Dairy Cattle and Buffaloes Feeding Guidelines for Optimal Performance

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Formulating rations and feeding dairy cattle and buffaloes during different phases is crucial for their health and productivity. This includes maintenance ration to sustain essential body processes, gestation ration to support pregnancy and milk production, and production ration for increased milk yield. Proper consideration of nutrient requirements and balanced feed is essential for optimal performance.

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  1. Formulation of rations and feeding of dairy Formulation of rations and feeding of dairy cattle & buffaloes during different phases cattle & buffaloes during different phases (Part-II) Dr. Kaushalendra Kumar Assistant Professor (Animal Nutrition), Bihar Animal Science University, Patna, India E-mail: drkaushalbvc@gmail.com

  2. THUMB RULES OF FEEDING CATTLE & BUFFALOES THUMB RULES OF FEEDING CATTLE & BUFFALOES While While considering considering the the feeding feeding schedule schedule of of adult adult dairy dairy animals, animals, proper proper consideration consideration should should be be made made for for the the purpose purpose for for which which the the animal animal has has to to be be fed fed. . These These are are maintenance maintenance ration, ration, gestation gestation ration ration & & production production rations rations. . MAINTENANCE RATION MAINTENANCE RATION This This is is the the minimum minimum amount amount of of feed feed required required to to maintain maintain the the essential essential body body processes processes at at their their optimum optimum rate rate without without gain gain or or loss loss in in body body weight weight or or change change in in body body composition composition. .

  3. Under Under such such circumstances circumstances compound compound concentrate concentrate mixture mixture which which provides provides at at least least 20 20% % protein protein ( (14 14- -16 16% % DCP) DCP) and and 68 68- -72 72% % TDN TDN. . For For palatability palatability & & laxative, laxative, variety variety of of feed feed should should be be included included in in the the feed feed & & balanced balanced with with minerals minerals & & vitamins vitamins. . The The amount amount of of concentrate concentrate mixture mixture and and straw, straw, which which provide provide maintenance maintenance requirement requirement for for adult adult dairy dairy cattle cattle such such as as; ;

  4. GESTATION RATION GESTATION RATION In In the the case case of of pregnancy, pregnancy, from from 5 5th th month month onwards onwards more more nutrients nutrients should should be be provided provided for for proper proper growth growth of of foetus foetus & & to to prepare prepare the the mother mother to to produce produce more more milk milk production production on on calving calving. . For For this this in in addition addition to to maintenance maintenance ration ration 1 1 to to 2 2 kgs kgs of of concentrate concentrate mixture mixture is is recommended recommended. .

  5. PRODUCTION RATION PRODUCTION RATION Production Production ration ration is is the the additional additional quantity quantity of of ration ration for for milk milk production production over over & & above above the the maintenance maintenance requirement requirement. . For For cows cows 1 1 kg kg concentrate concentrate is is required required for for every every 2 2. .5 5 kgs kgs of of milk milk & & for for buffaloes buffaloes 1 1 kg kg for for every every 2 2. .0 0 kgs kgs of of milk milk produced produced. .

  6. Formulation of ration for different class of animals Formulation of ration for different class of animals (Heifer, Milch cows, Pregnant, bull and bullocks) (Heifer, Milch cows, Pregnant, bull and bullocks) In In computation computation of of ration ration for for cattle cattle & & buffaloes, buffaloes, the the prime prime considerations considerations is is to to ascertain ascertain & & meet meet up up the the total total requirement requirement in in terms terms of of . . 1 1. . Dry Dry matter matter (DM) (DM) 2 2. . Digestible Digestible crude crude protein protein (DCP) (DCP) 3 3. . Total Total digestible digestible nutrients nutrients (TDN) (TDN)

  7. Requirement for Dry matter Requirement for Dry matter Requirement Requirement of of the the quantity quantity of of DM DM depends depends on on the the BW BW of of the the animal animal & & also also with with nature nature of of its its production production. . Cattle Cattle will will generally generally eat eat daily daily 2 2 - - 2 2. .5 5 kg kg DM DM for for every every 100 100 kgs kgs BW BW. . Buffaloes Buffaloes & & cross cross- -breed breed animals animals are are slightly slightly heavy heavy eaters eaters & & their their DMI DMI varies varies from from 2 2. .5 5 - - 3 3. .0 0 kg kg per per 100 100 kg kg BW BW. . The The DM DM should should be be given given as as given given below below: :

  8. For For example example cross cross breed breed cow cow weighing weighing 400 400 kg kg the the requirement requirement are are as as follows follows; ;

  9. Requirement for D.C.P and TDN Requirement for D.C.P and TDN These requirement for only maintenance or production or pregnancy are as follows;

  10. IMPORTANT TIPS ON FEEDING OF DAIRY ANIMALS IMPORTANT TIPS ON FEEDING OF DAIRY ANIMALS Green Green fodder fodder must must be be chopped chopped before before feeding feeding to to the the dairy dairy cows cows for for better better utilization utilization. . If If possible, possible, soak soak the the concentrate concentrate mixture mixture in in water water for for 6 6- -8 8 hours hours & & then then feed feed to to the the animals animals. . Required Required concentrate concentrate mixture, mixture, green green fodder fodder & & straw straw may may be be offered offered either either separately separately or or mixing mixing together together as as total total mixed mixed ration ration (TMR) (TMR). . Total Total ration ration to to be be offered offered daily, daily, should should be be divided divided & & offered offered twice twice (morning (morning & & afternoon) afternoon) for for better better utilization utilization. .

  11. Do Do not not feed feed calcium calcium rich rich feed feed ingredients ingredients or or mineral mineral mixture mixture to to the the dairy dairy cows cows 15 15 days days before before parturition, parturition, as as high high calcium calcium intake intake during during this this period period increases increases the the chances chances of of milk milk fever fever. . Provide Provide clean clean fresh fresh water water free free of of choice choice to to the the dairy dairy animals animals. . For For easy easy accessibility, accessibility, a a cemented cemented water water tank tank should should be be constructed constructed near near to to the the animal animal shed shed & & tank tank should should be be painted painted with with lime lime at at frequent frequent intervals intervals to to make make the the water water clean clean. .

  12. Questions? Thanks


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