The Basics of Mock Trials in the American Justice System

Mock Trial:
The Basics
How we prove and determine facts
In the American justice system, juries
(or judges) are asked to determine
facts based upon evidence.
Evidence generally comes in two forms:
Witness testimony
Physical evidence (documents, videos,
Witness testimony
Witnesses are “called to the stand” to give
testimony under oath.
Their testimony comes in the form of
answers to questions (an “examination”)
by the attorneys.
The party who calls the witness to testify
conducts the “direct examination” of the
The side against whom the witness
testifies conducts the “cross examination.”
Physical evidence
Witnesses may be asked to testify
about documents, videos, or other
physical objects.
These pieces of physical evidence can
be “admitted into evidence” as
“exhibits” and be considered by the jury
to the same extent it considers witness
Trial – in sum
The purpose of the trial is to allow each
side to introduce evidence that the fact
finder can use to answer questions of
How does a mock trial go?
Housekeeping/motions in limine
Opening statements
Plaintiff/Prosecution puts on evidence
(two witnesses)
Defendant moves for directed
Defendant puts on evidence (two
Closing arguments
Plaintiff/Prosecution sits at table closest
to jury box (or left if no jury box).
Stand up when the judge enters or calls
the court to order (and any time you
Judge will ask attorneys to make their
announcements (Plaintiff/Prosecution
goes first).
Opportunity to address preferences of
the judge in how trial will proceed.
Permission to roam about courtroom
during opening/closing?
Arm’s length from podium during witness
Constructive approach/witness swearing?
Reading of jury instructions?
Addressing judge as both judge and jury?
Plaintiff should present motions first.
Opening statement
Your opportunity to introduce yourself
and present your theory of the case.
Tell the jury what you 
evidence will show.
This is an opening “statement,” not an
opening “argument” – you are not
supposed to be argumentative or
Opening statements are NOT evidence!
Opening statement (cont.)
Should last no more than five minutes
“May it please the Court?  Counsel
[acknowledge opposing counsel].
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury [turn
to the jury].”
Introduce yourself, your co-counsel,
and the party you represent.
Begin telling your client’s story as
framed by your “theme.”
You should always have a theme to
describe your case – a “hook” the jury
can latch on to and conceptualize the
evidence through.
“If the glove don’t fit…”
Desperate Executives
Opening statement (cont.)
Explain the dilemma in the case – what
the plaintiff is claiming or why the
plaintiff is wrong.
Explain the burden of proof and the
elements of the claim (particularly if
you’re the plaintiff).
Introduce your witnesses and explain
how you expect them to testify.
Explain how you expect the other side’s
witnesses to testify.
Opening statement tips (cont.)
Couch everything in terms of “we
expect the evidence will show” or “the
evidence will likely show” or “you’ll
learn that…”
Remember – you haven’t held the trial yet,
so you can’t say things as a matter of fact
that are in dispute!
Ending: Ask the jury to carefully weigh
the evidence and find for your client.
Direct examination
After each side has opened, the parties
put on their “case in chief.”  You do this
through calling witnesses.
Decide which of your two witnesses you
want to call first.
When the judge asks you to call your
first (or next) witness, stand and say
“Your Honor, the Plaintiff calls Witness
McWitnessy to the stand.”
Direct examination (cont.)
Make sure witnesses have carefully read
their deposition/statements. Give them
a list of the questions you’re going to
ask and the answers you’d like them to
give (even though they can’t take that
to the stand with them).
Plan out your questions according to
subject areas.  Within each subject
area, move chronologically so your
questions make sense.
Direct examination (cont.)
What do you need from the witness?
Be sure to ask whatever questions
necessary to get the witness to testify
about the essential elements of your
claim.  If the witness doesn’t say it, it’s
not in evidence and you haven’t proven
your case!
Ask open-ended questions. Any
question that suggests its answer is
leading, and therefore objectionable.
Direct examination (cont.)
Use the witness to explain physical
To give the witness an exhibit, first ask
the judge, “Your Honor, may I approach
the witness?”
Before you approach the witness, give a
copy of the exhibit to opposing counsel,
and ask the judge if he/she would like a
copy as well.
Direct examination (cont.)
Once you finish your direct
examination, look to the judge and say
“Your honor, I pass the witness.”
Don’t say “I have no further questions,”
which may lead a mean judge to say
that you’ve waived your right to do a
re-direct examination after cross.
Cross examination
Your opportunity to “question” the
other side’s witnesses
Tell “the rest of the story”
“Impeach” a witness/make him look bad
Collect ammo for closing argument
Make yourself look good
Hardest part about trial work (and mock
trial). Also most fun.
Why so hard?
Three reasons:
Witness is adverse
What we think we know about cross is
Can’t rehearse it
Control over the witness is vital.
Without it, the examination goes badly.
With control, you look good, and when
the witness tries to deny you of it, he
looks bad.
How to get control?
Leading questions?
Problems with questions
Jury wants to hear the witness’s
You lose the ability to tell a story.
The benefit of short statements
The length of the statement dictates
the length of the response.
Focusing on short statements prevents
asking compound questions that allow
the witness to say “No” when at least
part of the answer begs a “Yes.”
Allows you to communicate with the
jury, not the witness.
So how do I do it?
Decide the points you need to make through
the examination.
Only ask questions to transition from point to
Mr. Smith, I’d like to ask you some
questions about _____.  Is that OK?
Eliminate prefixes.
Eliminate suffixes.
Design short statements to move in a logical
progression toward each point you need to
What if it doesn’t work?
If witness stares at you, say, “Correct”
or “Isn’t that right?” while nodding.  On
the next statement, nod.
If witness argues with you or says
something other than “Yes,” listen to
his answer.  And then…
What TO do
Ask, repeat, repeat.
Or ask, repeat, reverse.
Full, formal name.
Shorten the question.
“I’m sorry, you must have misunderstood my
question.  I wasn’t asking about…”
“That didn’t answer my question, did it?”
“Then your answer is yes?”
What NOT to do
The “Deal”
Cut off witness and thank him/her for
“Just answer yes or no”
Ask the court for help (except as a last
Cross examination tips
There’s no need to be mean to the
Avoid the “one question too many” – it
might be OK to save the conclusion for
jury argument.
Try to end with a powerful point.
“Pass the witness” when you’re done.
Re-direct examination
The person who calls the witness
always has “the last word.”  So, after
cross, you can ask additional direct
examination questions of your witness.
Fix any damaging testimony that came
out on cross by letting the witness
Limited to scope of direct/cross.
Re-direct examination
When you’re done, say “Your Honor, I
have no further questions.  May this
witness be excused?”
No re-cross examination allowed in our
mock trial competitions.
Closing the “case in chief”
After the Plaintiff has called its two
witnesses, rise and tell the judge “Your
Honor, at this time the Plaintiff rests its
case in chief.”
Defendant should do the same after it
calls its two witnesses in its case in
Motion for Directed Verdict (Halftime!)
After the Plaintiff rests its case in chief,
the Defendant should ask the judge to
excuse the jury.
Defendant then moves for a Directed
Verdict, arguing that the Plaintiff did
not put on sufficient evidence to prove
a prima facie case.
Argue the elements of the cause(s) of
action and why they weren’t met.
It will be denied.  That’s OK!
Closing argument
Opportunity to be theatrical (and
Use the same theme that your partner
introduced in opening.
Talk about what the witnesses said.  If
a witness didn’t say it or it didn’t appear
in an admitted exhibit, you can’t talk
about it!
Point out inconsistencies in opposing
witness’s statements.
Closing argument (cont.)
Explain the elements of the claim and
how the evidence did/did not establish
those elements.
If there are jury instructions, explain
them and how the jury should answer.
Explain the burden of proof and make it
work for you.
Ask the jury to hold for your client.
Plaintiff can reserve time for rebuttal.
 mock trial, we’ve eliminated
nearly all evidentiary objections.
The objections you may make:
Asked and answered
Assumes facts not in evidence
Objections (cont.)
The objections you may make (cont.):
Non-responsive (as to witness testimony)
You may not object to any evidentiary
issues other than relevance.  In
particular, no hearsay objections!
Only the attorney handling that witness
may object.
Keep a list of available objections at
counsel table.
Objections (cont.)
When the other side asks a question
that is objectionable, rise and say
“Objection, Your Honor,” and then state
the grounds of your objection.
The counsel objected to should then
say, “May I respond your Honor?”
(unless you know you’re wrong, in
which case just say, “I’d be happy to
rephrase, your Honor.”)
Closing thoughts
Keep counsel table neat and clean.
Consider putting everything in a binder
with tabs.
Other than announcements and
objections, speak from podium (unless
permission to roam in opening/closing).
Stand up straight – look like a lawyer!
Don’t talk or overly whisper to co-
Slide Note

Mock trials in the American justice system involve presenting evidence through witness testimony and physical evidence to help juries or judges determine facts. The process includes witness testimony under oath, examination by attorneys, admission of physical evidence, and closing arguments. The trial aims to allow each side to introduce evidence for fact-finding purposes. Formalities and housekeeping tasks are also essential in ensuring a structured trial process.

  • Mock trials
  • American justice system
  • Witness testimony
  • Physical evidence
  • Legal proceedings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mock Trial: Mock Trial: The Basics The Basics

  2. How we prove and determine facts In the American justice system, juries (or judges) are asked to determine facts based upon evidence. Evidence generally comes in two forms: Witness testimony Physical evidence (documents, videos, objects) 2

  3. Witness testimony Witnesses are called to the stand to give testimony under oath. Their testimony comes in the form of answers to questions (an examination ) by the attorneys. The party who calls the witness to testify conducts the direct examination of the witness. The side against whom the witness testifies conducts the cross examination. 3

  4. Physical evidence Witnesses may be asked to testify about documents, videos, or other physical objects. These pieces of physical evidence can be admitted into evidence as exhibits and be considered by the jury to the same extent it considers witness testimony. 4

  5. Trial in sum The purpose of the trial is to allow each side to introduce evidence that the fact finder can use to answer questions of fact. 5

  6. How does a mock trial go? Housekeeping/motions in limine Opening statements Plaintiff/Prosecution puts on evidence (two witnesses) Defendant moves for directed verdict/acquittal Defendant puts on evidence (two witnesses) Closing arguments 6

  7. Formalities Plaintiff/Prosecution sits at table closest to jury box (or left if no jury box). Stand up when the judge enters or calls the court to order (and any time you speak). Judge will ask attorneys to make their announcements (Plaintiff/Prosecution goes first). 7

  8. Housekeeping Opportunity to address preferences of the judge in how trial will proceed. Permission to roam about courtroom during opening/closing? Arm s length from podium during witness questioning? Constructive approach/witness swearing? Reading of jury instructions? Addressing judge as both judge and jury? Plaintiff should present motions first. 8

  9. Opening statement Your opportunity to introduce yourself and present your theory of the case. Tell the jury what you expect the evidence will show. This is an opening statement, not an opening argument you are not supposed to be argumentative or combative. Opening statements are NOT evidence! 9

  10. Opening statement (cont.) Should last no more than five minutes May it please the Court? Counsel [acknowledge opposing counsel]. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury [turn to the jury]. Introduce yourself, your co-counsel, and the party you represent. Begin telling your client s story as framed by your theme. 10

  11. Theme You should always have a theme to describe your case a hook the jury can latch on to and conceptualize the evidence through. Examples: If the glove don t fit CSI Desperate Executives 11

  12. Opening statement (cont.) Explain the dilemma in the case what the plaintiff is claiming or why the plaintiff is wrong. Explain the burden of proof and the elements of the claim (particularly if you re the plaintiff). Introduce your witnesses and explain how you expect them to testify. Explain how you expect the other side s witnesses to testify. 12

  13. Opening statement tips (cont.) Couch everything in terms of we expect the evidence will show or the evidence will likely show or you ll learn that Remember you haven t held the trial yet, so you can t say things as a matter of fact that are in dispute! Objections? Ending: Ask the jury to carefully weigh the evidence and find for your client. 13

  14. Direct examination After each side has opened, the parties put on their case in chief. You do this through calling witnesses. Decide which of your two witnesses you want to call first. When the judge asks you to call your first (or next) witness, stand and say Your Honor, the Plaintiff calls Witness McWitnessy to the stand. 14

  15. Direct examination (cont.) Make sure witnesses have carefully read their deposition/statements. Give them a list of the questions you re going to ask and the answers you d like them to give (even though they can t take that to the stand with them). Plan out your questions according to subject areas. Within each subject area, move chronologically so your questions make sense. 15

  16. Direct examination (cont.) What do you need from the witness? Be sure to ask whatever questions necessary to get the witness to testify about the essential elements of your claim. If the witness doesn t say it, it s not in evidence and you haven t proven your case! Ask open-ended questions. Any question that suggests its answer is leading, and therefore objectionable. 16

  17. Direct examination (cont.) Use the witness to explain physical evidence. To give the witness an exhibit, first ask the judge, Your Honor, may I approach the witness? Before you approach the witness, give a copy of the exhibit to opposing counsel, and ask the judge if he/she would like a copy as well. 17

  18. Direct examination (cont.) Once you finish your direct examination, look to the judge and say Your honor, I pass the witness. Don t say I have no further questions, which may lead a mean judge to say that you ve waived your right to do a re-direct examination after cross. 18

  19. Cross examination Your opportunity to question the other side s witnesses Goals: Tell the rest of the story Impeach a witness/make him look bad Collect ammo for closing argument Make yourself look good Hardest part about trial work (and mock trial). Also most fun. 19

  20. Why so hard? Three reasons: Witness is adverse What we think we know about cross is wrong Can t rehearse it Control over the witness is vital. Without it, the examination goes badly. With control, you look good, and when the witness tries to deny you of it, he looks bad. 20

  21. How to get control? Leading questions? No! SHORT, SIMPLE, STATEMENTS 21

  22. Problems with questions Jury wants to hear the witness s answers. You lose the ability to tell a story. 22

  23. The benefit of short statements The length of the statement dictates the length of the response. Focusing on short statements prevents asking compound questions that allow the witness to say No when at least part of the answer begs a Yes. Allows you to communicate with the jury, not the witness. 23

  24. So how do I do it? Decide the points you need to make through the examination. Only ask questions to transition from point to point. Mr. Smith, I d like to ask you some questions about _____. Is that OK? Eliminate prefixes. Eliminate suffixes. Design short statements to move in a logical progression toward each point you need to make. 24

  25. What if it doesnt work? If witness stares at you, say, Correct or Isn t that right? while nodding. On the next statement, nod. If witness argues with you or says something other than Yes, listen to his answer. And then 25

  26. What TO do Ask, repeat, repeat. Or ask, repeat, reverse. Full, formal name. Shorten the question. I m sorry, you must have misunderstood my question. I wasn t asking about That didn t answer my question, did it? Then your answer is yes? 26

  27. What NOT to do The Deal Cut off witness and thank him/her for answer Just answer yes or no Ask the court for help (except as a last resort) 27

  28. Cross examination tips There s no need to be mean to the witness Avoid the one question too many it might be OK to save the conclusion for jury argument. Try to end with a powerful point. Pass the witness when you re done. 28

  29. Re-direct examination The person who calls the witness always has the last word. So, after cross, you can ask additional direct examination questions of your witness. Fix any damaging testimony that came out on cross by letting the witness explain. Limited to scope of direct/cross. 29

  30. Re-direct examination When you re done, say Your Honor, I have no further questions. May this witness be excused? No re-cross examination allowed in our mock trial competitions. 30

  31. Closing the case in chief After the Plaintiff has called its two witnesses, rise and tell the judge Your Honor, at this time the Plaintiff rests its case in chief. Defendant should do the same after it calls its two witnesses in its case in chief. 31

  32. Motion for Directed Verdict (Halftime!) After the Plaintiff rests its case in chief, the Defendant should ask the judge to excuse the jury. Defendant then moves for a Directed Verdict, arguing that the Plaintiff did not put on sufficient evidence to prove a prima facie case. Argue the elements of the cause(s) of action and why they weren t met. It will be denied. That s OK! 32

  33. Closing argument Opportunity to be theatrical (and argumentative!). Use the same theme that your partner introduced in opening. Talk about what the witnesses said. If a witness didn t say it or it didn t appear in an admitted exhibit, you can t talk about it! Point out inconsistencies in opposing witness s statements. 33

  34. Closing argument (cont.) Explain the elements of the claim and how the evidence did/did not establish those elements. If there are jury instructions, explain them and how the jury should answer. Explain the burden of proof and make it work for you. Ask the jury to hold for your client. Plaintiff can reserve time for rebuttal. 34

  35. Objections For our mock trial, we ve eliminated nearly all evidentiary objections. The objections you may make: Ambiguous Argumentative Asked and answered Assumes facts not in evidence Compound Leading Narrative 35

  36. Objections (cont.) The objections you may make (cont.): Non-responsive (as to witness testimony) Relevance You may not object to any evidentiary issues other than relevance. In particular, no hearsay objections! Only the attorney handling that witness may object. Keep a list of available objections at counsel table. 36

  37. Objections (cont.) When the other side asks a question that is objectionable, rise and say Objection, Your Honor, and then state the grounds of your objection. The counsel objected to should then say, May I respond your Honor? (unless you know you re wrong, in which case just say, I d be happy to rephrase, your Honor. ) 37

  38. Closing thoughts Keep counsel table neat and clean. Consider putting everything in a binder with tabs. Other than announcements and objections, speak from podium (unless permission to roam in opening/closing). Stand up straight look like a lawyer! Don t talk or overly whisper to co- counsel. 38

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