Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling in Advanced VLSI

EE 194
Advanced VLSI
Spring 2018
Tufts University
Instructor: Joel Grodstein
Lecture 6: Discrete voltage and frequency switching
What we’ll cover
DVFS: why we care
What is DVFS
Effects on clocking
Effects on STA
Effects on testing
How does the voltage get to the transistors?
How do you choose the right voltage & freq?
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Old slide from power/scaling
EE194/Adv VLSI Joel Grodstein
this assumed that
; i.e.,
every node switches
once every cycle
And from STA
Remember, we used this for speed binning
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
And so we conclude
Energy to perform a computation 
since energy to switch one node is .5CV
f and 
 V, so p
Controlling voltage is a 
 hammer in controlling
Raise voltage by 10%
Thus you can also raise frequency by 10%
You get 10% more computations done in the same time
But power goes up 30% and energy goes up 20%
Obvious question: what is the “best” V/F point to use?
Always the lowest possible V that the process allows?
Does this sound sort of like speed binning? Let’s see…
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Best V/F for one core
Start small; assume we only have one core
How do we choose the “best” V/F point?:
We’ve already talked about setting V
 for binning.
The keys: raise V
 and devices run faster, so you can
increase clock speed.
But energy to perform a calculation goes up quadratically.
And power goes up cubically (though for a shorter time)
So when you raise V and f
one good thing happens (you go faster).
two bad things happen (more energy and power).
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Just use the lowest V?
If we just run at lowest possible V that the process
We minimize energy and power
We maximize battery life. So why not?
Low V means low F
Who wants to buy a phone that can’t play Angry Birds
fast enough?
Many tasks have real-time requirements (you must meet a
minimum frame rate on an MPEG decoder)
Lowest V may simply not be fast enough for some tasks
But fine for others (reading e-mail)
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Dynamic usage patterns
Your cell phone usage changes frequently.
You play a fancy-graphics video game.
Then you read some e-mail
Long hours doing nothing
What’s the right voltage for each usage?
Video game needs high voltage (and very high power)
Read e-mail: you can drop V and F
Doing nothing: you can drop V and F quite low
If you always use high V and F → battery dies
Always use low V and F → cannot play the video game
There is no single voltage that is always best for our
single-core CPU
Changing V/F is too powerful a tool to not use it
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Battery: Set by size and weight limits ...
EE194/Adv VLSI Joel Grodstein
The best V/F for a multi-core
We’ve decided there is no single “best” V and F
for a single-core CPU.
What about a multi-core CPU?
Probably the same thing will be true
Let’s see some of the issues in more detail, though
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Range of server power
SkyLake server: Xeon server 8180M (Platinum):
Biggest SkyLake available when this slide was made
28 cores, 2.5 GHz base, 3.8GHz boost
Say 1 core at 2.5GHz uses 5-10 watts (depending on code),
Dual-socket server 
 56 cores
A dual-socket 56-core server may handle diverse use models:
Anything from one to very many people logged in
Any person could run a 4-core compute-intensive job, or just editing
or reading e-mail.
Very wide range of power demands
1 person running e-mail = 5W
14 people with 4 cores of boost = 1400W
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Who cares about server power?
A server is plugged in; there is no battery
So why do we care about power?
Why not just run everything full speed ahead always?
Why servers care about power
Air conditioning is expensive. So is electricity
205W max package power dissipation for air cooling,
and liquid cooling is expensive
If you exceed your power budget, things start to melt.
Server farms in Norway?
What good is a 56-core server if you can only use
 8 cores at once per die?
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Server V/F tradeoffs
If only a few cores are being used:
each is free to crank up V & F as needed
but saving energy still saves $$
When we use lots of cores:
either many people doing small jobs or medium number
doing compute-intensive jobs
we must crank down the V & F of each one.
“top” still tells everyone they’re getting an entire CPU; but
it’s a slower CPU than if fewer cores were being used!
Conclusion: benchmarking can be unreliable if you’re
sharing the machine with other users
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Discrete Voltage and Frequency
Switching (DVFS)
OK, now we’re ready to define what DVFS is
We’ve seen that switching V/F points on the fly is useful – for
one core and for multicore.
We’ve already talked about setting V for binning
raise V and devices run faster
lower V and devices run slower, but you save power
Binning picked the lowest V that could hit a target freq.
Raising(lowering) V hurts(helps) power cubically
DVFS is 
 switching V/F points according to user
demand, to…
use as little power as needed to meet user requirements
avoid burning up the chip when user requirements are unreasonable
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
DVFS Design Issues
What is the hardware granularity which the voltage
and frequency can be controlled?
Entire chip at once
Cache at the different voltage than the cores
Numerous voltage islands on a single chip
Why do we care?
Different parts of the chip may want to be at different
More details later
ECEC 623 Mark Hempstead
DVFS Design Issues
How long does it take to switch to a new (V,f)?
One cycle?
A few ns?
A few μs?
Why do we care?
Again, more details later
ECEC 623 Mark Hempstead
Lower voltage whenever we have a stall
“” when we have a long stall (e.g., cache miss)
O/S changes voltage for load balancing
A simple plan
Pick one of multiple V/F points
When you need lots of computes for a non-parallel problem, you
pick high V/F and live with the power drain (and energy
Let other cores go unused if needed
When you can, reduce V
 and also freq – and increase efficiency
If you see the chip getting too hot, then reduce V/F right away
before you melt the package (or any body parts!)
DVFS is important because use models change
But wait: nowadays we keep our phones busy running YouTube
for background music, even if we’re “just” reading e-mail?
Does that mean we can never turn down the voltage?
Hold that thought; we’ll talk more about YouTube when we get to
dark silicon.
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Next up… circuit design
DVFS means changing voltage and frequency on
the fly
It affects circuit design in multiple ways
clocking must deal with multiple V and F
ditto for STA
Another question: how do you get so many
voltages to the transistors?
We’ll talk about FIVR
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Multiple V/F domains
The “best” V/F will change over time
Should it also be different in different
places at the same time?
The FPUs could use high F while the
cache runs slow
Or vice versa, during a cache miss!
Memory controller always runs slower
than the CPU
The circuitry that reads/writes a disk can
usually run really slow
This is called 
voltage islands
How fast can you change V/F?
depends on the system; 
 on a cycle-by-
cycle basis
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Domain crossing
Domains must talk to each other!
We’ve seen this before: clock
crossings and BGFs
Now we know why it’s so important
But the BGF clock ratios will change
on the fly!
Not so trivial any more.
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
BGF conditional clocks and DVFS
Start with core=1.5GHz, uncore=900 MHz
BGF will conditionalize 2
, 5
, 7
, 10
, 12
, 15
 core clocks
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Start with core=1.5GHz, uncore=900 MHz
BGF will conditionalize 2
, 5
, 7
, 10
, 12
, 15
 core clocks
Now move to core=1.2 GHz, uncore still 900 MHz
We skip 3
, 7
, 11
We need a different clock-skip plan!
I.e., the BGF clocking must change dynamically.
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
So BGF clocking must coordinate with DVFS
Not surprising
Not simple either
PLL changing frequency
What happens when the “/
” changes its 
Relocking to the new frequency takes time
Most PLLs have their freq jump around unpredictably while relocking
Some PLLs guarantee smooth transition
Timing issue:
We know that timing worked at the old V/F, and at the new V/F
But what about all of the intermediate V/F points that we pass through
How do you prevent timing violations while F is changing?
That’s a HW problem!
EE 194 Joel Grodstein
/ N
Simple un-binned design:
A core runs at one voltage
It either meets frequency or doesn’t
Binned design
Any given core may be sold at one of multiple F
It runs at the minimum V that meets that F
We ran STA at TT, found post-silicon violations via lots of testing
Any single die runs at the same V/F forever
Testing was because each chip has only one V/F (remember our HW?)
DVFS design
Every single chip must dynamically switch between various V/F points
STA and testing issues?
Same STA issues as for speed binning!
Test issues are far worse; must test every die at every DVFS freq
Must do this for up to 50 domains on each die!
So we run STA at TT again, but now need 
 of testing
Testing is slow and expensive – and unavoidable
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
More DVFS and STA
Assume we run STA at TT
Does it matter what V we run STA at? Will
different paths show up?
Yes. Relative path delays change at different V
Some paths are gate-delay dominated; some are wire
Which paths are worse at low(high) V?
High V speeds up gate delays but not wires
So gate-dominated paths are worse at low V, wires
worse at high V
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
More DVFS and STA
We want STA to identify the slowest paths, so we can design them
faster. Any problems if we run STA at high V?
Gates seem to be real fast
Wires paths show up and get fixed
Then the real chip lowers V, and the gate-dominated paths hurt you.
Any problems if we run STA at low V?
Similar issue, but just the reverse
On real silicon, suddenly the wire-dominated paths show up at high V
Run STA at an intermediate V?
Now we get smaller failures on silicon, but in both kinds of paths
Run STA twice; at both low and high V?
This still misses some paths that are worse in the middle!
The more points you run for STA, the closer you are (and the more work
you do!)
No perfect answer; but testing is your friend
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Issues with DVFS
DVFS and voltage islands are great.
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
What do you show the customer?
If the core can have 4 V/F points and the uncore has 2…
…that makes 8 combinations, each with their own total
Do you really advertise 8 V/F/power combos to customers?
No. Each chip just has a base & boost that are advertised.
The rest may be accessible to the O/S, or only by the chip’s own
But binning is still complex
Bin by # of cores, by boost speed, L3 size, memory speed, ...
And we still have to test every combination, even if we
don’t advertise it. This is expensive!
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Problem with changing V
DVFS is great. But there’s an implementation issue.
The die load changes fast and often; voltage drop across the
package R changes with it. So how do you keep a steady V?
Lots of dcap
But now there’s a problem: how do you change the V?
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
package wiring
Changing V
Lots of Dcap → lots of problems
Driving lots of C through a big RLC is very slow
To change V
 quickly, you need lots of I
Lots of I → lots of I
R loss
Remember: power loss charging a capacitor 
Reducing C would help both of these – but would make V
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
package wiring
Low V → waste power
Nvidia Pascal is 
 300 watts, so w
e must deliver 300 watts
600 amps at 0.5V
300 amps at 1V
150 amps at 2V
Assume R
Then the IR drop is…
And the I
R power loss is…
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
package wiring
Motto: delivering high
power at low V is a
quadratically bad idea
Wiring your house
Consider a house (!)
New homes are built for 200A service
How thick are the wires into your house?
Chip power wires don’t travel across your house, but still
need to be big; and big means expensive
The power company knows this; that’s why they
run wire at 1000s of volts
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
package wiring
So many wires
Voltage islands give us lots of flexibility
Independently choose the most appropriate V for each
island. But there is a cost
High-power means high current
Wire diameter is constrained by minimizing ∆V drop at
worst-case current, and by I
R power loss
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Assume 20 islands, with potentially 20 different V
How many motherboard VR outputs?
How many fat wires from VRs to the islands?
Let’s size them
Each domain has a min & max current.
You must meet ∆V at max current, so you must size the package
wires for max current. So every domain has its supply wires sized
for max current.
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
20, plus
20, plus
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
package wiring
All wires are sized for
20 islands → size wires
for 400A total
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
What if the chip were limited to 300A (not all islands can
run at max power at once)?
Wires are in some sense over-sized (need more package
System is thus over-priced 
package wiring
Problem summary
We want to keep C
 high so that V
 is not noisy
But this makes it hard for DVFS to change V
We want to change V
 quickly, so that we can
take advantage of short low-power moments
But changing V
 fast wastes lots of energy
We want to keep V
 low, because energy 
But energy lost in the package wires 
We want to 
 power at high V, and 
 it at low V
Delivering power over lots of wires means
wasting bumps
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Only one VR on the motherboard; only one V
 sent through
the package to the internal VRs.
Internal connections from the many internal VRs to the
islands are numerous, but die-internal wiring is shorter
This is called 
 (Fully Integrated Voltage Regulator)
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Does FIVR solve our overdesigned-wire problem?
The main power-supply wire is now sized for 300A
Individual island supplies are sized for 20A each
True, they cannot all use 20A at the same time; but on-die
wire is “cheaper” than bumps
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Does FIVR affect the amount of package dcap we need?
FIVR regulates very fast. It can filter out package-level 60Hz ripple
quite well
So we don’t worry as much about keeping it small
But – FIVR usually cannot filter the 100 MHz di/dt noise. In fact,
package dcap is still needed
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Does FIVR affect the amount of on-die dcap we need?
On-die dcap prevents V
 from drooping when the die draws more
But FIVR is close to the load. It can replenish the on-die dcap quickly
Alternately put, very low R between FIVR VR and the loads
The amount of dcap can be reduced, which reduces I
R losses when
changing V
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Which scheme has more power loss on the blue resistor (and on the
Low current → low power loss
Just like the power company: run long distances on high-voltage lines, then
regulate down locally.
FIVR reduces I
R loss
How about IR loss?
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Island (2-20A)
Another benefit of FIVR
Nearly all components have a 
Die may be tested as needing V
=1.1V at 2GHz, but specced as needing
1.15V. Why?
Testing can never be exhaustive
Chip performance will change with aging
Power supply will also have a guardband
Manufacturer may test it at 1V but call it 1V±.1V
Supply will also age
A conventional system thus suffers from two GBs
FIVR on-die VRs are guardbanded along with their loads
Is this any more than sleight of hand?
It is. The entire die (including VR) shares a process corner, & shares aging
Fewer cross products to guard against
FF corner makes loads bigger, but also makes FIVR more able to power them
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Build it and they will come
OK, we’ve argued that DVFS is useful
In fact, most CPU chips have it
It’s no good adding hardware if the software cannot use it
reasonably well!
The O/S controls DVFS via 
P states 
(for “Performance”)
P0 = highest V/F
P1 = next highest
Pn = lowest V/F
The O/S requests a given P state via the 
Advanced Configuration
and Power Interface
; the chip may or may not grant the request
The chip will not let itself exceed max power or overheat
But how does the O/S decide what to request?
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
One-core DVFS algorithm
One simple algorithm:
If nobody is complaining, then drop V/F
If the user is complaining, then raise V/F
If the chip is overheating, then drop V/F
How do you tell if the chip is overheating?
Use a temperature sensor
Could  you just have a max V/F that will prevent the chip from
overheating, and not need the sensor?
No. Activity factor varies dramatically. Some programs are mostly
stalled waiting for memory; others uses lots of FPUs
Read various “valid” signals and use machine-learning
How do you know if the user wants more computes?
Again, the O/S must request P states
How does the O/S decide?
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Reasonable strategies?
Could the O/S switch to the low-power core state on stalls?
You can stall/unstall at GHz resolution; way too fast to switch V
Always run at fastest speed until you exceed power or
Not the best way to preserve battery life
“Background tasks” (e.g., prefetching a web page) run at
lower power?
Probably pretty safe… as long as the O/S know what’s background
Read the frame rate for movies and games, and request
more V/F when frame rate drops below 30fps?
Probably OK. But what if I prefer to preserve battery life in return
for jumpy video on a long plane flight?
Bottom line: predicting future events & user desires is hard
The O/S doesn’t know when you’ll get home and plug in
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Hooks from Windows:
GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE (tell you whether a device is
plugged in vs. not)
max power savings or balanced)
How might the O/S or an app use these?
Don’t raise V/F when you’re almost out of battery. Or even just
stay at lowest V/F
On a laptop or phone when plugged in, pick V/F for maximum
performance without exceeding power or temp
When personality==high performance, pick V/F for maximum
performance without exceeding power or temp
When personality== max power savings, stay at lowest V/F
Background tasks don’t run at all when on battery power
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Multi-core CPUs are even harder
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Picking V/F for a multi-core CPU
Low voltage is energy efficient.
If all problems were parallel, we would use less energy running 32 cores at
very low voltage and freq than 1 at very high voltage
But some problems are not parallel. Now what?
So we have one core running as high V/F as it can.
If my video game can use 2 cores, then I may want to let all the other cores
sit idle and feed as much voltage into those two cores as I can without
melting the chip.
O/S must combine V/F choices per core with assigning
threads to cores
and the O/S cannot know future computing demands on each thread
O/S will make lots of mistakes
For people who took parallel course, now you perhaps are less
surprised by the O/S issues!
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Everything is multicore
DVFS is simpler on a single-core system.
Unfortunately, most everything is multicore nowadays.
Your cell phone is single-user. Why would “use too many
cores and you must lower V
” matter?
an IPhone X has 6 cores!
Two big ones and four small
It’s hard to buy a 1-core machine nowadays, even on a laptop
Why would an IPhone have 6 cores?
As we discussed, using many slow cores is efficient (for
parallelizable tasks)
We’ll talk about the big vs. small cores when we get to dark silicon
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
O/S ideas
Various strategies proposed in the literature
Assumption: multiple threads/cores are cooperating in a
parallel program
Which cores wait for which others? Wait for memory?
Change V/F points so that nobody plays “hurry up and wait”. I.e.,
if core B will wait for core A, then slow down core A
How easy is this to implement?
Must try to predict future behavior
E.g., measure past behavior, assume it holds into the future!
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Example: Haswell client
Publically-available data from “An Energy Efficiency Feature Survey
of the Intel Haswell Processor”, Hackenberg 2015
O/S requests V/F change between P states:
Change V/F, and then immediately request again → switch happens 
s later
Wait a while, and request 
→ switch happens 
s later.
At 1.2GHz, this is 12K-600K cycles
They hypothesize this is controlled by the PCU (low-freq on-die power
Multiple cache frequencies: cannot be requested by O/S via P states
So who chooses the cache frequency?
Chip selects these itself, based on % of stalled states
O/S gives “energy-bias hint”
controls the actual response to P and C states
EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein
Slide Note

Explore the concepts of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) in Advanced VLSI design. Learn about the impact on clocking, STA, and testing, as well as considerations for selecting the right voltage and frequency settings. Discover how controlling voltage affects power consumption and computational efficiency, and the strategies for optimizing V/F points in core processing. Uncover the balance between performance, energy consumption, and battery life in VLSI design.

  • Advanced VLSI
  • DVFS
  • Voltage Frequency Scaling
  • Power Consumption
  • Computational Efficiency

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EE 194 Advanced VLSI Spring 2018 Tufts University Instructor: Joel Grodstein joel.grodstein@tufts.edu Lecture 6: Discrete voltage and frequency switching 1

  2. DVFS What we ll cover DVFS: why we care What is DVFS Effects on clocking Effects on STA Effects on testing How does the voltage get to the transistors? How do you choose the right voltage & freq? EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 2

  3. Old slide from power/scaling We said that: energy to switch one node is .5CV2 power=?????? this assumed that switches/sec=f; i.e., every node switches once every cycle ????? ????? ?? =.5CV2f ??? In more detail: power=?????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ??? = (.5CV2) AF f ????? AF is the activity factor potentially different for every node says (on average) how many switches to expect per cycle Ceffective AF C combines AF and C into one number: so power= 5CeffV2f EE194/Adv VLSI Joel Grodstein 3

  4. And from STA Delay 1/V Remember, we used this for speed binning EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 4

  5. And so we conclude Energy to perform a computation V2 since energy to switch one node is .5CV2 Power V2f and f V, so power V3 Controlling voltage is a big hammer in controlling power Raise voltage by 10% Thus you can also raise frequency by 10% You get 10% more computations done in the same time But power goes up 30% and energy goes up 20% Obvious question: what is the best V/F point to use? Always the lowest possible V that the process allows? Does this sound sort of like speed binning? Let s see EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 5

  6. Best V/F for one core Start small; assume we only have one core How do we choose the best V/F point?: We ve already talked about setting Vdd for binning. The keys: raise Vdd and devices run faster, so you can increase clock speed. But energy to perform a calculation goes up quadratically. And power goes up cubically (though for a shorter time) So when you raise V and f one good thing happens (you go faster). two bad things happen (more energy and power). EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 6

  7. Just use the lowest V? If we just run at lowest possible V that the process supports We minimize energy and power We maximize battery life. So why not? Low V means low F Who wants to buy a phone that can t play Angry Birds fast enough? Many tasks have real-time requirements (you must meet a minimum frame rate on an MPEG decoder) Lowest V may simply not be fast enough for some tasks But fine for others (reading e-mail) EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 7

  8. Dynamic usage patterns Your cell phone usage changes frequently. You play a fancy-graphics video game. Then you read some e-mail Long hours doing nothing What s the right voltage for each usage? Video game needs high voltage (and very high power) Read e-mail: you can drop V and F Doing nothing: you can drop V and F quite low If you always use high V and F battery dies Always use low V and F cannot play the video game There is no single voltage that is always best for our single-core CPU Changing V/F is too powerful a tool to not use it EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 8

  9. Battery: Set by size and weight limits ... Battery rating: 55 W-hour. At 2.3 GHz, Intel Core Duo CPU consumes 31 W running a heavy load - under 2 hours battery life! And, just for CPU! 46x more energy than iPod nano battery. And iPod lets you listen to music for 14 hours! Almost full 1 inch depth. Width and height set by available space, weight. At 1 GHz, CPU consumes 13 Watts. Energy saver option uses this mode ... EE194/Adv VLSI Joel Grodstein 9

  10. The best V/F for a multi-core CPU We ve decided there is no single best V and F for a single-core CPU. What about a multi-core CPU? Probably the same thing will be true Let s see some of the issues in more detail, though EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 10

  11. Range of server power SkyLake server: Xeon server 8180M (Platinum): Biggest SkyLake available when this slide was made 28 cores, 2.5 GHz base, 3.8GHz boost Say 1 core at 2.5GHz uses 5-10 watts (depending on code), boost=7W*(3.8/2.5)3 25W Dual-socket server 56 cores A dual-socket 56-core server may handle diverse use models: Anything from one to very many people logged in Any person could run a 4-core compute-intensive job, or just editing or reading e-mail. Very wide range of power demands 1 person running e-mail = 5W 14 people with 4 cores of boost = 1400W EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 11

  12. Who cares about server power? A server is plugged in; there is no battery So why do we care about power? Why not just run everything full speed ahead always? Why servers care about power Air conditioning is expensive. So is electricity 205W max package power dissipation for air cooling, and liquid cooling is expensive If you exceed your power budget, things start to melt. Server farms in Norway? What good is a 56-core server if you can only use 205/25 8 cores at once per die? EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 12

  13. Server V/F tradeoffs If only a few cores are being used: each is free to crank up V & F as needed but saving energy still saves $$ When we use lots of cores: either many people doing small jobs or medium number doing compute-intensive jobs we must crank down the V & F of each one. top still tells everyone they re getting an entire CPU; but it s a slower CPU than if fewer cores were being used! Conclusion: benchmarking can be unreliable if you re sharing the machine with other users EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 13

  14. Discrete Voltage and Frequency Switching (DVFS) OK, now we re ready to define what DVFS is We ve seen that switching V/F points on the fly is useful for one core and for multicore. We ve already talked about setting V for binning raise V and devices run faster lower V and devices run slower, but you save power Binning picked the lowest V that could hit a target freq. Raising(lowering) V hurts(helps) power cubically DVFS is dynamically switching V/F points according to user demand, to use as little power as needed to meet user requirements avoid burning up the chip when user requirements are unreasonable EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 14

  15. DVFS Design Issues What is the hardware granularity which the voltage and frequency can be controlled? Entire chip at once Cache at the different voltage than the cores Numerous voltage islands on a single chip Why do we care? Different parts of the chip may want to be at different V/F More details later ECEC 623 Mark Hempstead 15

  16. DVFS Design Issues How long does it take to switch to a new (V,f)? One cycle? A few ns? A few s? Why do we care? Lower voltage whenever we have a stall when we have a long stall (e.g., cache miss) O/S changes voltage for load balancing Again, more details later ECEC 623 Mark Hempstead 16

  17. A simple plan Pick one of multiple V/F points When you need lots of computes for a non-parallel problem, you pick high V/F and live with the power drain (and energy inefficiency) Let other cores go unused if needed When you can, reduce Vdd and also freq and increase efficiency If you see the chip getting too hot, then reduce V/F right away before you melt the package (or any body parts!) DVFS is important because use models change dynamically But wait: nowadays we keep our phones busy running YouTube for background music, even if we re just reading e-mail? Does that mean we can never turn down the voltage? Hold that thought; we ll talk more about YouTube when we get to dark silicon. EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 17

  18. Next up circuit design DVFS means changing voltage and frequency on the fly It affects circuit design in multiple ways clocking must deal with multiple V and F ditto for STA Another question: how do you get so many voltages to the transistors? We ll talk about FIVR EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 18

  19. Multiple V/F domains The best V/F will change over time Should it also be different in different places at the same time? The FPUs could use high F while the cache runs slow Or vice versa, during a cache miss! Memory controller always runs slower than the CPU The circuitry that reads/writes a disk can usually run really slow This is called voltage islands How fast can you change V/F? depends on the system; not on a cycle-by- cycle basis EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 19

  20. Domain crossing Domains must talk to each other! We ve seen this before: clock crossings and BGFs Now we know why it s so important But the BGF clock ratios will change on the fly! Not so trivial any more. EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 20

  21. BGF conditional clocks and DVFS PLL 15x 9x Start with core=1.5GHz, uncore=900 MHz BGF will conditionalize 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 15th core clocks EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 21

  22. So BGF clocking must coordinate with DVFS Not surprising Not simple either PLL 12x 9x Start with core=1.5GHz, uncore=900 MHz BGF will conditionalize 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 15th core clocks Now move to core=1.2 GHz, uncore still 900 MHz We skip 3rd, 7th, 11th clocks We need a different clock-skip plan! I.e., the BGF clocking must change dynamically. EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 22

  23. PLL changing frequency Clkin Clkout Phase comparator VCO / N What happens when the /N changes its N? Relocking to the new frequency takes time Most PLLs have their freq jump around unpredictably while relocking Some PLLs guarantee smooth transition Timing issue: We know that timing worked at the old V/F, and at the new V/F But what about all of the intermediate V/F points that we pass through dynamically? How do you prevent timing violations while F is changing? That s a HW problem! EE 194 Joel Grodstein 23

  24. DVFS and STA Simple un-binned design: A core runs at one voltage It either meets frequency or doesn t Binned design Any given core may be sold at one of multiple F It runs at the minimum V that meets that F We ran STA at TT, found post-silicon violations via lots of testing Any single die runs at the same V/F forever Testing was because each chip has only one V/F (remember our HW?) DVFS design Every single chip must dynamically switch between various V/F points STA and testing issues? Same STA issues as for speed binning! Test issues are far worse; must test every die at every DVFS freq Must do this for up to 50 domains on each die! So we run STA at TT again, but now need lots of testing Testing is slow and expensive and unavoidable EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 24

  25. More DVFS and STA Assume we run STA at TT Does it matter what V we run STA at? Will different paths show up? Yes. Relative path delays change at different V Some paths are gate-delay dominated; some are wire dominated Which paths are worse at low(high) V? High V speeds up gate delays but not wires So gate-dominated paths are worse at low V, wires worse at high V EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 25

  26. More DVFS and STA We want STA to identify the slowest paths, so we can design them faster. Any problems if we run STA at high V? Gates seem to be real fast Wires paths show up and get fixed Then the real chip lowers V, and the gate-dominated paths hurt you. Any problems if we run STA at low V? Similar issue, but just the reverse On real silicon, suddenly the wire-dominated paths show up at high V Run STA at an intermediate V? Now we get smaller failures on silicon, but in both kinds of paths Run STA twice; at both low and high V? This still misses some paths that are worse in the middle! The more points you run for STA, the closer you are (and the more work you do!) No perfect answer; but testing is your friend EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 26

  27. Issues with DVFS DVFS and voltage islands are great. But EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 27

  28. What do you show the customer? If the core can have 4 V/F points and the uncore has 2 that makes 8 combinations, each with their own total power Do you really advertise 8 V/F/power combos to customers? No. Each chip just has a base & boost that are advertised. The rest may be accessible to the O/S, or only by the chip s own software But binning is still complex see https://www.nextplatform.com/2017/07/11/x86-battle-lines- drawn-intels-skylake-launch/ Bin by # of cores, by boost speed, L3 size, memory speed, ... And we still have to test every combination, even if we don t advertise it. This is expensive! EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 28

  29. Problem with changing Vdd Package+die package wiring Motherboard VR die loading gnd gnd gnd DVFS is great. But there s an implementation issue. The die load changes fast and often; voltage drop across the package R changes with it. So how do you keep a steady V? Lots of dcap But now there s a problem: how do you change the V? EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 29

  30. Changing Vdd Package+die package wiring Motherboard VR die loading gnd gnd gnd Lots of Dcap lots of problems Driving lots of C through a big RLC is very slow To change Vdd quickly, you need lots of I - Lots of I lots of I2R loss - Remember: power loss charging a capacitor CV2 Reducing C would help both of these but would make Vdd noisy EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 30

  31. Low V waste power Package+die .5V package wiring 2V Motherboard VR die loading gnd gnd gnd Nvidia Pascal is 300 watts, so we must deliver 300 watts 600 amps at 0.5V 300 amps at 1V 150 amps at 2V Assume Rpackage=.001 . Then the IR drop is And the I2R power loss is IR=.6V IR=.3V IR=.15V I2R=360W I2R=90W I2R=22W Motto: delivering high power at low V is a quadratically bad idea EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 31

  32. Wiring your house Package+die .5V package wiring 2V Motherboard VR die loading gnd gnd gnd Consider a house (!) New homes are built for 200A service How thick are the wires into your house? Chip power wires don t travel across your house, but still need to be big; and big means expensive The power company knows this; that s why they run wire at 1000s of volts EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 32

  33. So many wires Voltage islands give us lots of flexibility Independently choose the most appropriate V for each island. But there is a cost High-power means high current Wire diameter is constrained by minimizing V drop at worst-case current, and by I2R power loss EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 33

  34. Assume 20 islands, with potentially 20 different Vdd values How many motherboard VR outputs? How many fat wires from VRs to the islands? Let s size them Each domain has a min & max current. You must meet V at max current, so you must size the package wires for max current. So every domain has its supply wires sized for max current. 20, plus ground(s) 20, plus ground(s) Package+die package wiring RLC Island (2-20A) VR RLC VR Island (2-20A) . . . . . . . . . RLC VR Island (2-20A) 34 EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein

  35. Package+die package wiring RLC Island (2-20A) VR RLC All wires are sized for 20A 20 islands size wires for 400A total VR Island (2-20A) . . . . . . . . . RLC VR Island (2-20A) What if the chip were limited to 300A (not all islands can run at max power at once)? Wires are in some sense over-sized (need more package pins) System is thus over-priced EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 35

  36. Problem summary We want to keep Cload high so that Vdd is not noisy But this makes it hard for DVFS to change Vdd We want to change Vdd quickly, so that we can take advantage of short low-power moments But changing Vdd fast wastes lots of energy We want to keep Vdd low, because energy CV2 But energy lost in the package wires I2R We want to deliver power at high V, and use it at low V Delivering power over lots of wires means wasting bumps EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 36

  37. Package+die VR Island (2-20A) Motherboard VR . . . . . . gnd VR Island (2-20A) Only one VR on the motherboard; only one Vdd sent through the package to the internal VRs. Internal connections from the many internal VRs to the islands are numerous, but die-internal wiring is shorter This is called FIVR (Fully Integrated Voltage Regulator) EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 37

  38. Package+die VR Island (2-20A) Motherboard VR . . . . . . gnd VR Island (2-20A) Does FIVR solve our overdesigned-wire problem? The main power-supply wire is now sized for 300A Individual island supplies are sized for 20A each True, they cannot all use 20A at the same time; but on-die wire is cheaper than bumps EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 38

  39. Package+die VR Island (2-20A) Motherboard VR . . . . . . gnd VR Island (2-20A) Does FIVR affect the amount of package dcap we need? FIVR regulates very fast. It can filter out package-level 60Hz ripple quite well So we don t worry as much about keeping it small But FIVR usually cannot filter the 100 MHz di/dt noise. In fact, package dcap is still needed EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 39

  40. Package+die VR Island (2-20A) Motherboard VR . . . . . . gnd gnd VR Island (2-20A) Does FIVR affect the amount of on-die dcap we need? On-die dcap prevents Vdd from drooping when the die draws more current. But FIVR is close to the load. It can replenish the on-die dcap quickly Alternately put, very low R between FIVR VR and the loads The amount of dcap can be reduced, which reduces I2R losses when changing Vdd EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 40

  41. Which scheme has more power loss on the blue resistor (and on the motherboard)? Loss=I2R. Low current low power loss Just like the power company: run long distances on high-voltage lines, then regulate down locally. FIVR reduces I2R loss How about IR loss? ditto Package+die Island (2-20A) Motherboard VR .6V- 1V ... ... gnd Island (2-20A) Package+die VR Island (2-20A) Motherboard VR 1.8V ... ... .6V-1V gnd VR Island (2-20A) EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 41

  42. Another benefit of FIVR Nearly all components have a guardband Die may be tested as needing Vdd=1.1V at 2GHz, but specced as needing 1.15V. Why? Testing can never be exhaustive Chip performance will change with aging Power supply will also have a guardband Manufacturer may test it at 1V but call it 1V .1V Supply will also age A conventional system thus suffers from two GBs FIVR on-die VRs are guardbanded along with their loads Is this any more than sleight of hand? It is. The entire die (including VR) shares a process corner, & shares aging Fewer cross products to guard against FF corner makes loads bigger, but also makes FIVR more able to power them EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 42

  43. Build it and they will come OK, we ve argued that DVFS is useful In fact, most CPU chips have it It s no good adding hardware if the software cannot use it reasonably well! The O/S controls DVFS via P states (for Performance ) P0 = highest V/F P1 = next highest Pn = lowest V/F The O/S requests a given P state via the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface; the chip may or may not grant the request The chip will not let itself exceed max power or overheat But how does the O/S decide what to request? EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 43

  44. One-core DVFS algorithm One simple algorithm: If nobody is complaining, then drop V/F If the user is complaining, then raise V/F If the chip is overheating, then drop V/F How do you tell if the chip is overheating? Use a temperature sensor Could you just have a max V/F that will prevent the chip from overheating, and not need the sensor? No. Activity factor varies dramatically. Some programs are mostly stalled waiting for memory; others uses lots of FPUs Read various valid signals and use machine-learning How do you know if the user wants more computes? Again, the O/S must request P states How does the O/S decide? EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 44

  45. Reasonable strategies? Could the O/S switch to the low-power core state on stalls? You can stall/unstall at GHz resolution; way too fast to switch Vdd. Always run at fastest speed until you exceed power or temperature? Not the best way to preserve battery life Background tasks (e.g., prefetching a web page) run at lower power? Probably pretty safe as long as the O/S know what s background Read the frame rate for movies and games, and request more V/F when frame rate drops below 30fps? Probably OK. But what if I prefer to preserve battery life in return for jumpy video on a long plane flight? Bottom line: predicting future events & user desires is hard The O/S doesn t know when you ll get home and plug in EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 45

  46. Hooks from Windows: GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE (tell you whether a device is plugged in vs. not) GUID_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_REMAINING GUID_POWERSCHEME_PERSONALITY (High performance, max power savings or balanced) How might the O/S or an app use these? Don t raise V/F when you re almost out of battery. Or even just stay at lowest V/F On a laptop or phone when plugged in, pick V/F for maximum performance without exceeding power or temp When personality==high performance, pick V/F for maximum performance without exceeding power or temp When personality== max power savings, stay at lowest V/F Background tasks don t run at all when on battery power EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 46

  47. Multi-core CPUs are even harder What if the chip overheats? Which cores do you drop V/F on? Penalize everyone equally? Have some prioritization; again left to the O/S Some problems are parallelizable. Is it best to run 32 slow cores or 16 fast ones? The 16 fast cores get 2x more power each. But power V3, so the fast ones only get So 32 slow cores do more work for the same power. But what if you have lots of users, and giving 32 cores to one person will prevent other users from getting any at all? Again, O/S must decide. 32 1.26 more V/F EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 47

  48. Picking V/F for a multi-core CPU Low voltage is energy efficient. If all problems were parallel, we would use less energy running 32 cores at very low voltage and freq than 1 at very high voltage But some problems are not parallel. Now what? So we have one core running as high V/F as it can. If my video game can use 2 cores, then I may want to let all the other cores sit idle and feed as much voltage into those two cores as I can without melting the chip. O/S must combine V/F choices per core with assigning threads to cores and the O/S cannot know future computing demands on each thread O/S will make lots of mistakes For people who took parallel course, now you perhaps are less surprised by the O/S issues! EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 48

  49. Everything is multicore DVFS is simpler on a single-core system. Unfortunately, most everything is multicore nowadays. Your cell phone is single-user. Why would use too many cores and you must lower Vdd matter? an IPhone X has 6 cores! Two big ones and four small It s hard to buy a 1-core machine nowadays, even on a laptop Why would an IPhone have 6 cores? As we discussed, using many slow cores is efficient (for parallelizable tasks) We ll talk about the big vs. small cores when we get to dark silicon EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 49

  50. O/S ideas Various strategies proposed in the literature Assumption: multiple threads/cores are cooperating in a parallel program Which cores wait for which others? Wait for memory? Change V/F points so that nobody plays hurry up and wait . I.e., if core B will wait for core A, then slow down core A How easy is this to implement? Must try to predict future behavior E.g., measure past behavior, assume it holds into the future! EE 194/Adv. VLSI Joel Grodstein 50

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