Sunday School Ministry: Engaging Children in Learning and Growing Spiritually

Sunday school
Sunday School
In Action:
Club Style
Club Style
Establish a Pal-Chum System
After this the Lord appointed
seventy-two others and sent them
two by two 
ahead of him to every
town and place where he was
about to go.
Luke 10:1
All students are members of 
church and kingdom of God
through their baptism
Then little children were being brought to him
in order that he might bless them. The disciples
spoke sternly to those who brought them;  but
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not stop them; for it is to such as these
that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”  And he
laid his hands on them and went on his way.
Matthew 19:13-15.
We go to Sunday School
Learn about God
Learn the Bible
Grow Spiritually
Work together to mutual
benefit from growth/projects
Make friends
Sunday School Motto:
“Everyone deserves to
hear about God:
Sunday School Prayer:
Lord, Jesus teach us how to live,
To worship, pray and forgive
We need your wisdom as we grow
Your will and plans to strive to know
Give us your grace to grow and learn
And from your way to never turn
May in our world your love increase
‘till every child knows your peace.
A. I. M
Three pronged lesson plan helps
teachers and students grasp a
concept, engage conversation as
they delve deeper into a topic or
story and then leave that
engagement with a life skill
Three pronged lesson plan helps
teachers and students grasp a
concept, engage conversation as
they delve deeper into a topic or
story and then leave that
engagement with a life skill
Step 1
Here, we can use a (PROP) an
actual object, a picture or a piece
of music; cartoon, videos,
ourselves, or even a real life
situation/story that can attract
(grab) their attention.
Step 1
Talk about the significance of the
picture and make a  connection to
the theme for the day
Step 1
Get learners to make a connection
with the theme, the prop (
and between past and present
learning experiences
Step 2
(go deeper)
 into the topic
for the day. Read the bible story
(if you can, use different versions
of translations. You may even try
a pass the read strategy or try to
retell the bible story 
(if you can)
Step 2
Do an activity that will require
them to think or get physically
engaged – puzzles, mazes, games,
colouring pages, even get the, to
draw their interpretation of the
lesson or main theme
Step 2
Bear in mind and tie in the big
idea you want them to take home
to their parent or friends when
they leave Sunday School
Step 3
How can they use any principle  from the
bible engagement in their day to day lives?
Here you 
can have them make a
commitment to do something  throughout
the week and report at the next class.  This
report can 
become the first part of the
Step 3
What specific thing did you want
them to learn.  Have them repeat it
here or a 
memory verse.  o we do in
church that  they can strengthen as 
result of what they have learnt?
Step 3
What questions do they have?
them to verbalize what they have
been learning or what they glean and
be prepared to clarify or repeat or
Slide Note

Sunday School Ministry offers a nurturing environment for children to learn about God, the Bible, and grow spiritually. Through activities like Club Style interactions, Baptismal Membership, and lesson planning, children are encouraged to make friends, engage in conversations, and develop important life skills. The motto "Everyone deserves to hear about God: TELL THEM" emphasizes the mission of sharing God's love, while the Sunday School Prayer guides children in living a life of worship, prayer, and forgiveness. Join us as we work together to help every child experience God's peace and love.

  • Sunday School Ministry
  • Childrens Education
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Learning Activities
  • Christian Values

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sunday school in in action

  2. Sunday School In Action: Club Style

  3. Club Style 1. Establish a Pal-Chum System After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. Luke 10:1

  4. Baptismal Membership All students are members of the church and kingdom of God through their baptism 2. Then little children were being brought to him in order that he might bless them. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them; but Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs. And he laid his hands on them and went on his way. Matthew 19:13-15.

  5. We go to Sunday School 1. Learn about God 2. Learn the Bible 3. Grow Spiritually 4. Work together to mutual benefit from growth/projects 5. Make friends

  6. Sunday School Motto: Everyone deserves to hear about God: TELL THEM

  7. Sunday School Prayer: Lord, Jesus teach us how to live, Lord, Jesus teach us how to live, To worship, pray and forgive To worship, pray and forgive We need your wisdom as we grow We need your wisdom as we grow Your will and plans to strive to know Your will and plans to strive to know Give us your grace to grow and learn Give us your grace to grow and learn And from your way to never turn And from your way to never turn May in our world your love increase May in our world your love increase till every child knows your peace. till every child knows your peace. Amen Amen

  8. Lesson Lesson Planning: Planning: A. I. M A. I. M

  9. LESSON PLANNING Three pronged lesson plan helps teachers and students grasp a concept, engage conversation as they delve deeper into a topic or story and then leave that engagement with a life skill

  10. LESSON PLANNING Three pronged lesson plan helps teachers and students grasp a concept, engage conversation as they delve deeper into a topic or story and then leave that engagement with a life skill

  11. LESSON PLANNING Step 1 Step 1 ATTRACT ATTRACT a.) a.) Here, we can use a (PROP) an Here, we can use a (PROP) an actual object, a picture or a piece actual object, a picture or a piece of music; cartoon, videos, of music; cartoon, videos, ourselves, or even a real life ourselves, or even a real life situation/story that can attract situation/story that can attract (grab) their attention. (grab) their attention.

  12. LESSON PLANNING Step 1 Step 1 ATTRACT ATTRACT b.) b.) Talk about the significance of the Talk about the significance of the picture and make a connection to picture and make a connection to the theme for the day the theme for the day

  13. LESSON PLANNING Step 1 Step 1 ATTRACT ATTRACT c.) c.) Get learners to make a connection Get learners to make a connection with the theme, the prop ( with the theme, the prop (picture etc.) and between past and present and between past and present learning experiences learning experiences

  14. LESSON PLANNING Step 2 Step 2 INQUIRE INQUIRE a.) a.) Delve Delve (go deeper) into the topic for the day. Read the bible story for the day. Read the bible story (if you can, use different versions (if you can, use different versions of translations. You may even try of translations. You may even try a pass the read strategy or try to a pass the read strategy or try to retell the bible story retell the bible story (if you can) into the topic

  15. LESSON PLANNING Step 2 Step 2 INQUIRE INQUIRE b.) b.) Do an activity that will require Do an activity that will require them to think or get physically them to think or get physically engaged engaged puzzles, mazes, games, puzzles, mazes, games, colouring pages, even get the, to colouring pages, even get the, to draw their interpretation of the draw their interpretation of the lesson or main theme lesson or main theme

  16. LESSON PLANNING Step 2 Step 2 INQUIRE INQUIRE c.) c.) Bear in mind and tie in the big Bear in mind and tie in the big idea you want them to take home idea you want them to take home to their parent or friends when to their parent or friends when they leave Sunday School they leave Sunday School

  17. LESSON PLANNING Step 3 Step 3 MEASURE MEASURE a.) How can they use any principle from the bible engagement in their day to day lives? Here you can have them make a commitment to do something throughout the week and report at the next class. This report can become the first part of the lesson: (Attract)

  18. LESSON PLANNING Step 3 Step 3 MEASURE MEASURE b.) b.) What specific thing did you want What specific thing did you want them to learn. Have them repeat it them to learn. Have them repeat it here or a here or a memory verse. o we do in memory verse. o we do in church that they can strengthen as church that they can strengthen as a a result of what they have learnt? result of what they have learnt?

  19. LESSON PLANNING Step 3 Step 3 MEASURE MEASURE c.) c.) What questions do they have? What questions do they have? Get Get them to verbalize what they have them to verbalize what they have been learning or what they glean and been learning or what they glean and be prepared to clarify or repeat or be prepared to clarify or repeat or rephrase rephrase


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