Oregon Department of Education Staff Assignment Training Information

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Information regarding staff assignment training for the 2023-24 reporting year provided by the Oregon Department of Education. Includes data submission guidelines, detailed hours guidance, contact information, resources for data submitters, and collection dates. The purpose of staff assignment is explained in relation to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

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  1. Staff Assignment Training for the 2023-24 Reporting Year Data Owner: Ryan Clark Oregon Department of Education 1

  2. Training Overview General Information Data Submission Guidelines Staff Assignment Data Elements Detailed Hours Guidance Reporting Scenarios Submitting Data After Submission Oregon Department of Education 2

  3. General Information Oregon Department of Education 3

  4. Staff Assignment Contact Information Staff Assignment (and IUID) Data Owner: Ryan Clark ryan.clark@ode.Oregon.gov 971-208-0471 Education Specialist: Sarah Martin sarah.martin@ode.Oregon.gov 971-208-0333 ODE Helpdesk ode.helpdesk@state.or.us 503-947-5715 Oregon Department of Education 4

  5. Staff Assignment Resources Staff Assignment Email List Resource for data submitters and HR staff to receive updates and reminders about the Staff Assignment collection, the Teacher Qualification validation, and the IUID collection. Use the link to subscribe to the listserv Staff Assignment Collections Page Includes Important dates, the manual, file format, and other documents IUID collection Instructional material, including how to submit to the IUID collection (required before submitting to Staff Assignment) Data Collection Committee (DCC) Please join the DCC to be aware of any changes to date collections Two in-person meetings/year, monthly web meetings ODE Teacher Licensure Page Course to Endorsement Catalogue Oregon Department of Education 5

  6. Staff Assignment Collection Dates Collection Open: March 21, 2024 (1pm) - April 29, 2024 (11:59pm) Audit Window: May 9, 2024 (1pm) - May 27, 2024 (11:59pm) Teacher Qualification Validation (in ADI): August 15, 2024 (1pm) - September 13, 2024 (11:59pm) Oregon Department of Education 6

  7. The Purpose of Staff Assignment The Staff Assignment collection is necessary to gather data for the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The purpose is to gather course and teacher data to determine if teachers are (as defined in Oregon s State Plan for ESSA) teaching out-of-field, are inexperienced, or teaching with an emergency/provisional license, in disproportionate rates at schools with high amounts of students of color and students experiencing poverty compared to other schools. Oregon Department of Education 7

  8. Definitions Out of Field Out-of-Field: Teacher teaching a subject area (course) in which they have neither a regular license and the proper endorsement, nor a License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) A teacher is defined as teaching out-of-field if: For the course, they have an emergency/provisional license Or, they do not hold an Oregon teaching license Or, they do not hold the proper endorsement for the course (see the Course to Endorsement Catalogue for the reporting year) Oregon Department of Education 8

  9. Definitions - Inexperienced Inexperienced: Teacher with a preliminary license type for the course(s) taught. A teacher is defined as inexperienced if, for the course, they have one of the following licenses: Preliminary Teaching License Preliminary CTE Teaching License Oregon Department of Education 9

  10. Definitions Emergency/Provisional Emergency/Provisional: Credentials that are less than a full Oregon Teaching License. A teacher is defined as teaching with an emergency/provisional license if for the course, they have one of the following licenses: Career and Technical Education Restricted Substitute Teaching License Charter School Registry Emergency Teaching International Visiting Teacher Limited Teaching Restricted CTE Restricted Substitute Teaching Restricted Teaching Substitute Teaching Emergency Substitute Teaching* Oregon Department of Education 10

  11. Data Submission Guidelines Oregon Department of Education 11

  12. Before Submitting to Staff Assignment The Staff Assignment collection requires data to be submitted to the USID (Staff) and IUID (Course) collections prior to submission to Staff Assignment. The records in the USID collection are required to be updated at some point after July 1, 2023 to be used in data collections for the 2023-24 school year. The IUID collection must be submitted yearly be sure to submit your course data to this collection and download the IUID numbers (ChkDigitInstrctUnitID) for use in the Staff Assignment collection. Oregon Department of Education 12

  13. What courses should be reported? Include all K-12 grade instructional courses lasting 10 or more days Include summer school but not week-long classes like band camp or outdoor school. Include summer school in the following year s reporting. Summer 2023 courses should be reported in the 2023-24 school year report. Include online courses (provided through your district or through a contracted provider), special education, and credit recovery courses. Include pull-out (or push-in) elementary level instruction such as: Title I Reading and Math, English Language, Music, Art, and Physical Education courses. Include courses at public alternative schools/programs, charter schools, magnet schools, Long Term Care and Treatment (LTCTs), and district level programs. Oregon Department of Education 13

  14. What courses should NOT be reported? Do not include non-instructional courses that do not have a curriculum such as study hall or an after school program. Do not include Community College or University courses taught by college/university faculty. Do not include home-tutorial courses. Oregon Department of Education 14

  15. What teachers should be reported? Report all teachers providing instruction/grading/assessing academic progress/answering students course content questions for at least 20 days of the course. Include long-term substitutes. Include part-time and full-time teachers. Include online teachers whether they are located in the district or are contracted out through an online provider, including out-of-state teachers. Include teachers at public alternative schools/programs, charter schools, magnet schools, LTCTs, and district level programs. Include all team teachers (more than one teacher teaching the same subject and students in the same classroom). Do not include community members that are supplementing coursework (such as a local artist that gives lessons on pottery for a few weeks) or student teachers. Do not include college instructors or professors. Oregon Department of Education 15

  16. Staff Assignment Data Elements Oregon Department of Education 16

  17. Oregon Department of Education USID and IUID Data Elements USID USID IUID ChkDigitStfID TSPCAccntID EmplyrInstID EmplyrStaffID SSN LNm FNm MI BirthDtTxt Gndr ChkDigitInstrctUnitID DistInstID SchlInstID SchlSectID SchlCrsID CrsCd CrsBeginDtTxt HispEthnicFg AmerIndianAlsknNtvRaceFg AsianRaceFg BlackRaceFg WhiteRaceFg PacIslndrRaceFg USIDFill Staff Assignment 17

  18. Staff Assignment Data Elements Staff Assignment ODE Generated Staff Assignment TeamTchFg TchLicFg ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchdHrs AltrntLicLnm QualCmnt AssgnFill EPDtrmntnFg OOFDtrmntnFg PrelimDtrmntnFg ClsInstrctFTE Oregon Department of Education 18

  19. Data Elements Team Teacher Flag and Teacher License Flag TeamTchFg -Team Teaching Flag Flag indicating that the class is being team taught. The team teaching flag should only be Y if both teachers are present and instructing students in the class during the same period of time. Teachers that instruct students consecutively or on different days of the week are not team teaching. Both records for teachers that are team teaching should have the team teaching flag as Y and the name of the other teacher should be in the Qualification Comment field. Both records should be using the same IUID number. TchrLicFg - Teacher License Flag Flag indicating that the teacher is licensed by the TSPC to teach in Oregon. If the TchrLicFg is set to Y , the TSPC Account ID cannot be blank or 0. Oregon Department of Education 19

  20. Data Elements Class Instructional Hours ClsInstrctHrs - Class Instructional Hours The total yearly hours of instruction that this teacher is scheduled to teach a given course (IUID). Must be a whole number between 1 and 2000. Include time that the teacher instructs students. Include time for the full duration of this class all hours for this teacher from the course begin date through the course end date. Include time that is normally scheduled for the class even if the actual class does not meet for various, unscheduled and/or non-regularly recurring reasons (e.g. an assembly, parent-teacher conferences, snow days, teacher is out sick for the short term, or the teacher was at professional development/training). If a teacher is not instructing (on leave/sick, etc.) for a period of more than 10 days, do not include that period of time in their hours of instruction. Do not include teacher prep time, time spent grading, or time spent traveling to/from the teaching assignment (no time outside of the scheduled class time). Do not include recess, scheduled regularly recurring gaps in instruction, or regularly recurring scheduled late starts/early outs. Round to the nearest hour. Oregon Department of Education 20

  21. Data Elements Full Time Scheduled Hours FullTimeSchdHrs - Full Time Schedule Hours The total number of hours of instruction for a full time schedule at this school. Must be a whole number between 300 and 2000. Include only a regular school year. Do not include summer school hours. This value is not specific to a single teacher s schedule it should be based on the school schedule and not calculated separately for each individual teacher in the building. Should be the same number for all records within a school (or grade level if hours vary significantly by grade taught). Do not include teacher prep periods, recess, or regularly scheduled late starts/early outs. Do not include time outside of a regular school day no after school tutoring, debate practice, after- school sports, traveling, or grading time. Round to the nearest hour. Oregon Department of Education 21

  22. Data Elements Alternate License Last Name and Qualification Comment AltrntLicLnm - Alternate License Last Name Different last name that may be used on the teacher s license Optional field QualCmnt - Qualification Comment Comment field for further information about the teacher s qualifications Include team teacher name here Optional field Oregon Department of Education 22

  23. Data Elements ODE Determination Flags EPDtrmntnFg - Emergency/Provisional Determination Flag ODE determination of teacher holding an emergency or provisional license for this course OOFDtrmntnFg - Out-of-Field Determination Flag ODE determination of teacher being out-of-field for this course PrelimDtrmntnFg - Preliminary Determination Flag ODE determination of teacher holding a preliminary license for this course Data submitters do not provide this information; the ODE system fills in these fields based on TSPC licensure. Oregon Department of Education 23

  24. Data Elements Class Instructional FTE and Assignment Fill ClsInstrctFTE - Class Instructional Full Time Equivalency ODE calculation of the amount of a full time instructional schedule that this class (IUID) constitutes. Districts do not fill in this information; it is calculated: Class Instructional Hours/ Full Time Schedule Hours This field has 3 implied decimal places in the production download it will appear as just an integer you need to add the decimal places to derive the true value (60 is actually 0.06 and 1230 is actually 1.23). AssgnFill Filler space for possible future changes to the collection. Any information in this field will be ignored in the collection. Oregon Department of Education 24

  25. Example Reporting Scenarios Oregon Department of Education 25

  26. Blended Classrooms Blended classrooms are classrooms in which more than one grade level is being taught. For example, a 5th/6th grade class where students are being taught at different levels in the same room with the same teacher would be considered blended. report the class once per teacher (not once per grade!) For elementary classrooms, report these classes with course code 23012. Put the low grade of instruction in the LoGrdCd in the IUID Collection. Put high grade of instruction in the HiGrdCd field in the IUID collection. Oregon Department of Education 26

  27. Oregon Department of Education Blended Classrooms Example An elementary school has a 7:45 am -2:45 pm M-F schedule. The blended 3rd/4th grade self-contained class has 45 minutes for recess throughout each day and 25 minutes for lunch. The self-contained teacher has 5 hours of prep throughout the week (1 hr/day), when the students go to pull-out classes in PE, music, art, and Spanish. The school year is 186 days long. Class Instructional Hours: 7 hours/day 0.75 hr recess/day - 0.42 hr lunch/day - 1 hr prep/day = 4.83 hr/day 4.83 hours/day * 186 days = 898.38 class instructional hours, rounded to 898 Full Time Schedule Hours: 7 hours/day 0.75 hr recess/day 0.42 hr lunch/day - 1hr prep/day = 4.83 hr/day 4.83 hours/day * 186 days = 898.38 full time schedule hours, rounded to 898 IUID Course Code LoGrdCd HiGrdCd USID ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 8569853 23012 (Blended Self-Contained) 03 04 895425 898 898 27

  28. Specialized English Language Instruction Elementary School Use course code 01008 English as a Second Language. Report as separate class in IUID and Staff Assignment collections. One record per teacher per school is sufficient. In the Class Instructional Hours include time that is devoted to English Language instruction. Middle/HighSchool Use course code 01008 English as a Second Language. Report these classes in the IUID, Staff Assignment, and Class Roster collections. report one record per class of English Language instruction. Oregon Department of Education 28

  29. Oregon Department of Education Elementary English Language Example An elementary teacher has a 5th grade self-contained class in which he teaches English Language for a focused 30 minutes per day and broader homeroom instruction for 5.5 hours per day (total 6 hours). The students are gone for 30 minutes per day to other pull-out classes and, twice a week, the TAG students are gone for an hour for advanced instruction in a variety of topics. The students get 30 minutes for lunch/day and the year is 190 days long. 5th grade, self-contained course code (23008) Class Instructional Hours: 5.5 hours/day 0.5 hours/day (lunch) 0.5 hours/day (pull-out) = 4.5 hours/day * 190 days = 855 class instructional hours Full Time Schedule Hours: 6 hours/day 0.5 hours/day (lunch) = 5.5 hours/day * 190 days = 1045 full time schedule hours English as a Second Language course code (01008) Class Instructional Hours: 0.5 hours/day * 190 days = 95 class instructional hours Full Time Schedule Hours: 6 hours/day 0.5 hours/day (lunch) = 5.5 hours/day * 190 days = 1045 full time schedule hours Note: The TAG class will be reported with the TAG teacher. That time should not be subtracted from this teacher since this teacher is still teaching other students. IUID Course Code USID ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 23008 (5th grade) 3257889 45856733 855 1045 29 3257890 01008 (ESOL) 45856733 95 1045

  30. Long Term Substitute Teacher Substitutes that provide instruction for more than 20 days in a classroom need to be reported to the Staff Assignment collection. Not considered team teaching (Team Teaching Flag should be N ). If the regular teacher returns to the assignment, do not submit another record for the teacher, simply adjust the Class Instructional Hours on the record for the course as necessary. Oregon Department of Education 30

  31. Oregon Department of Education Long Term Substitute Teacher Example A long-term substitute teacher at an elementary school is teaching a 5th grade self-contained class from 8 am - 4 pm M-Th. There are 30 minutes for lunch every day, 45 minutes of recess throughout the day, and 1 hour for prep each day. The substitute teacher teaches six full weeks of the school year in December and January while the regular teacher is on parental leave. The regular teacher returns to teach the class the remainder of the school year. The school year is 155 days long. Class Instructional Hours 8 hr class - .75 hr recess/day - 1 hr prep/day - .5 hr lunch/day = 5.75 hours instruction/day 5.75 hours/day * 24 days = 138 instructional hours for long-term substitute 5.75 hours/day* (155-24 = 131) days = 753.25 rounded to 753 instructional hours for regular teacher Full Time Schedule Hours 5.75 hours instruction/day *155 days = 891.25 rounded to 891 full time schedule hours IUID Course Code USID Team Teach Flag ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 23008 (5th Grade) 45988569 559874 (Reg) N 753 891 23008 (5th Grade) 45988569 359885 (Sub) N 138 891 31

  32. Multiple Courses (IUIDs) per Class Period If a teacher is teaching multiple, different courses (IUIDs) in one class period, for example they are teaching pre-algebra and algebra to two different sets of students in the same classroom, take the total class instructional hours for that period and divide it by the number of IUIDs in the period. Each of these subjects will get its own IUID, because each group of students is enrolled in a different class that falls under a different course code. Each IUID only gets a portion of the total class instructional hours for that period. The number of students in each course (IUID) is not a factor in this calculation just the number of IUIDs in the class period. Oregon Department of Education 32

  33. Multiple Courses (IUIDs) per Class Period Example A middle school teacher teaches both a Pre-algebra class with 15 students and an Algebra I class with 7 students during the same class period from 1:45pm-2:30pm over 92 total days of a semester. The teacher generally gives instruction to each set of students separately while the other set work on their assignments. The school has a regular schedule of M-F, 8:30am-3:30pm, with 45 minutes for lunch and 1 hour of teacher prep per day. The school year lasts 185 days. Class Instructional Hours 0.75 class hours/day *92 days= 69 class instructional hours for the entire class period Divide the class instructional hours between the two classes (IUIDs) so that: Pre-algebra: 69/2= 34.5 class instructional hours, rounded to 35 Algebra I: 69/2 =34.5 class instructional hours, rounded to 35 Full Time Schedule Hours 7 hours/ day 0.75 lunch/ day- 1.0 hour prep/day= 5.25 hours/day 5.25 hours/day x 185 days= 971.25 instructional hours; rounded to 971 hours IUID Course Code USID ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 3252689 2051 (Pre-Algebra) 350115 35 971 3252690 2053 (Algebra I pt1) 350115 35 971 Oregon Department of Education 33

  34. Online Courses Online courses need to be reported in the Staff Assignment collection if they meet all criteria for an IUID (Instructional, meets at least 10 min/day, meets at least 10 days). With the variety of ways that online courses operate, it is best to follow this guidance: Always have the course code match the content being delivered. Report the teacher that is providing instruction, answering content questions, and issuing grades. Report the number of class instructional hours that the teacher is expected/allocated to teach that course (IUID). This may differ from the instructional time that is allotted to online courses for purposes of ADM/Instructional hour requirements. Note: The Online Course Flag in the IUID collection should be marked Y . Oregon Department of Education 34

  35. Online Courses Example An online high school teacher is teaching students with online curriculum for nine different social science courses (IUIDs) that students complete at their own pace. The classes are taught over a semester, with students entering and leaving the class as they enroll and finish at their own pace. The students are assigned credit at the end of the term if they completed the course. This teacher works full-time, and is expected to allocate instruction between these nine courses over the 90 day semester. The regular school day for this online school is 8 am-3 pm, with a 1 hour lunch that teachers also use for their prep period. Class Instructional Hours (7 hours/day 1 hour/day prep/lunch) x 90 days= 540 hours/semester 540 hours / 9 IUIDs = 60 instructional hours/IUID Full Time Schedule Hours 7 hours/day 1 hour prep/lunch = 6 hours/day 6 hours/day x 180 days= 1080 hours Oregon Department of Education 35

  36. Online Courses Example Continued IUID Course Code USID ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 459867563 4063 5589776 60 1080 459867564 4258 5589776 60 1080 459867565 4001 5589776 60 1080 459867566 4162 5589776 60 1080 459867567 4102 5589776 60 1080 459867568 4103 5589776 60 1080 459867569 4201 5589776 60 1080 459867570 4161 5589776 60 1080 459867571 4251 5589776 60 1080 459867572 4297 5589776 60 1080 Oregon Department of Education 36

  37. Special Education Courses If all the students in the class have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and are receiving modified instruction, mark the Special Education Setting Flag (SpEdSettingFlag) in the IUID collection as Y . Elementary If students are receiving instruction outside of their self-contained class (such as a pull-out class), report that class with the 22005 - Tutorial course code. If a special education teacher is in the self-contained classroom assisting students with instruction in combination with the self-contained classroom teacher, this is team teaching and should be reported as such. If a special education teacher is teaching all students with IEPs in a self-contained setting, the self-contained course code for that grade (or 23012 for blended grade) should be used and the special education setting flag should be Y in the IUID collection. Oregon Department of Education 37

  38. Special Education Continued Secondary Report secondary courses as individual subjects with the course code that matches the content being delivered; if the entire class is taking or expected to take the extended assessment, set the Special Education Setting Flag to Y in the IUID collection. For students receiving supplemental instruction in a resource room setting where there is not just a single subject being taught, use the tutorial course code (22005). For other situations in which the instruction does not align with other course codes, consult the course codes on the following slide to determine if these students are in a developmental support or community living class. Oregon Department of Education 38

  39. Special Education Course Codes Course Code Course Name Course Description Tutorial courses provide students with the assistance they need to successfully complete their coursework. Students may receive help in one or several subjects. 22005 Tutorial (SPED Only- Supplemental Resource Room) Community Living (SPED Only) Community Living courses place a special emphasis on the student's relationship to the surrounding community. Instruction varies with the students and their needs; however, these courses provide the skills necessary for independent functioning within the surrounding environment. Course topics may also include available community resources and how to access them, emergency skills, and independent living strategies. 22251 Communication Instruction courses are typically individualized according to each student's condition and needs. Increasing the student's communication skills oral expression, listening comprehension, reading, and writing is emphasized; communication techniques in several areas (Educational, social, and vocational) are often explored. Social Development Instruction courses teach students the social skills needed for independent functioning with the community. Topics may include self-control, self-expression, obeying rules, decision-making, appropriate situational behavior, interacting with others, and maintaining relationships. Students may develop independence, self-confidence, and self-reliance. Developmental Support courses are customized according to each student's condition and needs, emphasizing an increase in skill or control of body and mind function. Examples of support may include refinement of gross and fine motor skills, development of visual perception, and improvement in eye-hand coordination. 22252 Communication Instruction (SPED Only) 22253 Social Development Instruction (SPED Only) 22254 Developmental Support (SPED Only) Oregon Department of Education 39

  40. Special Education Elementary Example An elementary special education teacher teaches a pull-out resource room class where students receive supplemental instructional support. The teacher has students coming in and out for a period of time throughout the school day which goes from 8:15 am - 3:30 pm, M-F. There are 30 minutes for lunch every day, 30 minutes for recess, and the teacher has an hour for prep each day. The school year is 176 days long. Class Instructional Hours: 6.25 hrs - .5 hr lunch - .5 hr recess 1 hr prep = 4.25 hrs/day 4.25 hrs/day * 176 days = 748 class instructional hours Full Time Schedule Hours: 6.25 hrs - .5 hr lunch/day - .5 hr recess/day 1 hr prep = 4.25 hrs / day 4.25 hrs * 176 days = 748 full time schedule hours IUID Course Code SpEd Setting Flag USID ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 19978535 22005 (Tutorial) Y 789652 748 748 Oregon Department of Education 40

  41. Oregon Department of Education Special Education Team Teaching Example An elementary SpEd teacher team teaches a self-contained kindergarten class with another elementary teacher. The Special Education teacher provides in class supplemental instruction and support to the students with IEPs in the class. The school has an 8:15 am 3:30 pm M-F schedule with 45 minutes of recess throughout the day and 30 minutes for lunch. There are 186 scheduled school days and the teachers both have 5 hours of prep throughout the week (1 hr/day). Class Instructional Hours 7.25 hrs/day - .75 hr recess/day -.50 hr lunch/day - 1 hr prep/day = 5 hrs/day 5 hrs/day*186 days= 930 class instructional hours each teacher Full Time Schedule Hours 7.25 hrs/day - .75 hr recess/day -.50 hr lunch/day - 1 hr prep/day = 5 hrs/day 5 hrs/day*186 days= 930 full time schedule hours IUID Course Code SpEd Setting Flag USID Team Teach Flag ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 556698 23003 (Kindergarten) N 487980 Y 930 930 556698 23003 (Kindergarten) N 589301 Y 930 930 41

  42. Special Education Secondary Example High School SpEd teacher teaches a Life Skills class to students with IEPs. The school day lasts from 7:45 am 2:15 pm M-F with 45 minutes for lunch, an hour for prep, and the school year 181 days. This teacher took an unexpected leave for two and a half consecutive weeks (12 school days), and was covered by a substitute teacher. Class Instructional Hours 6.5 hrs/day -.75 hr lunch/day 1 hr prep/day = 4.75 hrs/day 4.75 hrs/day*(181-12) days= 802.75 rounded to 803 class instructional hours Full Time Schedule Hours 6.5 hrs/day -.75 hr lunch/day 1 hr prep/day = 4.75 4.75 hrs/ day*181 days = 859.75 rounded to 860 full time schedule hours IUID Course Code SpEd Setting Flag USID ClsInstrctHrs FullTimeSchedHrs 17878522 22254 (Developmental Y 9985441 803 860 Support) Oregon Department of Education 42

  43. Submitting Data Oregon Department of Education 43

  44. Staff Assignment Data Submission Before submitting to Staff Assignment, make sure to: Update staff in the USID collection. Report courses in the IUID collection and download the IUID numbers (ChkDigitInstrctUnitID) for the courses. Have Class Instructional Hours and Full Time Schedule Hours calculated and on hand. Oregon Department of Education 44

  45. Where to Submit Data There are two ways to submit data to the Staff Assignment collection. Web Submission File Upload Both the Web Submission and File Upload methods require logging into the District website. Login with your username and password. Select Consolidated Collections from the Applications list. 45

  46. Web Submission Using Web Submission enters records individually to the collection. This method is best for small districts/schools or when you need to submit a few additional records. Go to Staff Collections > Staff Assignment 23-24 > Data Submission > Web Submission. Oregon Department of Education 46

  47. Web Submission Search for IUID Search for an IUID using: Course Code IUID number School ID School Section ID School Course ID Oregon Department of Education 47

  48. Web Submission Select IUID and Teacher Select the IUID by clicking on the green check mark for the record you want. Select a teacher by clicking the green checkmark next to their record. Oregon Department of Education 48

  49. Web Submission Staff Assignment Elements Input the Staff Assignment information and select save. A red asterisk indicates that a value in the field is required. Oregon Department of Education 49

  50. Web Submission - Errors If there is an error, be sure to fix it and click the save button again. If the record has any errors, you won t be able to save the record until those errors are fixed. The fields in error will be outlined in red and there will be an error message when you press the save button. Records in error are not entered into the collection; fix all errors and save the record to ensure that the record made it into the collection. Oregon Department of Education 50


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