Exploring Local Wisdom in Garut for Sheep Care

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Ethnopedagogical studies in Garut reveal the significance of local wisdom in caring for sheep, emphasizing cultural values and societal behavior. The research focuses on the Padepokan Cantik Group in Leles District, exploring the concept of caring for Garut sheep and the importance of preserving local knowledge. Through descriptive methods, the study reveals insights on how the Sundanese community integrates sheep care into their way of life.

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  1. Local Wisdom Of Garut In Taking Care Its Sheep: Ethnopedagogical Studies No. Abstract: ABS-ICOLLITE-23040 Gita Kurnia Dewi Indonesian Education University

  2. INTRODUCTION Ethnopedagogy or better known as education based on local wisdom. Local wisdom or ethnopedagogy can be freely interpreted as cultural values that teach the values of behavior in society. Local wisdom (tradition) is also a way of life that is in the hearts of the people, wisdom of life and life, traditional rites, and others (Wagiati, 2015) One of the Sundanese community groups that is rich in local wisdom, namely in Garut Regency. The people of Garut cannot be separated from the term Garut sheep. The concept of sheep is an idea and thought of the Garut people which leads to how to integrate society. This is one of the efforts to protect nature, especially in caring for animals. In this study, the focus was on examining Garut sheep which were cared for by the Padepokan Cantik Group in Leles District. Leles District is one of the sub-districts that has the most padepokan than other sub-districts in Garut Regency. Padepokan Cantik Group is a well-known hermitage in Leles District, because it often wins and the quality of its sheep is good. This research needs to be done because it relates to the inheritance of local knowledge. In addition, researchers are interested in studying the concept of caring for Garut sheep which is strengthened by the existence of some Sundanese people who do not know the values of local wisdom. This is evidenced by the attitude of some people who think that taking care of sheep is just taking care of them, there is no meaning or values contained in it. This situation is a concern in the loss of local knowledge about managing Garut sheep.

  3. LITERATURE REVIEW According to Sudaryat (2022), explains that local wisdom has good character for the Sundanese people if the Sundanese people claim to be Sundanese and apply Sundanese values in their lives. In addition, local wisdom (tradition) is also a way of life that is in the hearts of the people, wisdom of life and life, traditional rites, and others (Wagiati, 2015). The output or results of Sundanese local wisdom-based education are individuals who (1) have the characteristics of Gapura Pancawaluya that is cageur, bageur, bener, pinter, and pangger, (2) Jelema Masagi that is luhung ku lmu jembar ku pangabisa, who are able to learn to feel or nurture empathy (niti surti), learn to know or develop their minds (niti harti), learn to do or prove their own behavior (niti bukti), and learn to live together or embody broader human values (niti bakti) so that a perfect human being is realized (niti jadi (sajati)) is bagja-waluya(well-being) (Sudaryat, 2022).

  4. METHOD Descriptive Method Data Collection documentation documentation literature study

  5. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Local Wisdom Of Garut In Taking Care Its Sheep Taking Care of the Garut Sheep How to Breed Garut Sheep

  6. Taking Care of the Taking Care of the Garut Garut Sheep Sheep Garut Sheep Swimming (ngojaykeun) Feeding the Garut Sheep Garut Sheep Ngibun Cleaning the Garut Sheep Giving Herbal Medicine (Jamu) How to Buy and Sell Garut Sheep Garut Sheep Moyankeun Provide Vitamins

  7. How to Breed How to Breed Garut Garut Sheep Sheep For breeding, of course, there must be Jalu sheep and Bikang sheep. Like humans, male and female must be paired. Garut sheep also have their period, for example, for example, Garut sheep can no longer be diaben or pitted, then these sheep are made into rams to be bred through a mating process. A good time to hold a sheep marriage is twice a day, morning and evening. If one day you do it five times, the sheep's sperm will be bad, meaning that something will turn out or not. You can't, for example, the marriage process from 7 o'clock and 10 o'clock to marry again, because the good sperm has been wasted. The characteristic of bikang sheep will be in lust, which can be seen by method 3B (Beureum, Baseuh, and Bareuh). Weather greatly affects the breeding of sheep. In the dry season, the season for the sheep to 'make love'. Conversely, if it is the rainy season, the sheep seldom do the mating process because there is no sunlight. The quality of the Garut sheep, in essence, must be given good milk. The mother's milk must be a lot, if the mother's milk is not available, the sheep must be given pure cow's milk.

  8. Local Wisdom Of Local Wisdom Of Garut Garut In Taking Care Its Sheep In Taking Care Its Sheep Niti Surti cageur Niti Harti bageur Gapura Pancawaluya Niti Bukti bener Jelema Masagi Niti Bakti pinter Niti Jadi (sajati) pangger

  9. CONCLUSION The ability of the Garut community in caring for sheep using an ethnopedagogical approach, reveals that the local wisdom of the Garut community is a source of local knowledge in taking care Garut sheep. The result of Sundanese local wisdom-based education in the Garut community is that it has the character of a gapura pancawaluya (cageur, bageur, bener, pinter, tur pangger) and jelema masagi (niti surti, niti harti, niti bukti, niti bakti, niti jadi (sajati)).

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