Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award

Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award
The Distinguished
Conservation Service Award
is a Council approved award
The workbook is required for
each project and must be
completed in its entirety by
the Scout/Venturer/ Sea
The Award Adviser and the
Conservation Adviser are
involved with the project
throughout the proposal,
planning, accomplishment,
and reporting.
Councils should develop their
own policies and procedures
to administer and oversee
the Award
A Council Board of Review is
required to assess every
application by a
Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout
The Scout/Venturer/ Sea
Scout is recognized with a
certificate and a “knot.”
 of this presentation is to achieve
consistency across the many BSA Councils.
 documentation for the award
is found at:
BSA has established Adviser training on
Scouting U.
The Adviser course should be completed by the
Council Conservation Committee Chair, the
Council Distinguished Conservation Service Award
Coordinator (if specified) or the Council
designated lead for overseeing the program.
Each Council should develop Distinguished
Conservation Service Award implementation
policies and procedures
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award
The Council Executive identifies the process
and contacts for the Council
Alternatives include:
Assigning this responsibility to the Council
Advancement & Recognition Committee
Requesting assistance from an adjoining Council
that has a Conservation Committee
Taking action to establish a Council
Conservation Committee
Council Conservation Committee
If There is No Council
Conservation Committee
Council Conservation Committee
Role of the Conservation
Oversight of Distinguished
Conservation Service Award
administration within the
Promotion of the Award
Education of Scouts, Venturers,
Sea Scouts, Scouters and
Parents on the requirements
Identification of Advisers – and
assisting them in gaining the
required training to be a
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Adviser
Assist with identification of
conservation advisers to
advise Scouts, Venturers, and
Sea Scouts
Development of Council
specific resources to assist
project accomplishment
Rules of engagement for
projects on BSA properties and
Determine, and publish, Council
policies and procedures for the
Distinguished Conservation Service
Award program
Assist Scouts/Venturers/ Sea
Scouts with guidance on the 
to Distinguished Conservation
Service Award approval & award
Develop procedures to identify and
train Advisers
Develop procedures to identify
conservation advisers
Coordinate with the Council
Property Committee opportunities
for Distinguished Conservation
Service Award projects on BSA
Projects conducted on council
properties must be consistent with
the Camp Conservation Plan
Develop resources to assist
Scouts/Venturers/Sea Scouts with
their projects
Coordinate Scouting activities with
identified land managers and
project beneficiaries
Council Conservation Committee
Role of the Conservation
Assist the
Scout/Venture/Sea Scout in
organizing their project
delivery team
Award Adviser
Conservation Adviser
Beneficiary  and/or land
Unit Leader
Conduct project proposal
review and approval 
(note this
is required prior to beginning field work)
Conduct Distinguished
Conservation Service
Award Boards of Review
Assist with guidance and
support for project
Recommend to the Council
Executive, the approval of
the Candidate being
awarded the Distinguished
Conservation Service
Gain National BSA
coordination on the Council
approved award
Council Conservation Committee
Role of the Conservation
Ideally these policies and procedures
should be posted on the Council
Points of contact
Process for submitting project
proposals for review and
Process for supporting project
Process for submitting the
application and request for a
Board of Review
Timelines for project proposal
review and accomplishment of
Boards of Review
Board of Review membership
Development of project support
Methods to access Advisers and
conservation advisers
Other items and issues 
of interest
within the Council
Council Conservation Committee
Implementing Policies and
The following documents are provided to assist
Councils with the administration of the Distinguished
Conservation Service Award and development of
Council policies and procedures:
Project Process Handout
Comparison Eagle to DCSA
Project Proposal Evaluation
Project Plan Guide
Board of Review Documents
Scouts BSA
Venturers and Sea Scouts
Executive Summary Template
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Toolbox
The Basics
The Candidate must use the current Workbook
The Candidate accomplishes two projects
Project proposal evaluation may be sequential
The Board of Review will review both project workbooks, along
with the award application
The Scout accomplishes merit badges
Venturer’s and Sea Scouts accomplishes respective additional
Process is similar to the Eagle Scout project proposal approval and
Board of Review process
Adherence and demonstrated understanding/application of the
Guide to Safe Scouting is a must!
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
The Candidate visits the
Council Conservation
Committee several times
A visit for each project
proposal review and
Other potential visits may
be to confer with the
Adviser with review of the
project plan
Final visit is the
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Board of
The project and final
application evaluation is:
Based on current
Uses evaluation
checklist for the project
proposal, project plan
and the final application
To the Candidate is
To the Adviser and the
Conservation Adviser is
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Project proposal – the ‘first 15 pages of the workbook”
Project Definition
Identify the project delivery team
Natural Resource Issue
Research & Alternative solution identification – leading to the selected
Assessing Viability of Proposed Solution
Initial Planning
Proposed budget
Education & Publicity Components
Viability of Proposed Schedule
A project proposal evaluation guide is available for adoption by
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Initial Visit
– proposal approval
Workbook Proposal – the Candidate provides the project proposal, in accordance with
Council policies, to the Council office, who in-turn sends the project proposal section to
the designated Council Distinguished Conservation Service Award Coordinator
Council Conservation Committee review of project proposal may be by:
An ‘informal’ discussion – either in-person or by a ‘virtual’ means
Review of the submitted documentation
The Council Conservation Committee (using Project Proposal Evaluation) will determine if
the proposal has met established criteria
If it does not, the project proposal will be returned to the Candidate with specific
feedback and a request for a plan and schedule for the proposal resubmission.
If the project proposal is acceptable, the Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation Service Award Coordinator sign the project proposal and
return it to the Candidate – according to established council procedures.
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Visit Two 
– planning approval
Depending on Council policy, this review may just be with the
Distinguished Conservation Service Award adviser and the conservation
adviser.  It may not involve the Council Conservation Committee
The Candidate develops the project plan, assisted where appropriate by
the Conservation Adviser and the Award Adviser.
The Conservation Adviser and Award Adviser (using the Project Plan
Evaluation) will determine if the project continues to meet the goals,
objectives, commitments made in the approved project proposal
The Conservation Adviser and Award Adviser will explicitly send their
approval of the Project plan to the Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout with any
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Visit Three 
– Board of Review – Documentation
The Candidate will deliver the final Distinguished Conservation Service Award
application package to the Council – as prescribed by Council procedures.
The final award package will include
Workbook for project 1, to include beneficiary endorsement and
appropriate supporting documentation (photos, maps, news articles, etc)
Workbook for project 2, to include beneficiary endorsement and
appropriate supporting documentation (photos, maps, news articles, etc)
Award Application
Executive Summary for each project
The Award application package may be provided (electronically or physical
copy) to each Board member several days prior to the Board of Review
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Visit Three 
– Board of Review 
Prior to the Board of Review, members will review the application package
using the appropriate Board of Review checklist
The Board of Review Procedures are similar to those for an Eagle Board of
Review – as established in the BSA Guide to Advancement
Board of Review Membership is the Council Conservation Committee Chair
(or designee), and two to five additional members.
Members may come from the Council Conservation Committee, other
Council Scouters, the Unit, or others as determined by Council policies
and procedures
One or more members of the Board of Review should have completed the
Scouting U courses to be nationally trained Advisers.
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Visit Three 
The Board of Review is conducted according to Council policies and procedures.
The Board of Review may be in-person – or via a virtual meeting platform.
The virtual option may be especially useful if geographic distances would
cause significant travel, or other factors such as adverse weather.
Board of Review Process
Segment One
Duration is +/- 45 minutes
The Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout presents to the Committee their two projects (in a
manner proscribed by the Council)
The Committee Members asks questions of the Candidate (suggested questions are
provided in the Evaluation Guides).
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Board of Review Process
The Board takes a recess for discussion 
(Segment Two)
The Candidate is excused from the discussion
The Board reviews their evaluation of the Workbook and the presentation by the Candidate
The Board of Review reconvenes with the Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout 
(Segment Three)
Distinguished Conservation Service Award Approved
Board Chair advises the Candidate on “next steps.”
These include forwarding to the Council Executive for approval, coordination with
National BSA, and Council award procedures.
Distinguished Conservation Service Award Denied
The Board Chair advises the Candidate on the reasons why, providing specific courses
of action to meet or exceed the stated criteria to the Candidate.
A follow-up meeting may be required with the Candidate, their  Award Adviser, and
their Conservation Adviser.
A plan and schedule is developed and agreed to – for the proposal resubmission
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Council Award Coordinator will work with
Council Staff to gain Award approval by:
Council Executive
Submittal to BSA national
Headquarters (Knot and
Council Award Coordinator will make
arrangement for presentation of the Award
A Council Event
Council Eagle Award Court of
Council Annual Dinner
An event of significance to the Candidate
with presentation by the Council
Conservation Committee Chair or designee
District Award Presentation
Unit Award venue (Court of
The Council, Award Coordinator will
work with the Council marketing
team to publish the Candidate’s
Council Website/Social Media
Council newsletters or other
National BSA publications such
Bryan on Scouting, Scout Life,
Local media (newspaper, radio
stations, and TV stations)
The Council Conservation Committee
Award Coordinator will maintain the
Award within Council records as
prescribed by the Council
Distinguished Conservation Service
Award policies and procedures.
Council Conservation Committee
Distinguished Conservation
Service Award Process
Contact Your Council Conservation Committee Chair
Council Designated Lead for the Distinguished Conservation
Service Award
Slide Note

This presentation is provided to assist BSA Councils with the oversight and administration of the BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award (DCSA) for Scouts BSA, Venturers and Sea Scouts.

The purpose of this presentation is to inform, and align across Councils, the Council Conservation Committee’s oversight and implementation of the Distinguished Conservation Service Award (DCSA).

The methods and procedures described in this presentation can be used as a benchmark – for each Council to develop their own DCSA implementation policy and procedures. For example, some Councils may not have a Council Conservation Committee. The intent then becomes tailoring the essential process to the capability and capacity available within the Council.


The Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award is a prestigious recognition in scouting, involving projects, workbook completion, and assessment by a Council Board of Review. Councils must establish their own policies for administering the award. Scouts recognized with a certificate and knot. The goal is to achieve consistency across BSA Councils. Adviser training is essential, and Councils must develop implementation policies. In case a Council does not have a Conservation Committee, alternative actions can be taken. The committee plays a crucial role in overseeing award administration, advising scouts, promoting the award, and educating stakeholders.

  • Conservation
  • Scouting
  • Council
  • Award
  • Recognition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award 1

  2. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award The Basics: The Distinguished Conservation Service Award is a Council approved award Councils should develop their own policies and procedures to administer and oversee the Award A Council Board of Review is required to assess every application by a Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout The workbook is required for each project and must be completed in its entirety by the Scout/Venturer/ Sea Scout The Scout/Venturer/ Sea Scout is recognized with a certificate and a knot. The Award Adviser and the Conservation Adviser are involved with the project throughout the proposal, planning, accomplishment, and reporting. 2

  3. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award The goal of this presentation is to achieve consistency across the many BSA Councils. The benchmark documentation for the award is found at: environment/conservation-awards-and-recognitions/bsa-distinguished-conservation- service-award/ BSA has established Adviser training on Scouting U. The Adviser course should be completed by the Council Conservation Committee Chair, the Council Distinguished Conservation Service Award Coordinator (if specified) or the Council designated lead for overseeing the program. Each Council should develop Distinguished Conservation Service Award implementation policies and procedures 3

  4. Council Conservation Committee If There is No Council Conservation Committee The Council Executive identifies the process and contacts for the Council Alternatives include: Assigning this responsibility to the Council Advancement & Recognition Committee Requesting assistance from an adjoining Council that has a Conservation Committee Taking action to establish a Council Conservation Committee 4

  5. Council Conservation Committee Role of the Conservation Committee Oversight of Distinguished Conservation Service Award administration within the Council Assist with identification of conservation advisers to advise Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts Promotion of the Award Development of Council specific resources to assist project accomplishment Education of Scouts, Venturers, Sea Scouts, Scouters and Parents on the requirements Rules of engagement for projects on BSA properties and camps Identification of Advisers and assisting them in gaining the required training to be a Distinguished Conservation Service Award Adviser 5

  6. Council Conservation Committee Role of the Conservation Committee Determine, and publish, Council policies and procedures for the Distinguished Conservation Service Award program Coordinate with the Council Property Committee opportunities for Distinguished Conservation Service Award projects on BSA property Assist Scouts/Venturers/ Sea Scouts with guidance on the Trail to Distinguished Conservation Service Award approval & award Projects conducted on council properties must be consistent with the Camp Conservation Plan Develop procedures to identify and train Advisers Develop resources to assist Scouts/Venturers/Sea Scouts with their projects Develop procedures to identify conservation advisers Coordinate Scouting activities with identified land managers and project beneficiaries 6

  7. Council Conservation Committee Role of the Conservation Committee Assist the Scout/Venture/Sea Scout in organizing their project delivery team Award Adviser Conservation Adviser Beneficiary and/or land manager Unit Leader Assist with guidance and support for project planning Recommend to the Council Executive, the approval of the Candidate being awarded the Distinguished Conservation Service Award Conduct project proposal review and approval (note this is required prior to beginning field work) Gain National BSA coordination on the Council approved award Conduct Distinguished Conservation Service Award Boards of Review 7

  8. Council Conservation Committee Implementing Policies and Procedures Ideally these policies and procedures should be posted on the Council website. Points of contact Timelines for project proposal review and accomplishment of Boards of Review Board of Review membership Process for submitting project proposals for review and approval Development of project support resources Process for supporting project planning Methods to access Advisers and conservation advisers Process for submitting the application and request for a Board of Review Other items and issues of interest within the Council 8

  9. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Toolbox The following documents are provided to assist Councils with the administration of the Distinguished Conservation Service Award and development of Council policies and procedures: Project Process Handout Comparison Eagle to DCSA Project Proposal Evaluation Project Plan Guide Board of Review Documents Scouts BSA Venturers and Sea Scouts Executive Summary Template 9

  10. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process The Basics The Candidate must use the current Workbook The Candidate accomplishes two projects Project proposal evaluation may be sequential The Board of Review will review both project workbooks, along with the award application The Scout accomplishes merit badges Venturer s and Sea Scouts accomplishes respective additional requirements Process is similar to the Eagle Scout project proposal approval and Board of Review process Adherence and demonstrated understanding/application of the Guide to Safe Scouting is a must! 10

  11. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process The Candidate visits the Council Conservation Committee several times A visit for each project proposal review and approval The project and final application evaluation is: Based on current criteria Uses evaluation checklist for the project proposal, project plan and the final application Feedback To the Candidate is essential To the Adviser and the Conservation Adviser is vital Other potential visits may be to confer with the Adviser with review of the project plan Final visit is the Distinguished Conservation Service Award Board of Review 11

  12. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process Project proposal the first 15 pages of the workbook Project Definition Identify the project delivery team Natural Resource Issue Research & Alternative solution identification leading to the selected alternative Assessing Viability of Proposed Solution Initial Planning Proposed budget Education & Publicity Components Viability of Proposed Schedule A project proposal evaluation guide is available for adoption by Councils 12

  13. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process Initial Visit proposal approval Workbook Proposal the Candidate provides the project proposal, in accordance with Council policies, to the Council office, who in-turn sends the project proposal section to the designated Council Distinguished Conservation Service Award Coordinator Council Conservation Committee review of project proposal may be by: An informal discussion either in-person or by a virtual means Review of the submitted documentation The Council Conservation Committee (using Project Proposal Evaluation) will determine if the proposal has met established criteria If it does not, the project proposal will be returned to the Candidate with specific feedback and a request for a plan and schedule for the proposal resubmission. If the project proposal is acceptable, the Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Coordinator sign the project proposal and return it to the Candidate according to established council procedures. 13

  14. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process Visit Two planning approval Depending on Council policy, this review may just be with the Distinguished Conservation Service Award adviser and the conservation adviser. It may not involve the Council Conservation Committee The Candidate develops the project plan, assisted where appropriate by the Conservation Adviser and the Award Adviser. The Conservation Adviser and Award Adviser (using the Project Plan Evaluation) will determine if the project continues to meet the goals, objectives, commitments made in the approved project proposal The Conservation Adviser and Award Adviser will explicitly send their approval of the Project plan to the Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout with any comments. 14

  15. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process Visit Three Board of Review Documentation The Candidate will deliver the final Distinguished Conservation Service Award application package to the Council as prescribed by Council procedures. The final award package will include Workbook for project 1, to include beneficiary endorsement and appropriate supporting documentation (photos, maps, news articles, etc) Workbook for project 2, to include beneficiary endorsement and appropriate supporting documentation (photos, maps, news articles, etc) Award Application Executive Summary for each project The Award application package may be provided (electronically or physical copy) to each Board member several days prior to the Board of Review 15

  16. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process Visit Three Board of Review (continued) Prior to the Board of Review, members will review the application package using the appropriate Board of Review checklist The Board of Review Procedures are similar to those for an Eagle Board of Review as established in the BSA Guide to Advancement Board of Review Membership is the Council Conservation Committee Chair (or designee), and two to five additional members. Members may come from the Council Conservation Committee, other Council Scouters, the Unit, or others as determined by Council policies and procedures One or more members of the Board of Review should have completed the Scouting U courses to be nationally trained Advisers. 16

  17. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process Visit Three (continued) The Board of Review is conducted according to Council policies and procedures. The Board of Review may be in-person or via a virtual meeting platform. The virtual option may be especially useful if geographic distances would cause significant travel, or other factors such as adverse weather. Board of Review Process Segment One: Duration is +/- 45 minutes The Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout presents to the Committee their two projects (in a manner proscribed by the Council) The Committee Members asks questions of the Candidate (suggested questions are provided in the Evaluation Guides). 17

  18. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process Board of Review Process The Board takes a recess for discussion (Segment Two) The Candidate is excused from the discussion The Board reviews their evaluation of the Workbook and the presentation by the Candidate The Board of Review reconvenes with the Scout/Venturer/Sea Scout (Segment Three) Distinguished Conservation Service Award Approved Board Chair advises the Candidate on next steps. These include forwarding to the Council Executive for approval, coordination with National BSA, and Council award procedures. Distinguished Conservation Service Award Denied The Board Chair advises the Candidate on the reasons why, providing specific courses of action to meet or exceed the stated criteria to the Candidate. A follow-up meeting may be required with the Candidate, their Award Adviser, and their Conservation Adviser. A plan and schedule is developed and agreed to for the proposal resubmission 18

  19. Council Conservation Committee Distinguished Conservation Service Award Process The Council, Award Coordinator will work with the Council marketing team to publish the Candidate s accomplishment: Council Website/Social Media Council newsletters or other publications National BSA publications such as Bryan on Scouting, Scout Life, etc. Local media (newspaper, radio stations, and TV stations) Council Award Coordinator will work with Council Staff to gain Award approval by: Council Executive Submittal to BSA national Headquarters (Knot and Certificate) Council Award Coordinator will make arrangement for presentation of the Award A Council Event Council Eagle Award Court of Honor Council Annual Dinner The Council Conservation Committee Award Coordinator will maintain the Award within Council records as prescribed by the Council Distinguished Conservation Service Award policies and procedures. An event of significance to the Candidate with presentation by the Council Conservation Committee Chair or designee District Award Presentation venue Unit Award venue (Court of Honor) 19

  20. Questions? Contact Your Council Conservation Committee Chair or Council Designated Lead for the Distinguished Conservation Service Award 20


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