech:
1.  The 
was seen
 from very far away.
 is asking 
 a favor 
 the teacher.
Name the figurative language used in each sentence:
3.  All she ever does is text her friends.
4.  The wind whistled through the trees behind my house.
Combine the two sentences to make a compound sentence:
5.  She is going to be late.  The dentist appointment is taking longer than she
Week 7 Day 1
Underline the direct objects of the following sentences:
1.  The pitcher threw Michael a curve ball.
2.  Mr. Smith sold us a set of dishes.
Correct the capitalization in the following sentences:
3.  george told us about a garage sale at 103 w clifton ave.
4.  max lives with his grandmother in houston tx.
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  permanant
Week 7 Day 2
Correct the following sentences:
1.  mrs shaw is a nurse at memorial hospital in denver co.
2.  could they’re sunglasses be darker then yours
Use the homophones in one sentence correctly:
3.  pole/poll
4.  herd/heard
Identify the meaning of this idiom:
5.  Scott and Val 
put their heads together
 to find the right solution.
Week 7 Day 3
Add the correct suffix to complete the answer:
1.  A person who studies plants and animals: biolog_____
2.  Not taking care as you work: care________
Name a word that rhymes with the word given:
3.  Time
4.  Thrown
Rewrite the following phrase using a possessive noun:
5.  The purple dress belonging to Dee.
Week 7 Day 4
Identify the verb as past, present or future:
1.  Occupied
2. Will play
Identify Fact or Opinion:
3.  The best team in major league baseball is the Chicago Cubs.
4.  Water expands when it is frozen.
Identify the past and past participle for the following verb:
5. Begin
Week 7 Day 5
Underline all of the adjectives in the following sentences:
1.  We have many clear, bright, hot days in August.
2.  Can you hear the chirping baby robins?
Underline the correct pronoun:
3.  It was (I, me) who brought the flowers.
4.  I thanked the woman (who, whom) helped me.
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  Vicious
Week 8 Day 1
Write the past tense of these verbs:
1.  Bind
2.  Weep
What is the root word of the following words:
3.  Consideration
4.  Peacefully
What is the correct abbreviation:
5.  Boulevard
Week 8 Day 2
Correct the following sentences:
1.  sally talked more fast when she was nervious
2.  dr clausen and dr miles are both tall thin and have black hair
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
3.  Feminine, femoral, fellowship, feline, felon
4.  Freedom, freely, freelance, freeze, freeloader
Singular or plural:
5.  Cattle
Week 8 Day 3
Define the idiom:
1.  Mrs. Peters said that the new document would 
fit the bill.
2.  The principal will 
get to the bottom of
 the graffiti in the restroom.
How many syllables in each word:
3.  Standardize
4.  Patriotic
Combine the two sentences to make one compound sentence:
5.  The advisory base won the contest.  They enjoyed otter pops in the
Week 8 Day 4
Underline the subject of the sentence:
1.  The milk and butter is in the bag.
2.  The library book’s page is torn.
Adjective or Adverb?
 days are the best of the summer.
4.  The poodle is a 
 breed of dog.
Name a proper noun for the common noun listed:
5.  Author
Week 8 Day 5
Identify the independent and/or subordinate clauses:
1.  We arrived late because we couldn’t find the theater.
2.  When I awoke, it was broad daylight.
Write an antonym for each word:
3. Clear
4.  Bumpy
Add a suffix to make the sentence correct:
5.  Ken wants to be a paint______ when he is older.
Week 9 Day 1
Correct the following sentences:
1.  mr cole walked alot at the conference
2.  My older sister cassidy is six years older then I
Underline the verb and classify it as transitive or intransitive:
3.  We walked into the new mall.
4.  Move those toys now!
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  Attitude
Week 9 Day 2
Add quotation marks and punctuation correctly in the following sentences:
1.  Ann, do you think this is Veronika’s pen asked Clare.
2.  My sister and I are visiting our parents in Nebraska said Joe.
Add a semicolon or colon:
3. At 910 this morning, we will be leaving the school.
4.  Her stories are interesting they are full of information.
Use the homophones in one sentence correctly:
5.  role/roll
Week 9 Day 3
Create a contraction for the following phrases:
1.  Was not
2.  I have
Identify a proper noun for each common noun:
3.  Day
4.  Car
What is the plural:
5.  Banjo
Week 9 Day 4
Classify each noun as concrete, abstract or collective:
1.  Goodness
2.  Bird
Fill in the blank with the correct verb (in parentheses) form:
3.  I ___________ this project yesterday. (begin)
4.   Ann is ___________ in the 3K race. (run)
Write a word that rhymes:
5.  Court
Week 9 Day 5
Underline the adjectives:
1.  My tall, pretty cousin, Maria, is getting a little, orange kitten today.
2.  The narrow street is hard to maneuver in the large, heavy dump truck.
Expand each sentence adding adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases:
3.  Visitors toured.
4.  Worked stopped.
Identify the root word:
5. Tireless
Week 10 Day 1
Correct the following sentences:
1.  The more old brother walked toward the curb?
2.  The ocean water did feel more cold then I thunk it wood.
Place the following words in alphabetical order:
3.  Constant, conspiracy, conscience, conserve, consume
4.  Blender, bleek, bless, bleed, bleep
Write the plural of the following word:
5.  Fly
Week 10 Day 2
Underline all of the pronouns:
1.  She is working with her dad and her brother on their cars.
2.  When will they be working with each other?
Identify if the following words has a suffix, prefix or is a compound word:
3.  Reinstall
4.  Tugboat
Use correctly in a sentence:
5. Its/it’s
Week 10 Day 3
Identify the noun as abstract, concrete or collective:
1.  Pride
2.  Scissors
Is the underlined word an infinitive, gerund or participle:
3.  Jeff wants 
to go
 after school.
4.  The 
 brook was a beautiful sight.
Spell Check!  Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling.
5.  anotation
Week 10 Day 4
Correct the following sentences:
1.  can u go to the store four cheese and fruit.
2.  My mom wants to go to las vegas for vacashion.
Name the figurative language used:
3.  Ouch, I got a paper cut.
4.  He was an icicle playing the snow for so long.
Name a rhyming word:
5. Clock
Week 10 Day 5
What is the abbreviation:
1. Of the clock
2. Et cetera
Underline the prepositional phrases, note the preposition:
3.  Maria was standing in the gym waiting for her friends.
4.  Beneath the cover was a golden trophy for the winner.
Create a compound sentence from the two sentences:
5.  Michael won the race.  Michael was the fastest runner.
Slide Note

Engage in daily grammar review exercises covering various topics such as plurals, adverbs, direct objects, contractions, and more for Grade 7 students. Each day of the week focuses on different grammar concepts to enhance understanding and application in English language skills.

  • Grammar
  • Grade 7
  • Language Arts
  • Writing Skills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Daily Grammar Review Quarter 1 Grade 7

  2. Week 1Day 1 Write the plural of the following words: 1. Shelf 2. Echo Underline the adverb: 3. They were quite late. 4. She came in quietly. 5. What is an antonym of move?

  3. Week 1Day 2 Underline the direct objectives in the following sentences: 1. Collin, did you keep those magazines? 2. Gregory, pass the carrots, please. Put the following words in alphabetical order: 3. Illustrate, illusion, illiterate, illustrious, illicit 4. Cordial, cornmeal, corduroy, cornea, cornucopia How many syllables does the following word have: 5. Biological

  4. Week 1Day 3 Write a proper noun for each common noun: 1. Holiday 2. Book Correct the following sentences: 3. Mr king teached his class about mexico and auntartica. 4. Wood you go to the whiteboard asked Amy Which sentence contains an idiom that means depressed? 5. Sidney is down in the dumps./Sidney is in the doghouse.

  5. Week 1Day 4 Write the contraction for the following words: 1. Would not 2. I am Add punctuation where needed: 3. Ouch My blister is killing me 4. Aaron Kyle Paul and Sam were nominated as candidates Use the homophones in a sentence correctly: 5. aloud/allowed

  6. Week 1Day 5 Use the correct its/it s 1. Our town is proud of _____ library. 2. I think that _____ getting colder. Label the underlined parts of speech: 3. The dog went to the park quickly. 4. She opened the door for the old woman. Correct the following sentence: 5. The man runs more fast then the boy.

  7. Week 2 Day 1 Who or Whom? 1. __________ is the new student? 2. ___________ do I resemble, my mom or my dad? Combine the two sentences into one simple sentence with all of the information. 3. We will donate the money to the animal shelter. The money is from our bake sale. 4. Dr. Parks told me everything had gone well. He told me after the operation. What is the past tense of: 5. Worry

  8. Week 2 Day 2 Correct these sentences: 1. I red a amazing story about the troubles of sum early travelers 2. Is you gonna finish you re report by Monday Are the following synonyms or antonyms? 3. terrible/awful 4. Pretty, ugly What is the meaning of the underlined idiom? 5. Mrs. Smith enjoys gardening; she has a green thumb.

  9. Week 2 Day 3 Add a prefix to each of the following words to make a new word: 1. Agree 2. Write Pick the correct word: 3. Ryan can swim good/well. 4. The elevator went up quick/quickly to the tenth floor. Fact or Opinion? 5. Hamburgers are the best food for a picnic.

  10. Week 2 Day 4 Complete the following sentence fragments: 1. After hearing a strange noise, the dog. 2. When we got in the car. Add the appropriate apostrophe: 3. The boss salary was much larger than mine. 4. The girls dresses were too formal for the party. Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. predominantely

  11. Week 2 Day 5 Name the underlined parts of speech: 1. When I got to the party, Steve was fighting with his brother. 2. Tomorrow marks the 7th anniversary of my graduation from high school. Write the plural for the following words: 3. Ox 4. Trophy Name the sentence type: 5. Ouch, that hurts! Exclamatory, interrogative, imperative

  12. Week 3 Day 1 Correct these sentences: 1. Has you ever been to a broadway musical. 2. Were happy that doug is on hour team this year Give an antonym for each word: 3. Build 4. Tidy Name the underlined figure of speech: 5. Lucy was as good as gold at the spring musical.

  13. Week 3 Day 2 Complete the analogy: 1. Leaf is to spinach as root is to ____________ flower/carrot/tomato/lettuce 2. Tennis is to racket as volleyball is to______ net/hand/basket/court Write a common noun for each proper noun: 3. Mr. Reed 4. Tucson, AZ What is the correct abbreviation: 5. Mister

  14. Week 3 Day 3 Put the following words in alphabetical order: 1. Magnify, magazine, magnitude, magma, magistrate 2. placebo, placement, placeholder, placemat, pacemaker Label the subject and the verb in each sentence: 3. She was walking in the rain. 4. Mr. Banks talked to the students about the rules. Write the past tense: 5. Teach

  15. Week 3 Day 4 Correct the following sentences: 1. Every one were invites to there party 2. Several butterflys and eegles flown overhead? Fact or Opinion: 3. Mr. Walsh is the best teacher in the school. 4. There are 7 continents. Identify the underlined figure of speech: 5. The road was a ribbon into the horizon.

  16. Week 3 Day 5 Identify the underlined parts of speech: 1. My dog is very lazy and sleeps all day. 2. My French fries quickly disappeared from my plate. Name the type of figurative language in each sentence: 3. Allie always eats apples in the afternoon. 4. I have so much homework it will take a month to complete it all. What is the abbreviation: 5. September

  17. Week 4 Day 1 Are the following synonyms or antonyms: 1. dull/sharp 2. dull/boring Make each word plural: 3. Life 4. Hero Is the comma used correctly: 5. Tucson AZ, 85747

  18. Week 4 Day 2 Correct the following sentences: 1. My dad works for google and rides the bus to clark street 2. The book report on the outsiders is due october 6 by 10am Spell check! Are the following words spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 3. Pennys 4. Philanthropist What is the simple predicate in this sentence? 5. A beautiful highway winds through the Catalina Mountains.

  19. Week 4 Day 3 Write the present participle, past and past participle for each verb: 1. Scatter 2. Express Fact or Opinion: 3. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president. 4. Abraham Lincoln was the greatest president. Combine the two sentences into one: 5. My friend is going to be absent from school tomorrow. She is sick.

  20. Week 4 Day 4 Underline the adverb in each sentence: 1. The driver turned quickly and abruptly. 2. Come here immediately. What is the correct abbreviation? 3. Avenue 4. Pound What does the following idiom mean? 5. Telling Robert the assignment rubric fell on deaf ears.

  21. Week 4 Day 5 Write the Superlative and Comparative form of each Adjective: 1. Gentle 2. Helpful Identify the underlined words part of speech: 3. Yesterday, Paul found $100 in the alley. 4. The down elevator is not working, so we will need to take the stairs. Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. Conseqence

  22. Week 5 Day 1 Add commas to these sentences: 1. We re making realistic life-sized models of skeletons in science. 2. The hard round skull is the hardest part to make. Make these words into contractions: 3. She would 4. Will not Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. efortlessley

  23. Week 5 Day 2 Change the point of view to third person from first person: 1. I would like to be a doctor when I am older. 2. I am a very good student in science and math. Correct these sentences: 3. My dad spoke for along time at the conferance? 4. Charlie Peter Daniel and Roy are brothers from vail az. Write a synonym for the following word: 5. Polite

  24. Week 5 Day 3 What is the plural of these nouns: 1. Goose 2. Fungus Label the common and proper nouns: 3. Sophie is a girl in the 7th grade. 4. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. 5. List three adjectives to describe a stormy sky.

  25. Week 5 Day 4 Put the following words in alphabetical order: 1. Oblivious, obvious, object, obligatory, oblivion 2. Courtesy, courting, courteous, courtship, cortex How many syllables? 3. Incorporate 4. Ceiling What type of figurative language is used in this sentence: 5. She was walking on air after receiving the scholarship.

  26. Week 5 Day 5 Underline all of the adjectives in the following sentences: 1. He has a massive head, a broad, deep brow and large, black eyes. 2. The little kitten is a very affectionate pet. Pick the correct pronoun: 3. Both want (his or her, their) papers. 4. Was it (she, her) who called this morning? Underline the prepositional phrase: 5. My friend found her phone beneath the tree.

  27. Week 6 Day 1 Name the figurative language used: 1. She was as slow as a turtle when doing her homework. 2. Annie asked Albert about the avalanche in Alaska. Is the underlined word an adjective or adverb: 3. I really like crispy bacon on my pizza. 4. Amy quietly tiptoed past the sleeping baby. Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. Consistent

  28. Week 6 Day 2 Use each homophone in one sentence correctly: 1. their/they re 2. For/four Select the correct verb for each sentence: 3. Sara (set, sat) down and (lay, laid) the sleeping cat on her lap. 4. To (teach, learn) how to skate, you should (take, took) lessons. Write an antonym for the following word: 5. Loud

  29. Week 6 Day 3 Correct the following sentences: 1. Martin hasta go to dallas for work. 2. Should them park they re car on the gravel. Underline the conjunction: 3. Thomas or Phillip will walk you to your car. 4. We got here late because we lost our directions. Underline the appositive phrase: 5. Mayor Cooley, our new mayor, has spent years serving the public.

  30. Week 6 Day 4 Change the connotation of the underlined words from negative to positive/neutral: 1. James shoved his way through the mob of people. 2. He glared at everyone. Identify the meaning of the following compound words: 3. Landlord 4. Outlaw Identify the two definitions for the homograph: 5. Pupil

  31. Week 6 Day 5 Identify the underlined words part of speech: 1. The red umbrella was seen from very far away. 2. He is asking for a favor from the teacher. Name the figurative language used in each sentence: 3. All she ever does is text her friends. 4. The wind whistled through the trees behind my house. Combine the two sentences to make a compound sentence: 5. She is going to be late. The dentist appointment is taking longer than she thought.

  32. Week 7 Day 1 Underline the direct objects of the following sentences: 1. The pitcher threw Michael a curve ball. 2. Mr. Smith sold us a set of dishes. Correct the capitalization in the following sentences: 3. george told us about a garage sale at 103 w clifton ave. 4. max lives with his grandmother in houston tx. Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. permanant

  33. Week 7 Day 2 Correct the following sentences: 1. mrs shaw is a nurse at memorial hospital in denver co. 2. could they re sunglasses be darker then yours Use the homophones in one sentence correctly: 3. pole/poll 4. herd/heard Identify the meaning of this idiom: 5. Scott and Val put their heads together to find the right solution.

  34. Week 7 Day 3 Add the correct suffix to complete the answer: 1. A person who studies plants and animals: biolog_____ 2. Not taking care as you work: care________ Name a word that rhymes with the word given: 3. Time 4. Thrown Rewrite the following phrase using a possessive noun: 5. The purple dress belonging to Dee.

  35. Week 7 Day 4 Identify the verb as past, present or future: 1. Occupied 2. Will play Identify Fact or Opinion: 3. The best team in major league baseball is the Chicago Cubs. 4. Water expands when it is frozen. Identify the past and past participle for the following verb: 5. Begin

  36. Week 7 Day 5 Underline all of the adjectives in the following sentences: 1. We have many clear, bright, hot days in August. 2. Can you hear the chirping baby robins? Underline the correct pronoun: 3. It was (I, me) who brought the flowers. 4. I thanked the woman (who, whom) helped me. Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. Vicious

  37. Week 8 Day 1 Write the past tense of these verbs: 1. Bind 2. Weep What is the root word of the following words: 3. Consideration 4. Peacefully What is the correct abbreviation: 5. Boulevard

  38. Week 8 Day 2 Correct the following sentences: 1. sally talked more fast when she was nervious 2. dr clausen and dr miles are both tall thin and have black hair Put the following words in alphabetical order: 3. Feminine, femoral, fellowship, feline, felon 4. Freedom, freely, freelance, freeze, freeloader Singular or plural: 5. Cattle

  39. Week 8 Day 3 Define the idiom: 1. Mrs. Peters said that the new document would fit the bill. 2. The principal will get to the bottom of the graffiti in the restroom. How many syllables in each word: 3. Standardize 4. Patriotic Combine the two sentences to make one compound sentence: 5. The advisory base won the contest. They enjoyed otter pops in the courtyard.

  40. Week 8 Day 4 Underline the subject of the sentence: 1. The milk and butter is in the bag. 2. The library book s page is torn. Adjective or Adverb? 3. These days are the best of the summer. 4. The poodle is a tiny breed of dog. Name a proper noun for the common noun listed: 5. Author

  41. Week 8 Day 5 Identify the independent and/or subordinate clauses: 1. We arrived late because we couldn t find the theater. 2. When I awoke, it was broad daylight. Write an antonym for each word: 3. Clear 4. Bumpy Add a suffix to make the sentence correct: 5. Ken wants to be a paint______ when he is older.

  42. Week 9 Day 1 Correct the following sentences: 1. mr cole walked alot at the conference 2. My older sister cassidy is six years older then I Underline the verb and classify it as transitive or intransitive: 3. We walked into the new mall. 4. Move those toys now! Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. Attitude

  43. Week 9 Day 2 Add quotation marks and punctuation correctly in the following sentences: 1. Ann, do you think this is Veronika s pen asked Clare. 2. My sister and I are visiting our parents in Nebraska said Joe. Add a semicolon or colon: 3. At 910 this morning, we will be leaving the school. 4. Her stories are interesting they are full of information. Use the homophones in one sentence correctly: 5. role/roll

  44. Week 9 Day 3 Create a contraction for the following phrases: 1. Was not 2. I have Identify a proper noun for each common noun: 3. Day 4. Car What is the plural: 5. Banjo

  45. Week 9 Day 4 Classify each noun as concrete, abstract or collective: 1. Goodness 2. Bird Fill in the blank with the correct verb (in parentheses) form: 3. I ___________ this project yesterday. (begin) 4. Ann is ___________ in the 3K race. (run) Write a word that rhymes: 5. Court

  46. Week 9 Day 5 Underline the adjectives: 1. My tall, pretty cousin, Maria, is getting a little, orange kitten today. 2. The narrow street is hard to maneuver in the large, heavy dump truck. Expand each sentence adding adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases: 3. Visitors toured. 4. Worked stopped. Identify the root word: 5. Tireless

  47. Week 10 Day 1 Correct the following sentences: 1. The more old brother walked toward the curb? 2. The ocean water did feel more cold then I thunk it wood. Place the following words in alphabetical order: 3. Constant, conspiracy, conscience, conserve, consume 4. Blender, bleek, bless, bleed, bleep Write the plural of the following word: 5. Fly

  48. Week 10 Day 2 Underline all of the pronouns: 1. She is working with her dad and her brother on their cars. 2. When will they be working with each other? Identify if the following words has a suffix, prefix or is a compound word: 3. Reinstall 4. Tugboat Use correctly in a sentence: 5. Its/it s

  49. Week 10 Day 3 Identify the noun as abstract, concrete or collective: 1. Pride 2. Scissors Is the underlined word an infinitive, gerund or participle: 3. Jeff wants to go after school. 4. The bubbling brook was a beautiful sight. Spell Check! Is this word spelled correctly? If not, please correct the spelling. 5. anotation

  50. Week 10 Day 4 Correct the following sentences: 1. can u go to the store four cheese and fruit. 2. My mom wants to go to las vegas for vacashion. Name the figurative language used: 3. Ouch, I got a paper cut. 4. He was an icicle playing the snow for so long. Name a rhyming word: 5. Clock


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