CSU Integration into WEIS Bid-to-Bill Test Kickoff Overview

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Helping members work together to ensure reliable power supply, the CSU Integration into WEIS Bid-to-Bill Test Kickoff involves key testing phases, communication plans, and weekly meetings to facilitate successful integration into the Southwest Power Pool. Detailed agenda, testing calendar, and communication guidelines are highlighted.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CSU INTEGRATION INTO WEIS BID-TO- BILL TEST KICKOFF Helping our members work together to keep the lights on... today and in the future. SPPorg southwest-power-pool SouthwestPowerPool

  2. BID-TO-BILL TEST KICKOFF MAY 16, 2022 2 Helping our members work together to keep the lights on... today and in the future. SPPorg southwest-power-pool SouthwestPowerPool

  3. AGENDA Member Testing Overview WRTBM Base Case Overview Operation Test Scenario Overview Deployment Test Overview Recap of Key Points and Next Steps Questions 3


  5. TESTING CALENDAR Date Party Action February 11, 2022 SPP Members Member connectivity testing kick-off call and walk through of system changes February 14, 2022 May 8, 2022 SPP Members Member sets up web services application programming interfaces (APIs) and listeners in MTE, the local security administrator (LSAs) set up users with certificates and roles in MTE. Members start connectivity testing. May 9, 2022 SPP The full model with resources is effective in MTE. May 9, 2022 May 20, 2022 SPP Member Full connectivity testing in MTE May 23, 2022 July 25, 2022 SPP Member Weekly CSU Integration into WEIS test communication calls May 23, 2022 July 5, 2022 SPP Member Bid-to-Bill Unstructured Testing (Base Case Scenarios) May 25, 2022 July 5, 2022 SPP Member Bid-to-Bill Structured Testing (Structured Scenarios) May 30, 2022 July 1, 2022 SPP Member BAs West RC Deployment testing in MTE July 26, 2022 July 31, 2022 Member Member sets up APIs and listeners in production, LSAs set up users with certificates and roles in production August 1, 2022 SPP Member SPP Member goes live in the WEIS Market 5

  6. COMMUNICATION PLAN Submit all testing questions and issues through the SPP Request Management System (RMS) using the Submit an Inquiry request template, the Inquiry request type, and the Projects / Initiatives subtype 1 and CSU Integration Into WEIS for subtype 2. SPP will publish Market Trials materials to the CSU Integration into WEIS folder on SPP.org. 6

  7. WEEKLY TESTING MEETINGS Weekly Testing Communication Calls will occur every Monday morning from May 16, 2022, through July 25, 2021. The intent of these meetings is to review testing results of the week and inform CSU of upcoming action items. The meetings serve as an open forum for CSU to follow up on any open questions. Some weeks, SPP will use the meeting as a kickoff for an upcoming test stage or a Go No/Go meeting. SPP will publish agendas for each meeting in advance. 7

  8. TESTING CALENDAR SPP will produce a calendar for member testing. The calendar will be a living document and updated periodically during testing. SPP staff will discuss updates to the calendar in the weekly testing meeting. In addition to identifying important dates during testing, the calendar will track testing milestones. Events listed on the calendar will include: Daily submission data Operational test scenarios Deployment tests MP testing-status conference calls Go/no-go checkpoints for testing Holidays The document can be found in the CSU Integration into WEIS folder on spp.org 8

  9. SETTLEMENTS CALENDAR SPP will post a settlements calendar to the MTE portal that reflects the accelerated schedule to be used in MTE. S7 posts OD+7, S53 posts OD+21, S120 posts OD+35. The CSU Integration into WEIS Settlement Calendar is available on the Portal in both Excel and PDF formats here: https://marketplace- mte.itespp.org/pages/settlement-calendars-weis. SPP staff will communicate any updates to the calendar in the Weekly Testing Meetings. 9


  11. WRTBM BASE CASE SPP will host an unstructured test period beginning on Monday, May 23, 2022 and continuing through Tuesday, July 5, 2022. Unstructured testing is provided for the purposes of testing typical market functionality. The bid-to-bill WRTBM Base Case Scenario Guide, and the associated test checklists, are provided for the purposes of testing Market and Settlement UI/API functionality. Additional structured test scenarios are scheduled to occur on Tuesday and Thursday each week of this test period. These structured test scenarios, described separately, are provided for the purpose of testing specific functionality or to create specific results in order to ensure that the WEIS market functions as intended. Deployment testing will be scheduled with CSU to occur on an unstructured test day (Monday, Wednesday, or Friday). More information about Deployment Testing will be provided separately. 11

  12. WRTBM BASE CASE DETAIL Beginning May 23, 2022 and continuing through July 5, 2022, SPP plans to execute the WRTBM persistently for each operating day (except during communicated maintenance windows) to generate and communicate dispatch instructions and locational marginal prices (LMP). Except for resources participating in an active deployment test, these setpoints are informational only, and MPs should not follow them at this time. WRTBM notifications will be consistent with SPP WEIS Market protocols. During this period, CSU will be expected to test market functionality such as submitting resource offers, validating WRTBM results and confirming receipt of market notifications and messages. 12

  13. SETTLEMENTS BASE CASE DETAIL From May 25, 2022, through July 5, 2022, SPP will settle each operating day using an accelerated posting schedule: S7 (OD+7), S53 (OD+21), S120 (OD+35), R (# of Days after OD), etc. The settlement calendar that reflects the accelerated schedule is posted here: https://marketplace- mte.itespp.org/pages/settlement-calendars-weis. SPP will post settlement results for each operating day to allow CSU to process and download statements and invoices. SPP expects CSU to ensure the MA (Meter Agent) is submitting meter data on a daily basis. 13

  14. ASSUMPTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Testing will occur in SPPs Member Testing Environment (MTE) which is located here: https://marketplace-mte.itespp.org/. WRTBM setpoints are for informational and testing purposes only. Resources are not expected to follow these setpoints except during a scheduled Resource Deployment test. WRTBM LMPs are provided for informational and testing purposes only. Resource Offers and real-time ICCP from Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources (NDVER) and Partial Participation Resources (PPR) are expected to be provided for participation in this scenario. Review Section of the Market Protocols to understand the exceptions related to these resource types. CSU should strive to provide realistic resource offers, status and availability information in accordance with the WEIS Market Protocols. CSU is expected to create tags (schedules) using valid source and sinks. CSU, and their respective MA, should strive to submit realistic meter data on a regular basis and review meter reports to gain familiarity with the meter data process. CSU should access their settlement results on a regular basis to understand the financial impacts of the WEIS Market. 14

  15. MP MARKET ACTIVITIES CSU is expected to perform the following steps for the duration of the WRTBM base case scenario scheduled for May 23 July 5, 2022. Verify that non-conforming load forecasts are submitted and updated, as necessary Verify that the tags (schedules) entered are representative of the physical paths currently used in production. Verify that reasonable resource offers are submitted and updated as necessary, including resource and ancillary service plans using the resource commitment status. Update a unit s min/max capacity if it changes by >10% or 5 MW, whichever is greater Update a unit s offer curve if it changes by >10% or $2 per 5 MWs, whichever is greater 15

  16. MP MARKET ACTIVITIES, CONT. Verify that the Automatic Generation Control (AGC) System Control Status is available via ICCP. Verify that results of the WRTBM are received and meet expectations. Verify that market messages and notifications are received and meet expectations. Verify that market UI/API transaction records are available and meet expectations. Verify that market data is available and meet expectations. Notify SPP to report and receive support for any unexpected issues. Complete and submit scenario test checklist via RMS. 16

  17. ENERGY SCHEDULES For bid-to-bill testing in MTE, CSU should replicate and tag all physical paths currently used for production. Tagging in MTE will give CSU the opportunity to see how the mapping works and be able to follow a tag through to the settlement statement. 17

  18. TAGGING IN MTE (NON-OATI) MPs that use a non-OATI tagging vendor will use the following URL and information for the alternative XML messaging site: https://demo1.spp.tag.oati.com/oati/tagging.wml. SPP will not test this functionality. CSU will be required to ensure this functionality is available and working correctly prior to the start of Bid-to-Bill testing on May 23, 2022. (Optional) If PSEs want to view/approve tags in their vendor system, they will need to provide agent and approval URLs for their vendor s test system to OATI. For any questions related to access and configuration of non- OATI XML tag submission, please contact OATI Support (oati.support@oati.net) and Ben Stander (Ben.Stander@oati.net). 18

  19. MP SETTLEMENT ACTIVITIES CSU is expected to perform the following post operating day settlement activities in MTE during the bid-to-bill testing which is scheduled for operating dates May 25, 2022 through July 5, 2022. For complete details on all post operating day settlement activities, reference Section 4.5 of the WEIS Market Protocols. All meter submission due dates and settlement results posting dates can be found on the posted MTE settlement calendar: https://marketplace- mte.itespp.org/pages/settlement-calendars-weis. Register for applicable settlement notifications and verify they are received as expected. 19

  20. MP SETTLEMENT ACTIVITIES, CONT. Verify that meter data is submitted by the MA on a daily basis and is updated as needed for each operating day and settlement type according to the posted settlement calendar. Verify that settlement results for a given posting day are accessible and available for download according to the posted settlement calendar. Validate the accuracy of settlement results and perform shadow settlement calculations if applicable. This includes verification of schedule data and the financial implications of the data on the Energy Imbalance Service (EIS) charge type. Verify the settlement invoices are accessible and available for download on a weekly basis per the posted settlement calendar. 20

  21. MP SETTLEMENT ACTIVITIES CONT Validate the accuracy of the settlement invoices based on the posted settlement results. Verify appropriate users have access to submit WEIS Market settlement disputes on behalf of the MP. Notify SPP of any unexpected issues in a timely manner via RMS. Complete and submit a set of successfully completed settlement test cases via RMS; test cases can be completed at any point during Bid-to-Bill Testing. Review settlement scenario scorecards weekly to monitor CSUs progress on the settlement scenarios. Any missed scenarios or requests for additional scenarios can be submitted via RMS and SPP will try to accommodate these as time allows. 21

  22. STRUCTURED/UNSTRUCTURED TEST EXIT CRITERIA SPP will measure participation based on execution in the market. The following measurement criteria will be used to determine MP participation in bid-to-bill testing: MPs representing Resources: Resource-Owning MPs need to submit and maintain RTBM offers for each operating day Meter Agents: Submit meter data on a daily basis starting May 23 MPs and impacted BAs will verify that they are receiving EI offsets and results of the Supply Adequacy analysis CSU must complete and return the WRTBM Markets, Settlements, and Supply Adequacy Test Checklists SPP will request an attestation statement from CSU to call testing complete 22

  23. WEIS WRTBM BASE CASE GUIDE The purpose of the WEIS WRTBM Base Case document The purpose of the WEIS WRTBM Base Case document is to guide Market Participants (MPs) of the Western Energy Imbalance Services (WEIS) Market through testing of the Western Real-Time Balancing Market (WRTBM) base case scenario which includes typical market and settlement functionality. This document also describes SPP and MP roles and responsibilities necessary to complete this test scenario. The document can be found in the CSU Integration into WEIS folder on spp.org here. 23

  24. WEIS WRTBM TEST CHECKLISTS CSU will use the WRTBM Base Case guide and the associated scenario test checklists to track and submit their progress through RMS. WEIS WRTBM Markets Test Cases WEIS WRTBM Settlements Test Cases The checklists can be found in the CSU Integration into WEIS folder on spp.org here. 24



  27. BID-TO-BILL TEST COMPLETION ATTESTATION STATEMENT The checklists can be found in the CSU Integration into WEIS folder on spp.org here. 27


  29. OPERATIONAL TEST SCENARIOS SPP will initiate various scenarios to simulate operational events on structured days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) beginning in May and continuing until the end of Structured and Unstructured period, July 5, 2022. 29

  30. OPERATIONAL TEST SCENARIOS CONT The checklists can be found in the CSU Integration into WEIS folder on spp.org. 30


  32. DEPLOYMENT TESTS SPP will schedule a series of deployment tests to demonstrate that CSU can follow Setpoints sent by SPP through ICCP. During every deployment test, SPP will open a call to include the participating BA, MP, SPP WEIS Market Operator, SPP West RC, and SPP testing staff. These open calls will allow for immediate communication of any issues experienced during the test and, if needed, early termination of the deployment test by any party on the call. Prior to May 23, 2022, CSU will provide by RMS a list of resources participating in deployment testing. The following guidelines must be used when selecting your resources: Resource must be dispatchable and able to respond to ICCP set points. Do not include Partial Participating Resources, NDVERs, or critical resources such as nuclear-fueled power plants Resource must have a registered maximum of at least 10MW Provide at least one resource per registered resource type (DVER, GEN, PLT) 32

  33. DEPLOYMENT ENTRY/EXIT CRITERIA MARKET PARTICIPANT ENTRY CRITERIA CSU has completed all training modules Must have ICCP objects available for consumption by the market systems MARKET PARTICIPANT EXIT CRITERIA CSU has successfully participated in: At least 2 successful deployment tests overall At least 1 successful deployment test for each type of resource (DVER, GEN, PLT), excluding exempt resources SPP will request an attestation statement from CSU to complete this stage of testing. 33

  34. DEPLOYMENT TESTING PLAN Testing is for Resources that would be dispatchable in the WEIS Market. PPRs, NDVERs, Nuclear Resources, and resources registered with less than 10 MW will not be tested in the WEIS Deployment Test. Resources will be organized into groups based on similar ramp rates, market participant, and availability. SPP will schedule multiple deployment tests, each with a duration between 1 hour and 2 hours, depending on resource availability. SPP will use a deployment test plan that is intended to reduce the overall impact to the participating balancing authorities. As one Resource is moved up, another Resource will be moved down. Deployment Plans will be created for testing and shared with MPs and the participating BA. 34

  35. DEPLOYMENT TESTING PLAN CONT During these tests the participating BAs will continue to perform BA functions. Tests should not interfere with BA responsibilities. SPP, the participating Balancing Authority or Reliability Coordinator may terminate the deployment test at any time. If approved by SPP, a terminated test may be restarted the same day if all market participants for that group agree. In coordination with market participants, SPP may modify the Deployment Tests Schedule as needed. 35

  36. SETUP ASSUMPTIONS Since deployment testing will be scheduled during Bid- to-Bill testing in MTE, it is expected that CSU is already submitting reasonable and valid Resource plans and offers. CSU should submit the following Resource offers for Resources participating in WEIS Deployment Tests: Commit Status Self Realistic operating limits and ramp rates Realistic Energy Offer Curve CSU is expected to follow the SPP setpoint instructions delivered by ICCP. No financially-binding Market Settlement calculation will be performed 36

  37. MARKET PARTICIPANT ACTIVITIES Telemeter the appropriate ICCP control status Telemeter the current resource output for the participating resources Coordinate with SPP any necessary updates to resource offers after the offer period has closed Monitor SPP setpoints and dispatch participating resources accordingly 37


  39. KEY POINTS Testing Period: May 23 July 5 Submit All Questions via RMS Return the following documents as soon as completed via RMS. Due no later than July 5: WEIS WRTBM Market Test Cases WEIS WRTBM Settlement Test Cases Supply Adequacy Test Cases Bid-to-Bill Test Completion Attestation Statement Deployment Test Completion Attestation Statement Next Steps 39

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