Sermon: Speak, Lord, for Your Servant Hears - April 25th, 2021
Pastor Marc E. Simeon delivers a sermon at Christ The Rock Congregation on 1 Samuel 3:1-10, highlighting the story of young Samuel hearing the voice of God and learning to respond. Through this passage, believers are encouraged to listen attentively to God's calling in their lives.
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1Samuel 3:1 1Samuel 3:1- -10 Le jeune jeune Samuel Samuel tait de l' ternel l' ternel devant devant li l' ternel l' ternel tait tait rare visions visions n' taient n' taient pas 2 2 En En ce ce m me commen ait commen ait avoir et et ne ne pouvait pouvait plus sa sa place, place, 10 1 1 Le de tait au li. . La La parole rare en en ce ce temps pas fr quentes fr quentes. . m me temps, temps, li avoir les les yeux plus voir, voir, tait tait couch au service service parole de temps- -l , de les l , les li, , qui troubles couch qui yeux troubles
3 3 la la lampe teinte, teinte, et et Samuel le le temple temple de de de Dieu Dieu. . 4 4 Alors Alors l' ternel r pondit r pondit: : Me 5 5 Et Et il il courut courut vers car car tu tu m'as m'as appel n'ai n'ai point point appel Et Et il il alla alla se se coucher lampe de de Dieu Dieu n' tait Samuel tait de l' ternel, l' ternel, o n' tait pas tait couch couch dans o tait tait l'arche pas encore encore dans l'arche l' ternel appela Me voici! voici! vers li appel . . li appel ; ; retourne coucher. . appela Samuel Samuel. . Il Il li, , et et dit li r pondit r pondit: : Je retourne te te coucher dit: : Me Me voici, voici, Je coucher. .
6 6 L'ternel L' ternel appela Samuel Samuel. . Et Et Samuel vers vers li li, , et et dit m'as m'as appel appel . . li point point appel , appel , mon coucher coucher. . 7 7 Samuel Samuel ne encore encore l' ternel, l' ternel, et et la la parole l' ternel l' ternel ne ne lui lui avait t t r v l e r v l e. . appela de Samuel se dit: : Me Me voici, li r pondit r pondit: : Je mon fils, fils, retourne de nouveau nouveau se leva, leva, alla voici, car Je n'ai retourne te te alla car tu tu n'ai ne connaissait connaissait pas pas de parole de pas encore encore avait pas
appela appela troisi me fois se leva, leva, alla alla vers Me voici, voici, car car tu tu m'as comprit comprit que que c' tait c' tait appelait appelait l'enfant, l'enfant, 9 9 et et il il dit dit Samuel Samuel: : Va, si si l'on l'on t'appelle, t'appelle, ternel, ternel, car car ton ton serviteur Samuel Samuel alla alla se se coucher coucher sa 8 8 L' ternel L' ternel nouveau nouveau fois. . Et li, , et et dit appel . . li l' ternel l' ternel de de Samuel, Samuel, pour Samuel Samuel se Me pour la la troisi me Et dit: : li qui qui vers li m'as appel Va, couche couche- -toi tu tu diras diras: : serviteur coute sa place toi; ; et et Parle, Parle, coute. . Et place. . Et
10 10 L' ternel L' ternel vint pr senta, pr senta, comme comme les Samuel, Samuel, Samuel Samuel r pondit car car ton ton serviteur serviteur coute vint et et se il il appela appela autres fois Samuel! Samuel! r pondit: : Parle, coute. . se et et les autres fois: : Et Et Parle,
1 SAMUEL 3:1-10 Then the ministered to the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation. 2 And it came to pass at that time, while Eli was lying down in his place, and when his eyes had begun to grow so dim that he could not see, 1 boy Samuel
3 and before the lamp of God went out in the tabernacle of the LORD where the ark of God was, and while Samuel was lying down, 4 that the LORD called Samuel. And he answered, "Here I am!" 5 So he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you called me." And he said, "I did not call; lie down again." And he went and lay down.
6 Then the LORD called yet again, "Samuel!" So Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am, for you called me." He answered, "I did not call, my son; lie down again." 7 (Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, nor was the word of the revealed to him.) LORD yet
8 And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. Then he arose and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am, for you did call me." Then Eli perceived that called the boy. 9 Therefore Eli said to Samuel, "Go, lie down; and it shall be, if He calls you, that 'Speak, LORD, for Your servant hears.'" So Samuel went and lay down in his place. the LORD had you must say,
10 Now the LORD came and stood and called as times, Samuel!" And Samuel answered, "Speak, for Your servant hears." at "Samuel! other
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION life life of of circumstances circumstances surrounding is is well well known known to to most The The name name Samuel has has heard) heard) ( (Bondye Bondye tande entendu entendu) ) Samuel Samuel was was a a prayed Samuel Samuel was was born critics critics The The Samuel Samuel surrounding his most. . Samuel means tande) ) ( (Dieu and and his birth the the birth means (God (God Dieu a a prayed for born to to silence for child child. . silence the the
Samuel Samuel was show show miraculous miraculous God cries cries of of His Samuel Samuel was Anna Anna. . Anna Anna was was a a promise who who understood understood business business with with God was a a statement statement to to that that we we God who who hears His children children. . was a a tears tears eraser serve serve hears the a a the eraser to to promise keeper how how God. . keeper to to do do
She She yielded yielded back to to the the service service of of the promised promised. . She She released released her become become a a servant that that was was the with with God God. . back the the Lord the child child Lord as as her prince prince to to servant because because the deal deal she she had had
SERVING OF GOD UNDER THE SERVING OF GOD UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A MAN SUPERVISION OF A MAN 1 1Sa Sa 3 3: :1 1 Le Le jeune jeune Samuel service service de de l' ternel l' ternel devant parole parole de de l' ternel l' ternel tait temps temps- -l , l , les les visions visions n' taient fr quentes fr quentes. . (LSV) (LSV) 1 1 Then Then the the boy boy Samuel to to the the LORD LORD before before Eli of of the the LORD LORD was was rare there there was was no no widespread widespread revelation (NKJV) (NKJV) Samuel tait devant li tait rare rare en n' taient pas tait au li. . La en ce au La ce pas Samuel ministered ministered Eli. . And And the rare in in those those days revelation. . the word word days; ;
The The ministering ministering before What What can can a a child Samuel Samuel was the the bible bible says to to the the Lord Lord. . Samuel Samuel committee committee young young Samuel Samuel God. . do for for the just a a house house boy, says he he was was ministering was was before God child do was just the Lord? Lord? boy, yet ministering yet was was not not part part of of any any
Samuel Samuel did was was he he in in charge that that we we know the the Lord Lord by God God. . Samuel Samuel was to to God God at at a a child It It could could have to to Eli Eli before before the downplay downplay the Samuel Samuel. . did not charge of of any know of of yet by ministering ministering to to the not lead lead the the worship worship nor any other other function yet he he was was serving the man nor function serving man of of was a a child child capacity have said said Samuel the Lord, Lord, but the importance importance of of the child so capacity. . Samuel ministered but that so he he ministered ministered ministered that would would the role role of of
Serving Serving God becoming becoming a a foreign the the church church. . There There is is a a spirit insubordination insubordination that the the church church these You You may may find a a great great everyone everyone is is trying little little service service independently independently. . God before before another foreign concept another is is concept to to spirit of of rebellion rebellion and that is is plaguing these days days. . find a a big big ministry ministry with lack lack of of trying to to do to to and plaguing with workers workers; ; do their their God God
Many Many people home home church leadership leadership of of a a spiritual When When you you ask ask them some some say say that that they prayer prayer group group. . We We must must serving serving under under the a a spiritual spiritual leader leader who God s God s work work is is serving people don t church to to be don t even be under spiritual leader them about about that, they are are part even have under the leader. . have a a the that, part of of a a understand understand the leadership leadership of of who is is doing serving God God. . that that doing
Hospitals Hospitals are and and nurses nurses. . Workers life life are are needed needed to to make functional functional. . What What could could assignment assignment of of little Running Running to to the the well the the temple temple. . Cleaning Cleaning up up the Making Making sure sure to to keep Making Making sure sure that sacrifice sacrifice are are fed are not Workers from not just just made made of of Doctors from all all walks make a a hospital Doctors walks of of hospital have have little Samuel Samuel. . well to to fletch been been the the job job fletch water water for for the place place of of the keep the that the the animals fed the sacrifice sacrifice. . the fire fire alive alive. . animals for for the the
Making Making some to to buy buy things Many Many want but but they they refuse things things that that are Samuel Samuel was even even before before he do do ecclesiastical ecclesiastical works Samuel Samuel only only knew he he was was working working for some run things for want to to do refuse to to do are needed was ministering ministering before he was was called works. . knew the the voice for God God. . run to to the for the the High do great great things do just needed. . the market market place High Priest Priest. . things for just the the basic place for God, God, basic before God called by by God God God to to voice of of Eli Eli yet yet
La La Parole Parole de Temps Temps- -l , Fr quentes Fr quentes. . What What decides decides to to chastise What What brings brings joy constant constant communication, communication, the the the laughs, laughs, the the expressions and and affirmation affirmation between de l' ternel l' ternel tait l , les les Visions Visions n' taient tait Rare n' taient pas Rare en en ce pas ce a a sad sad chastise with joy in in a a marriage predicament predicament with His marriage is is the the jokes, expressions of of love between the the spouses when when His silence silence. . the jokes, love spouses. .
When there is a difference between them, the first symptom is a halt in communication. Silence can say a lot without opening its mouth. Eli used to benefit briefings of God but not anymore. God stopped talking because He had an issue with mouthpiece. the frequent
When the voice of the Lord is rare that means confusion is rampant. When the word of God is rare, that means that the voice of the devil is common in the land. Some people lose all the benefits they used to have with God without asking why.
Some intimacy with God in the past in ways if they tell you, you would not believe. It s all gone now and they don t even ask why? Whenever someone achieves a certain level of intimacy with God, Satan always tries to buy you out. people have had great
The devil will study you very well and come up with a plan to derail you. Anyone who presently holds a high intimacy with God must be on the watch for the devil. The enemy will try all conceivable ways to silence the voice of God in one s life so that he can present his own alternative.
When the voice of God is silenced, then the voice of the devil is final authority. Satan presently has final say on abortion, homosexuality and many other evil things in most of the nations,
THE RETURN OF THE WORD OF THE LORD When we read the Bible, we can be tempted to think that God is no longer interested in having those types of relationships that He used to have with the prophets. God has not changed, and God will never change. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
We appropriately in order to receive the blessings of God. We too often wait for God to adjust to our ways instead of us adjusting to the ways of God. Many feel that understand and standard to meet our situation. need to line ourselves God lower should His
God can live with our silence but we depend on his Word to light our path. This child Samuel was at the right place at the right time. He was an offering to God from his parents standpoint. He was at the house of God from a geographical standpoint.
He was already serving God from a disposition standpoint. When all of these were in place, then God decided to break His silence. God will speak again when everything is according to his expectation. lined up
MISTAKING THE VOICE OF GOD MISTAKING THE VOICE OF GOD FOR THE VOICE OF MAN FOR THE VOICE OF MAN Many Many mistake mistake the the voice for for the the voice voice of of man man. . Just Just because because I I am am am not not the the one one talking talking to to you The The Holy Holy Spirit Spirit may may be someone someone right right now, now, but can can sound sound as as if if pastor trying trying to to manipulate manipulate them voice of of God God am preaching, preaching, I I you. . be talking talking to to but to to them pastor Marc them. . them it it Marc is is
Because Because of of a a lack when when Samuel Samuel heard God, God, he he went went straight of of God God instead instead of of talking Let s Let s say say you you have with with the the man man of of God you you to to recognize recognize that God God talking talking to to you Notice Notice how how God voice voice of of Eli Eli to to talk lack of of experience, experience, heard the the voice straight to to the talking to to God have some some issue God that that blocks that it it is is really you. . God used used the the familiar talk to to little little Samuel voice of of the man man God. . issue blocks really familiar Samuel. .
God God did the the established established for Samuel Samuel had submission submission of of Eli Imagine Imagine if if Samuel old old prophet prophet was sleep sleep and and decided him him instead instead. . did not leadership leadership not want want to to bypass that that for that that house house. . had to to be be under Eli for for it it to to work Samuel felt felt that was disturbing disturbing his decided to to ignore bypass was was under the work. . that the the the his ignore
When a sermon is preached and the Holy Spirit is trying to steer you to repentance, you must not resent the man of God for getting in your business. You may be chosen prophet, but you still need the guidance of the old prophet. the next
Though God rejected Eli and his descendants to hold the high office of Judge and high priest in Israel, he still had the last assignment to teach the young Samuel recognize the voice of God. how to
HOW TO RESPOND WHEN GOD CALLS YOUR NAME Eli taught Samuel something he never knew before. Eli must have remembered his first encounter with God. Eli remembered the day he was set apart by God from the rest of the human race.
Eli remembered his first audible dialogue with God. Pretty much like a woman would sit a young 11 year old girl to talk about the changes that are about to happen in her body: period, sex, precaution and stuffs. That is the striking realization that Eli was being replaced.
That is the striking realization that none of the sons of the old prophet was chosen. That is the striking realization that a change of power will be forced by God. Eli told Samuel, argument with God. Just say Speak Lord, for your servant hears. That s all! there is no
You are his servant, you take His orders; you execute them. That s all. You pay attention, you ask for clarification, you execute. You don t argue with God; you don t paraphrase his Word to make it digestible; you don t pay regard to man. record, you
Many Many the the preachers preachers to their their opinion opinion word word of of God God instead stating stating the the exact of of God God. . are are pressuring pressuring to give on on instead of exact word give the the of word
WHAT WHAT PERSONAL PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS ENCOUNTERS WITH a a. . NONE NONE EXISTENT EXISTENT b b. . SELDOM SELDOM c c. . REGULAR REGULAR As As we we engage engage ourselves of of this this world, world, be constant constant communication communication with Can Can you you imagine imagine a a policeman has has no no means means of of communication the the base? base? IS IS THE THE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY OF OF GOD? YOUR YOUR WITH GOD? ourselves in in the be sure sure to to maintain with God policeman who communication with the affairs affairs maintain God. . who with
How How can How How can How How can How How can the the day? day? Without Without communication communication with out out there there doing can he can he can he can you he be he call call for he escape escape danger? you be be updated updated throughout be dispatched? dispatched? for backups? backups? danger? throughout a a clear clear with God, your own constant constant you are are just own things things. . and and God, you just doing your
You You will differentiate, differentiate, talking talking to to you Sometimes, Sometimes, it it may yourself yourself. . Sometimes, Sometimes, it it may to to you you. . Sometimes, Sometimes, it it may trying trying to to communicate communicate with will not not even the the you. . may be even know voices voices know how how to to that that are are be you you talking talking to to may be be the the devil devil talking talking may be be God God who with you you. . who is is
You You must the the voice voice of of God Clean Clean up up your hear hear from from God Be Be attentive attentive in in expectancy from from God God. . Silence Silence all all other other voices to to hear hear from from God God. . Remember Remember the the secret gave gave to to Samuel Samuel. . must earnestly earnestly pray God. . your life God. . pray to to recognize recognize life in in expectancy expectancy to to expectancy to to hear hear voices in in expectancy expectancy secret that that the the prophet prophet
1 1Sa toi toi; ; et et si si l'on ternel, ternel, car Samuel Samuel alla (LSV) (LSV) 9 9 Therefore Therefore Eli lie lie down down; ; and you, you, that that LORD, LORD, for Samuel Samuel went place place. . (NKJV) (NKJV) Sa 9 9 Eli Eli dit l'on t'appelle, t'appelle, tu tu diras car ton ton serviteur serviteur coute alla se se coucher coucher sa dit Samuel Samuel: : Va, Va, couche couche- - diras: : Parle, coute. . Et sa place Parle, Et place. . Eli said said to to Samuel, and it it shall shall be, you you must must say, for Your Your servant servant hears went and and lay Samuel, "Go, be, if if He He calls say, 'Speak, hears. .'" '" So lay down down in in his "Go, calls 'Speak, So his
CONCLUSION CONCLUSION that you you may from God God in in an God God may may not not choose to to talk talk to to you you. . He He may may choose choose this clarify clarify something something that you you. . He He may may choose choose the passing passing through through to to talk I I know know that from may be audible way choose an be prone prone to to hear way. . an audible audible voice hear an audible voice this message message to to that He He already already told told the trials trials you talk to to you you. . you are are
Be Be prompt prompt to to ask your your servant servant hears Never Never allow allow the become become rare rare under Never Never take take your of of God God for for granted Never Never disrespect disrespect God ask God hears you the voice under your your position position in in the granted. . allow allow your your God by by your your tolerance God speak, speak, for you. . voice of of God your watch watch. . the affairs for God to to affairs children children tolerance. . to to
Never Never think the the house house of of God Never Never think think that theological theological degree you you. . Never Never think think that be be entrusted entrusted a a great God God. . Never Never think think you comes comes to to communicating communicating with think that that your God is is insignificant insignificant. . that you you have have to to have degree for for God God to to talk your assignment assignment in in have a a talk to to that you great responsibility responsibility for you are are too too young young to to for you know know it it all all when when it it with God God. .
Even Even if if you your your service service is is first toward toward God God. . Anna Anna dropped dropped a a little God s God s university university graduated graduated as figure figure in in the the land Samuel s Samuel s legacy legacy and on on long long after after his you respond respond to to a a man, first and and foremost man, foremost little servant servant at at and and the most most respected land. . and respect respect lived his death death. . Samuel Samuel respected as the lived