Mandate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education

The mandate, strategic focus, performance measurements, and budget for Umalusi in the 2023/24 fiscal year. It provides an overview of Umalusi's responsibilities and policies regarding quality assurance in general and further education and training.

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Overview of Council on Higher Education's 25th Anniversary Report

Explore the rich history and future trajectories of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) in its 25th anniversary year. Delve into CHE's advisory and quality assurance roles, mandate from the Higher Education Act, and contributions to the National Qualifications Framework Act. Learn about CHE's achi

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Strategic Overview of SA Tourism and Its Impact on Policy Mandates

South Africa's tourism sector is guided by a mission to enhance tourism experiences and promote the country as a premier tourist and business events destination. The legislative mandate focuses on marketing strategies, service quality, stakeholder collaboration, and digital innovation. The impact on

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Holistic Rating Training Requirements 2023-2024 by Texas Education Agency

Holistic Rating Training Requirements for TELPAS components for grades K-12 in Texas include calibration, basic training, and responsibilities for raters. Raters and verifiers are educators assigned to rate students eligible for special holistic administrations. Rater credentials mandate valid Texas

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Office of the Consumer Protector: Ensuring Business Regulation in Western Cape

The Office of the Consumer Protector (OCP) plays a vital role in safeguarding consumer rights and regulating business practices in the Western Cape province. Established under legislative schemes, including the Western Cape Unfair Business Practices Act and the Consumer Protection Act, the OCP ensur

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NSG Annual Report 2022/23: Empowering Public Servants for Service Excellence

This presentation showcases the audited annual performance of the National School of Government (NSG) for the 2022/23 financial year, highlighting its achievements and key outcomes in line with the institution's five-year strategy. The NSG's mandate includes offering qualifications, fostering collab

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Portfolio Committee on Basic Education

Umalusi's mandate and regulatory framework for ensuring the quality of assessments, the framework for quality assurance of assessment, and the processes followed in the 2023 examination are outlined in this briefing. It covers areas of improvement, challenges faced, and recommendations for enhancing

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Department of Home Affairs Quarterly Performance Presentation 2022/2023

Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs featuring the 3rd and 4th quarterly performance reports and budget versus expenditure reports of the Department of Home Affairs for 2022/2023. The report outlines the vision, mission, and value statement of the department, along with its mandat

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Department of Home Affairs 2023/24 Annual Performance Plan Presentation

Presentation of the 2023/24 2nd quarterly performance report and budget versus expenditure report to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs. The content includes the vision, mission, and value statement of the Department of Home Affairs, its mandate, outcomes, overall performance for the quarter, p

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Quality Assurance in Universal Health Coverage: Role of OHSC

Providing an overview of the Office of Health Standards Compliance's role in Universal Health Coverage, this presentation highlights the importance of quality care in achieving UHC. It delves into the background of UHC, emphasizing access to quality healthcare for all South Africans through the Nati

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GCIS: Addressing Unauthorised Expenditure and State Funeral Mandates

The presentation to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) highlights the legislative mandate of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) in providing timely and accurate information to the public. It delves into the State funeral policy mandates, background on unauthori

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NRF Annual Performance Plan 2023/24 Presentation Overview

This presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science, and Innovation covers the NRF's mandate, strategic context, outcomes and indicators, key focus areas, financial overview, income sources, and funding trends. It emphasizes the NRF's role in advancing research, h

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Border Management Authority (BMA) FY2025 Budget Presentation: Securing Borders for Development

Presenting the Border Management Authority's (BMA) vision, mission, and value proposition for FY2025 budget allocation, focusing on secure borders for development. The establishment of BMA as a Section 3A public entity is outlined, along with the purpose of ensuring legitimate movement of goods and

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Select Committee Briefing on Solid Waste Management Objectives and Progress

This presentation outlines the purpose, legislative mandate, and strategic policy instruments related to solid waste management in South Africa. It covers key areas such as national and provincial responsibilities, waste management challenges, and recommendations for improvement. The content emphasi

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Department of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation - Overview and Priorities

The Department of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (ESTI) under the African Union Commission focuses on developing policies and programs for the growth and development of Africa. With a mandate to align with AU Agenda 2063 and global sustainable development goals, ESTI emphasizes educa

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Annual Performance of the DPWI for the 2022/23 Financial Year

Briefing the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, the report covers the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure's mandate, financial performance, strategic overview emphasizing integrity and professionalism, and structure of its programs and entities (Main Vote and PMTE). It

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Update on Department of Home Affairs' Progress in Implementing Lubisi Report Recommendations & Committee Oversight, March 2024

The Multi-disciplinary Task Team (MDTT) at the Department of Home Affairs has been operational since March 2023, focusing on investigating fraud, corruption, and maladministration. The MDTT's mandate includes conducting investigations, data analytics, coordinating anti-corruption initiatives, provid

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2023 Clean Air KNUST Summer School on Air Quality and Pollution Prevention

Explore the importance of standards in environmental quality, focusing on Ghana's regulations and EPA's mandate. Learn about the processes involved in setting standards for air quality and vehicle emissions, emphasizing the role of standards in protecting the environment and public health.

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Title IX Training

Title IX regulations mandate that educational institutions provide training to personnel involved in addressing sexual harassment and discrimination. This training covers defining sexual harassment, conducting investigations impartially, avoiding bias, and ensuring fair treatment in grievance proces

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Education and Technology Annual Performance Plan 2023/24

Annual presentation outlining the purpose, mandate, policy context, priorities, partnerships, and recommendations focusing on basic education and skill development for out-of-school youth in response to the 6th Administration's priorities. Mandate includes improving school readiness, enhancing teach

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Overview of Boxing in South Africa: Mandate, Performance, Governance, and Challenges

This presentation provides an overview of Boxing South Africa (Boxing SA), including its mandate, non-financial performance, financial allocation, audit outcomes, governance matters, composition of the board, and oversight activities. It highlights the functions mandated by the South Africa Boxing A

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Overview of DSAC Freedom Park Museum Annual Performance

This presentation outlines the mandate, legislative mandate, non-financial information, financial allocation, audit outcomes, and composition of council at the DSAC Freedom Park Museum. It details the constitutional mandate to honor heroes and heroines, legislative framework, financial achievements,

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Waste Bureau Mandate Presentation Highlights

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries & the Environment's Waste Bureau presentation on May 25, 2021, outlined its legal mandate, operational performance, challenges, and key focus areas for 2021/22. The Waste Bureau functions as a specialist implementing agent, promotes waste minimization and recycl

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High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) Mandate and Activities

The High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) was established in 1992 by the OSCE to prevent conflicts related to national minority issues. Through quiet diplomacy and early warning mechanisms, the HCNM works to identify and address ethnic tensions that could threaten peace and stability among

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Tana Water Works Development Agency (TWWDA): Mandate and Interventions in Water Act 2016

TWWDA, established under the Water Act 2016, covers Embu, Kirinyaga, Meru, Nyeri, and Tharaka Nithi counties and serves over 3.9 million people. Its mandate includes managing water works, providing water services, and offering technical support. The agency intervenes in water and sanitation services

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Survey Results on Motorcoach Operators' Knowledge of ELD Mandate

SYTA, in collaboration with BISC, conducted a survey among tour operators to gather feedback on the implementation of Electronic Logging Devices (ELD). The results showed a high familiarity with the ELD mandate among companies and a strong knowledge of service limits for motorcoach operators in the

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Insights on Jesus' Mandate for Salvation and Compassion

Discover the profound teachings from biblical verses on Jesus' mandate for salvation, healing, and compassion towards humanity. Explore the immutable nature of God and the believer's mandate to continue the works of Jesus with even greater impact. Delve into the depth of God's love, grace, and mercy

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Impact of K-3 Class Size Mandate on Education System in NC

Lawmakers in North Carolina passed the K-3 class size mandate, impacting district averages, individual classroom sizes, and specialist teachers. The mandate has led to challenges in funding, combining classrooms, and potential transfers of students in the Wake County Public School System.

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Comparison of Healthcare Provisions in Senate and House AHCA Bills

The Senate AHCA bill proposes major changes to healthcare provisions compared to the current ACA, such as removing the individual mandate and employer mandate. Tax credits would be based primarily on age rather than income, and cost-sharing subsidies may end in 2020. Insurers could charge older cust

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Debating Alternatives to the Individual Mandate in Healthcare Reform

Recent bipartisan discussions have called for exploring alternatives to the individual mandate in healthcare, citing its unpopularity and criticisms of being coercive or ineffective. The industry supports the mandate but believes it should be better enforced. Studies suggest that eliminating the man

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Homologating a Protection Mandate: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

This article explores various situations related to homologating a protection mandate, discussing issues such as cognitive incapacity, powers of attorney, appointing mandataries, and the importance of involving the incapacitated person in decision-making. It also highlights the importance of proper

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CEO Water Mandate: Water Security through Stewardship Action Platform (2018-2020)

This confidential draft outlines the CEO Water Mandate's objective of mobilizing business leaders to address global water challenges through corporate water stewardship. The document discusses key elements, workstreams, outcomes, and supporting functions, with a focus on achieving Sustainable Develo

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Department of Employment and Labour: Vision, Mandate, and Objectives

The Department of Employment and Labour aims to regulate the labor market through policies focusing on economic efficiency, decent employment, labor standards, and social safety nets. The department's vision is to create a conducive labor market for investment, economic growth, employment, and decen

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Progress Report on e-Dividend Mandate Management System Operations

This report provides an update on the progress of the e-Dividend Mandate Management System, including stakeholder engagements, operational milestones, and future plans outlined by NIBSS. It covers demonstrations to Registrars and Banks, live upload of mandates, upcoming moratorium periods, and initi

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Progress Report on e-Dividend Mandate Management System Implementation

Presentation by Alhassan S. Suleiman on the progress of the e-Dividend Mandate Management System, including stakeholder engagement, operational updates, future plans, and milestones achieved. The report details engagements with registrars, banks, and CSCS, initial moratorium period, live operations

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Employer Mandate & Full-Time Employment Status under ACA for 2016

This document presented at the Delaware Tax Institute in 2015 by Timothy J. Snyder covers essential aspects of the Affordable Care Act relevant for employers in 2016. It delves into the Employer Mandate's Shared Responsibility and provides detailed information on determining Full-Time Employment Sta

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Annual Performance Plan 2022/23: Information Regulator's Strategic Focus & Mandate

The Information Regulator's annual performance plan for the 2022/23 financial year outlines its strategic focus, situational analysis, budget, mandates under POPIA and PAIA, and its constitutional mandate. The presentation covers the regulator's vision, mission, and values, along with an analysis of

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Updates on Integrated Mobility Division Transit Systems and COVID-19 Response

The updates cover various aspects including disbursement of funds, CARES Act implementation, reimbursement claims summary, COVID-19 impact reporting requirements, and TSA mask mandate extension. Information on fund disbursement approval, application deadlines, and payment approvals is provided along

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Water Security through Stewardship: CEO Water Mandate Action Platform Draft

This confidential draft outlines the CEO Water Mandate's objective to mobilize business leaders in addressing global water challenges through corporate water stewardship. It provides an overview of the mandate's strategic plan for 2016-2018, emphasizing the support for achieving Sustainable Developm

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Public Participation Mandate: Overview and Importance

Public participation plays a crucial role in legislative processes and governance, empowering communities to engage, provide feedback, and influence decisions. This mandate outlines the significance of public involvement, its key components, and the legal framework supporting it.

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