Hegemonic masculinity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding Masculinity Norms in New Zealand

New Zealand faces a challenge with abusive behavior in intimate partner relationships, with one in three women experiencing abuse in their lifetime. This study delves into the impact of masculine norms on men's behaviors and help-seeking tendencies in the context of domestic abuse. Over sixty men pa

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Breaking the Stereotypes: Promoting Positive Masculinity in Scotland

Scotland has a dominant masculine culture, but it doesn't have to stay that way. This peer education session aims to challenge traditional norms and promote positive masculinity by engaging in activities, discussions, and reflection. Participants will explore their thoughts, feelings, and experience

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Great Power Rivalry in World Politics: Understanding Polarity, Balance of Power, and Hegemonic Transition

Great power rivalry involves deep competition and hostility between major players like the US, China, and Russia. The concept is explored through polarity, balance of power, and hegemonic transition theories, discussing power distribution, strategies, and transitions in the international system. The

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Understanding Feminism, Sexism, and Toxic Masculinity - A Reflection on Gender Equality

Explore the concepts of feminism, sexism, and toxic masculinity through activities and discussions, challenging misconceptions and promoting gender equality. Reflect on learning and origins of misconceptions to foster a more inclusive society.

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Understanding Masculine Love: A Catholic Perspective

Explore the essence of masculine love from a Catholic standpoint, delving into the roles of friend, husband, and father in a man's life. Discover the significance of sacrificial love, brotherhood, and spiritual battles in forming true masculinity according to Christ's teachings.

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Challenges and Approaches in Feminist Critique of Globalization

The feminist perspective on globalization highlights the need for a counter-hegemonic global regime that prioritizes democratic political control and equitable development. Different feminist approaches address gender injustices, with an emphasis on specific, concrete issues. Early feminist analyses

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Understanding Gender Statistics: Differentiating Between Sex and Gender

Explore the nuances between sex and gender in the context of statistics, uncovering the social constructs and biological differences that shape our understanding of masculinity and femininity. Delve into the importance of gender statistics, official sources, and data collection methods to ensure acc

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Critical Perspectives on Postcolonialism and Structuralism in Spivak's Work

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is known for her critical engagement with postcolonial theory and deconstruction, challenging traditional Western perspectives. By drawing on thinkers like Derrida and Foucault, Spivak offers a unique lens to interrogate power dynamics, hegemony, and resistance. Her work r

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Analysis of Key Quotes in Shakespeare's Macbeth

Explore the significance of quotes from Macbeth such as "His brandish'd steel which smoked with bloody execution," "Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires," "Come to my woman's breasts and take my milk for gall," and "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent und

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Feminist Perspectives on Globalization Challenges

The contemporary feminist movement aims to challenge the hegemony of neo-liberal globalization by advocating for a counter-hegemonic approach that prioritizes democratic political control, equitable development, and environmental stewardship. Different feminist theoretical approaches address gender

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Exploring Masculinity in Shakespeare's Works

The exploration of masculinity in Shakespeare's works, particularly through characters like Othello and Hamlet, delves into complex themes of race, gender norms, and identity construction. The construct of masculinity as an achieved status rather than a biological given is analyzed, highlighting the

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Embracing Masculinity Through the Example of Jesus

Explore the concept of masculinity through the lens of biblical teachings, focusing on Jesus as the ultimate example. Discover how men can embody traits such as providing safety, knowing and cherishing their wives, and showing love and affection. Learn valuable insights on being a godly man inspired

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Analyzing Masculinity and Machiavellian Tactics in "Macbeth": Character Dynamics and Plot Development

Explore the themes of masculinity and Machiavellianism in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" through character analysis of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself. Delve into the scheming and plotting that drive conflicts as characters navigate personal agendas and political ambitions, culminating in Lady Macbeth per

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Exploring Prison Culture, Masculinities, and Factors Influencing Performance

The discussion delves into the intricacies of prison culture, focusing on the interaction of unique characteristics, demographics, and norms, particularly within a masculine environment. It analyzes the prevailing hegemonic, subordinate, and oppositional masculinities in prisons, as well as the envi

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Unpacking the Notions of Intelligence and Social Hegemony

This presentation delves into the complex concepts of intelligence and social hegemony, exploring historical perspectives, scholarly debates, and folk beliefs. It challenges the hegemonic nature of contemporary intelligence definitions and examines the power dynamics within civil society. Through a

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Masculinity in Shakespearean Tragedies: Ruined Identities and Emotional Conflicts

The selected excerpts from Shakespearean plays like "Romeo and Juliet," "Coriolanus," "Troilus and Cressida," "Antony and Cleopatra," and "Measure for Measure" portray a complex exploration of masculinity, where characters struggle with emotions, identity, and societal expectations. Masculine ideals

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Understanding Cultural Dimensions by Geert Hofstede

Geert Hofstede, a prominent sociologist, introduced five parameters to explain cultural differences, categorizing cultures into national and organizational. The dimensions include power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation. Each dimension explores ho

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Analysis of Hegemonic Masculinity in Beach Culture Media Artifacts

The portrayal of hegemonic masculinity in beach-related media artifacts is examined through images and descriptions of how women are objectified, marginalized, and hypersexualized, reinforcing traditional gender roles. Examples include advertisements and album covers that depict male dominance and f

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