Staff and Trials Overview at KVK Champhai, Mizoram
KVK Champhai, Mizoram, has a diverse staff including scientists and support staff. They conduct on-farm trials in disciplines like agronomy, horticulture, and plant protection. Trials aim to refine and assess technologies for crops like maize, beans, soybean, and more under various conditions. Specific trials focus on increasing productivity and income for farmers. The trials are led by specialists like Dr. OM Prakash in agronomy, addressing issues such as cropping systems and sowing techniques. Location-specific parameters are evaluated to provide recommendations for sustainable agriculture practices.
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Staff Position of KVK, Champhai District, Mizoram Sl. No. Name Designation Discipline 1 Dr. HENRY SAPLALRINLIANA Senior Scientist & Head Soil science 2 MALSAWMKIMI Scientist Horticulture 3 SYED KHALIDUDDIN AHMED Scientist Animal Science 4 Dr. OM PRAKASH Scientist Agronomy 5 ISREAL LALREMRUATA Scientist Agro Forestry 6 F. ZORAMTHARI Scientist Plant Protection 7 R. VANLALDUATI Scientist Soil science 8 LALHRUAITLUANGI Programme Assistant Home Science 9 SAMSON SAIRENGPUIA SAILO Programme Assistant Computer / IT 10 PRAKASH THAPA Farm Manager M.Sc(Hort) 11 K.VANLALHMANGAIHI Assistant M.Com 12 CRUSADE THANGPUII Stenographer - 13 LALNUNTLUANGA Driver cum Mechanic - 14 R.DENGLIANA Driver cum Mechanic - 15 VANLALVENHIMA Supporting staff - 16 VACANT Supporting staff -
On Farm Trials (DisciplineWise Summary) No. of Technology/ Social Concept to be No. of trials proposed Discipline Crop/enterprise Assessed Refined Assessment Refinement Maize+Bean Garden Pea 1 - 3 - Agronomy Soyabean 1 - 3 - Okra 1 - 3 - Horticulture water melon 1 - 3 - Brinjal 1 - 3 - Tomato 1 - 3 - Plant Protection Legumes 1 - 3 - Paddy 1 - 3 - Soil Science Lentil 1 - 3 - Pineapple, Banana, Paddy & Bee keeping 1 2 Agro Forestry Tephrosia, Potato 1 2 TOTAL - -
Agronomy OFT-1: Maize + Beans - Vegetable pea cropping system for rainfed conditions under organic management system Problem identified: Lack of cropping system to accommodate more crops Technology to be Assessed: Technology Option-1: Maize+bean-V. Pea for better yield & income Technology Option-2: Farmers practice Source of technology and year of release: NOFRI, Gangtok, 2015 (Technology Inventory for NE India 2017) No. of trials proposed to be Assessed: 3 Location: Tuisenphai, N230 32.789 E0930 10.060 E:1062m Parameters of assessment/refinement New Technology & Farmer Practice 1. 1. No. of cobs/ sq m N230 31.678 E0930 10.274 E:1073m Phaitha N230 37.330 E0930 11.235 E:808m 2. No. of pods/ sq m 3. No. of grains / cob 4. No. of grains / pod 5. Yield/ha 6. Economics
Agronomy OFT-2: Effect of sowing dates and mulching on productivity of soyabean Problem identified: Low yield due to late sowing & nutrition Variety to be tested: Local Technology to be Assessed: TO1: Sowing on 15 May with Mulching TO2: Farmers practice: Sowing after 30th May Source of technology and year of release: Legume Research, 2018 Parameters of assessment No. of trials proposed to be Assessed: 3 Location: Tualte- Chawngtlai- Tuimuk- New Technology & Farmer Practice 1.Pods/ plant N230 40.396 E0930 20.856 E:1241m 2.Pod length 3. No. of seeds/pod N230 44.726 E0930 21.153 E:1318m 4. Seed yield/ha 5. Cost of cultivation 6. Economics N230 30.175 E0930 12.454 E:811m 7. Incidence of pest and diseases
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION : Agronomy Details of Technology to be Demonstrated Source and year of release No. of farmers to be covered/ benefitted Crop / Enterprise No. of demons trations Parameters selected for demonstration Area (ha) Location Popularization of Groundnut Variety: ICGV 91114 Mualkawi, Khawzawl, Phaisen, Tuisen 1. Date of sowing 2. Yield/ha 3. Economics ICRISAT, Hyderaba d, 2007 10 Groundnut 10 5 Popularization of Aman /Azad Pea 3 with Rhizobium inoculation Phaita, Tuimuk, Zotlang, Tuisen IIPR, Kanpur, 2017 1. Date of sowing 2. Yield/ha 3. Economics Field Pea 15 7.5 15
Training Programme (Farmers) Farmer Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Vocational Total Agronomy 9(10) 70 200 - - 270 Total 9(10) 70 200 - - 270 Training Topic of Agronomy: 1) Importance of crop rotation for improving soil health 2) Package of practices for cultivation of groundnut 3) Field pea & benefits of Rhizobium inoculation Training Programme (Rural Youth) Rural Youth Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Agronomy 2(2) - 40 - - 40 Total 2(2) - 40 - - 40 Training Topic of Agronomy: Importance of mulching practices for Rabi crops
Training Programme (Extention Personnel) Extension Functionaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Agronomy 1(1) 15 - - - 15 Total 1(1) 15 - - - 15 Training topic of Agronomy : Method and advantage of seed inoculation of Field pea. Seed Materials & Planting Materials Proposed quantity (Qt) to be produced (both at KVK farm and farmers field) To be Seed Materials Current Value (Rs.) Crop Variety provided/supplied to farmers (Expected No.) Oil Seeds Groundnut ICGV-91114 5 30,000 10 Pulses Field Pea Aman/AP-3 5 30,000 20 Total 10 60,000 30
On Farm Trials - Horticulture Topic : Introduction of high yielding variety of Brinjal Arka Harshita Crop / Enterprise Source of techno and year of release No. of trials proposed Problem with severity Technology/ Social Concept to be Assessed Parameters of assessment/refinement Location Brinjal New Technology: TO1: Arka Harshita TO2: Farmers practice Yields 36-38 t/ha in 120 days Spacing : 60X 45 cm NPK: 100:75: kg/ha Seed rate 200g /ha 1. Plant height (cm) Lack of high yielding variety with bacterial wilt resistant variety 2. Days to maturity (days) Tualte, Biate, Khawzawl 03 IIHR 2015 3. No of fruit per vine 4. fruit weight (g) 5. Yield/ha (q) 6. Economics Topic : Evaluation of Water melon variety Arka Muthu Water melon TO1: Arka Muthu TO2:Farmers practice Dwarf vine of 1.2 mt, vine length mature in 75-80 days fruit weight is 2.5-3 kg with T.S.S ranging from 12 to 14 %. Fruit yield 55 to 60 t/ha. New Technology: Use of traditional varieties with low yield and bush type watermelon not yet identified in the District. 1. Vine Length (cm) 2. Days to maturity Ngopa, Chawngtlai and Biate 03 IIHR, 2010 3. No of fruit per plants 4. fruit weight (g) 5. Yield/ha (q) Seed rate:3.5kg/ha NPK: 200:100:100 kg/ha Spacing: 2X1m 6. Economics
On Farm Trials - Horticulture Topic : Introduction of early flowering okra variety Arka Nikhita Crop / Enterprise Source of techno and year of release No. of trials proposed Problem with severity Technology/ Social Concept to be Assessed Parameters of assessment/refinement Location TO1: Arka Nikhita New Technology: TO2:Farmers practice Okra 1. Plant height (cm) High yielding with early flowering variety not yet identified in the District it takes 39 days for the first flower appearance and 43 days for first picking of fruits. 2. Days to maturity (days) Biate, New Chalrang and Tuipui 3. No of fruit per vine 03 IIHR, 2017 4. fruit weight (g) 5. Yield/ha (q)6 Seed rate: 8-10 kg seeds/ha Spacing:: 60 X45 cm NPK: 150:112: 75 kg/ha 6. Economics
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION : Horticulture No. of Technolo gy/ Social Concept Area (ha) to be covered/ no. of activity No. of participan ts/famers to be covered Source of tech and year of release No. of demo. proposed Parameters of demonstration Crop/enterprise Location Tuipui, Tualte, Biate, Neihdawn and New Chalrang Popularization of Tomato variety Arka Abhed 1. Fruit weight (g) 2. Number of fruit /plt 3. Yield/ha 4. Economics IIHR, 2015 1 15 3.5 15 New Technology 1. Bulb weight (g) 2. Plant height (cm) 3. Yield/ha (q) 4. Economics Popularization of Onion Variety NHRDF Red 4 Khawzawl, Tuipui, New Chalrang and Chawngtlai NHRDF, 2016 1 10 2.5 10
Training Programme (Farmers) Farmer Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Vocational Total Horticulture 5 (10) 30 60 15 15 120 Total 5 (10) 30 60 15 15 120 Training Topic of Horticulture: Scientific management of Khasi mandarin Improve production technology of water melon Improved technology in production of Tomato cultivation improve-production technology of Onion Training Programme (Rural Youth) Rural Youth Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Horticulture 2 (4) - 15 - 15 30 Total 2 (4) - 15 - 15 30 Training Topic of Horticulture: Technique of Winter vegetable cultivation and nursery management Improve-production technology of Tomato
Training Programme (Extention Personnel) Extension Functionaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Horticulture 1(2) 10 - - - 10 Total 1(2) 10 - - - 10 Training Topic of Horticulture: Improved production technology of Tomato var. Arka Abhed
Seed Materials & Planting Materials Proposed quantity (Qt) to be produced (both at KVK farm and farmers field) To be Seed Materials Current Value (Rs.) Crop Variety provided/supplied to farmers (Expected No.) Vegetables French bean Local 1.5 20,000 30 Flower Marigold Pusa Narangi 0.002 3,000 10 Kufri Megha Kufri Mohan 10 10 Potato 50,000 30 Vegetables Garden pea Arka Apoorva 0.1 300 5 Total 21.512 73,300 75 Proposed quantity (Nos.) to be produced (both at KVK farm and farmers field) To be Current Value (Rs.) Planting Materials provided/supplied to farmers (Expected No. ) Crop Variety Water melon Arka Muthu 1000 5,000 8 Vegetables Onion Pusa Reddy , NHRDF Red- 4 15,000 7,500 30 Tomato Arka Samrat and Arka Abhed 20000 40000 60 Total 36,000 52,500 98
On Farm Trials Plant Protection Topic: Bio-efficacy of newer insecticides against tomato fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera) Situation: Rainfed, Location: Tuipui,Tualte Neihdawn, No. of farmers: 3 No. of trials: 3, Area: 1.2 ha Problems Identified: Requirement of confidence building in new generation insecticides in tomato growing areas and apparent resistance to currently used chemicals Parameters: 1)No. of infested plant at 15 days interval (%) 2)Pest incidence (%) 3)Yield kg/ha Details of Technology Location = Neihdawn 23 29 58 N, 93 14 13 E 1315 m aboveMSL, TO1 : Three number of sprays with Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % SC @ 2.97 /10 litre of water during reproductive stage of the crop TO2 : Farmers practice Samba Mahsuri Location = Tuipui 23 27 51 N 93 18 34 E1488 m above MSL Source and Year of technology : Deptt of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Parbani(MS),2018.(IJCS 2018 ;6(4) : 3326-3330)
On Farm Trials Plant Protection OFT-2.Field evaluation of novel insecticides against Blister beetle , Mylabris spp in legumes Situation: Rainfed, Location: Tuipui,Tualte , and Ngaizawl No. of farmers: 3 No. of trials: 3, Area: 1.2 ha Problems Identified: Considerable yield loses during the flowering stage which is being the highest farmers feedback. 23 23 59 N93 12 09 E1117 m above MSL Location = Tualte Details of Technology 23 32 14 N93 15 20 E1385 m above MSL Location = Ngaizawl TO1 : 1)Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 48 FS 1.25mL/kg seed. 2)Two number of sprays with Thiacloprid 21.7 Sc @650mL/ha TO2 : Farmers practice Parameters: 1)No.of infested plant at 15 days interval (%) 2)Pest incidence (%) Source and Year of technology : SASRD,2019 (In. J. of hill farming Vol .32(1) Pg 157-161) 3)Yield kg/ha
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION : Plant Protection Topic-1. Demonstration on IDM of Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) of Potato (var Kufri Megha) Situation: Rainfed, Location: Neihdawn, Tualte,Tuipui, Phaitha, Zotlang, Ruantlang, Selam, Ngaizawl No. of farmers: 15 , Area: 4 ha No of proposed Field day : 1 No of proposed Diagnostic visits : 10 Location = Phaitha ,Khawzawl 23 37 31 N 93 11 04 E 823 m above MSL, Location = Zotlang 23 27 20 N 93 20 15 E 1298 m above MSL For Soil Application For curative spray Details of Technology Soil application : -T. harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens 15 days before planting -Prophylactic spray Cymoxil@0.2% twice at weekly before onset of disease -Curative spray with Cymoxil + Mancozeb @0.3% Source and Year of technology : ICAR-KVK, Kolar and Sirsi,Karnataka,2018.
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION : Plant Protection Situation : Rainfed, Location :Ngaizawl,Chawngtlai,Tuipui,Tualte,Tuisen phai No. of farmers : 10, Area : 2ha FLD 2-IPM of Fall Army Worm (2nd Year) No of proposed Diagnostic visits :10 No of Proposed Field day : 1 Details of Technology to be Demonstrated Location = Tuisen 23 29 8 N, 93 11 38 E, 1099m above MSL 1)Seed treatment with Cyantraniliprole 19.8% + Thiomethoxam 19.8% @ 4ml/1 kg 2)Spraying with NSKE 5% 1 week after planting. 3) Installation of Pheromone trap @ 4-5 traps/acre Location = Chawngtlai 23 31 43 N, 93 10 24 E, 1148m above MSL 4) ETL based spraying with Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 0.4 g/lt Source and Year of technology : ICAR,2019
Training Programme (Farmers) Farmer Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Vocational Total Plant Protection 7(12) 150 150 - - 300 Total 7(12) 150 150 - - 300 Training Topic of Plant Protection: 1) IPM in Potato 2) IPM in Maize 3) IPM in Tomato 4) Mushroom Cultivation 5) Preparation of Organic Pesticides 6) IPM in Citrus 7) IPM of Vegetables
Training Programme (Rural Youth) Rural Youth Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Plant Protection 2(4) 20 20 20 20 80 Total 11(18) 65 170 90 35 360 Training Topic of Plant Protection: 1) Mushroom Cultivation 2) Preparation of Organic Pesticides Training Programme (Extention Personnel) Extension Functionaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Plant Protection 1(2) - - 20 - 20 Total 1(2) - - 20 - 20 Training Topic of Plant Protection: 1) New generation Pesticides
On Farm Trials Soil Science Topic-1:Root-dipping in SSP-MC Slurry method of P management in lowland Paddy Source of technology and year of release No. of trials proposed to be Parameters of assessment/refinement Technology/ Social Concept to be Location Crop / Enterp rise Problem with severity New Technology & Farmer s practice A R A R Technology TO1- Step-I A mud slurry bed (45 sq.m) is prepared 7.0 kg SSP is to be mixed thoroughly with mud. Roots of uprooted rice seedling bundles need to be washed free of adhered mud and then roots are to be dipped in the SSP amended mud slurry bed for over-night. Step-II 5 kg finely grounded dry compost along with 500ml liquid MC biofertilizer are to be mixed thoroughly with mud in the slurry bed. The SSP slurry treated roots of rice seedling bundles are to be dipped in to MC amended mud slurry bed and incubated for 2 h. 1.Soil fertility College of Post Graduate Studies, CAU, Umiam, 2016 Khawzawl , Zotlang and Rabung status(SOC,AV.N,AV.P Paddy Production of rice is mainly constrained by iron (Fe) induced phosphorus deficiencies. 03 NA &AV.K),EC 2) i)Root growth at 40 to 45 DAT ii)Nos. of effective tillers / hill iii)Nos. of grains/ panicle iv)HI v) B:C ratio Khawzawl: Sanghluna Latitude: 23 032 04.67 Longitude: 93 010 30.80 Rabung: Lalbiakthanga Zotlang: Sangliana TO2-Farmer Practice(No treatment)
On Farm Trials Soil Science Topic-2. Enhancing Lentil productivity through Sustainable Nutrient Management Practices in Rice Fallow Technology/ Social Concept to be Crop / Enterpris e No. of trials proposed to be Source of technology and year of release Problem with severity Parameters of assessment/refinement Location A A R New Technology 1)Soil fertility status(SOC,AV.N,AV.P &AV.K),EC 2)Pods/Plant 3)Seed yield (kg/ha) To1- NPK-10:18:33 Kg/ha+ 200 kg lime/ha TO2- Farmer Practice(No treatment) Spacing : 20cm X 20 cm Improper Nutrient Management and soil acidity Luangdarh (Zotlang) & Biate Lentil ICAR, Tripura, 2018 03 NA Farmer s practice Same as above Biate Latitude: 23 015 29.86 Longitude: 93 010 56.93 Zotlang Latitude: 23 027 21.94 Longitude: 93 020 19.49 Khawzawl
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION : Soil Science Topic-1: INM in Potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Kufri Megha Area (ha)/ activity to be covered Crop / Enterp rise No. of farmers to be covered Source of technology and year of release No. of demons trations Technology/ Social Concept to be Demonstrated Parameters of demonstration Location 1.Chawngtlai Latitude: 23.461956 Longitude: 93.231692 2.Tualte Latitude: 23.402700 Longitude: 93.209549 3. Neihdawn Latitude: 23.515152 Longitude: 93.243083 To1 i. Soil fertility NPK-150:100:120 Kg/ha Vermicompost-2.5t/ha TO2-Farmer Practice(No treatment) Department of Horticulture Faizabad, U.P. India, 2018 status Potato 10 2 10 ii. Yield (q/ha) iii. B:C Ratio Spacing : 50cm X 20 cm
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION : Soil Science Topic-2: Rural Composting for Improvement of Soil Health and Sustainable Agriculture Source of technolo gy and year of release Crop / Enterp rise No. of farmers to be covered No. of demonst rations Area (ha)/ activity to be covered Technology/ Social Concept to be Demonstrated Parameters of demonstration Location i. Nutrient status of composting Days to maturity of composting Yield (q/ha) B:C Ratio Composting: Indore Method 1) 10 cm of material which is difficult to decompose, for example maize stalks. Then sprinkle with water. 2)10cm of material which is easy to decompose, such as fruit and vegetable scraps. 3) 2cm of animal manure. 4) A thin layer of soil from the surface of cropped land to obtain the microorganisms needed for the composting process. 5) Repeat these layers until the heap reaches 1m to 1.5 m high. 6) Cover with grass or leaves (such as banana leaves) to prevent water loss. IARI, New Delhi, 2016 10 2 1.Tualte Latitude: 23.402700 Longitude: 93.209549 10 F. Bean & Mizo Chilli ii. iii. iv. 2. Tuipui Latitude: 23.515152 Longitude: 93.243083
16. Training Programme (Farmers) Farmer Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Vocational Total Soil Science 7(11) 40 80 80 30 230 Total 7(11) 40 80 80 30 230 Training Topic of soil Science: 1. Organic Farming 2. Biofertilizers and its uses 3. Integrated Nutrient Management and its importance 4. Nutrient management in Jhumming with special reference to Ginger and Chilli 5. Vermicomposting and Azolla culture
Training Programme (Rural Youth) Rural Youth Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Soil Science 3(4) 25 35 70 - 130 Total 3(4) 25 35 70 - 130 Training Topic of Soil Science: Vermicomposting, Vermi wash and its uses Training Programme (Extention Personnel) Extension Functionaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Soil Science 1(1) - - 15 - 15 Total 1(1) - - 15 - 15 Training Topic of Soil Science: Soil sampling and soil testing
AGROFORESTRY OFT-1: 1:Modelling agroforestry system in Jhum field for permanent agriculture Source of techno and year of release Crop / Enterprise Problem with severity Technology/ Social Concept to be Assessed No. of trials proposed Parameters of assessment/refinement Location New Technology 1. Yield of intercrops (REY) 2. Nutrient status of soil (SOC, Av N, Av P, Av K) before & After crop harvest No scientific agroforestry model for converting jhum field to settled farming (88.6%) (i) Two rows of banana & pineapple - 1.5x1.5m & 30x60cm Uncleared patch of 5- 10m at regular interval Bee box-7m apart Pineapple, Banana, Paddy & Bee keeping ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya (2017) 02 Tualte, Biate (ii) (iii) Farmer Practice Same as above Proposed Agroforestry Model Farmer s Name: Vanlaldela Area: 1.44Ha GPS: 23o14 35.22 N 93o14 35.22 E 1131m above msl Farmer s Name: Jerome Lalrinawma Area: 2.04Ha GPS: 23o25 37.50 N 93o12 41.41 E 1509m above msl 1.2 ha
AGROFORESTRY OFT-2: Potato based Hedgerows farming system Source of techno and year of release Crop / Problem with severity Technology/ No. of trials proposed Parameters of assessment / refinement Location Enterprise Social Concept to be Assessed New Technology 1. Nutrient status of soil 2. Crop yield (PEY) 3. B.C. ratio etc T01: Contour cropping of Tephrosia & Potato Poor nutrient managem ent in jhum field (85.4%) Assam Agricultura l University, Jorhat, Assam, (2015) Tephrosia, Potato 02 Tualte, Biate T02: Sole Potato Spacing(Potato) 50- 60cmx20-25 cm, Tephrosia- 15cmx5m Farmer Practice Same as above Farmer s Name: F.Laldampuia Area: 0.54Ha GPS: 23o25 34.80 N 93o14 26.74 E 1518m above msl Farmer s Name: Vanlalthaa Area: 0.52Ha GPS: 23o15 39.29 N 93o10 57.52 E 898m above msl
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION-1 : Agroforestry Title: Contour cropping of Arhar in ginger field for supplement of soil nutrient in Jhum field No. of No. of Area (ha) to be covered / no. of activity Parameters of demonstration Crop / enterprise Source of tech and year of release Technology/ Social Concept No. of demo. proposed participants/ famers to be covered Location Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat,Assam, 2015 N. Chalrang, Chawngtlai New Technology 1. Crop yield 2. Income 3. Soil moisture% Arhar, Ginger 1 5 5 5 Proposed activities : 1) Training - 2no 2) Field Day - 1 no
FRONTLINE DEMONSTRATION-2 : Agroforestry Title: Contour cropping of Tephrosia candida in M.Orange field for supplement of soil nutrient c Source of tech and year of release Social Concept No. of No. of Area (ha) to be covered/ no. of activity Parameters of demonstration Crop / Enterprise No. of demo. proposed participants /famers to be covered Technology/ Location Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam,2015 Tephrosia candida, M.Orange 1. Crop yield 2. Income 3. Soil moisture % Biate, New Chalrang 1 5 5 5 Proposed activities : 1) Training - 2nos 2) Field Day - 1 nos
Training Programme (Farmers) Farmer Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Vocational Total 5(10) 55 110 60 15 240 Agroforestry 5(10) 55 110 60 15 240 Total Training Topics : 1. Role of Nitrogen fixing trees for crop production. 2. An introduction to bee keeping. 3. Concept of sloping agriculture land technology. 4. Management of hedgerows in agroforestry farming model. 5. Beneficial effect of tree- crop combination.
Training Programme (Rural Youth) Rural Youth Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Agroforestry 2(4) 20 60 - - 80 Total 2(4) 20 60 - - 80 Training Topics : 1. Beneficial effect of tree- crop combination. 2. An introduction to Bee keeping. Training Programme (Extention Personnel) Extension Functionaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Agroforestry 1(1) 10 - - - 10 Total 1(1) 10 - - - 10 Training topic : Concept of sloping agriculture land technology
FLD : (DisciplineWise Summary) No. of Area (ha) to be covered/ no. of activity No. of Technology No. of demo. proposed participants/fa mers to be covered Discipline Crop/enterprise Groundnut 1 10 5 10 Agronomy Field Pea 1 15 7.5 15 Onion 1 10 2.5 10 Horticulture Tomato 1 15 3.5 15 1 Plant Protection 1 Potato 1 10 2 10 Soil Science Composting 1 10 2 10 Arhar, Ginger 1 5 5 5 Agroforestry Tephrosia candida, M.Orange 1 5 5 5
16. Training Programme (Farmers) Farmer Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Vocational Total Agronomy 9(10) 70 200 - - 270 Horticulture 5 (10) 30 60 15 15 120 Soil Science 7(11) 40 80 80 30 230 Plant Protection 7(12) 150 150 - - 300 5(10) 55 110 60 15 240 Agroforestry Total 33(53) 345 600 75 60 1160 Training Topic of Horticulture: Scientific management of Khasi mandarin Improve production technology of water melon Improved technology in production of Tomato cultivation improve-production technology of Onion Training Topic of Plant Protection: 1) IPM in Potato 2) IPM in Maize 3) IPM in Tomato 4) Mushroom Cultivation 5) Preparation of Organic Pesticides 6) IPM in Citrus 7) IPM of Vegetables Training Topics : 1. Role of Nitrogen fixing trees for crop production. 2. An introduction to bee keeping. 3. Concept of sloping agriculture land technology. 4. Management of hedgerows in agroforestry farming model. 5. Beneficial effect of tree- crop combination. Training Topic of soil Science: 1. Organic Farming 2. Biofertilizers and its uses 3. Integrated Nutrient Management and its importance 4. Nutrient management in Jhumming with special reference to Ginger and Chilli 5. Vermicomposting and Azolla culture Training Topic of Agronomy: 1) Importance of crop rotation for improving soil health 2) Package of practices for cultivation of groundnut 3) Field pea & benefits of Rhizobium inoculation
17. Training Programme (Rural Youth) Rural Youth Beneficiaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Agronomy 2(2) - 40 - - 40 Horticulture 2 (4) - 15 - 15 30 Soil Science 3(4) 25 35 70 - 130 Plant Protection 2(4) 20 20 20 20 80 Agroforestry 2(4) 20 60 - - 80 Total 11(18) 65 170 90 35 360 Training Topic of Agronomy: Importance of mulching practices for Rabi crops Training Topic of Plant Protection: 1) Mushroom Cultivation 2) Preparation of Organic Pesticides Training Topic of Soil Science: Vermicomposting, Vermi wash and its uses Training Topic of Horticulture: Technique of Winter vegetable cultivation and nursery management Improve-production technology of Tomato Training Topics : 1. Beneficial effect of tree- crop combination. 2. An introduction to Bee keeping.
Training Programme (Extention Personnel) Extension Functionaries (Nos.) No. of training prog and Course (No.) Discipline On Off Spon. Voc. Total Agronomy 1(1) 15 - - - 15 Horticulture 1(2) 10 - - - 10 Soil Science 1(1) - - 15 - 15 Plant Protection 1(2) - - 20 - 20 Agroforestry 1(1) 10 - - - 10 Total 5(7) 35 - 35 - 70 Training Topic of Horticulture: Improved production technology of Tomato var. Arka Abhed Training Topic of Soil Science: Soil sampling and soil testing Training topic of Agronomy : Method and advantage of seed inoculation of Field pea. Training Topic of Plant Protection: 1) New generation Pesticides Training topic : Concept of sloping agriculture land technology
Seed Materials & Planting Materials Proposed quantity (Qt) to be produced (both at KVK farm and farmers field) To be Seed Materials Current Value (Rs.) Crop Variety provided/supplied to farmers (Expected No.) Vegetables French bean Local 1.5 20,000 30 Flower Marigold Pusa Narangi 0.002 3,000 10 Kufri Megha Kufri Mohan 10 10 Potato 50,000 30 Vegetables Garden pea Arka Apoorva 0.1 300 5 Oil Seeds Groundnut ICGV-91114 5 30,000 10 Pulses Field Pea Aman/AP-3 5 30,000 20 Total 31.512 1,33,300 95 Proposed quantity (Nos.) to be produced (both at KVK farm and farmers field) To be Current Value (Rs.) Planting Materials provided/supplied to farmers (Expected No. ) Crop Variety Water melon Arka Muthu 1000 5,000 8 Vegetables Onion Pusa Reddy , NHRDF Red- 4 15,000 7,500 30 Tomato Arka Samrat and Arka Abhed 20000 40000 60 Total 36,000 52,500 98
Bio-products for 2021 Proposed quantity to be produced (both at KVK farm and farmers field) To be Current Value (Rs.) provided to farmers (Exp. No.) Item Product Name Species No. Kg. Azolla Azolla caroliniana - 500 - - Bio-fertilizers Vermicompost Eudrilus eugenie - 5000 Rs 30/kg - Total - - 3500 Rs 20/kg - Nos. of samples targeted Expected SHCs to be issued to farmers (Nos.) Sl. No. Target of Farmer beneficiaries Village to be covered Amount to be realised (Rs.) Samples 1. Soil sample 500 1000 20 - 1000 2. Water sample - - - - - 3. Plant sample - - - - - Total 500 1000 20 - 1000