Biblical Prophecy: A Deep Dive into Ancient Israel's Future

Biblical Literacy
Session 4
OT Intro: Looking for a Future King
Course Agenda
Session 1 - The Bible: God’s Word, Our Hope
Session 2 – The Gospel: Instructions for Hope
Session 3 – OT Intro: Knowing a Holy God
Session 4 – OT Intro: Looking for a Future King
Session 5 – NT Intro: The Arrival of the King
Session 6 – NT Intro: Living for the King
Session 4 Agenda
An Overview of Prophecy
The “Problem” of Prophecy
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
Covenant Enforcement Mediators
Secondary Meanings
OT Intro: 
Looking for
a Future King
An Overview of Prophecy
An Overview of Prophecy
Statistically, the prophecies break out as
Over 92% of the prophecies are focused on
Israel’s immediate future
Less than 5% are about the New Covenant age
Less than 2% are messianic
Less than 1% concerns still future events
An Overview of Prophecy
Types of Prophetic Utterance
The Lawsuit – God charging Israel
The Woe – Announcement and Prediction of disaster
The Promise – “Salvation Oracles” declaring blessing
The Enactment Prophecy – Acting out events
The Messenger Speech – “The Lord says…”
An Overview of Prophecy
Prophecy is assumed to be a “foretelling or
prediction of what is to come.”
We overemphasize our future, rather than the
prophet’s future.
The Prophets were 
covenant enforcement
Christ is the ultimate mediator.
OT Intro: 
Looking for
a Future King
The “Problem” of Prophecy
The “Problem” of Prophecy
We are far removed from the religious, historical, and
cultural life of ancient Israel
The “church” has disharmony and passion for positions
It is not our “right” to determine secondary meanings of
prophecy as we are not inspired authors of Scripture
Even the prophets did not understand how the
prophecies were to be fulfilled.
Daniel 12
“At that time Michael, the great prince who
protects your people, will arise. There will be a
time of distress such as has not happened from
the beginning of nations until then. But at that
time your people—everyone whose name is found
written in the book—will be delivered.  Multitudes
who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake:
some to everlasting life, others to shame and
everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12
Those who are wise will shine like the
brightness of the heavens, and those who lead
many to righteousness, like the stars for ever
and ever.  But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the
words of the scroll until the time of the end.
Many will go here and there to increase
Daniel 12
Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me
stood two others, one on this bank of the river
and one on the opposite bank.  One of them
said to the man clothed in linen, who was
above the waters of the river, “How long will it
be before these astonishing things are
Daniel 12
The man clothed in linen, who was above the
waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his
left hand toward heaven, and I heard him
swear by him who lives forever, saying, “It will
be for a time, times and half a time. When the
power of the holy people has been finally
broken, all these things will be completed.”
Daniel 12
I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My
lord, what will the outcome of all this be?”
He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the
words are rolled up and sealed until the time of
the end.  Many will be purified, made spotless and
refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked.
None of the wicked will understand, but those
who are wise will understand.
Daniel 12
“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished
and the abomination that causes desolation is set
up, there will be 1,290 days.  Blessed is the one
who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335
“As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest,
and then at the end of the days you will rise to
receive your allotted inheritance.”
Daniel 12:8-9, 13
I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My
lord, what will the outcome of all this be?”
He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the
words are rolled up and sealed until the time of
the end.
“As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest,
and then at the end of the days you will rise to
receive your allotted inheritance.”
1 Peter 1:10-12
Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who
spoke of the grace that was to come to you,
searched intently and with the greatest care,
trying to find out the time and circumstances
to which the Spirit of Christ in them was
pointing when he predicted the sufferings of
the Messiah and the glories that would follow.
1 Peter 1:10-12
It was revealed to them that they were not
serving themselves but you, when they spoke
of the things that have now been told you by
those who have preached the gospel to you by
the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels
long to look into these things.
OT Intro: 
Looking for
a Future King
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
The understanding of prophecies requires
both Literary Context and Historical Context.
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
Literary Context is how text is placed within
the whole of a verse, chapter, book.
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
Zechariah 3:7 - “This is what the Lord
Almighty says: ‘If you will walk in obedience
to me and keep my requirements, then you
will govern my house and have charge of my
courts, and I will give you a place among
these standing here.”
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
Historical Context r
efers to two aspects:
The context of the actual words (Specific
The actual point of history (Larger Context)
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
Specific Context
Each prophecy was set in a specific point of greater
history and was directed towards a specific event or
group of people
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
Larger Context
Why were all 16 books written within a narrow
window of time (760 BC – 460 BC)?
There was a need for covenant enforcement
mediators based on historical context
OT Intro: 
Looking for
a Future King
Covenant Enforcement Mediators
Covenant Enforcement Mediators
Unprecedented shifts of boundaries and power
In 760 BC, Israel was fractured into a Northern (Israel or
Ephraim) and Southern (Judah) tribe
Unprecedented political, military, and social upheaval
Ephraim was defeated in 722 BC by Assyria
Unprecedented levels of religious unfaithfulness
Judah devolved into sinfulness and was destroyed in 587 BC
Covenant Enforcement Mediators
Prophets were not telling the future, but
informing the covenant people of Israel of the
promised outcome if they did not change course
This requires that we understand more of who
God is – Immutable and Provident.
God’s Immutability
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and
Hebrews 6:16-17
People swear by someone greater than themselves,
and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end
to all argument.  Because God wanted to make the
unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the
heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an
God’s Providence
Westminster Confession of Faith (5.2)
Although, in relation to the foreknowledge
and decrees of God, the first Cause, all
things come to pass immutably, and
infallibly; yet, by the same providence, he
ordereth them to fall out, according to the
nature of second causes, either necessarily,
freely, or contingently.
Immutability and Providence
Jonah 3:4
Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the
city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh
will be overthrown.”
Immutability and Providence
Jonah 3:5-6
The Ninevites believed God. A fast was
proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to
the least, put on sackcloth.  When Jonah’s warning
reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his
throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself
with sackcloth and sat down in the dust.
Immutability and Providence
Jonah 3:10
When God saw what they did and how they
turned from their evil ways, he relented and did
not bring on them the destruction he had
OT Intro: 
Looking for
a Future King
Secondary Meanings
Secondary Meanings
Joel 2:28-32
“And afterward,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your old men will dream dreams,
    your young men will see visions.
Secondary Meanings
Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
I will show wonders in the heavens
    and on the earth,
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.
Secondary Meanings
The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood
    before the coming of the great and dreadful day
of the Lord.
And everyone who calls
    on the name of the Lord will be saved;
Secondary Meanings
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
    there will be deliverance,
    as the Lord has said,
even among the survivors
    whom the Lord calls.
Secondary Meanings
Primary Meaning
God is promising to bless Israel after the plague of
Secondary Meaning
Peter uses it in Acts 2:17-21 to describe Christ
Tertiary Meaning
“Day of the Lord” phrasing is typical of Christ’s return
OT Intro: 
Looking for
a Future King
Session 4 Review
An Overview of Prophecy
The “Problem” of Prophecy
The Exegetical Task of Prophecy
Covenant Enforcement Mediators
Secondary Meanings
Biblical Literacy
Session 4
OT Intro: Looking for a Future King
Slide Note

Delve into the intriguing world of biblical prophecy, exploring its various types, historical contexts, and the challenge of interpreting prophecies in light of ancient Israel's religious and cultural life. Discover the significance of covenant enforcement mediators, the role of Christ as the ultimate mediator, and the complexities of discerning secondary meanings in prophetic texts.

  • Biblical Prophecy
  • Ancient Israel
  • Covenant Mediators
  • Interpretation Challenges
  • Christ as Mediator

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biblical Literacy Session 4 OT Intro: Looking for a Future King

  2. Course Agenda Session 1 -The Bible: God s Word, Our Hope Session 2 The Gospel: Instructions for Hope Session 3 OT Intro: Knowing a Holy God Session 4 OT Intro: Looking for a Future King Session 5 NT Intro: The Arrival of the King Session 6 NT Intro: Living for the King

  3. Session 4 Agenda An Overview of Prophecy The Problem of Prophecy The Exegetical Task of Prophecy Covenant Enforcement Mediators Secondary Meanings

  4. OT Intro: Looking for a Future King An Overview of Prophecy

  5. An Overview of Prophecy Statistically, the prophecies break out as follows: Over 92% of the prophecies are focused on Israel s immediate future Less than 5% are about the New Covenant age Less than 2% are messianic Less than 1% concerns still future events

  6. An Overview of Prophecy Types of Prophetic Utterance The Lawsuit God charging Israel The Woe Announcement and Prediction of disaster The Promise Salvation Oracles declaring blessing The Enactment Prophecy Acting out events The Messenger Speech The Lord says

  7. An Overview of Prophecy Prophecy is assumed to be a foretelling or prediction of what is to come. We overemphasize our future, rather than the prophet s future. The Prophets were covenant enforcement mediators. Christ is the ultimate mediator.

  8. OT Intro: Looking for a Future King The Problem of Prophecy

  9. The Problem of Prophecy We are far removed from the religious, historical, and cultural life of ancient Israel The church has disharmony and passion for positions It is not our right to determine secondary meanings of prophecy as we are not inspired authors of Scripture Even the prophets did not understand how the prophecies were to be fulfilled.

  10. Daniel 12 At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people everyone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

  11. Daniel 12 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.

  12. Daniel 12 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?

  13. Daniel 12 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.

  14. Daniel 12 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, My lord, what will the outcome of all this be? He replied, Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

  15. Daniel 12 From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.

  16. Daniel 12:8-9, 13 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, My lord, what will the outcome of all this be? He replied, Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.

  17. 1 Peter 1:10-12 Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow.

  18. 1 Peter 1:10-12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.

  19. OT Intro: Looking for a Future King The Exegetical Task of Prophecy

  20. The Exegetical Task of Prophecy The understanding of prophecies requires both Literary Context and Historical Context.

  21. The Exegetical Task of Prophecy Literary Context is how text is placed within the whole of a verse, chapter, book.

  22. The Exegetical Task of Prophecy Zechariah 3:7 - This is what the Lord Almighty says: If you will walk in obedience to me and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.

  23. The Exegetical Task of Prophecy Historical Context refers to two aspects: The context of the actual words (Specific Context) The actual point of history (Larger Context)

  24. The Exegetical Task of Prophecy Specific Context Each prophecy was set in a specific point of greater history and was directed towards a specific event or group of people

  25. The Exegetical Task of Prophecy Larger Context Why were all 16 books written within a narrow window of time (760 BC 460 BC)? There was a need for covenant enforcement mediators based on historical context

  26. OT Intro: Looking for a Future King Covenant Enforcement Mediators

  27. Covenant Enforcement Mediators Unprecedented shifts of boundaries and power In 760 BC, Israel was fractured into a Northern (Israel or Ephraim) and Southern (Judah) tribe Unprecedented political, military, and social upheaval Ephraim was defeated in 722 BC by Assyria Unprecedented levels of religious unfaithfulness Judah devolved into sinfulness and was destroyed in 587 BC

  28. Covenant Enforcement Mediators Prophets were not telling the future, but informing the covenant people of Israel of the promised outcome if they did not change course This requires that we understand more of who God is Immutable and Provident.

  29. Gods Immutability Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 6:16-17 People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.

  30. Gods Providence Westminster Confession of Faith (5.2) Although, in relation to the foreknowledge and decrees of God, the first Cause, all things come to pass immutably, and infallibly; yet, by the same providence, he ordereththem to fall out, according to the nature of second causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently.

  31. Immutability and Providence Jonah 3:4 Jonah began by going a day s journey into the city, proclaiming, Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.

  32. Immutability and Providence Jonah 3:5-6 The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth. When Jonah s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust.

  33. Immutability and Providence Jonah 3:10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.

  34. OT Intro: Looking for a Future King Secondary Meanings

  35. Secondary Meanings Joel 2:28-32 And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

  36. Secondary Meanings Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.

  37. Secondary Meanings The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved;

  38. Secondary Meanings for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

  39. Secondary Meanings Primary Meaning God is promising to bless Israel after the plague of locusts Secondary Meaning Peter uses it in Acts 2:17-21 to describe Christ Tertiary Meaning Day of the Lord phrasing is typical of Christ s return

  40. OT Intro: Looking for a Future King Review

  41. Session 4 Review An Overview of Prophecy The Problem of Prophecy The Exegetical Task of Prophecy Covenant Enforcement Mediators Secondary Meanings

  42. Biblical Literacy Session 4 OT Intro: Looking for a Future King Q&A


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