Geotechnical investigations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding Investigations in Science

Investigating in science involves various approaches beyond fair tests, such as pattern-seeking, exploring, and modeling. Not all scientists rely on fair tests, as observational methods are also commonly used. The scientific method consists of steps like stating the aim, observing, forming hypothese

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National Skills Fund Update: Investigations, Audit Outcomes, and Human Resource Management

The National Skills Fund provides an update on investigations conducted by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, historical and current audit outcomes, and human resource management actions. The ongoing investigation by the DPCI (HAWKS), internal disciplinary processes, audit action plan

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National GST Enforcement Officer’s Conference. 4th March,2024

The State Tax Department of Uttarakhand has organized the National GST Enforcement Officers Conference and has been actively involved in enforcing taxation regulations and conducting investigations. They have a well-structured enforcement setup with mobile units and special investigation branches to

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Understanding Impression Evidence Collection in CSI Investigations

Impression evidence plays a crucial role in investigations, including shoeprints, tool marks, tire tracks, bite marks, and riffling marks on bullets. This evidence can be collected in 2D using photography or tape lifts, and in 3D through casting methods. Differentiating between class and individual

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Introduction to Flood Risk Assessment with HEC-FDA Overview

This presentation delves into flood risk assessment using HEC-FDA software, covering topics such as defining flood risk, components of uncertainty, consequences of flood risk, and methods to assess flood risk including hydrology, hydraulics, geotechnical, and economics. It explores the intersection

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Understanding Impression Evidence Collection in Forensic Investigations

Impression evidence plays a crucial role in forensic investigations, with examples including shoeprints, tool marks, tire tracks, bite marks, and riffling marks on bullets. The quality of impressions depends on various factors like the object making the impression, surface conditions, and the materi

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Understanding Soil Phase Relationships and Properties

Soil consists of solids, liquids, and gases with voids in between. Water content, void ratio, porosity, specific gravity, mass specific gravity, degree of saturation, and unit weight are key parameters in characterizing soil behavior. Relationships between these properties are crucial for geotechnic

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SIU conducted investigations at PRASA in line with Proclamation R51 of 2019, proposing motivations for a new Proclamation, focusing on lifestyle audits and consequence management through civil litigation, disciplinary actions, and more.

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Understanding Collaborative Research in Scientific Investigations

Collaborations in research play a pivotal role in achieving common goals and producing valuable outcomes. This module explores the nature of collaborative research, the importance of written agreements, examples of collaboration types, and the essential aspects of successful collaborative relationsh

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Laboratory Experiments on Geotechnical Properties

This instructional guide outlines laboratory procedures for determining geotechnical properties such as dynamic angle of repose, static coefficient of friction, surface area of fruits, and screening for ground feed classification. It includes steps, apparatus required, calculations, and questions to

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Insurance Investigations: Handling Privilege, Coverage, and Disclosure

Explore the nuances of responding to insurance investigations in this 90-minute interactive webinar. Learn how to cooperate effectively while protecting privilege, coverage, and confidential information. Gain valuable insights on preventing insurer abuse, misuse, and disclosure, as well as safeguard

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Enhancing Geotechnical Investigation Methods in Ghana for Foundation Design of Large Structures

Enhancing the standard of geotechnical investigation field testing in Ghana is crucial to ensure appropriate use of equipment like DCP for designing foundations of large structures. Objectives include assessing site suitability, obtaining design inputs, anticipating construction challenges, and esti

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Environmental Investigations Unit of Houston Police Department

Environmental Investigations Unit of the Houston Police Department is responsible for investigating crimes with environmental impact in the city, such as water pollution, hazardous waste dumping, air pollution, and illegal dumping. They work on large-scale investigations involving releases of hazard

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Environmental Investigations Unit of Houston Police Department

The Environmental Investigations Unit of the Houston Police Department is responsible for investigating crimes with an environmental connection in the city. From water pollution to hazardous waste dumping, the unit handles a wide range of cases, focusing on criminal investigations and coordinating s

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Understanding Soil Behavior and Formation in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and environmental engineering heavily rely on the properties and behavior of soil and rock materials for successful project outcomes. Geotechnical engineering and environmental considerations play crucial roles in dealing with earth materials. This content explores the elemental compositions o

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Child Placing Agencies and Child Caring Institutions Overview

Explore the procedures and protocols followed by Special Investigations and Regular Investigations units when dealing with allegations of maltreatment in Child Placing Agencies (CPA) and Child Caring Institutions (CCI). Learn about the different types of investigations and how cases are handled base

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Advanced Financial Crime Investigations and Anti-Money Laundering Overview

Explore the world of advanced financial crime investigations, anti-money laundering, and the importance of estimating financial reporting errors. Delve into the role of internal audit and investigations, understand the significance of changes in accounting estimates, and learn why estimation is vita

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Best Practices for Conducting Effective Investigations

Understanding the purpose, principles, and process of investigations is crucial for conducting fair and well-managed inquiries. Learn about the impact of improper investigations and follow a structured approach encompassing appointment of an investigating manager, defining scope, planning, evidence

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Understanding Wedge Failures in Geotechnical Engineering

Wedge failures in geotechnical engineering occur when slopes with discontinuities experience sliding along the line of intersection of two planes. This type of failure can happen under various geological and geometric conditions and involves specific criteria such as the dip of the intersecting plan

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A Rare Case of Ascites in a 22-Year-Old Female: Clinical Presentation and Investigations

A 22-year-old female presented with abdominal distension and pain. Her medical history, family history, and personal habits were reviewed. Examination revealed mild hepatomegaly and shifting dullness. Lab investigations showed normal values with no signs of infection. Ascitic fluid analysis indicate

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Understanding Offsite Investigations in CSA's National Safety Interventions

Offsite Investigations are part of CSA's safety tools, conducted remotely to ensure carrier compliance. Safety Investigators review online documents to diagnose issues and provide corrective actions. Failure to comply may result in penalties or onsite investigations. Offsite Investigations have show

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Geometry Investigations and Theorems

Explore various circle theorems and investigations involving angles, tangents, radii, and circumferences. Discover the relationships between angles at the center and circumference, the properties of tangents, and the angle measurements within a circle. Engage in investigations to understand the sign

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Rapid Investigation Service Overview

The Wessex RIS is a new cancer referral pathway aimed at patients with concerning non-specific symptoms. Working in partnership with acute trusts in Wessex, the service provides timely investigations to exclude cancer in such patients. Established as part of the National Rapid Diagnostic Centre proj

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Structural Analysis and Design for Signal and Lighting Systems

Florence Hutcheson Lee Sewell, PE, SE conducted an in-depth structural analysis known as SALSA to examine wire span, mast arm, and high mast structures. This comprehensive study, initiated in 2007, aimed to enhance the geotechnical evaluations of pole bases to meet current standards. Through innovat

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Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (LELAP) Overview

The Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (LELAP) ensures the accreditation of laboratories, stack testers, and geotechnical soil testers distinct from permittees or the Department. Accreditation is required for facilities submitting chemical analyses or data, as defined by regula

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Effective Accident Investigations for Safety in the Workplace

Understanding the importance of accident investigations and their objectives is crucial for workplace safety. This content covers the definition of accidents, accident investigation objectives, the purpose behind investigations, and who typically conducts them. It emphasizes the need for thorough in

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Innovations in Geotechnical Solutions: Enhancing Standards for Technical Textiles

Geotechnical expert Shahrokh Bagli discusses the importance of standardization for geosynthetics in India, highlighting the need for new products and innovations. Emphasizing the role of user ministries and applications, the conclave addresses the scope for standardization and the requirements of th

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Practical Considerations for Interacting with Criminal Authorities During Internal Investigations

This content discusses the legal obligations and privacy issues involved when interacting with criminal authorities during internal investigations. It covers topics such as revealing information, privacy concerns with devices, documenting investigations, and standard procedures for requesting inform

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Understanding Cut Slope Design and Topographic Surveying

Geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists play crucial roles in designing earth structures based on geological data. This involves assessing and forecasting hazards, making slope design recommendations, and more. The process includes topographic surveys, rock mass characterization, photogram

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Direct Payments & Social Care Investigations Workshop Overview

Explore the key areas covered in the Direct Payments & Social Care Investigations Workshop, focusing on Direct Payments, social care fraud, applications, counter-fraud work, investigations, and overcoming cultural resistance. Delve into the risks associated with social care fraud and learn about the

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Sustainable Construction Initiatives in Europe: A Roadmap to Carbon Reduction

European Federation of Foundation Contractors (EFFC) and Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) are leading the way in promoting sustainable practices within the construction industry. Through collaborative efforts, these organizations aim to reduce carbon emissions and establish sustainable development g

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Internal Investigations in Corporate Compliance

Understanding the importance of conducting internal investigations in corporate compliance is crucial to address potential misconduct, comply with regulations, and prevent legal implications. This article explores the reasons, methods, and benefits of internal investigations within organizations.

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Modular Construction of Minor Bridges: A Detailed Process Overview

This schema outlines the steps involved in the modular construction of minor bridges, from geotechnical analysis to finalizing the bridge design. It provides insights into the process, application details, and how it works, targeting designers, constructors, onsite engineers, and design approving au

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Explore the World of Engineering with Kentucky Engineering Exposure Network

Delve into the diverse field of engineering with the Kentucky Engineering Exposure Network (KEEN). Discover the various types of engineering specialties, the role of engineers in society, and the steps to pursue a career in this dynamic profession. Get insights into civil, structural, geotechnical,

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Internal Investigations in Corporate Compliance

An internal investigation in corporate compliance involves probing suspected misconduct within an organization. It is a crucial element of compliance programs, aimed at uncovering facts, halting violations, implementing remedies, and considering disciplinary actions or self-disclosure to authorities

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Strategies for Creating Mathematical Investigations with CAS Technology

In this workshop, participants will learn strategies for developing structured and open-ended mathematical investigations with the support of CAS (Computer Algebra System) technology. The session will focus on breaking down big ideas into components, drafting tasks effectively, creating open-ended q

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Overview of Department of Family and Protective Services Investigations

The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Investigations Division was established in 2017 as part of DFPS becoming an independent agency. The division incorporates investigative functions from various departments to focus on ensuring the safety, permanency, and well-being of children a

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Geophysics Field Testing Workshop: Methods and Interpretation

South Carolina DOT Training Workshop on geophysics field testing methods, data reduction, and interpretation of results by Robert C. Bachus and Glenn J. Rix. The workshop covers suspension logging, borehole geophysical logging, geotechnical testing, and geophysical service companies such as Schlumbe

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Walk Through Series 1: Expectations & Investigations for Title IX Team Members

This walk-through series provides guidance for advisors on their roles, responsibilities, and expectations when supporting students, faculty, and staff involved in Title IX investigations. It covers important topics such as advisor violations, maintaining privacy, intake meetings, investigations, an

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Essential Aspects of Site Investigation in Civil Engineering

Civil engineering site investigations play a crucial role in determining foundation types, construction methods, and overall project costs. This process involves gathering essential information to design foundations, assess load capacities, make settlement predictions, identify groundwater levels, a

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