A+ Tutoring Training at Parkview High School

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Gain insights into the daily attendance requirements, objectives, and general information for A+ Tutoring Training at Parkview High School. Understand the significance of following specific processes in tutoring to ensure student success. Dive into essential tutoring topics like teaching strategies, communication skills, and creating subject-specific lessons. Be prepared for hands-on training and learn how to be a successful tutor through structured processes and dedication.

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  1. A+ TUTORING TRAINING Parkview High School

  2. Daily Attendance Requirements A+ cadet teacher Time Clock Cadets are required to clock-in using the Parkview A+ cadet teacher Time Clock. This system is located on the homepage of the Parkview website http://sps.k12.mo.us/phs. Mrs. McDaniel will need to train you on this program prior to your first day of cadet teaching. Cadet teachers placed at Parkview: Clock in prior to the tardy bell each block and are in their assigned cadet teaching classrooms before the bell rings Leave the assigned classroom 1-2 minutes prior to the end of class and clock out so you will not be late for your next class. If you tutor the last block of the day you should not leave class early just clock out after the bell rings. Cadet teachers placed at a Parkview elementary or middle school: 1stand 2ndblock cadets to straight to your placements and clock in at the assigned computer. All other blocks will remain in your previous class until the bell rings then make sure you are out of the building before the tardy bell rings. You have 10-15 minutes to drive to your placement and get clocked in so we can verify your attendance. Leave your off campus site 10-15 minutes early to ensure you make it back to your next class on time.

  3. OBJECTIVE: Develop an awareness and appreciation of the A+ Tutoring course and processes. Discover the opportunities to complete your 50 hours of tutoring. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? So you realize that being a successful tutor doesn t just happen. There are very specific processes that must be followed to ensure YOUR STUDENTS LEARN. So you understand that being a successful tutor doesn t just happen because you show up! Tutoring is a job. To be good you must work at it and develop processes. So you will get all of your questions answered and you will have full knowledge of A+ Tutoring and what your tutoring experience will be IF you are successful!


  5. Tutoring Paperwork Course Syllabus (on Canvas) Confidentiality Contract & Agreement Off-Campus Release Form & copy of your drivers license (if leaving PHS to Cadet Teach during the school day) Current A+ Agreement Personal Flyer Pay Attention to Rubric Remind 101 an assignment worth 10 points Time Sheets

  6. What to expect from this training: Tutors will be trained on the following topics: The basics of tutoring Procedures and expectations Right-brain vs. Left-brain learners and teaching strategies for both Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learns and how to create lessons for optimal learning Communication Skills Creating subject and grade-level specific assignments and activities that address different learning styles and utilize a variety of teaching strategies.

  7. Daily Attendance Requirements A+ Tutor Time Clock Tutors are required to clock-in using the Parkview A+ Tutor Time Clock. This system is located on the Parkview A+ website http://parkview.spsk12.org/pages/Parkview_High_School Mrs. will need to train you on this program prior to your first day of tutoring.

  8. Daily Time Logs You are required to complete a detailed time log on a daily basis. These will be provided to you by the A+ office. You should record your clock in and clock out times to match Time clock (this does not reflect the hours you earn for A+ cadet teaching it is used for attendance verification purposes). A brief detailed description should be listed for the activities on a given day. *Be specific* The total minutes of cadet teacher should be recorded at the end of each class period. Be honest when recording your time. Cooperating teachers should sign your time log before you leave your class each day when possible. At the end of the time log grading period you will sign your log to verify you have recorded everything correctly. This is our proof to the state that our cadet teachers are completing all requirements so please check for accuracy before turning them in to the A+ office. Each of these are worth 100 points and we will start deducting points the first day it is late. After one week of being late, we will start deducting 10 points per day!! Be on time!!

  9. The Basics of A+ Tutoring Representing Parkview High School as a Parkview Tutoring is a privilege NOT a right. Only students who are meeting the A+ requirements including good citizenship are permitted to cadet teach other students. Taking on the responsibility to cadet teaching is a big job! One of the most important responsibilities is being a good role model to the students with whom you are working. This will require you to be on your BEST behavior at all times! Students watch you even when you don t know it. They pay attention to factors such as your attendance and promptness, your attitude toward school and the classroom teacher, and what you do in your free time (while on campus or even if students see you away from school). They take cues from you about how to behave in the classroom and how to interact with other students and teachers.

  10. The Basics Continued Another big responsibility is to be a dependable source of academic assistance to the classroom teacher. The teacher does NOT need someone else to look after. You need to be ready and willing to help in any capacity when asked. You need to be a self-starter when you see someone needing assistance, go ahead and help without the teacher having to ask you to do so. You will end up getting more hours this way and please the teacher. Do NOT be a burden to the teacher (by not following the rules, being a disruption in class rather than a help, etc.). If at any point you are NOT a positive representative of Parkview and the A+ program you can be removed from cadet teaching course . This program can only continue if we persist in sending responsible cadet teachers into the classroom.

  11. Items to ALWAYS Remember Always take your cadet teacher folder with you (have your log with you at all times). Tutors must provide your own transportation to off campus sites (you may NOT share rides with another cadet teacher). Clock in and out at the cadet teacher site each day using the A+ Tutoring Time Clock. Failure to clock in or out will cause you to be counted absent. This system will also report tardies! If you forget to clock in should immediately call Mrs. McDaniel in the A+ office to get it corrected. Her phone number is 523-9228. To clear a late clock in or no clock in you will have to present your filled out log for that day signature and all!

  12. Absent Procedures Unplanned Absences Planned Absences (Illness, car troubles, etc) Call or email the A+ office ASAP Notify your supervisory teacher or ask us to (School related, college visits, trips, doctor appts, etc) Give your supervisory teacher plenty of notice that you will not be there Notify Mrs. Sitton or Mrs. McDaniel that you will be gone and why you will be missing. COMMUNICATION IS KEY!!! Your supervisory teachers incorporate you into their lesson plans, don t let them down. Your students will depend on you as well. Hold yourself accountable treat tutoring like it is your job.

  13. More Helpful Reminders You MUST wear your ID badge at all times!! Be a self-starter and find ways to help/cadet teacher if the teacher doesn t always keep you busy. DON T just sit in the corner and wait for instructions. Look for ways to earn your 50 hours! Introduce yourself as the cadet teacher when you arrive at your placement the first day even if they already know you and then ask for instructions. Find out what routine will work best for this teacher- getting oral directions or written directions in a folder. Try to accomplish as much as possible during each session. Introduce yourself to the students, then get to know them spend a little bit of time each session making positive connections. If possible, touch base with the cooperating teacher to let him/her know what you accomplished that day. This is also a good time to make sure they sign your cadet teacher log at the end of each session. Remember to watch your time so that you can return to PHS on time if you are placed off campus.

  14. Just a few more things to remember If there is an assembly, field trip etc. and you cannot cadet teach in your assigned classroom, try to find another class to work in for that day. It is essential that you either stay at your cadet teacher site for the whole time (whether you are able to earn cadet teacher hours or not) or return to PHS for attendance purposes. You may NOT elect to go home. Turn in time logs and assignments (if applicable) on the dates indicated on the log. We will be following the New Late Work Policy that is followed by all the teachers here at PHS. Your grade is determined primarily by the points from your time logs. Your cooperating teacher will also have input on your grade by completing an evaluation form for you at the end of the semester. Review the district dress code and dress conservatively! Repeated non-school related absences can result in removal from your placement or the class. Passes will not be written if you are late returning to PHS. You will receive a tardy for arriving after the bell. Come see me with questions or concerns and HAVE FUN!!!!

  15. EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITES TO EARN THE REQUIRED 50 HOURS OF A+ TUTORING Demonstrating material or playing education games Assisting in cooperative learning activities Reading aloud or assisting with directions Taking notes to share with students Aiding students with individual or small group work Monitoring Student progress and checking for understanding while students are working independently (unless other wise directed you should always be up walking around the room, this keeps students on task plus it lets them know you are available to answer questions) Providing instruction for students who have missed class instruction or need additional assistance

  16. ACTIVITIES THAT DO NOT COUNT TOWARD THE REQUIRED 50 HOURS OF TUTORING (CAN BE DONE IF THERE IS NOT TUTORING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE AT A GIVEN TIME) Making photocopies or running other errands Grading papers Putting up bulletin boards Cleaning or organizing classrooms and/or material *These activities are nice to help out the teacher when there is nothing you can do to earn tutoring hours but you should not be asked to do them on a regular basis. If this becomes an issue please come see me so we can discuss and alternate placement.*

  17. CANVAS Run-through Log on to CANVAS: Login: Student ID Password: first initial, last initial, full birthday, exclamation point Example: 123456 rl08242002

  18. Assignment #1 CANVAS: -Complete the General Information Section 1 Quiz *This assignment is worth 30 points*

  19. INDIVIDUAL WORK Pull up the A+ Tutor Training Power Point in Canvas Complete the following General Questions Quiz ( Assignment #1) Read Slides 21 & 22 then do Assignment #2 Read Slides 23-25 then do Assignment #3 Complete Assignment #4 on Slide 26 Slides 27-30 (Read Only) Slide 31 Assignment #5 Slides 32-37 (Read Only) Slide 38 Assignment #6 Slide 39 Assignment #7


  21. Learning Style Facts Students learn best in many different ways. These different ways of learning are called learning styles. Once you know the characteristics of the different learning styles it is easy to determine your own and others best methods of learning. When you understand your learning style, you are more likely to know how to meet your own learning needs and the needs of the students you work with. Students who are matched with teachers/tutors of the same learning styles learn best. Students who can accurately predict their teachers learning/teaching styles learn better than students who cannot make this prediction. A student s learning style tends to be the same no matter what the subject area. A key to quick learning and memory is to change the information to be learned into the form that the brain can learn the easiest.

  22. Assignment #2 Learning Styles Complete the Learning Styles Quiz * This assignment is worth 10 points*

  23. Assignment #3 Left Brain/Right Brain Canvas: Complete the Left Brain/Right Brain Article & Quiz Activity *This assignment is worth 10 points*

  24. Left Brain Summary Prefers lecture & discussion with note taking Uses outlines and time schedules Utilize independent work More research and independent writing is preferred Prefer quiet, organized and structured classrooms. Usually have large vocabularies

  25. Right Brain Summary Generally prefer hands-on activities Enjoys visuals and music incorporated in the lessons Like group work and projects Thrive in a busy and active classroom setting Usually have materials and books scattered all over Prefer to create rather an research and write

  26. Assignment #4 Take the Self-Assessment of Modality Strengths Quiz to see if you are a Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic Learner *This assignment is worth 10 points*

  27. The next slide list characteristics of the three different learning styles. This will help you to identify the way your students will learn best.

  28. Characteristics of Learning Styles VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC Observes rather than talks Talks to self aloud Likes physical rewards Organized approach with tasks Enjoys talking In motion most of the time Likes to read Easily distracted Likes to touch people Usually a good speller Dislikes written directions Taps pencil or taps foot Memorizes by seeing Reads to memorize steps Enjoys doing activities Not too distractible Enjoys music is not a priority Dislikes verbal directions Whispers to self while reading Not usually a good speller Good handwriting Hums or sings while working Willing to try new things Remembers faces Outgoing by nature Expresses emotions physically Uses advanced planning Enjoys listening activities Dresses for comfort Quiet by nature Enjoys handling objects Meticulous Likes to build Neat in appearance Enjoys drawing Notices detail Often moves others objects

  29. The following slide lists suggested aids for learning styles. If you have difficulty coming up with an activity that best meets the needs of the student you are working with this will be a good resource for you. Helpful Hint: If the classroom teacher uses one method of teaching the objective you might try an alternative method that uses a different learning style. Remember the more ways they learn the information the better understanding they will have of it.

  30. Suggested Aids for Learning Styles VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC Form pictures in your mind Use tapes Pace /walk as you study Take notes Watch TV/movies Physically doing something See parts of words Listen to music Repeating a motion Use notebooks Speak or have speakers Role play Use color codes Make up rhymes Exercise Use study cards Make up poems Dance Use photographs Read aloud Write Use pictures Talk to yourself Write on surface with finger Watch tv/movies Repeat things orally Take notes Use charts and graphs use rhythmic sounds Write lists repeatedly Use maps Have discussions Use tangible objects Demonstrate Listen carefully Have stress toys to squeeze Draw or use drawings Use oral directions Use exhibits Sound out words Watch lips move in front of mirror Say words in syllables Use acronyms

  31. Assignment #5 Class Activity Individual Work make a list of teaching strategies your teachers use (put a star by your favorites) Partner seatwork with the person seated next to you compare your lists. Highlight strategies that you both have listed. Add any new strategies to your list (again star favorites). Small group round robin work move to a small group of 5-8.It must be a different group than your seat partner. Select a group recorder. Round robin your lists while the recorder writes down all original strategies on a poster size post-it. Ask students to explain if there is a strategies you are unfamiliar with.

  32. Positive Reinforcement OR Build-Up Statements It is important to remember to use positive reinforcement frequently Keep the statements age and grade specific Praise small steps and accomplishments Try to start and end each session with a student on a positive note Positive connections will go a long way in building trust with the students you work with.

  33. Listening Behaviors Students making eye contact, facing you and providing good non-verbal feedback are easily identified as listening Students looking down or providing bad non-verbal feedback might be identified as not listening but his is not always the case. You may need to use questioning techniques to see if they are paying attention. Keep these questions positive!!!

  34. Communication Skills When students are talking to you make sure you give them your full attention. Smile and make eye contact with the students so they know you are interested in what they are doing and saying. Put your students first! During this one class period you need to put your very best foot forward and keep in mind this is about their educational success. The next block is about you . Do not interrupt while your student is talking to you Ask open-ended questions that lead to conversational responses (keep these academic in nature not personal) Review the sessions accomplishments when possible and set goals for the next day or session.

  35. Descriptions of roles and responsibilities for Parkview A+ Tutor Participants Successfully complete tutor training prior to working in a classroom. Provide your own reliable transportation to and from tutoring sites other than Parkview. Properly check in and out of each tutor session (in A+ Office and/or at the tutoring site). Accurately complete the tutoring time sheet and get teacher's signature. Be honest when calculating the number of minutes spent tutoring each session; this is different from your check-in/check-out times. Return tutor time sheets and assignments on time to the A+ Office. Be on time arriving at assigned tutor site and returning to PHS. If you must be absent from a tutor session, contact the A+ office and the supervising teacher before the tutor session. Follow district dress code. Work with students in positive, upbeat way; be a good role model. Work with supervising teacher to determine which students need assistance, tasks to be accomplished and appropriate rewards to be given for tutee's accomplishments. Accept constructive criticism from cooperating and supervising teachers. Maintain good citizenship, good attendance and good grades.

  36. Cooperating Teacher Responsibilities Provide cadet teacher opportunities during each session. Give clear directions to cadet teachers about expectations and goals for cadet teacher and students. Provide an appropriate place for cadet teacher to occur (in which a certified teacher is present). Encourage and support cadet teachers. Address concerns (if they occur) with the cadet teacher. Contact the A+ Coordinator if concerns persist. Sign cadet teacher logs at the end ofeach session verifying the cadet teacher's times of arrival and departure as well as number of minutes spent cadet teacher. Complete evaluation form at the end of each semester. Assist in determining the cadet teacher s grades for the course.

  37. Additional Tutoring Opportunities Endeavor (freshmen, classroom, math lab, homework lab) Late start Tuesdays After school math cadet teacher Summer school Summer ArtWorks Band camp (section leaders may earn 10 hours) Advanced Speech and Debate Drama (productions utilizing elementary and/or middle school students) Foreign language cadet teaching Feeder school academic nights Freshmen focus and family fair Courses where advanced and lower level classes are combined Must be on Springfield Pubic Schools grounds and under the supervision of a certified teacher. Hours should be logged on the open block cadet teacher log. You do not need to clock-in and out for these activities.


  39. Assignment #7 Remind 101 Each student must be signed up for A+ Cadet Teaching Remind 101 Use the paper included in your training materials to complete this 10 points

  40. Cadet Teaching Final CADET TEACHING FINAL Choose ONE project from the following options to complete for your 100 point final: 1. Create something that depicts all of the steps you need to go through if you are going to miss a day of tutoring. You will need to show what steps you take if this is a planned absences AND what steps you take if it is an unplanned absence. All of the proper steps must be included for full credit! a.IDEAS: make a video, create a comic, create a flow chart, etc. BE CREATIVE! 2.Create something that depicts the CORRECT way to fill out a Tutoring Log sheet and all of the steps you need to go through when you have completed a Tutoring log sheet and it is time to turn it in. All of the proper steps must be included in order to receive full credit! a.IDEAS: make a video, create a picture board, etc. 3.Create a power point on one of the topics in options #1 or #2. All of the proper steps must be included in order to receive full credit! 4.Create something that encompasses everything your tutoring experience has meant to you. Sky is the limit on this one Make it worth 100 points! a.IDEAS: poster board, scrapbook, song/dance, short story, art, etc. Create does not mean write a paper Be creative and utilize your time on your project. Effort must be visible in order to receive full credit. Be sure to make your project worth 100 points! Any videos made can be submitted to my email clsitton@spsmail.org with a link, or can be shared with me via google drive clsitton@sps.org these emails are different, please be sure to submit your project to the correct one! If you are submitting anything other than an electronic file, you will turn in your project in the A+ office. SENIORS: Your final projects are due no later than Friday December 16th by 3pm in the A+ office. JUNIORS: All final projects are due no later than Friday December 16th by 3pm in the A+ office. *IF THIS IN NOT TURNED IN BY THE DATE IT IS DUE, 20 PTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FOR EVERYDAY IT IS LATE* *FINAL CAN BE TURNED IN EARLY* The final is worth 100 points. Please make sure it is turned in on the date it is due. Otherwise you will lose 20 points per day after. If you have already done the first semester final, another type of final will be assigned. You will just need to make sure you communicate with Mrs. Sitton that you have already completed the first semester final.

  41. Last Minute Information Cadet Teacher Lanyard ID holder Off-campus pass Daily checklist Cooperating teacher evaluation Block schedule and bell schedule Pay attention to Remind Breakfast in the Classroom

  42. DUE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT REPORTING FINISH ALL ASSIGNMENTS THESE ARE LISTED ON SLIDE 19 PAPER CLIP THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER AND GET SIGNED OFF A+ Agreement/Citizenship Confidentiality Agreement Off Campus Release/Drivers License (if needed) Personal Flyer 2 copies *Once everything has been completed you will get receive an A+ Lanyard*

  43. Follow PHS A+ : Twitter @aplusparkview Facebook: Parkview High School A+ *First three to sign up right now will get a free Stadium Cup. We will also have drawings every month for followers*


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