Comprehensive Overview of Fault Modeling and Fault Simulation in VLSI

Fault modeling and fault simulation
Testing Philosophy
Role of Testing
 Digital and Analog VLSI Testing
VLSI Technology Trends Affecting Testing.
Single Stuck at faults, Temporary Faults.
Bridging faults, Transient faults.
Fault modeling: 
Fault equivalence, dominance
and collapsing.
Fault Simulation: 
parallel, concurrent and
deductive simulation.
Importance of Testing and verification
in VLSI design flow
Design synthesis
: Given an I/O function, develop a
procedure to manufacture a device using known
materials and processes.
: Predictive analysis to ensure that the
synthesized design, when manufactured, will
perform the given I/O function.
A manufacturing step that ensures that the
physical device, manufactured from the
synthesized design, has no manufacturing defect.
Comparison between Testing and
Testing Philosophy
Analogy with class test
teacher sets a 
domain of knowledge
 for testing,
called the 
course syllabus.
The teacher asks questions and analyzes the response,
perhaps by matching answers to correct ones from the
The quality of such a test system depends upon how well
the test questions cover the syllabus.
you can do better by asking your teacher, right at the
beginning, about
(1) the course syllabus and
(2) error models (i.e., what you will be tested for), and then
plan your studies to succeed. In VLSI, that is called 
for testability.
Testing of students. In a course on
70% of the students
deserve to pass. We
will call them “pass quality” students. Assuming that
the num-ber of students in the class is large, we will
study the test process using a statistical basis. For a
randomly selected student from the class, we define
the following events:
Figure :  A pass/fail test.
The total probability of passing is,
We will examine the conditional probability Prob(FQ\P)
That is, 2.2% of passed students are of fail quality. We will call this the “teacher’s risk.”
Applying the Bayes
 rule,  we obtain
 testing of chips
Role of Testing
If you design a product, fabricate and test it, and it fails the
test, then there must be a cause for the failure.
 Either (1) the test was wrong, or
 (2) the fabrication process was faulty, or
(3) the design was incorrect, or
 (4) the specification had a problem.
 Anything can go wrong. The role of 
 is to detect
whether something went wrong and the role of 
to determine exactly what went wrong, and where the
process needs to be altered. Therefore, correctness and
effectiveness of testing is most important for quality
products (another name for perfect products.)
The benefits of testing are  
Digital and Analog VLSI Testing
There are two methods of testing
VLSI realization process (a naive version.):
verification is not done in each and every
step of VLSI design flow. Only testing of
fabricated chip is done. Then yield may be
very less.
A realistic VLSI realization process: 
verification is done in each and every step
and corrective measures taken. The no. of
faulty chips are less. Time and money is
VLSI realization process (a naive version)
 are the user
needs satisfied by the chip.
One sets down the
 of various types,
which include function (input-
output characteristics),
operating characteristics (power,
frequency, noise, etc.), physical
characteristics (packaging, etc.),
environmental characteristics
(tempera-ture, humidity,
reliability, etc.), and other
characteristics (volume, cost,
price, avail-ability, etc.)
The objective of 
 is to produce data
necessary for the next steps of fabrication and
testing. Design has several stages. The first,
known as 
architectural design
logic design
a chip layout is produced during 
physical design.
 It is naive to think that every fabricated chip
will be good. Impurities and defects in
materials, equipment malfunctions, and
human errors are some causes of defects
Failure Mode Analysis(FMA)
Failure Mode Analysis
 The faulty chip
analysis is called 
failure mode analysis
The arrows out of the FMA block represent the
corrective actions applied to the faulty steps of
the realization process.
 From the point of testing, where it was
detected, is wasted.
Wasted effort and material adds to the product
A realistic VLSI realization process
Figure :  A realistic VLSI realization process
The process begins with a
dialogue between the customer and the
marketing engineer. 
 is done to ensure that
requirements are realistic.
 are prepared, some
involvement of those responsible for later
activities (design, manufacture, and test) is
advisable to ensure realizable specification.
systems engineer 
then begins by
constructing an architectural block diagram. The
architecture is verified by high-level simulation
and each block is synthesized at the logic-level.
The logic circuit is simulated for the same
VLSI design engineer 
generates a layout
and verifies the timing against the
Manufacturing and test engineers 
fabricate and test wafers, and package and
test chips.
. Finally, the 
sales and field application en-
 interact with the customer.
 As “verification and test” related
activities are distributed throughout the
lifetime of the device, the 
design  cost and
time is saved. Yield will also be high
VLSI Technology Trends Affecting Testing
Technology trends affecting Testing are
Rising Chip Clock Rates
At-Speed Testing
Automatic Test Equipment(ATE) Cost
Electromagnetic Interference(EMI)
2. Increasing Transistor Density
Test complexity
. Feature scaling and power dissipation
Current testing
Rising Chip Clock Rates
The complexity of VLSI technology has reached
the point where we are trying to increase the on-
chip clock frequency to 1 
 These trends have
a profound effect on the cost and difficulty of
chip testing.
At-Speed Testing:
For a reliable high-speed test,
automatic test equipment
 (ATE) must
operate as fast as, or faster than, the 
Ex: if CUT has now upgraded from 1MHz to 1.6MHz
then the new ATE must be bought with
1.6MHz.Then testing cost will increase which in
turn increases product cost.
ATE Cost:
 a state of the art ATE can apply vectors at a
clock rate of 1 
 The cost of such a tester rises roughly
at the rate of $3,000 per pin. a fixed cost of function
generators needed for mixed-signal circuits that can
range between 0.5–1.2 million dollars
Example : 
Testing cost. A state of the art ATE in the year
2000 applies
test vectors at clock rates up to 
 MHz. It
contains analog instruments(function generators,  A/D
converters  and  waveform  analyzers.)  The price  of 
this tester for a 1,024 pin configuration is estimated as
We compute the yearly running cost of the ATE by 
a linear depreciation over five years, and an annual
maintenance cost of 2% of the purchase price.
The tester is used in three eight-hour shifts per day
 and on all days of the year. Therefore:
The test time for a digital ASIC (application specific integrated
circuit) is 6 seconds. That gives the test cost as 27 cents. Since
the bad chips are not sold, their test cost must be recovered
from the sale of good chips.
If the yield is 65%, then the test component in the sale price of
a good chip is  27/0.65=41.7 cents
Electromagnetic Interference(EMI)
A chip operating in the GHz frequency range must be tested
for EMI. This is a problem because inductance in the
becomes active at these higher frequencies.
The inherent difficulties are:
 (1) Ringing in signal transitions along the wiring, because
signal transitions are reflected from the ends of a bus and
bounce back to the source, where they are reflected again
 (2) Interference with signal propagation through the wiring
caused by the 
and the
of the chip package
 (3) De-lay testing of paths requires propagation of sharp
signal transitions, resulting in high-frequency currents
through interconnects, causing radiation coupling.
Increasing Transistor Density
Transistor feature sizes on a VLSI chip reduce
roughly by
10.5% per year, resulting in a transistor density increase of
roughly 22.1% every year. This amounts to little over doubling
every two years. The doubling of transistors on an integrated
circuit every 18 to 24 months has been known as Moore’sLaw
Test complexity
Testing difficulty increases as the transistor density increases.
This occurs because the internal chip modules (particularly
embedded memories) become increasingly difficult to access.
So no. of pins must also be increased.
Transistors  versus pins.
Consider a  chip  with  a square  area whose linear dimension
on the side is d.  The number of transistors,   that can be
placed on the chip is proportional to the chip area d*d,
 The number of input/output (I/O) pins,  is proportional to 4d,
since pins are placed on the periphery of the chip. We can
thus express an approximate relation between Np and Nt as
where K is a constant.
This simple relation was first observed empirically by
Rent at IBM and is known as Rent’s rule
for the same chip area, both feature size and pins
increase. But the number of transistors  increases
faster. Multilayer wiring allows  more of the  chip
area to be utilized by transistors, but does not
increase the number of pins,  which must be placed
at the  chip  boundary.
Though it is not a very effective measure, the
increase of test complexity is sometimes
expressed as the ratio,
Feature scaling and power dissipation
 The power density (power dissipation per unit area)
of a CMOS chip is given by
Increase in 
increases power dissipation as per the
above Equation
Verification testing must check for power buses
overloaded by excessive  current. This causes a brown-out in the chip
Application of the test vectors may cause excessive power
dissipation on the chip and burn it out, so the vectors must
be adjusted to reduce power.
As the 
supply voltage(VDD)
 gets closer to the
threshold voltage, the switching speed drops,
defeating at least one purpose of scaling.
is proportional to the number of transistors per unit
area and the average
switching probability of signals.
If no. of transistors/unit area increases capacitance C also
Increases which inturn increases power dissipation
Current testing(IDDQ testing)
IDDQ testing is one of the way to test if CMOS ckt is
working or not.
No defect: when short, current shoots up and recedes
With defect: the current shoots up when short but does
not recede.
If frequency increases IDDQ testing becomes difficult
2  Bridging Faults
Bridging faults at the gate level has been classified into two types:
input bridging
input bridging fault 
corresponds to the shorting of a certain
number of primary input
feedback bridging fault 
results if there is a short between an
output and input line. A feed-back bridging fault may cause a circuit to
oscillate, or it may convert it into a sequential circuit.
Temporary Faults
A temporary fault can result in an 
Transient errors are the major source of failures
in VLSI chips. They are
 and are 
 because there is no physical damage
to the hardware.
Very deep submicron technology has enabled the
packing of millions of transistors on a VLSI chip by
reduc-ing the transistor dimensions. However,
the reduction of transistor sizes also reduces their
noise margins. As a result, they become more
vulnerable to noise, cross-talk, etc., which in turn
result in transient errors.
Intermittent fault
Intermittent faults are recurring faults that reappear on a
regular basis.
Such faults can occur due to loose connections, partially
defective components, or poor designs.
Intermittent faults occurring due to deteriorating or aging
components may eventually become permanent.
 Some inter-mittent faults also occur due to environmental
conditions such as temperature, humidity, vibration, etc.
The likelihood of such intermittent faults depends on how
well the system is protected from its physical environment
through shielding, filtering, cooling, etc.
 An intermittent fault in a circuit causes a malfunction of
the circuit only if it is active; if it is inactive, the circuit
operates correctly.
Stuck-At Fault
Temporary Faults.
 Bridging faults
 Transient faults.
Stuck-At Fault
The most common model used for logical
faults is the 
single stuck-at fault
. It assumes
that a fault in a logic gate results in one of its
inputs or the output is fixed at either a logic 0
) or at logic 1 (
). Stuck-at-
0 and stuck-at-l faults are often abbreviated to
, respectively.
Example of stuck at fault
Let us assume that in Figure, the 
 input of the NAND
gate is s-a-1. The NAND gate perceives the 
 input as a
logic 1 irrespective of the logic value placed on the
input. For example, the output of the NAND gate is 0
for the input pattern 
=0 and 
=1, when input 
 is s-a-
1 in. In the absence of the fault, the output will be 1.
=01 can be considered as the 
 for the 
input s-a-l, since there is a difference between the
output of the fault-free and faulty gate.
Stuck open and short fault
The number 1 in the figure
indicates an open, whereas
the numbers 2 and 3
identify the short between
the output node and the
ground and the short
between the output node
and the 
, respectively.
 in a CMOS results if not enough metal is removed by
the photolithography, whereas over-removal of metal results
in an 
 Fault 1 in Figure  will disconnect input 
 from the gate of
. It has been shown that in such a
situation one transistor may conduct and the other remain
nonconducting . Thus, the fault can be represented by a stuck
at value of 
 is s-a-0, 
 will be ON and 
 OFF, and if 
 will be OFF and 
 Fault 2 forces the output node to be shorted to
, that is,
the fault can be considered as
an s-a-l fault. Similarly, fault 3
forces the output node to be s-a-0.
Example of SAF
Figure : 
CMOS implementation of
Two possible shorts numbered 1 and 2 and two
possible opens numbered 3 and 4 are indi-cated
in the diagram. Short number 1 can be modeled
by s-a-1 of input 
; open number 3 can be
modeled by s-a-0 of input 
, input 
, or both.
On the other hand, short number 2 and open
number4 cannot be modeled by any stuck-at
fault because they involve a modification of the
network func-tion. For example, in the presence
of short number 2, the network function will
change to: 
=( (
 · EF )’
and open number 4 will change the function to
= ((
) + (
 · EF)’
Example of SAF
a perfect short between
the output of the two
gates (Figure ) cannot be
modeled by a stuck-at
fault. Without a short,
the outputs of gates Z
and Z
whereas with the short,
Fault Equivalence
Let us consider a single-output combinational circuit with n input
We will denote its output function f0(V) as where V is an n-bit Boolean
f1(v) is function with fault 1 & f2(v) is function with fault 1
Fault equivalence for gates, wires, fanouts
consider AND gate where inputs are 
a and b and Z 
is output.
If f0(v) represents true output  =1 ,when a& b=11.
f1(v) represents when faulty output =0, when 
f2(v) represents when faulty output  =0,when  
Test to detect f1(v)=11, Test to detect f2(v)=11
f2(v) =0
When above both conditions are satisfied then two faults are said to be equivalent.
Equivalent fault collapsing& collapse ratio
Collapsed faults: 
process of selecting one fault from each equivalence set
is called fault collapsing. The set of selected faults is known as the equivalence
collapsed set.
No of collapsed faults=total faults – deleted faults
Fault dominance
Definition of fault dominance:
If all tests of fault F1 detect
another fault F2, then F2 is said to dominate F1. The two
faults are also called “conditionally” equivalent with respect
to the test set of F1. When two faults F1 and F2 dominate
each other, then they are equivalent.
Fault dominance collapsing
Thus we can summarize dominance fault collapsing as:
1. An n-input Boolean gate requires n + 1 single stuck-at faults
to be modelled.
 2. To collapse faults of a gate, all faults from the output can
be eliminated retaining one type (s-a-1 for AND and NAND; s-
a-0 for OR and NOR) of fault on each input and the other type
(s-a-0 for AND and NAND; s-a-1 for OR and NOR) on any one
of the inputs.
 3. The output faults of the NOT gate, the non-inverting buffer,
and the wire can be removed as long as both faults on the
input are retained. No collapsing is possible for fanout
Example of fault dominance collapsing
number of faults selected for testing  in dominace collapsing is reduced
compared to fault collapsing.
Fault Simulation
Fault Simulation
Problems caused by faults and simulation
A fault can induce races and hazards in fault free
A faulty circuit may oscillate or enter deadlock
A fault can transform combinational circuit into
sequential circuit.
Advantages of simulation:
Construction of fault dictionaries.
Analyze the operation of the circuit in presence of
Types of fault simulation
Serial fault simulation
Parallel fault simulation
Concurrent fault simulation
Deductive fault simulation
Serial fault simulation
In serial fault simulation
 faults are simulated
one after the other.
It consumes more CPU time.
Parallel fault simulation
In parallel fault simulation values of all good
circuit and faulty circuit are stored in same
memory location. All are simulated at a same
Parallel fault simulation
Combinational circuit can be easily simulated
but sequential circuit has to be converted into
SOP/POS expression. Ex:Q+= JQ’+K’Q
It becomes impractical for multivalued logic.
Selective trace simulation cannot be done, so
no of faults are not reduced.
Deductive fault simulation
Simulates the good circuit.
Deduces behavior of all faulty circuit.
Fault list: 
the data structure used for
representing fault effects is called fault list.
Li: fault list associated with every signal i.
Deduction of fault: 
if value of faulty and fault
free circuit is same then that fault will be
Deductive fault simulation
Parallel fault simulation outputs of all faults whether
faulty or fault free are stored.
In deductive fault simulation Li is list which stores the
fault whose function output is different from fault free
Ex: Li={4,7} these two are faults whose output is
different from fault free output
Two valued Deductive fault simulation
Deductive fault simulation
It is limited in practice to 2 or 3 valued logic.
Compatible only with functional level
Fault list propagation(computation of fault list)
Cannot take advantage of activity directed
Concurrent fault simulation
It simulates good circuit N.
It simulates every faulty circuit Nf.
Fault list (CLx): It is represented as fault list which
consists of faults whose output is different from fault free
It is can be used for multivalued logic.
Compatible with functional level modeling.
Support mixed and hierarchical level modeling.
Execution is fast.
memory requirement is more as it has
dynamic data structure involves addition and
deletion of faults also.
Example of Concurrent fault
Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and
Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits: 17 (Frontiers in Electronic Testing)
by M. Bushnell and Vishwani Agarawal
Slide Note

Explore the intricacies of fault modeling and fault simulation in VLSI design, covering topics such as testing philosophy, role of testing in VLSI, technology trends affecting testing, fault types, fault equivalence, dominance, collapsing, and simulation methods. Understand the importance of testing and verification in the VLSI design flow, along with definitions of design synthesis, verification, and testing. Delve into the comparison between testing and verification and gain insights from analogies with class tests. Learn through examples and statistical analysis how testing processes are applied in different scenarios.

  • VLSI design
  • Fault modeling
  • Fault simulation
  • Testing philosophy
  • Verification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fault modeling and fault simulation (unit1) By Deepa,Asst.Professor SIT

  2. contents Testing Philosophy Role of Testing Digital and Analog VLSI Testing VLSI Technology Trends Affecting Testing. Faults:Single Stuck at faults, Temporary Faults. Bridging faults, Transient faults. Fault modeling: Fault equivalence, dominance and collapsing. Fault Simulation: parallel, concurrent and deductive simulation.

  3. Importance of Testing and verification in VLSI design flow

  4. Definitions Design synthesis: Given an I/O function, develop a procedure to manufacture a device using known materials and processes. Verification: Predictive analysis to ensure that the synthesized design, when manufactured, will perform the given I/O function. Test: A manufacturing step that ensures that the physical device, manufactured from the synthesized design, has no manufacturing defect.

  5. Comparison between Testing and Verification

  6. Testing Philosophy Analogy with class test Theteacher sets a domain of knowledge for testing, called the course syllabus. The teacher asks questions and analyzes the response, perhaps by matching answers to correct ones from the book. The quality of such a test system depends upon how well the test questions cover the syllabus. you can do better by asking your teacher, right at the beginning, about (1) the course syllabus and (2) error models (i.e., what you will be tested for), and then plan your studies to succeed. In VLSI, that is called design for testability.

  7. Example Testing of students. In a course on zeeology,70% of the studentsdeserve to pass. We will call them pass quality students. Assuming that the num-ber of students in the class is large, we will study the test process using a statistical basis. For a randomly selected student from the class, we define the following events: PQ: student is pass quality FQ: student is fail quality P: F: student passes the test student fails the test Figure : A pass/fail test.

  8. The total probability of passing is, We will examine the conditional probability Prob(FQ\P) And,therefore: That is, 2.2% of passed students are of fail quality. We will call this the teacher s risk. Applying the Bayes rule, we obtain

  9. testing of chips

  10. Role of Testing If you design a product, fabricate and test it, and it fails the test, then there must be a cause for the failure. Either (1) the test was wrong, or (2) the fabrication process was faulty, or (3) the design was incorrect, or (4) the specification had a problem. Anything can go wrong. The role of testing is to detect whether something went wrong and the role of diagnosis is to determine exactly what went wrong, and where the process needs to be altered. Therefore, correctness and effectiveness of testing is most important for quality products (another name for perfect products.) The benefits of testing are quality and economy

  11. Digital and Analog VLSI Testing There are two methods of testing 1. VLSI realization process (a naive version.): verification is not done in each and every step of VLSI design flow. Only testing of fabricated chip is done. Then yield may be very less. 2. A realistic VLSI realization process: cross verification is done in each and every step and corrective measures taken. The no. of faulty chips are less. Time and money is saved.

  12. VLSI realization process (a naive version) Requirements are the user needs satisfied by the chip. One sets specifications of various types, which include function (input- output operating characteristics (power, frequency, noise, etc.), physical characteristics (packaging, etc.), environmental (tempera-ture, reliability, etc.), characteristics (volume, cost, price, avail-ability, etc.) down the characteristics), characteristics humidity, and other

  13. The objective of design is to produce data necessary for the next steps of fabrication and testing. Design has several stages. The first, known as architectural design, logic design, a chip layout is produced during physical design. It is naive to think that every fabricated chip will be good. Impurities and defects in materials, equipment malfunctions, and human errors are some causes of defects

  14. Failure Mode Analysis(FMA) Failure Mode Analysis (FMA): The faulty chip analysis is called failure mode analysis (FMA.) The arrows out of the FMA block represent the corrective actions applied to the faulty steps of the realization process. Disadvantages: 1. Time From the point of testing, where it was detected, is wasted. 2. Wasted effort and material adds to the product cost.

  15. A realistic VLSI realization process Figure : A realistic VLSI realization process

  16. Requirements: The process begins with a dialogue between the customer and the marketing engineer. Audit is done to ensure that requirements are realistic. As specifications are involvement of those responsible for later activities (design, manufacture, and test) is advisable to ensure realizable specification. The systems engineer constructing an architectural block diagram. The architecture is verified by high-level simulation and each block is synthesized at the logic-level. The logic circuit is simulated for the same prepared, some then begins by

  17. The VLSI design engineer generates a layout and verifies the timing against the specification. Manufacturing and test engineers then fabricate and test wafers, and package and test chips. . Finally, the sales and field application en- gineers interact with the customer. Advantage:As verification and test related activities are distributed throughout the lifetime of the device, the design cost and time is saved. Yield will also be high

  18. VLSI Technology Trends Affecting Testing Technology trends affecting Testing are 1. Rising Chip Clock Rates i. At-Speed Testing ii. Automatic Test Equipment(ATE) Cost iii. Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) 2. Increasing Transistor Density i. Test complexity ii. . Feature scaling and power dissipation iii. Current testing

  19. Rising Chip Clock Rates The complexity of VLSI technology has reached the point where we are trying to increase the on- chip clock frequency to 1 GHz. These trends have a profound effect on the cost and difficulty of chip testing. i. At-Speed Testing:For a reliable high-speed test, the automatic test equipment (ATE) must operate as fast as, or faster than, the circuit- under-test (CUT.) Ex: if CUT has now upgraded from 1MHz to 1.6MHz then the new ATE must be bought with 1.6MHz.Then testing cost will increase which in turn increases product cost.

  20. ATE Cost: a state of the art ATE can apply vectors at a clock rate of 1 GHz. The cost of such a tester rises roughly at the rate of $3,000 per pin. a fixed cost of function generators needed for mixed-signal circuits that can range between 0.5 1.2 million dollars Example : Testing cost. A state of the art ATE in the year 2000 appliestest vectors at clock rates up to 500 MHz. It contains analog instruments(function generators, A/D converters and waveform analyzers.) The price of this tester for a 1,024 pin configuration is estimated as

  21. We compute the yearly running cost of the ATE by assuming a linear depreciation over five years, and an annual maintenance cost of 2% of the purchase price. The tester is used in three eight-hour shifts per day and on all days of the year. Therefore: The test time for a digital ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) is 6 seconds. That gives the test cost as 27 cents. Since the bad chips are not sold, their test cost must be recovered from the sale of good chips. If the yield is 65%, then the test component in the sale price of a good chip is 27/0.65=41.7 cents

  22. Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) A chip operating in the GHz frequency range must be tested for EMI. This is a problem because inductance in thewiring becomes active at these higher frequencies. The inherent difficulties are: (1) Ringing in signal transitions along the wiring, because signal transitions are reflected from the ends of a bus and bounce back to the source, where they are reflected again (2) Interference with signal propagation through the wiring caused by the dielectricpermeability and the dielectric permittivity of the chip package (3) De-lay testing of paths requires propagation of sharp signal transitions, resulting in high-frequency currents through interconnects, causing radiation coupling.

  23. Increasing Transistor Density Transistor feature sizes on a VLSI chip reduceroughly by 10.5% per year, resulting in a transistor density increase of roughly 22.1% every year. This amounts to little over doubling every two years. The doubling of transistors on an integrated circuit every 18 to 24 months has been known as Moore sLaw

  24. Test complexity Testing difficulty increases as the transistor density increases. This occurs because the internal chip modules (particularly embedded memories) become increasingly difficult to access. So no. of pins must also be increased. Example: Transistors versus pins. Consider a chip with a square area whose linear dimension on the side is d. The number of transistors, that can be placed on the chip is proportional to the chip area d*d, The number of input/output (I/O) pins, is proportional to 4d, since pins are placed on the periphery of the chip. We can thus express an approximate relation between Np and Nt as where K is a constant. This simple relation was first observed empirically by Rent at IBM and is known as Rent s rule

  25. for the same chip area, both feature size and pins increase. But the number of transistors increases faster. Multilayer wiring allows more of the chip area to be utilized by transistors, but does not increase the number of pins, which must be placed at the chip boundary. Though it is not a very effective measure, the increase of test complexity is sometimes expressed as the ratio,

  26. Feature scaling and power dissipation The power density (power dissipation per unit area) of a CMOS chip is given by Increase in frequency(f) increases power dissipation as per the above Equation. Verification testing must check for power buses overloaded by excessive current. This causes a brown-out in the chip Application of the test vectors may cause excessive power dissipation on the chip and burn it out, so the vectors must be adjusted to reduce power.

  27. C is proportional to the number of transistors per unit area and the averageswitching probability of signals. If no. of transistors/unit area increases capacitance C also Increases which inturn increases power dissipation As the supply voltage(VDD) gets closer to the threshold voltage, the switching speed drops, defeating at least one purpose of scaling.

  28. Current testing(IDDQ testing) IDDQ testing is one of the way to test if CMOS ckt is working or not. No defect: when short, current shoots up and recedes With defect: the current shoots up when short but does not recede. If frequency increases IDDQ testing becomes difficult

  29. 2 Bridging Faults Bridging faults at the gate level has been classified into two types: input bridging and feedbackbridging. An input bridging fault corresponds to the shorting of a certain number of primary inputlines. A feedback bridging fault results if there is a short between an output and input line. A feed-back bridging fault may cause a circuit to oscillate, or it may convert it into a sequential circuit. Figure : CMOS implementation ofZ(A,B,C,D)=AB + CD

  30. Temporary Faults A temporary fault can result in an intermit-tent or a transient error. Transient errors are the major source of failures in VLSI chips. They arenonrecurring and are not repairable because there is no physical damage to the hardware. Very deep submicron technology has enabled the packing of millions of transistors on a VLSI chip by reduc-ing the transistor dimensions. However, the reduction of transistor sizes also reduces their noise margins. As a result, they become more vulnerable to noise, cross-talk, etc., which in turn result in transient errors.

  31. Intermittent fault Intermittent faults are recurring faults that reappear on a regular basis. Such faults can occur due to loose connections, partially defective components, or poor designs. Intermittent faults occurring due to deteriorating or aging components may eventually become permanent. Some inter-mittent faults also occur due to environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, vibration, etc. The likelihood of such intermittent faults depends on how well the system is protected from its physical environment through shielding, filtering, cooling, etc. An intermittent fault in a circuit causes a malfunction of the circuit only if it is active; if it is inactive, the circuit operates correctly.

  32. FAULTS in logic CIRCUITS Stuck-At Fault Temporary Faults. Bridging faults Transient faults.

  33. Stuck-At Fault The most common model used for logical faults is the single stuck-at fault. It assumes that a fault in a logic gate results in one of its inputs or the output is fixed at either a logic 0 (stuck-at-0) or at logic 1 (stuck-at-1). Stuck-at- 0 and stuck-at-l faults are often abbreviated to s-a-0 and s-a-1, respectively.

  34. Example of stuck at fault Let us assume that in Figure, the A input of the NAND gate is s-a-1. The NAND gate perceives the A input as a logic 1 irrespective of the logic value placed on the input. For example, the output of the NAND gate is 0 for the input pattern A=0 and B=1, when input A is s-a- 1 in. In the absence of the fault, the output will be 1. Thus, AB=01 can be considered as the test for the A input s-a-l, since there is a difference between the output of the fault-free and faulty gate.

  35. Stuck open and short fault The number 1 in the figure indicates an open, whereas the numbers 2 and 3 identify the short between the output node and the ground and the short between the output node and the VDD, respectively.

  36. A short in a CMOS results if not enough metal is removed by the photolithography, whereas over-removal of metal results in an open circuit. Fault 1 in Figure will disconnect input A from the gate of transistors T1 and T3. It has been shown that in such a situation one transistor may conduct and the other remain nonconducting . Thus, the fault can be represented by a stuck at value of A.if A is s-a-0, T1 will be ON and T3 OFF, and if A is s-a-l, T1 will be OFF and T3 ON. Fault 2 forces the output node to be shorted to VDD, that is, the fault can be considered asan s-a-l fault. Similarly, fault 3 forces the output node to be s-a-0.

  37. Example of SAF Figure : CMOS implementation ofZ=(A+B)(C+D) EF.

  38. Two possible shorts numbered 1 and 2 and two possible opens numbered 3 and 4 are indi-cated in the diagram. Short number 1 can be modeled by s-a-1 of input E; open number 3 can be modeled by s-a-0 of input E, input F, or both. On the other hand, short number 2 and open number4 cannot be modeled by any stuck-at fault because they involve a modification of the network func-tion. For example, in the presence of short number 2, the network function will change to: Z =( (A + C)(B + D) EF ) and open number 4 will change the function to Z = ((AC) + (BD) EF)

  39. Example of SAF a perfect short between the output of the two gates (Figure ) cannot be modeled by a stuck-at fault. Without a short, the outputs of gates Z1 and Z2 are: Zl=(AB) and Z2=(CD) , whereas with the short, Zl= Z2=(AB) +(CD) .

  40. Fault Equivalence Let us consider a single-output combinational circuit with n input variables. We will denote its output function f0(V) as where V is an n-bit Boolean vector. f1(v) is function with fault 1 & f2(v) is function with fault 1

  41. Fault equivalence for gates, wires, fanouts consider AND gate where inputs are a and b and Z is output. If f0(v) represents true output =1 ,when a& b=11. f1(v) represents when faulty output =0, when a =sa0 f2(v) represents when faulty output =0,when Z=sa0 Test to detect f1(v)=11, Test to detect f2(v)=11 f1(v) xor f2(v) =0 When above both conditions are satisfied then two faults are said to be equivalent.

  42. Equivalent fault collapsing& collapse ratio Collapsed faults: Theprocess of selecting one fault from each equivalence set is called fault collapsing. The set of selected faults is known as the equivalence collapsed set. No of collapsed faults=total faults deleted faults

  43. Fault dominance Definition of fault dominance:If all tests of fault F1 detect another fault F2, then F2 is said to dominate F1. The two faults are also called conditionally equivalent with respect to the test set of F1. When two faults F1 and F2 dominate each other, then they are equivalent.

  44. Fault dominance collapsing Thus we can summarize dominance fault collapsing as: 1. An n-input Boolean gate requires n + 1 single stuck-at faults to be modelled. 2. To collapse faults of a gate, all faults from the output can be eliminated retaining one type (s-a-1 for AND and NAND; s- a-0 for OR and NOR) of fault on each input and the other type (s-a-0 for AND and NAND; s-a-1 for OR and NOR) on any one of the inputs. 3. The output faults of the NOT gate, the non-inverting buffer, and the wire can be removed as long as both faults on the input are retained. No collapsing is possible for fanout

  45. Example of fault dominance collapsing Advantage: number of faults selected for testing in dominace collapsing is reduced compared to fault collapsing.

  46. Fault Simulation

  47. Fault Simulation

  48. Problems caused by faults and simulation advantages Problem: A fault can induce races and hazards in fault free circuit. A faulty circuit may oscillate or enter deadlock A fault can transform combinational circuit into sequential circuit. Advantages of simulation: Construction of fault dictionaries. Analyze the operation of the circuit in presence of fault.

  49. Types of fault simulation Serial fault simulation Parallel fault simulation Concurrent fault simulation Deductive fault simulation

  50. Serial fault simulation In serial fault simulation faults are simulated one after the other. Disadvantage: It consumes more CPU time.

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