Criteria for ITF Reimbursement in Training Programs

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This presentation outlines the criteria for granting ITF reimbursement in training programs, including payment of training contributions, course approval, and submission processes. Employers must meet specific conditions to qualify for reimbursement, such as paying full training contributions and submitting training programs for approval. The ITF reimbursement scheme aims to support employers in their training initiatives according to the ITF (Amendment) Act 2011. By the end of the presentation, attendees should be able to discuss the general criteria for granting reimbursement and understand the areas of reimbursement awards.

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  2. LEARNING OUTCOME Attheendofthepresentation,everyoneshouldbe ableto: ListtheCriteriaforgrantingTrainingReimbursement. DiscussgeneralcriteriaforgrantingReimbursement Identify the Areas of Reimbursement award Award Percentage for different Areas of Emphasis in line with the Scheme.

  3. PRESENTATIONOUTLINE Introduction Criteria for Granting ITF Reimbursement Area of Reimbursement Conclusion

  4. INTRODUCTION The ITF (Amendment) Act 2011, Section 7 stipulates that: The Council may make a refund of up to fifty percent (50%) of the amount paid by an employer if the council is satisfied that the training programme of the employer is in accordance with the Fund s reimbursement scheme.

  5. CRITERIA FOR GRANTING TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT To employersmust satisfy the followingconditions 1. Payment of Training Contributions Employers must have paid full Training contribution for the year of claim and the receipt must be attached. qualify for Reimbursement, contributing NB: All payments shall be E-Payment

  6. CRITERIA FOR GRANTING TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT 2. Course Approval: Each Training Programme, based on identified Training Needs must be submitted with the ITF Form 4A.

  7. CRITERIA FOR GRANTING TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT Form 4A should be completed in duplicate and sent to the ITF Area Office within the company s jurisdiction for approval at least two (2) weeks for (Local Training) and three (3) weeks for (International Training) before the commencement of the Training.

  8. CRITERIA FOR GRANTING TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT All approved by the ITF Area Office within companies jurisdiction at least implementation. Online Training Programme(s) MUST be two (2) weeks before Also, employers MUST provide ITF with MeetingID Password Passcode week before the implementation to enable ITF staff to monitor the Training Session.

  9. CRITERIA FOR GRANTING TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT NB: ITF shall send a copy of approved and monitored online and Training programmes on (TR Forms 6A & 6B) to companies. other implemented These company s claim file as one of the requirements of Reimbursement Claims Awards forms MUST be attached to the

  10. LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL/CAPACITY BUILDING MANAGERS Employers claiming for Learning and Development Personnel must: a) Employ Full Time Indigenous Learning and Development personnel who must be approved by the ITF annually, on the prescribed ITF Form 3A in duplicate. The Learning and Development Personnel must possess ITF Train-the-Trainer Certificate and must have attended the Reimbursement Course.

  11. LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL/CAPACITY BUILDING MANAGERS c) submitted to the ITF within the first quarter of each year assumption Personnel Development appointment). Application for approval must be or within two of office of the (2) months of Learning case and new (in of

  12. COMPLETION OF CLAIM FORMS Employers should fill their claims on the prescribed ITF TR Forms 1&2. These must be dully signed, stamped and dated by designated officials of the Employer.

  13. REIMBURSABLE TRAINING PROGRAMMES AND SATISFACTORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Below are the Reimbursable Training Programmes: A. IN-HOUSE TRAINING In-house training is also called Internal Training. It is a kind of training that involves using a company s own expertise and resources. It is highly Specific and geared towards employees learning. The training may be required by employees with the aim of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness on the job performance.

  14. REIMBURSABLE TRAINING PROGRAMMES AND SATISFACTORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Cont. PROVISION OF SATISFACTORY HOUSE TRAINING IMPLEMENTED Photocopies of Receipts of training expenses Attendance List (Signed and stamped). Certificate of Attendance which must be dully signed and stamped (Company Seal). EVIDENCE OF IN-

  15. REIMBURSABLE TRAINING PROGRAMMES AND SATISFACTORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Cont. B. EXTERNAL TRAINING External training refers to any training programme(s) provided to employee(s) of an organization using external consultants, specialists or organizations. PROVISION OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF EXTERNAL TRAINING IMPLEMENTED CourseFee Receipts Authenticated Certificate of Attendance issued by the consultant(s).

  16. REIMBURSABLE TRAINING PROGRAMMES AND SATISFACTORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Cont. C. OVERSEAS TRAINING: These are employee(s) of an organization outside the country Note that both in-house and external training can also run nationally/internationally training programme(s) attended by PROVISION OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF OVERSEAS TRAINING IMPLEMENTED Authenticated Certificate of Attendance Evidence of Payment of course fee receipts Flight Tickets and Boarding Pass showing clearly names of staff on whom the expenses were incurred.


  18. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Under this Reimbursement Scheme, an Employer may qualify for reimbursement of up to a maximumof fifty percentum (50%) of the TrainingContributionpaidforeachtrainingyear. AreasofReimbursementAwardare: Management I. II. Supervisory III. Occupational

  19. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Cont. iv. Learning and Development Personnel v. Health,SafetyandEnvironmentTraining. vi. AcceptanceofStudentsforSIWES. vii. PromptsubmissionofTrainingPlan.

  20. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Management, Professional, Senior Technologists and other SpecialisedT raining. For the purpose of Management Training and all other areas covered under this section, Employers will be reimbursed as laid down in this Scheme for the Training Managers on any approvedmanagementandfunctionalprogramme. T oobtainmaximumaward,forty percent(40%)ofemployeesin thiscategorymustbetrained.

  21. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Supervisors,MiddleLevelOfficersandForemen Supervisorytrainingis differentiated fromManagementtraining bythelevel of responsibilities for actualoverseeing,inspecting and directing operations. T o obtain maximum award, forty percent (40%) of total employees in this category must be trained.

  22. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Occupational Skills (a) OperativeT raining The Fund will reimburse Employers for approved Training ProgrammesforOperatives. T oqualifyforaward,Employersmust: (i) HavetrainedOperator(s). (ii) Base training on job analysis which are broken down into processesforspecifictasks. (iii) T o obtain maximum award, forty employeesinthis category must be trained. percent (40%) of

  23. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD NB: While filling the Course Approval Form 4A, Officers job titles must be clearly stated and MUSTreach ITF office within Company s jurisdiction at least two (2) weeks before implementationofthetrainingprogramme(s)

  24. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Learning and Development Personnel/ Capacity Building Managers In order to qualify for award under this category, Employers must employ FULL TIME Indigenous Learning and Development Personnel/Officer/Instructor. The appointment of such Officer(s) must be registered with ITF annually on prescribed ITF FORM 3A to be completed in duplicate. The LearningandDevelopmentPersonnelmustpossessITFTrain- the-Trainer Certificate and must have attended the ITF reimbursementcourse.

  25. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD NB: A maximum of two percentum (2%) of Training Contribution paid will be awarded to Employers who fulfill the requirements of thissectionasindicatedbelow . ScaleofCalculationofAward %ofEmployeesTrained %ofTrainingContributionPaid 1-39% 1%oftrainingcontribution 40%andabove 2%oftrainingcontribution

  26. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Training Employers are expected to training all employees on Health, Safetyand Environmenttoprevent any form of accident or injury. A Maximum of six percent (6%) of the Training Contribution paid will be awarded to Employers who fulfill the requirements of this section by training hundred percentum (100%) of its employees on Safety.

  27. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD (a) ScaleofCalculationof Award %ofEmployeesTrained %ofTrainingContributionPaid 1 40% 2% ofTraining Contribution 41 70% 3% ofTraining Contribution 71 99% 4% ofTraining Contribution 100% 6% ofTraining Contribution

  28. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Acceptance of Students for SIWES Employers are expected to accept students seeking for Industrial Attachment in their Organizations. This will enable the students bridge the gap between theories learnt in school and practical required after graduation in the world of work. ITF TR Form 5A MUST be dully endorsed and attached to the Reimbursement Claim file as a prove of students acceptance. T o obtain the maximum percentage (2%) award for this category, at least thirty five(35)andabovestudentsaretobeacceptedforSIWESintheir companies (Medium and Large Scale Employers) while Small scale Employers are to accept at least eleven (11 and above) studentsforSIWESprogrammeannually .

  29. AREAS OF REIMBURSEMENT AWARD Distribution of Percentage award for Acceptance of StudentsforSIWES. LargeEmployers SmallScale Employers Percentage (%) Award Number of Studentson SIWES 15-34 5-10 1% 35and Above 11-Above 2%

  30. Prompt Submission of Training Plan An Annual Training Plan should be submitted between1st January and 31stMarch of every succeeding year to ITF and approved before commencement of the training year. In the event of any change(s) in the approved training plan, such change(s) must be communicated to the ITF not later than two weeks after such change(s). The Training Plan MUST clearly stateEmployers areasofemphasisforanygivenyear. Thepurposeof aTraining Plan istodefinestrategies, methods and processes that will be utilized to achieve Systematic Training.

  31. Prompt Submission of Training Plan TheTrainingPlanshouldspecify,amongotherthings: (i) Objective(s)ofStaffTrainingandDevelopment. (ii) TrainingFaculties. (iii) The methods of implementation and the duration of training NB: For an Employer to be awarded the maximum percentage (1%) reimbursement under this category, the OrganizationMUSTsubmitthetrainingPlanwithinthefirst quarter of the year (1stJanuary to 31stMarch of each Trainingyear).


  33. DISTRIBUTIONOFPERCENTAGE(%)AW ARD Distribution of percentage award will be made in the following order according to the Employers area of training emphasisasspeltoutinsection6(i-v)below: (a)DistributionforMaximumAward (i) FirstAreaofEmphasis-15%of TrainingContribution (ii) SecondAreaofEmphasis-13%of TrainingContribution (iii) ThirdAreaofEmphasis-1 1%of TrainingContribution

  34. DISTRIBUTIONOFPERCENTAGE(%)AW ARD iv) Health, Safety and Environment Training 6% of TrainingContribution. (v) Learning and Development Personnel (Manager, Officer,Instructor)2%ofTrainingContribution (vi) AcceptanceofStudentsforSIWESattracts2% (vii) PromptSubmissionofTrainingPlan accurately attracts1%

  35. DISTRIBUTIONOFPERCENTAGE(%)AW ARD SCALEOFCALCULA TIONFOR MEDIUMANDLARGE CONTRIBUTINGEMPLOYERS %ofEmployeesTrained %AwardAccordingtoAreaofEmphasis FIRST SECOND THIRD 1 19% .. . 7 3 1 20 29% .. 7 5 3 30 39% .. . 11 9 7 40% and Above 15 13 11

  36. DISTRIBUTIONOFPERCENTAGE(%)AW ARD (a)SMALLSCALE Small Reimbursement employees training to cover their operational activities. (Small Scale Employers in this case refer to companies with50employeesorless). EMPLOYERS Employers proportional to the number of trained and the Scale will qualify for spread of such

  37. SUMMARY/POINTTONOTE It should be noted is that maximum amount reimbursable paid for each training year by Employers. Therefore Employers must ensure that full training contribution forany trainingyearhas beenpaid, beforesubmitting anyreimbursement claimfile. 50% of Training Contribution Any resulting from Verification by ITF or its Agent(s) after the initial payment, shall NOT qualify for further Reimbursement. additional Training Contribution paid

  38. SUMMARY/POINTTONOTE The ITF will not consider claims for participating at normal operational meetings and conferences of Contributing Employers. Reimbursement will only relate to activities with specific training relevance. Employer s claims for reimbursement must comply STRICTL Y with laiddownconditions.

  39. SUMMARY/POINTTONOTE (a) Claims,whichdonotsatisfylaiddownguidelines,SHALL NOTBEPROCESSED. (b) TheITFshallNOTgiveretrospectiveapprovalforany TrainingProgramme. (c) ITFshallNOTgivewaivertoanyorganization. NB:Employersindoubtofcontributoryitemsareadvisedto verifyfromITFOfficialsinordertoavoidunderpaymentof TrainingContribution.

  40. DeadlineforSubmissionofT rainingClaims All Training Claims must be submitted to the appropriate Area Office of the ITF , on or before 30th June, after eachtrainingyear (January December).
