Decolonising Approach to Policy Impact: Lessons for Research Culture
Engaging with policy in Global South countries and addressing power imbalances and historical complexities is crucial in policy impact and research culture. The Institute for Policy and Engagement at the University of Nottingham focuses on decolonising policies and research practices to promote equi
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Practical Guide to Writing Policy Briefs for Research Engagement with Policy Makers
Effective communication with policy makers is essential for influencing policy decisions. This practical guide offers advice on creating high-quality policy briefs based on research evidence, providing tools and indicators to measure impact.
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Efficient Collections and Late Fee Assessment Procedures
Learn step-by-step procedures for collections and late fee assessment, including sorting, data manipulation in Excel, secure shell operations, file management, and mail merge for communication. Increase efficiency and accuracy in managing late fees and collections with detailed instructions provided
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Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Policy Overview
This overview highlights the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy promoted by the Department of Personnel Management in Papua New Guinea. The policy aims to ensure fair participation of disadvantaged individuals in employment and opportunities, along with social inclusion to realize the
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Overview of Policy Service Node (PSN) Architecture
The Policy Service Node (PSN) architecture consists of various key components such as Policy Administration Node (PAN), Monitoring Node (MnT), Inline Posture Node (IPN), and Multi-Function Node. These components work together to enable efficient policy management and network monitoring within a netw
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Late Renewals and Reinstatements Process for ASEP and CSEP Certifications
Late renewals and reinstatements process for ASEP and CSEP certifications include specific requirements, fees, and steps to follow for renewing late. The process involves submitting PDUs, renewal fees, reactivation fees, and documents to the Certification Office. Additionally, individuals have the o
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Policy-Making Process for Health Improvement
Policy-making involves defining policy, recognizing its complex nature, identifying windows of opportunity, and framing health issues. The policy-making cycle includes stages like agenda setting, formulation, and implementation. Alignment of problems, policies, and politics is crucial for effective
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Effective Writing and Policy Briefs: Enhancing Impact in Policy-making
A policy brief is a compelling document designed to influence decision-makers by outlining policy alternatives and courses of action. Discover the value of policy briefs, effective characteristics, and strategies for agenda setting and policy formulation in this comprehensive module.
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Theories of the Policy Cycle in Policy Analysis
The policy cycle theory describes the evolution of policy issues from inception to evaluation, impacting scientific research and policy formulation. It outlines stages from the 1950s, influenced by Lasswell's seven-stage model, serving as a framework for organizing policy processes. Despite the line
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National Youth Policy 2030 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee
The National Youth Policy 2030 presentation provides an update on the approved policy, focusing on the youthful population in South Africa and the importance of youth development. The policy aims to address past injustices and current challenges, empowering young people to drive positive change. Pas
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Hot Work Procedures and Permits - Intrepid Policy Revised 04/2014
The Intrepid Policy outlines procedures and precautions for hot work, which includes operations involving open flames or heat production. The policy emphasizes safety measures such as flame removal, use of welding blankets, and obtaining permits. Alternative cold work methods are also suggested to e
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HR Updates - Remote Work Policy Overview
This HR update discusses the Remote Work Policy at Fermilab, outlining the procedures and requirements for employees to work remotely, including regular and occasional telecommuting. It also addresses long-distance telework approvals and highlights precautions against fraudulent unemployment claims
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Green Industrial Innovation Policy Making in Europe by Reinilde Veugelers
Shifting economies towards green industrial innovation in Europe is a significant transformation that requires reconciling various objectives like decarbonization, economic growth, job creation, and global competitiveness. The role of innovation in green industrial policy is crucial for delivering n
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Classroom Procedures and Expectations with Mr. Verlei in Room 302
Understand Mr. Verlei's office hours, late work policy, and how to handle absences in his English class. Learn when to schedule meetings, how late work affects grades, and what to do if you miss an assignment. Follow his guidelines to stay successful and informed throughout the school year.
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Challenges in Policy Implementation and Lessons Learned
The content discusses the challenges faced in policy implementation, focusing on the gap between policy design and execution. It highlights key steps in policy-making, reasons for implementation failures, and factors influencing successful policy outcomes. Examples from Zambia's National Science and
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Unpacking the RIA Process for Effective Policy Implementation
Delve deeper into the RIA process to understand its technical capacity and policy implications. This group exercise focuses on setting clear objectives, analyzing key policy issues, and creating a mock RIA process template tailored to the Indian context. Participants explore real-world problem-solvi
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Exploring Work and Employment Dynamics
Work involves activities that require effort, while employment entails receiving payment for work done. Employers hire workers who work for them, while self-employed individuals work for themselves. Leaving school for the working world presents challenges like time and money management, new relation
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The Rise of Unions and Labor Conditions in the Late 19th Century
Labor conditions in the late 1800s were harsh, with long work weeks, low wages, and no benefits for workers. Deflation caused a rise in the value of money, leading to resentment among workers who organized into unions to demand better wages and working conditions. Craft workers and common laborers f
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Late Payment: Causes, Effects, and Solutions The Impact of Late Payments on Bus
Managing late payment solution is essential for business health and economic stability. Partnering with companies like CreditQ is crucial for effective late payment management, and improving the business environment. For more visit @ \/\/\/
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Compass Commission: Public Policy in Chile Based on Rigorous Scientific Evidence
The Compass Commission, initiated by the Ministry of Planning of Chile in collaboration with J-PAL, aimed to identify social policy challenges in Chile and propose innovative public policies for evaluation through randomized control trials. The initiative involved academic members, international and
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Implementation of Cell Phone Policy to Improve English Grades at Richwoods High School
Implementation of a cell phone policy at Richwoods High School was driven by the need to enhance English grades and academic performance. The policy aims to reduce distractions and disruptions caused by non-academic cell phone use in classrooms. Results from previous semesters showed significant imp
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United States Expansionism in the Late 1800s
In the late 1800s, the United States, under the policy of expansionism, extended its influence to other regions such as Japan and Alaska. This era marked a period of imperialism where the US sought to gain control over weaker nations and build an empire, leading to the purchase of Alaska and closer
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Raw Materials Policy of the Czech Republic: History, Modernization, and Challenges
The Raw Materials Policy of the Czech Republic has undergone significant changes and challenges throughout its history. From the approval of the previous policy in 1999 to the recent modernization efforts in 2015, political and environmental factors have played a crucial role in shaping the current
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Theories and Strategies for Effective Policy Change
Explore the intricacies of strategic planning, outcome mapping, change theories, policy windows, and more in the realm of policy entrepreneurship and advocacy. Learn about key concepts such as large leaps theory, policy streams theory, and how think tanks can influence policy decision-making process
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Macroeconomic Policy for Development and Decent Work in South Africa
This research agenda delves into the core conclusions, policy context, and objectives of macroeconomic policy for facilitating development and decent work in South Africa. Key points include the need for structural transformation, challenges in job creation, and the link between macroeconomics, empl
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Newborn Care Curriculum for Late Preterm Infants in Level II NICU
This curriculum module focuses on the care of late preterm infants in Level II NICU settings, covering topics such as respiratory management, feeding difficulties, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, sepsis, hyperbilirubinemia, and discharge planning. It includes learning objectives, nursery care levels, phy
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Morality in UK Drug Policy: Policy Constellations Analysis
Morality plays a significant role in shaping drug policy in the UK, as revealed by the research conducted by Professor Alex Stevens at the University of Kent. The study investigates the moral commitments underlying different policy positions in UK drug policy debates, highlighting five ethico-politi
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Industrial Policy: The Old and The New - Insights by Dani Rodrik
Industrial policy, as presented by Dani Rodrik in May 2019, emphasizes the importance of empirical work, the differences between old and new policies, and the targets industrial policy should focus on. The theoretical arguments for industrial policy highlight market imperfections, learning spillover
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Insights into Late Night Women's Hour and Its Impact on Media Diversity
Late Night Women's Hour (LNWH) is a spin-off from the long-running BBC Radio 4 series, Woman's Hour. Launched in 2015, LNWH challenges traditional media norms by featuring open discussions on current social issues, gender equality, and more. Despite its late-night airing, LNWH provides a platform fo
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Policy Formulation: Key Concepts and Approaches
Policy formulation is a crucial step in the policy-making process, involving identifying and crafting policy alternatives to address various issues. This phase requires participants to define policy problems, develop alternatives, and select the most feasible solutions based on criteria such as feas
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Influence of Late Nitrogen Applications on Corn Yield on Mississippi River Alluvial Soils - 2017 NUE Conference
Excessive rainfall in the lower Mississippi Delta can lead to late-season nitrogen deficiency in corn crops. Research conducted at the LSU AgCenter focused on evaluating the efficacy of supplemental nitrogen at late growth stages on Mississippi River alluvial soils. Field experiments from 2006 to 20
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Microsimulation Modelling to Inform Policy Debate: The Case of SWITCH
This presentation discusses the usage of the SWITCH microsimulation model to inform policy debates by simulating the impact of tax and welfare policy reforms on household incomes and work incentives. It covers the areas investigated using SWITCH, selected users of SWITCH research, and the role of SW
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RAS Policy Group Overview and Work Plan
The RAS Policy Group, led by Robert Massey, consists of RAS Fellows with a focus on public affairs in astronomy, space science, and geophysics. The group advises on policy matters, including megaconstellations, and collaborates with key organizations. Their 2020 work plan includes budget considerati
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Introducing NIH’s Data Management
The NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy outlines the evolution of data sharing initiatives at NIH, from the inception of the Data Sharing Policy in 2003 to the latest Data Management and Sharing Policy effective January 25, 2023. The policy emphasizes the importance of data sharing in enhancing s
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EU Law Policy Brief Writing: Defining Key Policy Issues
In this course on European Union law and policy brief writing, participants will learn how to define and frame policy problems effectively, with a focus on environmental law and human rights. The course covers topics like presenting and defending policy issues, outlining problem statements, and prop
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Analyzing Education Policy Reforms in Maldives 1900-2015
This study aims to analyze key education policy reforms in the Maldives from 1900 to 2015, utilizing an extended policy trajectory framework. By examining policy influences, text production, and practices/effects, the research seeks to make an original contribution to policy studies for similar nati
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African Policy Research Institute - Enhancing Public Policy in Africa
African Policy Research Institute (APRI) is a public policy research think tank focusing on multidimensional development in Africa, aiming to improve policy decisions through rigorous research. APRI collaborates with global organizations to safeguard national interests, inform policy decisions with
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Policy Update on LHD Topics of Interest
In this policy update, explore key aspects of Texas Medicaid policy, including provider participation, sources governing policy, references, managed care policy, and topics raised by local health departments. Learn about professional liability insurance and recent updates in the Uniform Managed Care
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ERCOT's Remedies for Late Payments by Market Participants
ERCOT outlines a detailed process for addressing late payments by market participants, including escalating levels of enforcement actions and financial security requirements. The procedure involves reviews of circumstances, notifications, and potential revocation of rights for repeated late payments
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Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales: A Glimpse of Late Middle Ages
Geoffrey Chaucer, the renowned author of The Canterbury Tales, skillfully captures and satirizes the essence of life in the late Middle Ages. Born in 1340 to a wine merchant, Chaucer's diverse experiences and travels allowed him to depict characters from all social classes. His work in Middle Englis
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