Fortran Programming Tips - ATM 562 Fall 2018 Fovell

Some Fortran programming tips
ATM 562 Fall 2018
(see also PDF file on class page)
“Fortran” derived from “formula translation”, and
emphasizes letting “math look like math”.
Fortran is NOT case sensitive.
Variables assumed 
, unless the first letter of the
variable name starts with the 
letters I-N
, inclusive.
Then they're integers by default.
(Mnemonic device: I-N are INtegers).
Fortran 90+ permits free format.  Fortran 77 (F77)
statements start in column 7, with column 6 for
continuation markers, and cols 1-5 for labels.
Comment lines start with 
“C”, “c”, or 
“!”.  Anything
after “!”, wherever it appears, is not read.
Arrays are indexed from 1, unless otherwise specified.
Array indices must be integers.
      dimension pressure(nx,ny,nz),
      do k=1,nz
       do j=1,ny
        do i=1,nx
         pressure(i,j,k) = [do something here]
        enddo ! i
       enddo  ! j
      enddo   ! k
Fortran is 
, which means
  it’s more efficient to put 
  index in 
 loop (as here).
C++ and Python (Numpy) are row-major
More on arrays
If arrays are the same shape, can manipulate entire
arrays outside of do loops
      dimension pi(nx,nz),temp(nx,nz),theta(nx,nz)
! This…
      do k=1,nz
       do i=1,nx
! …is equivalent to this…
A sample Fortran program
(F77-ish syntax)
      program example       ! this is optional, actually
non-executable statements go first
: this includes parameter, common,
!  dimension, data statements and statement functions
! parameter statements make array bookkeeping easy
! common blocks hold arrays, constants you want to use in
!  multiple program modules
      common/uwind/up(nx,nz),u(nx,nz),um(nx,nz)    ! wind at 3 times
      common/ptemp/thp(nx,nz),th(nx,nz),thm(nx,nz) ! temp at 3 times
      common/grids/dx,dz,dt,d2t,time               ! grid setup, etc
      common/grid2/zw(nz),zu(nz)                   ! heights
      common/consts/rd,g,cp,psl                    ! physical constants
! dimension statements for local arrays - used only in this program unit
      dimension crap(nx,nz)
! initialize constant values you will 
 change during execution
      data g/9.8/,dx/400./,dz/400./,dt/2.0/,cp/1004./,rd/287./
! executable statements go here
! a neat way of getting trigonometric ``PI'' to machine precision
! frequent divisions should be converted to multiplications where possible
!  ex: I need to divide rd by cp a lot, and also (dx**2) and (dz**2)
! block DOs are easy to read when indented.
! every DO has an ENDDO
! float turns an integer into a real before multiplication
      do k=2,nz
! block IFs may be simple or compound
      do k=2,nz-1
       ztp = (float(k)-1.5)*dz
       if(k.eq.2) iflag=1
         [do something here]
       else if(
         [do something here]
         [do something here]
! F77 continuation marker is most any symbol placed in column 6
!   for multiline statements
! **
line up
** your statements for easy debugging and reading
      do k=2,nz-1
       do i=2,nx-1
     1      -0.5*dtx*(u(i+1,k)*(th(i+1,k)+th(i,k))
     2               -u( i ,k)*(th(i-1,k)+th(i,k)))
! subroutine calls make program neater, more modular
!  you can avoid passing unnecessary arguments using common statements
      call setup
      call runmodel
      call cleanup
! Example of a formatted write statement
      write(6,1000) real,integer,real
1000  format(1x,f5.2,i6,e15.6)
! you can avoid format statements when you don't need them
      write(6,*) ' the real number is ',real
! write to the screen with 
, which is the same as write(6,*)
      print *,' the real number is ',real
      print 1000, real, integer, real
! open a file before you write to it
! this opens a NEW formatted file called output at unit number 12
! if this file exists, it will cause an 
! AVOID unit numbers 5 and 6; those are standard input and output
! OR open the file with status 
 which will overwrite any old
!   file of same name without warning
! write to the file using the designated unit number
      write(12,*) rd,g,cp
! program ends with ``stop'' and ``end'' statements
! then your subroutines go here.  they terminate with ``return'' and
!  ``end'' statements
      subroutine setup
      [your parameter and common blocks repeated here]
Continuation markers: F77 vs. F90+
! Fortran 77 style (file name using .f suffix usually defaults to F77)
      trigpi2 =  4.0*atan(1.0)
     1                /2
! Fortran 90+ style (file name using .f90 suffix indicates F90)
      trigpi2 =  4.0*atan(1.0) &
! ...which is the same as
      trigpi2 =  4.0*atan(1.0) &
              &       /2
Global declarations
      program example2
      include 'global'
      subroutine setup
      include 'global'
The file 
contains your parameter
  and array declarations, named common
  blocks, defined constants, etc..
If you modify this file, you need to
  recompile your code
Some common problems
Using values before they have been initialized
Many Fortran compilers initialize all variables and
array elements to zero… but not all
Find the error in the code below
      dimension u(nx), h(nz)
      do i=1,nx
Combining integers and reals in computations
IFIX converts real to integer; FLOAT converts integer to
Some more common problems
Treating a real variable as an integer (and vice-
versa) can result in unexpected behavior
You can force yourself to declare type of all
variables with 
implicit none 
added to
nonexecutable section of your program
Some compilers provide flags for identifying
array overruns, zero divides and/or overflows
(useful for debugging); can slow down code
-fbounds-check, -ffpe-trap=zero
Slide Note

Background on Fortran programming emphasizing math, rules for variable types, use of arrays, and a sample Fortran program structure, including tips and best practices.

  • Fortran Programming
  • Tips
  • Arrays
  • Fovell

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Some Fortran programming tips ATM 562 Fall 2018 Fovell (see also PDF file on class page) 1

  2. Background Fortran derived from formula translation , and emphasizes letting math look like math . Fortran is NOT case sensitive. Variables assumed real, unless the first letter of the variable name starts with the letters I-N, inclusive. Then they're integers by default. (Mnemonic device: I-N are INtegers). Fortran 90+ permits free format. Fortran 77 (F77) statements start in column 7, with column 6 for continuation markers, and cols 1-5 for labels. Comment lines start with C , c , or ! . Anything after ! , wherever it appears, is not read. 2

  3. Arrays Arrays are indexed from 1, unless otherwise specified. Array indices must be integers. parameter(nx=50,ny=40,nz=25) dimension pressure(nx,ny,nz),height(0:nz) do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx pressure(i,j,k) = [do something here] enddo ! i enddo ! j enddo ! k Fortran is column-major, which means it s more efficient to put leftmost index in innermost loop (as here). C++ and Python (Numpy) are row-major 3

  4. More on arrays If arrays are the same shape, can manipulate entire arrays outside of do loops parameter(nx=50,nz=40) dimension pi(nx,nz),temp(nx,nz),theta(nx,nz) ! This do k=1,nz do i=1,nx temp(i,k)=theta(i,k)*pi(i,k) enddo enddo ! is equivalent to this temp=theta*pi 4

  5. A sample Fortran program (F77-ish syntax) 5

  6. program example ! this is optional, actually ! non-executable statements go first: this includes parameter, common, ! dimension, data statements and statement functions ! parameter statements make array bookkeeping easy parameter(nx=100,nz=40) ! common blocks hold arrays, constants you want to use in ! multiple program modules common/base/ub(nz),tb(nz),qb(nz),pib(nz),rhou(nz),rhow(nz) common/uwind/up(nx,nz),u(nx,nz),um(nx,nz) ! wind at 3 times common/ptemp/thp(nx,nz),th(nx,nz),thm(nx,nz) ! temp at 3 times common/grids/dx,dz,dt,d2t,time ! grid setup, etc common/grid2/zw(nz),zu(nz) ! heights common/consts/rd,g,cp,psl ! physical constants ! dimension statements for local arrays - used only in this program unit dimension crap(nx,nz) ! initialize constant values you will NOT change during execution data g/9.8/,dx/400./,dz/400./,dt/2.0/,cp/1004./,rd/287./ 6

  7. !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! executable statements go here !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! a neat way of getting trigonometric ``PI'' to machine precision trigpi=4.0*atan(1.0) ! frequent divisions should be converted to multiplications where possible ! ex: I need to divide rd by cp a lot, and also (dx**2) and (dz**2) xk=rd/cp rdx2=1./(dx*dx) rdz2=1./(dz**2) ! block DOs are easy to read when indented. ! every DO has an ENDDO ! float turns an integer into a real before multiplication do k=2,nz zw=(float(k-1)*dz) enddo 7

  8. ! block IFs may be simple or compound iflag=0 do k=2,nz-1 ztp = (float(k)-1.5)*dz if(k.eq.2) iflag=1 if( tb(k)=thetatr*exp(9.8*(ztp-ztr)/(cp*ttr) else tb(k)=300.+43.*(ztp/ztr)**1.25 endif if(k.le.20)then [do something here] else if( [do something here] else [do something here] endif enddo 8

  9. ! F77 continuation marker is most any symbol placed in column 6 ! for multiline statements ! **line up** your statements for easy debugging and reading do k=2,nz-1 do i=2,nx-1 thp(i,k)=thm(i,k) 1 -0.5*dtx*(u(i+1,k)*(th(i+1,k)+th(i,k)) 2 -u( i ,k)*(th(i-1,k)+th(i,k))) enddo enddo ! subroutine calls make program neater, more modular ! you can avoid passing unnecessary arguments using common statements call setup call runmodel call cleanup 9

  10. ! Example of a formatted write statement write(6,1000) real,integer,real 1000 format(1x,f5.2,i6,e15.6) ! you can avoid format statements when you don't need them write(6,*) ' the real number is ',real ! write to the screen with print, which is the same as write(6,*) print *,' the real number is ',real print 1000, real, integer, real ! open a file before you write to it ! this opens a NEW formatted file called output at unit number 12 ! if this file exists, it will cause an ERROR ! AVOID unit numbers 5 and 6; those are standard input and output open(12,file='output',status='new',form='formatted') ! OR open the file with status UNKNOWN which will overwrite any old ! file of same name without warning open(13,file='output2',status='unknown',form='formatted') ! write to the file using the designated unit number write(12,*) rd,g,cp 10

  11. ! program ends with ``stop'' and ``end'' statements stop end ! then your subroutines go here. they terminate with ``return'' and ! ``end'' statements subroutine setup [your parameter and common blocks repeated here] return end 11

  12. Continuation markers: F77 vs. F90+ ! Fortran 77 style (file name using .f suffix usually defaults to F77) trigpi2 = 4.0*atan(1.0) 1 /2 ! Fortran 90+ style (file name using .f90 suffix indicates F90) trigpi2 = 4.0*atan(1.0) & /2 ! ...which is the same as trigpi2 = 4.0*atan(1.0) & & /2 12

  13. Global declarations program example2 include 'global' [etc.] The file globalcontains your parameter and array declarations, named common blocks, defined constants, etc.. stop end subroutine setup include 'global' [etc.] return end If you modify this file, you need to recompile your code 13

  14. Some common problems Using values before they have been initialized Many Fortran compilers initialize all variables and array elements to zero but not all Find the error in the code below parameter(nx=100,nz=25) dimension u(nx), h(nz) do i=1,nx h(i)= enddo Combining integers and reals in computations IFIX converts real to integer; FLOAT converts integer to real 14

  15. Some more common problems Treating a real variable as an integer (and vice- versa) can result in unexpected behavior You can force yourself to declare type of all variables with implicit none added to nonexecutable section of your program Some compilers provide flags for identifying array overruns, zero divides and/or overflows (useful for debugging); can slow down code gfortran: -fbounds-check, -ffpe-trap=zero or ffpe-trap=overflow 15

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