Results of Student Survey for Student Union at University of Greenwich May 2018

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Findings from a student survey conducted at University of Greenwich in May 2018 shed light on sample characteristics, including gender, ethnicity, age, living arrangements, grants, and card usage. Insights are also provided on student communities, health and wellbeing, influencing factors, student union functions/services, and employability aspects. Details on the survey results are illustrated through various data points and percentages.

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  1. Results of Student Survey for the Student Union, University of Greenwich May 2018

  2. Presentation structure 1. Sample characteristics 2. Student communities 3. Health and wellbeing 4. Influencing 5. SU functions / services 6. Employability 2

  3. 1. Sample characteristics Slide number Content Headlines Gender and disability Ethnicity Age Living arrangements Grants and card 4 5 6 7 8 9

  4. Sample characteristics headlines White British were the largest ethnic group 38% Over four fifth s of the sample identified as heterosexual (86%) and 9% identified as lesbian/gay, bisexual or queer Nearly three quarters of the sample were female (71%) Other white background was the next largest (20%) ethnic group followed by Asian or Asian British (11%) and Black or Black British (9%) Nearly one half (41%) were 21 years and under; over one third (36%) were 22- 25 years and nearly one fifth (19%) were aged 26 and over Nearly one tenth of the sample identify as having a disability The sample was fairly evenly split between those living in student accommodation (26%), living alone or with friends (37%) and those living with family (37%) Travelling times to campus were also fairly evenly split, whereas one quarter (27%) take less than 30 minutes, one fifth (19%) take up to 2 hours One sixth (14%) receive a maintenance grant Nearly two thirds (60%) have an Aspire Card 4

  5. Gender and sexuality Which of the following best describes your sexuality? n= 642 Which of the following best describes your gender? n=642 5%1%4% 1% Heterosexual 1% 0% 3% Lesbian/Gay Man 28% Bisexual Woman Queer In Another Way 86% 71% Prefer Not To Say Prefer Not To Say Do you identify yourself as having a disability? n= 642 2% 9% Yes No Prefer Not To Say 89% 5

  6. Ethnicity How would you describe your ethnic origin? n= 642 white - British White - Irish 0% 1% 4% Jewish 2% 4% 38% Other White background 5% 1% Black or Black British - Caribbean 3% Black or Black British - African 2% 5% Other Black background 0% Asian or Asian British - Indian 9% Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Chinese 3% 1% 1% Other Asian background 20% Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 6

  7. Age In which age bracket are you in? n= 641 0% 1%2% 2% 4% 10% Under 18 years 18-21 years 21-25 years 45% 26-30 years 31-35 years 36-40 years 41-45 years 46+ years 36% 7

  8. Living arrangements Where are you living while studying at Greenwich? n= 642 In Student Accommodation In Private Accommodation (alone or with friends) In Private Accommodation (with family or caregivers) 26% 37% 37% How long does it typically take you to get from your accommodation to your campus? n=641 3% Less than 15 minutes 15-30 minutes 19% 26% 31-60 minutes 25% 1-2 hours 27% Over 2 hours 8

  9. Grants and cards Did you receive a Maintenance Grant from Student Finance England? n= 642 2% 14% Yes No Prefer Not to Say 84% Have you received an Aspire Card? n= 641 2% Yes 38% No Don't Know 60% 9

  10. 2. Student communities Slide number Content Headlines SU facilities - frequency of use SU facilities satisfaction with Satisfaction by age Satisfaction by gender Satisfaction by ethnicity Suggestions for improvement Use of SU website Satisfaction with website Suggestions for improvement 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 10

  11. Student communities - headlines Many of the student facilities have not been visited, or rarely used, by a large proportion (four fifths) of the sample The village student shop is more likely than any other facility to be used fairly often, almost everyday or almost everyday Over half the sample agreed or strongly agreed that the facilities meet their needs, are easy to get to and are welcoming A small proportion (around 10%) are dissatisfied with the facilities Satisfaction levels were highest amongst those aged 18-21 and lowest amongst those aged 26 and over. The difference in satisfaction levels between the younger and older age groups was largest when asked about ease of accessing facilities Satisfaction levels were higher amongst women than men. Nearly one fifth of men (18 %) disagreed or strongly disagreed that the facilities met their needs Students from different ethnic groups reported similar levels of satisfaction with the facilities. Notably, White British students were more likely to say the facilities did not meet their needs and Other White students were more likely to say the spaces are welcoming. Only one fifth of the sample access the website daily or fairly often There were high levels of satisfaction with the SU website two thirds agreed or strongly agreed that it has the information they need, is easy to use and is welcoming 11

  12. Student Union facilities frequency of use Approximately how often, if at all, have you visited one or more of the following so far this year? n= 604 78.8 5.3 5.6 The Deep End, Medway 6.8 2.5 1.0 79.1 6.1 The Student Hub, Medway 5.0 6.1 2.3 1.3 74.5 14.4 7.5 Avery Hill SU Office 2.3 0.7 0.7 Not at all 64.2 Rarely 21.0 Cooper Building (not incl. Bar Latitude) 7.8 4.6 Occasionally 1.5 0.8 Fairly often 44.0 18.5 Almost every day 18.4 The Village Shop 13.9 3.3 Everyday 1.8 62.3 18.7 8.3 Sparrows Bar 9.3 1.0 0.5 49.8 23.5 15.1 Bar Latitude 8.9 2.2 0.5 12 0 20 40 % 60 80

  13. Satisfaction with Student Union facilities How much do you agree with the following statements about your SU space? n= 604 8.9 44.0 The spaces meet my needs. 34.3 9.3 3.5 12.1 Strongly Agree 53.0 The spaces are easy to get to. Agree 25.2 Neither Agree nor Disagree 7.1 Disagree 2.6 Strongly Disagree 9.4 53.0 The spaces are welcoming. 30.1 5.5 2.0 13 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 %

  14. Satisfaction by age 9.3 The spaces meet my 40.2 26+ years 38.3 8.4 3.7 10.1 needs. 42.7 21-25 years 37.2 7.3 2.8 7.9 46.4 18-21 years 30.6 11.2 4.0 The spaces are easy to get Strongly Agree 11.2 Agree 41.1 26+ years 35.5 8.4 3.7 to. Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree 14.7 50.9 21-25 years 25.7 6.0 2.8 10.4 59.0 18-21 years 20.9 7.6 2.2 Strongly Disagree The spaces are welcoming. 11.2 43.0 26+ years 39.3 4.7 1.9 9.6 54.1 21-25 years 29.4 5.0 1.8 8.6 55.8 18-21 years 27.3 6.1 2.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 14 %

  15. Satisfaction by gender 7.5 The spaces meet 46.1 Woman 35.6 my needs. 8.4 2.3 11.9 39.3 Man 31.0 11.9 6.0 The spaces are easy to get 11.5 55.5 Woman 24.4 to. 7.0 Strongly Agree 1.6 13.1 Agree 47.0 Man 26.8 7.7 Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree 5.4 The spaces are welcoming. Strongly Disagree 7.7 55.7 Woman 29.7 5.4 1.4 13.7 45.8 Man 31.0 6.0 3.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % 15

  16. Satisfaction by ethnicity 9.7 Asian or Asian British 44.1 36.6 The spaces meet my 5.4 4.3 10.8 40.5 Black or Black British 37.8 9.5 needs. 1.4 7.1 48.0 Other White 37.0 4.7 3.1 9.6 46.1 White British 27.4 13.0 3.9 The spaces are easy to get to. Strongly Agree 8.6 53.8 Asian or Asian British 29.0 5.4 3.2 Agree 12.2 51.4 Black or Black British 25.7 8.1 2.7 Neither Agree nor Disagree 11.0 54.3 Other White 26.8 4.7 3.1 13.5 Disagree 53.5 White British 23.5 7.8 1.7 Strongly Disagree The spaces are welcoming. 10.8 47.3 Asian or Asian British 38.7 1.1 2.2 13.5 48.6 Black or Black British 29.7 6.8 1.4 9.4 59.1 Other White 26.0 3.9 1.6 7.8 54.3 White British 27.8 8.3 1.7 16 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 %

  17. One thing that the SU could do to improve its spaces Four strongest themes were: Use of space (over 40 comments) Food and drink (over 40 comments) Entertainment (over 30 comments) Furniture (over 30 comments) 17

  18. More quieter spaces More outdoor seating areas Cosier spaces More spaces for meetings More group areas More private spaces More spaces suiting different needs, e.g. Muslim females Use of Space 18

  19. Halal and kosher food options More vegetarian options Permanent vegan menu Diet drinks at the bar Serve food throughout the day More healthy food Organic foods Better food options for those with allergies Show calorie and nutrition value Food and drink 19

  20. Weekly games night More organized parties More cultural events More large scale events Performance area to put on shows / plays Better music Entertainment 20

  21. More comfortable chairs Bean bags More sofas More seating Groups of smaller tables More seating with tables Change the shape of the tables Furniture 21

  22. Other suggestions for improvements Clear signs of opening and closing times More access for disabled students Offer parking Access Update the d cor Showcase work of students Freshen up the spaces Clean up the spaces Decoration More microwaves Better pool tables More plug sockets More computers More vending machines Equipment 22

  23. Other suggestions for improvements Cheaper food and drink 2 for 1 deals Group deals Pricing More promotion of facilities Advertise events better Make sure commuter and mature students are aware of facilities Promotion Open longer All staff to be welcoming and friendly Discrimination training for staff Service 23

  24. Use of SU website In the last month, how many times have you used the SU website? n= 604 Not at all 22.8 Rarely 26.7 Occasionally 27.6 Fairly often 18.2 Almost every day 3.6 Everyday 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 % 25 30 35 40 24

  25. Satisfaction with SU website How much do you agree with the following statements about SU website? n= 604 1.0 3.0 The website provides the information / function that I need. 29.3 54.0 12.7 Strongly Disagree 1.3 Disagree 4.8 The website is easy to use. 30.5 Neither Agree nor Disagree 51.3 12.1 Agree Strongly Agree 0.7 1.5 The website is welcoming. 33.3 53.1 11.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % 25

  26. One thing that the SU could do to improve its website Themes across 150 comments were: Access Content Design Functionality Navigation Promotion 26

  27. Suggestions for website improvements Access Make signing-up easier Fix log-in errors Provide access to support to fix problems Make it more relevant to part time and mature students Advertise campus activities and events Use google maps to show SU locations and show opening times Use photos and video to show what the SU offers Provide updated list of societies and sports Live feeds using social media Regular updates about jobs and volunteering opportunities Content Clearer layout Change colours: more eye-catching; less red; less aggressive colours More pictures more welcoming Show events down the side, like a twitter feed Less cluttered Involve Graphic Design Students in redesign (for an incentive) Design 27

  28. Suggestions for website improvements Search function needs to work properly Make it easier to buy from societies and sports pages Improve mobile interface Easier links to University sites Option for email update Functionality Provide easier navigation bar Clean options on each page Clearer guide on how to find information Categorise articles so they are easy to find Navigation Advertise with posters Promote through social media Make people aware of what it can be used for Promotion 28

  29. 3. Health and wellbeing Slide number Content Headlines Student groups Healthy food options 30 31 32 19

  30. Health & Wellbeing Headlines The vast majority of students involved in student groups (over four fifths) strongly agree or agree that they enjoy the experience, have made friends and feel more connected to other students Over half the students involved in student groups strongly agree or agree that they have derived mental health and physical health benefits from being involved in groups Over half the sample (54%) strongly agreed or agreed that the food offered by the SU includes healthy options 30

  31. Student groups To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your involvement in Student Groups? n= 183 36.1 I have made new friends as a result of being involved in a student group. 47.0 9.8 5.5 1.6 37.7 50.8 I enjoy being involved in student group/s. 8.2 Strongly Agree 1.1 2.2 Agree 35.7 51.1 Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree It helps me feel connected with other students. 8.2 3.3 1.6 Strongly Disagree 26.2 Being a member has a positive impact on my mental health. 42.6 23.5 5.5 2.2 23.0 Being a member has a positive impact on my physical health. 30.1 34.4 8.2 4.4 0 10 20 30 % 40 50 60 31

  32. Healthy food options To what extent do you agree that the food and drink offered by your SU includes healthy options? n=604 Strongly Agree 7.0 Agree 46.7 Neither Agree nor Disagree 32.9 Disagree 10.4 Strongly Disagree 3.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 % 30 35 40 45 50 32

  33. 4. Influencing Slide number Content Headlines Influencing preferences Consultation preferences Decision making preferences 34 35 36 37 23

  34. Influencing Headlines The aspect of university experience that most students (80%) want to influence, and be consulted about, is their course. Approximately one half of student also said they would like to influence the opportunities that are available to them (59%), academic organization (45%) and support on offer to them (42%) There was much less interest in influencing the SU s governance (21%), the local community (15%) Students are most interested in being consulted about matters that directly affect them (e.g. decisions about support, finances, opportunities or course organization) Students are least interested in being consulted about SU decisions and priorities and the position of representatives Most students (71%) are happy for others to make decisions for them if their views have been collected. 34

  35. Influencing preferences What part of your University experience do you want to influence (please pick the three most important for you) n= 568 Other (please specify) 2.1 My SU's governance (e.g. the way that the SU spends money on my behalf) 20.6 Opportunities available to me (e.g. extracurricular activities, sports, employability, social events) 58.8 The support on offer to me (e.g. counselling services, plagiarism advice, student finance, housing advice) 41.5 Local Community 15.1 Academic Organisation (e.g. timetabling, attendance policy changes, disciplinary policy) 45.2 Your course 80.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % 35

  36. Consultation preferences When would you like to be directly consulted? n= 568 I don't need to be consulted. 8.6 When making decisions of the central priorities of my SU. 17.1 When my SU is making decisions about how to spend money. 27.6 When a decision is being made in relation to University Organisation (e.g. timetabling, attendance policy changes, disciplinary policy). 49.3 When my opportunities (employability, extracurricular activities, social events) may be affected. 53.9 When representatives are taking a position on my behalf on a political issue (e.g. Brexit, increased tuition fees) 38.6 When a decision is being made that will affect the support on offer to me 50.7 When a decision is being made that will affect my finances 66.4 When a decision is being made about by course. 80.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % 36

  37. Decision making preferences When are you happy for others to make decisions for you? tick all that apply n= 568 When the SU has been specifically directed by the University. 19.5 When there will be little impact for me personally (e.g. financially). 38.6 When I have collaborated directly with the decision making process. 35.7 When the right person to make the decision has been elected. 31.5 When it is agreed by paid SU student representatives to be in the best interests of students. 28.2 When it has been considered through thorough research. 54.6 When my views or the views of my peers have been collected. 71.0 0 10 20 30 40 % 50 60 70 80 37

  38. 5. Student Union functions/services Slide number Content Headlines SU functions: preferences SU functions: satisfaction Suggestions for SU services 39 40 41 42 28

  39. SU functions headlines Two thirds of students (61%) believe it is very important the SU offers academic advice and one half believe financial advice is important Nearly one half don t believe it is important that the SU offers a bar Most of the students (82%) that have used the SU functions are very satisfied or satisfied with them 39

  40. SU functions: preferences How important is it for you that the SU offers the following services/ functions? n=568 29.0 Village Shop 46.5 24.5 43.7 Sparrows Bar 40.8 15.5 40.1 Bar Latitude 42.4 17.4 9.0 Campaigning on Local and National Student Issues 47.0 44.0 4.9 Representing your Academic Interests to the University 40.5 54.6 7.4 Not Important Volunteering Opportunities 47.2 45.4 Important Very Important 7.6 Supporting Student-Led Societies 50.5 41.9 16.0 Supporting Sports Clubs 49.5 34.5 5.3 Academic Advice 33.5 61.3 9.3 Financial Advice 40.1 50.5 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 %

  41. SU functions: satisfaction How satisfied are you with any services/ functions you have used? n=568 42.1 12.0 Village Shop 35.7 7.0 3.2 54.0 7.2 Sparrows Bar 26.2 8.8 3.7 46.1 11.8 Bar Latitude 32.4 6.9 2.8 59.3 Campaigning on Local and National Student Issues 6.3 26.1 5.5 2.8 49.6 Representing your Academic Interests to the University 9.7 30.3 7.0 3.3 I haven't used this 53.9 8.8 Volunteering Opportunities 30.8 Very Satisfied 4.9 1.6 Satisfied 49.8 11.1 Supporting Student-Led Societies 28.7 6.0 Unsatisfied 4.4 60.6 Very Unsatisfied 7.4 Supporting Sports Clubs 23.8 5.6 2.6 58.6 8.6 Welfare Advice 24.1 5.8 2.8 51.1 12.7 Academic Advice 30.6 3.3 2.3 56.7 8.3 Financial Advice 30.1 3.5 1.4 41 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 %

  42. What service could the SU provide to other students like you? Themes across 125 comments were: Academic support Clubs and societies Addressing diverse needs Employability / careers Events and activities SU Shop Financial support Mental health support Social support Housing support Spaces 42

  43. Suggestions for SU Services Academic support Academic bursary opportunities Grants for computers for study Academic skills sessions Peer assessment Clubs and sports Swimming club Dance clubs Rowing club More nature-based clubs Better sports club information Access to people speaking more than one language Women-only gym Childcare support Better support for mature students More help for students with disabilities More help for students on placement Cater to needs of medical students Diverse needs 43

  44. Suggestions for SU services Careers advice Credits for volunteering More part time work opportunities More information about non-SU jobs for students Help with start-ups/ entrepreneurship Employability / careers Course specific activities Activities and celebrations for different ethnic groups Publicise events in London Non-drinking activities Better publicity of campus events Events and activities Cheaper options More fruit and veg Lower prices generally More frozen food Quicker service/ less queues SU Shop 44

  45. Suggestions for SU Services Financial support Help with benefitting from discounts Financial advice Savings scheme More offers Mental health support Improve counselling Easier opportunities to talk about mental health Shorter waiting list for mental health service More awareness about mental health Group talking sessions Relationships advice Mental health checkups Make it easer to find like-minded people to set up clubs together More interactive events so easier to meet other students Cultural activities off campus so mature students can meet each other More common room space Social support 45

  46. Suggestions for SU Services Housing support Support with accommodation problems Promotion of accommodation opportunities Advice about financial support for accommodation Accommodation advice Social spaces at Avery Hill Spaces to sleep in between classes Common room on Greenwich campus Common spaces that don t just involve food Space Inter-campus transport Better promotion of SU services More security on campus Other 46

  47. 6. Employability Slide number Content Headlines Contribution of SU to employability Availability of volunteering opportunities 48 49 50 47

  48. Employability Headlines Nearly two thirds of students (60%) strongly agree or agree that being an active member of a student group has made them more employable Over one third (37%) strongly agree or agree that there are many and varied volunteering opportunities within the SU 48

  49. Contribution of SU to employability To what extent do you agree with the following statement ' Being an active member of a Student Group has made me more employable'? N=181 Strongly Agree 18.8 Agree 39.2 Neither Agree nor Disagree 30.9 Disagree 7.2 Strongly Disagree 3.9 0 10 20 30 40 50 % 49

  50. Availability of volunteering opportunities To what extent do you agree with the following statement ' There are many and varied volunteer opportunities within the SU'? N=534 Strongly Agree 7.3 Agree 30.5 Neither Agree nor Disagree 32.2 Disagree 9.2 Strongly Disagree 0.9 I don't volunteer 19.9 0 10 20 30 40 50 % 50


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