Civil Air Patrol Property Management Overview

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This content provides insights into the management of Civil Air Patrol (CAP) property purchased with Federal funds. It highlights the trust held for beneficiaries, legal regulations, cooperative agreements, and substantial involvement expectations between agencies and recipients. Additionally, it touches on the duration of agreements, legal requirements under 2 CFR 200, and the overall framework for managing Federal awards.

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  1. Civil Air Patrol Civil Air Patrol CAP Property CAP Property Management Management 10 August 2019

  2. General General Property purchased with Federal funds is held in trust for the Property purchased with Federal funds is held in trust for the beneficiaries of the CAP Cooperative Agreement with the US Air beneficiaries of the CAP Cooperative Agreement with the US Air Force and the taxpayers of the United States of America. Force and the taxpayers of the United States of America. There are legal and regulatory restrictions and conditions for its There are legal and regulatory restrictions and conditions for its care and use care and use

  3. Cooperative Agreement Cooperative Agreement Cooperative Cooperative Agreement Agreement CONTRACT CONTRACT GRANT GRANT

  4. Cooperative Agreement Cooperative Agreement Substantial involvement is expected between the executive Substantial involvement is expected between the executive agency and the recipient when carrying out the activity agency and the recipient when carrying out the activity contemplated in the agreement. contemplated in the agreement. The principal purpose is to transfer something of value to The principal purpose is to transfer something of value to recipients to carry out a public purpose recipients to carry out a public purpose It is a form of aid or financial assistance It is a form of aid or financial assistance Example Example - - NIH conducting cancer research at a university NIH conducting cancer research at a university

  5. Cooperative Agreement Cooperative Agreement Normally a 1 Normally a 1- -5 year agreement 5 year agreement Last year we concluded a 17 Last year we concluded a 17- -year agreement Ongoing the term will be for 5 years Ongoing the term will be for 5 years Current agreement runs from 1 October 2017 to 30 Current agreement runs from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2022 September 2022 Available at Other Publications in the online CAP Available at Other Publications in the online CAP publications library publications library year agreement

  6. Legal Requirements Legal Requirements 2 CFR 200 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. . . Published by OMB and is part of a larger federal effort to more Published by OMB and is part of a larger federal effort to more effectively focus federal resources on improving performance and effectively focus federal resources on improving performance and outcomes while ensuring the financial integrity of taxpayer dollars in outcomes while ensuring the financial integrity of taxpayer dollars in partnership with non partnership with non- -federal entities. federal entities.

  7. CAPR 174 CAPR 174- -1 1 Implements CAP s property management and Implements CAP s property management and accountability policy accountability policy Incorporates guidance from 2CFR 200, DoD Manual Incorporates guidance from 2CFR 200, DoD Manual 4160.21M and the Cooperative Agreement 4160.21M and the Cooperative Agreement

  8. CAPR 174 CAPR 174- -1 1 Commanders and property management officers are Commanders and property management officers are responsible for management, control, maintenance and responsible for management, control, maintenance and disposal disposal Property management officer ?? Property management officer ?? any member holding a logistics, supply or communications officer holding a logistics, supply or communications officer position. position. Commanders must perform all property Commanders must perform all property management functions when no property management officer has functions when no property management officer has been appointed been appointed any member management

  9. Property Categories Property Categories Real Property Real Property Personal Property Personal Property

  10. Real Property Real Property Real property is any designated portion of land and anything Real property is any designated portion of land and anything permanently placed on or under it. The elements on or under permanently placed on or under it. The elements on or under the land include natural resources and/or human the land include natural resources and/or human- -made structures. structures. made

  11. Real Property Real Property A type of property which can include any asset other than real A type of property which can include any asset other than real estate. Personal property is movable. The asset is not fixed estate. Personal property is movable. The asset is not fixed permanently to one location as with real property such as land permanently to one location as with real property such as land or buildings. or buildings.

  12. Personal Property Personal Property Equipment Equipment Supplies Supplies

  13. Equipment Equipment Tangible personal property Tangible personal property Non Non- -expendable expendable Useful life of greater than 1 year Useful life of greater than 1 year Initial acquisition cost of greater than $5,000 Initial acquisition cost of greater than $5,000 Often referred to as fixed assets Often referred to as fixed assets

  14. Supplies Supplies Tangible personal property Tangible personal property Without regard to useful life Without regard to useful life Initial acquisition cost of less than $5,000 Initial acquisition cost of less than $5,000


  16. Procurement Procurement Sources Corporate Funded DoD Funded Donated State Funded State Owned Local Government Owned Local Government Funded Federally Owned (GFE) State/Local Government Excess DoD or Federal Excess Found on Base

  17. Procurement Procurement Source determines how property is tracked, methods of Source determines how property is tracked, methods of distribution, how it is maintained in the field and how it will be distribution, how it is maintained in the field and how it will be retired at the end of its useful life. retired at the end of its useful life.

  18. DoD/Other Agency Excess DoD/Other Agency Excess CAP is authorized to receive certain types of Federal CAP is authorized to receive certain types of Federal- -excess property through DLA property through DLA- -DS and GSA. DS and GSA. excess TA describes property that can be screened TA describes property that can be screened Wings/regions screeners identified in writing and approved by Wings/regions screeners identified in writing and approved by CAP CAP- -USAF/LR/LG USAF/LR/LG - - Region HQ Region HQ 1 1 - - Wings Wings - - 4 4

  19. Distribution Distribution Varies depending on the type of property Varies depending on the type of property Aircraft Aircraft Vehicles Vehicles Computers Computers Cameras Cameras

  20. Distribution Distribution Transfer occurs when a piece of property is moved from one Transfer occurs when a piece of property is moved from one unit/location to another unit/location to another

  21. Assign Assign Property is assigned to other property Items. Property is assigned to other property Items. GPS assigned to aircraft GPS assigned to aircraft Radio assigned to vehicle Radio assigned to vehicle Camera and tablet assigned to a kit Camera and tablet assigned to a kit

  22. Issue/Turn In Issue/Turn In Property is issued to individuals and turned in to the unit when Property is issued to individuals and turned in to the unit when no longer needed. no longer needed.

  23. Issue/Turn In Issue/Turn In Property is issued to individuals and turned in to the unit when Property is issued to individuals and turned in to the unit when no longer needed. no longer needed.

  24. Disposal Disposal There are two ways to remove property There are two ways to remove property from inventory from inventory: Retirement Retirement Report of survey (ROS) Report of survey (ROS)

  25. Tracked Expendable Tracked Expendable A non A non- -expendable item with an acquisition cost of less than expendable item with an acquisition cost of less than $500 or property that has depreciated to below $500 that has $500 or property that has depreciated to below $500 that has exceeded its useful life can be disposed with wing commander exceeded its useful life can be disposed with wing commander approval. approval. Not to be donated or sold, but disposed IAW local Not to be donated or sold, but disposed IAW local environmental procedures environmental procedures Exceptions are: Laptops, tablets and other highly Exceptions are: Laptops, tablets and other highly- -pilferable items identified by CAP items identified by CAP- -USAF USAF pilferable

  26. Property Lost or Damaged Property Lost or Damaged Report of Survey

  27. Property Lost or Damaged Property Lost or Damaged Reports of survey (ROS) are not required for acts of God (i.e., hail storms, deer strikes, wind damage or chipped windshields) ICL04 FY19 removes the requirement to perform a ROS for property with a current of less than $500. Exceptions are an aggregate loss of like items that exceeds $500, laptops, iPads, tablets and similar mobile devices and any radio, key loader or other device with encryption keys loaded

  28. Property Disposal Property Disposal Aircraft and vehicles Supplies Comm gear Donated Found on base

  29. Real Property Real Property Lease Buy Donated Contributed facilities ..Talk about documentation

  30. Compliance inspections Compliance inspections Compliance inspection checklist

  31. D7 Worksheet D7 Worksheet

  32. D7 Worksheet D7 Worksheet

  33. D7 Worksheet D7 Worksheet

  34. Write-ups Logistics findings from recent compliance inspections.

  35. Write Write- -ups ups Wing failed to ensure wing or region commander approved all acquisitions of Wing failed to ensure wing or region commander approved all acquisitions of real property by purchase, donation, lease, or other no real property by purchase, donation, lease, or other no- -cost agreements IAW CAPR 174 CAPR 174- -1 para 6 1 para 6- -2a. 2a. - - Seven of nine units do not have compliant documentation. Seven of nine units do not have compliant documentation. cost agreements IAW 13 Real Property document files were reviewed and were 13 Real Property document files were reviewed and were missing signatures missing signatures Real property documents not loaded into ORMS (Multiple) Real property documents not loaded into ORMS (Multiple) Wing failed to retain all copies of commander's signed memoranda approving acquisition of real property in a secure location IAW CAPR 174-1 para 6-2b.

  36. Write Write- -ups ups Wing failed ensure Wing or Region Commander approved all acquisitions Wing failed ensure Wing or Region Commander approved all acquisitions of real property by purchase, donation, lease or other no of real property by purchase, donation, lease or other no- -cost agreements IAW CAPR 174 IAW CAPR 174- -1 para 6 1 para 6- -2a. 2a. - - Valid approval documentation did not exist for 7 of 13 units. Valid approval documentation did not exist for 7 of 13 units. cost agreements The missing item, External Hard Drive, property number 2009132, was not The missing item, External Hard Drive, property number 2009132, was not properly reported in the ORMS database IAW CAPR 174 properly reported in the ORMS database IAW CAPR 174- -1 para 2 1 para 2- -16d(5) 16d(5) The transfer [issuance/receipt] of non The transfer [issuance/receipt] of non- -expendable property within the wing is not being properly documented in the ORMS database IAW CAPR wing is not being properly documented in the ORMS database IAW CAPR 174 174- -1 para 2 1 para 2- -15b. 15b. expendable property within the

  37. Commander Acknowledgement

  38. Questions/Discussion
