Small Countries' Resilience Against Center-Country Monetary Policies

Spillovers or Scapegoats?
Why Small Countries Should Not
Fear Center-Country Monetary
and Financial Policy
Andrew K. Rose
Berkeley-Haas, ABFER, CEPR and NBER
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Two Approaches
Center countries engage in unconventional monetary policy
Quantitative Easing, Negative Nominal Interest Rates, Forward Guidance ...
Part of Motivation may be exchange rate depreciation
Such “beggar-thy-neighbor” policies 
 raise center exports
Is there evidence of “Currency Wars”?
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Two Approaches, cont.
Financial (joint with Cerutti, Claessens)
Center countries engage in (monetary) policy for domestic reasons
This creates a “global financial cycle” (Rey)
GFC spills over to developing countries and financial periphery in capital
flows, asset prices, credit growth
Rey: exchange rate regime has little effect (dilemma, not trilemma)
Only capital controls provide insulation
Is there evidence that GFC quantitatively important for capital flows?
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Trade Effects of Unconventional Central
Monetary Policy: Motivation
“I heard two related complaints at international meetings and through the
media: First, that the United States was engaging in ‘currency wars’ – a phrase
used most prominently by Brazilian finance minister Guido Mantega in 2010,
following the Fed’s introduction of a second round of quantitative easing – by
choosing policies that would weaken the dollar and thereby unfairly increase US
competitiveness at the expense of trading partners …“
“ ‘Currency wars’ is a colorful synonym for the familiar concept of competitive
depreciation of exchange rates, with the goal of diverting world demand toward
one’s own exports while suppressing imports …”
Bernanke (2015 Mundell-Fleming lecture)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Quantitative Evidence?
Little/No evidence in literature
Three Currency Wars Characterizations/Assumptions
Result from Unconventional Monetary Policy (UMP) of Center Countries
Bilateral: involve economies engaged in UMP (“aggressors”) and those not
“The advanced countries are seeking to devalue their currencies in order to increase
exports, naming the United States, Europe and Japan …”
Mantega (2010)
If successful, should raise exports
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Naïve Look at US Trade around QE
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
No clear pattern
Both exports, imports continue to drop after QE1
QE2 makes little difference
QE3 followed by trade flattening
But ... Superficial!
Only one country examined
Data multilateral (some US partners engaged in UMP)
No attempt at 
ceteris paribus
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Easy to Correct with Gravity Model
Plain vanilla LSDV technique (Head-Mayer):
) = 
+ {λ
} + {ψ
} + {φ
} + 
Links exports (X) to controls (RTA, CU), time-varying
exporter/importer fixed effects
Long history of success as empirical model of trade
Key coefficient (
) on UMP dummy
1 if i has UMP and j does not, 0 ow
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Estimation Minutiae
Conventional data sources
Quarterly DoTS data 2000Q1-2016Q2, >200 countries, >1.3 million obs.
Key to model: over 50,000 fixed effects
Hold constant all dyadic time-invariant phenomena
Language, distance, colonial history, common geography, …
Hold constant all country-specific phenomena
Time-invariant (land area, sea access, …)
Time-varying (business cycle, financial distress, protectionism, …)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
estimating effect of (ex) QE1 on American exports
All common “monadic” effects absorbed in FE
Likely causes of UMP (stimulate insufficient American demand …)
Rather: estimating 
effect of UMP by exporter on an importer not
engaged in UMP
 is effect of current war by a particular belligerent on particular
 sweeping out effect of war on belligerent.
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Unconventional Monetary Policy Measures
Quantitative Easing
1 for any quarter where CB engages in balance sheet operations, 0 ow (flows)
Variant with outstanding assets on balance sheet (stocks)
Negative Nominal Interest Rates
1 for any quarter with negative market rates, 0 ow
Variant uses official policy (not market) rates
Data from central bank websites
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Unconventional Monetary Policy thru 2016Q2
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
QE has small 
 effect on exports, 
ceteris paribus
Reduces exports ≈ 11%
Statistically significant (|t statistic| >5)
Ditto NNIR
Can’t reject hypothesis of equality (p-value ≈.7)
Reduces effect to ≈6%
(No effect of state-contingent forward guidance)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Results Insensitive
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Evidence Quite Clear
Any Currency Wars have been lost!
Countries using Quantitative Easing and/or Negative Nominal Interest
Rates have 
experienced export booms
Unanswered Question: Why do exports actually decline?
Possibility: negative domestic productivity shocks lower exports, induce UMP,
coincide with comparable positive foreign shocks
Another: expectations of lower foreign demand?
Awaits more research
Next: Financial Effects of Central Monetary
Policy because of 
Global Financial Cycle
“Risky asset prices around the globe, from stocks to corporate bonds,
have a strong common component.  So do capital flows … Global
financial cycles are associated with surges and retrenchments in capital
flows, booms and busts in asset prices and crises.  The picture
emerging is that of a world with powerful global financial cycles
characterized by large common movements in asset prices, gross flows,
and leverage … The global financial cycle can be related to monetary
conditions in the centre country and to changes in risk aversion and
uncertainty … capital flows, especially credit flows, are largely driven by
a global factor … “
-- Rey at Jackson Hole (2013, pp 1-2)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Motivation, continued
 “Large gross cross-border flows are moving in tandem across countries
regardless of the exchange rate regime, they tend to rise in periods of
low volatility and risk aversion and decrease in periods of high volatility
and risk aversion, as measured by the VIX … There is a global financial
-Passari and Rey (2015, p 693)
Also, work by Forbes and Warnock, Bruno and Shin, Ghosh et al …
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
The GFCycle 
 Matter for Small
Countries, especially Emerging Markets
 GFCycle explains 
variation in capital flows, then
Difficult for policy-makers to do much more than insulate economies
with capital controls, macro-prudential instruments and the like
“As capital flows respond to US monetary policy, they may not be appropriate for
the cyclical conditions of many economies.  For some countries, the Global
Financial Cycle can lead to excessive credit growth in boom times and excessive
retrenchment in bad times. … The Global Financial Cycle can be associated with
surges and dry outs in capital flows, booms and busts in asset prices and crises…”
-- Rey (2015, pp 9-10)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
But … Suppose GFCycle is 
 that important
Onus shifts back from the center
Responsibility for creating and handling capital flows is properly
domain of the policy authorities in small and/or poor countries.
Inappropriate for policy-makers in emerging markets to blame
America for their domestic woes if American financial shocks simply
do not explain many fluctuations in capital flows and the like.
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
So … How Important is the Global Financial
Literature leads one to believe: VERY!
But informal (interpretations of plots)
Here: focus on quantifying the importance of GFCycle for capital flows
if significant
, should be manifest in 
strong commonality 
capital flows
Hence use dynamic factor model to extract common factor (from biggest
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Measuring Global Financial Cycle via
Observable Fundamentals
VIX: Consensus Measurable “Fundamental” of Global Financial Cycle
USA typically viewed as center-country, but perhaps EMU? UK?
Other measures of Uncertainty/Fear (VDAX/VSTOXX/IVI)?
Other fundamentals (nominal and 
ex post 
real interest rates, TED spread,
yield curve slope, GDP growth, M2 growth)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
VIX standard in literature
Passari and Rey (2015): VIX is
our proxy for the global financial cycle 
Large gross cross-border flows are moving in tandem across countries
regardless of the exchange rate regime, they tend to rise in periods of low
volatility and risk aversion and decrease in periods of high volatility and risk
as measured by the VIX
Rey (2013): “
There is a global financial cycle in capital flows, asset process,
and in credit growth.  
This cycle co-moves with the VIX
, a measure of
uncertainty and risk aversion of the markets.”
VIX used by: Advjiev et al. (2016); Bruno and Shin (2015a, b); Cerutti et al.
(2014); Fratzscher (2012)
Forbes and Warnock (2012) use closely correlated predecessor (VXO)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
VIX: uncorrelated with raw capital flows
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Ditto with Dynamic Capital Flow Factors
(And … Different Types of Capital Flows Little Correlated)
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Do Center-Country Fundamentals Drive
Capital Flows?
Investigate by estimating (a slew of) national capital flow equations:
 = Σβ
  + Σγ
  + φ
 + ε
across t
 is capital flow direction d, type e, country i, quarter t
 are 8 US fundamentals indexed by j
1) VIX; 2) nominal policy interest rate; 3) 
ex post 
real rate; 4) TED spread (3m
LIBOR-gov’t); 5) yield curve slope (10y-3m gov’t rate); 6) GDP growth; 7) M2
growth); 8) change in REER (CPI).
FAC are factors (matched to d,e) for advanced and emerging countries
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Many Equations, hence Many Estimates!
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Box Plots: Same Information, More Efficient
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Easy to Establish Robustness
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Perhaps GFCycle a Crisis (not Tranquility)
Examine capital flows during periods of crisis
Define crisis as high VIX values
No indication of systematic movement around crises
Sensitivity analysis indicates robustness
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
GFCycle: Summary
Hard to find GFCycle!
VIX (and other fundamentals) not correlated with capital flows
Capital flows have 
 limited comovement!
Capital flows not much driven by center-country phenomena 
commonality embedded in capital flows
GFCycle rarely explains 25% of capital flows
So small economies can’t blame vagaries of GFCycle (US monetary
policy?) for capital flows
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Fed/Northern monetary policy a convenient scape-goat
Easier to blame outsiders for domestic woes
But … little evidence that woes of EMs due to Northern monetary
Southern exports 
 during periods of unconventional monetary policy
No sign that capital flows much affected by GFCycle
GFCycle hard to detect!  Odd for supposedly pervasive common element
Responsibility for troubles in EMs does 
lie in Washington!
Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy
Slide Note

Small countries should not fear the monetary and financial policies of larger center countries. This article discusses the potential spillovers of unconventional monetary policies by center countries, such as quantitative easing and negative nominal interest rates. It explores the concept of currency wars and their impact on global trade, as well as the trade effects of unconventional central monetary policies. The evidence presented challenges the notion of currency wars being significantly detrimental and questions the importance of the global financial cycle for capital flows.

  • Small Countries
  • Monetary Policy
  • Financial Policy
  • Currency Wars
  • Global Trade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spillovers or Scapegoats? Why Small Countries Should Not Fear Center-Country Monetary and Financial Policy Andrew K. Rose Berkeley-Haas, ABFER, CEPR and NBER Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 1

  2. Two Approaches 1. Real Center countries engage in unconventional monetary policy Quantitative Easing, Negative Nominal Interest Rates, Forward Guidance ... Part of Motivation may be exchange rate depreciation Such beggar-thy-neighbor policies could raise center exports Is there evidence of Currency Wars ? Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 2

  3. Two Approaches, cont. 2. Financial (joint with Cerutti, Claessens) Center countries engage in (monetary) policy for domestic reasons This creates a global financial cycle (Rey) GFC spills over to developing countries and financial periphery in capital flows, asset prices, credit growth Rey: exchange rate regime has little effect (dilemma, not trilemma) Only capital controls provide insulation Is there evidence that GFC quantitatively important for capital flows? Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 3

  4. Trade Effects of Unconventional Central Monetary Policy: Motivation I heard two related complaints at international meetings and through the media: First, that the United States was engaging in currency wars a phrase used most prominently by Brazilian finance minister Guido Mantega in 2010, following the Fed s introduction of a second round of quantitative easing by choosing policies that would weaken the dollar and thereby unfairly increase US competitiveness at the expense of trading partners Currency wars is a colorful synonym for the familiar concept of competitive depreciation of exchange rates, with the goal of diverting world demand toward one s own exports while suppressing imports Bernanke (2015 Mundell-Fleming lecture) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 4

  5. Quantitative Evidence? Little/No evidence in literature Three Currency Wars Characterizations/Assumptions 1. Result from Unconventional Monetary Policy (UMP) of Center Countries 2. Bilateral: involve economies engaged in UMP ( aggressors ) and those not ( victims ) The advanced countries are seeking to devalue their currencies in order to increase exports, naming the United States, Europe and Japan Mantega (2010) 3. If successful, should raise exports Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 5

  6. Nave Look at US Trade around QE American Trade around Quantitative Easing Rounds International Trade in Goods and Services, USD bn 600 500 Exports 400 300 QE1 QE2 QE3 2005q1 2008q1 2011q1 2014q1 2016q2 700 600 Imports 500 400 QE1 QE2 QE3 2005q1 2008q1 2011q1 2014q1 2016q2 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 6

  7. No clear pattern Both exports, imports continue to drop after QE1 QE2 makes little difference QE3 followed by trade flattening But ... Superficial! Only one country examined Data multilateral (some US partners engaged in UMP) No attempt at ceteris paribus Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 7

  8. Easy to Correct with Gravity Model Plain vanilla LSDV technique (Head-Mayer): ln(Xijt) = UMPijt + Zijt + { it} + { jt} + { ij} + ijt Links exports (X) to controls (RTA, CU), time-varying exporter/importer fixed effects Long history of success as empirical model of trade Key coefficient ( ) on UMP dummy 1 if i has UMP and j does not, 0 ow Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 8

  9. Estimation Minutiae Conventional data sources Quarterly DoTS data 2000Q1-2016Q2, >200 countries, >1.3 million obs. Key to model: over 50,000 fixed effects Hold constant all dyadic time-invariant phenomena Language, distance, colonial history, common geography, Hold constant all country-specific phenomena Time-invariant (land area, sea access, ) Time-varying (business cycle, financial distress, protectionism, ) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 9

  10. Notes Not estimating effect of (ex) QE1 on American exports All common monadic effects absorbed in FE Likely causes of UMP (stimulate insufficient American demand ) Rather: estimating additional effect of UMP by exporter on an importer not engaged in UMP is effect of current war by a particular belligerent on particular defenders, after sweeping out effect of war on belligerent. Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 10

  11. Unconventional Monetary Policy Measures Quantitative Easing 1 for any quarter where CB engages in balance sheet operations, 0 ow (flows) Variant with outstanding assets on balance sheet (stocks) Negative Nominal Interest Rates 1 for any quarter with negative market rates, 0 ow Variant uses official policy (not market) rates Data from central bank websites Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 11

  12. Unconventional Monetary Policy thru 2016Q2 Quantitative Easing Negative Nominal Interest Rates USA, QE1 USA, QE2 USA, QE3 UK, QE1 UK, QE2 UK, QE3 Switzerland Denmark Sweden Japan Japan EMU 2008Q4-2010Q1 2010Q4-2011Q2 2012Q3-2014Q4 2009Q1-2010Q1 2011Q4-2012Q2 2012Q3-2012Q4 2011Q3- 2012Q3- 2015Q1- 2015Q1- 2001Q1-2006Q1 2010Q4- 2015Q1- 2016Q1- 2014Q2- Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 12

  13. Results QE has small negative effect on exports, ceteris paribus Reduces exports 11% Statistically significant (|t statistic| >5) Ditto NNIR Can t reject hypothesis of equality (p-value .7) Reduces effect to 6% (No effect of state-contingent forward guidance) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 13

  14. 1 2 3 4 Exporter (not Imp) QE (2.4%) Exporter (not Imp) NNIR (2.5%) Currency Union RTA -.11** (.02) -.07** (.02) -.05* (.02) .32** (.02) .04** (.01) Yes -.09** (.02) .32** (.02) .04** (.01) Yes .35** (.02) .04** (.01) Yes .33** (.02) .04** (.01) Yes it (>11k) jt ( 13k) Yes Yes Yes Yes ij ( 26k) R2 RMSE Yes Yes Yes Yes .89 1.37 .89 1.37 .89 1.37 .89 1.37 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 14

  15. Results Insensitive Quantitative Easing by Exporter, not Importer -.11** (.02) -.14** (.02) -.10** (.02) -.12** (.03) -.10** (.02) -.06** (.02) -.08** (.02) -.11** (.02) -.11** (.02) Neg. Nom. Int. Rate in Exporter, not Importer -.09** (.02) -.10** (.02) -.08** (.02) -.07** (.02) -.09** (.02) -.04* (.02) -.06** (.02) -.08** (.02) -.09** (.02) Test for Equality (p-value) .66 Default UMP Variants (Stock QE, Official NNIR) First lag of UMP .09 .59 Fourth lag of UMP .24 First lead of UMP .66 After 2011 .21 Before 2016 .71 Drop US as exporter Drop UK as exporter .57 .70 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 15

  16. Quantitative Easing by Exporter, not Importer -.11** (.02) -.11** (.02) -.09** (.02) -.11** (.02) -.10** (.02) -.10** (.02) -.08* (.04) -.12** (.02) -.09** (.02) -.12** (.02) -.07** (.02) Neg. Nom. Int. Rate in Exporter, not Importer -.08** (.02) -.09** (.02) -.07** (.02) -.08** (.02) -.08** (.02) -.08** (.02) -.12** (.04) -.09** (.02) -.07** (.02) -.10** (.02) -.06** (.01) Test for Equality (p-value) .75 Drop Japan as exporter Drop Denmark as exporter Drop Sweden as exporter Drop Switzerland as exporter Drop Germany as exporter Drop China, HK as exporter Drop Advanced Countries as Importers Drop Asians DCs as importers Drop Africans as importers Drop Latin/Caribbean as importers Drop 3 outliers .50 .84 .16 .67 .58 .06 .51 .34 .87 >.99 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 16

  17. Summary Evidence Quite Clear Any Currency Wars have been lost! Countries using Quantitative Easing and/or Negative Nominal Interest Rates have not experienced export booms Unanswered Question: Why do exports actually decline? Possibility: negative domestic productivity shocks lower exports, induce UMP, coincide with comparable positive foreign shocks Another: expectations of lower foreign demand? Awaits more research Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 17

  18. Next: Financial Effects of Central Monetary Policy because of Global Financial Cycle Risky asset prices around the globe, from stocks to corporate bonds, have a strong common component. So do capital flows Global financial cycles are associated with surges and retrenchments in capital flows, booms and busts in asset prices and crises. The picture emerging is that of a world with powerful global financial cycles characterized by large common movements in asset prices, gross flows, and leverage The global financial cycle can be related to monetary conditions in the centre country and to changes in risk aversion and uncertainty capital flows, especially credit flows, are largely driven by a global factor -- Rey at Jackson Hole (2013, pp 1-2) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 18

  19. Motivation, continued Large gross cross-border flows are moving in tandem across countries regardless of the exchange rate regime, they tend to rise in periods of low volatility and risk aversion and decrease in periods of high volatility and risk aversion, as measured by the VIX There is a global financial cycle. -Passari and Rey (2015, p 693) Also, work by Forbes and Warnock, Bruno and Shin, Ghosh et al Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 19

  20. The GFCycle Should Matter for Small Countries, especially Emerging Markets If GFCycle explains most variation in capital flows, then Difficult for policy-makers to do much more than insulate economies with capital controls, macro-prudential instruments and the like As capital flows respond to US monetary policy, they may not be appropriate for the cyclical conditions of many economies. For some countries, the Global Financial Cycle can lead to excessive credit growth in boom times and excessive retrenchment in bad times. The Global Financial Cycle can be associated with surges and dry outs in capital flows, booms and busts in asset prices and crises -- Rey (2015, pp 9-10) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 20

  21. But Suppose GFCycle is not that important Onus shifts back from the center Responsibility for creating and handling capital flows is properly domain of the policy authorities in small and/or poor countries. Inappropriate for policy-makers in emerging markets to blame America for their domestic woes if American financial shocks simply do not explain many fluctuations in capital flows and the like. Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 21

  22. So How Important is the Global Financial Cycle? Literature leads one to believe: VERY! But informal (interpretations of plots) Here: focus on quantifying the importance of GFCycle for capital flows GFCycle, if significant, should be manifest in strong commonality of capital flows Hence use dynamic factor model to extract common factor (from biggest eigenvalue) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 22

  23. Measuring Global Financial Cycle via Observable Fundamentals VIX: Consensus Measurable Fundamental of Global Financial Cycle USA typically viewed as center-country, but perhaps EMU? UK? Other measures of Uncertainty/Fear (VDAX/VSTOXX/IVI)? Other fundamentals (nominal and ex post real interest rates, TED spread, yield curve slope, GDP growth, M2 growth) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 23

  24. VIX standard in literature Passari and Rey (2015): VIX is our proxy for the global financial cycle Large gross cross-border flows are moving in tandem across countries regardless of the exchange rate regime, they tend to rise in periods of low volatility and risk aversion and decrease in periods of high volatility and risk aversion, as measured by the VIX Rey (2013): There is a global financial cycle in capital flows, asset process, and in credit growth. This cycle co-moves with the VIX, a measure of uncertainty and risk aversion of the markets. VIX used by: Advjiev et al. (2016); Bruno and Shin (2015a, b); Cerutti et al. (2014); Fratzscher (2012) Forbes and Warnock (2012) use closely correlated predecessor (VXO) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 24

  25. VIX: uncorrelated with raw capital flows Capital Flows and the VIX Capital Flows, %GDP (y) against VIX (x); 63 small countries 1990Q1-2015Q4 FDI Inflows Debt Inflows Equity Inflows Credit Inflows Corr=.02 Corr=-.09 Corr=-.03 Corr=0.05 100 200 100 150 200 600 400 100 50 0 200 0 -200 -100 0 -100 0 -50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 FDI Outflows Debt Outflows Equity Outflows Credit Outflows Corr=.01 Corr=-.05 Corr=-.00 Corr=-.06 100 100 200 300 200 200 400 600 100 50 0 0 0 0 -100 -50 -200 -100 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 25

  26. Ditto with Dynamic Capital Flow Factors (And Different Types of Capital Flows Little Correlated) Capital Flow Factors and the VIX Dynamic factors (1 lag) 1990Q1-2015Q4, Advanced Economies Date 40 30 VIX 20 10 5 FDI inflows 0 -5 10 Debt inflows 5 0 1 Equity inflows 0 -1 2 Credit inflows 1 0 5 FDI 0 outflows -5 5 Debt outflows 0 -5 4 Equity outflows 2 0 -2 10 Credit outflows 5 0 1990q1 2008q3 10 20 30 40 -5 0 5 0 5 10 -1 0 1 0 1 2 -5 0 5 -5 0 5 -2 0 2 4 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 26

  27. Do Center-Country Fundamentals Drive Capital Flows? Investigate by estimating (a slew of) national capital flow equations: CAPFLOWd,e,i,t= ijUSFUNDjt + kFACd,ekt + i + d,e,i,t across t CAPFLOWd,e,i,t is capital flow direction d, type e, country i, quarter t USFUNDit are 8 US fundamentals indexed by j 1) VIX; 2) nominal policy interest rate; 3) ex post real rate; 4) TED spread (3m LIBOR-gov t); 5) yield curve slope (10y-3m gov t rate); 6) GDP growth; 7) M2 growth); 8) change in REER (CPI). FAC are factors (matched to d,e) for advanced and emerging countries Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 27

  28. Many Equations, hence Many Estimates! Estimate a t/s capital flow equation for each direction/type/country 2 directions (in/out), 4 types (FDI, equity, debt, bank credit), 63 countries So hundreds of equations Analyze histograms of goodness of fit for each equation 2 to provide familiar statistic, (modest) over-fitting penalty Use R Histograms indicated generically poor fit Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 28

  29. Fit of Country Time-Series Capital Flow Regressions 2s, small countries 1990Q1-2015Q4 Histograms of (up to 598) adjusted R All Inflows Outflows All Portfolio Mean=.12 Mean=.14 Mean=.10 Mean=.11 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 FDI Inflows Debt Inflows Equity Inflows Credit Inflows Mean=.25 Mean=.09 Mean=.12 Mean=.13 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 FDI Outflows Debt Outflows Equity Outflows Credit Outflows Mean=.14 Mean=.10 Mean=.14 Mean=.02 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 3 3 6 2 2 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 -.2 0 .25 .5 1 Regressors: Adv/EM 26-yr dyn factors, 8 US var's (VIX/TED/yield/policy/real/growth/REER chg/M2 growth) Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 29

  30. Box Plots: Same Information, More Efficient 2 portrayed with horizontal box plots Distribution of R Box: 25th to 75th percentiles Median marked by a vertical bar Whiskers extend out to adjacent values Defined as most extreme values within 150% of the interquartile range of nearest quartile Outliers individually marked Note vertical line at .25! Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 30

  31. Fit of Country Time-Series Capital Flow Regressions 2s, Different Samples/Specifications Box-Plots of Adjusted/Raw R Adj R2, any data Adj R2, all 26 years Adj R2, no US Vars FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit -.250 .25 .5 .75 1 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 Raw R2, any data Raw R2, all 26 years Raw R2, no US Vars FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit 0 .25 .5 .75 1 0 .25 .5 .75 1 0 .25 .5 .75 1 8 contemporary US vars, Adv + EM 26-yr dynamic factors, intercept; small countries 1990Q1-2015Q4 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 31

  32. Easy to Establish Robustness Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 32

  33. Fit of Country Time-Series Capital Flow Regressions 2s, Different Samples/Specifications Box-Plots of Adjusted R Drop Dynamic Factors Substitute Static Factors Substitute MAR Factors FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.5-.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 Add 4 lags of the VIX Add 1 lag of all US vars Add EMU UK fund vars FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.5-.250 .25 .5 .75 1 Default: 8 US vars, Adv/EM 26-yr dynamic factors, intercept; small countries 1990Q1-2015Q4 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 33

  34. Fit of Country Time-Series Capital Flow Regressions 2s, Different Samples Box-Plots of Adjusted R 2009 Coefficient Break Drop >8% obs Drop Advanced FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit -.5-.250 .25 .5.75 1 -.250 .25 .5 .75 1 -.250 .25 .5 .75 1 5% Winsorized Drop 1990-1995 Drop >|2.5 | Residuals FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit -.5-.250 .25 .5 .75 1 -.250 .25 .5 .75 1 -.250 .25 .5 .75 1 8 contemporary US vars, Adv + EM 26-yr dynamic factors, intercept; small countries 1990Q1-2015Q4 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 34

  35. Fit of Country Time-Series Capital Flow Regressions 2s, Different Samples Box-Plots of Adjusted R Drop low Capital Mobility East/Cen Asia, Pac, Europe Band/Floating Exchange Rate FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.5-.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 Drop GDP per capita<$5k Drop E/C Asia, Pac & Eur Currency Union/Board/Peg FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Inflow Inflow Inflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit FDI FDI FDI Debt Debt Debt Outflow Outflow Outflow Equity Equity Equity Credit Credit Credit -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 -.5-.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 8 contemporary US vars, Adv + EM 26-yr dynamic factors, intercept; small countries 1990Q1-2015Q4 Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 35

  36. Perhaps GFCycle a Crisis (not Tranquility) Phenomenon? Examine capital flows during periods of crisis Define crisis as high VIX values No indication of systematic movement around crises Sensitivity analysis indicates robustness Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 36

  37. Capital Flows (%GDP) around quarters when VIX close>30 FDI Inflows Debt Inflows Equity Inflows Credit Inflows 20 10 20 4 15 10 5 2 10 5 0 0 0 0 -10 -2 -5 -5 -12 0 12 -12 0 12 -12 0 12 -12 0 12 FDI Outflows Debt Outflows Equity Outflows Credit Outflows 15 10 15 8 10 6 10 5 4 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 -5 -2 -10 -5 -5 -12 0 12 -12 0 12 -12 0 12 -12 0 12 Means with (5,95) confidence interval. 1990Q1-2015Q4 data, 63 small countries. Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 37

  38. GFCycle: Summary Hard to find GFCycle! VIX (and other fundamentals) not correlated with capital flows Capital flows have very limited comovement! Capital flows not much driven by center-country phenomena or commonality embedded in capital flows GFCycle rarely explains 25% of capital flows So small economies can t blame vagaries of GFCycle (US monetary policy?) for capital flows Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 38

  39. Conclusion Fed/Northern monetary policy a convenient scape-goat Easier to blame outsiders for domestic woes But little evidence that woes of EMs due to Northern monetary policy Southern exports grew during periods of unconventional monetary policy No sign that capital flows much affected by GFCycle GFCycle hard to detect! Odd for supposedly pervasive common element Responsibility for troubles in EMs does not lie in Washington! Rose: Peripheral Effects of Center-Country Monetary Policy 39


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