Neonatal reflexes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Neonatal Data Usage in the UK Healthcare System

Neonatal data plays a crucial role in assessing the quality of care provided to newborns in the UK. This resource from the National Neonatal Research Database at Imperial College London sheds light on how neonatal data is collected, utilized, and shared among healthcare professionals. The importance

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Neonatal jaundice, a common condition in newborns, results from elevated bilirubin levels. While often benign, high levels can lead to complications like kernicterus. Recognizing risk factors, limitations of clinical assessment, and appropriate evaluation and treatment are crucial in managing neonat

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Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Neonatal ETT Positioning

Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is emerging as a potential tool for confirming endotracheal tube (ETT) positioning in neonates, providing a viable alternative to X-ray examination. The study aims to assess the accuracy of POCUS in determining ETT placement, particularly by using the superior aspect

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Neonatal Diseases

Neonatal and postnatal diseases in livestock, with a focus on perinatal, neonatal, and postnatal stages. It covers common classifications, causes, and risk factors associated with these diseases, particularly focusing on neonatal diarrhea (Calf Scour). The content delves into noninfectious and infec

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Neonatal Data Collection and Utilization in Quality Care

Dive into the world of neonatal data with Catherine Nash, where the focus lies on the importance of collecting and utilizing data effectively to enhance care standards for babies and families. Discover how data systems like BadgerNet play a vital role in monitoring care, diagnosing treatments, measu

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Rare Case of Neonatal Meningitis with Antibiotic Challenge

A term male baby born with perinatal hypoxia developed neonatal meningitis with convulsions. Blood culture revealed Acinetobacter sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Empirical antibiotic therapy was escalated to Colistin and Ceftazidime due to resistance. Subsequent testing showed colonies resembling Pseudomona

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Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) and Neonatal Checks Overview

Essential information on the NIPE screening update, neonatal checks, learning outcomes, eye examination, heart and CVS examination, and hips assessment for newborns. This content emphasizes early identification of abnormalities, top-to-toe examination, referral guidelines, and critical assessments t

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Neonatal Reflexes in Newborn Babies

Newborn babies exhibit a range of primitive reflexes, including the Moro reflex, Glabellar Tap, Rooting and Sucking reflex, Tonic Neck reflex, Palmar and Plantar grasp reflexes. These reflexes serve as indicators for neurological development and function. Observing the presence and characteristics o

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Quality Improvement Toolkit for Improving Normothermia in Very Preterm Infants

This resource provides a comprehensive toolkit developed by the British Association of Perinatal Medicine in collaboration with the National Neonatal Audit Programme to assist clinicians in neonatal units in delivering normothermia to very preterm infants. It includes evidence-based interventions, d

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Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme Overview

The Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme aims to enhance the quality and safety of maternity and neonatal units in England by reducing rates of maternal and neonatal deaths, stillbirths, and brain injuries. Through system-level project updates and regional collaborative efforts, the p

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Neonatal Medication Administration and Resuscitation Overview

Neonatal resuscitation may involve administering medications like epinephrine and volume expanders in specific situations such as hypovolemic shock. Before giving medications, ensure proper ventilation and compressions. Epinephrine helps with coronary artery perfusion and oxygen delivery, while volu

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Neonatal Care at Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH)

Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) is a tertiary referral center providing comprehensive neonatal care services. The facility has specialized units for inborn and outborn babies, offering advanced medical care, including neonatologists, resident doctors, nurses, and support staff. LUTH also h

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Upper Limb Deep Tendon Reflexes Examination

Exploring the intricacies of upper limb deep tendon reflexes (DTR) examination, this comprehensive guide elaborates on the monosynaptic stretch reflex mechanism, protective role of stretch reflexes, grading of reflexes, factors influencing reflex activity, and reinforcement techniques like the Jendr

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Neonatal Vomiting: Causes, Diagnosis, and Differential Diagnosis

Neonatal vomiting can be a concern when presenting with bile-stained or blood-stained vomit, projectile vomiting, or associated with weight loss and failure to grow. Various non-surgical and surgical conditions like Pyloric Stenosis can lead to vomiting in neonates. Common causes include Mid-gut vol

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Baby Falls Prevention Program at Rotunda Hospital

The Baby Falls Prevention Program at Rotunda Hospital aims to reduce the incidence of postpartum neonatal falls, which can cause serious harm to newborns. By increasing staff awareness, educating parents, and introducing safer adult beds and neonatal cots, the program seeks to mitigate the risk of h

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Neonatal Jaundice: A Guide for Medical Students

This presentation by Dr. Khalid Altirkawi, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, aims to educate medical students on neonatal jaundice. The content covers metabolic pathways of bilirubin, types of jaundice, diagnostic tests, prevention, and treatment strategies. It provides valuable insights into

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Maintaining Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus Elimination: Post-validation Assessment in Country X

This post-validation assessment report delves into the efforts to maintain Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus Elimination in Country X. It includes findings from field assessments, recommendations for sustaining the elimination status, and the critical role of surveillance in addressing vulnerable populati

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Three Vital Steps for CDI Maintenance in the NICU

Learn how to successfully maintain Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) through the implementation of three crucial steps. This includes understanding the neonatal population, mastering specific medical terminology, and capturing relevant query opportun

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Neonatal Seizures and Their Pathophysiology

Neonatal seizures are sudden changes in neurologic function of a newborn, involving motor, behavior, and autonomic functions. The pathophysiology includes delays in Na/K ATPase maturation, increased receptor density, and GABAergic transmission. Different types of seizures like subtle, clonic, tonic,

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Changes to Neonatal BCG Programme: Updated Timing and SCID Evaluation

The Neonatal BCG Programme has undergone changes, including shifting the timing of the BCG vaccine administration from birth to 28 days and introducing Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) evaluation. This session aims to educate on the modifications for safe practice. The BCG immunization progra

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Reflexes: A Quick Guide to How They Work

Reflexes are rapid, involuntary responses that help protect our body from harm. They bypass the brain for speedy reactions, such as pulling away from a hot surface. This guide explains the reflex arc process and why reflexes are vital for our safety.

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Infant Reflexes and Their Importance in Development

Explore the world of infant reflexes with a focus on assessing, defining, and understanding their significance in children's neuromuscular health. Learn about feeding reflexes, protection reflexes, and more, as well as how to observe and interpret a child's responses to different types of reflexes.

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The Physiology of Postural Reflexes in Maintaining Body Equilibrium

Postural reflexes are automatic movements that help maintain body position and equilibrium during rest or movement. They involve a series of sensory stimuli and motor responses orchestrated by different components of the nervous system. Lesions in these reflex pathways can lead to postural control i

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Posture and Equilibrium

Posture is the maintenance of an upright position against gravity, involving anti-gravity muscles and postural reflexes. It depends on factors like muscletone, pathways in the central nervous system, and sensory receptors. Postural reflexes are crucial for maintaining balance and coordinating moveme

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The Neonatal Period: Care and Evaluation

The neonatal period, also known as the newborn stage, encompasses the first 28 days of a baby’s life, characterized by rapid changes and fragility. This crucial stage requires specialized care, with sub-divisions such as the Period of the Partunate and Period of the Neonate. Commonly, neonates may

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Prenatal Development and Newborn Reflexes

Delve into the wonders of prenatal development from conception to birth, including the societal implications of delayed childbearing and ethical considerations like human cloning. Discover the stages of embryonic growth, the role of the placenta, and the impact of teratogens. Explore reflexes in com

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Challenges Faced by Babies in the Early Neonatal Period When Mother Had PPH

Babies face unique challenges in the early neonatal period when their mothers experience PPH. The outcomes vary based on whether the mother survives or not, affecting factors like delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, and maternal care. Premature birth, birth asphyxia, and norm

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Insights on Improving Newborn Care with IMNCI in Lao PDR

Under-5 mortality rates are showing improvement, yet neonatal mortality lags behind. Addressing this requires a focus on neonatal care, particularly through the implementation of IMNCI protocols. The use of IMNCI can enhance the management of sick newborns, reduce neonatal deaths, and improve overal

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Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare Insights

The data highlights key components, operational aspects, major causes, and timing of maternal and neonatal deaths. It emphasizes the critical period around delivery for both mothers and babies, stressing the need for interventions during this vulnerable time to reduce mortality rates. The informatio

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Outcomes of Neonates Born Through Meconium-Stained Amniotic Fluid at Thika Level 5 Hospital

Incidence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid is significant in Kenya, leading to complications like Meconium Aspiration Syndrome and more. This study aims to determine outcomes of neonates born through MSAF at Thika Level 5 Hospital to improve neonatal care and reduce related morbidities and mortali

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Decision-to-Delivery Interval of Emergency Caesarean Sections and Maternal/Neonatal Outcomes at Thika Level 5 Hospital

Decision-to-Delivery Interval (DDI) study at Thika Level 5 Hospital examined 419 EMCS cases. The median DDI was 248 minutes, with 91.6% exceeding 75 minutes. Maternal complications were 6%, neonatal complications included MAS, RDS, birth asphyxia, and perinatal deaths. Prolonged DDI was associated w

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Enhancing Transitional Care in Maternity and Neonatal Services at NHS Ayrshire and Arran

This project focused on reintroducing transitional care within the Maternity and Neonatal Service at NHS Ayrshire and Arran, aiming to enhance family satisfaction, reduce term admissions to the Neonatal Unit, and improve the overall care provided to families. Key strategies included changes in ward

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Neonatal Admission Study: Understanding Risk Factors in Midwifery Settings

Neonatal Admission Study led by Dr. Rachel Rowe aims to investigate the admission of babies to neonatal care following birth in midwifery units. The study focuses on identifying risk factors and potential improvements in outcomes. The case-control study involves monthly data collection for 12 months

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Gastric Motility and Secretion in the Stomach: Functions and Division Overview

The stomach plays crucial roles in food storage, chyme preparation, water absorption, and slow emptying into the small intestine. Its motor functions include maintaining a reservoir, mixing food, and facilitating relaxation reflexes for optimal digestion. Anatomically and physiologically, the stomac

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Neonatal Seizures and Differentiating from Jitteriness

Neonatal seizures are a critical sign of neurologic dysfunction in newborns, with various types such as subtle, clonic, tonic, spasms, and myoclonic seizures. The immature brain's excitability and differences from the mature brain predispose neonates to seizures. Generalized clonic seizures are rare

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Join Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF to Eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus

Key Club and UNICEF are collaborating through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF to help eradicate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). This initiative has raised over $175 million since 1950. Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus affects millions globally due to unsanitary birthing conditions. Learn how to get involved

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Challenges in Supporting Neonatal Therapeutics: A Proposal Overview

Proposal presentation at HESI Annual Meeting discusses challenges in neonatal therapeutics, including off-label drug use in NICU, low clinical relevance in studies, and barriers to conducting neonatal trials. Mandates require inclusion of neonates in pediatric studies, but priorities and study desig

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Enhancing Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare Improvements

This initiative aims to improve the safety and outcomes of maternal and neonatal care in England by reducing unwarranted variations, providing high-quality healthcare experiences, and enhancing systems and processes for better care. Key focuses include promoting smoke-free pregnancies, optimizing ca

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Impact of Nurse-Midwife Intervention on Maternal and Neonatal Health

This study examines the sustained impact of a nurse-midwife intervention on maternal and neonatal health outcomes following an academic partnership between University of California San Francisco and Abwenzi Pa Za Umoyo. The intervention, which included intensive training and longitudinal mentorship,

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Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal: Methadone vs. Subutex

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) or Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) can occur in infants exposed to opioids in utero. Both Methadone and Buprenorphine (Subutex) are treatment options, each with advantages and disadvantages. Factors contributing to NAS include genetics, other substances,

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