Advancing Apprenticeships in Wales: Progress and Change Initiatives

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Apprenticeships in Wales are undergoing significant progress and change, aligning with the National Strategy to provide at least 100,000 quality apprenticeship opportunities across all sectors of the economy. The investment in apprenticeships aims to raise skill levels, meet employer needs, drive productivity, enhance social justice, and break the cycle of low skills and low pay. Initiatives focus on creating opportunities, improving access, addressing skills gaps, and enhancing equality, diversity, and inclusivity.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prentisiaethau y cynnydd ar newid Apprenticeships Progress and Change Chris Hare Is-adran Addysg Bellach a Phrentisiaethau Further Education and Apprenticeships Division

  2. Prentisiaethau yng Nghymru Apprenticeships in Wales Ffyniant i bawb: y Strategaeth Genedlaethol Prosperity for All: the National Strategy Aligning the apprenticeship model to the needs to the Welsh economy Cysoni r model prentisiaethau ag anghenion economi Cymru O leiaf 100,000 o leoliadau prentisiaethau o ansawdd A minimum of 100,000 quality apprenticeship places All sectors of the economy Pob sector o r economi Rhaglen i bob oed (16+) A programme for all ages (16+)

  3. Pam buddsoddi mewn prentisiaethau? Why have we invested apprenticeships? Raising skills levels to meet employer needs and the demands of existing and future markets helps to drive productivity, prosperity and more resilient communities. Codi lefelau sgiliau i fodloni anghenion y cyflogwr a gofynion presennol y farchnad a r gofynion at y dyfodol, er mwyn ysgogi cynhyrchiant, ffyniant a chymunedau cryfach. Gwella cyfiawnder cymdeithasol heb gnewyllyn sgiliau mae n anodd ffynnu yn y farchnad swyddi Improving social justice - without a solid nucleus of skills, it is hard to thrive in the jobs market Torri r cylch o sgiliau isel, cyflog isel Breaking the cycle of low skills, low pay

  4. Y cynnydd yn erbyn ein Cynllun Gweithredu Progress against our Action Plan Newid y system System Change Creu cyfleoedd a gwella mynediad Creating opportunities and improving access Y Gymraeg Welsh Language Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynwysoldeb Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity Employer Engagement Ymgysylltu chyflogwyr

  5. (1) Newid y System (1) System Change Mynd i'r afael 'r bylchau mewn sgiliau a gwella'r cynnwys Addressing skills gaps and improving the content Design & Framework Commissioning Arrangements - WAAB Trefniadau Comisiynu'r Cynllun a'r Fframwaith - WAAB Vehicle for high-level apprenticeships Cyfrwng ar gyfer prentisiaethau lefel uchel Foundation Level - scoping on new programme Lefel Sylfaen - gwaith cwmpasu ar raglen newydd Legislative Changes Issuing Authorities Newidiadau i ddeddfwriaeth - yr Awdurdodau Dyfarnu

  6. (2) Creu cyfleoedd a gwella mynediad (2) Creating opportunities and improving access Cynyddu nifer y bobl 16-19 oed, fel canran o'n rhaglen. Prentisiaethau Iau i ddisgyblion 14-16 oed fel cam cyntaf i brentisiaeth Rhoi cynnig arni Gyrfa Cymru - gwella'r cyngor ar hyfforddiant galwedigaethol Prentisiaethau Gradd Prentisiaethau a Rennir - ehangu Increasing numbers of 16-19 year olds, as a percentage of our programme. Junior Apprenticeships for pupils aged 14-16 to provide a first step into an apprenticeship Have a Go New Digital Vacancies Service Degree Apprenticeships Shared Apprenticeships expansion

  7. (3) Y Gymraeg (3) Welsh Language Cynllun gweithredu i ddatblygu darpariaeth l-16 gyfrwng y Gymraeg Action plan for developing Welsh-medium post-16 provision Mae cyrsiau datblygu sgiliau yn y Gymraeg ar gael Welsh language skills development courses are available Cyngor ar gyflwyno a chofnodi darpariaeth gyfrwng y Gymraeg Guidance on delivering and recording Welsh-medium provision

  8. (4) Hybu cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynwysoldeb (4) Driving equality, diversity & inclusivity Disability Action Plan Cynllun Gweithredu Anabledd Remploy Job Matching Project Prosiect Paru Swyddi Remploy Equality Toolkit Targeted Marketing Pecyn Cymorth ar Gydraddoldeb Apprentice Hardship Marchnata wedi'i Dargedu Caledi a achosir drwy Brentisiaeth

  9. (5) Ymgysylltu Chyflogwyr (5) Employer Engagement Cluster Planning Cynllunio Clystyrau Local Authority Workforce Planning & Publish Public Sector workforce plan Cynllunio Gweithlu Awdurdodau Lleol a Chyhoeddi Cynllun Gweithlu'r Sector Cyhoeddus Levy Communications Toolkit Pecyn Cyfathrebu ar yr Ardoll Ymrwymiadau'r Rhaglen Lywodraethu yn rhoi pwysau ar y rhaglen, e.e. Gofal Cymdeithasol, Gofal Plant, Tai, Trafnidiaeth a'r Metro PfG Commitments placing demands on the programme, e.g. Social Care, Childcare, Housing Transport & Metro

  10. Sut y gallwn ni eich helpu? How can we help you? Ehangu Prentisiaethau Uwch ar gyfer pynciau technegol Expanding Higher Apprenticeships in technical subjects Pa fath o gymorth penodol sydd angen ei ddatblygu ar gyfer darpariaeth gyfrwng y Gymraeg? Whats specific support needs to be developed for Welsh Medium provision? Ymgysylltu Phobl Anabl Engaging Disabled People Awgrymiadau Suggestions Y tri phrif awgrym ar gyfer pob maes Three main suggestions for each area



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