Faecal Examination Techniques in Veterinary Parasitology at Bihar Animal Sciences University
Explore the practical techniques and methods used for faecal examination in veterinary parasitology at Bihar Animal Sciences University. Learn about qualitative and quantitative methods, egg identification, artifacts, and important principles like floatation method. Visual aids and detailed descriptions enhance understanding for students and professionals in the field.
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Bihar Animal Sciences University | Faecal Faecal Examination Examination Techniques Techniques II II (Practical) (Practical) Dr. AJIT KUMAR Dr. AJIT KUMAR Department of Veterinary Parasitology Department of Veterinary Parasitology Bihar Veterinary College Bihar Veterinary College Bihar Animal Sciences University Bihar Animal Sciences University Patna Patna- -800014 800014 Image source: Google image
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Faecal Examination Qualitative method Quantitative Method Stoll s Dilution Method Stoll s Dilution Method Mc Master Method Concentration method Unconcentration method Direct method Simple sedimentation Centrifugal sedimentation Formalin-ether concentration technique Floatation method
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Eggs of Parasites EGG Artifacts generally confused Artifacts generally confused as parasite eggs and larvae as parasite eggs and larvae Image source: Google image
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Eggs of Parasites EGG Artifacts generally confused Artifacts generally confused as parasite eggs and larvae as parasite eggs and larvae Image source: Google image
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Air bubble Egg of Parasite Oocyst of Protozoa Cyst of Balantidium coli Image source: Google image
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Floatation Method:- Principle- - Principle When When worms worms eggs eggs are are suspended suspended in in a a liquid liquid with with a a specific specific gravity gravity higher higher than than that that of of eggs, eggs, the the latter latter will will float float up up to to the the surface surface. .
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Floatation Method:- Common Common saturated saturated solution solution used used in in floatation floatation technique technique: : Sodium Sodium chloride chloride (specific (specific gravity gravity- - 1 1. .20 20), ), Sugar Sugar (specific (specific gravity gravity- - 1 1. .12 12- -1 1. .30 30), ), Zinc Zinc sulphate, sulphate, Magnesium Magnesium sulphate sulphate etc etc. .
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Floatation Method:- Procedure: Procedure:- - o About 2.0 g of faces are mixed with 10 20 ml of saturated common salt solution ( brine) in a small floatation tube. o Fill the floatation tube up to the tip with solution. o A clean coverslip or slide is slid sideways over the top of the tube.
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Floatation Method:- Procedure: Procedure:- - o Left about 30 minutes by which time all the eggs would have floated up and touches the coverslip. o Then coverslip or slide is gently lifted, inverted and examined the fluid film under low power of the microscope. o This method is not suitable for eggs of trematodes or most cestodes but is useful for the majority of nematode eggs.
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Floatation Method:-
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Floatation Method:- Image source: Google image
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Sedimentation Method:- o Light Light infections infections as heavy heavy infection infection diagnosed diagnosed. . o Low Low specific specific gravity helminthes helminthes separated separated from samples samples. as well can can well as as be be gravity of eggs eggs from the of most most are are the faecal faecal
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Sedimentation Method:- Image source: Google image
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Quantitative Examination of Faeces Egg Counting Methods: o For accurate information regarding to severity of infection egg count methods are very useful by estimating eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces. o It is quantitative method.
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Sedimentation Method:- About About 02 02 g g of of faeces faeces are are mixed mixed with with 15 15 ml ml o of of water water in in a a pestle pestle and and mortar mortar. . Emulsifies Emulsifies strained strained faeces faeces is is poured poured into into a a o centrifuge centrifuge tube tube water water and and centrifuged centrifuged for for 1 1- - 2 2 minute minute at at 1500 1500- -2000 2000 RPM RPM. . Discard Discard the the supernatant supernatant fluid fluid and and a a few few o drop drop of of sediment sediment is is taken taken on on a a slide slide covered covered with with cover cover slip slip and and examine examine under under low low power power objective objective of of microscope microscope. .
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Quantitative Examination of Faeces Egg Counting Methods: Stoll s Dilution Method: Stoll s Dilution Method:- - Procedure Procedure - - o 3 3 gram gram faeces faeces are are taken taken in in a a test test tube tube graduated graduated to to 45 45 ml ml. . o b b. . Fill Fill the the test test tube tube up up to to the the 45 45 ml ml mark mark with with N/ N/10 10 NaOH NaOH ( (4 4 g g NaOH NaOH in in 1 1 liter liter water) water) and and add add sever sever small small glass glass beads beads and and homogenize homogenize the the faecal faecal samples samples. .
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Quantitative Examination of Faeces Egg Counting Methods: Stoll s Dilution Method: Stoll s Dilution Method:- - Procedure Procedure - - 0 0. .15 15 ml ml mixed mixed suspension suspension is is drawn drawn with with a a o graduated graduated pipette pipette and and placed placed on on a a slide slide and and a a cover cover slip slip applied applied on on it it. . Count Count the the total total number number of of eggs eggs and and multiply multiply by by o 100 100, , which which indicate indicate the the number number of of egg egg per per gram gram of of faces faces. . For For counting counting trematode trematode as as well well as as nematode nematode eggs eggs. . o
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Quantitative Examination of Faeces Egg Counting Methods: Mc Master Method:- Procedure Procedure - - o In In this this method method a a special special counting counting is is used used for for the the estimation estimation of of no no. . of of egg egg or or larvae larvae per per gram gram of of faces faces. . o Counting Counting slide slide having having two two counting counting chamber chamber is is made made of of two two glass glass slides slides separated separated by by three three or or four four narrow narrow transversely transversely placed placed strips strips of of glass glass 1 1. .5 5 mm mm thick, thick, so so that that two two or or three three spaces spaces of of 1 1. .5 5 mm mm depth depth are are obtained obtained between between the the two two slides slides. . On On the the under under surface surface of of the the upper upper slide slide an an area area of of 1 1 cm cm2 2 is is ruled ruled over over each each space space. . o The The volume volume underneath underneath this this ruled ruled area area will will therefore therefore be be 0 0. .15 15 ml ml. .
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Quantitative Examination of Faeces Egg Counting Methods: Mc Master Method:- Mc Master Slide
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Quantitative Examination of Faeces Egg Counting Methods: Mc Master Method:- Procedure Procedure - - o Weigh 3 g of faces and add 42 ml water in a container. o Homogenize and pour the suspension through a tea strainer. o Take 15 ml of the filtrate in to a centrifuge tube and centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 2 minutes.
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Quantitative Examination of Faeces Egg Counting Methods: Mc Master Method:- Procedure Procedure - - Pour off the supernatant, agitate sediment and add saturated o sodium chloride solution to 15 ml mark of centrifuge tube. Mix the solution thoroughly and fill the chambers of Mc o Master slide. Examine one chamber under microscope and multiply o number of eggs or larvae under one etched area by 100 or two chambers and multiply by 50 to arrive at the number of eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces.
Faecal Faecal Examination Techniques Examination Techniques Eggs Eggs per levels levels of per gram gram (EPG) of infection infection: : - - (EPG) counts counts in in different different animals animals Vs Vs level of infection Parasite Animal Mild Moderate Severe Nematodes Cattle 50-300 300-600 >600 Sheep 100-500 500-2000 2000-6000 Horse 500 800-1000 1500-2000 Fasciola spp. cattle 10-100 100-200 >200 Sheep 50-300 300-600 >600