Enhancing Text Comprehension with English Vocabulary

voi välillä riittää, että lukija on
suurin piirtein selvillä oudon sanan merkityksestä
Useat ongelmat selviävät asiayhteydestä itsestään.
Esim. jos substantiivin edellä oleva adjektiivi on lukijalle
outo, se ei voi olla aivan mitä tahansa tarkoittava sana,
vaan jotain, joka liittyy perässä tulevaan pääsanaan.
Ohessa ’muutamia’ englannin tapoja ilmaista
erilaisia argumentoinnin suuntauksia
. Joka sanalla on
tietenkin oma erityismerkityksensä, joten alla olevaa
sanastoa ei voi vapaasti vaihdella keskenään. 
on ehkä niin päin, että 
kun näet tekstissä jotain tämän
tyylistä sanastoa, pieni ääni takaraivossasi voisi sanoa,
että’mä tiedän merkityksen suunnilleen oikealle
Sosiaalisessa mediassa 
joku sanoi, että meni usko
omaan sanavarastoon, kun luki alla olevan
Ei tarvitse eikä SAA mennä
Englannin kielessä on valtava määrä sanoja, kuin
tähtiä taivaalla. Kaikki tähdet eivät näy maan
pinnalle ja silti ne ovat siellä jossain. Samalla lailla,
kaikki enkun sanasto ei pyöri lukio-opiskelijan
arjessa, mutta se on siellä jossain ja pulpahtelee
vaikkapa ylppärien tekstinymmärtämisissä
Tämä artikkeli EI ole tarkoitettu luettavaksi
kirjoituksia edeltävänä iltana hermostuttamaan
. Tarkoitus on valaista niille, jotka
luulivat tietävänsä, etteivät he tienneetkään
luulevansa, että tietävät englannin kielen
 Enkusta löytyy sanastotasoja, joita ei
yleisessä lukio-opetuksessa voida ottaa laaja-
alaisesti esille, mutta joita esiintyy
tekstinymmärtämisosiossa erottelemassa porukkaa.
 ei hallitse kaikkea tai edes
suurinta osaa alla olevista listoista. Kiinnostu niistä
ajan kanssa ykkösellä ja kakkosella, niin sinulla voi
olla aikaa englannin kielen harrastajana omaksua
niitä ja ottaa selvää sanojen nyansseista. Jollen
ottaisi näitä enkun mahdollisuuksia esille jossain,
tekisin lukiolaisille karhunpalveluksen
antaessani teidän luulla, että koulussa esille
otettava sanasto olisi suurin piirtein se, mitä
englannilla on ylipäätään kenellekään
Joten pitemmittä puheitta, ENJOY! Terv. 
Byzantine  (of attitudes, etc.), complex, convoluted,
elaborate, interlaced, intricate, involved,
labyrinthine, difficult, involved, perplexing,
problematic, puzzling, troublesome
clear, easy, elementary, intelligible, lucid, manageable,
plain, straightforward, uncomplicated, understandable,
uninvolved classic, clean, natural, plain, Spartan,
unadorned, uncluttered, unembellished,
unfussy elementary, pure, single, unalloyed, unblended,
uncombined, undivided, unmixed artless, childlike, frank,
green, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive, natural,
sincere, unaffected, unpretentious, unsophisticated,
bald, basic, direct, frank, honest, naked, plain, sincere,
stark, undeniable, unvarnished homely, humble, lowly,
modest, rustic, unpretentious, brainless, credulous, dense,
dumb, feeble, feeble-minded, foolish, half-witted,
moronic, obtuse, shallow, silly, slow, stupid, thick
flimsy, immaterial, inconsequential, inconsiderable,
irrelevant, meagre, meaningless, minor, negligible,
nondescript, nonessential, not worth mentioning,
nugatory, of no account, paltry, petty, scanty,
trifling, trivial, unimportant, unsubstantial
far-reaching, grave, large, material, meaningful,
momentous, of substance, primary, salient, serious,
signal, significant, substantial, urgent, weighty
eminent, foremost, high-level, high-ranking,
influential, leading, notable, noteworthy, of note,
outstanding, powerful, pre-eminent, prominent,
seminal, basic, essential, of concern {or} interest,
relevant, valuable, valued
add to, advance, aggrandize, amplify, augment,
boost, build up, develop, dilate, enhance, enlarge,
escalate, expand, extend, grow, heighten, inflate,
intensify, magnify, mount, multiply, proliferate,
prolong, raise, snowball, spread, step up,
strengthen, swell, augmentation, boost,
development, enlargement, escalation, expansion,
extension, gain, growth, increment, intensification,
rise, upsurge, upturn, on the increase, developing,
escalating, expanding, growing, increasing,
multiplying, on the rise, proliferating, spreading
: abate, contract, curtail, cut down, decline,
diminish, drop, dwindle, ease, fall off, lessen, lower,
peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, subside,
: abatement, contraction, cutback,
decline, diminution, downturn, dwindling, ebb,
falling off, lessening, loss, reduction, shrinkage,
accustomed, common, customary, established,
everyday, habitual, humdrum, normal, prevailing,
quotidian, regular, routine, settled, standard, stock,
typical, usual, wonted ,common,garden variety,
conventional, familiar, homespun, household,
humble, modest, plain, prosaic, run-of-the-mill,
simple, unmemorable, unpretentious, unremarkable,
workaday, average, commonplace, fair, indifferent,
inferior, mean, mediocre, pedestrian, second-rate,
stereotyped, undistinguished, unexceptional,
uninspired, unremarkable
bright, cloudless, fair, fine, halcyon, light, luminous,
shining, sunny, unclouded, undimmed apparent, audible,
coherent, comprehensible, conspicuous, definite, distinct,
evident, explicit, express, incontrovertible, intelligible,
lucid, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, perceptible,
plain, pronounced, recognizable, unambiguous,
unequivocal, unmistakable, unquestionable,empty, free,
open, smooth, unhampered, unhindered, unimpeded,
unlimited, unobstructed, crystalline, glassy, limpid, lucid,
see-through, transparent certain, convinced, decided,
definite, positive, resolved, satisfied, sure, clean,
guiltless, immaculate, innocent, pure, sinless, stainless,
unblemished, undefiled, untarnished, untroubled
atypical, distinguished, exceptional, exciting,
extraordinary, high-calibre, imaginative, important,
impressive, inspired, noteworthy, outstanding, rare,
remarkable, significant, special, striking, superior,
uncommon, unusual
distinguished, especial, exceptional, extraordinary,
festive, gala, important, memorable, momentous,
out of the ordinary, red-letter, significant,
uncommon, unique, unusual appropriate, certain,
characteristic, distinctive, especial, individual,
particular, peculiar, precise, specialized, specific
chief, main, major, particular, primary
big, bulky, colossal, considerable, enormous, giant,
gigantic, goodly, great, huge, immense, jumbo,
king-size, man-size, massive, monumental, sizable,
substantial, tidy, vast abundant, ample, broad,
capacious, comprehensive, copious, extensive, full,
generous, grand, grandiose, liberal, plentiful,
roomy, spacious, sweeping, wide
diminutive, dwarf, elfin, infinitesimal, Lilliputian,
mini, miniature, minute, petite, pygmy, short, slender,
small, tiny, wee babyish, immature, infant, junior,
undeveloped, young hardly any, insufficient,
meagre, scant, skimpy, small, sparse, brief, fleeting,
hasty, passing, short, short-lived inconsiderable,
insignificant, minor, negligible, paltry, trifling, trivial,
unimportant, base, cheap, illiberal, mean, narrow-
minded, petty, small-minded
advanced, contemporary, current, different, fresh,
latest, modern, modernistic, modish, newfangled,
novel, original, recent, topical, ultramodern,
unfamiliar, unknown, unused, unusual, up-to-date,
virgin , extra, more, supplementary, altered,
changed, improved, modernized, redesigned,
renewed, restored
advanced in years, aged, ancient, decrepit, elderly, full
of years, getting on in years, grey, grey-haired,
grizzled, hoary, mature, over the hill, past one’s prime,
patriarchal, senescent, senile, venerable antediluvian,
antiquated, antique, cast-off, crumbling, dated,
decayed, done, hackneyed, obsolete, old-fashioned,
outdated, outmoded, out of date, passé, stale,
superannuated, timeworn, unfashionable, unoriginal,
worn-out aboriginal, antique, archaic, bygone, early,
immemorial, of old, of yore, olden  (Archaic), original,
primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine, remote, age-
old, experienced, familiar, hardened, long-established,
of long standing, practised, skilled, time-honoured,
traditional, versed, veteran, vintage earlier, erstwhile,
ex-, former, one-time, previous
contemporary, current, fresh, late, latter, latter-day,
modern, new, novel, present-day, up-to-date, young
advantageous, all-purpose, beneficial, effective,
fruitful, general-purpose, helpful, of help, of
service, of use, practical, profitable, salutary,
serviceable, valuable, worthwhile
bootless, disadvantageous, fruitless, futile, hopeless,
idle, impractical, ineffective, ineffectual, of no use,
pointless, profitless, unavailing, unproductive,
unworkable, vain, valueless, worthless, hopeless,
incompetent, ineffectual, inept, no good, stupid,
crucial, important, indispensable, necessary,
needed, requisite, vital, basic, cardinal,
constitutional, elemental, elementary, fundamental,
inherent, innate, intrinsic, key, main, principal
absolute, complete, ideal, perfect, quintessential,
concentrated, distilled, extracted, rectified, refined,
volatile basic, fundamental, must, necessity,
prerequisite, principle, requisite, rudiment, sine qua
non, vital part
common, constant, continual, customary, everyday,
familiar, habitual, incessant, numerous, persistent,
recurrent, recurring, reiterated, repeated,
exceptional, few, infrequent, out of the ordinary,
recherché, scarce, singular, sparse, sporadic,
strange, thin on the ground, uncommon, unusual
admirable, choice, excellent, exquisite, extreme,
fine, great, incomparable, peerless, superb,
superlative invaluable, precious, priceless, rich
assured, confident, convinced, positive, satisfied,
sure ascertained, conclusive, incontrovertible,
indubitable, irrefutable, known, plain, true,
undeniable, undoubted, unequivocal, unmistakable,
valid bound, definite, destined, fated, ineluctable,
inescapable, inevitable, inexorable, sure decided,
definite, established, fixed, settled assured,
constant, dependable, reliable, stable, steady,
trustworthy, unfailing, unquestionable, express,
individual, particular, precise, special, specific
ambiguous, chancy, conjectural, doubtful,
incalculable, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct,
questionable, risky, speculative, undetermined,
unforeseeable, unpredictable ambivalent, doubtful,
dubious, hazy, in two minds, irresolute, unclear,
unconfirmed, undecided, undetermined, unfixed,
unresolved, unsettled, unsure, up in the air, vague,
changeable, erratic, fitful, hesitant, inconstant,
insecure, irregular, precarious, unpredictable,
unreliable, vacillating, variable, wavering
conceivable, credible, hypothetical, imaginable,
likely, potential attainable, doable, feasible,
practicable, realizable, viable, within reach,
workable hopeful, likely, potential, probable,
beyond one, beyond the bounds of possibility,
hopeless, impracticable, inconceivable, not to be
thought of, out of the question, unachievable,
unattainable, unobtainable, unthinkable absurd,
inadmissible, insoluble, intolerable, ludicrous,
outrageous, preposterous, unacceptable,
unanswerable, ungovernable, unreasonable,
unsuitable, unworkable
complete, consummate, downright, entire, out-and-
out, outright, perfect, pure, sheer, thorough, total,
unadulterated, unalloyed, unmitigated, unmixed,
unqualified, utter, actual, categorical, certain,
conclusive, decided, decisive, definite, exact,
genuine, infallible, positive, precise, sure,
unambiguous, unequivocal, unquestionable
absolutist, arbitrary, autocratic, autonomous,
despotic, dictatorial, full, sovereign, supreme,
tyrannical, unbounded, unconditional, unlimited,
unqualified, unquestionable, unrestrained,
discretional, free, gratuitous, honorary, intended,
intentional, optional, spontaneous, uncompelled,
unconstrained, unforced, unpaid, volunteer, willing
discretionary, elective, extra, noncompulsory, open,
possible, up to the individual, voluntary
binding, de rigueur, forced, imperative, mandatory,
obligatory, required, requisite
approaching, coming, destined, eventual, expected,
fated, forthcoming, impending, in the offing, later,
prospective, subsequent, to be, to come, ultimate,
accomplished, completed, done, elapsed, ended,
extinct, finished, forgotten, gone, over, over and
done with, spent, ancient, bygone, early, erstwhile,
foregoing, former, late, long-ago, olden, preceding,
previous, prior, quondam, recent
energetic, mighty, potent, robust, stalwart,
strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous authoritative,
commanding, controlling, dominant, influential,
prevailing, puissant, sovereign, supreme, cogent,
compelling, convincing, effective, effectual, forceful,
forcible, impressive, persuasive, telling, weighty
active, brief, brisk, cursory, expeditious, express,
fast, fleet, hasty, headlong, hurried, perfunctory,
prompt, rapid, speedy, sudden, swift, agile, alert,
animated, energetic, flying, keen, lively, nimble,
spirited, sprightly, spry, vivacious, winged able,
acute, adept, adroit, all there, apt, astute, bright,
clever, deft, dexterous, discerning, intelligent,
nimble-witted, perceptive, quick on the uptake,
quick-witted, receptive, sharp, shrewd, skilful, smart
abrupt, curt, excitable, hasty, impatient, irascible,
irritable, passionate, petulant, testy, touchy
creeping, dawdling, deliberate, easy, lackadaisical,
laggard, lagging, lazy, leaden, leisurely, loitering,
measured, plodding, ponderous, slow-moving,
sluggardly, sluggish, tortoise-like, unhurried backward,
behind, behindhand, delayed, dilatory, late, long-
delayed, tardy, unpunctual gradual, lingering, long-
drawn-out, prolonged, protracted, time-consuming,
behind the times, boring, conservative, dead, dead-
and-alive, dull, inactive, one-horse, quiet, slack, sleepy,
sluggish, stagnant, tame, tedious, uneventful,
uninteresting, unproductive, unprogressive, wearisome,
blockish, bovine, dense, dim, dull, dull-witted, dumb,
obtuse, retarded, slow on the uptake, slow-witted,
stupid, thick, unresponsive,averse, disinclined, hesitant,
indisposed, loath, reluctant, unwilling
clear, clear-cut, clearly defined, determined, exact,
explicit, express, fixed, marked, obvious, particular,
precise, specific assured, certain, decided,
guaranteed, positive, settled, sure
acting, astir, at work, doing, effectual, functioning,
in action, in force, in operation, live, moving,
operative, running, stirring, working bustling, busy,
engaged, full, hard-working, involved, occupied, on
the go, on the move, strenuous alert, animated,
diligent, energetic, industrious, lively, nimble, quick,
spirited, sprightly, spry, vibrant, vigorous, vital,
vivacious activist, aggressive, ambitious, assertive,
committed, devoted, energetic, engaged,
enterprising, enthusiastic, forceful, forward, hard-
working, industrious, militant, zealous
acquiescent, compliant, docile, enduring, inactive,
inert, lifeless, long-suffering, nonviolent, patient,
quiescent, receptive, resigned, submissive,
unassertive, uninvolved, unresisting
blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, cheerful, content,
contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, glad,
gratified, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, merry,
overjoyed, over the moon, pleased, sunny, thrilled,
walking on air, advantageous, appropriate, apt,
auspicious, befitting, convenient, enviable,
favourable, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, opportune,
promising, propitious, satisfactory, seasonable,
successful, timely, well-timed
blue, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent,
disconsolate, dispirited, down, downcast, gloomy,
long-faced, melancholy, miserable, mournful, sad,
sorrowful cursed, hapless, ill-fated, ill-omened,
luckless, unfortunate, unlucky, wretched awkward,
clumsy, gauche, ill-advised, ill-timed, inappropriate,
inept, infelicitous, injudicious, malapropos, tactless,
unsuitable, untactful
Slide Note

Understanding unfamiliar words can improve text comprehension. This article sheds light on nuances in English vocabulary, offering insights into different argumentation styles. It emphasizes the vastness of English language and the varying levels of vocabulary proficiency, encouraging enthusiasts to delve deeper into word nuances for better understanding.

  • Text comprehension
  • English vocabulary
  • Vocabulary proficiency
  • Language nuances
  • Argumentation styles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TEKSTINYMMRTMISEN TUEKSI Tekstinymm rt misess voi v lill riitt , ett lukija on suurin piirtein selvill oudon sanan merkityksest . Useat ongelmat selvi v t asiayhteydest itsest n. Esim. jos substantiivin edell oleva adjektiivi on lukijalle outo, se ei voi olla aivan mit tahansa tarkoittava sana, vaan jotain, joka liittyy per ss tulevaan p sanaan. Ohessa muutamia englannin tapoja ilmaista erilaisia argumentoinnin suuntauksia. Joka sanalla on tietenkin oma erityismerkityksens , joten alla olevaa sanastoa ei voi vapaasti vaihdella kesken n. Hy ty on ehk niin p in, ett kun n et tekstiss jotain t m n tyylist sanastoa, pieni ni takaraivossasi voisi sanoa, ett m tied n merkityksen suunnilleen oikealle sein lle .

  2. TEKSTINYMMRTMISEN TUEKSI Sosiaalisessa mediassa joku sanoi, ett meni usko omaan sanavarastoon, kun luki alla olevan pl j yksen. Ei tarvitse eik SAA menn . Englannin kieless on valtava m r sanoja, kuin t hti taivaalla. Kaikki t hdet eiv t n y maan pinnalle ja silti ne ovat siell jossain. Samalla lailla, kaikki enkun sanasto ei py ri lukio-opiskelijan arjessa, mutta se on siell jossain ja pulpahtelee vaikkapa ylpp rien tekstinymm rt misiss eteemme.

  3. TEKSTINYMMRTMISEN TUEKSI T m artikkeli EI ole tarkoitettu luettavaksi kirjoituksia edelt v n iltana hermostuttamaan kokelasta. Tarkoitus on valaista niille, jotka luulivat tiet v ns , etteiv t he tienneetk n luulevansa, ett tiet v t englannin kielen sanaston. Enkusta l ytyy sanastotasoja, joita ei yleisess lukio-opetuksessa voida ottaa laaja- alaisesti esille, mutta joita esiintyy tekstinymm rt misosiossa erottelemassa porukkaa.

  4. TEKSTINYMMRTMISEN TUEKSI Meist KUKAAN ei hallitse kaikkea tai edes suurinta osaa alla olevista listoista. Kiinnostu niist ajan kanssa ykk sell ja kakkosella, niin sinulla voi olla aikaa englannin kielen harrastajana omaksua niit ja ottaa selv sanojen nyansseista. Jollen ottaisi n it enkun mahdollisuuksia esille jossain, tekisin lukiolaisille karhunpalveluksen antaessani teid n luulla, ett koulussa esille otettava sanasto olisi suurin piirtein se, mit englannilla on ylip t n kenellek n tarjottavana. Joten pitemmitt puheitta, ENJOY! Terv. Maxx

  5. COMPLICATED Byzantine (of attitudes, etc.), complex, convoluted, elaborate, interlaced, intricate, involved, labyrinthine, difficult, involved, perplexing, problematic, puzzling, troublesome

  6. SIMPLE clear, easy, elementary, intelligible, lucid, manageable, plain, straightforward, uncomplicated, understandable, uninvolved classic, clean, natural, plain, Spartan, unadorned, uncluttered, unembellished, unfussy elementary, pure, single, unalloyed, unblended, uncombined, undivided, unmixed artless, childlike, frank, green, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive, natural, sincere, unaffected, unpretentious, unsophisticated, bald, basic, direct, frank, honest, naked, plain, sincere, stark, undeniable, unvarnished homely, humble, lowly, modest, rustic, unpretentious, brainless, credulous, dense, dumb, feeble, feeble-minded, foolish, half-witted, moronic, obtuse, shallow, silly, slow, stupid, thick

  7. INSIGNIFICANT flimsy, immaterial, inconsequential, inconsiderable, irrelevant, meagre, meaningless, minor, negligible, nondescript, nonessential, not worth mentioning, nugatory, of no account, paltry, petty, scanty, trifling, trivial, unimportant, unsubstantial

  8. IMPORTANT far-reaching, grave, large, material, meaningful, momentous, of substance, primary, salient, serious, signal, significant, substantial, urgent, weighty eminent, foremost, high-level, high-ranking, influential, leading, notable, noteworthy, of note, outstanding, powerful, pre-eminent, prominent, seminal, basic, essential, of concern {or} interest, relevant, valuable, valued

  9. INCREASE add to, advance, aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, build up, develop, dilate, enhance, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, grow, heighten, inflate, intensify, magnify, mount, multiply, proliferate, prolong, raise, snowball, spread, step up, strengthen, swell, augmentation, boost, development, enlargement, escalation, expansion, extension, gain, growth, increment, intensification, rise, upsurge, upturn, on the increase, developing, escalating, expanding, growing, increasing, multiplying, on the rise, proliferating, spreading

  10. DECREASE verb: abate, contract, curtail, cut down, decline, diminish, drop, dwindle, ease, fall off, lessen, lower, peter out, reduce, shrink, slacken, subside, wane noun: abatement, contraction, cutback, decline, diminution, downturn, dwindling, ebb, falling off, lessening, loss, reduction, shrinkage, subsidence

  11. ORDINARY accustomed, common, customary, established, everyday, habitual, humdrum, normal, prevailing, quotidian, regular, routine, settled, standard, stock, typical, usual, wonted ,common,garden variety, conventional, familiar, homespun, household, humble, modest, plain, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, simple, unmemorable, unpretentious, unremarkable, workaday, average, commonplace, fair, indifferent, inferior, mean, mediocre, pedestrian, second-rate, stereotyped, undistinguished, unexceptional, uninspired, unremarkable

  12. CLEAR bright, cloudless, fair, fine, halcyon, light, luminous, shining, sunny, unclouded, undimmed apparent, audible, coherent, comprehensible, conspicuous, definite, distinct, evident, explicit, express, incontrovertible, intelligible, lucid, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, perceptible, plain, pronounced, recognizable, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable, unquestionable,empty, free, open, smooth, unhampered, unhindered, unimpeded, unlimited, unobstructed, crystalline, glassy, limpid, lucid, see-through, transparent certain, convinced, decided, definite, positive, resolved, satisfied, sure, clean, guiltless, immaculate, innocent, pure, sinless, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, untarnished, untroubled

  13. OUT OF THE ORDINARY atypical, distinguished, exceptional, exciting, extraordinary, high-calibre, imaginative, important, impressive, inspired, noteworthy, outstanding, rare, remarkable, significant, special, striking, superior, uncommon, unusual

  14. SPECIAL distinguished, especial, exceptional, extraordinary, festive, gala, important, memorable, momentous, out of the ordinary, red-letter, significant, uncommon, unique, unusual appropriate, certain, characteristic, distinctive, especial, individual, particular, peculiar, precise, specialized, specific chief, main, major, particular, primary

  15. LARGE big, bulky, colossal, considerable, enormous, giant, gigantic, goodly, great, huge, immense, jumbo, king-size, man-size, massive, monumental, sizable, substantial, tidy, vast abundant, ample, broad, capacious, comprehensive, copious, extensive, full, generous, grand, grandiose, liberal, plentiful, roomy, spacious, sweeping, wide

  16. LITTLE diminutive, dwarf, elfin, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, mini, miniature, minute, petite, pygmy, short, slender, small, tiny, wee babyish, immature, infant, junior, undeveloped, young hardly any, insufficient, meagre, scant, skimpy, small, sparse, brief, fleeting, hasty, passing, short, short-lived inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, negligible, paltry, trifling, trivial, unimportant, base, cheap, illiberal, mean, narrow- minded, petty, small-minded

  17. NEW advanced, contemporary, current, different, fresh, latest, modern, modernistic, modish, newfangled, novel, original, recent, topical, ultramodern, unfamiliar, unknown, unused, unusual, up-to-date, virgin , extra, more, supplementary, altered, changed, improved, modernized, redesigned, renewed, restored

  18. OLD advanced in years, aged, ancient, decrepit, elderly, full of years, getting on in years, grey, grey-haired, grizzled, hoary, mature, over the hill, past one s prime, patriarchal, senescent, senile, venerable antediluvian, antiquated, antique, cast-off, crumbling, dated, decayed, done, hackneyed, obsolete, old-fashioned, outdated, outmoded, out of date, pass , stale, superannuated, timeworn, unfashionable, unoriginal, worn-out aboriginal, antique, archaic, bygone, early, immemorial, of old, of yore, olden (Archaic), original, primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine, remote, age- old, experienced, familiar, hardened, long-established, of long standing, practised, skilled, time-honoured, traditional, versed, veteran, vintage earlier, erstwhile, ex-, former, one-time, previous

  19. RECENT contemporary, current, fresh, late, latter, latter-day, modern, new, novel, present-day, up-to-date, young

  20. USEFUL advantageous, all-purpose, beneficial, effective, fruitful, general-purpose, helpful, of help, of service, of use, practical, profitable, salutary, serviceable, valuable, worthwhile

  21. USELESS bootless, disadvantageous, fruitless, futile, hopeless, idle, impractical, ineffective, ineffectual, of no use, pointless, profitless, unavailing, unproductive, unworkable, vain, valueless, worthless, hopeless, incompetent, ineffectual, inept, no good, stupid, weak

  22. ESSENTIAL crucial, important, indispensable, necessary, needed, requisite, vital, basic, cardinal, constitutional, elemental, elementary, fundamental, inherent, innate, intrinsic, key, main, principal absolute, complete, ideal, perfect, quintessential, concentrated, distilled, extracted, rectified, refined, volatile basic, fundamental, must, necessity, prerequisite, principle, requisite, rudiment, sine qua non, vital part

  23. FREQUENT common, constant, continual, customary, everyday, familiar, habitual, incessant, numerous, persistent, recurrent, recurring, reiterated, repeated, usual,frequent

  24. RARE exceptional, few, infrequent, out of the ordinary, recherch , scarce, singular, sparse, sporadic, strange, thin on the ground, uncommon, unusual admirable, choice, excellent, exquisite, extreme, fine, great, incomparable, peerless, superb, superlative invaluable, precious, priceless, rich

  25. CERTAIN assured, confident, convinced, positive, satisfied, sure ascertained, conclusive, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, known, plain, true, undeniable, undoubted, unequivocal, unmistakable, valid bound, definite, destined, fated, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, inexorable, sure decided, definite, established, fixed, settled assured, constant, dependable, reliable, stable, steady, trustworthy, unfailing, unquestionable, express, individual, particular, precise, special, specific

  26. UNCERTAIN ambiguous, chancy, conjectural, doubtful, incalculable, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, questionable, risky, speculative, undetermined, unforeseeable, unpredictable ambivalent, doubtful, dubious, hazy, in two minds, irresolute, unclear, unconfirmed, undecided, undetermined, unfixed, unresolved, unsettled, unsure, up in the air, vague, changeable, erratic, fitful, hesitant, inconstant, insecure, irregular, precarious, unpredictable, unreliable, vacillating, variable, wavering

  27. POSSIBLE conceivable, credible, hypothetical, imaginable, likely, potential attainable, doable, feasible, practicable, realizable, viable, within reach, workable hopeful, likely, potential, probable, promising

  28. IMPOSSIBLE beyond one, beyond the bounds of possibility, hopeless, impracticable, inconceivable, not to be thought of, out of the question, unachievable, unattainable, unobtainable, unthinkable absurd, inadmissible, insoluble, intolerable, ludicrous, outrageous, preposterous, unacceptable, unanswerable, ungovernable, unreasonable, unsuitable, unworkable

  29. ABSOLUTE complete, consummate, downright, entire, out-and- out, outright, perfect, pure, sheer, thorough, total, unadulterated, unalloyed, unmitigated, unmixed, unqualified, utter, actual, categorical, certain, conclusive, decided, decisive, definite, exact, genuine, infallible, positive, precise, sure, unambiguous, unequivocal, unquestionable absolutist, arbitrary, autocratic, autonomous, despotic, dictatorial, full, sovereign, supreme, tyrannical, unbounded, unconditional, unlimited, unqualified, unquestionable, unrestrained, unrestricted

  30. VOLUNTARY discretional, free, gratuitous, honorary, intended, intentional, optional, spontaneous, uncompelled, unconstrained, unforced, unpaid, volunteer, willing

  31. OPTIONAL discretionary, elective, extra, noncompulsory, open, possible, up to the individual, voluntary

  32. COMPULSORY binding, de rigueur, forced, imperative, mandatory, obligatory, required, requisite

  33. FUTURE approaching, coming, destined, eventual, expected, fated, forthcoming, impending, in the offing, later, prospective, subsequent, to be, to come, ultimate, unborn

  34. PAST accomplished, completed, done, elapsed, ended, extinct, finished, forgotten, gone, over, over and done with, spent, ancient, bygone, early, erstwhile, foregoing, former, late, long-ago, olden, preceding, previous, prior, quondam, recent

  35. POWERFUL energetic, mighty, potent, robust, stalwart, strapping, strong, sturdy, vigorous authoritative, commanding, controlling, dominant, influential, prevailing, puissant, sovereign, supreme, cogent, compelling, convincing, effective, effectual, forceful, forcible, impressive, persuasive, telling, weighty

  36. QUICK active, brief, brisk, cursory, expeditious, express, fast, fleet, hasty, headlong, hurried, perfunctory, prompt, rapid, speedy, sudden, swift, agile, alert, animated, energetic, flying, keen, lively, nimble, spirited, sprightly, spry, vivacious, winged able, acute, adept, adroit, all there, apt, astute, bright, clever, deft, dexterous, discerning, intelligent, nimble-witted, perceptive, quick on the uptake, quick-witted, receptive, sharp, shrewd, skilful, smart abrupt, curt, excitable, hasty, impatient, irascible, irritable, passionate, petulant, testy, touchy

  37. SLOW creeping, dawdling, deliberate, easy, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, lazy, leaden, leisurely, loitering, measured, plodding, ponderous, slow-moving, sluggardly, sluggish, tortoise-like, unhurried backward, behind, behindhand, delayed, dilatory, late, long- delayed, tardy, unpunctual gradual, lingering, long- drawn-out, prolonged, protracted, time-consuming, behind the times, boring, conservative, dead, dead- and-alive, dull, inactive, one-horse, quiet, slack, sleepy, sluggish, stagnant, tame, tedious, uneventful, uninteresting, unproductive, unprogressive, wearisome, blockish, bovine, dense, dim, dull, dull-witted, dumb, obtuse, retarded, slow on the uptake, slow-witted, stupid, thick, unresponsive,averse, disinclined, hesitant, indisposed, loath, reluctant, unwilling

  38. DEFINITE clear, clear-cut, clearly defined, determined, exact, explicit, express, fixed, marked, obvious, particular, precise, specific assured, certain, decided, guaranteed, positive, settled, sure

  39. ACTIVE acting, astir, at work, doing, effectual, functioning, in action, in force, in operation, live, moving, operative, running, stirring, working bustling, busy, engaged, full, hard-working, involved, occupied, on the go, on the move, strenuous alert, animated, diligent, energetic, industrious, lively, nimble, quick, spirited, sprightly, spry, vibrant, vigorous, vital, vivacious activist, aggressive, ambitious, assertive, committed, devoted, energetic, engaged, enterprising, enthusiastic, forceful, forward, hard- working, industrious, militant, zealous

  40. PASSIVE acquiescent, compliant, docile, enduring, inactive, inert, lifeless, long-suffering, nonviolent, patient, quiescent, receptive, resigned, submissive, unassertive, uninvolved, unresisting

  41. HAPPY blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, cheerful, content, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, glad, gratified, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, merry, overjoyed, over the moon, pleased, sunny, thrilled, walking on air, advantageous, appropriate, apt, auspicious, befitting, convenient, enviable, favourable, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, opportune, promising, propitious, satisfactory, seasonable, successful, timely, well-timed

  42. UNHAPPY blue, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, dispirited, down, downcast, gloomy, long-faced, melancholy, miserable, mournful, sad, sorrowful cursed, hapless, ill-fated, ill-omened, luckless, unfortunate, unlucky, wretched awkward, clumsy, gauche, ill-advised, ill-timed, inappropriate, inept, infelicitous, injudicious, malapropos, tactless, unsuitable, untactful



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