Senco Network Summer Term 2018 Panel Review
A comprehensive overview of the Senco Network's activities during the Summer Term of 2018, including panel discussions, CPD planning, and aims for improved outcomes in children and young people through the EHCP process. The Single Panel (EHCP) focuses on paperless operations for greater flexibility and efficiency, with a scope covering decision-making and membership details. School representatives are encouraged to attend for informative insights. Contact information for volunteers is provided for those interested in participating.
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Senco Network Summer Term 2018
Welcome 9.00 Welcome Senco Update 9.15 Single Panel ( EHCP) feedback Ruth Dennis / Ronnie Hartley 9.45 School Based SEN review 10.30 Networking Break / Bake sale in aid of 'Psychs in the City' 11.00 CPD planning for 2018 - 19 / Introducing Shanidar 11.45 Any Questions
Aims of Single Panel (EHCP) Improved outcomes for children and young people Clear and transparent processes Integrated decision making/Integrated commissioning Robust and rigorous systems Improved accountability Higher quality plans Improved statutory compliance
Single Panel (EHCP) We are striving for a 21stCentury panel system that allows greatest flexibility for users and panel members and that does not rely on vast quantities of paper; The system will be: Paperless; Accessed via Sharepoint and Operated via the electronic Pathways system In addition once established, the system will be able to perform some self monitoring functions for example triaging cases and providing panel statistics; This require on-going tweaks until it is fit for purpose.
Scope of Decision Making Decision to Assess for EHCP Decision to Issue EHCP / Funding Placement following EHCP Decisions following EHCP review My Support Plan Funding Short Breaks for Children with EHCP Personal Budget for C/YP with EHCP
Panel Membership SEN Assessment Managers (co-chair) Principal Educational Psychologist (co-chair) Social Care Representative (co-chair) Health Commissioner Health Advice Lead Transitions ( Social Care) lead Transitions ( Education) lead SEN Teaching support service representative Primary school representative (x2) Secondary School Representative Special School representative SEN Finance Legal
School Representatives Attending schools have found the process very informative and useful; Commitment is one full day (half a day reading / half a day panel) per half term / term; You can also book to come to panel as an observer, although there may be a waiting list for this; You need to bring a laptop plus a phone that you can use to hotspot in case you can t access the wifi; Volunteers for 2018 9 please contact:
Feedback from the Single Panel Process reviewed every term; Lessons learnt and statistical information will be published on BSOL / at Senco Network; Examples of good practice will be shared;
Feedback so far My Support Plan Total Requests 55 Agreed 34 Declined 21 Unclear Requests R3 MSP Insufficient evidence Not Range 4 Seek additional information
Feedback so far Requests for Assessment Total Requests Agreed Declined 211 172 39 Needs can be met in school Not Range 4 R3 MSP Insufficient Information Incomplete referrals
Feedback so far Decision to Issue EHCP Total Submissions Agreed Declined 196 150 46 Not Range 4 Issue Non funded MSP No evidence EHCP will deliver on aspirations Deferred for more information Insufficient evidence Plan incomplete
Senco Support Data regarding Panel Statistics can be found on BSOL: SEND / Senco Support / News and Updates Examples of good submissions:
Preparing for your SCHOOL BASED SEND REVIEW Dr Ruth Dennis Principal Educational Psychologist February 2018
What is a SEND review? It links to the Bradford District Plan: A Great Start And Good Schools For All Our Children A SEND review helps to ensure that all children, in all educational settings, achieve their very best, including the skills and qualifications that they need for successful transition, further education and employment.
Partnership Approach The SEN Review is intended as an iterative process. It is carried out in the spirit of collaboration and mutual support; The aim is for schools to identify strengths and areas for development in their SEN provision, and implement a plan to move this forward.
SEND Review Background Devised by London Leadership Strategy in partnership with over forty outstanding special and mainstream schools, as well as organisations such as Contact a Family, Ofsted, the Council for Disabled Children, the Institute of Education and the Teaching Schools Council. More than 200 schools have completed the SEND review programme.
SEND Review Process Phase 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1 School visit / review by reviewer team; Report / Feedback to Senior Management; Self Evaluation of SEND provision
SEND Review Process Phase 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Development of SEND Development Plan; Up to 10 half day support sessions to implement plan; Evaluation and Consolidation.
Audit Areas of Focus Outcomes for pupils with SEND Leadership of SEND The Quality of Teaching and Learning for Pupils with SEND Working with Pupils and Parents/Carers of Pupils with SEND Assessment and Identification Monitoring, Tracking and Evaluation The Efficient Use of Resources The Quality of SEND Provision
What weve learnt so far TA s use of feedback and questioning. Efficient use of limited TA support across the school. Teaching assistants/monitoring of practice Managing SEMH needs amongst boys in Y3 both adult management and promoting child self regulation. Lunchtime experience for Year 4 students reported to have SEMH type difficulties Identification of effective interventions Reading Comprehension intervention Differentiating effectively across Year 2 in the core subjects. SEND systems support Incoming Year 7 cohort and % of students with SEN
Evaluation of the SEND Review Process Feedback collated on process; Amendments made in light of feedback; Further SEND review cycles offered across district;
Next Steps Discuss SEND review with your Senior Management Team; Commission Review from EPT (or collaborate with another school); GET STARTED!
Networking Break Bradford's Educational Psychology Team (Psychs in the City) have signed up for a second year to raise money for the Lord Mayor's Appeal in the annual Dragon Boat Festival. The charity appeal for the 2017/2018 Year is to be split between two local charities: Down Syndrome Training and Support Services and the Wishing Well Appeal. + Any donations gratefully received. Thanks for your support!
Planning for 2018 - 19 Initial feedback from first meeting (September 2017): Opportunities to talk to other Sencos; Updates on what's happening locally in relation to SEND; National updates Training in specific subject areas How have we done?
Training and Skills audit The Senco role is complex and multi faceted; Provide professional guidance to colleagues as part of their overall contribution to the strategic development of SEN policy and provision. How prepared are you to be a 21stCentury Senco? Work through the audit and identify your main area of need. What training would support your development in this area?
Quality First Training from the EPT New courses now available for 2018 19; Senco Essentials: These courses aim to ensure Sencos have all of the most up to date information about SEND practices and process both nationally and locally. They provide essential guidance on how to navigate the SEND landscape in Bradford. Senco Management: These courses support Sencos to reflect on their practice and the evolving role of the Senco. Attending these courses will ensure that Sencos are in a strong position to support the staff they work with. Improving Outcomes: These courses focus on using evidence based approaches to improve outcomes for vulnerable groups. All courses include a taught element and a practical element to ensure practice is embedded. Learner Friendly, High Impact Schools: These courses draw on a strong evidence base of what works in schools and aim to improve outcomes for all learners. They are aimed primarily at senior leaders with a view to principles explored on the course being adopted more widely across the school. Mental Health: These courses provides opportunities to work with other schools and mental health professionals promote positive mental health for all children and young people.
Shanidar We are a group of schools in Bradford with a core purpose to provide excellent, inclusive education through training research and collaboration.
Shanidar Aims To lead the education community by establishing a centre of excellence in special educational needs, disability and inclusive education. This builds on the achievements of the District Achievement Partnership in Bradford in providing expert teachers and specialist support staff to improve outcomes for young people. To provide high quality training to teachers and support staff to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND effectively across mainstream and specialist provision. We will equip our workforce with the skills and expertise, increasing opportunities for young people to succeed and improve their life chances. Through successful collaboration with our partners, to find and spread the best evidence-based practice in SEND across Bradford and West Yorkshire. We champion inclusive education for all pupils and challenge discrimination.
Initial Teacher Training Aim: To provide a programme of school-led Initial Teacher Training with a focus on inclusion and SEND across mainstream and specialist settings. Led by our strategic partner Chellow Heights School. The School Direct Programme, in partnership with Leeds Trinity University, a school based training route to gain qualified teacher status (QTS) for primary and early years. This route is appropriate for teachers wanting to work in special schools. We are working with the Exceed SCITT and Leeds Trinity University to provide a route to primary QTS with a focus on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) and inclusion. This is currently in development and will be available for applicants to apply in September 2018 to start in September 2019. This route is appropriate for teachers wanting to work in mainstream primary schools but with expertise in SEND and SEMH. We are working with the Leeds SCITT, based at Leeds Trinity University to provide a route to secondary QTS with a focus on SEND and inclusion. Applicants interested in this route will be offered enrichment days and short placements in one of our Bradford secondary special schools and PRUs.