Citations in Academic Writing
Citations play a crucial role in academic writing by distinguishing between original and borrowed text. The slides provide insights into the importance of citations, their types, and how to create a list of references following the APA style. Clear distinction between personal insights and external sources is emphasized to maintain accuracy in referencing. The guide explains when to cite at the beginning or end of a paragraph, how to cite one or several sentences, and the importance of using credible sources for references.
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HAMK Referencing Guide Valid from 1 September 2016 Version updated 19 September 2017.
Basic issues These slides explain why citations are important, what a citation is, and what a list of references is.
Contents: basic issues Basics of citations Citation: at the beginning or end of paragraph Citation: one or several sentences Citation: direct quotation Citation: citation of material List of References Printed or electronic source? Citation (see the table of contents of citation instructions) Conclusion
Basics of citations You must clearly distinguish between your own and borrowed text distinguish between your own and borrowed text. This is what citations are all about. There are several good ways to cite references. HAMK contain an introduction. . HAMK uses the APA style uses the APA style to which these slides References are cited as accurately as possible are cited as accurately as possible to enable the readers to find the original information, should they wish to do so. The selected citation system should be followed systematically citation system should be followed systematically throughout the article, excluding the exception that will be discussed on the next slide. A citation is composed of two parts. A simple citation its counterpart in the list of references list of references that gives more detailed information. citationis embedded in the text. Each citation has Remember source criticism source criticism! You may use blog posts or newspaper articles to stimulate your reflections, but do not treat them on equal footing with research-based information.
Citation: at the beginning or end of paragraph In a typical citation, you report in your own words what somebody else has said. A citation may be noted in two different ways: either at the beginning paragraph paragraph. In every other aspect, you should aim to be systematic, but here variety is good. For example: V liverronen (2016, 59) claims that scientists can assume five different expert roles in public. These are popularizer, interpreter, critic, manager, and participator. beginning or end of a end of a OR Scientists can assume five different expert roles in public. These are popularizer, interpreter, critic, manager, and participator. (V liverronen 2016, 59.)
Citation: one or several sentences If your reference is limited to a single sentence, the citation should be within the sentence and before the full stop within the sentence and before the full stop: Scientists can assume five different expert roles in public (V liverronen 2016, 59). If, on the other hand, your quotation extends across several sentences, the citation should be inserted after the full stop of the sentence, and have its own full stop have its own full stop: Scientists can assume five different expert roles in public. These roles are a populariser, an interpreter, a critic, a manager and a participant. (V liverronen 2016, 59.)
Citation: direct quotation Sometimes the original source just nails it, and you wish to quote the text word for word. In that case you will be using a direct quotation. Direct quotations are also used when quoting the text of an act, for example. A direct quotation always has quotation marks quotation marks. The strength of stories lies in their authenticity: they are important for those who tell them and realised here and now (Kauppinen 2016, 15). Direct quotations should be used very sparingly!
Citation: citation of material Instead of an actual source, you may sometimes refer to material. For example, you have used interviews as your data collection method, and you wish to repeat what one of the interviewees said as a direct quotation. In that case, the quotation should be indented and no quotation marks should be used. indented, Kindergarten teacher wasn t really my dream job. I just always liked kids and got on well with them. Then I somehow ended up studying this field. Woman, 23
List of references The list of references is placed at the end of the article/thesis. The references are noted in an alphabetical order alphabetical order by authors family names. Electronic and printed sources are included in the same list. If the work includes interviews interviews, their details are placed in a separate list after the list of references. The list of references systematically contains certain information: name, year, publishing house etc. It also provides any other further information that might be required, including the name of the translator, number of the edition etc.
Printed or electronic source? Many sources are available in both the printed and the electronic format. Refer to the one that the readers would find the easiest to get hold of. At the end of the notation in the list of references, a sentence should be inserted indicating when the source was retrieved and from where, giving the web address. To make sure that the link works, never add a full stop at the end of a web address. If, for example, an online publication is found on the intranet of HAMK or a company rather than being generally available, such information as Intranet of company X, or Ebrary database, should be added to the list of references. The purpose of all these notations is to help the reader access the material as easily as possible, should they wish to do so.
Citations The following slides show how references to different source materials should be created. The left-hand side of the slide contains the citation, the right-hand side the corresponding entry in the list of references.
Contents: precise instructions for creating citations Book, one author Book, two authors Book, multiple authors Books by different authors Several books by a single author Chapter or article in an edited work Article in a printed scientific periodical Article in an electronic scientific periodical Article in a periodical Article in a newspaper Thesis Dissertation Author not known Publication year not known Secondary source Unpublished source (e.g. lecture) Image Website Blog post Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Email message Electronic learning material (e.g. HAMK Moodle) Acts and decrees Standards
Book, one author Citation (Family name publication year, page number.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the work in italics. Location of the publishing house: publishing house. (Lydman 2016, 161.) Lydman, K. (2016). Kirjanpitolaki k yt nn ss . Keskeiset muutokset. Helsinki: Tietosanoma. (Family name publication year, page number.) If the edition editionis noted in the work, it should be included in the middle of the notation. This is where the possible translator s name translator s name is also inserted. (Salmi 2010, 35.) Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the work in italics. Edition data. Location of the publishing house: publishing house. Salmi, I. (2010). Mit tilinp t s kertoo? 6th edition. Helsinki: Edita.
Book, two authors Citation (Family name & publication year, page number.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. & Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the work in italics. Location of the publishing house: publishing house. Uskali, T. & Kuutti, H. (2016). Datajournalismin ty k yt nn t. Tampere: Vastapaino. (Uskali & Kuutti 2016, 88.)
Book, multiple authors Citation When cited for the first time, enter all names full full (unless there are unreasonably many of them): (Family name, Family name, Family name, & Family name publication year, page number.) (Laine, Sallantaus, Syrj nen, & Vasander 2016, 22.) Later on, only use the first one of the family the first one of the family names followed by et al. names followed by et al.: (Family name et al. publication year, page number.) (Laine et al. 2016, 22.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name., Family name, first letter of first name., Family name, first letter of first name., & Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title in italics. Location of the publishing house: publishing house. all names in in Laine, J., Sallantaus, T., Syrj nen, K., & Vasander, H. (2016). Sammalten kirjo. Helsinki: Mets kustannus.
Books by different authors Citation Different works are separated by a semicolon. Notation in the list of references The works are listed in an alphabetical order. If the sources are of equal importance of equal importance: Aho, H. (2015). Pientaloty maan valvonta ja tarkastusasiakirja. Helsinki: Rakennustieto. (Family name/s publication year, page number; Family name publication year, page number.) ... (Nieminen & Virta 2016, 14; Aho 2015, 12.) ... If the first source is the most important the first source is the most important, insert the instructions see also see also: Nieminen, J. & Virta, J. (2016). Rakennusten lis l mm nerist minen. Helsinki: Kiinteist alan kustannus. (Nieminen & Virta 2016, 14; see also Aho 2015, 12.)
Several books by a single author Citation (Family name publication year, publication year, publication year.) Notation in the list of references In the list of references, the author s publications are listed from the oldest to the newest the oldest to the newest. If the author has also participated in a joint publication, his or her own publications are listed first, then co-authored publications. (Tomperi 2013, 2014, 2015.) If the same author has published several books in the same year, insert a letter letter right after the year. Tomperi, S. (2013). K yt nn n kirjanpito. Helsinki: Edita. (Family name publication yeara, publication yearb.) Tomperi, S. (2015a). Yritysverotus ja tilinp t ssuunnittelu. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. If you also cite the page numbers, use semicolons separate the sources. semicolons to Tomperi, S. (2015b). Kehittyv kirjanpitotaito. Helsinki: Edita. (Family name, publication yeara, page number; Family name, publication yearb, page number.) Tomperi, S. & Keskinen. V. (2011). K yt nn n kirjanpito: harjoituskirja. Helsinki: Edita. (Tomperi 2015a, 23; Tomperi 2015b, 51.)
Chapter or article in an edited work Citation (Family name of the author of the article publication year, page referred to.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the article. In a work, first letter of the editor s first name., family name (ed.) Title of the work in italics. Location of the publishing house: publishing house, pages on which the article is found. dash between page numbers, not N.B.! Use a dash a hyphen -! If there are two or more editors, use (eds.) Alasuutari, M. (2016). Tyt n ja pojan varhaiskasvatus. In M. Husso & R. Heiskala (eds.) Sukupuolikysymys. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 122 141. (Alasuutari 2016, 135.)
Article in a printed scientific periodical Citation (Family name publication year, page number.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the article. Name of publication in italics volume(number), page numbers on which the article is found. (Lehtonen 2015, 333.) Lehtonen, K. (2015). Suomalaisen urheiluliikkeen muutosprosessi systeemiteoreettisesti tulkittuna. Hallinnon tutkimus 34(4), 326 340.
Article in an electronic scientific periodical Citation (Family name(s) of author/s publication year, page referred to, if any.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the article. Name of publication in italics issue data, page numbers on which the article is found if available. Retrieved date from Bilund, M-L., Muinonen, M., & Sintonen, S. (2016). Tilannetaju ja tahdikkuus oppilaiden yhteis llisess digitaalisessa ty skentelyss . Media & Viestint 1/2016. Retrieved 16 May 2016 from tahdikkuus-oppilaiden-yhteisollisessa-digitaalisessa- tyoskentelyssa/ (Bilund, Muinonen, & Sintonen 2016.)
Article in a periodical Citation (Family name publication year.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Article heading. Name of periodical in italics issue number of the periodical, page numbers on which the article is found. (Riihim ki 2016.) Riihim ki, J. (2016). idin tahto. Suomen kuvalehti 18, 32 41.
Article in a newspaper Citation (Family name publication year.) (H m l inen 2016.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Article heading. Name of newspaper in italics date of publication of the newspaper, page numbers on which the article is found. H m l inen, U. (2016). Professorin potkut. Helsingin Sanomat 1 May 2016, C12 13.
Thesis Citation (Family name publication year.) (Vanne 2015.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the thesis in italics. Thesis. Name of the degree programme. Name of the university of applied sciences. Retrieved date from Vanne, I. (2015). Kilpahevosten laiduntaminen. Thesis. Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries. H me University of Applied Sciences. Retrieved 6 October 2016 from (Family name publication year.) (Kurki-Kangas 2016.) Family name, first letter of first name (publication year). Title of the thesis in italics. Master s thesis. Name of the degree programme. Name of the university. Retrieved date from Kurki-Kangas, L. (2016). Edist v ja ehk isev mielenterveys- ja p ihdety mielenterveys- ja p ihdepalveluissa. Master s thesis. Degree Programme in Health Sciences. University of Tampere. Retrieved 2 January 2017 from 201611082531
Dissertation Citation (Family name publication year, page number.) Notation in the list of references Electronic Electronic doctoral dissertation: Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the dissertation in italics. Dissertation. Name and number of possible publication series. Retrieved date from Ahokallio-Lepp l , H. (2016). Osaaminen keski ss Ammattikorkeakoulun uusi paradigma. Dissertation. Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis 1624. Retrieved 2 May 2016 from yhteisollisessa-digitaalisessa-tyoskentelyssa/ (Ahokallio-Lepp l 2016, 84.) Printed Printed dissertation: Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the dissertation in italics. Dissertation. Name and number of possible publication series. Location of the publishing house: publishing house. Ahokallio-Lepp l , H. (2016). Osaaminen keski ss Ammattikorkeakoulun uusi paradigma. Dissertation. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 2127. Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Author not known Citation If no-one has been cited as the author of the source, reference is made to the name of the publisher. If this is not available, either, reference is made to the name of the publication. Notation in the list of references Electronic Electronic source: Publisher (Publication year). Page heading and any clarifying information. Retrieved date from Ministry of Education and Culture 2016 Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeri Sanni Grahn-Laasonen k ynnist laajan ohjelman rasismia ja vihapuhetta vastaan. Press release 2 May 2016. Retrieved 16 May from omessa.html (Publisher year.) (Ministry of the Environment 2005.) Printed Printedsource: Publisher (Publication year). Publication name. Requisite specifications. Ministry of the Environment (2005). Ehdotus biodiversiteetin tilan valtakunnallisen seurannan j rjest misest . Memorandum of expert group Tutkimus, seuranta ja tietoj rjestelm t. Part 2, Erityisseurannat.
Publication year not known Citation Publication year should be replaced by the letters n.d. (no datum). (Author or publisher n.d.) (Ilveskoti n.d.) Notation in the list of references Name of author or publisher as usual (n.d.). Title of publication. Requisite specifications. Ilveskoti (n.d.). Brochure. Rehabilitation institute and hospital Ilveskoti.
Secondary source Citation N.B.! A secondary source should also be referred to if the original source is not available or if you cannot read it, for example because you are not able to read its original language. Notation in the list of references Only the secondary source, which in this example is Berning, is noted in the list of references. Berning, N. (2011). Narrative Journalism in the Age of the Internet. New Ways to Create Authenticity in Online Literary Reportages. Textpraxis 3(2). Retrieved 20 May 2016 from berning-narrative-journalism-in-the-age-of-the- internet The most convenient approach is to insert a secondary source in the body text. In the following example, Berning is a secondary source. The original source, which the author has not personally read, is L nenborg. According to Nora Berning (2011), Margareth L nenborg (2005) defines authenticity as a property that...
Unpublished source (e.g. lecture) Citation (Family name year.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Year). Title. Clarification date, location. Packal n, L. (2016). Ikkunoita kriisi- ja traumaty n maailmaan. Open lecture 20 January 2016, H me University of Applied Sciences. (Packal n 2016.)
Image Reference to an image Running number of the image. Image name (Family name or publisher publication year, page number). Notation in the list of references Electronic Electronic source: Family name, first letter of first name. or publisher (Publication year). Name of image. Retrieved date from Figure 1. J tehuolto eri kunnissa (Kiertokapula n.d.). Kiertokapula (n.d.). J tehuolto eri kunnissa. Retrieved 20 May 2016 from kunnissa/ Figure 1. J tteest huolehtimisen prosessi (Heinonen 2006, 58). Printed Printed source: Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title in italics. Location of the publishing house: publishing house. Heinonen, T. (2006). Ongelmaj teopas. H meenlinna: Karisto.
Website Citation Reference is made to the author. If no- one has been cited as the author of the source, reference is made to the name of the publisher. If this is not available, either, reference is made to the name of the publication. If the publication year is not known, it should be replaced by the letters n.d. (no datum). Notation in the list of references Publisher (Publication year). Title of page. Requisite specifications. Retrieved date from Ruukki (2014). Sandwich panels. Retrieved 12 October 2016 from ction/Sandwich-panels (Talentia n.d.) (Ruukki 2016)
Blog post Citation (Family name publication year.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Heading of blog post. Date of blog post. Retrieved date from (Soininvaara 2016.) Soininvaara, O. (2016). Suomi nousuun kaupungistumisella! Blog publication 30 April 2016. Retrieved 3 May 2016 from mi-nousuun-kaupungistumisella/
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Citation (Family name publication year.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Year). Tweat as it stands. Date of Twitter update. Retrieved date from Enbuske, T. (2016). Jos mediatalot olisivat ihmisi , ne saisivat kaikki diagnoosin narsistisesta persoonallisuush iri st . @iltalehti_fi. Twitter update 2 May 2016. Retrieved 3 May 2016 from (Enbuske 2016.) Family name, first letter of first name. (Year). Facebook update as it stands, or if it is very long, a suitable exert from the beginning. Date of Facebook update. Retrieved date from Niinist , S. (2016). Sometimes you are in for a shock first thing in the morning. This happened to me today. Valtteri, an 11-year-old boy, was relating his experiences on television. He is excluded and called names because of his skin colour, and even a bus driver may fail to stop for him. This kind of injustice cannot be tolerated in Finland. Valtteri is a brave role model for the anti-racism week! SN. Facebook update 21 March 2016. Retrieved 16 May 2016 from
Email message Citation (Family name year sent.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Year of sending). Subject of message. Email to the author date. Friman, M. (2016). Editorial meeting. Email to the author May 2016. (Friman 2016.)
Electronic learning material (e.g. HAMK Moodle) Citation (Family name publication year.) (Sarkula 2016.) Notation in the list of references Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Heading of the material, name of learning environment. Organisation. Retrieved date from Sarkula, J. (2016). Online learning material for the Automation technology module, Moodle. H me University of Applied Sciences. Retrieved 20 May 2016 from
Acts and decrees Citation (Name of statute statute number/year issued.) (Land Use and Building Act 132/1999.) If reference is made to a certain section, this should be added to the citation in the text: (Land Use and Building Act 132/1999, section 5.) Notation in the list of references Name of statute statute number/year issued. Retrieved date from address Land Use and Building Act 132/1999. Retrieved 1 September from 1999/19990132
Standards Citation (Acronym of standard/year of entry into force, page number.) (SFS 5236/2016, 6.) Notation in the list of references Electronic source: Electronic source: Acronym of standard (year of entry into force). Standard title. Name of electronic service. Retrieved date from SFS 5236 (2016). Textile care label. Verbal instructions. SFS Online. Retrieved 16 May 2016 from Printed source: Printed source: Acronym of standard (year of entry into force). Standard title. Location of publisher: publisher SFS 5236 (2016). Textile care label. Verbal instructions. Helsinki: Finnish Standards Association SFS.
Conclusion You may sometimes encounter a situation where these instructions are not helpful. In that case, use your common sense. The key thing is that the reader can find your source based on your citation. Finally, check that every citation in the text is matched with a notation in the list of references. Also check that all citations in your thesis have been systematically noted in the same way. If you need advice, contact the communications (or English) teacher of your field of education.